2022-06-25 00:23:03 +08:00

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# Cocos Creator Engine Errors
### 0100
%s not yet implemented.
### 1000
cc.ActionManager.addAction(): action must be non-null
### 1001
cocos2d: removeAction: Target not found
### 1002
cc.ActionManager.removeActionByTag(): an invalid tag
### 1003
cc.ActionManager.removeActionByTag(): target must be non-null
### 1004
cc.ActionManager.getActionByTag(): an invalid tag
### 1005
cocos2d : getActionByTag(tag = %s): Action not found
### 1006
[Action step]. override me
### 1007
[Action update]. override me
### 1008
cocos2d: FiniteTimeAction#reverse: Implement me
### 1009
cc.EaseElastic.reverse(): it should be overridden in subclass.
### 1010
cc.IntervalAction: reverse not implemented.
### 1011
cc.ActionInterval.setAmplitudeRate(): it should be overridden in subclass.
### 1012
cc.ActionInterval.getAmplitudeRate(): it should be overridden in subclass.
### 1013
The speed parameter error
### 1014
The repeat parameter error
### 1015
parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript
### 1016
cc.RotateTo.reverse(): it should be overridden in subclass.
### 1017
cc.GridAction.getGrid(): it should be overridden in subclass.
### 1018
Grid size must be (1,1)
### 1019
Failed to construct, Sequence construction needs two or more actions.
### 1020
Failed to construct, Spawn construction needs two or more actions.
### 1021
cc.Speed.initWithAction(): action must be non nil
### 1022
cc.Follow.initWithAction(): followedNode must be non nil
### 1023
cc.ActionEase.initWithAction(): action must be non nil
### 1024
Invalid configuration. It must at least have one control point
### 1025
cc.Sequence.initWithTwoActions(): arguments must all be non nil
### 1026
cc.RepeatForever.initWithAction(): action must be non null
### 1027
cc.Spawn.initWithTwoActions(): arguments must all be non null
### 1028
cc.ReverseTime.initWithAction(): action must be non null
### 1029
cc.ReverseTime.initWithAction(): the action was already passed in.
### 1030
cc.Animate.initWithAnimation(): animation must be non-NULL
### 1031
Illegal parameter get passed in cc.tween: %s.
### 1100
Expected 'data' dict, but not found. Config file: %s
### 1101
Please load the resource first : %s
### 1200
cocos2d: Director: Error in gettimeofday
### 1201
cocos2d: Director: unrecognized projection
### 1202
cocos2d: Director: unrecognized projection
### 1203
cocos2d: Director: Error in gettimeofday
### 1204
running scene should not null
### 1205
the scene should not null
### 1206
loadScene: The scene index to load (%s) is out of range.
### 1207
loadScene: Unknown name type to load: '%s'
### 1208
loadScene: Failed to load scene '%s' because '%s' is already being loaded.
### 1209
loadScene: Can not load the scene '%s' because it was not in the build settings before playing.
### 1210
Failed to preload '%s', %s
### 1211
loadScene: The scene index to load (%s) is out of range.
### 1212
loadScene: Unknown name type to load: '%s'
### 1213
loadScene: Failed to load scene '%s' because '%s' is already loading
### 1214
loadScene: Can not load the scene '%s' because it was not in the build settings before playing.
### 1215
Failed to preload '%s', %s
### 1216
Director.runSceneImmediate: scene is not valid
### 1300
element type is wrong!
### 1400
'%s' is deprecated, please use '%s' instead.
### 1401
The first argument should be the destination object
### 1402
The 'visible' property of %s is deprecated, use 'enabled' instead please.
### 1403
Sorry, cc.audioEngine.willPlayMusic is removed.
### 1404
cc.spriteFrameCache is removed, please use cc.loader to load and cache sprite frames of atlas format.
### 1405
The '%s' has been removed, please use '%s' instead.
### 1406
'%s.%s' is removed
### 1407
cc.pool has been removed, you are getting cc.js.Pool instead.
### 1408
'%s' is not support in the '%s', please use '%s' instead.
### 1500
CCSheduler#scheduleCallback. Callback already scheduled. Updating interval from:%s to %s
### 1501
cc.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(): callback_fn should be non-null.
### 1502
cc.scheduler.scheduleCallbackForTarget(): target should be non-null.
### 1503
cc.Scheduler.pauseTarget():target should be non-null
### 1504
cc.Scheduler.resumeTarget():target should be non-null
### 1505
cc.Scheduler.isTargetPaused():target should be non-null
### 1506
warning: you CANNOT change update priority in scheduled function
### 1507
CCScheduler#scheduleSelector. Selector already scheduled. Updating interval from: %s to %s"
### 1508
Argument callback must not be empty
### 1509
Argument target must be non-nullptr
### 1510
cc.Scheduler: Illegal target which doesn't have uuid or instanceId.
### 1511
cc.Scheduler: pause state of the scheduled task doesn't match the element pause state in Scheduler, the given paused state will be ignored.
### 1512
cc.Scheduler: updateFunc parameter is deprecated in scheduleUpdate function, and will be removed in v2.0
### 1513
cc.Scheduler: scheduler stopped using `__instanceId` as id since v2.0, you should do scheduler.enableForTarget(target) before all scheduler API usage on target
### 1600
getZOrder is deprecated. Please use getLocalZOrder instead.
### 1601
setZOrder is deprecated. Please use setLocalZOrder instead.
### 1602
RotationX != RotationY. Don't know which one to return
### 1603
ScaleX != ScaleY. Don't know which one to return
### 1604
An Node can't be added as a child of itself.
### 1605
child already added. It can't be added again
### 1606
child must be non-null
### 1607
removeFromParentAndCleanup is deprecated. Use removeFromParent instead
### 1608
boundingBox is deprecated. Use getBoundingBox instead
### 1609
argument tag is an invalid tag
### 1610
cocos2d: removeChildByTag(tag = %s): child not found!
### 1611
removeAllChildrenWithCleanup is deprecated. Use removeAllChildren instead
### 1612
cc.Node.stopActionBy(): argument tag an invalid tag
### 1613
cc.Node.getActionByTag(): argument tag is an invalid tag
### 1614
resumeSchedulerAndActions is deprecated, please use resume instead.
### 1615
pauseSchedulerAndActions is deprecated, please use pause instead.
### 1616
Unknown callback function
### 1617
child must be non-null
### 1618
cc.Node.runAction(): action must be non-null
### 1619
callback function must be non-null
### 1620
interval must be positive
### 1621
cocos2d: Could not initialize cc.AtlasNode. Invalid Texture.
### 1622
_ccsg.Node._requestDirtyFlag: failed to satisfy the request, key (%s) for flag have already been taken
### 1623
Set '%s' to normal node (not persist root node).
### 1624
Replacing with the same sgNode
### 1625
The replacement sgNode should not contain any child.
### 1626
Should not set alpha via 'color', set 'opacity' please.
### 1627
Not support for asynchronous creating node in SG
### 1628
Renderer error: Size of the cc._RendererInSG._sgNode must be zero
### 1629
The node '%s' has a component inherited from 'cc._RendererInSG'
### 1630
JSB environment is not support invoke node.runAction before the 'cc._RendererInSG' component enabled.
### 1631
Please use runAction in the method 'start' instead.
### 1632
Node name can not include '/'.
### 1633
Internal error, should not remove unknown node from parent.
### 1634
addChild: The child to add must be instance of cc.Node, not %s.
### 1635
reorderChild: this child is not in children list.
### 1636
Node's zIndex value can't be greater than cc.macro.MAX_ZINDEX, setting to the maximum value
### 1637
Node's zIndex value can't be smaller than cc.macro.MIN_ZINDEX, setting to the minimum value
### 1638
Private node's zIndex can't be set, it will keep cc.macro.MIN_ZINDEX as its value
### 1639
cc.Action is deprecated, please use cc.Tween instead
### 1700
cc.AtlasNode.updateAtlasValues(): Shall be overridden in subclasses
### 1701
### 1702
cocos2d: Could not initialize cc.AtlasNode. Invalid Texture.
### 1703
The new text must be String
### 1800
cc._EventListenerKeyboard.checkAvailable(): Invalid EventListenerKeyboard!
### 1801
cc._EventListenerTouchOneByOne.checkAvailable(): Invalid EventListenerTouchOneByOne!
### 1802
cc._EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.checkAvailable(): Invalid EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce!
### 1803
cc._EventListenerAcceleration.checkAvailable(): _onAccelerationEvent must be non-nil
### 1900
Invalid parameter.
### 2000
Don't call this method if the event is for touch.
### 2100
parameters should not be ending with null in Javascript
### 2101
Invalid index in MultiplexLayer switchTo message
### 2102
Invalid index in MultiplexLayer switchTo message
### 2103
cc.Layer.addLayer(): layer should be non-null
### 2200
Design resolution not valid
### 2201
should set resolutionPolicy
### 2300
The touches is more than MAX_TOUCHES, nUnusedIndex = %s
### 2400
WebGL error %s
### 2401
Too many graphics vertices generated, only 65536 vertices support.
### 2500
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache: No animations were found in provided dictionary.
### 2501
cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache. Invalid animation format
### 2502
cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache.addAnimations(): File could not be found
### 2503
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache: Animation '%s' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.
### 2504
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache: Animation '%s' refers to frame '%s' which is not currently in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.
### 2505
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache: None of the frames for animation '%s' were found in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. Animation is not being added to the Animation Cache.
### 2506
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache: An animation in your dictionary refers to a frame which is not in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. Some or all of the frames for the animation '%s' may be missing.
### 2507
cocos2d: CCAnimationCache: Animation '%s' found in dictionary without any frames - cannot add to animation cache.
### 2508
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache: Animation '%s' refers to frame '%s' which is not currently in the cc.SpriteFrameCache. This frame will not be added to the animation.
### 2509
cc.SpriteFrameAnimationCache.addAnimations(): Invalid texture file name
### 2600
cc.Sprite.reorderChild(): this child is not in children list
### 2601
cc.Sprite.setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition(): it is invalid in cc.Sprite when using SpriteBatchNode
### 2602
cc.Sprite.setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(): Frame not found
### 2603
cc.Sprite.setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(): Invalid frame index
### 2604
setDisplayFrame is deprecated, please use setSpriteFrame instead.
### 2605
cc.Sprite._updateBlendFunc(): _updateBlendFunc doesn't work when the sprite is rendered using a cc.CCSpriteBatchNode
### 2606
cc.Sprite.initWithSpriteFrame(): spriteFrame should be non-null
### 2607
cc.Sprite.initWithSpriteFrameName(): spriteFrameName should be non-null
### 2608
%s is null, please check.
### 2609
cc.Sprite.initWithFile(): filename should be non-null
### 2610
cc.Sprite.setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(): animationName must be non-null
### 2611
cc.Sprite.reorderChild(): child should be non-null
### 2612
cc.Sprite.addChild(): cc.Sprite only supports cc.Sprites as children when using cc.SpriteBatchNode
### 2613
cc.Sprite.addChild(): cc.Sprite only supports a sprite using same texture as children when using cc.SpriteBatchNode
### 2614
cc.Sprite.addChild(): child should be non-null
### 2615
cc.Sprite.texture setter: Batched sprites should use the same texture as the batchnode
### 2616
cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2617
cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2618
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2619
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): cc.Sprite is not using the same texture
### 2620
Sprite.initWithTexture(): Argument must be non-nil
### 2621
Invalid spriteFrameName
### 2622
Invalid argument: cc.Sprite.texture setter expects a CCTexture2D.
### 2623
cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null
### 2624
cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null
### 2625
too many tiles, only 16384 tiles will be show
### 2626
Unrecognized fill type in bar fill
### 2627
Can not generate quad
### 2628
%s does not exist
### 2700
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addQuadFromSprite(): SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2701
cocos2d: CCSpriteBatchNode: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from %s to %s.
### 2702
cocos2d: WARNING: Not enough memory to resize the atlas
### 2703
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): Child doesn't belong to Sprite
### 2704
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): sprite batch node should contain the child
### 2705
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addQuadFromSprite(): child should be non-null
### 2706
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): child should be non-null
### 2707
cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2708
cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2709
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): cc.SpriteBatchNode only supports cc.Sprites as children
### 2710
Sprite.initWithTexture(): Argument must be non-nil
### 2711
cc.Sprite.addChild(): child should be non-null
### 2712
Invalid spriteFrameName
### 2713
Invalid argument: cc.Sprite texture setter expects a CCTexture2D.
### 2714
cc.SpriteBatchNode.updateQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null
### 2715
cc.SpriteBatchNode.insertQuadFromSprite(): sprite should be non-null
### 2716
cc.SpriteBatchNode.addChild(): child should be non-null
### 2728
%s does not exist
### 2800
cocos2d: WARNING: originalWidth/Height not found on the cc.SpriteFrame. AnchorPoint won't work as expected. Regenrate the .plist
### 2801
cocos2d: WARNING: an alias with name %s already exists
### 2802
cocos2d: WARNING: Sprite frame: %s has already been added by another source, please fix name conflit
### 2803
cocos2d: cc.SpriteFrameCahce: Frame %s not found
### 2804
Please load the resource first : %s
### 2805
cc.SpriteFrameCache.addSpriteFrames(): plist should be non-null
### 2806
Argument must be non-nil
### 2900
cocos2d: Could not open file: %s
### 2901
cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuad(): invalid totalQuads
### 2902
cc.TextureAtlas.initWithTexture():texture should be non-null
### 2903
cc.TextureAtlas.updateQuad(): quad should be non-null
### 2904
cc.TextureAtlas.updateQuad(): Invalid index
### 2905
cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuad(): Invalid index
### 2906
cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuad(): Invalid index + amount
### 2907
cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuadFromIndex(): Invalid newIndex
### 2908
cc.TextureAtlas.insertQuadFromIndex(): Invalid fromIndex
### 2909
cc.TextureAtlas.removeQuadAtIndex(): Invalid index
### 2910
cc.TextureAtlas.removeQuadsAtIndex(): index + amount out of bounds
### 2911
cc.TextureAtlas.moveQuadsFromIndex(): move is out of bounds
### 2912
cc.TextureAtlas.moveQuadsFromIndex(): Invalid newIndex
### 2913
cc.TextureAtlas.moveQuadsFromIndex(): Invalid oldIndex
### 3000
TextureCache:addPVRTCImage does not support on HTML5
### 3001
TextureCache:addPVRTCImage does not support on HTML5
### 3002
textureForKey is deprecated. Please use getTextureForKey instead.
### 3003
addPVRImage does not support on HTML5
### 3004
cocos2d: Couldn't add UIImage in TextureCache
### 3005
cocos2d: '%s' id=%s %s x %s
### 3006
cocos2d: '%s' id= HTMLCanvasElement %s x %s
### 3007
cocos2d: TextureCache dumpDebugInfo: %s textures, HTMLCanvasElement for %s KB (%s MB)
### 3008
cc.Texture.addUIImage(): image should be non-null
### 3009
TextureCache: url should be non-null
### 3100
initWithETCFile does not support on HTML5
### 3101
initWithPVRFile does not support on HTML5
### 3102
initWithPVRTCData does not support on HTML5
### 3103
cc.Texture.addImage(): path should be non-null
### 3104
cocos2d: cc.Texture2D. Can't create Texture. UIImage is nil
### 3105
cocos2d: WARNING: Image (%s x %s) is bigger than the supported %s x %s
### 3106
initWithString isn't supported on cocos2d-html5
### 3107
initWithETCFile does not support on HTML5
### 3108
initWithPVRFile does not support on HTML5
### 3109
initWithPVRTCData does not support on HTML5
### 3110
bitsPerPixelForFormat: %s, cannot give useful result, it's a illegal pixel format
### 3111
cocos2d: cc.Texture2D: Using RGB565 texture since image has no alpha
### 3112
cc.Texture.addImage(): path should be non-null
### 3113
### 3114
SpriteFrame: Failed to load sprite texture '%s'
### 3115
Frame Grabber: could not attach texture to framebuffer
### 3116
WebGLRenderingContext.CLAMP_TO_EDGE should be used in NPOT textures
### 3117
Mimpap texture only works in POT textures
### 3118
contentSize parameter is deprecated and ignored for cc.Texture2D initWithData function.
### 3119
Lazy init texture with image element failed due to image loading failure: %s
### 3120
Loading texture with unsupported type: '%s'. Add '%s' into 'cc.macro.SUPPORT_TEXTURE_FORMATS' please.
### 3121
Can't find a texture format supported by the current platform! Please add a fallback format in the editor.
### 3200
Missing file: %s
### 3300
Rect width exceeds maximum margin: %s
### 3400
Rect height exceeds maximum margin: %s
### 3401
Set texture with a url of image is not supported anymore. Please use cc.assetManager.loadRemote to load a texture first.
### 3500
0 priority is forbidden for fixed priority since it's used for scene graph based priority.
### 3501
Invalid listener type!
### 3502
Can't set fixed priority with scene graph based listener.
### 3503
Invalid parameters.
### 3504
listener must be a cc.EventListener object when adding a fixed priority listener
### 3505
The listener has been registered, please don't register it again.
### 3506
Unsupported listener target.
### 3507
Invalid scene graph priority!
### 3508
If program goes here, there should be event in dispatch.
### 3509
_inDispatch should be 1 here.
### 3510
%s's scene graph node not contains in the parent's children
### 3511
event is undefined
### 3600
cc.Class will automatically call super constructor of %s, you should not call it manually.
### 3601
The editor property 'playOnFocus' should be used with 'executeInEditMode' in class '%s'
### 3602
Unknown editor property '%s' in class '%s'.
### 3603
Use 'cc.Float' or 'cc.Integer' instead of 'cc.Number' please.
### 3604
Can only indicate one type attribute for %s.
### 3605
The default value of %s is not instance of %s.
### 3606
No needs to indicate the '%s' attribute for %s, which its default value is type of %s.
### 3607
The default value of %s must be an empty string.
### 3608
The type of %s must be cc.String, not String.
### 3609
The type of %s must be cc.Boolean, not Boolean.
### 3610
The type of %s must be cc.Float or cc.Integer, not Number.
### 3611
Can not indicate the '%s' attribute for %s, which its default value is type of %s.
### 3612
%s Just set the default value to 'new %s()' and it will be handled properly.
### 3613
'No need to use 'serializable: false' or 'editorOnly: true' for the getter of '%s.%s', every getter is actually non-serialized.
### 3614
Should not define constructor for cc.Component %s.
### 3615
Each script can have at most one Component.
### 3616
Should not specify class name %s for Component which defines in project.
### 3617
Can not instantiate CCClass '%s' with arguments.
### 3618
ctor of '%s' can not be another CCClass
### 3619
ctor of '%s' must be function type
### 3620
this._super declared in '%s.%s' but no super method defined
### 3621
Unknown type of %s.%s, maybe you want is '%s'.
### 3622
Unknown type of %s.%s, property should be defined in 'properties' or 'ctor'
### 3623
Can not use 'editor' attribute, '%s' not inherits from Components.
### 3624
'%s' overrided '%s' but '%s' is defined as 'false' so the super method will not be called. You can set '%s' to null to disable this warning.
### 3625
[isChildClassOf] superclass should be function type, not
### 3626
Can't remove '%s' because '%s' depends on it.
### 3627
Should not add renderer component (%s) to a Canvas node.
### 3628
Should not add %s to a node which size is already used by its other component.
### 3629
attribute must be type object
### 3630
RawType is only available for Assets
### 3631
RawType name cannot contain uppercase
### 3632
Each asset cannot have more than one RawType
### 3633
Properties function of '%s' should return an object!
### 3634
Disallow to use '.' in property name
### 3635
Default array must be empty, set default value of %s.%s to [], and initialize in 'onLoad' or 'ctor' please. (just like 'this.%s = [...];')
### 3636
Do not set default value to non-empty object, unless the object defines its own 'clone' function. Set default value of %s.%s to null or {}, and initialize in 'onLoad' or 'ctor' please. (just like 'this.%s = {foo: bar};')
### 3637
Can not declare %s.%s, it is already defined in the prototype of %s
### 3638
'%s': the getter of '%s' is already defined!
### 3639
Can not apply the specified attribute to the getter of '%s.%s', attribute index: %s
### 3640
'%s': the setter of '%s' is already defined!
### 3641
Can not construct %s because it contains object property.
### 3642
Cannot define %s.%s because static member name can not be '%s'.
### 3643
Can not define a member called 'constructor' in the class '%s', please use 'ctor' instead.
### 3644
Please define 'type' parameter of %s.%s as the actual constructor.
### 3645
Please define 'type' parameter of %s.%s as the constructor of %s.
### 3646
Unknown 'type' parameter of %s.%s%s
### 3647
The length of range array must be equal or greater than 2
### 3648
Can not declare %s.%s method, it is already defined in the properties of %s.
### 3649
CCClass %s have conflict between its ctor and __ctor__.
### 3650
No need to specifiy "%s" attribute for "%s" property in "%s" class.
### 3651
Can not call `_super` or `prototype.ctor` in ES6 Classes "%s", use `super` instead please.
### 3652
Failed to `new %s()` under the hood, %s
It is used for getting default values declared in TypeScript in the first place.
Please ensure the constructor can be called during the script's initialization.
### 3653
Please do not specifiy "default" attribute in decorator of "%s" property in "%s" class.
Default value must be initialized at their declaration:
// Before:
type: cc.SpriteFrame
default: null // <--
// After:
type: cc.SpriteFrame
myProp = null; // <--
### 3654
Please specifiy a default value for "%s.%s" at its declaration:
// Before:
// After:
myProp = 0;
### 3655
Can not specifiy "get" or "set" attribute in decorator for "%s" property in "%s" class.
Please use:
get %s () {
set %s (value) {
### 3656
The default value of %s.%s must be an empty string.
### 3657
The value assigned to %s should be Texture2D object, not url string. Since 1.8,
you can declare a texture object directly in properties by using:
default: null,
type: cc.Texture2D, // use 'type:' instead of 'url:'
### 3658
browser does not support getters
### 3700
internal error: _prefab is undefined
### 3701
Failed to load prefab asset for node '%s'
### 3800
The target can not be made persist because it's not a cc.Node or it doesn't have _id property.
### 3801
The node can not be made persist because it's not under root node.
### 3802
The node can not be made persist because it's not in current scene.
### 3803
The target can not be made persist because it's not a cc.Node or it doesn't have _id property.
### 3804
getComponent: Type must be non-nil
### 3805
Can't add component '%s' because %s already contains the same component.
### 3806
Can't add component '%s' to %s because it conflicts with the existing '%s' derived component.
### 3807
addComponent: Failed to get class '%s'
### 3808
addComponent: Should not add component ('%s') when the scripts are still loading.
### 3809
addComponent: The component to add must be a constructor
### 3810
addComponent: The component to add must be child class of cc.Component
### 3811
_addComponentAt: The component to add must be a constructor
### 3812
_addComponentAt: Index out of range
### 3813
removeComponent: Component must be non-nil
### 3814
Argument must be non-nil
### 3815
Component not owned by this entity
### 3816
Node '%s' is already activating
### 3817
Sorry, the component of '%s' which with an index of %s is corrupted! It has been removed.
### 3818
Failed to read or parse project.json
### 3819
Warning: target element is not a DIV or CANVAS
### 3820
The renderer doesn't support the renderMode %s
### 3821
Cannot change hierarchy while activating or deactivating the parent.
### 3900
Invalid clip to add
### 3901
Invalid clip to remove
### 3902
clip is defaultClip, set force to true to force remove clip and animation state
### 3903
animation state is playing, set force to true to force stop and remove clip and animation state
### 3904
motion path of target [%s] in prop [%s] frame [%s] is not valid
### 3905
sprite frames must be an Array.
### 3906
Can't find easing type [%s]
### 3907
animator not added or already removed
### 3908
animation not added or already removed
### 3909
[animate] keyFrames must be non-nil
### 3910
[animate] ratio should >= 0!
### 3911
[animate] ratio should in the order of smallest to largest!
### 3912
### 4000
Sorry, the cc.Font has been modified from Raw Asset to Asset. Please load the font asset before using.
### 4001
_ccsg.Label._initBMFontWithString(): Impossible to create font. Please check file
### 4002
_ccsg.Label._initBMFontWithString(): re-init is no longer supported
### 4003
Label font size can't be shirnked less than 0!
### 4004
force notify all fonts loaded!
### 4005
cc.LabelAtlas.initWithString(): Unsupported version. Upgrade cocos2d version
### 4006
cc.LabelAtlas._updateAtlasValues(): Invalid String length
### 4007
cc.LabelBMFont.initWithString(): re-init is no longer supported
### 4008
cc.LabelBMFont.initWithString(): Impossible to create font. Please check file
### 4009
cocos2d: LabelBMFont: character not found %s
### 4010
cc.LabelBMFont.setFntFile() : Impossible to create font. Please check file
### 4011
Property spriteFrame of Font '%s' is invalid. Using system font instead.
### 4012
The texture of Font '%s' must be already loaded on JSB. Using system font instead.
### 4013
Sorry, lineHeight of system font not supported on JSB.
### 4100
Property padding is deprecated, please use paddingLeft, paddingRight, paddingTop and paddingBottom instead
### 4200
MaskType: IMAGE_STENCIL only support WebGL mode.
### 4201
The alphaThreshold invalid in Canvas Mode.
### 4202
The inverted invalid in Canvas Mode.
### 4300
can not found the %s page.
### 4400
Invalid RichText img tag! The sprite frame name can't be found in the ImageAtlas!
### 4600
Script attached to '%s' is missing or invalid.
### 4700
The dom control is not created!
### 4800
unknown asset type
### 4901
loadRes: should not specify the extname in %s %s
### 4902
No need to release non-cached asset.
### 4903
Can not get class '%s'
### 4904
%s does not exist
### 4905
%s load error, must be json file
### 4906
Can't find the parser : %s
### 4907
%s is armature. please use:
### 4908
### 4909
var armature = new ccs.Armature('name');
### 4910
Can't find the parser : %s
### 4911
register parser error
### 4912
Can't find the parser : %s
### 4913
Group versions haven't been loaded, you can also set group data with 'cc.LoaderLayer.groups'
### 4914
Resources url '%s' does not exist.
### 4915
Pack indices and data do not match in size
### 4916
Failed to download package for %s
### 4917
cc.LabelBMFont._parseCommonArguments(): page can't be larger than supported
### 4918
cc.LabelBMFont._parseCommonArguments(): only supports 1 page
### 4919
cc.LabelBMFont._parseImageFileName() : file could not be found
### 4920
Sorry, you shouldn't use id as item identity anymore, please use url or uuid instead, the current id is being set as url: (%s)
### 4921
Invalid pipe or invalid index provided!
### 4922
The pipe to be inserted is already in the pipeline!
### 4923
Uuid Loader: Parse asset [ %s ] failed : %s
### 4924
JSON Loader: Input item doesn't contain string content
### 4925
Uuid Loader: Deserialize asset [ %s ] failed : %s
### 4926
Audio Downloader: no web audio context.
### 4927
Audio Downloader: audio not supported on this browser!
### 4928
Load %s failed!
### 4929
Load Webp ( %s ) failed
### 4930
Load image ( %s ) failed
### 4931
Download Uuid: can not find type of raw asset[ %s ]: %s
### 4932
Since v1.10, for any atlas ("%s") in the "resources" directory, it is not possible to find the contained SpriteFrames via `loadRes`, `getRes` or `releaseRes`. Load the SpriteAtlas first and then use `spriteAtlas.getSpriteFrame(name)` instead please.
### 4933
Download Font [ %s ] failed, using Arial or system default font instead
### 5000
object already destroyed
### 5001
object not yet destroyed
### 5100
Not a plist file!
### 5200
Warning: localStorage isn't enabled. Please confirm browser cookie or privacy option
### 5201
browser don't support web audio
### 5202
This feature supports WebGL render mode only.
### 5300
Type of target to deserialize not matched with data: target is %s, data is %s
### 5301
Can not find script '%s'
### 5302
Can not find class '%s'
### 5303
Failed to deserialize %s, missing _deserialize function.
### 5304
Unable to deserialize version %s data.
### 5400
'%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead please.
### 5401
'%s' is deprecated, use '%s' instead please.
### 5402
cc.js.addon called on non-object:
### 5403
cc.js.mixin: arguments must be type object:
### 5404
The base class to extend from must be non-nil
### 5405
The class to extend must be non-nil
### 5406
Class should be extended before assigning any prototype members.
### 5500
'notify' can not be used in 'get/set' !
### 5501
'notify' must be used with 'default' !
### 5502
Invalid url of %s.%s
### 5503
The 'url' attribute of '%s.%s' is undefined when loading script.
### 5504
The 'url' type of '%s.%s' must be child class of cc.RawAsset.
### 5505
The 'url' type of '%s.%s' must not be child class of cc.Asset, otherwise you should use 'type: %s' instead.
### 5506
Can not specify 'type' attribute for '%s.%s', because its 'url' is already defined.
### 5507
The 'default' attribute of '%s.%s' must be an array
### 5508
Invalid type of %s.%s
### 5509
The 'type' attribute of '%s.%s' must be child class of cc.Asset, otherwise you should use 'url: %s' instead
### 5510
The 'type' attribute of '%s.%s' can not be 'Number', use cc.Float or cc.Integer instead please.
### 5511
The 'type' attribute of '%s.%s' is undefined when loading script
### 5512
Can not serialize '%s.%s' because the specified type is anonymous, please provide a class name or set the 'serializable' attribute of '%s.%s' to 'false'.
### 5513
The 'default' value of '%s.%s' should not be used with a 'get' function.
### 5514
The 'default' value of '%s.%s' should not be used with a 'set' function.
### 5515
The 'default' value of '%s.%s' can not be an constructor. Set default to null please.
### 5516
Property '%s.%s' must define at least one of 'default', 'get' or 'set'.
### 5517
'%s.%s' hides inherited property '%s.%s'. To make the current property override that implementation, add the `override: true` attribute please.
### 5600
Argument must be non-nil
### 5601
Can not get current scene.
### 5602
Scene is destroyed
### 5603
reference node is destroyed
### 5700
no %s or %s on %s
### 5800
%s.lerp not yet implemented.
### 5801
%s.clone not yet implemented.
### 5802
%s.equals not yet implemented.
### 5900
MotionStreak only support WebGL mode.
### 5901
cc.MotionStreak.getOpacity has not been supported.
### 5902
cc.MotionStreak.setOpacity has not been supported.
### 6000
Custom should not be false if file is not specified.
### 6001
The new %s must not be NaN
### 6002
_ccsg.ParticleSystem.addChild() : Can't add a ParticleSystem that uses a different blending function
### 6003
cc.ParticleBatchNode.removeChild(): doesn't contain the sprite. Can't remove it
### 6004
cc.ParticleBatchNode.reorderChild(): Child doesn't belong to batch
### 6005
cc.ParticleBatchNode._increaseAtlasCapacityTo() : WARNING: Not enough memory to resize the atlas
### 6006
cocos2d: cc.ParticleBatchNode: resizing TextureAtlas capacity from [%d] to [%d]
### 6007
cc.ParticleBatchNode._addChildHelper(): child already added. It can't be added again
### 6008
_ccsg.ParticleSystem.initWithFile(): Particles: file not found
### 6009
_ccsg.ParticleSystem.initWithDictionary(): Invalid emitterType in config file
### 6010
_ccsg.ParticleSystem: error decoding or ungzipping textureImageData
### 6011
_ccsg.ParticleSystem: unknown image format with Data
### 6012
_ccsg.ParticleSystem.initWithDictionary() : error loading the texture
### 6013
Particle system: not enough memory
### 6014
Can't change blending functions when the particle is being batched
### 6015
_ccsg.ParticleSystem.setDisplayFrame(): QuadParticle only supports SpriteFrames with no offsets
### 6016
_ccsg.ParticleSystem._allocMemory(): Memory should not be allocated when not using batchNode
### 6017
Incomplete or corrupt PNG file
### 6018
Invalid filter algorithm: %s
### 6019
Invalid byte order value.
### 6020
You forgot your towel!
### 6021
Unknown Field Tag: %s
### 6022
Too many bits requested
### 6023
No bits requested
### 6024
Cannot recover from missing StripByteCounts
### 6025
Cannot handle sub-byte bits per sample
### 6026
Cannot handle sub-byte bits per pixel
### 6027
Palette image missing color map
### 6028
Unknown Photometric Interpretation: %s
### 6029
Unkown error
### 6030
cc.ParticleSystem: error decoding or ungzipping textureImageData in plist '%s'
### 6031
cc.ParticleSystem: unknown image format with Data in plist %s
### 6032
cc.ParticleSystem.initWithDictionary() : error loading the texture in plist '%s'
### 6100
Not supported file types, Please try use the ccs.load
### 6200
Canvas doesn't support mesh slot!
### 6300
only cc.DrawNode is accepted as stencil
### 6301
Stencil buffer is not enabled.
### 6302
Nesting more than %d stencils is not supported. Everything will be drawn without stencil for this node and its children.
### 6400
asset.url is not usable in core process
### 6401
asset.urls is not usable in core process
### 6402
AssetLibrary has already been initialized!
### 6500
Widget target must be one of the parent nodes of it
### 6600
collider not added or already removed
### 6601
Can't find testFunc for (%s, $s).
### 6700
Can't init canvas '%s' because it conflicts with the existing '%s', the scene should only have one active canvas at the same time.
### 6701
Should not add Canvas to a node which already contains a renderer component (%s).
### 6702
Should not add Canvas to a node which size is already used by its other component.
### 6703
Can't initialise DrawingPrimitiveWebGL. context need is WebGLRenderingContext.
### 6704
Polygon's point must greater than 2
### 6705
Argument must be non-nil
### 6800
Callback of event must be non-nil
### 6801
The message must be provided
### 6900
The thing you want to instantiate must be an object
### 6901
The thing you want to instantiate is nil
### 6902
The thing you want to instantiate is destroyed
### 6903
The instantiate method for given asset do not implemented
### 6904
Can not instantiate array
### 6905
Can not instantiate DOM element
### 7000
Failed to init asset's raw path.
### 7001
Should not load '%s' from script dynamically, unless it is placed in the 'resources' folder.
### 7002
Sorry can not load '%s' because it is not placed in the 'resources' folder.
### 7003
Failed to init builtin asset's raw path.
### 7100
%s already defined in Enum.
### 7101
Sorry, 'cc.Enum' not available on this platform, please report this error here:
### 7200
Method 'initWithTMXFile' is no effect now, please set property 'tmxAsset' instead.
### 7201
Method 'initWithXML' is no effect now, please set property 'tmxAsset' instead.
### 7202
Add component TiledLayer into node failed.
### 7203
Property 'mapLoaded' is unused now. Please write the logic to the callback 'start'.
### 7204
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7205
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileGIDAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7206
_ccsg.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7207
_ccsg.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): invalid gid: %s
### 7208
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileFlagsAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7209
_ccsg.TMXLayer.removeTileAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7210
TMX Hexa zOrder not supported
### 7211
TMX invalid value
### 7212
_ccsg.TMXTiledMap.initWithTMXFile(): Map not found. Please check the filename.
### 7213
_ccsg.TMXTiledMap.initWithXML(): Map not found. Please check the filename.
### 7214
propertiesForGID is deprecated. Please use getPropertiesForGID instead.
### 7215
cocos2d: Warning: TMX Layer %s has no tiles
### 7216
cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: %s
### 7217
cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: %s
### 7218
cc.TMXMapInfo.parseXMLFile(): unsupported compression method
### 7219
cc.TMXMapInfo.parseXMLFile(): Only base64 and/or gzip/zlib maps are supported
### 7220
TMX Parser: please load the xml resource first: %s
### 7221
cc.TMXMapInfo.parseXMLFile(): Texture '%s' not found.
### 7222
Parse %s failed.
### 7223
_ccsg.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): pos should be non-null
### 7224
_ccsg.TMXTiledMap.getLayer(): layerName should be non-null or non-empty string.
### 7225
_ccsg.TMXTiledMap.getObjectGroup(): groupName should be non-null or non-empty string.
### 7226
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileAt(): pos should be non-null
### 7227
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileAt(): invalid position
### 7228
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileGIDAt(): pos should be non-null
### 7229
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileGIDAt(): invalid position
### 7230
_ccsg.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): pos should be non-null
### 7231
_ccsg.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): invalid position
### 7232
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileFlagsAt(): pos should be non-null
### 7233
_ccsg.TMXLayer.getTileFlagsAt(): invalid position
### 7234
_ccsg.TMXLayer.removeTileAt(): pos should be non-null
### 7235
_ccsg.TMXLayer.removeTileAt(): invalid position
### 7236
cc.TMXLayer.getTileAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7237
cc.TMXLayer.getTileGIDAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7238
cc.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7239
cc.TMXLayer.setTileGID(): invalid gid: %s
### 7240
cc.TMXLayer.getTileFlagsAt(): TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released
### 7241
cc.TiledMap.initWithXML(): Map not found. Please check the filename.
### 7300
The new selected must be number
### 7301
The new bake must be boolean
### 7400
Failed to set _defaultArmatureIndex for '%s' because its dragonAsset is invalid.
### 7401
Failed to set _defaultArmatureIndex for '%s' because the index is out of range.
### 7402
Failed to set _animationIndex for '%s' because the index is out of range.
### 7500
Failed to set _defaultSkinIndex for '%s' because its skeletonData is invalid.
### 7501
Failed to set _defaultSkinIndex for '%s' because the index is out of range.
### 7502
Failed to set _animationIndex for '%s' because its skeletonData is invalid.
### 7503
Failed to set _animationIndex for '%s' because the index is out of range.
### 7504
Can not render dynamic created SkeletonData
### 7505
Invalid type of atlasFile, atlas should be registered as raw asset.
### 7506
Failed to load spine atlas '$s'
### 7507
Please re-import '%s' because its textures is not initialized! (This workflow will be improved in the future.)
### 7508
The atlas asset of '%s' is not exists!
### 7509
Spine: Animation not found: %s
### 7510
Spine: Animation not found: %s
### 7600
The context of RenderTexture is invalid.
### 7601
cc.RenderTexture._initWithWidthAndHeightForWebGL() : only RGB and RGBA formats are valid for a render texture;
### 7602
Could not attach texture to the framebuffer
### 7603
clearDepth isn't supported on Cocos2d-Html5
### 7604
saveToFile isn't supported on Cocos2d-Html5
### 7605
newCCImage isn't supported on Cocos2d-Html5
### 7700
On the web is always keep the aspect ratio
### 7701
Can't know status
### 7702
Video player's duration is not ready to get now!
### 7800
Web does not support loading
### 7801
Web does not support query history
### 7802
Web does not support query history
### 7803
The current browser does not support the GoBack
### 7804
The current browser does not support the GoForward
### 7805
Web does not support zoom
### 7900
cc.math.Matrix3.assign(): current matrix equals matIn
### 7901
cc.math.mat4Assign(): pOut equals pIn
### 7902
cc.mat.Matrix4.assignFrom(): mat4 equals current matrix
### 7903
cc.math.Matrix4 equal: pMat1 and pMat2 are same object.
### 7904
cc.math.Matrix4.extractPlane: Invalid plane index
### 7905
cc.math.mat4Assign(): pOut equals pIn
### 7906
cc.mat.Matrix4.assignFrom(): mat4 equals current matrix
### 7907
cc.math.Matrix4 equals: pMat1 and pMat2 are same object.
### 7908
Invalid matrix mode specified
### 7909
current quaternion is an invalid value
### 8000
Can't handle this field type or size
### 8001
No bytes requested
### 8002
Too many bytes requested
### 8003
Missing StripByteCounts!
### 8100
cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile shader:
### 8101
cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile vertex shader
### 8102
cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to compile fragment shader
### 8103 Cannot link invalid program
### 8104
cocos2d: ERROR: Failed to link program: %s
### 8105
cocos2d: cc.shaderCache._loadDefaultShader, error shader type
### 8106
Please load the resource firset : %s
### 8107
cc.GLProgram.getUniformLocationForName(): uniform name should be non-null
### 8108
cc.GLProgram.getUniformLocationForName(): Invalid operation. Cannot get uniform location when program is not initialized
### 8109
modelView matrix is undefined.
### 8200
Please set node's active instead of rigidbody's enabled.
### 8300
Should only one camera exists, please check your project.
### 8301
Camera does not support Canvas Mode.
### 8400
Wrong type arguments, 'filePath' must be a String.
### 8401
Since 1.10, `%s` accept %s instance directly, not a URL string. Please directly reference the %s object in your script, or load %s by loader first. Don't use %s's URL anymore.
### 9000
Stencil manager does not support level bigger than %d in this device.
### 9001
Stencil manager is already empty, cannot pop any mask.
### 9100
LabelAtlas '%s' cannot be loaded, raw texture does not exist.
### 9101
LabelAtlas '%s' cannot be loaded, fnt data does not exist.
### 9102
Program not support highp precision, will change to mediump.
### 9103
%s : Failed to set property [%s], property not found.
### 9104
%s : Failed to define [%s], define not found.
### 9105
%s : Failed to set property [%s], property length not correct.
### 9106
%s : Set property [%s] warning : should transform object to ArrayBuffer.
### 9107
%s : illegal property: [%s], myabe defined an unused property;
### 9200
cc.view.enableAntiAlias is deprecated, please use cc.Texture2D.setFilters instead