#include "UnityAppController+Rendering.h" #include "UnityAppController+ViewHandling.h" #include "Unity/InternalProfiler.h" #include "Unity/UnityMetalSupport.h" #include "Unity/DisplayManager.h" #include "UI/UnityView.h" #include // On some devices presenting render buffer may sporadically take long time to complete even with very simple scenes. // In these cases display link still fires at steady frame rate but input processing becomes stuttering. // As a workaround this switch disables display link during rendering a frame. // If you are running a GPU bound scene and experience frame drop you may want to disable this switch. #define ENABLE_DISPLAY_LINK_PAUSING 1 #define ENABLE_RUNLOOP_ACCEPT_INPUT 1 // _glesContextCreated was renamed to _renderingInited extern bool _renderingInited; extern bool _unityAppReady; extern bool _skipPresent; extern bool _didResignActive; static int _renderingAPI = 0; static int SelectRenderingAPIImpl(); static bool _enableRunLoopAcceptInput = false; @implementation UnityAppController (Rendering) - (void)createDisplayLink { _displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget: self selector: @selector(repaintDisplayLink)]; [self callbackFramerateChange: -1]; [_displayLink addToRunLoop: [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes]; } - (void)destroyDisplayLink { [_displayLink invalidate]; _displayLink = nil; } - (void)processTouchEvents { // On multicore devices running at 60 FPS some touch event delivery isn't properly interleaved with graphical frames. // Running additional run loop here improves event handling in those cases. // Passing here an NSDate from the past invokes run loop only once. #if ENABLE_RUNLOOP_ACCEPT_INPUT // We get "NSInternalInconsistencyException: unexpected start state" exception if there are events queued and app is // going to background at the same time. This happens when we render additional frame after receiving // applicationWillResignActive. So check if we are supposed to ignore input. bool ignoreInput = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] isIgnoringInteractionEvents]; if (!ignoreInput && _enableRunLoopAcceptInput) { static NSDate* past = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970: 0]; // the oldest date we can get [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] acceptInputForMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate: past]; } #endif } - (void)repaintDisplayLink { #if ENABLE_DISPLAY_LINK_PAUSING _displayLink.paused = YES; #endif if (!_didResignActive) { UnityDisplayLinkCallback(_displayLink.timestamp); [self repaint]; [self processTouchEvents]; } #if ENABLE_DISPLAY_LINK_PAUSING _displayLink.paused = NO; #endif } - (void)repaint { #if UNITY_SUPPORT_ROTATION [self checkOrientationRequest]; #endif [_unityView recreateRenderingSurfaceIfNeeded]; [_unityView processKeyboard]; UnityDeliverUIEvents(); if (!UnityIsPaused()) UnityRepaint(); } - (void)callbackGfxInited { InitRendering(); _renderingInited = true; [self shouldAttachRenderDelegate]; [_unityView recreateRenderingSurface]; [_renderDelegate mainDisplayInited: _mainDisplay.surface]; _mainDisplay.surface->allowScreenshot = 1; } - (void)callbackPresent:(const UnityFrameStats*)frameStats { if (_skipPresent || _didResignActive) return; // metal needs special processing, because in case of airplay we need extra command buffers to present non-main screen drawables if (UnitySelectedRenderingAPI() == apiMetal) { #if UNITY_CAN_USE_METAL [[DisplayManager Instance].mainDisplay present]; [[DisplayManager Instance] enumerateNonMainDisplaysWithBlock:^(DisplayConnection* conn) { PreparePresentNonMainScreenMTL((UnityDisplaySurfaceMTL*)conn.surface); }]; #endif } else { [[DisplayManager Instance] present]; } Profiler_FramePresent(frameStats); } - (void)callbackFramerateChange:(int)targetFPS { int maxFPS = (int)[UIScreen mainScreen].maximumFramesPerSecond; if (targetFPS <= 0) targetFPS = UnityGetTargetFPS(); if (targetFPS > maxFPS) { targetFPS = maxFPS; UnitySetTargetFPS(targetFPS); return; } _enableRunLoopAcceptInput = (targetFPS == maxFPS && UnityDeviceCPUCount() > 1); #if UNITY_HAS_IOSSDK_15_0 && UNITY_HAS_TVOSSDK_15_0 if (@available(iOS 15.0, tvOS 15.0, *)) _displayLink.preferredFrameRateRange = CAFrameRateRangeMake(targetFPS, targetFPS, targetFPS); else #endif _displayLink.preferredFramesPerSecond = targetFPS; } - (void)selectRenderingAPI { NSAssert(_renderingAPI == 0, @"[UnityAppController selectRenderingApi] called twice"); _renderingAPI = SelectRenderingAPIImpl(); } - (UnityRenderingAPI)renderingAPI { NSAssert(_renderingAPI != 0, @"[UnityAppController renderingAPI] called before [UnityAppController selectRenderingApi]"); return (UnityRenderingAPI)_renderingAPI; } @end extern "C" void UnityGfxInitedCallback() { [GetAppController() callbackGfxInited]; } extern "C" void UnityPresentContextCallback(struct UnityFrameStats const* unityFrameStats) { [GetAppController() callbackPresent: unityFrameStats]; } extern "C" void UnityFramerateChangeCallback(int targetFPS) { [GetAppController() callbackFramerateChange: targetFPS]; } static NSBundle* _MetalBundle = nil; static id _MetalDevice = nil; static bool IsMetalSupported(int /*api*/) { _MetalBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath: @"/System/Library/Frameworks/Metal.framework"]; if (_MetalBundle) { [_MetalBundle load]; _MetalDevice = ((MTLCreateSystemDefaultDeviceFunc)::dlsym(dlopen(0, RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_LAZY), "MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice"))(); if (_MetalDevice) return true; } [_MetalBundle unload]; return false; } static int SelectRenderingAPIImpl() { const int api = UnityGetRenderingAPI(); if (api == apiMetal && IsMetalSupported(0)) return api; #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR || TARGET_TVOS_SIMULATOR printf_console("On Simulator, Metal is supported only from iOS 13, and it requires at least macOS 10.15 and Xcode 11. Setting no graphics device.\n"); return apiNoGraphics; #else assert(false); return 0; #endif } extern "C" NSBundle* UnityGetMetalBundle() { return _MetalBundle; } extern "C" MTLDeviceRef UnityGetMetalDevice() { return _MetalDevice; } extern "C" MTLCommandQueueRef UnityGetMetalCommandQueue() { return ((UnityDisplaySurfaceMTL*)GetMainDisplaySurface())->commandQueue; } extern "C" MTLCommandQueueRef UnityGetMetalDrawableCommandQueue() { return ((UnityDisplaySurfaceMTL*)GetMainDisplaySurface())->drawableCommandQueue; } extern "C" int UnitySelectedRenderingAPI() { return _renderingAPI; } extern "C" UnityRenderBufferHandle UnityBackbufferColor() { return GetMainDisplaySurface()->unityColorBuffer; } extern "C" UnityRenderBufferHandle UnityBackbufferDepth() { return GetMainDisplaySurface()->unityDepthBuffer; } extern "C" void DisplayManagerEndFrameRendering() { [[DisplayManager Instance] endFrameRendering]; } extern "C" void UnityPrepareScreenshot() { UnitySetRenderTarget(GetMainDisplaySurface()->unityColorBuffer, GetMainDisplaySurface()->unityDepthBuffer); } extern "C" void UnityRepaint() { @autoreleasepool { Profiler_FrameStart(); UnityPlayerLoop(); Profiler_FrameEnd(); } }