#include "pch-cpp.hpp" #ifndef _MSC_VER # include #else # include #endif #include // System.Byte[] struct ByteU5BU5D_tA6237BF417AE52AD70CFB4EF24A7A82613DF9031; // System.String struct String_t; IL2CPP_EXTERN_C_BEGIN IL2CPP_EXTERN_C_END #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #endif // struct U3CPrivateImplementationDetailsU3E_tCA0A4120E1B13462A402E739CE2DD9CA72BAC713 : public RuntimeObject { }; // System.String struct String_t : public RuntimeObject { // System.Int32 System.String::_stringLength int32_t ____stringLength_4; // System.Char System.String::_firstChar Il2CppChar ____firstChar_5; }; // System.ValueType struct ValueType_t6D9B272BD21782F0A9A14F2E41F85A50E97A986F : public RuntimeObject { }; // Native definition for P/Invoke marshalling of System.ValueType struct ValueType_t6D9B272BD21782F0A9A14F2E41F85A50E97A986F_marshaled_pinvoke { }; // Native definition for COM marshalling of System.ValueType struct ValueType_t6D9B272BD21782F0A9A14F2E41F85A50E97A986F_marshaled_com { }; // System.Char struct Char_t521A6F19B456D956AF452D926C32709DC03D6B17 { // System.Char System.Char::m_value Il2CppChar ___m_value_0; }; // System.Int32 struct Int32_t680FF22E76F6EFAD4375103CBBFFA0421349384C { // System.Int32 System.Int32::m_value int32_t ___m_value_0; }; // System.UInt32 struct UInt32_t1833D51FFA667B18A5AA4B8D34DE284F8495D29B { // System.UInt32 System.UInt32::m_value uint32_t ___m_value_0; }; // // // System.String struct String_t_StaticFields { // System.String System.String::Empty String_t* ___Empty_6; }; // System.String // System.Char struct Char_t521A6F19B456D956AF452D926C32709DC03D6B17_StaticFields { // System.Byte[] System.Char::s_categoryForLatin1 ByteU5BU5D_tA6237BF417AE52AD70CFB4EF24A7A82613DF9031* ___s_categoryForLatin1_3; }; // System.Char // System.Int32 // System.Int32 // System.UInt32 // System.UInt32 #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif // System.Char System.String::get_Chars(System.Int32) IL2CPP_EXTERN_C IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR Il2CppChar String_get_Chars_mC49DF0CD2D3BE7BE97B3AD9C995BE3094F8E36D3 (String_t* __this, int32_t ___0_index, const RuntimeMethod* method) ; // System.Int32 System.String::get_Length() IL2CPP_MANAGED_FORCE_INLINE IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR int32_t String_get_Length_m42625D67623FA5CC7A44D47425CE86FB946542D2_inline (String_t* __this, const RuntimeMethod* method) ; #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" #endif // System.UInt32 ::ComputeStringHash(System.String) IL2CPP_EXTERN_C IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR uint32_t U3CPrivateImplementationDetailsU3E_ComputeStringHash_m3791FADF6D0284BCC1AF6156A077038C2AA23055 (String_t* ___0_s, const RuntimeMethod* method) { uint32_t V_0 = 0; int32_t V_1 = 0; { String_t* L_0 = ___0_s; if (!L_0) { goto IL_002c; } } { V_0 = ((int32_t)-2128831035); V_1 = 0; goto IL_0021; } IL_000d: { String_t* L_1 = ___0_s; int32_t L_2 = V_1; NullCheck(L_1); Il2CppChar L_3; L_3 = String_get_Chars_mC49DF0CD2D3BE7BE97B3AD9C995BE3094F8E36D3(L_1, L_2, NULL); uint32_t L_4 = V_0; V_0 = ((int32_t)il2cpp_codegen_multiply(((int32_t)((int32_t)L_3^(int32_t)L_4)), ((int32_t)16777619))); int32_t L_5 = V_1; V_1 = ((int32_t)il2cpp_codegen_add(L_5, 1)); } IL_0021: { int32_t L_6 = V_1; String_t* L_7 = ___0_s; NullCheck(L_7); int32_t L_8; L_8 = String_get_Length_m42625D67623FA5CC7A44D47425CE86FB946542D2_inline(L_7, NULL); if ((((int32_t)L_6) >= ((int32_t)L_8))) { goto IL_002c; } } { goto IL_000d; } IL_002c: { uint32_t L_9 = V_0; return L_9; } } #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif IL2CPP_MANAGED_FORCE_INLINE IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR int32_t String_get_Length_m42625D67623FA5CC7A44D47425CE86FB946542D2_inline (String_t* __this, const RuntimeMethod* method) { { int32_t L_0 = __this->____stringLength_4; return L_0; } }