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2023-10-08 02:24:48 +00:00
#pragma once
#include "il2cpp-codegen-common.h"
#include "il2cpp-object-internals.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename TInput, typename TOutput, typename TFloat>
inline TOutput il2cpp_codegen_cast_floating_point(TFloat value)
// In release builds and on ARM, a cast from a floating point to
// integer value will use the min or max value if the cast is out
// of range (instead of overflowing like x86/x64 debug builds).
// So first do a cast to the output type (which is signed in
// .NET - the value stack does not have unsigned types) to try to
// get the value into a range that will actually be cast the way .NET does.
if (value < 0)
return (TOutput)((TInput)(TOutput)value);
return (TOutput)((TInput)value);
// ARM targets handle a cast of floating point positive infinity (0x7F800000)
// differently from Intel targets. The expected behavior for .NET is from Intel,
// where the cast to a 32-bit int produces the value 0x80000000. On ARM, the sign
// is unchanged, producing 0x7FFFFFFF. To work around this change the positive
// infinity value to negative infinity.
template<typename T>
inline T il2cpp_codegen_cast_double_to_int(double value)
if (value == HUGE_VAL)
if (std::is_same<T, int64_t>::value)
return INT64_MIN;
if (std::is_same<T, int32_t>::value)
return INT32_MIN;
return 0;
return (T)value;
template<bool, class T, class U>
struct pick_first;
template<class T, class U>
struct pick_first<true, T, U>
typedef T type;
template<class T, class U>
struct pick_first<false, T, U>
typedef U type;
template<class T, class U>
struct pick_bigger
typedef typename pick_first<(sizeof(T) >= sizeof(U)), T, U>::type type;
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename pick_bigger<T, U>::type il2cpp_codegen_multiply(T left, U right)
return left * right;
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename pick_bigger<T, U>::type il2cpp_codegen_add(T left, U right)
return left + right;
template<typename T, typename U>
inline typename pick_bigger<T, U>::type il2cpp_codegen_subtract(T left, U right)
return left - right;
NORETURN void il2cpp_codegen_raise_exception(Exception_t* ex, RuntimeMethod* lastManagedFrame = NULL);
// NativeArray macros
#define IL2CPP_NATIVEARRAY_GET_ITEM(TElementType, TTField, TIndex) \
*(reinterpret_cast<TElementType*>(TTField) + TIndex)
#define IL2CPP_NATIVEARRAY_SET_ITEM(TElementType, TTField, TIndex, TValue) \
*(reinterpret_cast<TElementType*>(TTField) + TIndex) = TValue;
#include "utils/StringUtils.h"
String_t* il2cpp_codegen_string_new_utf16(const il2cpp::utils::StringView<Il2CppChar>& str);
inline String_t* il2cpp_codegen_string_new_from_char_array(Il2CppArray* characterArray, size_t startIndex, size_t length)
il2cpp_array_size_t arraySize = characterArray->max_length;
if (startIndex + length > arraySize || startIndex < 0)
return il2cpp_codegen_string_new_utf16(il2cpp::utils::StringView<Il2CppChar>(reinterpret_cast<Il2CppChar*>(characterArray + 1), startIndex, length));
inline int il2cpp_codegen_get_offset_to_string_data()
return offsetof(Il2CppString, chars);
inline int32_t il2cpp_codegen_get_array_length(Il2CppArray* szArray)
return static_cast<int32_t>(szArray->max_length);
int il2cpp_codegen_double_to_string(double value, uint8_t* format, uint8_t* buffer, int bufferLength);
struct Delegate_t;
inline intptr_t il2cpp_codegen_marshal_get_function_pointer_for_delegate(const Delegate_t* d)
return reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(reinterpret_cast<const Il2CppDelegate*>(d)->m_ReversePInvokeWrapperPtr);
inline void* il2cpp_codegen_get_reverse_pinvoke_function_ptr(void* d)
return d;
#endif // IL2CPP_TINY
template<typename T>
constexpr bool il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type()
return std::is_same<T, float>::value || std::is_same<T, double>::value;
NORETURN void il2cpp_codegen_raise_overflow_exception(const RuntimeMethod* method);
template<typename TDest, typename TSource, typename TILStackType, bool checkOverflow, bool treatInputAsUnsigned, bool destIsFloatingPoint, bool sourceIsFloatingPoint>
class ConvImpl
static TDest Conv(TSource srcValue, const RuntimeMethod* method);
template<typename TDest, typename TSource, typename TILStackType, bool checkOverflow, bool treatInputAsUnsigned>
struct ConvImpl<TDest, TSource, TILStackType, checkOverflow, treatInputAsUnsigned, false, false>
// Integer type to integer type
static TDest Conv(TSource srcValue, const RuntimeMethod* method)
IL2CPP_ASSERT(!il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TDest>() && !il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TSource>());
TILStackType ilStackValue = (TILStackType)srcValue;
if (checkOverflow)
typedef typename pick_bigger<TDest, TILStackType>::type CompType;
if (!treatInputAsUnsigned && !std::is_unsigned<TDest>::value)
if ((CompType)ilStackValue > (CompType)std::numeric_limits<TDest>::max())
if ((CompType)ilStackValue < (CompType)std::numeric_limits<TDest>::min())
if (treatInputAsUnsigned || std::is_unsigned<TDest>::value)
if ((typename std::make_unsigned<TILStackType>::type)ilStackValue > (typename std::make_unsigned<TDest>::type) std::numeric_limits<TDest>::max())
if (!treatInputAsUnsigned && ilStackValue < 0)
if (std::is_unsigned<TDest>::value)
return (TDest)(typename std::make_unsigned<TILStackType>::type)ilStackValue;
#if __cplusplus < 202022L
// Prior to C++ 20 conversion of integer types to smaller types is undefined behavior
// In most implementations it works as expected, except the optimizer is allowed to optimize it out
if (sizeof(TDest) >= sizeof(TILStackType))
return (TDest)ilStackValue;
constexpr TILStackType mask = (TILStackType)std::numeric_limits<typename std::make_unsigned<TDest>::type>::max();
return (TDest)(ilStackValue & mask);
return (TDest)ilStackValue;
template<typename TDest, typename TSource, typename TILStackType, bool checkOverflow, bool treatInputAsUnsigned>
struct ConvImpl<TDest, TSource, TILStackType, checkOverflow, treatInputAsUnsigned, false, true>
// Floating point type to integer type
static TDest Conv(TSource srcValue, const RuntimeMethod* method)
IL2CPP_ASSERT(!il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TDest>() && il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TSource>());
TILStackType ilStackValue = (TILStackType)srcValue;
if (checkOverflow)
if (ilStackValue > (TILStackType)std::numeric_limits<TDest>::max())
if (std::is_signed<TDest>::value && ilStackValue < (TILStackType)std::numeric_limits<TDest>::min())
if (std::is_unsigned<TDest>::value && ilStackValue < 0)
if (std::is_same<TDest, typename std::make_unsigned<TDest>::type>::value)
return il2cpp_codegen_cast_floating_point<typename std::make_signed<TDest>::type, TDest, TSource>(ilStackValue);
return il2cpp_codegen_cast_double_to_int<TDest>(ilStackValue);
template<typename TDest, typename TSource, typename TILStackType, bool checkOverflow, bool treatInputAsUnsigned>
struct ConvImpl<TDest, TSource, TILStackType, checkOverflow, treatInputAsUnsigned, true, false>
// Integer type to floating point type
static TDest Conv(TSource srcValue, const RuntimeMethod * method)
IL2CPP_ASSERT(il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TDest>() && !il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TSource>());
TILStackType ilStackValue = (TILStackType)srcValue;
if (treatInputAsUnsigned)
return (TDest)(typename std::make_unsigned<TILStackType>::type)ilStackValue;
return (TDest)ilStackValue;
template<typename TDest, typename TSource, typename TILStackType, bool checkOverflow, bool treatInputAsUnsigned>
struct ConvImpl<TDest, TSource, TILStackType, checkOverflow, treatInputAsUnsigned, true, true>
// Floating point to floating point type
static TDest Conv(TSource srcValue, const RuntimeMethod* method)
IL2CPP_ASSERT(il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TDest>() && il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TSource>());
return (TDest)srcValue;
template<typename TDest, typename TSource, typename TILStackType, bool checkOverflow, bool treatInputAsUnsigned>
TDest il2cpp_codegen_conv(TSource srcValue, const RuntimeMethod* method)
return ConvImpl<TDest, TSource, TILStackType, checkOverflow, treatInputAsUnsigned, il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TDest>(), il2cpp_codegen_is_floating_point_type<TSource>()>::Conv(srcValue, method);