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2023-10-08 02:24:48 +00:00
#include "UnityAppController+ViewHandling.h"
#include "UnityAppController+Rendering.h"
#include "UI/OrientationSupport.h"
#include "UI/UnityView.h"
#include "UI/UnityViewControllerBase.h"
#include "Unity/DisplayManager.h"
// TEMP: ?
#include "UI/ActivityIndicator.h"
#include "UI/SplashScreen.h"
#include "UI/Keyboard.h"
#include <utility>
extern bool _skipPresent;
extern bool _unityAppReady;
@implementation UnityAppController (ViewHandling)
// special case for when we DO know the app orientation, but dont get it through normal mechanism (UIViewController orientation handling)
// how can this happen:
// 1. On startup: ios is not sending "change orientation" notifications on startup (but rather we "start" in correct one already)
// 2. When using presentation controller it can override orientation constraints, so on dismissing we need to tweak app orientation;
// pretty much like startup situation UIViewController would have correct orientation, and app will be out-of-sync
- (void)updateAppOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation
// update our (AppContoller) view of orientation
_curOrientation = orientation;
// do unity view "orientation magic"
[_unityView willRotateToOrientation: orientation fromOrientation: (UIInterfaceOrientation)UIInterfaceOrientationUnknown];
[_unityView didRotate];
// after we have updated unity view, this will poke unity itself about the changes in orient/extents
[_unityView boundsUpdated];
- (UnityView*)createUnityView
return [[UnityView alloc] initFromMainScreen];
- (UIViewController*)createUnityViewControllerDefault
UnityViewControllerBase* ret = [AllocUnityDefaultViewController() init];
ret.notificationDelegate = [[UnityViewControllerNotificationsDefaultSender alloc] init];
ret.controllerUserInteractionEnabled = YES;
return ret;
- (UIViewController*)createUnityViewControllerForOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orient
UnityViewControllerBase* ret = [AllocUnitySingleOrientationViewController(orient) init];
ret.notificationDelegate = [[UnityViewControllerNotificationsDefaultSender alloc] init];
return ret;
- (UIViewController*)createRootViewController
UIViewController* ret = nil;
if (!UNITY_SUPPORT_ROTATION || UnityShouldAutorotate())
ret = [self createUnityViewControllerDefault];
if (ret == nil)
ret = [self createRootViewControllerForOrientation: ConvertToIosScreenOrientation((ScreenOrientation)UnityRequestedScreenOrientation())];
return ret;
- (UIViewController*)topMostController
UIViewController *topController = self.window.rootViewController;
while (topController.presentedViewController)
topController = topController.presentedViewController;
return topController;
- (void)willStartWithViewController:(UIViewController*)controller
_unityView.contentScaleFactor = UnityScreenScaleFactor([UIScreen mainScreen]);
_unityView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
_rootController.view = _rootView = _unityView;
- (void)willTransitionToViewController:(UIViewController*)toController fromViewController:(UIViewController*)fromController
- (void)didTransitionToViewController:(UIViewController*)toController fromViewController:(UIViewController*)fromController
// when transitioning between view controllers ios will not send reorient events (because they are bound to controllers, not view)
// so we imitate them here so unity view can update its size/orientation
[_unityView willRotateToOrientation: UIViewControllerInterfaceOrientation(toController) fromOrientation: ConvertToIosScreenOrientation(_unityView.contentOrientation)];
[_unityView didRotate];
// NB: this is both important and insane at the same time (that we have several places to keep current orentation and we need to sync them)
_curOrientation = UIViewControllerInterfaceOrientation(toController);
- (UIView*)createSnapshotView
// Note that on iPads with iOS 9 or later (up to iOS 10.2 at least) there's a bug in the iOS compositor: any use of -[UIView snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates]
// causes black screen being shown temporarily when 4 finger gesture to swipe to another app in the task switcher is being performed slowly
return [_rootView snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates: YES];
- (void)createUI
NSAssert(_unityView != nil, @"_unityView should be inited at this point");
NSAssert(_window != nil, @"_window should be inited at this point");
_rootController = [self createRootViewController];
[self willStartWithViewController: _rootController];
NSAssert(_rootView != nil, @"_rootView should be inited at this point");
NSAssert(_rootController != nil, @"_rootController should be inited at this point");
// We need to add the root view to the view hierarchy before initializing graphics,
// as plugins might need to access view properties (e.g. safeAreaInsets). Otherwise,
// they will get default values if the view is not yet added to the window.
[_window addSubview: _rootView];
[UIView setAnimationsEnabled: NO];
// make window visible only after we have set up initial controller we want to show
[_window makeKeyAndVisible];
// to be able to query orientation from view controller we should actually show it.
// at this point we can only show splash screen, so update app orientation after we started showing it
// NB: _window.rootViewController = splash view controller (not _rootController)
[self updateAppOrientation: ConvertToIosScreenOrientation(UIViewControllerOrientation(_window.rootViewController))];
NSNumber* style = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey: @"Unity_LoadingActivityIndicatorStyle"];
ShowActivityIndicator([SplashScreen Instance], style ? [style intValue] : -1);
NSNumber* vcControlled = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey: @"UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance"];
if (vcControlled && ![vcControlled boolValue])
printf_console("\nSetting UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO is no longer supported.\n"
"Apple actively discourages that, and all application-wide methods of changing status bar appearance are deprecated\n\n"
- (void)showGameUI
// make sure that we start up with correctly created/inited rendering surface
// NB: recreateRenderingSurface won't go into rendering because _unityAppReady is false
[self checkOrientationRequest];
[_unityView recreateRenderingSurface];
// UI hierarchy
_window.rootViewController = _rootController;
[_window bringSubviewToFront: _rootView];
// to be able to query orientation from view controller we should actually show it.
// at this point we finally started to show game view controller. Just in case update orientation again
[self updateAppOrientation: ConvertToIosScreenOrientation(UIViewControllerOrientation(_rootController))];
// why we set level ready only now:
// surface recreate will try to repaint if this var is set (poking unity to do it)
// but this frame now is actually the first one we want to process/draw
// so all the recreateSurface before now (triggered by reorientation) should simply change extents
_unityAppReady = true;
// why we skip present:
// this will be the first frame to draw, so Start methods will be called
// and we want to properly handle resolution request in Start (which might trigger surface recreate)
// NB: we want to draw right after showing window, to avoid black frame creeping in
_skipPresent = true;
if (!UnityIsPaused())
_skipPresent = false;
[self repaint];
[UIView setAnimationsEnabled: YES];
- (void)transitionToViewController:(UIViewController*)vc
[self willTransitionToViewController: vc fromViewController: _rootController];
// first: remove from view hierarchy.
// if we simply hide the window before assigning the new view controller, it will cause black frame flickering
// on the other hand, hiding the window is important by itself to better signal the intent to iOS
// e.g. unless we hide the window view, safeArea might stop working (due to bug in iOS if we're to speculate)
// due to that we do this hide/unhide sequence: we want to to make it hidden, but still unhide it before changing window view controller.
_window.hidden = YES;
_window.hidden = NO;
_rootController.view = nil;
_window.rootViewController = nil;
// second: assign new root controller (and view hierarchy with that), restore bounds
// this is very important to first set _rootController, and only then window root controller
// as the latter will poke [UIApplicationDelegate application:supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:]
// and unity implementation expects _rootController to be already set
_window.rootViewController = _rootController = vc;
_rootController.view = _rootView;
// CODE ARCHEOLOGY: in here we were tweaking window bounds to agree with screen bounds (and did some iOS8 specific workaround)
// This is no longer needed it seems, and is actually harmful for the "split view" supporting apps
// If you have fullscreen window, it will be automatically resized to take the whole screen
// and otherwise we must not touch it, as it will be controlled by multitasking
// third: restore window as key and layout subviews to finalize size changes
[_window makeKeyAndVisible];
[_window layoutSubviews];
[self didTransitionToViewController: vc fromViewController: _rootController];
- (void)interfaceWillChangeOrientationTo:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation
UIInterfaceOrientation fromInterfaceOrientation = _curOrientation;
_curOrientation = toInterfaceOrientation;
[_unityView willRotateToOrientation: toInterfaceOrientation fromOrientation: fromInterfaceOrientation];
- (void)interfaceDidChangeOrientationFrom:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation
[_unityView didRotate];
- (void)notifyHideHomeButtonChange
// setNeedsUpdateOfHomeIndicatorAutoHidden is not implemented on iOS 11.0.
// The bug has been fixed in iOS 11.0.1. See
if ([_rootController respondsToSelector: @selector(setNeedsUpdateOfHomeIndicatorAutoHidden)])
[_rootController setNeedsUpdateOfHomeIndicatorAutoHidden];
- (void)notifyDeferSystemGesturesChange
[_rootController setNeedsUpdateOfScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures];
@implementation UnityAppController (OrientationSupport)
- (UIViewController*)createRootViewControllerForOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation
return [self createUnityViewControllerForOrientation: orientation];
- (void)checkOrientationRequest
// if no orientation/allowed-orientation change - do nothing
if (!UnityHasOrientationRequest() && !UnityShouldChangeAllowedOrientations())
// if there is a presentation controller, it takes over orientation control
// in this case we should completely ignore all orientation changes
// mind you, we just *delay* them, and they will be satisfied once presentation controller is dismissed
// extra care like this is needed, because below we might recreate ViewController completely breaking
// presentation controller dismissal
if (_rootController.presentedViewController)
// normally we want to call attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation to tell iOS that we changed orientation constraints
// but if the current orientation is disabled we need special processing, as iOS will simply ignore us
// the only good/robust way is to simply recreate "autorotating" view controller and transition to it if needed
// please note that we want to trigger "orientation request" code path if we recreate autorotating view controller
bool changeOrient = UnityHasOrientationRequest();
// if we should recreate autorotating view controller - see below
bool shouldTransferToNewAutorotVC = false;
// first we check if we need to update orientations enabled for autorotation
// this needs to be done *only* if we are to continue autorotating
// otherwise we will transition from this view controller
// and iOS will reread enabled orientations on next ViewController activation
const bool autorot = UnityShouldAutorotate(), autorotChanged = UnityAutorotationStatusChanged();
if (UnityShouldChangeAllowedOrientations() && autorot)
NSUInteger rootOrient = 1 << UIViewControllerInterfaceOrientation(self.rootViewController);
if (!autorotChanged && (rootOrient & EnabledAutorotationInterfaceOrientations()))
// instead of querying unity for supported orientations, we keep them in the default (autorotating) controller
// this is THE place where we should update those (otherwise, filled on creation)
if ([self.rootViewController isKindOfClass: [UnityDefaultViewController class]])
[(UnityDefaultViewController*)self.rootViewController updateSupportedOrientations];
// if we are currently autorotating AND changed allowed orientations while keeping current interface orientation allowed:
// we can simply trigger attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation and we are done
// please note that this can happen when current *device* orientation is disabled (and we want to enable it)
[UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation];
// otherwise we recreate default autorotating view controller
// to spell it out, we recreate if:
// - we continue doing autorotation, but the current orientation is disabled
// - we were not autorotating but start now
shouldTransferToNewAutorotVC = true;
changeOrient = true;
if (changeOrient)
// on some devices like iPhone XS layoutSubview is not called when transitioning from different orientations with the same resolution
// therefore forcing layoutSubview on all orientation changes
[_unityView setNeedsLayout];
if (autorot)
// just started autorotating or decided to recreate autorot controller above
if (autorotChanged || shouldTransferToNewAutorotVC)
[self transitionToViewController: [self createUnityViewControllerDefault]];
[UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation];
UIInterfaceOrientation requestedOrient = ConvertToIosScreenOrientation((ScreenOrientation)UnityRequestedScreenOrientation());
// on one hand orientInterface: should be perfectly fine "reorienting" to current orientation
// in reality, ios might be confused by transitionToViewController: shenanigans coupled with "nothing have changed actually"
// as an example: prior to ios12 that might result in status bar going "bad" (becoming transparent)
// NOTE: if we have switched from autorotation to fixed orientation, we must do the switch to pick new VC
if (_curOrientation != requestedOrient || autorotChanged)
[self orientInterface: requestedOrient];
- (void)orientInterface:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orient
if (_unityAppReady)
[KeyboardDelegate StartReorientation];
[CATransaction begin];
UIInterfaceOrientation oldOrient = _curOrientation;
UIInterfaceOrientation newOrient = orient;
[self interfaceWillChangeOrientationTo: newOrient];
[self transitionToViewController: [self createRootViewControllerForOrientation: newOrient]];
[self interfaceDidChangeOrientationFrom: oldOrient];
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = orient;
[CATransaction commit];
[KeyboardDelegate FinishReorientation];
- (void)orientUnity:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orient
[self orientInterface: orient];
extern "C" void UnityNotifyHideHomeButtonChange()
[GetAppController() notifyHideHomeButtonChange];
extern "C" void UnityNotifyDeferSystemGesturesChange()
[GetAppController() notifyDeferSystemGesturesChange];