2022-04-22 01:07:53 +00:00
var k3 = Object . defineProperty , x3 = Object . defineProperties ; var M3 = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors ; var Uu = Object . getOwnPropertySymbols ; var N1 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , k1 = Object . prototype . propertyIsEnumerable ; var _1 = ( e , t , n ) => t in e ? k3 ( e , t , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : n } ) : e [ t ] = n , be = ( e , t ) => { for ( var n in t || ( t = { } ) ) N1 . call ( t , n ) && _1 ( e , n , t [ n ] ) ; if ( Uu ) for ( var n of Uu ( t ) ) k1 . call ( t , n ) && _1 ( e , n , t [ n ] ) ; return e } , Qe = ( e , t ) => x3 ( e , M3 ( t ) ) ; var x1 = ( e , t ) => { var n = { } ; for ( var o in e ) N1 . call ( e , o ) && t . indexOf ( o ) < 0 && ( n [ o ] = e [ o ] ) ; if ( e != null && Uu ) for ( var o of Uu ( e ) ) t . indexOf ( o ) < 0 && k1 . call ( e , o ) && ( n [ o ] = e [ o ] ) ; return n } ; var O3 = ( e , t ) => ( ) => ( t || e ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports ) ; var kne = O3 ( ( Wo , jo ) => { function D3 ( e , t ) { return t . forEach ( function ( n ) { n && typeof n != "string" && ! Array . isArray ( n ) && Object . keys ( n ) . forEach ( function ( o ) { if ( o !== "default" && ! ( o in e ) ) { var s = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( n , o ) ; Object . defineProperty ( e , o , s . get ? s : { enumerable : ! 0 , get : function ( ) { return n [ o ] } } ) } } ) } ) , Object . freeze ( Object . defineProperty ( e , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) ) } const $3 = function ( ) { const t = document . createElement ( "link" ) . relList ; if ( t && t . supports && t . supports ( "modulepreload" ) ) return ; for ( const s of document . querySelectorAll ( 'link[rel="modulepreload"]' ) ) o ( s ) ; new MutationObserver ( s => { for ( const i of s ) if ( i . type === "childList" ) for ( const l of i . addedNodes ) l . tagName === "LINK" && l . rel === "modulepreload" && o ( l ) } ) . observe ( document , { childList : ! 0 , subtree : ! 0 } ) ; function n ( s ) { const i = { } ; return s . integrity && ( i . integrity = s . integrity ) , s . referrerpolicy && ( i . referrerPolicy = s . referrerpolicy ) , s . crossorigin === "use-credentials" ? i . credentials = "include" : s . crossorigin === "anonymous" ? i . credentials = "omit" : i . credentials = "same-origin" , i } function o ( s ) { if ( s . ep ) return ; s . ep = ! 0 ; const i = n ( s ) ; fetch ( s . href , i ) } } ; $3 ( ) ; var Co = "top" , Yo = "bottom" , Go = "right" , Eo = "left" , vd = "auto" , Qa = [ Co , Yo , Go , Eo ] , Bi = "start" , Da = "end" , Fy = "clippingParents" , _p = "viewport" , va = "popper" , Vy = "reference" , hh = Qa . reduce ( function ( e , t ) { return e . concat ( [ t + "-" + Bi , t + "-" + Da ] ) } , [ ] ) , yd = [ ] . concat ( Qa , [ vd ] ) . reduce ( function ( e , t ) { return e . concat ( [ t , t + "-" + Bi , t + "-" + Da ] ) } , [ ] ) , Hy = "beforeRead" , zy = "read" , Uy = "afterRead" , Wy = "beforeMain" , jy = "main" , Ky = "afterMain" , Yy = "beforeWrite" , Gy = "write" , Xy = "afterWrite" , qy = [ Hy , zy , Uy , Wy , jy , Ky , Yy , Gy , Xy ] ; function Qr ( e ) { return e ? ( e . nodeName || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) : null } function Rr ( e ) { if ( e == null ) return window ; if ( e . toString ( ) !== "[object Window]" ) { var t = e . ownerDocument ; return t && t . defaultView || window } return e } function $a ( e ) { var t = Rr ( e ) . Element ; return e instanceof t || e instanceof Element } function ur ( e ) { var t = Rr ( e ) . HTMLElement ; return e instanceof t || e instanceof HTMLElement } function Np ( e ) { if ( typeof ShadowRoot == "undefined" ) return ! 1 ; var t = Rr ( e ) . ShadowRoot ; return e instanceof t || e instanceof ShadowRoot } function R3 ( e ) { var t = e . state ; Object . keys ( t . elements ) . forEach ( function ( n ) { var o = t . styles [ n ] || { } , s = t . attributes [ n ] || { } , i = t . elements [ n ] ; ! ur ( i ) || ! Qr ( i ) || ( Object . assign ( i . style , o ) , Object . keys ( s ) . forEach ( function ( l ) { var c = s [ l ] ; c === ! 1 ? i . removeAttribute ( l ) : i . setAttribute ( l , c === ! 0 ? "" : c ) } ) ) } ) } function L3 ( e ) { var t = e . state , n = { popper : { position : t . options . strategy , left : "0" , top : "0" , margin : "0" } , arrow : { position : "absolute" } , reference : { } } ; return Object . assign ( t . elements . popper . style , n . popper ) , t . styles = n , t . elements . arrow && Object . assign ( t . elements . arrow . style , n . arrow ) , function ( ) { Object . keys ( t . elements ) . forEach ( function ( o ) { var s = t . elements [ o ] , i = t . attributes [ o ] || { } , l = Object . keys ( t . styles . hasOwnProperty ( o ) ? t . styles [ o ] : n [ o ] ) , c = l . reduce ( function ( f , p ) { return f [ p ] = "" , f } , { } ) ; ! ur ( s ) || ! Qr ( s ) || ( Object . assign ( s . style , c ) , Object . keys ( i ) . forEach ( function ( f ) { s . removeAttribute ( f ) } ) ) } ) } } var kp = { name : "applyStyles" , enabled : ! 0 , phase : "write" , fn : R3 , effect : L3 , requires : [ "computeStyles" ] } ; function Zr ( e ) { return e . split ( "-" ) [ 0 ] } var ki = Math . max , jc = Math . min , Ra = Math . round ; function La ( e , t ) { t === void 0 && ( t = ! 1 ) ; var n = e . getBoundingClientRect ( ) , o = 1 , s = 1 ; if ( ur ( e ) && t ) { var i = e . offsetHeight , l = e . offsetWidth ; l > 0 && ( o = Ra ( n . width ) / l || 1 ) , i > 0 && ( s = Ra ( n . height ) / i || 1 ) } return { width : n . width / o , height : n . height / s , top : n . top / s , right : n . right / o , bottom : n . bottom / s , left : n . left / o , x : n . left / o , y : n . top / s } } function xp ( e ) { var t =
2022-04-21 09:53:52 +00:00
* Bootstrap v5 . 1.3 ( https : //getbootstrap.com/)
* Copyright 2011 - 2021 The Bootstrap Authors ( https : //github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)
* Licensed under MIT ( https : //github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
* /const CA=1e6,EA=1e3,gh="transitionend",SA=e=>e==null?`${e}`:{}.toString.call(e).match(/ \ s ( [ a - z ] + ) / i ) [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) , AA = e => { do e += Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * CA ) ; while ( document . getElementById ( e ) ) ; return e } , ub = e => { let t = e . getAttribute ( "data-bs-target" ) ; if ( ! t || t === "#" ) { let n = e . getAttribute ( "href" ) ; if ( ! n || ! n . includes ( "#" ) && ! n . startsWith ( "." ) ) return null ; n . includes ( "#" ) && ! n . startsWith ( "#" ) && ( n = ` # ${ n . split ( "#" ) [ 1 ] } ` ) , t = n && n !== "#" ? n . trim ( ) : null } return t } , Bp = e => { const t = ub ( e ) ; return t && document . querySelector ( t ) ? t : null } , Ws = e => { const t = ub ( e ) ; return t ? document . querySelector ( t ) : null } , TA = e => { if ( ! e ) return 0 ; let { transitionDuration : t , transitionDelay : n } = window . getComputedStyle ( e ) ; const o = Number . parseFloat ( t ) , s = Number . parseFloat ( n ) ; return ! o && ! s ? 0 : ( t = t . split ( "," ) [ 0 ] , n = n . split ( "," ) [ 0 ] , ( Number . parseFloat ( t ) + Number . parseFloat ( n ) ) * EA ) } , cb = e => { e . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( gh ) ) } , Fi = e => ! e || typeof e != "object" ? ! 1 : ( typeof e . jquery != "undefined" && ( e = e [ 0 ] ) , typeof e . nodeType != "undefined" ) , js = e => Fi ( e ) ? e . jquery ? e [ 0 ] : e : typeof e == "string" && e . length > 0 ? document . querySelector ( e ) : null , es = ( e , t , n ) => { Object . keys ( n ) . forEach ( o => { const s = n [ o ] , i = t [ o ] , l = i && Fi ( i ) ? "element" : SA ( i ) ; if ( ! new RegExp ( s ) . test ( l ) ) throw new TypeError ( ` ${ e . toUpperCase ( ) } : Option " ${ o } " provided type " ${ l } " but expected type " ${ s } ". ` ) } ) } , bu = e => ! Fi ( e ) || e . getClientRects ( ) . length === 0 ? ! 1 : getComputedStyle ( e ) . getPropertyValue ( "visibility" ) === "visible" , xi = e => ! e || e . nodeType !== Node . ELEMENT _NODE || e . classList . contains ( "disabled" ) ? ! 0 : typeof e . disabled != "undefined" ? e . disabled : e . hasAttribute ( "disabled" ) && e . getAttribute ( "disabled" ) !== "false" , db = e => { if ( ! document . documentElement . attachShadow ) return null ; if ( typeof e . getRootNode == "function" ) { const t = e . getRootNode ( ) ; return t instanceof ShadowRoot ? t : null } return e instanceof ShadowRoot ? e : e . parentNode ? db ( e . parentNode ) : null } , Kc = ( ) => { } , Ja = e => { e . offsetHeight } , fb = ( ) => { const { jQuery : e } = window ; return e && ! document . body . hasAttribute ( "data-bs-no-jquery" ) ? e : null } , Ef = [ ] , IA = e => { document . readyState === "loading" ? ( Ef . length || document . addEventListener ( "DOMContentLoaded" , ( ) => { Ef . forEach ( t => t ( ) ) } ) , Ef . push ( e ) ) : e ( ) } , Oo = ( ) => document . documentElement . dir === "rtl" , vr = e => { IA ( ( ) => { const t = fb ( ) ; if ( t ) { const n = e . NAME , o = t . fn [ n ] ; t . fn [ n ] = e . jQueryInterface , t . fn [ n ] . Constructor = e , t . fn [ n ] . noConflict = ( ) => ( t . fn [ n ] = o , e . jQueryInterface ) } } ) } , wi = e => { typeof e == "function" && e ( ) } , hb = ( e , t , n = ! 0 ) => { if ( ! n ) { wi ( e ) ; return } const o = 5 , s = TA ( t ) + o ; let i = ! 1 ; const l = ( { target : c } ) => { c === t && ( i = ! 0 , t . removeEventListener ( gh , l ) , wi ( e ) ) } ; t . addEventListener ( gh , l ) , setTimeout ( ( ) => { i || cb ( t ) } , s ) } , pb = ( e , t , n , o ) => { let s = e . indexOf ( t ) ; if ( s === - 1 ) return e [ ! n && o ? e . length - 1 : 0 ] ; const i = e . length ; return s += n ? 1 : - 1 , o && ( s = ( s + i ) % i ) , e [ Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( s , i - 1 ) ) ] } , _A = /[^.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/ , NA = /\..*/ , kA = /::\d+$/ , Sf = { } ; let F1 = 1 ; const xA = { mouseenter : "mouseover" , mouseleave : "mouseout" } , MA = /^(mouseenter|mouseleave)/i , gb = new Set ( [ "click" , "dblclick" , "mouseup" , "mousedown" , "contextmenu" , "mousewheel" , "DOMMouseScroll" , "mouseover" , "mouseout" , "mousemove" , "selectstart" , "selectend" , "keydown" , "keypress" , "keyup" , "orientationchange" , "touchstart" , "touchmove" , "touchend" , "touchcancel" , "pointerdown" , "pointermove" , "pointerup" , "pointerleave" , "pointercancel" , "gesturestart" , "gesturechange" , "gestureend" , "focus" , "blur" , "change" , "reset" , "select" , "submit" , "focusin" , "focusout" , "load" , "unload" , "beforeunload" , "resize" , "move" , "DOMContentLoaded" , "readystatechange" , "error" , "abort" , "scroll" ] ) ; function mb ( e , t ) { return t && ` ${ t } :: ${ F1 ++ } ` || e . uidEvent || F1 ++ } function vb ( e ) { const t = mb ( e ) ; return e . uidEvent = t , Sf [ t ] = Sf [ t ] || { } , Sf [ t ] } function OA ( e , t ) { return function n ( o ) { return o . delegateTarget = e , n . oneOff && ut . off ( e , o . type , t ) , t . apply ( e , [ o ] ) } } function DA ( e , t , n ) { return function o ( s ) { const i = e . querySelectorAll ( t ) ; for ( let { target : l } = s ; l && l !== this ; l = l . parentNode ) for ( let c = i . length ; c -- ; ) if ( i [ c ] === l ) return s . delegateTarget = l , o . oneOff && ut . off ( e , s . type , t , n ) , n . apply ( l , [ s ] ) ; return null } } function yb ( e , t , n = null ) { const o = Object . keys ( e ) ; for ( let s = 0 , i = o . length ; s < i ; s ++ ) { const l = e [ o [ s ] ] ; if ( l . originalHandler === t && l . delegationSelector === n ) return l } return null } function bb ( e , t , n ) { const o = typeof t == "string" , s = o ? n : t ; let i = wb ( e ) ; return gb . h
` ),s]);else{const i=[ ` [ Vue warn ] : $ { e } ` ,...t];s.length&&i.push( `
` ,...KI(s)),console.warn(...i)}Xi()}function jI(){let e=Fl[Fl.length-1];if(!e)return[];const t=[];for(;e;){const n=t[0];n&&n.vnode===e?n.recurseCount++:t.push({vnode:e,recurseCount:0});const o=e.component&&e.component.parent;e=o&&o.vnode}return t}function KI(e){const t=[];return e.forEach((n,o)=>{t.push(...o===0?[]:[ `
` ],...YI(n))}),t}function YI({vnode:e,recurseCount:t}){const n=t>0? ` ... ( $ { t } recursive calls ) ` :"",o=e.component?e.component.parent==null:!1,s= ` at < $ { R2 ( e . component , e . type , o ) } ` ,i=">"+n;return e.props?[s,...GI(e.props),i]:[s+i]}function GI(e){const t=[],n=Object.keys(e);return n.slice(0,3).forEach(o=>{t.push(...r2(o,e[o]))}),n.length>3&&t.push(" ..."),t}function r2(e,t,n){return _t(t)?(t=JSON.stringify(t),n?t:[ ` $ { e } = $ { t } ` ]):typeof t=="number"||typeof t=="boolean"||t==null?n?t:[ ` $ { e } = $ { t } ` ]:wn(t)?(t=r2(e,an(t.value),!0),n?t:[ ` $ { e } = Ref < ` ,t,">"]):It(t)?[ ` $ { e } = fn$ { t . name ? ` < ${ t . name } > ` : "" } ` ]:(t=an(t),n?t:[ ` $ { e } = ` ,t])}function us(e,t,n,o){let s;try{s=o?e(...o):e()}catch(i){Od(i,t,n)}return s}function cr(e,t,n,o){if(It(e)){const i=us(e,t,n,o);return i&&Hi(i)&&i.catch(l=>{Od(l,t,n)}),i}const s=[];for(let i=0;i<e.length;i++)s.push(cr(e[i],t,n,o));return s}function Od(e,t,n,o=!0){const s=t?t.vnode:null;if(t){let i=t.parent;const l=t.proxy,c=n;for(;i;){const p=i.ec;if(p){for(let m=0;m<p.length;m++)if(p[m](e,l,c)===!1)return}i=i.parent}const f=t.appContext.config.errorHandler;if(f){us(f,null,10,[e,l,c]);return}}XI(e,n,s,o)}function XI(e,t,n,o=!0){console.error(e)}let qc=!1,Ih=!1;const Ho=[];let is=0;const Vl=[];let Ml=null,ya=0;const Hl=[];let $ s=null,ba=0;const s2=Promise.resolve();let e0=null,_h=null;function dt(e){const t=e0||s2;return e?t.then(this?e.bind(this):e):t}function qI(e){let t=is+1,n=Ho.length;for(;t<n;){const o=t+n>>>1;eu(Ho[o])<e?t=o+1:n=o}return t}function i2(e){(!Ho.length||!Ho.includes(e,qc&&e.allowRecurse?is+1:is))&&e!==_h&&(e.id==null?Ho.push(e):Ho.splice(qI(e.id),0,e),a2())}function a2(){!qc&&!Ih&&(Ih=!0,e0=s2.then(c2))}function ZI(e){const t=Ho.indexOf(e);t>is&&Ho.splice(t,1)}function l2(e,t,n,o){wt(e)?n.push(...e):(!t||!t.includes(e,e.allowRecurse?o+1:o))&&n.push(e),a2()}function QI(e){l2(e,Ml,Vl,ya)}function JI(e){l2(e, $ s,Hl,ba)}function t0(e,t=null){if(Vl.length){for(_h=t,Ml=[...new Set(Vl)],Vl.length=0,ya=0;ya<Ml.length;ya++)Ml[ya]();Ml=null,ya=0,_h=null,t0(e,t)}}function u2(e){if(Hl.length){const t=[...new Set(Hl)];if(Hl.length=0, $ s){ $ s.push(...t);return}for( $ s=t, $ s.sort((n,o)=>eu(n)-eu(o)),ba=0;ba< $ s.length;ba++) $ s[ba](); $ s=null,ba=0}}const eu=e=>e.id==null?1/0:e.id;function c2(e){Ih=!1,qc=!0,t0(e),Ho.sort((n,o)=>eu(n)-eu(o));const t=on;try{for(is=0;is<Ho.length;is++){const n=Ho[is];n&&n.active!==!1&&us(n,null,14)}}finally{is=0,Ho.length=0,u2(),qc=!1,e0=null,(Ho.length||Vl.length||Hl.length)&&c2(e)}}function e_(e,t,...n){if(e.isUnmounted)return;const o=e.vnode.props||bn;let s=n;const i=t.startsWith("update:"),l=i&&t.slice(7);if(l&&l in o){const m= ` $ { l === "modelValue" ? "model" : l } Modifiers ` ,{number:y,trim:v}=o[m]||bn;v?s=n.map(w=>w.trim()):y&&(s=n.map(Xc))}let c,f=o[c=mc(t)]||o[c=mc(hr(t))];!f&&i&&(f=o[c=mc(ei(t))]),f&&cr(f,e,6,s);const p=o[c+"Once"];if(p){if(!e.emitted)e.emitted={};else if(e.emitted[c])return;e.emitted[c]=!0,cr(p,e,6,s)}}function d2(e,t,n=!1){const o=t.emitsCache,s=o.get(e);if(s!==void 0)return s;const i=e.emits;let l={},c=!1;if(!It(e)){const f=p=>{const m=d2(p,t,!0);m&&(c=!0,Jn(l,m))};!n&&t.mixins.length&&t.mixins.forEach(f),e.extends&&f(e.extends),e.mixins&&e.mixins.forEach(f)}return!i&&!c?(o.set(e,null),null):(wt(i)?i.forEach(f=>l[f]=null):Jn(l,i),o.set(e,l),l)}function Dd(e,t){return!e||!Nd(t)?!1:(t=t.slice(2).replace(/Once $ /,""),Bt(e,t[0].toLowerCase()+t.slice(1))||Bt(e,ei(t))||Bt(e,t))}let po=null,f2=null;function Zc(e){const t=po;return po=e,f2=e&&e.type.__scopeId||null,t}function ae(e,t=po,n){if(!t||e._n)return e;const o=(...s)=>{o._d&&Xg(-1);const i=Zc(t),l=e(...s);return Zc(i),o._d&&Xg(1),l};return o._n=!0,o._c=!0,o._d=!0,o}function Mf(e){const{type:t,vnode:n,proxy:o,withProxy:s,props:i,propsOptions:[l],slots:c,attrs:f,emit:p,render:m,renderCache:y,data:v,setupState:w,ctx:E,inheritAttrs:I}=e;let S,T;const _=Zc(e);try{if(n.shapeFlag&4){const O=s||o;S=Yr(m.call(O,O,y,i,w,v,E)),T=f}else{const O=t;S=Yr(O.length>1?O(i,{attrs:f,slots:c,emit:p}):O(i,null)),T=t.props?f:t_(f)}}catch(O){Ul.length=0,Od(O,e,1),S=le(So)}let N=S;if(T&&I!==!1){const O=Object.keys(T),{shapeFlag:D}=N;O.length&&D&
height : 0 ! important ;
visibility : hidden ! important ;
overflow : hidden ! important ;
position : absolute ! important ;
z - index : - 1000 ! important ;
top : 0 ! important ;
right : 0 ! important ;
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* Checks if an event is supported in the current execution environment .
* NOTE : This will not work correctly for non - generic events such as ` change ` ,
* ` reset ` , ` load ` , ` error ` , and ` select ` .
* Borrows from Modernizr .
* @ param { string } eventNameSuffix Event name , e . g . "click" .
* @ param { ? boolean } capture Check if the capture phase is supported .
* @ return { boolean } True if the event is supported .
* @ internal
* @ license Modernizr 3.0 . 0 pre ( Custom Build ) | MIT
* / c o n s t L B = f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { i f ( e & & e . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ) { c o n s t n = f u n c t i o n ( o ) { c o n s t s = R B ( o ) ; t & & R e f l e c t . a p p l y ( t , t h i s , [ o , s ] ) } ; M 0 ( ) ? e . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " D O M M o u s e S c r o l l " , n ) : e . o n m o u s e w h e e l = n } } , P B = { b e f o r e M o u n t ( e , t ) { L B ( e , t . v a l u e ) } } , B B = { b e f o r e M o u n t ( e , t ) { e . _ h a n d l e R e s i z e = ( ) = > { v a r n ; e & & ( ( n = t . v a l u e ) = = n u l l | | n . c a l l ( t , e ) ) } , o l ( e , e . _ h a n d l e R e s i z e ) } , b e f o r e U n m o u n t ( e ) { r l ( e , e . _ h a n d l e R e s i z e ) } } , G f = ( e , t , n ) = > { c o n s t o = [ ] , s = t & & n ( ) ; f o r ( l e t i = 0 ; i < e ; i + + ) o [ i ] = s ? s . i n c l u d e s ( i ) : ! 1 ; r e t u r n o } , X f = e = > e . m a p ( ( t , n ) = > t | | n ) . f i l t e r ( t = > t ! = = ! 0 ) , K C = ( e , t , n ) = > ( { g e t H o u r s L i s t : ( l , c ) = > G f ( 2 4 , e , ( ) = > e ( l , c ) ) , g e t M i n u t e s L i s t : ( l , c , f ) = > G f ( 6 0 , t , ( ) = > t ( l , c , f ) ) , g e t S e c o n d s L i s t : ( l , c , f , p ) = > G f ( 6 0 , n , ( ) = > n ( l , c , f , p ) ) } ) , Y C = ( e , t , n ) = > { c o n s t { g e t H o u r s L i s t : o , g e t M i n u t e s L i s t : s , g e t S e c o n d s L i s t : i } = K C ( e , t , n ) ; r e t u r n { g e t A v a i l a b l e H o u r s : ( p , m ) = > X f ( o ( p , m ) ) , g e t A v a i l a b l e M i n u t e s : ( p , m , y ) = > X f ( s ( p , m , y ) ) , g e t A v a i l a b l e S e c o n d s : ( p , m , y , v ) = > X f ( i ( p , m , y , v ) ) } } , G C = e = > { c o n s t t = F ( e . p a r s e d V a l u e ) ; r e t u r n R e ( ( ) = > e . v i s i b l e , n = > { n | | ( t . v a l u e = e . p a r s e d V a l u e ) } ) , t } , F B = v e ( { d i r e c t i v e s : { r e p e a t C l i c k : P C } , c o m p o n e n t s : { E l S c r o l l b a r : E s , E l I c o n : y t , A r r o w U p : x u , A r r o w D o w n : Q i } , p r o p s : { r o l e : { t y p e : S t r i n g , r e q u i r e d : ! 0 } , s p i n n e r D a t e : { t y p e : O b j e c t , r e q u i r e d : ! 0 } , s h o w S e c o n d s : { t y p e : B o o l e a n , d e f a u l t : ! 0 } , a r r o w C o n t r o l : B o o l e a n , a m P m M o d e : { t y p e : S t r i n g , d e f a u l t : " " } , d i s a b l e d H o u r s : { t y p e : F u n c t i o n } , d i s a b l e d M i n u t e s : { t y p e : F u n c t i o n } , d i s a b l e d S e c o n d s : { t y p e : F u n c t i o n } } , e m i t s : [ " c h a n g e " , " s e l e c t - r a n g e " , " s e t - o p t i o n " ] , s e t u p ( e , t ) { c o n s t n = B e ( " t i m e " ) ; l e t o = ! 1 ; c o n s t s = $ o ( p e = > { o = ! 1 , Y ( p e ) } , 2 0 0 ) , i = F ( n u l l ) , l = F ( n u l l ) , c = F ( n u l l ) , f = F ( n u l l ) , p = { h o u r s : l , m i n u t e s : c , s e c o n d s : f } , m = $ ( ( ) = > { c o n s t p e = [ " h o u r s " , " m i n u t e s " , " s e c o n d s " ] ; r e t u r n e . s h o w S e c o n d s ? p e : p e . s l i c e ( 0 , 2 ) } ) , y = $ ( ( ) = > e . s p i n n e r D a t e . h o u r ( ) ) , v = $ ( ( ) = > e . s p i n n e r D a t e . m i n u t e ( ) ) , w = $ ( ( ) = > e . s p i n n e r D a t e . s e c o n d ( ) ) , E = $ ( ( ) = > ( { h o u r s : y , m i n u t e s : v , s e c o n d s : w } ) ) , I = $ ( ( ) = > E e ( e . r o l e ) ) , S = $ ( ( ) = > q e ( y . v a l u e , e . r o l e ) ) , T = $ ( ( ) = > x e ( y . v a l u e , v . v a l u e , e . r o l e ) ) , _ = $ ( ( ) = > ( { h o u r s : I , m i n u t e s : S , s e c o n d s : T } ) ) , N = $ ( ( ) = > { c o n s t p e = y . v a l u e ; r e t u r n [ p e > 0 ? p e - 1 : v o i d 0 , p e , p e < 2 3 ? p e + 1 : v o i d 0 ] } ) , O = $ ( ( ) = > { c o n s t p e = v . v a l u e ; r e t u r n [ p e > 0 ? p e - 1 : v o i d 0 , p e , p e < 5 9 ? p e + 1 : v o i d 0 ] } ) , D = $ ( ( ) = > { c o n s t p e = w . v a l u e ; r e t u r n [ p e > 0 ? p e - 1 : v o i d 0 , p e , p e < 5 9 ? p e + 1 : v o i d 0 ] } ) , x = $ ( ( ) = > ( { h o u r s : N , m i n u t e s : O , s e c o n d s : D } ) ) , R = p e = > { i f ( ! ! ! e . a m P m M o d e ) r e t u r n " " ; c o n s t W e = e . a m P m M o d e = = = " A " ; l e t z e = p e < 1 2 ? " a m " : " p m " ; r e t u r n W e & & ( z e = z e . t o U p p e r C a s e ( ) ) , z e } , B = p e = > { p e = = = " h o u r s " ? t . e m i t ( " s e l e c t - r a n g e " , 0 , 2 ) : p e = = = " m i n u t e s " ? t . e m i t ( " s e l e c t - r a n g e " , 3 , 5 ) : p e = = = " s e c o n d s " & & t . e m i t ( " s e l e c t - r a n g e " , 6 , 8 ) , i . v a l u e = p e } , Y = p e = > { J ( p e , E . v a l u e [ p e ] . v a l u e ) } , X = ( ) = > { Y ( " h o u r s " ) , Y ( " m i n u t e s " ) , Y ( " s e c o n d s " ) } , K = p e = > p e . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( ` . $ { n . n a m e s p a c e . v a l u e } - s c r o l l b a r _ _ w r a p ` ) , J = ( p e , M e ) = > { i f ( e . a r r o w C o n t r o l ) r e t u r n ; c o n s t W e = p [ p e ] ; W e & & W e . $ e l & & ( K ( W e . $ e l ) . s c r o l l T o p = M a t h . m a x ( 0 , M e * G ( p e ) ) ) } , G = p e = > p [ p e ] . $ e l . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( " l i " ) . o f f s e t H e i g h t , z = ( ) = > { j ( 1 ) } , e e = ( ) = > { j ( - 1 ) } , j = p e = > { i . v a l u e | | B ( " h o u r s " ) ; c o n s t M e = i . v a l u e ; l e t W e = E . v a l u e [ M e ] . v a l u e ; c o n s t z e = i . v a l u e = = = " h o u r s " ? 2 4 : 6 0 ; W e = ( W e + p e + z e ) % z e , V ( M e , W e ) , J ( M e , W e ) , d t ( ( ) = > B ( i . v a l u e ) ) } , V = ( p e , M e ) = > { i f ( ! _ . v a l u e [ p e ] . v a l u e [ M e ] ) s w i t c h ( p e ) { c a s e " h o u r s " : t . e m i t ( " c h a n g e " , e . s p i n n e r D a t e . h o u r ( M e ) . m i n u t e ( v . v a l u e ) . s e c o n d ( w . v a l u e ) ) ; b r e a k ; c a s e " m i n u t e s " : t . e m i t ( " c h a n g e " , e . s p i n n e r D a t e . h o u r ( y . v a l u e ) . m i n u t e ( M e ) . s e c o n d ( w . v a l u e ) ) ; b r e a k ; c a s e " s e c o n d s " : t . e m i t ( " c h a n g e " , e . s p i n n e r D a t e . h o u r ( y . v a l u e ) . m i n u t e ( v . v a l u e ) . s e c o n d ( M e ) ) ; b r e a k } } , q = ( p e , { v a l u e : M e , d i s a b l e d : W e } ) = > { W e | | ( V ( p e , M e ) , B ( p e ) , J ( p e , M e ) ) } , c e = p e = > { o = ! 0 , s ( p e ) ; c o n s t M e = M a t h . m i n ( M a t h . r o u n d ( ( K ( p [ p e ] . $ e l ) . s c r o l l T o p - ( u e ( p e ) * . 5 - 1 0 ) / G ( p e ) + 3 ) / G ( p e ) ) , p e = = = " h o u r s " ? 2 3 : 5 9 ) ; V ( p e , M e ) } , u e = p e = > p [ p e ] . $ e l . o f f s e t H e i g h t , n e = ( ) = > { c o n s t p e = M e = > { p [ M e ] & & p [ M e ] . $ e l & & ( K ( p [ M e ] . $ e l ) . o n s c r o l l = ( ) = > { c e ( M e ) } ) } ; p e ( " h o u r s " ) , p e ( " m i n u t e s " ) , p e ( " s e c o n d s " ) } ; k t ( ( ) = > { d t ( ( ) = > { ! e . a r r o w C o n t r o l & & n e ( ) , X ( ) , e . r o l e = = = " s t a r t " & & B ( " h o u r s " ) } ) } ) ; c o n s t S e = ( p e , M e ) = > { p [ M e ] = p e } ; t . e m i t ( " s e t - o p t i o n " , [ ` $ { e . r o l e } _ s c r o l l D o w n ` , j ] ) , t . e m i t ( " s e t - o p t i o n " , [ ` $ { e . r o l e } _ e m i t S e l e c t R a n g e ` , B ] ) ; c o n s t { g e t H o u r s L i s t : E e , g e t M i n u t e s L i s t : q e , g e t S e c o n d s L i s t : x e } = K C ( e . d i s a b l e d H o u r s , e . d i s a b l e d M i n u t e s , e . d i s a b l e d S e c o n d s ) ; r e t u r n R e ( ( ) = > e . s p i n n e r D a t e , ( ) = > { o | | X ( ) } ) , { n s : n , s e t R e f : S e , s p i n n e r I t e m s : m , c u r r e n t S c r o l l b a r : i , h o u r s : y , m i n u t e s : v , s e c o n d s : w , h o u r s L i s t : I , m i n u t e s L i s t : S , a r r o w H o u r L i s t : N , a r r o w M i n u t e L i s t : O , a r r o w S e c o n d L i s t : D , g e t A m P m F l a g : R , e m i t S e l e c t R a n g e : B , a d j u s t C u r r e n t S
Add an empty element to avoid render label ,
do not use empty fragment here for https : //github.com/vuejs/vue-next/pull/2485
` ),mV]),_:1},8,["model-value","label","disabled","onUpdate:modelValue"])):e.isLeaf&&e.node.checked?(M(),me(p,{key:2,class:P(e.ns.e("prefix"))},{default:ae(()=>[le(f)]),_:1},8,["class"])):fe("v-if",!0),fe(" content "),le(m),fe(" postfix "),e.isLeaf?fe("v-if",!0):(M(),W(at,{key:3},[e.node.loading?(M(),me(p,{key:0,class:P([e.ns.is("loading"),e.ns.e("postfix")])},{default:ae(()=>[le(y)]),_:1},8,["class"])):(M(),me(p,{key:1,class:P(["arrow-right",e.ns.e("postfix")])},{default:ae(()=>[le(v)]),_:1},8,["class"]))],2112))],42,gV)}var yV=Ue(pV,[["render",vV],["__file","/home/runner/work/element-plus/element-plus/packages/components/cascader-panel/src/node.vue"]]);const bV=ve({name:"ElCascaderMenu",components:{Loading:ti,ElIcon:yt,ElScrollbar:Es,ElCascaderNode:yV},props:{nodes:{type:Array,required:!0},index:{type:Number,required:!0}},setup(e){const t=Dt(),n=Be("cascader-menu"),{t:o}=un(),s=Mu();let i=null,l=null;const c=et(z0),f=F(null),p= $ (()=>!e.nodes.length),m= $ (()=>!c.initialLoaded),y= $ (()=> ` cascader - menu - $ { s } - $ { e . index } ` ),v=S=>{i=S.target},w=S=>{if(!(!c.isHoverMenu||!i||!f.value))if(i.contains(S.target)){E();const T=t.vnode.el,{left:_}=T.getBoundingClientRect(),{offsetWidth:N,offsetHeight:O}=T,D=S.clientX-_,x=i.offsetTop,R=x+i.offsetHeight;f.value.innerHTML= `
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * / v a r o = O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f | | { _ _ p r o t o _ _ : [ ] } i n s t a n c e o f A r r a y & & f u n c t i o n ( H , r ) { H . _ _ p r o t o _ _ = r } | | f u n c t i o n ( H , r ) { f o r ( v a r a i n r ) r . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y ( a ) & & ( H [ a ] = r [ a ] ) } ; f u n c t i o n s ( H , r ) { o ( H , r ) ; f u n c t i o n a ( ) { t h i s . c o n s t r u c t o r = H } H . p r o t o t y p e = r = = = n u l l ? O b j e c t . c r e a t e ( r ) : ( a . p r o t o t y p e = r . p r o t o t y p e , n e w a ) } f u n c t i o n i ( H , r ) { v a r a = O b j e c t . s e t P r o t o t y p e O f ; a ? a ( H , r ) : H . _ _ p r o t o _ _ = r } f u n c t i o n l ( H , r ) { r = = = v o i d 0 & & ( r = H . c o n s t r u c t o r ) ; v a r a = E r r o r . c a p t u r e S t a c k T r a c e ; a & & a ( H , r ) } v a r c = f u n c t i o n ( H ) { s ( r , H ) ; f u n c t i o n r ( a ) { v a r u = t h i s . c o n s t r u c t o r , d = H . c a l l ( t h i s , a ) | | t h i s ; r e t u r n O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( d , " n a m e " , { v a l u e : u . n a m e , e n u m e r a b l e : ! 1 } ) , i ( d , u . p r o t o t y p e ) , l ( d ) , d } r e t u r n r } ( E r r o r ) ; c l a s s f e x t e n d s c { c o n s t r u c t o r ( r = v o i d 0 ) { s u p e r ( r ) , t h i s . m e s s a g e = r } g e t K i n d ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . c o n s t r u c t o r . k i n d } } f . k i n d = " E x c e p t i o n " ; c l a s s p e x t e n d s f { } p . k i n d = " A r g u m e n t E x c e p t i o n " ; c l a s s m e x t e n d s f { } m . k i n d = " I l l e g a l A r g u m e n t E x c e p t i o n " ; c l a s s y { c o n s t r u c t o r ( r ) { i f ( t h i s . b i n a r i z e r = r , r = = = n u l l ) t h r o w n e w m ( " B i n a r i z e r m u s t b e n o n - n u l l . " ) } g e t W i d t h ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t W i d t h ( ) } g e t H e i g h t ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t H e i g h t ( ) } g e t B l a c k R o w ( r , a ) { r e t u r n t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t B l a c k R o w ( r , a ) } g e t B l a c k M a t r i x ( ) { r e t u r n ( t h i s . m a t r i x = = = n u l l | | t h i s . m a t r i x = = = v o i d 0 ) & & ( t h i s . m a t r i x = t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t B l a c k M a t r i x ( ) ) , t h i s . m a t r i x } i s C r o p S u p p o r t e d ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t L u m i n a n c e S o u r c e ( ) . i s C r o p S u p p o r t e d ( ) } c r o p ( r , a , u , d ) { c o n s t h = t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t L u m i n a n c e S o u r c e ( ) . c r o p ( r , a , u , d ) ; r e t u r n n e w y ( t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . c r e a t e B i n a r i z e r ( h ) ) } i s R o t a t e S u p p o r t e d ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t L u m i n a n c e S o u r c e ( ) . i s R o t a t e S u p p o r t e d ( ) } r o t a t e C o u n t e r C l o c k w i s e ( ) { c o n s t r = t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t L u m i n a n c e S o u r c e ( ) . r o t a t e C o u n t e r C l o c k w i s e ( ) ; r e t u r n n e w y ( t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . c r e a t e B i n a r i z e r ( r ) ) } r o t a t e C o u n t e r C l o c k w i s e 4 5 ( ) { c o n s t r = t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . g e t L u m i n a n c e S o u r c e ( ) . r o t a t e C o u n t e r C l o c k w i s e 4 5 ( ) ; r e t u r n n e w y ( t h i s . b i n a r i z e r . c r e a t e B i n a r i z e r ( r ) ) } t o S t r i n g ( ) { t r y { r e t u r n t h i s . g e t B l a c k M a t r i x ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( ) } c a t c h { r e t u r n " " } } } c l a s s v e x t e n d s f { s t a t i c g e t C h e c k s u m I n s t a n c e ( ) { r e t u r n n e w v } } v . k i n d = " C h e c k s u m E x c e p t i o n " ; c l a s s w { c o n s t r u c t o r ( r ) { t h i s . s o u r c e = r } g e t L u m i n a n c e S o u r c e ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . s o u r c e } g e t W i d t h ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . s o u r c e . g e t W i d t h ( ) } g e t H e i g h t ( ) { r e t u r n t h i s . s o u r c e . g e t H e i g h t ( ) } } c l a s s E { s t a t i c a r r a y c o p y ( r , a , u , d , h ) { f o r ( ; h - - ; ) u [ d + + ] = r [ a + + ] } s t a t i c c u r r e n t T i m e M i l l i s ( ) { r e t u r n D a t e . n o w ( ) } } c l a s s I e x t e n d s f { } I . k i n d = " I n d e x O u t O f B o u n d s E x c e p t i o n " ; c l a s s S e x t e n d s I { c o n s t r u c t o r ( r = v o i d 0 , a = v o i d 0 ) { s u p e r ( a ) , t h i s . i n d e x = r , t h i s . m e s s a g e = a } } S . k i n d = " A r r a y I n d e x O u t O f B o u n d s E x c e p t i o n " ; c l a s s T { s t a t i c f i l l ( r , a ) { f o r ( l e t u = 0 , d = r . l e n g t h ; u < d ; u + + ) r [ u ] = a } s t a t i c f i l l W i t h i n ( r , a , u , d ) { T . r a n g e C h e c k ( r . l e n g t h , a , u ) ; f o r ( l e t h = a ; h < u ; h + + ) r [ h ] = d } s t a t i c r a n g e C h e c k ( r , a , u ) { i f ( a > u ) t h r o w n e w m ( " f r o m I n d e x ( " + a + " ) > t o I n d e x ( " + u + " ) " ) ; i f ( a < 0 ) t h r o w n e w S ( a ) ; i f ( u > r ) t h r o w n e w S ( u ) } s t a t i c a s L i s t ( . . . r ) { r e t u r n r } s t a t i c c r e a t e ( r , a , u ) { r e t u r n A r r a y . f r o m ( { l e n g t h : r } ) . m a p ( h = > A r r a y . f r o m ( { l e n g t h : a } ) . f i l l ( u ) ) } s t a t i c c r e a t e I n t 3 2 A r r a y ( r , a , u ) { r e t u r n A r r a y . f r o m ( { l e n g t h : r } ) . m a p ( h = > I n t 3 2 A r r a y . f r o m ( { l e n g t h : a } ) . f i l l ( u ) ) } s t a t i c e q u a l s ( r , a ) { i f ( ! r | | ! a | | ! r . l e n g t h | | ! a . l e n g t h | | r . l e n g t h ! = = a . l e n g t h ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; f o r ( l e t u = 0 , d = r . l e n g t h ; u < d ; u + + ) i f ( r [ u ] ! = = a [ u ] ) r e t u r n ! 1 ; r e t u r n ! 0 } s t a t i c h a s h C o d e ( r ) { i f ( r = = = n u l l ) r e t u r n 0 ; l e t a = 1 ; f o r ( c o n s t u o f r ) a = 3 1 * a + u ; r e t u r n a } s t a t i c f i l l U i n t 8 A r r a y ( r , a ) { f o r ( l e t u = 0 ; u ! = = r . l e n g t h ; u + + ) r [ u ] = a } s t a t i c c o p y O f ( r , a ) { r e t u r n r . s l i c e ( 0 , a ) } s t a t i c c o p y O f U i n t 8 A r r a y ( r , a ) { i f ( r . l e n g t h < = a ) { c o n s t u = n e w U i n t 8 A r r a y ( a ) ; r e t u r n u . s e t ( r ) , u } r e t u r n r . s l i c e ( 0 , a ) } s t a t i c c o p y O f R a n g e ( r , a , u ) { c o n s t d = u - a , h = n e w I n t 3 2 A r r a y ( d ) ; r e t u r n E . a r r a y c o p y ( r , a , h , 0 , d ) , h } s t a t i c b i n a r y S e a r c h ( r , a , u ) { u = = = v o i d 0 & & ( u = T . n u m b e r C o m p a r a t o r ) ; l e t d = 0 , h = r . l e n g t h - 1 ; f o r ( ; d < = h ; ) { c o n s t g = h + d > > 1 , b = u ( a , r [ g ] ) ; i f ( b > 0 ) d = g + 1 ; e l s e i f ( b < 0 ) h = g - 1 ; e l s e r e t u r n g } r e t u r n - d - 1 } s t a t i c n u m b e r C o m p a r a t o r ( r , a ) { r e t u r n r - a } } c l a s s _ { s t a t i c n u m b e r O f T r a i l i n g Z e r o s ( r ) { l e t a ; i f ( r = = = 0 ) r e t u r n 3 2 ; l e t u = 3 1 ; r e t u r n a = r < < 1 6 , a ! = = 0 & & ( u - = 1 6 , r = a ) , a = r < < 8 , a ! = = 0 & & ( u - = 8 , r = a ) , a = r < < 4 , a ! = = 0 & & ( u - = 4 , r = a ) , a = r < < 2 , a ! = = 0 & & ( u - = 2 , r = a ) , u - ( r < < 1 > > > 3 1 ) } s t a t i c n u m b e r O f L e a d i n g Z e r o s ( r ) { i f ( r = = = 0 ) r e t u r n 3 2 ; l e t a = 1 ; r e t u r n r > > > 1 6 = = = 0 & & ( a + = 1 6 , r < < = 1 6 ) , r > > > 2 4 = = = 0 & & ( a + = 8 , r < < = 8 ) , r > > > 2 8 = = = 0 & & ( a + = 4 , r < < = 4 ) , r > > > 3 0 = = = 0 & & ( a + = 2 , r < < = 2 ) , a - = r > > > 3 1 , a } s
` ||r.charAt(A)===" \r "){if(h>g){if(b===-1)b=h-g;else if(h-g!==b)throw new m("row lengths do not match");g=h,C++}A++}else if(r.substring(A,A+a.length)===a)A+=a.length,d[h]=!0,h++;else if(r.substring(A,A+u.length)===u)A+=u.length,d[h]=!1,h++;else throw new m("illegal character encountered: "+r.substring(A));if(h>g){if(b===-1)b=h-g;else if(h-g!==b)throw new m("row lengths do not match");C++}const L=new G(b,C);for(let U=0;U<h;U++)d[U]&&L.set(Math.floor(U%b),Math.floor(U/b));return L}get(r,a){const u=a*this.rowSize+Math.floor(r/32);return(this.bits[u]>>>(r&31)&1)!==0}set(r,a){const u=a*this.rowSize+Math.floor(r/32);this.bits[u]|=1<<(r&31)&4294967295}unset(r,a){const u=a*this.rowSize+Math.floor(r/32);this.bits[u]&=~(1<<(r&31)&4294967295)}flip(r,a){const u=a*this.rowSize+Math.floor(r/32);this.bits[u]^=1<<(r&31)&4294967295}xor(r){if(this.width!==r.getWidth()||this.height!==r.getHeight()||this.rowSize!==r.getRowSize())throw new m("input matrix dimensions do not match");const a=new N(Math.floor(this.width/32)+1),u=this.rowSize,d=this.bits;for(let h=0,g=this.height;h<g;h++){const b=h*u,C=r.getRow(h,a).getBitArray();for(let A=0;A<u;A++)d[b+A]^=C[A]}}clear(){const r=this.bits,a=r.length;for(let u=0;u<a;u++)r[u]=0}setRegion(r,a,u,d){if(a<0||r<0)throw new m("Left and top must be nonnegative");if(d<1||u<1)throw new m("Height and width must be at least 1");const h=r+u,g=a+d;if(g>this.height||h>this.width)throw new m("The region must fit inside the matrix");const b=this.rowSize,C=this.bits;for(let A=a;A<g;A++){const L=A*b;for(let U=r;U<h;U++)C[L+Math.floor(U/32)]|=1<<(U&31)&4294967295}}getRow(r,a){a==null||a.getSize()<this.width?a=new N(this.width):a.clear();const u=this.rowSize,d=this.bits,h=r*u;for(let g=0;g<u;g++)a.setBulk(g*32,d[h+g]);return a}setRow(r,a){E.arraycopy(a.getBitArray(),0,this.bits,r*this.rowSize,this.rowSize)}rotate180(){const r=this.getWidth(),a=this.getHeight();let u=new N(r),d=new N(r);for(let h=0,g=Math.floor((a+1)/2);h<g;h++)u=this.getRow(h,u),d=this.getRow(a-1-h,d),u.reverse(),d.reverse(),this.setRow(h,d),this.setRow(a-1-h,u)}getEnclosingRectangle(){const r=this.width,a=this.height,u=this.rowSize,d=this.bits;let h=r,g=a,b=-1,C=-1;for(let A=0;A<a;A++)for(let L=0;L<u;L++){const U=d[A*u+L];if(U!==0){if(A<g&&(g=A),A>C&&(C=A),L*32<h){let Z=0;for(;(U<<31-Z&4294967295)===0;)Z++;L*32+Z<h&&(h=L*32+Z)}if(L*32+31>b){let Z=31;for(;U>>>Z===0;)Z--;L*32+Z>b&&(b=L*32+Z)}}}return b<h||C<g?null:Int32Array.from([h,g,b-h+1,C-g+1])}getTopLeftOnBit(){const r=this.rowSize,a=this.bits;let u=0;for(;u<a.length&&a[u]===0;)u++;if(u===a.length)return null;const d=u/r;let h=u%r*32;const g=a[u];let b=0;for(;(g<<31-b&4294967295)===0;)b++;return h+=b,Int32Array.from([h,d])}getBottomRightOnBit(){const r=this.rowSize,a=this.bits;let u=a.length-1;for(;u>=0&&a[u]===0;)u--;if(u<0)return null;const d=Math.floor(u/r);let h=Math.floor(u%r)*32;const g=a[u];let b=31;for(;g>>>b===0;)b--;return h+=b,Int32Array.from([h,d])}getWidth(){return this.width}getHeight(){return this.height}getRowSize(){return this.rowSize}equals(r){if(!(r instanceof G))return!1;const a=r;return this.width===a.width&&this.height===a.height&&this.rowSize===a.rowSize&&T.equals(this.bits,a.bits)}hashCode(){let r=this.width;return r=31*r+this.width,r=31*r+this.height,r=31*r+this.rowSize,r=31*r+T.hashCode(this.bits),r}toString(r="X ",a=" ",u= `
` ){return this.buildToString(r,a,u)}buildToString(r,a,u){let d=new J;for(let h=0,g=this.height;h<g;h++){for(let b=0,C=this.width;b<C;b++)d.append(this.get(b,h)?r:a);d.append(u)}return d.toString()}clone(){return new G(this.width,this.height,this.rowSize,this.bits.slice())}}class z extends f{static getNotFoundInstance(){return new z}}z.kind="NotFoundException";class ee extends w{constructor(r){super(r),this.luminances=ee.EMPTY,this.buckets=new Int32Array(ee.LUMINANCE_BUCKETS)}getBlackRow(r,a){const u=this.getLuminanceSource(),d=u.getWidth();a==null||a.getSize()<d?a=new N(d):a.clear(),this.initArrays(d);const h=u.getRow(r,this.luminances),g=this.buckets;for(let C=0;C<d;C++)g[(h[C]&255)>>ee.LUMINANCE_SHIFT]++;const b=ee.estimateBlackPoint(g);if(d<3)for(let C=0;C<d;C++)(h[C]&255)<b&&a.set(C);else{let C=h[0]&255,A=h[1]&255;for(let L=1;L<d-1;L++){const U=h[L+1]&255;(A*4-C-U)/2<b&&a.set(L),C=A,A=U}}return a}getBlackMatrix(){const r=this.getLuminanceSource(),a=r.getWidth(),u=r.getHeight(),d=new G(a,u);this.initArrays(a);const h=this.buckets;for(let C=1;C<5;C++){const A=Math.floor(u*C/5),L=r.getRow(A,this.luminances),U=Math.floor(a*4/5);for(let Z=Math.floor(a/5);Z<U;Z++){const se=L[Z]&255;h[se>>ee.LUMINANCE_SHIFT]++}}const g=ee.estimateBlackPoint(h),b=r.getMatrix();for(let C=0;C<u;C++){const A=C*a;for(let L=0;L<a;L++)(b[A+L]&255)<g&&d.set(L,C)}return d}createBinarizer(r){return new ee(r)}initArrays(r){this.luminances.length<r&&(this.luminances=new Uint8ClampedArray(r));const a=this.buckets;for(let u=0;u<ee.LUMINANCE_BUCKETS;u++)a[u]=0}static estimateBlackPoint(r){const a=r.length;let u=0,d=0,h=0;for(let L=0;L<a;L++)r[L]>h&&(d=L,h=r[L]),r[L]>u&&(u=r[L]);let g=0,b=0;for(let L=0;L<a;L++){const U=L-d,Z=r[L]*U*U;Z>b&&(g=L,b=Z)}if(d>g){const L=d;d=g,g=L}if(g-d<=a/16)throw new z;let C=g-1,A=-1;for(let L=g-1;L>d;L--){const U=L-d,Z=U*U*(g-L)*(u-r[L]);Z>A&&(C=L,A=Z)}return C<<ee.LUMINANCE_SHIFT}}ee.LUMINANCE_BITS=5,ee.LUMINANCE_SHIFT=8-ee.LUMINANCE_BITS,ee.LUMINANCE_BUCKETS=1<<ee.LUMINANCE_BITS,ee.EMPTY=Uint8ClampedArray.from([0]);class j extends ee{constructor(r){super(r),this.matrix=null}getBlackMatrix(){if(this.matrix!==null)return this.matrix;const r=this.getLuminanceSource(),a=r.getWidth(),u=r.getHeight();if(a>=j.MINIMUM_DIMENSION&&u>=j.MINIMUM_DIMENSION){const d=r.getMatrix();let h=a>>j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER;(a&j.BLOCK_SIZE_MASK)!==0&&h++;let g=u>>j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER;(u&j.BLOCK_SIZE_MASK)!==0&&g++;const b=j.calculateBlackPoints(d,h,g,a,u),C=new G(a,u);j.calculateThresholdForBlock(d,h,g,a,u,b,C),this.matrix=C}else this.matrix=super.getBlackMatrix();return this.matrix}createBinarizer(r){return new j(r)}static calculateThresholdForBlock(r,a,u,d,h,g,b){const C=h-j.BLOCK_SIZE,A=d-j.BLOCK_SIZE;for(let L=0;L<u;L++){let U=L<<j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER;U>C&&(U=C);const Z=j.cap(L,2,u-3);for(let se=0;se<a;se++){let ye=se<<j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER;ye>A&&(ye=A);const Ce=j.cap(se,2,a-3);let Oe=0;for(let ft=-2;ft<=2;ft++){const ht=g[Z+ft];Oe+=ht[Ce-2]+ht[Ce-1]+ht[Ce]+ht[Ce+1]+ht[Ce+2]}const Ke=Oe/25;j.thresholdBlock(r,ye,U,Ke,d,b)}}}static cap(r,a,u){return r<a?a:r>u?u:r}static thresholdBlock(r,a,u,d,h,g){for(let b=0,C=u*h+a;b<j.BLOCK_SIZE;b++,C+=h)for(let A=0;A<j.BLOCK_SIZE;A++)(r[C+A]&255)<=d&&g.set(a+A,u+b)}static calculateBlackPoints(r,a,u,d,h){const g=h-j.BLOCK_SIZE,b=d-j.BLOCK_SIZE,C=new Array(u);for(let A=0;A<u;A++){C[A]=new Int32Array(a);let L=A<<j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER;L>g&&(L=g);for(let U=0;U<a;U++){let Z=U<<j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER;Z>b&&(Z=b);let se=0,ye=255,Ce=0;for(let Ke=0,ft=L*d+Z;Ke<j.BLOCK_SIZE;Ke++,ft+=d){for(let ht=0;ht<j.BLOCK_SIZE;ht++){const lt=r[ft+ht]&255;se+=lt,lt<ye&&(ye=lt),lt>Ce&&(Ce=lt)}if(Ce-ye>j.MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE)for(Ke++,ft+=d;Ke<j.BLOCK_SIZE;Ke++,ft+=d)for(let ht=0;ht<j.BLOCK_SIZE;ht++)se+=r[ft+ht]&255}let Oe=se>>j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER*2;if(Ce-ye<=j.MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE&&(Oe=ye/2,A>0&&U>0)){const Ke=(C[A-1][U]+2*C[A][U-1]+C[A-1][U-1])/4;ye<Ke&&(Oe=Ke)}C[A][U]=Oe}}return C}}j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER=3,j.BLOCK_SIZE=1<<j.BLOCK_SIZE_POWER,j.BLOCK_SIZE_MASK=j.BLOCK_SIZE-1,j.MINIMUM_DIMENSION=j.BLOCK_SIZE*5,j.MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE=24;class V{constructor(r,a){this.width
` )}return a.toString()}}class q extends V{constructor(r){super(r.getWidth(),r.getHeight()),this.delegate=r}getRow(r,a){const u=this.delegate.getRow(r,a),d=this.getWidth();for(let h=0;h<d;h++)u[h]=255-(u[h]&255);return u}getMatrix(){const r=this.delegate.getMatrix(),a=this.getWidth()*this.getHeight(),u=new Uint8ClampedArray(a);for(let d=0;d<a;d++)u[d]=255-(r[d]&255);return u}isCropSupported(){return this.delegate.isCropSupported()}crop(r,a,u,d){return new q(this.delegate.crop(r,a,u,d))}isRotateSupported(){return this.delegate.isRotateSupported()}invert(){return this.delegate}rotateCounterClockwise(){return new q(this.delegate.rotateCounterClockwise())}rotateCounterClockwise45(){return new q(this.delegate.rotateCounterClockwise45())}}class ce extends V{constructor(r){super(r.width,r.height),this.canvas=r,this.tempCanvasElement=null,this.buffer=ce.makeBufferFromCanvasImageData(r)}static makeBufferFromCanvasImageData(r){const a=r.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,r.width,r.height);return ce.toGrayscaleBuffer(a.data,r.width,r.height)}static toGrayscaleBuffer(r,a,u){const d=new Uint8ClampedArray(a*u);for(let h=0,g=0,b=r.length;h<b;h+=4,g++){let C;if(r[h+3]===0)C=255;else{const L=r[h],U=r[h+1],Z=r[h+2];C=306*L+601*U+117*Z+512>>10}d[g]=C}return d}getRow(r,a){if(r<0||r>=this.getHeight())throw new m("Requested row is outside the image: "+r);const u=this.getWidth(),d=r*u;return a===null?a=this.buffer.slice(d,d+u):(a.length<u&&(a=new Uint8ClampedArray(u)),a.set(this.buffer.slice(d,d+u))),a}getMatrix(){return this.buffer}isCropSupported(){return!0}crop(r,a,u,d){return super.crop(r,a,u,d),this}isRotateSupported(){return!0}rotateCounterClockwise(){return this.rotate(-90),this}rotateCounterClockwise45(){return this.rotate(-45),this}getTempCanvasElement(){if(this.tempCanvasElement===null){const r=this.canvas.ownerDocument.createElement("canvas");r.width=this.canvas.width,r.height=this.canvas.height,this.tempCanvasElement=r}return this.tempCanvasElement}rotate(r){const a=this.getTempCanvasElement(),u=a.getContext("2d"),d=r*ce.DEGREE_TO_RADIANS,h=this.canvas.width,g=this.canvas.height,b=Math.ceil(Math.abs(Math.cos(d))*h+Math.abs(Math.sin(d))*g),C=Math.ceil(Math.abs(Math.sin(d))*h+Math.abs(Math.cos(d))*g);return a.width=b,a.height=C,u.translate(b/2,C/2),u.rotate(d),u.drawImage(this.canvas,h/-2,g/-2),this.buffer=ce.makeBufferFromCanvasImageData(a),this}invert(){return new q(this)}}ce.DEGREE_TO_RADIANS=Math.PI/180;class ue{constructor(r,a,u){this.deviceId=r,this.label=a,this.kind="videoinput",this.groupId=u||void 0}toJSON(){return{kind:this.kind,groupId:this.groupId,deviceId:this.deviceId,label:this.label}}}var ne=(globalThis||Mo||self||window||void 0)&&(globalThis||Mo||self||window||void 0).__awaiter||function(H,r,a,u){function d(h){return h instanceof a?h:new a(function(g){g(h)})}return new(a||(a=Promise))(function(h,g){function b(L){try{A(u.next(L))}catch(U){g(U)}}function C(L){try{A(u.throw(L))}catch(U){g(U)}}function A(L){L.done?h(L.value):d(L.value).then(b,C)}A((u=u.apply(H,r||[])).next())})};class Se{constructor(r,a=500,u){this.reader=r,this.timeBetweenScansMillis=a,this._hints=u,this._stopContinuousDecode=!1,this._stopAsyncDecode=!1,this._timeBetweenDecodingAttempts=0}get hasNavigator(){return typeof navigator!="undefined"}get isMediaDevicesSuported(){return this.hasNavigator&&!!navigator.mediaDevices}get canEnumerateDevices(){return!!(this.isMediaDevicesSuported&&navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices)}get timeBetweenDecodingAttempts(){return this._timeBetweenDecodingAttempts}set timeBetweenDecodingAttempts(r){this._timeBetweenDecodingAttempts=r<0?0:r}set hints(r){this._hints=r||null}get hints(){return this._hints}listVideoInputDevices(){return ne(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!this.hasNavigator)throw new Error("Can't enumerate devices, navigator is not present.");if(!this.canEnumerateDevices)throw new Error("Can't enumerate devices, method not supported.");const r=yield navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(),a=[];for(const u of r){const d=u.kind==="video"?"videoinput":u.kind;if(d!=="videoinput")continue;const h=u.deviceId||
` ," \\ 13"," \f "," \r "," \\ 33"," \\ 34"," \\ 35"," \\ 36"," \\ 37","@"," \\ ","^","_"," ` "," | "," ~ "," \ \ 177 "," CTRL _LL "," CTRL _UL "," CTRL _PL "," CTRL _BS "],ke.PUNCT_TABLE=[" "," \ r " , ` \r
` ,". ",", ",": ","!",'"',"#"," $ ","%","&","'","(",")","*","+",",","-",".","/",":",";","<","=",">","?","[","]","{","}","CTRL_UL"],ke.DIGIT_TABLE=["CTRL_PS"," ","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",",",".","CTRL_UL","CTRL_US"];class Ve{constructor(){}static round(r){return r===NaN?0:r<=Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER?Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER:r>=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER?Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:r+(r<0?-.5:.5)|0}static distance(r,a,u,d){const h=r-u,g=a-d;return Math.sqrt(h*h+g*g)}static sum(r){let a=0;for(let u=0,d=r.length;u!==d;u++)a+=r[u];return a}}class ie{static floatToIntBits(r){return r}}ie.MAX_VALUE=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;class re{constructor(r,a){this.x=r,this.y=a}getX(){return this.x}getY(){return this.y}equals(r){if(r instanceof re){const a=r;return this.x===a.x&&this.y===a.y}return!1}hashCode(){return 31*ie.floatToIntBits(this.x)+ie.floatToIntBits(this.y)}toString(){return"("+this.x+","+this.y+")"}static orderBestPatterns(r){const a=this.distance(r[0],r[1]),u=this.distance(r[1],r[2]),d=this.distance(r[0],r[2]);let h,g,b;if(u>=a&&u>=d?(g=r[0],h=r[1],b=r[2]):d>=u&&d>=a?(g=r[1],h=r[0],b=r[2]):(g=r[2],h=r[0],b=r[1]),this.crossProductZ(h,g,b)<0){const C=h;h=b,b=C}r[0]=h,r[1]=g,r[2]=b}static distance(r,a){return Ve.distance(r.x,r.y,a.x,a.y)}static crossProductZ(r,a,u){const d=a.x,h=a.y;return(u.x-d)*(r.y-h)-(u.y-h)*(r.x-d)}}class ge{constructor(r,a){this.bits=r,this.points=a}getBits(){return this.bits}getPoints(){return this.points}}class Te extends ge{constructor(r,a,u,d,h){super(r,a),this.compact=u,this.nbDatablocks=d,this.nbLayers=h}getNbLayers(){return this.nbLayers}getNbDatablocks(){return this.nbDatablocks}isCompact(){return this.compact}}class Je{constructor(r,a,u,d){this.image=r,this.height=r.getHeight(),this.width=r.getWidth(),a==null&&(a=Je.INIT_SIZE),u==null&&(u=r.getWidth()/2|0),d==null&&(d=r.getHeight()/2|0);const h=a/2|0;if(this.leftInit=u-h,this.rightInit=u+h,this.upInit=d-h,this.downInit=d+h,this.upInit<0||this.leftInit<0||this.downInit>=this.height||this.rightInit>=this.width)throw new z}detect(){let r=this.leftInit,a=this.rightInit,u=this.upInit,d=this.downInit,h=!1,g=!0,b=!1,C=!1,A=!1,L=!1,U=!1;const Z=this.width,se=this.height;for(;g;){g=!1;let ye=!0;for(;(ye||!C)&&a<Z;)ye=this.containsBlackPoint(u,d,a,!1),ye?(a++,g=!0,C=!0):C||a++;if(a>=Z){h=!0;break}let Ce=!0;for(;(Ce||!A)&&d<se;)Ce=this.containsBlackPoint(r,a,d,!0),Ce?(d++,g=!0,A=!0):A||d++;if(d>=se){h=!0;break}let Oe=!0;for(;(Oe||!L)&&r>=0;)Oe=this.containsBlackPoint(u,d,r,!1),Oe?(r--,g=!0,L=!0):L||r--;if(r<0){h=!0;break}let Ke=!0;for(;(Ke||!U)&&u>=0;)Ke=this.containsBlackPoint(r,a,u,!0),Ke?(u--,g=!0,U=!0):U||u--;if(u<0){h=!0;break}g&&(b=!0)}if(!h&&b){const ye=a-r;let Ce=null;for(let ht=1;Ce===null&&ht<ye;ht++)Ce=this.getBlackPointOnSegment(r,d-ht,r+ht,d);if(Ce==null)throw new z;let Oe=null;for(let ht=1;Oe===null&&ht<ye;ht++)Oe=this.getBlackPointOnSegment(r,u+ht,r+ht,u);if(Oe==null)throw new z;let Ke=null;for(let ht=1;Ke===null&&ht<ye;ht++)Ke=this.getBlackPointOnSegment(a,u+ht,a-ht,u);if(Ke==null)throw new z;let ft=null;for(let ht=1;ft===null&&ht<ye;ht++)ft=this.getBlackPointOnSegment(a,d-ht,a-ht,d);if(ft==null)throw new z;return this.centerEdges(ft,Ce,Ke,Oe)}else throw new z}getBlackPointOnSegment(r,a,u,d){const h=Ve.round(Ve.distance(r,a,u,d)),g=(u-r)/h,b=(d-a)/h,C=this.image;for(let A=0;A<h;A++){const L=Ve.round(r+A*g),U=Ve.round(a+A*b);if(C.get(L,U))return new re(L,U)}return null}centerEdges(r,a,u,d){const h=r.getX(),g=r.getY(),b=a.getX(),C=a.getY(),A=u.getX(),L=u.getY(),U=d.getX(),Z=d.getY(),se=Je.CORR;return h<this.width/2?[new re(U-se,Z+se),new re(b+se,C+se),new re(A-se,L-se),new re(h+se,g-se)]:[new re(U+se,Z+se),new re(b+se,C-se),new re(A-se,L+se),new re(h-se,g-se)]}containsBlackPoint(r,a,u,d){const h=this.image;if(d){for(let g=r;g<=a;g++)if(h.get(g,u))return!0}else for(let g=r;g<=a;g++)if(h.get(u,g))return!0;return!1}}Je.INIT_SIZE=10,Je.CORR=1;class he{static checkAndNudgePoints(r,a){const u=r.getWidth(),d=r.getHeight();let h=!0;for(let g=0;g<a.length&&h;g+=2){const b=Math.floor(a[g]),C=Math.floor(a[g+1]);if(b<-1||b>u||C<-1||C>d)throw new z;h=
` +super.toString()}}class pl{constructor(r,a){this.ADJUST_ROW_NUMBER_SKIP=2,this.barcodeMetadata=r,this.barcodeColumnCount=r.getColumnCount(),this.boundingBox=a,this.detectionResultColumns=new Array(this.barcodeColumnCount+2)}getDetectionResultColumns(){this.adjustIndicatorColumnRowNumbers(this.detectionResultColumns[0]),this.adjustIndicatorColumnRowNumbers(this.detectionResultColumns[this.barcodeColumnCount+1]);let r=Vt.MAX_CODEWORDS_IN_BARCODE,a;do a=r,r=this.adjustRowNumbersAndGetCount();while(r>0&&r<a);return this.detectionResultColumns}adjustIndicatorColumnRowNumbers(r){r!=null&&r.adjustCompleteIndicatorColumnRowNumbers(this.barcodeMetadata)}adjustRowNumbersAndGetCount(){let r=this.adjustRowNumbersByRow();if(r===0)return 0;for(let a=1;a<this.barcodeColumnCount+1;a++){let u=this.detectionResultColumns[a].getCodewords();for(let d=0;d<u.length;d++)u[d]!=null&&(u[d].hasValidRowNumber()||this.adjustRowNumbers(a,d,u))}return r}adjustRowNumbersByRow(){return this.adjustRowNumbersFromBothRI(),this.adjustRowNumbersFromLRI()+this.adjustRowNumbersFromRRI()}adjustRowNumbersFromBothRI(){if(this.detectionResultColumns[0]==null||this.detectionResultColumns[this.barcodeColumnCount+1]==null)return;let r=this.detectionResultColumns[0].getCodewords(),a=this.detectionResultColumns[this.barcodeColumnCount+1].getCodewords();for(let u=0;u<r.length;u++)if(r[u]!=null&&a[u]!=null&&r[u].getRowNumber()===a[u].getRowNumber())for(let d=1;d<=this.barcodeColumnCount;d++){let h=this.detectionResultColumns[d].getCodewords()[u];h!=null&&(h.setRowNumber(r[u].getRowNumber()),h.hasValidRowNumber()||(this.detectionResultColumns[d].getCodewords()[u]=null))}}adjustRowNumbersFromRRI(){if(this.detectionResultColumns[this.barcodeColumnCount+1]==null)return 0;let r=0,a=this.detectionResultColumns[this.barcodeColumnCount+1].getCodewords();for(let u=0;u<a.length;u++){if(a[u]==null)continue;let d=a[u].getRowNumber(),h=0;for(let g=this.barcodeColumnCount+1;g>0&&h<this.ADJUST_ROW_NUMBER_SKIP;g--){let b=this.detectionResultColumns[g].getCodewords()[u];b!=null&&(h=pl.adjustRowNumberIfValid(d,h,b),b.hasValidRowNumber()||r++)}}return r}adjustRowNumbersFromLRI(){if(this.detectionResultColumns[0]==null)return 0;let r=0,a=this.detectionResultColumns[0].getCodewords();for(let u=0;u<a.length;u++){if(a[u]==null)continue;let d=a[u].getRowNumber(),h=0;for(let g=1;g<this.barcodeColumnCount+1&&h<this.ADJUST_ROW_NUMBER_SKIP;g++){let b=this.detectionResultColumns[g].getCodewords()[u];b!=null&&(h=pl.adjustRowNumberIfValid(d,h,b),b.hasValidRowNumber()||r++)}}return r}static adjustRowNumberIfValid(r,a,u){return u==null||u.hasValidRowNumber()||(u.isValidRowNumber(r)?(u.setRowNumber(r),a=0):++a),a}adjustRowNumbers(r,a,u){let d=u[a],h=this.detectionResultColumns[r-1].getCodewords(),g=h;this.detectionResultColumns[r+1]!=null&&(g=this.detectionResultColumns[r+1].getCodewords());let b=new Array(14);b[2]=h[a],b[3]=g[a],a>0&&(b[0]=u[a-1],b[4]=h[a-1],b[5]=g[a-1]),a>1&&(b[8]=u[a-2],b[10]=h[a-2],b[11]=g[a-2]),a<u.length-1&&(b[1]=u[a+1],b[6]=h[a+1],b[7]=g[a+1]),a<u.length-2&&(b[9]=u[a+2],b[12]=h[a+2],b[13]=g[a+2]);for(let C of b)if(pl.adjustRowNumber(d,C))return}static adjustRowNumber(r,a){return a==null?!1:a.hasValidRowNumber()&&a.getBucket()===r.getBucket()?(r.setRowNumber(a.getRowNumber()),!0):!1}getBarcodeColumnCount(){return this.barcodeColumnCount}getBarcodeRowCount(){return this.barcodeMetadata.getRowCount()}getBarcodeECLevel(){return this.barcodeMetadata.getErrorCorrectionLevel()}setBoundingBox(r){this.boundingBox=r}getBoundingBox(){return this.boundingBox}setDetectionResultColumn(r,a){this.detectionResultColumns[r]=a}getDetectionResultColumn(r){return this.detectionResultColumns[r]}toString(){let r=this.detectionResultColumns[0];r==null&&(r=this.detectionResultColumns[this.barcodeColumnCount+1]);let a=new dl;for(let u=0;u<r.getCodewords().length;u++){a.format("CW %3d:",u);for(let d=0;d<this.barcodeColumnCount+2;d++){if(this.detectionResultColumns[d]==null){a.format(" | ");continue}let h=this.detectionResultColumns[d].getCodewords()[u];if(h==null){a.format(" | ");continue}a.fo
- . $ / "|*()?{}'`,je.MIXED_CHARS=" 0123456789 & \ r , : # - . $ / + % *= ^ " , je . EXP900 = w1 ( ) ? g3 ( ) : [ ] , je . NUMBER _OF _SEQUENCE _CODEWORDS = 2 ; class tn { constructor ( ) { } static decode ( r , a , u , d , h , g , b ) { let C = new ri ( r , a , u , d , h ) , A = null , L = null , U ; for ( let ye = ! 0 ; ; ye = ! 1 ) { if ( a != null && ( A = tn . getRowIndicatorColumn ( r , C , a , ! 0 , g , b ) ) , d != null && ( L = tn . getRowIndicatorColumn ( r , C , d , ! 1 , g , b ) ) , U = tn . merge ( A , L ) , U == null ) throw z . getNotFoundInstance ( ) ; let Ce = U . getBoundingBox ( ) ; if ( ye && Ce != null && ( Ce . getMinY ( ) < C . getMinY ( ) || Ce . getMaxY ( ) > C . getMaxY ( ) ) ) C = Ce ; else break } U . setBoundingBox ( C ) ; let Z = U . getBarcodeColumnCount ( ) + 1 ; U . setDetectionResultColumn ( 0 , A ) , U . setDetectionResultColumn ( Z , L ) ; let se = A != null ; for ( let ye = 1 ; ye <= Z ; ye ++ ) { let Ce = se ? ye : Z - ye ; if ( U . getDetectionResultColumn ( Ce ) !== void 0 ) continue ; let Oe ; Ce === 0 || Ce === Z ? Oe = new m1 ( C , Ce === 0 ) : Oe = new fl ( C ) , U . setDetectionResultColumn ( Ce , Oe ) ; let Ke = - 1 , ft = Ke ; for ( let ht = C . getMinY ( ) ; ht <= C . getMaxY ( ) ; ht ++ ) { if ( Ke = tn . getStartColumn ( U , Ce , ht , se ) , Ke < 0 || Ke > C . getMaxX ( ) ) { if ( ft === - 1 ) continue ; Ke = ft } let lt = tn . detectCodeword ( r , C . getMinX ( ) , C . getMaxX ( ) , se , Ke , ht , g , b ) ; lt != null && ( Oe . setCodeword ( ht , lt ) , ft = Ke , g = Math . min ( g , lt . getWidth ( ) ) , b = Math . max ( b , lt . getWidth ( ) ) ) } } return tn . createDecoderResult ( U ) } static merge ( r , a ) { if ( r == null && a == null ) return null ; let u = tn . getBarcodeMetadata ( r , a ) ; if ( u == null ) return null ; let d = ri . merge ( tn . adjustBoundingBox ( r ) , tn . adjustBoundingBox ( a ) ) ; return new pl ( u , d ) } static adjustBoundingBox ( r ) { if ( r == null ) return null ; let a = r . getRowHeights ( ) ; if ( a == null ) return null ; let u = tn . getMax ( a ) , d = 0 ; for ( let b of a ) if ( d += u - b , b > 0 ) break ; let h = r . getCodewords ( ) ; for ( let b = 0 ; d > 0 && h [ b ] == null ; b ++ ) d -- ; let g = 0 ; for ( let b = a . length - 1 ; b >= 0 && ( g += u - a [ b ] , ! ( a [ b ] > 0 ) ) ; b -- ) ; for ( let b = h . length - 1 ; g > 0 && h [ b ] == null ; b -- ) g -- ; return r . getBoundingBox ( ) . addMissingRows ( d , g , r . isLeft ( ) ) } static getMax ( r ) { let a = - 1 ; for ( let u of r ) a = Math . max ( a , u ) ; return a } static getBarcodeMetadata ( r , a ) { let u ; if ( r == null || ( u = r . getBarcodeMetadata ( ) ) == null ) return a == null ? null : a . getBarcodeMetadata ( ) ; let d ; return a == null || ( d = a . getBarcodeMetadata ( ) ) == null ? u : u . getColumnCount ( ) !== d . getColumnCount ( ) && u . getErrorCorrectionLevel ( ) !== d . getErrorCorrectionLevel ( ) && u . getRowCount ( ) !== d . getRowCount ( ) ? null : u } static getRowIndicatorColumn ( r , a , u , d , h , g ) { let b = new m1 ( a , d ) ; for ( let C = 0 ; C < 2 ; C ++ ) { let A = C === 0 ? 1 : - 1 , L = Math . trunc ( Math . trunc ( u . getX ( ) ) ) ; for ( let U = Math . trunc ( Math . trunc ( u . getY ( ) ) ) ; U <= a . getMaxY ( ) && U >= a . getMinY ( ) ; U += A ) { let Z = tn . detectCodeword ( r , 0 , r . getWidth ( ) , d , L , U , h , g ) ; Z != null && ( b . setCodeword ( U , Z ) , d ? L = Z . getStartX ( ) : L = Z . getEndX ( ) ) } } return b } static adjustCodewordCount ( r , a ) { let u = a [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , d = u . getValue ( ) , h = r . getBarcodeColumnCount ( ) * r . getBarcodeRowCount ( ) - tn . getNumberOfECCodeWords ( r . getBarcodeECLevel ( ) ) ; if ( d . length === 0 ) { if ( h < 1 || h > Vt . MAX _CODEWORDS _IN _BARCODE ) throw z . getNotFoundInstance ( ) ; u . setValue ( h ) } else d [ 0 ] !== h && u . setValue ( h ) } static createDecoderResult ( r ) { let a = tn . createBarcodeMatrix ( r ) ; tn . adjustCodewordCount ( r , a ) ; let u = new Array , d = new Int32Array ( r . getBarcodeRowCount ( ) * r . getBarcodeColumnCount ( ) ) , h = [ ] , g = new Array ; for ( let C = 0 ; C < r . getBarcodeRowCount ( ) ; C ++ ) for ( let A = 0 ; A < r . getBarcodeColumnCount ( ) ; A ++ ) { let L = a [ C ] [ A + 1 ] . getValue ( ) , U = C * r . getBarcodeColumnCount ( ) + A ; L . length === 0 ? u . push ( U ) : L . length === 1 ? d [ U ] = L [ 0 ] : ( g . push ( U ) , h . push ( L ) ) } let b = new Array ( h . length ) ; for ( let C = 0 ; C < b . length ; C ++ ) b [ C ] = h [ C ] ; return tn . createDecoderResultFromAmbiguousValues ( r . getBarcodeECLevel ( ) , d , Vt . toIntArray ( u ) , Vt . toIntArray ( g ) , b ) } static createDecoderResultFromAmbiguousValues ( r , a , u , d , h ) { let g = new Int32Array ( d . length ) , b = 100 ; for ( ; b -- > 0 ; ) { for ( let C = 0 ; C < g . length ; C ++ ) a [ d [ C ] ] = h [ C ] [ g [ C ] ] ; try { return tn . decodeCodewords ( a , r , u ) } catch ( C ) { if ( ! ( C instanceof v ) ) throw C } if ( g . length === 0 ) throw v . getChecksumInstance ( ) ; for ( let C = 0 ; C < g . length ; C ++ ) if ( g [ C ] < h [ C ] . length - 1 ) { g [ C ] ++ ; break } else if ( g [ C ] = 0 , C === g . length - 1 ) throw v . getChecksumInstance ( ) } throw v . getChecksumInstance ( ) } static createBarcodeMatrix ( r ) { let a = Array . from ( { length : r . getBarcodeRowCount ( ) } , ( ) => new Array ( r . getBarcodeColumnCount ( ) + 2 ) ) ; for ( let d = 0 ; d < a . length ; d ++ ) for ( let h = 0 ; h < a [ d ] . length ; h ++ ) a [ d ] [ h ] = new hl ; let u = 0 ; for ( let d of r . getDetectionResultColumns ( ) ) { if ( d != null ) { for ( let h of d . getCodewords ( ) ) if ( h != null ) { let g = h . getRowNumber ( ) ; if ( g >= 0 ) { if ( g >= a . length
` )}return r.toString()}}class si{constructor(){this.maskPattern=-1}getMode(){return this.mode}getECLevel(){return this.ecLevel}getVersion(){return this.version}getMaskPattern(){return this.maskPattern}getMatrix(){return this.matrix}toString(){const r=new J;return r.append( ` <<
` ),r.append(" mode: "),r.append(this.mode?this.mode.toString():"null"),r.append( `
ecLevel : ` ),r.append(this.ecLevel?this.ecLevel.toString():"null"),r.append( `
version : ` ),r.append(this.version?this.version.toString():"null"),r.append( `
maskPattern : ` ),r.append(this.maskPattern.toString()),this.matrix?(r.append( `
matrix :
` ),r.append(this.matrix.toString())):r.append( `
matrix : null
` ),r.append( ` >>
` ),r.toString()}setMode(r){this.mode=r}setECLevel(r){this.ecLevel=r}setVersion(r){this.version=r}setMaskPattern(r){this.maskPattern=r}setMatrix(r){this.matrix=r}static isValidMaskPattern(r){return r>=0&&r<si.NUM_MASK_PATTERNS}}si.NUM_MASK_PATTERNS=8;class vn extends f{}vn.kind="WriterException";class Lt{constructor(){}static clearMatrix(r){r.clear(255)}static buildMatrix(r,a,u,d,h){Lt.clearMatrix(h),Lt.embedBasicPatterns(u,h),Lt.embedTypeInfo(a,d,h),Lt.maybeEmbedVersionInfo(u,h),Lt.embedDataBits(r,d,h)}static embedBasicPatterns(r,a){Lt.embedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(a),Lt.embedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(a),Lt.maybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(r,a),Lt.embedTimingPatterns(a)}static embedTypeInfo(r,a,u){const d=new N;Lt.makeTypeInfoBits(r,a,d);for(let h=0,g=d.getSize();h<g;++h){const b=d.get(d.getSize()-1-h),C=Lt.TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[h],A=C[0],L=C[1];if(u.setBoolean(A,L,b),h<8){const U=u.getWidth()-h-1,Z=8;u.setBoolean(U,Z,b)}else{const Z=u.getHeight()-7+(h-8);u.setBoolean(8,Z,b)}}}static maybeEmbedVersionInfo(r,a){if(r.getVersionNumber()<7)return;const u=new N;Lt.makeVersionInfoBits(r,u);let d=6*3-1;for(let h=0;h<6;++h)for(let g=0;g<3;++g){const b=u.get(d);d--,a.setBoolean(h,a.getHeight()-11+g,b),a.setBoolean(a.getHeight()-11+g,h,b)}}static embedDataBits(r,a,u){let d=0,h=-1,g=u.getWidth()-1,b=u.getHeight()-1;for(;g>0;){for(g===6&&(g-=1);b>=0&&b<u.getHeight();){for(let C=0;C<2;++C){const A=g-C;if(!Lt.isEmpty(u.get(A,b)))continue;let L;d<r.getSize()?(L=r.get(d),++d):L=!1,a!==255&&Ln.getDataMaskBit(a,A,b)&&(L=!L),u.setBoolean(A,b,L)}b+=h}h=-h,b+=h,g-=2}if(d!==r.getSize())throw new vn("Not all bits consumed: "+d+"/"+r.getSize())}static findMSBSet(r){return 32-_.numberOfLeadingZeros(r)}static calculateBCHCode(r,a){if(a===0)throw new m("0 polynomial");const u=Lt.findMSBSet(a);for(r<<=u-1;Lt.findMSBSet(r)>=u;)r^=a<<Lt.findMSBSet(r)-u;return r}static makeTypeInfoBits(r,a,u){if(!si.isValidMaskPattern(a))throw new vn("Invalid mask pattern");const d=r.getBits()<<3|a;u.appendBits(d,5);const h=Lt.calculateBCHCode(d,Lt.TYPE_INFO_POLY);u.appendBits(h,10);const g=new N;if(g.appendBits(Lt.TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN,15),u.xor(g),u.getSize()!==15)throw new vn("should not happen but we got: "+u.getSize())}static makeVersionInfoBits(r,a){a.appendBits(r.getVersionNumber(),6);const u=Lt.calculateBCHCode(r.getVersionNumber(),Lt.VERSION_INFO_POLY);if(a.appendBits(u,12),a.getSize()!==18)throw new vn("should not happen but we got: "+a.getSize())}static isEmpty(r){return r===255}static embedTimingPatterns(r){for(let a=8;a<r.getWidth()-8;++a){const u=(a+1)%2;Lt.isEmpty(r.get(a,6))&&r.setNumber(a,6,u),Lt.isEmpty(r.get(6,a))&&r.setNumber(6,a,u)}}static embedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(r){if(r.get(8,r.getHeight()-8)===0)throw new vn;r.setNumber(8,r.getHeight()-8,1)}static embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(r,a,u){for(let d=0;d<8;++d){if(!Lt.isEmpty(u.get(r+d,a)))throw new vn;u.setNumber(r+d,a,0)}}static embedVerticalSeparationPattern(r,a,u){for(let d=0;d<7;++d){if(!Lt.isEmpty(u.get(r,a+d)))throw new vn;u.setNumber(r,a+d,0)}}static embedPositionAdjustmentPattern(r,a,u){for(let d=0;d<5;++d){const h=Lt.POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN[d];for(let g=0;g<5;++g)u.setNumber(r+g,a+d,h[g])}}static embedPositionDetectionPattern(r,a,u){for(let d=0;d<7;++d){const h=Lt.POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[d];for(let g=0;g<7;++g)u.setNumber(r+g,a+d,h[g])}}static embedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(r){const a=Lt.POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[0].length;Lt.embedPositionDetectionPattern(0,0,r),Lt.embedPositionDetectionPattern(r.getWidth()-a,0,r),Lt.embedPositionDetectionPattern(0,r.getWidth()-a,r);const u=8;Lt.embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0,u-1,r),Lt.embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(r.getWidth()-u,u-1,r),Lt.embedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0,r.getWidth()-u,r);const d=7;Lt.embedVerticalSeparationPattern(d,0,r),Lt.embedVerticalSeparationPattern(r.getHeight()-d-1,0,r),Lt.embedVerticalSeparationPattern(d,r.getHeight()-d,r)}static maybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(r,a){if(r.getVersionNumber()<2)return;const u=r.getVersionNumber()-1,d=Lt.POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDIN
` ," \v "," \f "," \r "," \x 1B"," "," "," "," ","@"," \\ ","^","_"," ` "," | "," ~ "," \ x7F "];for(let Z=0;Z<L.length;Z++)H[T1][K.getCharCode(L[Z])]=Z;const U=[" \ 0 "," \ r "," \ 0 "," \ 0 "," \ 0 "," \ 0 "," ! "," '","#","$","%","&","' "," ( "," ) "," * "," + "," , "," - "," . "," / "," : "," ; "," < "," = "," > "," ? "," [ "," ] "," { "," } "];for(let Z=0;Z<U.length;Z++)K.getCharCode(U[Z])>0&&(H[zr][K.getCharCode(U[Z])]=Z);return H}const Cf=I3(T.createInt32Array(5,256));class vl{constructor(r){this.text=r}encode(){const r=K.getCharCode(" " ) , a = K . getCharCode ( `
2022-04-22 05:34:46 +00:00
` );let u=A1.singletonList(Ur.INITIAL_STATE);for(let h=0;h<this.text.length;h++){let g,b=h+1<this.text.length?this.text[h+1]:0;switch(this.text[h]){case K.getCharCode(" \r "):g=b===a?2:0;break;case K.getCharCode("."):g=b===r?3:0;break;case K.getCharCode(","):g=b===r?4:0;break;case K.getCharCode(":"):g=b===r?5:0;break;default:g=0}g>0?(u=vl.updateStateListForPair(u,h,g),h++):u=this.updateStateListForChar(u,h)}return A1.min(u,(h,g)=>h.getBitCount()-g.getBitCount()).toBitArray(this.text)}updateStateListForChar(r,a){const u=[];for(let d of r)this.updateStateForChar(d,a,u);return vl.simplifyStates(u)}updateStateForChar(r,a,u){let d=this.text[a]&255,h=Cf[r.getMode()][d]>0,g=null;for(let b=0;b<=zr;b++){let C=Cf[b][d];if(C>0){if(g==null&&(g=r.endBinaryShift(a)),!h||b===r.getMode()||b===or){const A=g.latchAndAppend(b,C);u.push(A)}if(!h&&I1[r.getMode()][b]>=0){const A=g.shiftAndAppend(b,C);u.push(A)}}}if(r.getBinaryShiftByteCount()>0||Cf[r.getMode()][d]===0){let b=r.addBinaryShiftChar(a);u.push(b)}}static updateStateListForPair(r,a,u){const d=[];for(let h of r)this.updateStateForPair(h,a,u,d);return this.simplifyStates(d)}static updateStateForPair(r,a,u,d){let h=r.endBinaryShift(a);if(d.push(h.latchAndAppend(zr,u)),r.getMode()!==zr&&d.push(h.shiftAndAppend(zr,u)),u===3||u===4){let g=h.latchAndAppend(or,16-u).latchAndAppend(or,1);d.push(g)}if(r.getBinaryShiftByteCount()>0){let g=r.addBinaryShiftChar(a).addBinaryShiftChar(a+1);d.push(g)}}static simplifyStates(r){let a=[];for(const u of r){let d=!0;for(const h of a){if(h.isBetterThanOrEqualTo(u)){d=!1;break}u.isBetterThanOrEqualTo(h)&&(a=a.filter(g=>g!==h))}d&&a.push(u)}return a}}class dn{constructor(){}static encodeBytes(r){return dn.encode(r,dn.DEFAULT_EC_PERCENT,dn.DEFAULT_AZTEC_LAYERS)}static encode(r,a,u){let d=new vl(r).encode(),h=_.truncDivision(d.getSize()*a,100)+11,g=d.getSize()+h,b,C,A,L,U;if(u!==dn.DEFAULT_AZTEC_LAYERS){if(b=u<0,C=Math.abs(u),C>(b?dn.MAX_NB_BITS_COMPACT:dn.MAX_NB_BITS))throw new m(K.format("Illegal value %s for layers",u));A=dn.totalBitsInLayer(C,b),L=dn.WORD_SIZE[C];let lt=A-A%L;if(U=dn.stuffBits(d,L),U.getSize()+h>lt)throw new m("Data to large for user specified layer");if(b&&U.getSize()>L*64)throw new m("Data to large for user specified layer")}else{L=0,U=null;for(let lt=0;;lt++){if(lt>dn.MAX_NB_BITS)throw new m("Data too large for an Aztec code");if(b=lt<=3,C=b?lt+1:lt,A=dn.totalBitsInLayer(C,b),g>A)continue;(U==null||L!==dn.WORD_SIZE[C])&&(L=dn.WORD_SIZE[C],U=dn.stuffBits(d,L));let rn=A-A%L;if(!(b&&U.getSize()>L*64)&&U.getSize()+h<=rn)break}}let Z=dn.generateCheckWords(U,A,L),se=U.getSize()/L,ye=dn.generateModeMessage(b,C,se),Ce=(b?11:14)+C*4,Oe=new Int32Array(Ce),Ke;if(b){Ke=Ce;for(let lt=0;lt<Oe.length;lt++)Oe[lt]=lt}else{Ke=Ce+1+2*_.truncDivision(_.truncDivision(Ce,2)-1,15);let lt=_.truncDivision(Ce,2),rn=_.truncDivision(Ke,2);for(let qt=0;qt<lt;qt++){let _o=qt+_.truncDivision(qt,15);Oe[lt-qt-1]=rn-_o-1,Oe[lt+qt]=rn+_o+1}}let ft=new G(Ke);for(let lt=0,rn=0;lt<C;lt++){let qt=(C-lt)*4+(b?9:12);for(let _o=0;_o<qt;_o++){let Er=_o*2;for(let No=0;No<2;No++)Z.get(rn+Er+No)&&ft.set(Oe[lt*2+No],Oe[lt*2+_o]),Z.get(rn+qt*2+Er+No)&&ft.set(Oe[lt*2+_o],Oe[Ce-1-lt*2-No]),Z.get(rn+qt*4+Er+No)&&ft.set(Oe[Ce-1-lt*2-No],Oe[Ce-1-lt*2-_o]),Z.get(rn+qt*6+Er+No)&&ft.set(Oe[Ce-1-lt*2-_o],Oe[lt*2+No])}rn+=qt*8}if(dn.drawModeMessage(ft,b,Ke,ye),b)dn.drawBullsEye(ft,_.truncDivision(Ke,2),5);else{dn.drawBullsEye(ft,_.truncDivision(Ke,2),7);for(let lt=0,rn=0;lt<_.truncDivision(Ce,2)-1;lt+=15,rn+=16)for(let qt=_.truncDivision(Ke,2)&1;qt<Ke;qt+=2)ft.set(_.truncDivision(Ke,2)-rn,qt),ft.set(_.truncDivision(Ke,2)+rn,qt),ft.set(qt,_.truncDivision(Ke,2)-rn),ft.set(qt,_.truncDivision(Ke,2)+rn)}let ht=new S1;return ht.setCompact(b),ht.setSize(Ke),ht.setLayers(C),ht.setCodeWords(se),ht.setMatrix(ft),ht}static drawBullsEye(r,a,u){for(let d=0;d<u;d+=2)for(let h=a-d;h<=a+d;h++)r.set(h,a-d),r.set(h,a+d),r.set(a-d,h),r.set(a+d,h);r.set(a-u,a-u),r.set(a-u+1,a-u),r.set(a-u,a-u+1),r.set(a+u,a-u),r.set(a+u,a-u+1),r.set(a+u,a+u-1)}static generateModeMessage(r,a,u){let d=new N;return r?(d.appendBits(