import { _decorator, ccenum, CCFloat, CCInteger, cclegacy, Component, InstanceMaterialType, Material, Node, NodeEventType, RenderTexture, serializeTag, Sprite, SpriteAtlas, SpriteFrame, UIRenderer, Vec2} from 'cc'; import { BUILD, EDITOR } from 'cc/env'; import { GPRoundBoxAssembler } from './GPRoundBoxAssembler'; const { ccclass, property,type} = _decorator; enum EventType { SPRITE_FRAME_CHANGED = 'spriteframe-changed', } @ccclass('GPRoundBoxSprite') export class GPRoundBoxSprite extends UIRenderer { // 尺寸模式,可以看枚举原本定义的地方有注释说明 @property({serializable:true}) protected _sizeMode = Sprite.SizeMode.TRIMMED; @type(Sprite.SizeMode) get sizeMode () { return this._sizeMode; } set sizeMode (value) { if (this._sizeMode === value) { return; } this._sizeMode = value; if (value !== Sprite.SizeMode.CUSTOM) { this._applySpriteSize(); } } // 图集 @property({serializable:true}) protected _atlas: SpriteAtlas | null = null; @type(SpriteAtlas) get spriteAtlas () { return this._atlas; } set spriteAtlas (value) { if (this._atlas === value) { return; } this._atlas = value; } // 圆角用三角形模拟扇形的线段数量,越大,则越圆滑 @property({type:CCInteger, serializable:true}) _segments:number = 10 @property({type:CCInteger, serializable:true, min:1}) public get segments() { return this._segments; } public set segments(segments) { this._segments = segments; this._renderData = null; this._flushAssembler(); } // 圆角半径 @property({type:CCFloat, serializable:true}) _radius:number = 20 @property({type:CCFloat, serializable:true, min:0}) public get radius() { return this._radius } public set radius(radius) { this._radius = radius; this._updateUVs(); this.markForUpdateRenderData(true) } @property({serializable:true}) protected _spriteFrame: SpriteFrame | null = null; @type(SpriteFrame) get spriteFrame () { return this._spriteFrame; } set spriteFrame (value) { if (this._spriteFrame === value) { return; } const lastSprite = this._spriteFrame; this._spriteFrame = value; this.markForUpdateRenderData(); this._applySpriteFrame(lastSprite); if (EDITOR) { this.node.emit(EventType.SPRITE_FRAME_CHANGED, this); } } @property({serializable:true}) protected _leftTop:boolean = true; @property({serializable:true}) get leftTop () { return this._leftTop; } set leftTop (value:boolean) { this._leftTop = value; this.resetAssembler(); } @property({serializable:true}) protected _rightTop:boolean = true; @property({serializable:true}) get rightTop () { return this._rightTop; } set rightTop (value:boolean) { this._rightTop = value; this.resetAssembler(); } @property({serializable:true}) protected _leftBottom:boolean = true; @property({serializable:true}) get leftBottom () { return this._leftBottom; } set leftBottom (value:boolean) { this._leftBottom = value; this.resetAssembler(); } @property({serializable:true}) protected _rightBottom:boolean = true; @property({serializable:true}) get rightBottom () { return this._rightBottom; } set rightBottom (value:boolean) { this._rightBottom = value; this.resetAssembler(); } onLoad(): void { this._flushAssembler(); } public __preload () { this.changeMaterialForDefine(); super.__preload(); if (EDITOR) { this._resized(); this.node.on(NodeEventType.SIZE_CHANGED, this._resized, this); } } public onEnable () { super.onEnable(); // Force update uv, material define, active material, etc this._activateMaterial(); const spriteFrame = this._spriteFrame; if (spriteFrame) { this._updateUVs(); } } public onDestroy () { if (EDITOR) {, this._resized, this); } super.onDestroy(); } /** * @en * Quickly switch to other sprite frame in the sprite atlas. * If there is no atlas, the switch fails. * * @zh * 选取使用精灵图集中的其他精灵。 * @param name @en Name of the spriteFrame to switch. @zh 要切换的 spriteFrame 名字。 */ public changeSpriteFrameFromAtlas (name: string) { if (!this._atlas) { console.warn('SpriteAtlas is null.'); return; } const sprite = this._atlas.getSpriteFrame(name); this.spriteFrame = sprite; } /** * @deprecated Since v3.7.0, this is an engine private interface that will be removed in the future. */ public changeMaterialForDefine () { let texture; const lastInstanceMaterialType = this._instanceMaterialType; if (this._spriteFrame) { texture = this._spriteFrame.texture; } let value = false; if (texture instanceof cclegacy.TextureBase) { const format = texture.getPixelFormat(); value = (format === cclegacy.TextureBase.PixelFormat.RGBA_ETC1 || format === cclegacy.TextureBase.PixelFormat.RGB_A_PVRTC_4BPPV1 || format === cclegacy.TextureBase.PixelFormat.RGB_A_PVRTC_2BPPV1); } if (value) { this._instanceMaterialType = InstanceMaterialType.USE_ALPHA_SEPARATED; } else { this._instanceMaterialType = InstanceMaterialType.ADD_COLOR_AND_TEXTURE; } if (lastInstanceMaterialType !== this._instanceMaterialType) { // this.updateMaterial(); // d.ts里没有注上这个函数,直接调用会表红。 this["updateMaterial"](); } } protected _updateBuiltinMaterial () { let mat = super._updateBuiltinMaterial(); if (this.spriteFrame && this.spriteFrame.texture instanceof RenderTexture) { const defines = { SAMPLE_FROM_RT: true, ...mat.passes[0].defines }; const renderMat = new Material(); renderMat.initialize({ effectAsset: mat.effectAsset, defines, }); mat = renderMat; } return mat; } protected _render (render) { render.commitComp(this, this.renderData, this._spriteFrame, this._assembler, null); } protected _canRender () { if (!super._canRender()) { return false; } const spriteFrame = this._spriteFrame; if (!spriteFrame || !spriteFrame.texture) { return false; } return true; } protected resetAssembler() { this._assembler = null; this._flushAssembler(); } protected _flushAssembler () { const assembler = GPRoundBoxAssembler; if (this._assembler !== assembler) { this.destroyRenderData(); this._assembler = assembler; } if (!this._renderData) { if (this._assembler && this._assembler.createData) { this._renderData = this._assembler.createData(this); this._renderData!.material = this.getRenderMaterial(0); this.markForUpdateRenderData(); if (this.spriteFrame) { this._assembler.updateRenderData(this); } this._updateColor(); } } } private _applySpriteSize () { if (this._spriteFrame) { if (BUILD || !this._spriteFrame.isDefault) { if (Sprite.SizeMode.RAW === this._sizeMode) { const size = this._spriteFrame.originalSize; this.node._uiProps.uiTransformComp!.setContentSize(size); } else if (Sprite.SizeMode.TRIMMED === this._sizeMode) { const rect = this._spriteFrame.rect; this.node._uiProps.uiTransformComp!.setContentSize(rect.width, rect.height); } } this.markForUpdateRenderData(true) this._assembler.updateRenderData(this); } } private _resized () { if (!EDITOR) { return; } if (this._spriteFrame) { const actualSize = this.node._uiProps.uiTransformComp!.contentSize; let expectedW = actualSize.width; let expectedH = actualSize.height; if (this._sizeMode === Sprite.SizeMode.RAW) { const size = this._spriteFrame.originalSize; expectedW = size.width; expectedH = size.height; } else if (this._sizeMode === Sprite.SizeMode.TRIMMED) { const rect = this._spriteFrame.rect; expectedW = rect.width; expectedH = rect.height; } if (expectedW !== actualSize.width || expectedH !== actualSize.height) { this._sizeMode = Sprite.SizeMode.CUSTOM; } } } private _activateMaterial () { const spriteFrame = this._spriteFrame; const material = this.getRenderMaterial(0); if (spriteFrame) { if (material) { this.markForUpdateRenderData(); } } if (this.renderData) { this.renderData.material = material; } } private _updateUVs () { if (this._assembler) { this._assembler.updateUVs(this); } } private _applySpriteFrame (oldFrame: SpriteFrame | null) { const spriteFrame = this._spriteFrame; let textureChanged = false; if (spriteFrame) { if (!oldFrame || oldFrame.texture !== spriteFrame.texture) { textureChanged = true; } if (textureChanged) { if (this.renderData) this.renderData.textureDirty = true; this.changeMaterialForDefine(); } this._applySpriteSize(); } } }