# Project-wide Gradle settings. android.injected.testOnly=false # Android SDK version that will be used as the compile project PROP_COMPILE_SDK_VERSION=28 # Android SDK version that will be used as the earliest version of android this application can run on PROP_MIN_SDK_VERSION=21 # Android SDK version that will be used as the latest version of android this application has been tested on PROP_TARGET_SDK_VERSION=27 # Android Build Tools version that will be used as the compile project PROP_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION=28.0.2 PROP_NDK_PATH=/Users/blank/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle # Cocos Engine Path COCOS_ENGINE_PATH=/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.1.1/CocosCreator.app/Contents/Resources/resources/3d/engine-native # Res path RES_PATH=/Users/blank/ccapp3/cx-framework3.1/cocos3-libs/cocos3-libso # Application ID APPLICATION_ID=cx3.blank.so # List of CPU Archtexture to build that application with # Available architextures (armeabi-v7a | arm64-v8a | x86) # To build for multiple architexture, use the `:` between them # Example - PROP_APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a #PROP_APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a:x86_64 PROP_APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a RELEASE_STORE_FILE=/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.1.1/CocosCreator.app/Contents/Resources/tools/keystore/debug.keystore RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD=123456 RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS=debug_keystore RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD=123456