import { _decorator, Component, Node, resources, Prefab, instantiate, Vec2, SpriteFrame } from 'cc'; import { PlayerManager } from '../Entity/Player/PlayerManager'; import DataManager from '../Global/DataManager'; import { JoyStickManager } from '../UI/JoyStickManager'; import { ResourceManager } from '../Global/ResourceManager'; import { EntityTypeEnum, InputType, PrefabPathEnum, TexturePathEnum } from '../Enum'; import NetworkManager from '../Global/NetworkManager'; import ObjectPoolManager from '../Global/ObjectPoolManager'; import { BulletManager } from '../Entity/Bullet/BulletManager'; const { ccclass, property, requireComponent } = _decorator; @ccclass('BattleManager') export class BattleManager extends Component { stage: Node ui: Node isInited = false onLoad() { = this this.stage = this.node.getChildByName("Stage") this.ui = this.node.getChildByName("UI") } async start() { this.clearGame() await this.loadRes() await this.initScene() this.isInited = true } clearGame() { this.stage.destroyAllChildren() this.ui.destroyAllChildren() } async initScene() { // await NetworkManager.Instance.connect() // NetworkManager.Instance.sendMsg("我是客户端!!") // const data = await NetworkManager.Instance.callApi("/join") // console.log("data", data); await Promise.all([ this.initJoyStick(), this.initFire(), this.initMap(), ]) } async loadRes() { const list = [] for (const type in PrefabPathEnum) { const p = ResourceManager.Instance.loadRes(PrefabPathEnum[type], Prefab).then((prefab) => { DataManager.Instance.prefabMap.set(type, prefab) }) list.push(p) } for (const type in TexturePathEnum) { const p = ResourceManager.Instance.loadDir(TexturePathEnum[type], SpriteFrame).then((spriteFrames) => { DataManager.Instance.textureMap.set(type, spriteFrames) }) list.push(p) } await Promise.all(list) } async initJoyStick() { const joySitckPrefab = await ResourceManager.Instance.loadRes(PrefabPathEnum[EntityTypeEnum.JoyStick], Prefab) const joySitck = instantiate(joySitckPrefab) joySitck.setParent(this.ui) const jm = = joySitck.getComponent(JoyStickManager) await jm.init() } async initFire() { const firePrefab = await ResourceManager.Instance.loadRes(PrefabPathEnum[EntityTypeEnum.Shoot], Prefab) const fire = instantiate(firePrefab) fire.setParent(this.ui) } async initMap() { const mapPrefab = await ResourceManager.Instance.loadRes(PrefabPathEnum[EntityTypeEnum.Map1], Prefab) const map = instantiate(mapPrefab) map.setParent(this.stage) } update(dt: number) { if (!this.isInited) { return } this.render() this.tick(dt) } tick(dt: number) { this.tickPlayer(dt) DataManager.Instance.applyInput({ type: InputType.TimePast, dt }) } tickPlayer(dt: number) { const players = DataManager.Instance.state.players for (const p of players) { const playerManager = DataManager.Instance.playerMap.get( if (!playerManager) { return } playerManager.tick(dt) } } render() { this.renderPlayer() this.renderBullet() } renderPlayer() { const players = DataManager.Instance.state.players for (const p of players) { let playerManager = DataManager.Instance.playerMap.get( if (!playerManager) { const playerPrefab = DataManager.Instance.prefabMap.get(p.type) const player = instantiate(playerPrefab) player.setParent(this.stage) playerManager = player.addComponent(PlayerManager) DataManager.Instance.playerMap.set(, playerManager) playerManager.init(p) } else { playerManager.render(p) } } } renderBullet() { const bullets = DataManager.Instance.state.bullets for (const b of bullets) { let bulletManager = DataManager.Instance.bulletMap.get( if (!bulletManager) { const bullet = ObjectPoolManager.Instance.getPoolObject(b.type) bulletManager = bullet.getComponent(BulletManager) || bullet.addComponent(BulletManager) DataManager.Instance.bulletMap.set(, bulletManager) bulletManager.init(b) } else { bulletManager.render(b) } } } }