447 lines
15 KiB
Raw Blame History

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import { confirm, input } from "@inquirer/prompts";
import { $ } from "execa";
import gracefulFs from "graceful-fs";
import { Octokit } from 'octokit';
import { basename, extname, join } from "path";
import { cwd, env } from "process";
import { maxSatisfying } from "semver";
import { Client } from 'ssh2';
import { Zip } from 'zip-lib';
const { createReadStream, copyFileSync, existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync, statSync, writeFileSync } = gracefulFs;
// 公共函数
const $$ = $({ stdout: 'inherit', stderr: 'inherit' });
function copyDirectory(sourceDir, targetDir) {
// 创建目标目录
mkdirSync(targetDir, { recursive: true });
// 读取源目录中的文件和子目录
const files = readdirSync(sourceDir);
// 遍历源目录中的文件和子目录
files.forEach((file) => {
const sourcePath = join(sourceDir, file);
const targetPath = join(targetDir, file);
// 判断是否为文件
if (statSync(sourcePath).isFile()) {
// 如果是文件,则直接拷贝到目标目录
copyFileSync(sourcePath, targetPath);
} else {
// 如果是子目录则递归调用copyDir函数进行拷贝
copyDir(sourcePath, targetPath);
async function uploadBySFTP(host, port, username, password, filePath, targetFilePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const client = new Client();
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log('SSH 连接已建立');
client.sftp((err, sftp) => {
if (err) {
sftp.exists(targetFilePath, hasErr => {
if (!hasErr) {
const readStream = createReadStream(filePath);
const writeStream = sftp.createWriteStream(targetFilePath);
writeStream.on('close', () => {
writeStream.on('error', (err) => {
client.on('error', (err) => {
// 试运行
const DRYRUN = true;
// 目录
const masterPath = cwd();
const sourcePath = await input({
message: "请输入源码分支目录:",
required: true,
default: "/Users/smallmain/Documents/Work/cocos-service-pack-src",
const extensionPath = await input({
message: "请输入付费扩展目录(如果有的话):",
required: false,
default: "/Users/smallmain/Documents/Work/cocos-service-pack-extension",
console.log("主分支目录:", masterPath);
console.log("源码目录:", sourcePath);
console.log("付费扩展目录:", extensionPath);
// 版本号
const engineVersion = await input({
message: "请输入发布的引擎版本:",
required: true,
default: "1.0.0",
const kitVersion = await input({
message: "请输入发布的社区版版本:",
required: true,
default: "1.0.0",
// 更新源码 VERSION.md
readdirSync(sourcePath, {
recursive: true,
encoding: "utf-8",
.filter(path => basename(path) === "VERSION.md")
.forEach(path => {
const filePath = join(sourcePath, path);
if (!DRYRUN) {
writeFileSync(filePath, kitVersion);
console.log("更新文件", filePath);
// 更新源码 README.md
const SOURCE_README = `Cocos Enhance Kit v${kitVersion} 引擎源码\n\n适配 v${engineVersion} 引擎\n`;
const sourceReadmePath = join(sourcePath, "README.md");
if (!DRYRUN) {
writeFileSync(sourceReadmePath, SOURCE_README);
console.log("更新文件", sourceReadmePath);
// 更新 sp.js 版本号
const SPJS_REGEX = /version:\s*"(.*?)"/;
const spjsPath = join(sourcePath, "engine/cocos2d/core/sp/sp.js");
const newSpjsContent = readFileSync(spjsPath, { encoding: "utf-8" })
.replace(SPJS_REGEX, `version: "${kitVersion}"`);
if (!DRYRUN) {
writeFileSync(spjsPath, newSpjsContent);
console.log("更新文件", spjsPath);
// 确保存在相应版本的支持性扩展
const supportPath = join(masterPath, "extension", `v${kitVersion}`, "enhance-kit-support");
if (!existsSync(supportPath)) {
const versions = readdirSync(join(masterPath, "extension"));
const latestVersion = maxSatisfying(versions, "*");
const needCopy = await confirm({
message: `未发现 v${kitVersion} 版本的支持性扩展,是否从 ${latestVersion} 拷贝?`,
default: true,
if (needCopy) {
const src = join(masterPath, "extension", latestVersion);
const dest = join(masterPath, "extension", `v${kitVersion}`);
if (!DRYRUN) {
copyDirectory(src, dest);
console.log("拷贝目录", src, "->", dest);
// 确保支持性扩展 package.json 版本号正确
const supportPackageJsonPath = join(supportPath, "package.json");
const supportPackageJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync(supportPackageJsonPath, { encoding: "utf-8" }));
supportPackageJson.version = kitVersion;
if (!DRYRUN) {
writeFileSync(supportPackageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(supportPackageJson, null, 2));
console.log("更新文件", supportPackageJsonPath);
// 准备压缩包
const cppPath = join(sourcePath, "cocos2d-x");
const cppBuildPath = join(cppPath, "build/build");
const jsPath = join(sourcePath, "engine");
const jsNpmPath = join(jsPath, "node_modules");
const jsbPath = join(sourcePath, "jsb-adapter");
const minigamePath = join(sourcePath, "adapters");
const dtsPath = join(sourcePath, "creator-sp.d.ts");
const zipPath = join(masterPath, `cocos-enhance-kit-v${kitVersion}-v${engineVersion}.zip`);
if (!DRYRUN) {
rmSync(cppBuildPath, { force: true, recursive: true });
rmSync(jsNpmPath, { force: true, recursive: true });
console.log("删除目录", cppBuildPath);
console.log("删除目录", jsNpmPath);
if (!DRYRUN) {
console.log("开始编译 JavaScript 引擎");
try {
await $$({ cwd: jsPath })`gulp build-dev`;
} catch (error) {
await confirm({
message: `自动编译 JavaScript 引擎失败,请手动编译后继续`,
default: true,
console.log("已编译 JavaScript 引擎");
if (!DRYRUN) {
try {
await $$({ cwd: cppPath })`gulp gen-simulator`;
await $$({ cwd: cppPath })`gulp update-simulator-config`;
} catch (error) {
await confirm({
message: `自动编译当前平台的原生模拟器失败,请手动编译后继续`,
default: true,
// 创建压缩包
if (!DRYRUN) {
const sourceZipFile = new Zip();
console.log("正在压缩", jsPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(jsPath, "engine");
console.log("正在压缩", cppPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(cppPath, "cocos2d-x");
console.log("正在压缩", jsbPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(jsbPath, "jsb-adapter");
console.log("正在压缩", minigamePath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(minigamePath, "adapters");
console.log("正在压缩", supportPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(supportPath, "enhance-kit-support");
console.log("正在压缩", dtsPath);
await sourceZipFile.archive(zipPath);
console.log("已压缩至文件", zipPath);
// [付费扩展]
if (extensionPath) {
// 创建压缩包
const payZipPath = join(masterPath, `${kitVersion}.zip`);
if (!DRYRUN) {
const sourceZipFile = new Zip();
console.log("正在压缩", jsPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(jsPath, `${kitVersion}/engine`);
console.log("正在压缩", cppPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(cppPath, `${kitVersion}/cocos2d-x`);
console.log("正在压缩", jsbPath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(jsbPath, `${kitVersion}/jsb-adapter`);
console.log("正在压缩", minigamePath);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(minigamePath, `${kitVersion}/adapters`);
console.log("正在压缩", dtsPath);
sourceZipFile.addFile(dtsPath, `${kitVersion}/creator-sp.d.ts`);
await sourceZipFile.archive(payZipPath);
console.log("已压缩至文件", payZipPath);
// 上传至 downloadcdn.smallmain.com
const payZipUrl = `http://downloadcdn.smallmain.com/cocos-enhance-kit/${engineVersion}/${kitVersion}.zip`;
if (!DRYRUN) {
console.log("正在上传文件", payZipPath);
await uploadBySFTP(
console.log("已上传文件", payZipUrl);
// 手动修改 config.json
await confirm({
message: `请将压缩文件上传至各网盘,并修改 config.json 指向下载链接`,
default: true,
// 手动修改 package.json 的 version 字段
await confirm({
message: `请修改 package.json 的 version 确定版本号后继续`,
default: true,
// 压缩为扩展 zip 文件
const extensionVersion = JSON.parse(readFileSync(join(extensionPath, "package.json"), { encoding: "utf-8" })).version;
const extensionZipPath = join(masterPath, `cocos-enhance-kit-extension-v${extensionVersion}.zip`);
if (!DRYRUN) {
const sourceZipFile = new Zip();
readdirSync(extensionPath, { withFileTypes: true })
.filter(v => v.name !== "packages")
.forEach(v => {
const path = join(v.path, v.name);
console.log("正在压缩", path);
if (v.isFile()) {
sourceZipFile.addFile(path, v.name);
} else {
sourceZipFile.addFolder(path, v.name);
// packages 目录需要仅保留 backup 目录,所以特殊处理
const packagesPath = join(extensionPath, "packages");
readdirSync(packagesPath, { withFileTypes: true })
.forEach(v => {
if (v.isFile()) {
const path = join(v.path, v.name);
console.log("正在压缩", path);
sourceZipFile.addFile(path, join("packages", v.name));
} else {
const relPath = join(v.name, "backup");
const path = join(v.path, relPath);
console.log("正在压缩", path);
sourceZipFile.addFolder(path, join("packages", relPath));
await sourceZipFile.archive(extensionZipPath);
console.log("已压缩至文件", extensionZipPath);
// 手动上传到 Cocos Store
await confirm({
message: `请手动上传 zip 文件到 Cocos Store`,
default: true,
// 更新 Demo
const demoBuildPath = join(masterPath, "demo/build");
const demoDesktopBuildPath = join(demoBuildPath, "web-desktop");
const demoMobileBuildPath = join(demoBuildPath, "web-mobile");
const demoTargetPath = join(masterPath, "docs/static/demo", `v${kitVersion}`);
const demoDesktopTargetPath = join(demoTargetPath, "web-desktop");
const demoMobileTargetPath = join(demoTargetPath, "web-mobile");
if (!existsSync(demoTargetPath)) {
await confirm({
message: `请测试并编译 Demo 项目,然后继续操作`,
default: true,
if (!DRYRUN) {
copyDirectory(demoDesktopBuildPath, demoDesktopTargetPath);
copyDirectory(demoMobileBuildPath, demoMobileTargetPath);
console.log("拷贝目录", demoDesktopBuildPath, "->", demoDesktopTargetPath);
console.log("拷贝目录", demoMobileBuildPath, "->", demoMobileTargetPath);
readdirSync(masterPath, {
recursive: true,
encoding: "utf-8",
.filter(path => [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".jsx", ".md", ".mdx"].includes(extname(path)))
.forEach(path => {
const filePath = join(masterPath, path);
if (!statSync(filePath).isFile()) {
const content = readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: "utf-8" });
const regexDesktop = /https:\/\/smallmain\.github\.io\/cocos-enhance-kit\/demo\/(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/web-desktop\/index\.html/g;
const regexMobile = /https:\/\/smallmain\.github\.io\/cocos-enhance-kit\/demo\/(v\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/web-mobile\/index\.html/g;
if (!DRYRUN) {
writeFileSync(filePath, content.replace(regexDesktop, `https://smallmain.github.io/cocos-enhance-kit/demo/${targetVersion}/web-desktop/index.html`).replace(regexMobile, `https://smallmain.github.io/cocos-enhance-kit/demo/${targetVersion}/web-mobile/index.html`));
if (regexDesktop.test(content) || regexMobile.test(content)) {
console.log("更新文件", filePath);
// 上传到 Github Release
const tag = `v${kitVersion}`;
let releaseUrl = "(undefined)";
const needPublish = await confirm({
message: `是否上传至 Github Release请先在源码分支创建 '${tag}' Tag`,
default: true,
if (needPublish && !DRYRUN) {
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
console.log("创建 Release", tag);
let releaseId = 0;
try {
const { data } = await octokit.rest.repos.getReleaseByTag({
owner: "smallmain",
repo: "cocos-enhance-kit",
tag: tag,
releaseId = data.id;
releaseUrl = data.html_url;
} catch (error) {
const { data } = await octokit.rest.repos.createRelease({
owner: "smallmain",
repo: "cocos-enhance-kit",
name: tag,
tag_name: tag,
body: `适配 Cocos Creator v${engineVersion} 版本\n\n> 注意,如果你需要使用模拟器预览,请按照官方的 [引擎定制文档](https://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.4/manual/zh/advanced-topics/engine-customization.html#25-%E7%BC%96%E8%AF%91%E6%A8%A1%E6%8B%9F%E5%99%A8) 重新编译原生模拟器。`,
prerelease: false,
make_latest: "legacy",
releaseId = data.id;
releaseUrl = data.html_url;
console.log("上传至 Release", zipPath);
const fileContent = readFileSync(zipPath);
await octokit.rest.repos.uploadReleaseAsset({
owner: "smallmain",
repo: "cocos-enhance-kit",
release_id: releaseId,
data: fileContent,
name: basename(zipPath),
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/zip',
console.log("已发布到 Github Release", tag);
// 手动更新 Github Release 的更新日志
if (needPublish) {
await confirm({
message: `请前往 ${releaseUrl} 填写更新日志`,
default: true,
// 手动发布新版本文档
await confirm({
message: `请使用命令 npm run docusaurus docs:version 1.1.0 创建新版本文档,并在 docs 目录执行 npm run deploy 发布`,
default: true,