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import { bezier } from '../animation/bezier';
let _tweenID = 0;
let TweenAction = cc.Class({
name: 'cc.TweenAction',
extends: cc.ActionInterval,
ctor (duration, props, opts) {
this._opts = opts = opts || Object.create(null);
this._props = Object.create(null);
// global easing or progress used for this action
opts.progress = opts.progress || this.progress;
if (opts.easing && typeof opts.easing === 'string') {
let easingName = opts.easing;
opts.easing = cc.easing[easingName];
!opts.easing && cc.warnID(1031, easingName);
let relative = this._opts.relative;
for (let name in props) {
let value = props[name];
// property may have custom easing or progress function
let easing, progress;
if (value.value !== undefined && (value.easing || value.progress)) {
if (typeof value.easing === 'string') {
easing = cc.easing[value.easing];
!easing && cc.warnID(1031, value.easing);
else {
easing = value.easing;
progress = value.progress;
value = value.value;
let isNumber = typeof value === 'number';
if (!isNumber && (!value.lerp || (relative && !value.add && !value.mul) || !value.clone)) {
cc.warn(`Can not animate ${name} property, because it do not have [lerp, (add|mul), clone] function.`);
let prop = Object.create(null);
prop.value = value;
prop.easing = easing;
prop.progress = progress;
this._props[name] = prop;
this._originProps = props;
clone () {
var action = new TweenAction(this._duration, this._originProps, this._opts);
return action;
startWithTarget (target) {
cc.ActionInterval.prototype.startWithTarget.call(this, target);
let relative = !!this._opts.relative;
let props = this._props;
for (let name in props) {
let value = target[name];
let prop = props[name];
if (typeof value === 'number') {
prop.start = value;
prop.current = value;
prop.end = relative ? value + prop.value : prop.value;
else {
prop.start = value.clone();
prop.current = value.clone();
prop.end = relative ? (value.add || value.mul).call(value, prop.value) : prop.value;
update (t) {
let opts = this._opts;
let easingTime = t;
if (opts.easing) easingTime = opts.easing(t);
let target = this.target;
if (!target) return;
let props = this._props;
let progress = opts.progress;
for (let name in props) {
let prop = props[name];
let time = prop.easing ? prop.easing(t) : easingTime;
let current = prop.current = (prop.progress || progress)(prop.start, prop.end, prop.current, time);
target[name] = current;
let onUpdate = opts.onUpdate;
if (onUpdate) {
onUpdate(target, t)
progress (start, end, current, t) {
if (typeof start === 'number') {
current = start + (end - start) * t;
else {
start.lerp(end, t, current);
return current;
let SetAction = cc.Class({
name: 'cc.SetAction',
extends: cc.ActionInstant,
ctor (props) {
this._props = {};
props !== undefined && this.init(props);
init (props) {
for (let name in props) {
this._props[name] = props[name];
return true;
update () {
let props = this._props;
let target = this.target;
for (let name in props) {
target[name] = props[name];
clone () {
var action = new SetAction();
return action;
* !#en
* Tween provide a simple and flexible way to create action. Tween's api is more flexible than `cc.Action`:
* - Support creating an action sequence in chained api.
* - Support animate any objects' any properties, not limited to node's properties. By contrast, `cc.Action` needs to create a new action class to support new node property.
* - Support working with `cc.Action`.
* - Support easing and progress function.
* !#zh
* Tween 提供了一个简单灵活的方法来创建 action。相对于 Cocos 传统的 `cc.Action``cc.Tween` 在创建动画上要灵活非常多:
* - 支持以链式结构的方式创建一个动画序列。
* - 支持对任意对象的任意属性进行缓动,不再局限于节点上的属性,而 `cc.Action` 添加一个属性的支持时还需要添加一个新的 action 类型。
* - 支持与 `cc.Action` 混用。
* - 支持设置 {{#crossLink "Easing"}}{{/crossLink}} 或者 progress 函数。
* @class Tween
* @example
* cc.tween(node)
* .to(1, {scale: 2, position: cc.v3(100, 100, 100)})
* .call(() => { console.log('This is a callback'); })
* .by(1, {scale: 3, position: cc.v3(200, 200, 200)}, {easing: 'sineOutIn'})
* .start(cc.find('Canvas/cocos'));
* @typescript Tween<T = any>
function Tween (target) {
this._actions = [];
this._finalAction = null;
this._target = target;
this._tag = cc.Action.TAG_INVALID;
* @method constructor
* @param {Object} [target]
* !#en Stop all tweens
* !#zh 停止所有缓动
* @method stopAll
* @static
Tween.stopAll = function () {
* !#en Stop all tweens by tag
* !#zh 停止所有指定标签的缓动
* @method stopAllByTag
* @static
* @param {number} tag
Tween.stopAllByTag = function (tag) {
* !#en Stop all tweens by target
* !#zh 停止所有指定对象的缓动
* @method stopAllByTarget
* @static
* @param {Object} target
Tween.stopAllByTarget = function (target) {
* !#en
* Insert an action or tween to this sequence
* !#zh
* 插入一个 action 或者 tween 到队列中
* @method then
* @param {Action|Tween} other
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript then(other: Action|Tween<T>): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.then = function (other) {
if (other instanceof cc.Action) {
else {
return this;
* !#en
* Set tween target
* !#zh
* 设置 tween 的 target
* @method target
* @param {Object} target
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript target(target: any): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.target = function (target) {
this._target = target;
return this;
* !#en
* Start this tween
* !#zh
* 运行当前 tween
* @method start
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript start(): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.start = function () {
let target = this._target;
if (!target) {
cc.warn('Please set target to tween first');
return this;
if (target instanceof cc.Object && !target.isValid) {
if (this._finalAction) {
this._finalAction = this._union();
if (target._id === undefined) {
target._id = ++_tweenID;
cc.director.getActionManager().addAction(this._finalAction, target, false);
return this;
* !#en
* Stop this tween
* !#zh
* 停止当前 tween
* @method stop
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript stop(): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.stop = function () {
if (this._finalAction) {
return this;
* !#en Sets tween tag
* !#zh 设置缓动的标签
* @method tag
* @param {number} tag
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript tag(tag: number): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.tag = function (tag) {
this._tag = tag;
return this;
* !#en
* Clone a tween
* !#zh
* 克隆当前 tween
* @method clone
* @param {Object} [target]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript clone(target?: any): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.clone = function (target) {
let action = this._union();
return cc.tween(target).then(action.clone());
* !#en
* Integrate all previous actions to an action.
* !#zh
* 将之前所有的 action 整合为一个 action。
* @method union
* @return {Tween}
* @typescritp union(): Tween<T>
Tween.prototype.union = function () {
let action = this._union();
this._actions.length = 0;
return this;
Tween.prototype._union = function () {
let actions = this._actions;
if (actions.length === 1) {
actions = actions[0];
else {
actions = cc.sequence(actions);
return actions;
Object.assign(Tween.prototype, {
* !#en Sets target's position property according to the bezier curve.
* !#zh 按照贝塞尔路径设置目标的 position 属性。
* @method bezierTo
* @param {number} duration
* @param {cc.Vec2} c1
* @param {cc.Vec2} c2
* @param {cc.Vec2} to
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript bezierTo(duration: number, c1: Vec2, c2: Vec2, to: Vec2): Tween<T>
bezierTo (duration, c1, c2, to, opts) {
let c0x = c1.x, c0y = c1.y,
c1x = c2.x, c1y = c2.y;
opts = opts || Object.create(null);
opts.progress = function (start, end, current, t) {
current.x = bezier(start.x, c0x, c1x, end.x, t);
current.y = bezier(start.y, c0y, c1y, end.y, t);
return current;
return this.to(duration, { position: to }, opts);
* !#en Sets target's position property according to the bezier curve.
* !#zh 按照贝塞尔路径设置目标的 position 属性。
* @method bezierBy
* @param {number} duration
* @param {cc.Vec2} c1
* @param {cc.Vec2} c2
* @param {cc.Vec2} to
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript bezierBy(duration: number, c1: Vec2, c2: Vec2, to: Vec2): Tween<T>
bezierBy (duration, c1, c2, to, opts) {
let c0x = c1.x, c0y = c1.y,
c1x = c2.x, c1y = c2.y;
opts = opts || Object.create(null);
opts.progress = function (start, end, current, t) {
let sx = start.x, sy = start.y;
current.x = bezier(sx, c0x + sx, c1x + sx, end.x, t);
current.y = bezier(sy, c0y + sy, c1y + sy, end.y, t);
return current;
return this.by(duration, { position: to }, opts);
* !#en Flips target's scaleX
* !#zh 翻转目标的 scaleX 属性
* @method flipX
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript flipX(): Tween<T>
flipX () {
return this.call(() => { this._target.scaleX *= -1; }, this);
* !#en Flips target's scaleY
* !#zh 翻转目标的 scaleY 属性
* @method flipY
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript flipY(): Tween<T>
flipY () {
return this.call(() => { this._target.scaleY *= -1; }, this);
* !#en Blinks target by set target's opacity property
* !#zh 通过设置目标的 opacity 属性达到闪烁效果
* @method blink
* @param {number} duration
* @param {number} times
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {Function} [opts.progress]
* @param {Function|String} [opts.easing]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript blink(duration: number, times: number, opts?: {progress?: Function; easing?: Function|string; }): Tween<T>
blink (duration, times, opts) {
var slice = 1.0 / times;
opts = opts || Object.create(null);
opts.progress = function (start, end, current, t) {
if (t >= 1) {
return start;
else {
var m = t % slice;
return (m > (slice / 2)) ? 255 : 0;
return this.to(duration, { opacity: 1 }, opts);
let tmp_args = [];
function wrapAction (action) {
return function () {
tmp_args.length = 0;
for (let l = arguments.length, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
let arg = tmp_args[i] = arguments[i];
if (arg instanceof Tween) {
tmp_args[i] = arg._union();
return action.apply(this, tmp_args);
let actions = {
* !#en
* Add an action which calculate with absolute value
* !#zh
* 添加一个对属性进行绝对值计算的 action
* @method to
* @param {Number} duration
* @param {Object} props - {scale: 2, position: cc.v3(100, 100, 100)}
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {Function} [opts.progress]
* @param {Function|String} [opts.easing]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript
* to<OPTS extends Partial<{ progress: Function, easing: Function | String, onUpdate: Function }>>(duration: number, props: ConstructorType<T>, opts?: OPTS): Tween<T>
to (duration, props, opts) {
opts = opts || Object.create(null);
opts.relative = false;
return new TweenAction(duration, props, opts);
* !#en
* Add an action which calculate with relative value
* !#zh
* 添加一个对属性进行相对值计算的 action
* @method by
* @param {Number} duration
* @param {Object} props - {scale: 2, position: cc.v3(100, 100, 100)}
* @param {Object} [opts]
* @param {Function} [opts.progress]
* @param {Function|String} [opts.easing]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript
* by<OPTS extends Partial<{ progress: Function, easing: Function | String, onUpdate: Function }>>(duration: number, props: ConstructorType<T>, opts?: OPTS): Tween<T>
by (duration, props, opts) {
opts = opts || Object.create(null);
opts.relative = true;
return new TweenAction(duration, props, opts);
* !#en
* Directly set target properties
* !#zh
* 直接设置 target 的属性
* @method set
* @param {Object} props
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript
* set (props: ConstructorType<T>) : Tween<T>
set (props) {
return new SetAction(props);
* !#en
* Add an delay action
* !#zh
* 添加一个延时 action
* @method delay
* @param {Number} duration
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript delay(duration: number): Tween<T>
delay: cc.delayTime,
* !#en
* Add an callback action
* !#zh
* 添加一个回调 action
* @method call
* @param {Function} callback
* @param {object} [selectTarget]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript call(callback: Function, selectTarget?: object): Tween<T>
call: cc.callFunc,
* !#en
* Add an hide action
* !#zh
* 添加一个隐藏 action
* @method hide
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript hide(): Tween<T>
hide: cc.hide,
* !#en
* Add an show action
* !#zh
* 添加一个显示 action
* @method show
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript show(): Tween<T>
show: cc.show,
* !#en
* Add an removeSelf action
* !#zh
* 添加一个移除自己 action
* @method removeSelf
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript removeSelf(): Tween<T>
removeSelf: cc.removeSelf,
* !#en
* Add an sequence action
* !#zh
* 添加一个队列 action
* @method sequence
* @param {Action|Tween} action
* @param {Action|Tween} ...actions
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript sequence(action: Action|Tween<T>, ...actions: (Action|Tween<T>)[]): Tween<T>
sequence: wrapAction(cc.sequence),
* !#en
* Add an parallel action
* !#zh
* 添加一个并行 action
* @method parallel
* @param {Action|Tween} action
* @param {Action|Tween} ...actions
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript parallel(action: Action|Tween<T>, ...actions: (Action|Tween<T>)[]): Tween<T>
parallel: wrapAction(cc.spawn)
// these action will use previous action as their parameters
let previousAsInputActions = {
* !#en
* Add an repeat action. This action will integrate before actions to a sequence action as their parameters.
* !#zh
* 添加一个重复 action这个 action 会将前一个动作作为他的参数。
* @method repeat
* @param {Number} repeatTimes
* @param {Action | Tween} [action]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript repeat(repeatTimes: number, action?: Action|Tween<T>): Tween<T>
repeat: cc.repeat,
* !#en
* Add an repeat forever action. This action will integrate before actions to a sequence action as their parameters.
* !#zh
* 添加一个永久重复 action这个 action 会将前一个动作作为他的参数。
* @method repeatForever
* @param {Action | Tween} [action]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript repeatForever(action?: Action|Tween<T>): Tween<T>
repeatForever: cc.repeatForever,
* !#en
* Add an reverse time action. This action will integrate before actions to a sequence action as their parameters.
* !#zh
* 添加一个倒置时间 action这个 action 会将前一个动作作为他的参数。
* @method reverseTime
* @param {Action | Tween} [action]
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript reverseTime(action?: Action|Tween<T>): Tween<T>
reverseTime: cc.reverseTime,
let keys = Object.keys(actions);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
Tween.prototype[key] = function () {
let action = actions[key].apply(this, arguments);
return this;
keys = Object.keys(previousAsInputActions);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
Tween.prototype[key] = function () {
let actions = this._actions;
let action = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
let length = arguments.length - 1;
if (action instanceof cc.Tween) {
action = action._union();
else if (!(action instanceof cc.Action)) {
action = actions[actions.length - 1];
actions.length -= 1;
length += 1;
let args = [action];
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
action = previousAsInputActions[key].apply(this, args);
return this;
* @module cc
* @method tween
* @param {Object} [target] - the target to animate
* @return {Tween}
* @typescript
* tween<T> (target?: T) : Tween<T>
cc.tween = function (target) {
return new Tween(target);
cc.Tween = Tween;