/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2010-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2011 Zynga Inc. Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "base/CCScheduler.h" #include "base/ccMacros.h" #include "base/utlist.h" #include "base/ccCArray.h" #define CC_REPEAT_FOREVER (UINT_MAX -1) NS_CC_BEGIN // data structures // A list double-linked list used for "updates with priority" typedef struct _listEntry { struct _listEntry *prev, *next; ccSchedulerFunc callback; void *target; int priority; bool paused; bool markedForDeletion; // selector will no longer be called and entry will be removed at end of the next tick } tListEntry; typedef struct _hashUpdateEntry { tListEntry **list; // Which list does it belong to ? tListEntry *entry; // entry in the list void *target; ccSchedulerFunc callback; UT_hash_handle hh; } tHashUpdateEntry; // Hash Element used for "selectors with interval" typedef struct _hashSelectorEntry { ccArray *timers; void *target; int timerIndex; Timer *currentTimer; bool currentTimerSalvaged; bool paused; UT_hash_handle hh; } tHashTimerEntry; // implementation Timer Timer::Timer() { } void Timer::setupTimerWithInterval(float seconds, unsigned int repeat, float delay) { _elapsed = -1; _interval = seconds; _delay = delay; _useDelay = (_delay > 0.0f) ? true : false; _repeat = repeat; _runForever = (_repeat == CC_REPEAT_FOREVER) ? true : false; } void Timer::update(float dt) { if (_elapsed == -1) { _elapsed = 0; _timesExecuted = 0; return; } // accumulate elapsed time _elapsed += dt; // deal with delay if (_useDelay) { if (_elapsed < _delay) { return; } trigger(_delay); _elapsed = _elapsed - _delay; _timesExecuted += 1; _useDelay = false; // after delay, the rest time should compare with interval if (!_runForever && _timesExecuted > _repeat) { //unschedule timer cancel(); return; } } // if _interval == 0, should trigger once every frame float interval = (_interval > 0) ? _interval : _elapsed; while (_elapsed >= interval) { trigger(interval); _elapsed -= interval; _timesExecuted += 1; if (!_runForever && _timesExecuted > _repeat) { cancel(); break; } if (_elapsed <= 0.f) { break; } if (_scheduler->isCurrentTargetSalvaged()) { break; } } } // TimerTargetCallback TimerTargetCallback::TimerTargetCallback() { } bool TimerTargetCallback::initWithCallback(Scheduler* scheduler, const ccSchedulerFunc& callback, void *target, const std::string& key, float seconds, unsigned int repeat, float delay) { _scheduler = scheduler; _target = target; _callback = callback; _key = key; setupTimerWithInterval(seconds, repeat, delay); return true; } void TimerTargetCallback::trigger(float dt) { if (_callback) { _callback(dt); } } void TimerTargetCallback::cancel() { _scheduler->unschedule(_key, _target); } // implementation of Scheduler Scheduler::Scheduler() { // I don't expect to have more than 30 functions to all per frame _functionsToPerform.reserve(30); } Scheduler::~Scheduler(void) { unscheduleAll(); } void Scheduler::removeHashElement(_hashSelectorEntry *element) { ccArrayFree(element->timers); HASH_DEL(_hashForTimers, element); free(element); } void Scheduler::schedule(const ccSchedulerFunc& callback, void *target, float interval, bool paused, const std::string& key) { this->schedule(callback, target, interval, CC_REPEAT_FOREVER, 0.0f, paused, key); } void Scheduler::schedule(const ccSchedulerFunc& callback, void *target, float interval, unsigned int repeat, float delay, bool paused, const std::string& key) { CCASSERT(target, "Argument target must be non-nullptr"); CCASSERT(!key.empty(), "key should not be empty!"); tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if (! element) { element = (tHashTimerEntry *)calloc(sizeof(*element), 1); element->target = target; HASH_ADD_PTR(_hashForTimers, target, element); // Is this the 1st element ? Then set the pause level to all the selectors of this target element->paused = paused; } else { CCASSERT(element->paused == paused, "element's paused should be paused!"); } if (element->timers == nullptr) { element->timers = ccArrayNew(10); } else { for (int i = 0; i < element->timers->num; ++i) { TimerTargetCallback *timer = dynamic_cast(element->timers->arr[i]); if (timer && key == timer->getKey()) { CCLOG("CCScheduler#scheduleSelector. Selector already scheduled. Updating interval from: %.4f to %.4f", timer->getInterval(), interval); timer->setInterval(interval); return; } } ccArrayEnsureExtraCapacity(element->timers, 1); } TimerTargetCallback *timer = new (std::nothrow) TimerTargetCallback(); timer->initWithCallback(this, callback, target, key, interval, repeat, delay); ccArrayAppendObject(element->timers, timer); timer->release(); } void Scheduler::unschedule(const std::string &key, void *target) { // explicit handle nil arguments when removing an object if (target == nullptr || key.empty()) { return; } //CCASSERT(target); //CCASSERT(selector); tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if (element) { for (int i = 0; i < element->timers->num; ++i) { TimerTargetCallback *timer = dynamic_cast(element->timers->arr[i]); if (timer && key == timer->getKey()) { if (timer == element->currentTimer && (! element->currentTimerSalvaged)) { element->currentTimer->retain(); element->currentTimerSalvaged = true; } ccArrayRemoveObjectAtIndex(element->timers, i, true); // update timerIndex in case we are in tick:, looping over the actions if (element->timerIndex >= i) { element->timerIndex--; } if (element->timers->num == 0) { if (_currentTarget == element) { _currentTargetSalvaged = true; } else { removeHashElement(element); } } return; } } } } bool Scheduler::isScheduled(const std::string& key, void *target) { CCASSERT(!key.empty(), "Argument key must not be empty"); CCASSERT(target, "Argument target must be non-nullptr"); tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if (!element) { return false; } if (element->timers == nullptr) { return false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < element->timers->num; ++i) { TimerTargetCallback *timer = dynamic_cast(element->timers->arr[i]); if (timer && key == timer->getKey()) { return true; } } return false; } return false; // should never get here } void Scheduler::unscheduleAll() { for (tHashTimerEntry *element = _hashForTimers, *nextElement = nullptr; element != nullptr;) { // element may be removed in unscheduleAllSelectorsForTarget nextElement = (tHashTimerEntry *)element->hh.next; unscheduleAllForTarget(element->target); element = nextElement; } } void Scheduler::unscheduleAllForTarget(void *target) { // explicit nullptr handling if (target == nullptr) { return; } // Custom Selectors tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if (element) { if (ccArrayContainsObject(element->timers, element->currentTimer) && (! element->currentTimerSalvaged)) { element->currentTimer->retain(); element->currentTimerSalvaged = true; } ccArrayRemoveAllObjects(element->timers); if (_currentTarget == element) { _currentTargetSalvaged = true; } else { removeHashElement(element); } } } void Scheduler::resumeTarget(void *target) { CCASSERT(target != nullptr, "target can't be nullptr!"); // custom selectors tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if (element) { element->paused = false; } } void Scheduler::pauseTarget(void *target) { CCASSERT(target != nullptr, "target can't be nullptr!"); // custom selectors tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if (element) { element->paused = true; } } bool Scheduler::isTargetPaused(void *target) { CCASSERT( target != nullptr, "target must be non nil" ); // Custom selectors tHashTimerEntry *element = nullptr; HASH_FIND_PTR(_hashForTimers, &target, element); if( element ) { return element->paused; } return false; // should never get here } std::set Scheduler::pauseAllTargets() { std::set idsWithSelectors; // Custom Selectors for(tHashTimerEntry *element = _hashForTimers; element != nullptr; element = (tHashTimerEntry*)element->hh.next) { element->paused = true; idsWithSelectors.insert(element->target); } return idsWithSelectors; } void Scheduler::resumeTargets(const std::set& targetsToResume) { for(const auto &obj : targetsToResume) { this->resumeTarget(obj); } } void Scheduler::performFunctionInCocosThread(const std::function &function) { _performMutex.lock(); _functionsToPerform.push_back(function); _performMutex.unlock(); } void Scheduler::removeAllFunctionsToBePerformedInCocosThread() { std::unique_lock lock(_performMutex); _functionsToPerform.clear(); } // main loop void Scheduler::update(float dt) { _updateHashLocked = true; // Iterate over all the custom selectors for (tHashTimerEntry *elt = _hashForTimers; elt != nullptr; ) { _currentTarget = elt; _currentTargetSalvaged = false; if (! _currentTarget->paused) { // The 'timers' array may change while inside this loop for (elt->timerIndex = 0; elt->timerIndex < elt->timers->num; ++(elt->timerIndex)) { elt->currentTimer = (Timer*)(elt->timers->arr[elt->timerIndex]); elt->currentTimerSalvaged = false; elt->currentTimer->update(dt); if (elt->currentTimerSalvaged) { // The currentTimer told the remove itself. To prevent the timer from // accidentally deallocating itself before finishing its step, we retained // it. Now that step is done, it's safe to release it. elt->currentTimer->release(); } elt->currentTimer = nullptr; } } // elt, at this moment, is still valid // so it is safe to ask this here (issue #490) elt = (tHashTimerEntry *)elt->hh.next; // only delete currentTarget if no actions were scheduled during the cycle (issue #481) if (_currentTargetSalvaged && _currentTarget->timers->num == 0) { removeHashElement(_currentTarget); } } _updateHashLocked = false; _currentTarget = nullptr; // // Functions allocated from another thread // // Testing size is faster than locking / unlocking. // And almost never there will be functions scheduled to be called. if( !_functionsToPerform.empty() ) { _performMutex.lock(); // fixed #4123: Save the callback functions, they must be invoked after '_performMutex.unlock()', otherwise if new functions are added in callback, it will cause thread deadlock. auto temp = _functionsToPerform; _functionsToPerform.clear(); _performMutex.unlock(); for( const auto &function : temp ) { function(); } } } NS_CC_END