*.py[cod] # C extensions *.so # Packages *.egg *.egg-info dist build eggs parts var sdist develop-eggs .installed.cfg # Installer logs pip-log.txt # Unit test / coverage reports .coverage .tox nosetests.xml # Translations *.mo # Mr Developer .mr.developer.cfg .project .pydevproject # Ignore files build by xcode *.mode*v* *.pbxuser *.xcbkptlist *.xcscheme *.xcworkspacedata *.xcuserstate xcschememanagement.plist build/ .DS_Store ._.* xcuserdata/ DerivedData/ .idea/* # Ignore the files from download bin/sdkbox* plugins/plugin_compile/build_web/bin plugins/plugin_jscompile/ plugins/plugin_luacompile/bin/msvcr110.dll plugins/plugin_generate/proj_modifier/plutil-win32/ version.json v*-console-*.zip # vim *~ # Ignore the files generated by toexec/build-console toexec/output/ toexec/build/