#include "platform/CCCanvasRenderingContext2D.h" #include "base/ccTypes.h" #include "base/csscolorparser.hpp" #include "cocos/scripting/js-bindings/jswrapper/SeApi.h" #include "platform/android/jni/JniHelper.h" #include "platform/android/jni/JniImp.h" #include #ifndef JCLS_CANVASIMPL #define JCLS_CANVASIMPL "org/cocos2dx/lib/CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl" #endif using namespace cocos2d; enum class CanvasTextAlign { LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT }; enum class CanvasTextBaseline { TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM }; class CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl { public: CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl() { jobject obj = JniHelper::newObject(JCLS_CANVASIMPL); _obj = JniHelper::getEnv()->NewGlobalRef(obj); JniHelper::getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef(obj); } ~CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl() { JniHelper::getEnv()->DeleteGlobalRef(_obj); } void recreateBuffer(float w, float h) { _bufferWidth = w; _bufferHeight = h; if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "recreateBuffer", w, h); fillData(); } void beginPath() { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "beginPath"); } void closePath() { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "closePath"); } void moveTo(float x, float y) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "moveTo", x, y); } void lineTo(float x, float y) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "lineTo", x, y); } void stroke() { if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "stroke"); fillData(); } void fill() { if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "fill"); fillData(); } void saveContext() { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "saveContext"); } void restoreContext() { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "restoreContext"); } void rect(float x, float y, float w, float h) { if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "rect", x, y, w, h); fillData(); } void clearRect(float x, float y, float w, float h) { if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; if (x >= _bufferWidth || y >= _bufferHeight) return; if (x + w > _bufferWidth) w = _bufferWidth - x; if (y + h > _bufferHeight) h = _bufferHeight - y; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "clearRect", x, y, w, h); fillData(); } void fillRect(float x, float y, float w, float h) { if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; if (x >= _bufferWidth || y >= _bufferHeight) return; if (x + w > _bufferWidth) w = _bufferWidth - x; if (y + h > _bufferHeight) h = _bufferHeight - y; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "fillRect", x, y, w, h); fillData(); } void fillText(const std::string& text, float x, float y, float maxWidth) { if (text.empty() || _bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "fillText", text, x, y, maxWidth); fillData(); } void strokeText(const std::string& text, float x, float y, float maxWidth) { if (text.empty() || _bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "strokeText", text, x, y, maxWidth); fillData(); } float measureText(const std::string& text) { if (text.empty()) return 0.0f; return JniHelper::callObjectFloatMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "measureText", text); } void updateFont(const std::string& fontName, float fontSize, bool bold, bool italic, bool oblique, bool smallCaps) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "updateFont", fontName, fontSize, bold, italic, oblique, smallCaps); } void setLineCap(const std::string& lineCap) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setLineCap", lineCap); } void setLineJoin(const std::string& lineJoin) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setLineJoin", lineJoin); } void setTextAlign(CanvasTextAlign align) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setTextAlign", (int)align); } void setTextBaseline(CanvasTextBaseline baseline) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setTextBaseline", (int)baseline); } void setFillStyle(float r, float g, float b, float a) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setFillStyle", r, g, b, a); } void setStrokeStyle(float r, float g, float b, float a) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setStrokeStyle", r, g, b, a); } void setLineWidth(float lineWidth) { JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "setLineWidth", lineWidth); } void _fillImageData(const Data &imageData, float imageWidth, float imageHeight, float offsetX, float offsetY) { if (_bufferWidth < 1.0f || _bufferHeight < 1.0f) return; jbyteArray arr = JniHelper::getEnv()->NewByteArray(imageData.getSize()); JniHelper::getEnv()->SetByteArrayRegion(arr, 0, imageData.getSize(), (const jbyte *) imageData.getBytes()); JniHelper::callObjectVoidMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "_fillImageData", arr, imageWidth, imageHeight, offsetX, offsetY); JniHelper::getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef(arr); fillData(); } const Data& getDataRef() const { return _data; } void setPremultiply(bool multiply) { _premultiply = multiply; } #define CLAMP(V, HI) std::min( (V), (HI) ) void unMultiplyAlpha(unsigned char* ptr, ssize_t size) { // Android source data is not premultiplied alpha when API >= 19 // please refer CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl::recreateBuffer(float w, float h) // in CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl.java // if (getAndroidSDKInt() >= 19) // return; float alpha; for (int i = 0; i < size; i += 4) { alpha = (float)ptr[i + 3]; if (alpha > 0) { ptr[i] = CLAMP((int)((float)ptr[i] / alpha * 255), 255); ptr[i+1] = CLAMP((int)((float)ptr[i+1] / alpha * 255), 255); ptr[i+2] = CLAMP((int)((float)ptr[i+2] / alpha * 255), 255); } } } void fillData() { jbyteArray arr = JniHelper::callObjectByteArrayMethod(_obj, JCLS_CANVASIMPL, "getDataRef"); jsize len = JniHelper::getEnv()->GetArrayLength(arr); jbyte* jbarray = (jbyte *)malloc(len * sizeof(jbyte)); JniHelper::getEnv()->GetByteArrayRegion(arr,0,len,jbarray); if (!_premultiply) { unMultiplyAlpha( (unsigned char*) jbarray, len); } _data.fastSet((unsigned char*) jbarray, len); //IDEA: DON'T create new jbarray every time. JniHelper::getEnv()->DeleteLocalRef(arr); } private: jobject _obj = nullptr; Data _data; float _bufferWidth = 0.0f; float _bufferHeight = 0.0f; bool _premultiply = true; }; namespace { void fillRectWithColor(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t totalWidth, uint32_t totalHeight, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) { assert(x + width <= totalWidth); assert(y + height <= totalHeight); uint32_t y0 = totalHeight - (y + height); uint32_t y1 = totalHeight - y; uint8_t* p; for (uint32_t offsetY = y0; offsetY < y1; ++offsetY) { for (uint32_t offsetX = x; offsetX < (x + width); ++offsetX) { p = buf + (totalWidth * offsetY + offsetX) * 3; *p++ = r; *p++ = g; *p++ = b; } } } } NS_CC_BEGIN CanvasGradient::CanvasGradient() { // SE_LOGD("CanvasGradient constructor: %p\n", this); } CanvasGradient::~CanvasGradient() { // SE_LOGD("CanvasGradient destructor: %p\n", this); } void CanvasGradient::addColorStop(float offset, const std::string& color) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasGradient::addColorStop: %p\n", this); } // CanvasRenderingContext2D CanvasRenderingContext2D::CanvasRenderingContext2D(float width, float height) : __width(width) , __height(height) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D constructor: %p, width: %f, height: %f\n", this, width, height); _impl = new CanvasRenderingContext2DImpl(); recreateBufferIfNeeded(); } CanvasRenderingContext2D::~CanvasRenderingContext2D() { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D destructor: %p\n", this); delete _impl; } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::recreateBufferIfNeeded() { if (_isBufferSizeDirty) { _isBufferSizeDirty = false; // SE_LOGD("Recreate buffer %p, w: %f, h:%f\n", this, __width, __height); _impl->recreateBuffer(__width, __height); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::rect: %p, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", this, x, y, width, height); recreateBufferIfNeeded(); _impl->rect(x, y, width, height); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::clearRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::clearRect: %p, %f, %f, %f, %f\n", this, x, y, width, height); recreateBufferIfNeeded(); _impl->clearRect(x, y, width, height); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::fillRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { recreateBufferIfNeeded(); _impl->fillRect(x, y, width, height); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::fillText(const std::string& text, float x, float y, float maxWidth) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::fillText: %s, %f, %f, %f\n", text.c_str(), x, y, maxWidth); if (text.empty()) return; recreateBufferIfNeeded(); _impl->fillText(text, x, y, maxWidth); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::strokeText(const std::string& text, float x, float y, float maxWidth) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::strokeText: %s, %f, %f, %f\n", text.c_str(), x, y, maxWidth); if (text.empty()) return; recreateBufferIfNeeded(); _impl->strokeText(text, x, y, maxWidth); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } cocos2d::Size CanvasRenderingContext2D::measureText(const std::string& text) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::measureText: %s\n", text.c_str()); return cocos2d::Size(_impl->measureText(text), 0); } CanvasGradient* CanvasRenderingContext2D::createLinearGradient(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) { return nullptr; } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::save() { _impl->saveContext(); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::beginPath() { _impl->beginPath(); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::closePath() { _impl->closePath(); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::moveTo(float x, float y) { _impl->moveTo(x, y); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::lineTo(float x, float y) { _impl->lineTo(x, y); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::stroke() { _impl->stroke(); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::fill() { _impl->fill(); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::restore() { _impl->restoreContext(); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::setCanvasBufferUpdatedCallback(const CanvasBufferUpdatedCallback& cb) { _canvasBufferUpdatedCB = cb; } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::setPremultiply(bool multiply) { _impl->setPremultiply(multiply); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set__width(float width) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::set__width: %f\n", width); __width = width; _isBufferSizeDirty = true; recreateBufferIfNeeded(); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set__height(float height) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::set__height: %f\n", height); __height = height; _isBufferSizeDirty = true; recreateBufferIfNeeded(); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_lineWidth(float lineWidth) { _lineWidth = lineWidth; _impl->setLineWidth(lineWidth); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_lineJoin(const std::string& lineJoin) { if(lineJoin.empty()) return ; _impl->setLineJoin(lineJoin); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_lineCap(const std::string& lineCap) { if(lineCap.empty()) return ; _impl->setLineCap(lineCap); } /* * support format e.g.: "oblique bold small-caps 18px Arial" * "italic bold small-caps 25px Arial" * "italic 25px Arial" * */ void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_font(const std::string& font) { if (_font != font) { _font = font; std::string fontName = "sans-serif"; std::string fontSizeStr = "30"; std::regex re("\\s*((\\d+)([\\.]\\d+)?)px\\s+([^\\r\\n]*)"); std::match_results results; if (std::regex_search(_font.cbegin(), _font.cend(), results, re)) { fontSizeStr = results[2].str(); // support get font name from `60px American` or `60px "American abc-abc_abc"` // support get font name contain space,example `times new roman` // if regex rule that does not conform to the rules,such as Chinese,it defaults to sans-serif std::match_results fontResults; std::regex fontRe("([\\w\\s-]+|\"[\\w\\s-]+\"$)"); if(std::regex_match(results[4].str(), fontResults, fontRe)) { fontName = results[4].str(); } } float fontSize = atof(fontSizeStr.c_str()); bool isBold = font.find("bold", 0) != std::string::npos; bool isItalic = font.find("italic", 0) != std::string::npos; bool isSmallCaps = font.find("small-caps", 0) != std::string::npos; bool isOblique = font.find("oblique", 0) != std::string::npos; //font-style: italic, oblique, normal //font-weight: normal, bold //font-variant: normal, small-caps _impl->updateFont(fontName, fontSize, isBold, isItalic, isOblique, isSmallCaps); } } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_textAlign(const std::string& textAlign) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_textAlign: %s\n", textAlign.c_str()); if (textAlign == "left") { _impl->setTextAlign(CanvasTextAlign::LEFT); } else if (textAlign == "center" || textAlign == "middle") { _impl->setTextAlign(CanvasTextAlign::CENTER); } else if (textAlign == "right") { _impl->setTextAlign(CanvasTextAlign::RIGHT); } else { assert(false); } } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_textBaseline(const std::string& textBaseline) { // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_textBaseline: %s\n", textBaseline.c_str()); if (textBaseline == "top") { _impl->setTextBaseline(CanvasTextBaseline::TOP); } else if (textBaseline == "middle") { _impl->setTextBaseline(CanvasTextBaseline::MIDDLE); } else if (textBaseline == "bottom" || textBaseline == "alphabetic") //REFINE:, how to deal with alphabetic, currently we handle it as bottom mode. { _impl->setTextBaseline(CanvasTextBaseline::BOTTOM); } else { assert(false); } } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_fillStyle(const std::string& fillStyle) { CSSColorParser::Color color = CSSColorParser::parse(fillStyle); _impl->setFillStyle(color.r/255.0f, color.g/255.0f, color.b/255.0f, color.a); // SE_LOGD("CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_fillStyle: %s, (%d, %d, %d, %f)\n", fillStyle.c_str(), color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_strokeStyle(const std::string& strokeStyle) { CSSColorParser::Color color = CSSColorParser::parse(strokeStyle); _impl->setStrokeStyle(color.r/255.0f, color.g/255.0f, color.b/255.0f, color.a); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::set_globalCompositeOperation(const std::string& globalCompositeOperation) { // SE_LOGE("%s isn't implemented!\n", __FUNCTION__); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::_fillImageData(const Data& imageData, float imageWidth, float imageHeight, float offsetX, float offsetY) { _impl->_fillImageData(imageData, imageWidth, imageHeight, offsetX, offsetY); if (_canvasBufferUpdatedCB != nullptr) _canvasBufferUpdatedCB(_impl->getDataRef()); } // transform //REFINE: void CanvasRenderingContext2D::translate(float x, float y) { // SE_LOGE("%s isn't implemented!\n", __FUNCTION__); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::scale(float x, float y) { // SE_LOGE("%s isn't implemented!\n", __FUNCTION__); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::rotate(float angle) { // SE_LOGE("%s isn't implemented!\n", __FUNCTION__); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::transform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) { // SE_LOGE("%s isn't implemented!\n", __FUNCTION__); } void CanvasRenderingContext2D::setTransform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) { // SE_LOGE("%s isn't implemented!\n", __FUNCTION__); } NS_CC_END