/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Ricardo Quesada Copyright (c) 2011-2012 cocos2d-x.org Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ 'use strict'; const codec = require('../compression/ZipUtils'); const zlib = require('../compression/zlib.min'); const js = require('../core/platform/js'); require('../core/platform/CCSAXParser'); function uint8ArrayToUint32Array (uint8Arr) { if(uint8Arr.length % 4 !== 0) return null; let arrLen = uint8Arr.length /4; let retArr = window.Uint32Array? new Uint32Array(arrLen) : []; for(let i = 0; i < arrLen; i++){ let offset = i * 4; retArr[i] = uint8Arr[offset] + uint8Arr[offset + 1] * (1 << 8) + uint8Arr[offset + 2] * (1 << 16) + uint8Arr[offset + 3] * (1<<24); } return retArr; } // Bits on the far end of the 32-bit global tile ID (GID's) are used for tile flags /** * cc.TMXLayerInfo contains the information about the layers like: * - Layer name * - Layer size * - Layer opacity at creation time (it can be modified at runtime) * - Whether the layer is visible (if it's not visible, then the CocosNode won't be created) * This information is obtained from the TMX file. * @class TMXLayerInfo */ /** * Properties of the layer info. * @property {Object} properties */ cc.TMXLayerInfo = function () { this.properties = {}; this.name = ""; this._layerSize = null; this._tiles = []; this.visible = true; this._opacity = 0; this.ownTiles = true; this._minGID = 100000; this._maxGID = 0; this.offset = cc.v2(0,0); }; cc.TMXLayerInfo.prototype = { constructor: cc.TMXLayerInfo, /** * Gets the Properties. * @return {Object} */ getProperties () { return this.properties; }, /** * Set the Properties. * @param {object} value */ setProperties (value) { this.properties = value; } }; /** * cc.TMXImageLayerInfo contains the information about the image layers. * This information is obtained from the TMX file. * @class TMXImageLayerInfo */ cc.TMXImageLayerInfo = function () { this.name= ""; this.visible = true; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.offset = cc.v2(0,0); this._opacity = 0; this._trans = new cc.Color(255, 255, 255, 255); this.sourceImage = null; }; /** *

cc.TMXObjectGroupInfo contains the information about the object group like: * - group name * - group size * - group opacity at creation time (it can be modified at runtime) * - Whether the group is visible * * This information is obtained from the TMX file.

* @class TMXObjectGroupInfo */ /** * Properties of the ObjectGroup info. * @property {Array} properties */ cc.TMXObjectGroupInfo = function () { this.properties = {}; this.name = ""; this._objects = []; this.visible = true; this._opacity = 0; this._color = new cc.Color(255, 255, 255, 255); this.offset = cc.v2(0,0); this._draworder = 'topdown'; }; cc.TMXObjectGroupInfo.prototype = { constructor: cc.TMXObjectGroupInfo, /** * Gets the Properties. * @return {Array} */ getProperties () { return this.properties; }, /** * Set the Properties. * @param {object} value */ setProperties (value) { this.properties = value; } }; /** *

cc.TMXTilesetInfo contains the information about the tilesets like:
* - Tileset name
* - Tileset spacing
* - Tileset margin
* - size of the tiles
* - Image used for the tiles
* - Image size
* * This information is obtained from the TMX file.

* @class TMXTilesetInfo */ /** * Tileset name * @property {string} name */ /** * First grid * @property {number} firstGid */ /** * Spacing * @property {number} spacing */ /** * Margin * @property {number} margin */ /** * Texture containing the tiles (should be sprite sheet / texture atlas) * @property {any} sourceImage */ /** * Size in pixels of the image * @property {cc.Size} imageSize */ cc.TMXTilesetInfo = function () { // Tileset name this.name = ""; // First grid this.firstGid = 0; // Spacing this.spacing = 0; // Margin this.margin = 0; // Texture containing the tiles (should be sprite sheet / texture atlas) this.sourceImage = null; // Size in pixels of the image this.imageSize = cc.size(0, 0); this.tileOffset = cc.v2(0, 0); this._tileSize = cc.size(0, 0); }; cc.TMXTilesetInfo.prototype = { constructor: cc.TMXTilesetInfo, /** * Return rect * @param {Number} gid * @return {Rect} */ rectForGID (gid, result) { let rect = result || cc.rect(0, 0, 0, 0); rect.width = this._tileSize.width; rect.height = this._tileSize.height; gid &= cc.TiledMap.TileFlag.FLIPPED_MASK; gid = gid - parseInt(this.firstGid, 10); let max_x = parseInt((this.imageSize.width - this.margin * 2 + this.spacing) / (this._tileSize.width + this.spacing), 10); rect.x = parseInt((gid % max_x) * (this._tileSize.width + this.spacing) + this.margin, 10); rect.y = parseInt(parseInt(gid / max_x, 10) * (this._tileSize.height + this.spacing) + this.margin, 10); return rect; } }; function strToHAlign (value) { const hAlign = cc.Label.HorizontalAlign; switch (value) { case 'center': return hAlign.CENTER; case 'right': return hAlign.RIGHT; default: return hAlign.LEFT; } } function strToVAlign (value) { const vAlign = cc.Label.VerticalAlign; switch (value) { case 'center': return vAlign.CENTER; case 'bottom': return vAlign.BOTTOM; default: return vAlign.TOP; } } function strToColor (value) { if (!value) { return cc.color(0, 0, 0, 255); } value = (value.indexOf('#') !== -1) ? value.substring(1) : value; if (value.length === 8) { let a = parseInt(value.substr(0, 2), 16) || 255; let r = parseInt(value.substr(2, 2), 16) || 0; let g = parseInt(value.substr(4, 2), 16) || 0; let b = parseInt(value.substr(6, 2), 16) || 0; return cc.color(r, g, b, a); } else { let r = parseInt(value.substr(0, 2), 16) || 0; let g = parseInt(value.substr(2, 2), 16) || 0; let b = parseInt(value.substr(4, 2), 16) || 0; return cc.color(r, g, b, 255); } } function getPropertyList (node, map) { let res = []; let properties = node.getElementsByTagName("properties"); for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) { let property = properties[i].getElementsByTagName("property"); for (let j = 0; j < property.length; ++j) { res.push(property[j]); } } map = map || {}; for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { let element = res[i]; let name = element.getAttribute('name'); let type = element.getAttribute('type') || 'string'; let value = element.getAttribute('value'); if (type === 'int') { value = parseInt(value); } else if (type === 'float') { value = parseFloat(value); } else if (type === 'bool') { value = value === 'true'; } else if (type === 'color') { value = strToColor(value); } map[name] = value; } return map; } /** *

cc.TMXMapInfo contains the information about the map like:
*- Map orientation (hexagonal, isometric or orthogonal)
*- Tile size
*- Map size

* *

And it also contains:
* - Layers (an array of TMXLayerInfo objects)
* - Tilesets (an array of TMXTilesetInfo objects)
* - ObjectGroups (an array of TMXObjectGroupInfo objects)

* *

This information is obtained from the TMX file.

* @class TMXMapInfo */ /** * Properties of the map info. * @property {Array} properties */ /** * Map orientation. * @property {Number} orientation */ /** * Parent element. * @property {Object} parentElement */ /** * Parent GID. * @property {Number} parentGID */ /** * Layer attributes. * @property {Object} layerAttrs */ /** * Is reading storing characters stream. * @property {Boolean} storingCharacters */ /** * Current string stored from characters stream. * @property {String} currentString */ /** * Width of the map * @property {Number} mapWidth */ /** * Height of the map * @property {Number} mapHeight */ /** * Width of a tile * @property {Number} tileWidth */ /** * Height of a tile * @property {Number} tileHeight */ /** * @example * 1. * //create a TMXMapInfo with file name * let tmxMapInfo = new cc.TMXMapInfo("res/orthogonal-test1.tmx"); * 2. * //create a TMXMapInfo with content string and resource path * let resources = "res/TileMaps"; * let filePath = "res/TileMaps/orthogonal-test1.tmx"; * let xmlStr = cc.resources.get(filePath); * let tmxMapInfo = new cc.TMXMapInfo(xmlStr, resources); */ /** * Creates a TMX Format with a tmx file or content string */ cc.TMXMapInfo = function (tmxFile, tsxMap, textures, textureSizes, imageLayerTextures) { this.properties = []; this.orientation = null; this.parentElement = null; this.parentGID = null; this.layerAttrs = 0; this.storingCharacters = false; this.currentString = null; this.renderOrder = cc.TiledMap.RenderOrder.RightDown; this._supportVersion = [1, 2, 0]; this._parser = new cc.SAXParser(); this._objectGroups = []; this._allChildren = []; this._mapSize = cc.size(0, 0); this._tileSize = cc.size(0, 0); this._layers = []; this._tilesets = []; this._imageLayers = []; this._tileProperties = {}; this._tileAnimations = {}; this._tsxMap = null; // map of textures indexed by name this._textures = null; // hex map values this._staggerAxis = null; this._staggerIndex = null; this._hexSideLength = 0; this._imageLayerTextures = null; this.initWithXML(tmxFile, tsxMap, textures, textureSizes, imageLayerTextures); }; cc.TMXMapInfo.prototype = { constructor: cc.TMXMapInfo, /** * Gets Map orientation. * @return {Number} */ getOrientation () { return this.orientation; }, /** * Set the Map orientation. * @param {Number} value */ setOrientation (value) { this.orientation = value; }, /** * Gets the staggerAxis of map. * @return {cc.TiledMap.StaggerAxis} */ getStaggerAxis () { return this._staggerAxis; }, /** * Set the staggerAxis of map. * @param {cc.TiledMap.StaggerAxis} value */ setStaggerAxis (value) { this._staggerAxis = value; }, /** * Gets stagger index * @return {cc.TiledMap.StaggerIndex} */ getStaggerIndex () { return this._staggerIndex; }, /** * Set the stagger index. * @param {cc.TiledMap.StaggerIndex} value */ setStaggerIndex (value) { this._staggerIndex = value; }, /** * Gets Hex side length. * @return {Number} */ getHexSideLength () { return this._hexSideLength; }, /** * Set the Hex side length. * @param {Number} value */ setHexSideLength (value) { this._hexSideLength = value; }, /** * Map width & height * @return {Size} */ getMapSize () { return cc.size(this._mapSize.width, this._mapSize.height); }, /** * Map width & height * @param {Size} value */ setMapSize (value) { this._mapSize.width = value.width; this._mapSize.height = value.height; }, _getMapWidth () { return this._mapSize.width; }, _setMapWidth (width) { this._mapSize.width = width; }, _getMapHeight () { return this._mapSize.height; }, _setMapHeight (height) { this._mapSize.height = height; }, /** * Tiles width & height * @return {Size} */ getTileSize () { return cc.size(this._tileSize.width, this._tileSize.height); }, /** * Tiles width & height * @param {Size} value */ setTileSize (value) { this._tileSize.width = value.width; this._tileSize.height = value.height; }, _getTileWidth () { return this._tileSize.width; }, _setTileWidth (width) { this._tileSize.width = width; }, _getTileHeight () { return this._tileSize.height; }, _setTileHeight (height) { this._tileSize.height = height; }, /** * Layers * @return {Array} */ getLayers () { return this._layers; }, /** * Layers * @param {cc.TMXLayerInfo} value */ setLayers (value) { this._allChildren.push(value); this._layers.push(value); }, /** * ImageLayers * @return {Array} */ getImageLayers () { return this._imageLayers; }, /** * ImageLayers * @param {cc.TMXImageLayerInfo} value */ setImageLayers (value) { this._allChildren.push(value); this._imageLayers.push(value); }, /** * tilesets * @return {Array} */ getTilesets () { return this._tilesets; }, /** * tilesets * @param {cc.TMXTilesetInfo} value */ setTilesets (value) { this._tilesets.push(value); }, /** * ObjectGroups * @return {Array} */ getObjectGroups () { return this._objectGroups; }, /** * ObjectGroups * @param {cc.TMXObjectGroup} value */ setObjectGroups (value) { this._allChildren.push(value); this._objectGroups.push(value); }, getAllChildren () { return this._allChildren; }, /** * parent element * @return {Object} */ getParentElement () { return this.parentElement; }, /** * parent element * @param {Object} value */ setParentElement (value) { this.parentElement = value; }, /** * parent GID * @return {Number} */ getParentGID () { return this.parentGID; }, /** * parent GID * @param {Number} value */ setParentGID (value) { this.parentGID = value; }, /** * Layer attribute * @return {Object} */ getLayerAttribs () { return this.layerAttrs; }, /** * Layer attribute * @param {Object} value */ setLayerAttribs (value) { this.layerAttrs = value; }, /** * Is reading storing characters stream * @return {Boolean} */ getStoringCharacters () { return this.storingCharacters; }, /** * Is reading storing characters stream * @param {Boolean} value */ setStoringCharacters (value) { this.storingCharacters = value; }, /** * Properties * @return {Array} */ getProperties () { return this.properties; }, /** * Properties * @param {object} value */ setProperties (value) { this.properties = value; }, /** * initializes a TMX format with an XML string and a TMX resource path * @param {String} tmxString * @param {Object} tsxMap * @param {Object} textures * @return {Boolean} */ initWithXML (tmxString, tsxMap, textures, textureSizes, imageLayerTextures) { this._tilesets.length = 0; this._layers.length = 0; this._imageLayers.length = 0; this._tsxMap = tsxMap; this._textures = textures; this._imageLayerTextures = imageLayerTextures; this._textureSizes = textureSizes; this._objectGroups.length = 0; this._allChildren.length = 0; this.properties.length = 0; this._tileProperties = {}; this._tileAnimations = {}; // tmp vars this.currentString = ""; this.storingCharacters = false; this.layerAttrs = cc.TMXLayerInfo.ATTRIB_NONE; this.parentElement = cc.TiledMap.NONE; return this.parseXMLString(tmxString); }, /** * Initializes parsing of an XML string, either a tmx (Map) string or tsx (Tileset) string * @param {String} xmlString * @param {Number} tilesetFirstGid * @return {Element} */ parseXMLString (xmlStr, tilesetFirstGid) { let mapXML = this._parser._parseXML(xmlStr); let i; // PARSE let map = mapXML.documentElement; let orientationStr = map.getAttribute('orientation'); let staggerAxisStr = map.getAttribute('staggeraxis'); let staggerIndexStr = map.getAttribute('staggerindex'); let hexSideLengthStr = map.getAttribute('hexsidelength'); let renderorderStr = map.getAttribute('renderorder'); let version = map.getAttribute('version') || '1.0.0'; if (map.nodeName === "map") { let versionArr = version.split('.'); let supportVersion = this._supportVersion; for (let i = 0; i < supportVersion.length; i++) { let v = parseInt(versionArr[i]) || 0; let sv = supportVersion[i]; if (sv < v) { cc.logID(7216, version); break; } } if (orientationStr === "orthogonal") this.orientation = cc.TiledMap.Orientation.ORTHO; else if (orientationStr === "isometric") this.orientation = cc.TiledMap.Orientation.ISO; else if (orientationStr === "hexagonal") this.orientation = cc.TiledMap.Orientation.HEX; else if (orientationStr !== null) cc.logID(7217, orientationStr); if (renderorderStr === 'right-up') { this.renderOrder = cc.TiledMap.RenderOrder.RightUp; } else if (renderorderStr === 'left-up') { this.renderOrder = cc.TiledMap.RenderOrder.LeftUp; } else if (renderorderStr === 'left-down') { this.renderOrder = cc.TiledMap.RenderOrder.LeftDown; } else { this.renderOrder = cc.TiledMap.RenderOrder.RightDown; } if (staggerAxisStr === 'x') { this.setStaggerAxis(cc.TiledMap.StaggerAxis.STAGGERAXIS_X); } else if (staggerAxisStr === 'y') { this.setStaggerAxis(cc.TiledMap.StaggerAxis.STAGGERAXIS_Y); } if (staggerIndexStr === 'odd') { this.setStaggerIndex(cc.TiledMap.StaggerIndex.STAGGERINDEX_ODD); } else if (staggerIndexStr === 'even') { this.setStaggerIndex(cc.TiledMap.StaggerIndex.STAGGERINDEX_EVEN); } if (hexSideLengthStr) { this.setHexSideLength(parseFloat(hexSideLengthStr)); } let mapSize = cc.size(0, 0); mapSize.width = parseFloat(map.getAttribute('width')); mapSize.height = parseFloat(map.getAttribute('height')); this.setMapSize(mapSize); mapSize = cc.size(0, 0); mapSize.width = parseFloat(map.getAttribute('tilewidth')); mapSize.height = parseFloat(map.getAttribute('tileheight')); this.setTileSize(mapSize); // The parent element is the map this.properties = getPropertyList(map); } // PARSE let tilesets = map.getElementsByTagName('tileset'); if (map.nodeName !== "map") { tilesets = []; tilesets.push(map); } for (i = 0; i < tilesets.length; i++) { let selTileset = tilesets[i]; // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that let tsxName = selTileset.getAttribute('source'); if (tsxName) { let currentFirstGID = parseInt(selTileset.getAttribute('firstgid')); let tsxXmlString = this._tsxMap[tsxName]; if (tsxXmlString) { this.parseXMLString(tsxXmlString, currentFirstGID); } } else { let images = selTileset.getElementsByTagName('image'); let multiTextures = images.length > 1; let image = images[0]; let firstImageName = image.getAttribute('source'); firstImageName = firstImageName.replace(/\\/g, '\/'); let tiles = selTileset.getElementsByTagName('tile'); let tileCount = tiles && tiles.length || 1; let tile = null; let tilesetName = selTileset.getAttribute('name') || ""; let tilesetSpacing = parseInt(selTileset.getAttribute('spacing')) || 0; let tilesetMargin = parseInt(selTileset.getAttribute('margin')) || 0; let fgid = parseInt(tilesetFirstGid); if (!fgid) { fgid = parseInt(selTileset.getAttribute('firstgid')) || 0; } let tilesetSize = cc.size(0, 0); tilesetSize.width = parseFloat(selTileset.getAttribute('tilewidth')); tilesetSize.height = parseFloat(selTileset.getAttribute('tileheight')); // parse tile offset let offset = selTileset.getElementsByTagName('tileoffset')[0]; let tileOffset = cc.v2(0, 0); if (offset) { tileOffset.x = parseFloat(offset.getAttribute('x')); tileOffset.y = parseFloat(offset.getAttribute('y')); } let tileset = null; for (let tileIdx = 0; tileIdx < tileCount; tileIdx++) { if (!tileset || multiTextures) { tileset = new cc.TMXTilesetInfo(); tileset.name = tilesetName; tileset.firstGid = fgid; tileset.spacing = tilesetSpacing; tileset.margin = tilesetMargin; tileset._tileSize = tilesetSize; tileset.tileOffset = tileOffset; tileset.sourceImage = this._textures[firstImageName]; tileset.imageSize = this._textureSizes[firstImageName] || tileset.imageSize; if (!tileset.sourceImage) { cc.errorID(7221, firstImageName); } this.setTilesets(tileset); } tile = tiles && tiles[tileIdx]; if (!tile) continue; this.parentGID = parseInt(fgid) + parseInt(tile.getAttribute('id') || 0); let tileImages = tile.getElementsByTagName('image'); if (tileImages && tileImages.length > 0) { image = tileImages[0]; let imageName = image.getAttribute('source'); imageName = imageName.replace(/\\/g, '\/'); tileset.sourceImage = this._textures[imageName]; if (!tileset.sourceImage) { cc.errorID(7221, imageName); } let tileSize = cc.size(0, 0); tileSize.width = parseFloat(image.getAttribute('width')); tileSize.height = parseFloat(image.getAttribute('height')); tileset._tileSize = tileSize; tileset.firstGid = this.parentGID; } this._tileProperties[this.parentGID] = getPropertyList(tile); let animations = tile.getElementsByTagName('animation'); if (animations && animations.length > 0) { let animation = animations[0]; let framesData = animation.getElementsByTagName('frame'); let animationProp = {frames:[], dt:0, frameIdx:0}; this._tileAnimations[this.parentGID] = animationProp; let frames = animationProp.frames; for (let frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < framesData.length; frameIdx++) { let frame = framesData[frameIdx]; let tileid = parseInt(fgid) + parseInt(frame.getAttribute('tileid')); let duration = parseFloat(frame.getAttribute('duration')); frames.push({tileid : tileid, duration : duration / 1000, grid: null}); } } } } } // PARSE & in order let childNodes = map.childNodes; for (i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { let childNode = childNodes[i]; if (this._shouldIgnoreNode(childNode)) { continue; } if (childNode.nodeName === 'imagelayer') { let imageLayer = this._parseImageLayer(childNode); if (imageLayer) { this.setImageLayers(imageLayer); } } if (childNode.nodeName === 'layer') { let layer = this._parseLayer(childNode); this.setLayers(layer); } if (childNode.nodeName === 'objectgroup') { let objectGroup = this._parseObjectGroup(childNode); this.setObjectGroups(objectGroup); } } return map; }, _shouldIgnoreNode (node) { return node.nodeType === 3 // text || node.nodeType === 8 // comment || node.nodeType === 4; // cdata }, _parseImageLayer (selLayer) { let datas = selLayer.getElementsByTagName('image'); if (!datas || datas.length == 0) return null; let imageLayer = new cc.TMXImageLayerInfo(); imageLayer.name = selLayer.getAttribute('name'); imageLayer.offset.x = parseFloat(selLayer.getAttribute('offsetx')) || 0; imageLayer.offset.y = parseFloat(selLayer.getAttribute('offsety')) || 0; let visible = selLayer.getAttribute('visible'); imageLayer.visible = !(visible === "0"); let opacity = selLayer.getAttribute('opacity') || 1; imageLayer.opacity = parseInt(255 * parseFloat(opacity)) || 255; let data = datas[0]; let source = data.getAttribute('source'); imageLayer.sourceImage = this._imageLayerTextures[source]; imageLayer.width = parseInt(data.getAttribute('width')) || 0; imageLayer.height = parseInt(data.getAttribute('height')) || 0; imageLayer.trans = strToColor(data.getAttribute('trans')); if (!imageLayer.sourceImage) { cc.errorID(7221, source); return null; } return imageLayer; }, _parseLayer (selLayer) { let data = selLayer.getElementsByTagName('data')[0]; let layer = new cc.TMXLayerInfo(); layer.name = selLayer.getAttribute('name'); let layerSize = cc.size(0, 0); layerSize.width = parseFloat(selLayer.getAttribute('width')); layerSize.height = parseFloat(selLayer.getAttribute('height')); layer._layerSize = layerSize; let visible = selLayer.getAttribute('visible'); layer.visible = !(visible === "0"); let opacity = selLayer.getAttribute('opacity') || 1; if (opacity) layer._opacity = parseInt(255 * parseFloat(opacity)); else layer._opacity = 255; layer.offset = cc.v2(parseFloat(selLayer.getAttribute('offsetx')) || 0, parseFloat(selLayer.getAttribute('offsety')) || 0); let nodeValue = ''; for (let j = 0; j < data.childNodes.length; j++) { nodeValue += data.childNodes[j].nodeValue } nodeValue = nodeValue.trim(); // Unpack the tilemap data let compression = data.getAttribute('compression'); let encoding = data.getAttribute('encoding'); if (compression && compression !== "gzip" && compression !== "zlib") { cc.logID(7218); return null; } let tiles; switch (compression) { case 'gzip': tiles = codec.unzipBase64AsArray(nodeValue, 4); break; case 'zlib': let inflator = new zlib.Inflate(codec.Base64.decodeAsArray(nodeValue, 1)); tiles = uint8ArrayToUint32Array(inflator.decompress()); break; case null: case '': // Uncompressed if (encoding === "base64") tiles = codec.Base64.decodeAsArray(nodeValue, 4); else if (encoding === "csv") { tiles = []; let csvTiles = nodeValue.split(','); for (let csvIdx = 0; csvIdx < csvTiles.length; csvIdx++) tiles.push(parseInt(csvTiles[csvIdx])); } else { //XML format let selDataTiles = data.getElementsByTagName("tile"); tiles = []; for (let xmlIdx = 0; xmlIdx < selDataTiles.length; xmlIdx++) tiles.push(parseInt(selDataTiles[xmlIdx].getAttribute("gid"))); } break; default: if (this.layerAttrs === cc.TMXLayerInfo.ATTRIB_NONE) cc.logID(7219); break; } if (tiles) { layer._tiles = new Uint32Array(tiles); } // The parent element is the last layer layer.properties = getPropertyList(selLayer); return layer; }, _parseObjectGroup (selGroup) { let objectGroup = new cc.TMXObjectGroupInfo(); objectGroup.name = selGroup.getAttribute('name') || ''; objectGroup.offset = cc.v2(parseFloat(selGroup.getAttribute('offsetx')), parseFloat(selGroup.getAttribute('offsety'))); let opacity = selGroup.getAttribute('opacity') || 1; if (opacity) objectGroup._opacity = parseInt(255 * parseFloat(opacity)); else objectGroup._opacity = 255; let visible = selGroup.getAttribute('visible'); if (visible && parseInt(visible) === 0) objectGroup.visible = false; let color = selGroup.getAttribute('color'); if (color) objectGroup._color.fromHEX(color); let draworder = selGroup.getAttribute('draworder'); if (draworder) objectGroup._draworder = draworder; // set the properties to the group objectGroup.setProperties(getPropertyList(selGroup)); let objects = selGroup.getElementsByTagName('object'); if (objects) { for (let j = 0; j < objects.length; j++) { let selObj = objects[j]; // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties let objectProp = {}; // Set the id of the object objectProp['id'] = selObj.getAttribute('id') || j; // Set the name of the object to the value for "name" objectProp["name"] = selObj.getAttribute('name') || ""; // Assign all the attributes as key/name pairs in the properties dictionary objectProp["width"] = parseFloat(selObj.getAttribute('width')) || 0; objectProp["height"] = parseFloat(selObj.getAttribute('height')) || 0; objectProp["x"] = parseFloat(selObj.getAttribute('x')) || 0; objectProp["y"] = parseFloat(selObj.getAttribute('y')) || 0; objectProp["rotation"] = parseFloat(selObj.getAttribute('rotation')) || 0; getPropertyList(selObj, objectProp); // visible let visibleAttr = selObj.getAttribute('visible'); objectProp['visible'] = !(visibleAttr && parseInt(visibleAttr) === 0); // text let texts = selObj.getElementsByTagName('text'); if (texts && texts.length > 0) { let text = texts[0]; objectProp['type'] = cc.TiledMap.TMXObjectType.TEXT; objectProp['wrap'] = text.getAttribute('wrap') == '1'; objectProp['color'] = strToColor(text.getAttribute('color')); objectProp['halign'] = strToHAlign(text.getAttribute('halign')); objectProp['valign'] = strToVAlign(text.getAttribute('valign')); objectProp['pixelsize'] = parseInt(text.getAttribute('pixelsize')) || 16; objectProp['text'] = text.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } // image let gid = selObj.getAttribute('gid'); if (gid) { objectProp['gid'] = parseInt(gid); objectProp['type'] = cc.TiledMap.TMXObjectType.IMAGE; } // ellipse let ellipse = selObj.getElementsByTagName('ellipse'); if (ellipse && ellipse.length > 0) { objectProp['type'] = cc.TiledMap.TMXObjectType.ELLIPSE; } //polygon let polygonProps = selObj.getElementsByTagName("polygon"); if (polygonProps && polygonProps.length > 0) { objectProp['type'] = cc.TiledMap.TMXObjectType.POLYGON; let selPgPointStr = polygonProps[0].getAttribute('points'); if (selPgPointStr) objectProp["points"] = this._parsePointsString(selPgPointStr); } //polyline let polylineProps = selObj.getElementsByTagName("polyline"); if (polylineProps && polylineProps.length > 0) { objectProp['type'] = cc.TiledMap.TMXObjectType.POLYLINE; let selPlPointStr = polylineProps[0].getAttribute('points'); if (selPlPointStr) objectProp["polylinePoints"] = this._parsePointsString(selPlPointStr); } if (!objectProp['type']) { objectProp['type'] = cc.TiledMap.TMXObjectType.RECT; } // Add the object to the objectGroup objectGroup._objects.push(objectProp); } if (draworder !== 'index') { objectGroup._objects.sort(function (a, b) { return a.y - b.y; }); } } return objectGroup; }, _parsePointsString (pointsString) { if (!pointsString) return null; let points = []; let pointsStr = pointsString.split(' '); for (let i = 0; i < pointsStr.length; i++) { let selPointStr = pointsStr[i].split(','); points.push({'x': parseFloat(selPointStr[0]), 'y': parseFloat(selPointStr[1])}); } return points; }, /** * Sets the tile animations. * @return {Object} */ setTileAnimations (animations) { this._tileAnimations = animations; }, /** * Gets the tile animations. * @return {Object} */ getTileAnimations () { return this._tileAnimations; }, /** * Gets the tile properties. * @return {Object} */ getTileProperties () { return this._tileProperties; }, /** * Set the tile properties. * @param {Object} tileProperties */ setTileProperties (tileProperties) { this._tileProperties = tileProperties; }, /** * Gets the currentString * @return {String} */ getCurrentString () { return this.currentString; }, /** * Set the currentString * @param {String} currentString */ setCurrentString (currentString) { this.currentString = currentString; } }; let _p = cc.TMXMapInfo.prototype; // Extended properties js.getset(_p, "mapWidth", _p._getMapWidth, _p._setMapWidth); js.getset(_p, "mapHeight", _p._getMapHeight, _p._setMapHeight); js.getset(_p, "tileWidth", _p._getTileWidth, _p._setTileWidth); js.getset(_p, "tileHeight", _p._getTileHeight, _p._setTileHeight); /** * @property ATTRIB_NONE * @constant * @static * @type {Number} * @default 1 */ cc.TMXLayerInfo.ATTRIB_NONE = 1 << 0; /** * @property ATTRIB_BASE64 * @constant * @static * @type {Number} * @default 2 */ cc.TMXLayerInfo.ATTRIB_BASE64 = 1 << 1; /** * @property ATTRIB_GZIP * @constant * @static * @type {Number} * @default 4 */ cc.TMXLayerInfo.ATTRIB_GZIP = 1 << 2; /** * @property ATTRIB_ZLIB * @constant * @static * @type {Number} * @default 8 */ cc.TMXLayerInfo.ATTRIB_ZLIB = 1 << 3;