/*-- Copyright 2009-2010 by Stefan Rusterholz. All rights reserved. You can choose between MIT and BSD-3-Clause license. License file will be added later. --*/ var codec = {name:'Jacob__Codec'}; codec.Base64 = require('./base64'); codec.GZip = require('./gzip'); /** * Unpack a gzipped byte array * @param {Array} input Byte array * @returns {String} Unpacked byte string */ codec.unzip = function () { return codec.GZip.gunzip.apply(codec.GZip, arguments); }; /** * Unpack a gzipped byte string encoded as base64 * @param {String} input Byte string encoded as base64 * @returns {String} Unpacked byte string */ codec.unzipBase64 = function () { var buffer = codec.Base64.decode.apply(codec.Base64, arguments); try { return codec.GZip.gunzip.call(codec.GZip, buffer); } catch(e) { // if not zipped, just skip return buffer.slice(7); // get image data } }; /** * Unpack a gzipped byte string encoded as base64 * @param {String} input Byte string encoded as base64 * @param {Number} bytes Bytes per array item * @returns {Array} Unpacked byte array */ codec.unzipBase64AsArray = function (input, bytes) { bytes = bytes || 1; var dec = this.unzipBase64(input), ar = [], i, j, len; for (i = 0, len = dec.length / bytes; i < len; i++) { ar[i] = 0; for (j = bytes - 1; j >= 0; --j) { ar[i] += dec.charCodeAt((i * bytes) + j) << (j * 8); } } return ar; }; /** * Unpack a gzipped byte array * @param {Array} input Byte array * @param {Number} bytes Bytes per array item * @returns {Array} Unpacked byte array */ codec.unzipAsArray = function (input, bytes) { bytes = bytes || 1; var dec = this.unzip(input), ar = [], i, j, len; for (i = 0, len = dec.length / bytes; i < len; i++) { ar[i] = 0; for (j = bytes - 1; j >= 0; --j) { ar[i] += dec.charCodeAt((i * bytes) + j) << (j * 8); } } return ar; }; cc.codec = module.exports = codec;