/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. https://www.cocos.com/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated engine source code (the "Software"), a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, revocable and non-exclusive license to use Cocos Creator solely to develop games on your target platforms. You shall not use Cocos Creator software for developing other software or tools that's used for developing games. You are not granted to publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of Cocos Creator. The software or tools in this License Agreement are licensed, not sold. Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ const utils = require('../core/platform/utils'); const sys = require('../core/platform/CCSys'); const macro = require('../core/platform/CCMacro'); const READY_STATE = { HAVE_NOTHING: 0, HAVE_METADATA: 1, HAVE_CURRENT_DATA: 2, HAVE_FUTURE_DATA: 3, HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA: 4 }; let _mat4_temp = cc.mat4(); let VideoPlayerImpl = cc.Class({ name: 'VideoPlayerImpl', ctor () { // 播放结束等事件处理的队列 this._EventList = {}; this._video = null; this._url = ''; this._waitingFullscreen = false; this._fullScreenEnabled = false; this._stayOnBottom = false; this._loadedmeta = false; this._loaded = false; this._visible = false; this._playing = false; this._ignorePause = false; this._forceUpdate = false; // update matrix cache this._m00 = 0; this._m01 = 0; this._m04 = 0; this._m05 = 0; this._m12 = 0; this._m13 = 0; this._w = 0; this._h = 0; // this.__eventListeners = {}; }, _bindEvent () { let video = this._video, self = this; //binding event let cbs = this.__eventListeners; cbs.loadedmetadata = function () { self._loadedmeta = true; self._forceUpdate = true; if (self._waitingFullscreen) { self._waitingFullscreen = false; self._toggleFullscreen(true); } self._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.META_LOADED); }; cbs.ended = function () { if (self._video !== video) return; self._playing = false; self._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.COMPLETED); }; cbs.play = function () { if (self._video !== video) return; self._playing = true; self._updateVisibility(); self._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.PLAYING); }; // pause and stop callback cbs.pause = function () { if (self._video !== video) { return; } self._playing = false; if (!self._ignorePause) { self._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.PAUSED); } }; cbs.click = function () { self._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.CLICKED); }; video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", cbs.loadedmetadata); video.addEventListener("ended", cbs.ended); video.addEventListener("play", cbs.play); video.addEventListener("pause", cbs.pause); video.addEventListener("click", cbs.click); function onCanPlay () { let video = self._video; if (self._loaded || !video) return; if (video.readyState === READY_STATE.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA || video.readyState === READY_STATE.HAVE_METADATA) { video.currentTime = 0; self._loaded = true; self._forceUpdate = true; self._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.READY_TO_PLAY); self._updateVisibility(); } } cbs.onCanPlay = onCanPlay; video.addEventListener('canplay', cbs.onCanPlay); video.addEventListener('canplaythrough', cbs.onCanPlay); video.addEventListener('suspend', cbs.onCanPlay); }, _updateVisibility () { let video = this._video; if (!video) return; if (this._visible) { video.style.visibility = 'visible'; } else { video.style.visibility = 'hidden'; video.pause(); this._playing = false; } }, _updateSize (width, height) { let video = this._video; if (!video) return; video.style.width = width + 'px'; video.style.height = height + 'px'; }, _createDom (muted) { let video = document.createElement('video'); video.style.position = "absolute"; video.style.bottom = "0px"; video.style.left = "0px"; video.style['z-index'] = this._stayOnBottom ? macro.MIN_ZINDEX : 0; video.className = "cocosVideo"; video.setAttribute('preload', 'auto'); video.setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', ''); // This x5-playsinline tag must be added, otherwise the play, pause events will only fire once, in the qq browser. video.setAttribute("x5-playsinline", ''); video.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); if (muted) { video.setAttribute('muted', ''); } this._video = video; cc.game.container.appendChild(video); }, createDomElementIfNeeded: function (muted) { if (!this._video) { this._createDom(muted); } }, removeDom () { let video = this._video; if (video) { let hasChild = utils.contains(cc.game.container, video); if (hasChild) cc.game.container.removeChild(video); let cbs = this.__eventListeners; video.removeEventListener("loadedmetadata", cbs.loadedmetadata); video.removeEventListener("ended", cbs.ended); video.removeEventListener("play", cbs.play); video.removeEventListener("pause", cbs.pause); video.removeEventListener("click", cbs.click); video.removeEventListener("canplay", cbs.onCanPlay); video.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", cbs.onCanPlay); video.removeEventListener("suspend", cbs.onCanPlay); cbs.loadedmetadata = null; cbs.ended = null; cbs.play = null; cbs.pause = null; cbs.click = null; cbs.onCanPlay = null; } this._video = null; this._url = ""; }, setURL (path, muted) { let source, extname; if (this._url === path) { return; } this.removeDom(); this._url = path; this.createDomElementIfNeeded(muted); this._bindEvent(); let video = this._video; video.style["visibility"] = "hidden"; this._loaded = false; this._playing = false; this._loadedmeta = false; source = document.createElement("source"); source.src = path; video.appendChild(source); extname = cc.path.extname(path); let polyfill = VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill; for (let i = 0; i < polyfill.canPlayType.length; i++) { if (extname !== polyfill.canPlayType[i]) { source = document.createElement("source"); source.src = path.replace(extname, polyfill.canPlayType[i]); video.appendChild(source); } } }, getURL: function() { return this._url; }, play: function () { let video = this._video; if (!video || !this._visible || this._playing) return; video.play(); }, pause: function () { let video = this._video; if (!this._playing || !video) return; video.pause(); }, resume: function () { this.play(); }, stop: function () { let video = this._video; if (!video || !this._visible) return; this._ignorePause = true; video.currentTime = 0; video.pause(); setTimeout(function () { this._dispatchEvent(VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.STOPPED); this._ignorePause = false; }.bind(this), 0); }, setVolume: function (volume) { let video = this._video; if (video) { video.volume = volume; } }, seekTo: function (time) { let video = this._video; if (!video) return; if (this._loaded) { video.currentTime = time; } else { let cb = function () { video.currentTime = time; video.removeEventListener(VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.event, cb); }; video.addEventListener(VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.event, cb); } }, isPlaying: function () { return this._playing; }, duration: function () { let video = this._video; let duration = -1; if (!video) return duration; duration = video.duration; if (duration <= 0) { cc.logID(7702); } return duration; }, currentTime: function() { let video = this._video; if (!video) return -1; return video.currentTime; }, setKeepAspectRatioEnabled: function () { if (CC_EDITOR) { return; } cc.logID(7700); }, isKeepAspectRatioEnabled: function () { return true; }, _toggleFullscreen: function (enable) { let self = this, video = this._video; if (!video) { return; } // Monitor video entry and exit full-screen events function handleFullscreenChange (event) { let fullscreenElement = sys.browserType === sys.BROWSER_TYPE_IE ? document.msFullscreenElement : document.fullscreenElement; self._fullScreenEnabled = (fullscreenElement === video); } function handleFullScreenError (event) { self._fullScreenEnabled = false; } if (enable) { if (sys.browserType === sys.BROWSER_TYPE_IE) { // fix IE full screen content is not centered video.style['transform'] = ''; } cc.screen.requestFullScreen(video, handleFullscreenChange, handleFullScreenError); } else if (cc.screen.fullScreen()) { cc.screen.exitFullScreen(video); } }, setStayOnBottom: function (enabled) { this._stayOnBottom = enabled; if (!this._video) return; this._video.style['z-index'] = enabled ? macro.MIN_ZINDEX : 0; }, setFullScreenEnabled: function (enable) { if (!this._loadedmeta && enable) { this._waitingFullscreen = true; } else { this._toggleFullscreen(enable); } }, isFullScreenEnabled: function () { return this._fullScreenEnabled; }, setEventListener: function (event, callback) { this._EventList[event] = callback; }, removeEventListener: function (event) { this._EventList[event] = null; }, _dispatchEvent: function (event) { let callback = this._EventList[event]; if (callback) callback.call(this, this, this._video.src); }, onPlayEvent: function () { let callback = this._EventList[VideoPlayerImpl.EventType.PLAYING]; callback.call(this, this, this._video.src); }, enable: function () { let list = VideoPlayerImpl.elements; if (list.indexOf(this) === -1) list.push(this); this.setVisible(true); }, disable: function () { let list = VideoPlayerImpl.elements; let index = list.indexOf(this); if (index !== -1) list.splice(index, 1); this.setVisible(false); }, destroy: function () { this.disable(); this.removeDom(); }, setVisible: function (visible) { if (this._visible !== visible) { this._visible = !!visible; this._updateVisibility(); } }, updateMatrix (node) { if (!this._video || !this._visible || this._fullScreenEnabled) return; node.getWorldMatrix(_mat4_temp); let renderCamera = cc.Camera._findRendererCamera(node); if (renderCamera) { renderCamera.worldMatrixToScreen(_mat4_temp, _mat4_temp, cc.game.canvas.width, cc.game.canvas.height); } let _mat4_tempm = _mat4_temp.m; if (!this._forceUpdate && this._m00 === _mat4_tempm[0] && this._m01 === _mat4_tempm[1] && this._m04 === _mat4_tempm[4] && this._m05 === _mat4_tempm[5] && this._m12 === _mat4_tempm[12] && this._m13 === _mat4_tempm[13] && this._w === node._contentSize.width && this._h === node._contentSize.height) { return; } // update matrix cache this._m00 = _mat4_tempm[0]; this._m01 = _mat4_tempm[1]; this._m04 = _mat4_tempm[4]; this._m05 = _mat4_tempm[5]; this._m12 = _mat4_tempm[12]; this._m13 = _mat4_tempm[13]; this._w = node._contentSize.width; this._h = node._contentSize.height; let dpr = cc.view._devicePixelRatio; let scaleX = 1 / dpr; let scaleY = 1 / dpr; let container = cc.game.container; let a = _mat4_tempm[0] * scaleX, b = _mat4_tempm[1], c = _mat4_tempm[4], d = _mat4_tempm[5] * scaleY; let offsetX = container && container.style.paddingLeft ? parseInt(container.style.paddingLeft) : 0; let offsetY = container && container.style.paddingBottom ? parseInt(container.style.paddingBottom) : 0; let w, h; if (VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.zoomInvalid) { this._updateSize(this._w * a, this._h * d); a = 1; d = 1; w = this._w * scaleX; h = this._h * scaleY; } else { w = this._w * scaleX; h = this._h * scaleY; this._updateSize(this._w, this._h); } let appx = (w * _mat4_tempm[0]) * node._anchorPoint.x; let appy = (h * _mat4_tempm[5]) * node._anchorPoint.y; let tx = _mat4_tempm[12] * scaleX - appx + offsetX, ty = _mat4_tempm[13] * scaleY - appy + offsetY; let matrix = "matrix(" + a + "," + -b + "," + -c + "," + d + "," + tx + "," + -ty + ")"; this._video.style['transform'] = matrix; this._video.style['-webkit-transform'] = matrix; this._video.style['transform-origin'] = '0px 100% 0px'; this._video.style['-webkit-transform-origin'] = '0px 100% 0px'; // TODO: move into web adapter // video style would change when enter fullscreen on IE // there is no way to add fullscreenchange event listeners on IE so that we can restore the cached video style if (sys.browserType !== sys.BROWSER_TYPE_IE) { this._forceUpdate = false; } } }); VideoPlayerImpl.EventType = { NONE: -1, PLAYING: 0, PAUSED: 1, STOPPED: 2, COMPLETED: 3, META_LOADED: 4, CLICKED: 5, READY_TO_PLAY: 6 }; // video 队列,所有 vidoe 在 onEnter 的时候都会插入这个队列 VideoPlayerImpl.elements = []; // video 在 game_hide 事件中被自动暂停的队列,用于回复的时候重新开始播放 VideoPlayerImpl.pauseElements = []; cc.game.on(cc.game.EVENT_HIDE, function () { let list = VideoPlayerImpl.elements; for (let element, i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { element = list[i]; if (element.isPlaying()) { element.pause(); VideoPlayerImpl.pauseElements.push(element); } } }); cc.game.on(cc.game.EVENT_SHOW, function () { let list = VideoPlayerImpl.pauseElements; let element = list.pop(); while (element) { element.play(); element = list.pop(); } }); /** * Adapter various machines * @devicePixelRatio Whether you need to consider devicePixelRatio calculated position * @event To get the data using events */ VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill = { devicePixelRatio: false, event: "canplay", canPlayType: [] }; /** * Some old browser only supports Theora encode video * But native does not support this encode, * so it is best to provide mp4 and webm or ogv file */ // TODO: adapt wx video player // issue: https://github.com/cocos-creator/2d-tasks/issues/1364 let dom = document.createElement("video"); if (dom.canPlayType) { if (dom.canPlayType("video/ogg")) { VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.canPlayType.push(".ogg"); VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.canPlayType.push(".ogv"); } if (dom.canPlayType("video/mp4")) { VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.canPlayType.push(".mp4"); } if (dom.canPlayType("video/webm")) { VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.canPlayType.push(".webm"); } } if ( sys.OS_ANDROID === sys.os && ( sys.browserType === sys.BROWSER_TYPE_SOUGOU || sys.browserType === sys.BROWSER_TYPE_360 ) ) { VideoPlayerImpl._polyfill.zoomInvalid = true; } let style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ".cocosVideo:-moz-full-screen{transform:matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0) !important;}" + ".cocosVideo:full-screen{transform:matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0) !important;}" + ".cocosVideo:-webkit-full-screen{transform:matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0) !important;}"; document.head.appendChild(style); module.exports = VideoPlayerImpl;