window.boot = function () { var settings = window._CCSettings; window._CCSettings = undefined; var onStart = function () { cc.view.enableRetina(true); cc.view.resizeWithBrowserSize(true); var launchScene = settings.launchScene; // load scene cc.director.loadScene(launchScene, null, function () { console.log('Success to load scene: ' + launchScene); } ); }; var isSubContext = (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.BAIDU_GAME_SUB); var option = { id: 'GameCanvas', debugMode: settings.debug ? cc.debug.DebugMode.INFO : cc.debug.DebugMode.ERROR, showFPS: !isSubContext && settings.debug, frameRate: 60, groupList: settings.groupList, collisionMatrix: settings.collisionMatrix, } cc.assetManager.init({ bundleVers: settings.bundleVers, subpackages: settings.subpackages, remoteBundles: settings.remoteBundles, server: settings.server, subContextRoot: settings.subContextRoot }); var RESOURCES = cc.AssetManager.BuiltinBundleName.RESOURCES; var INTERNAL = cc.AssetManager.BuiltinBundleName.INTERNAL; var MAIN = cc.AssetManager.BuiltinBundleName.MAIN; var START_SCENE = cc.AssetManager.BuiltinBundleName.START_SCENE; var bundleRoot = [INTERNAL]; settings.hasResourcesBundle && bundleRoot.push(RESOURCES); settings.hasStartSceneBundle && bundleRoot.push(MAIN); var count = 0; function cb (err) { if (err) return console.error(err.message, err.stack); count++; if (count === bundleRoot.length + 1) { // if there is start-scene bundle. should load start-scene bundle in the last stage // Otherwise the main bundle should be the last cc.assetManager.loadBundle(settings.hasStartSceneBundle ? START_SCENE : MAIN, function (err) { if (!err), onStart); }); } } // load plugins cc.assetManager.loadScript( (x) { return 'src/' + x;}), cb); // load bundles for (var i = 0; i < bundleRoot.length; i++) { cc.assetManager.loadBundle(bundleRoot[i], cb); } };