#!/usr/bin/python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # statistics: Statistics the user behaviors of cocos2d-console by google analytics # # Author: Bin Zhang # # License: MIT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Statistics the user behaviors of cocos2d-console by google analytics ''' import cocos import uuid import locale import httplib import urllib import platform import sys import os import json import time import socket import hashlib import datetime import zlib import multiprocessing # GA related Constants GA_HOST = 'www.google-analytics.com' GA_PATH = '/collect' GA_APIVERSION = '1' APPNAME = 'CocosConcole' TIMEOUT_VALUE = 0.5 # formal tracker ID GA_TRACKERID = 'UA-60734607-3' # debug tracker ID # GA_TRACKERID = 'UA-60530469-4' # BI related Constants BI_HOST = 'ark.cocounion.com' BI_PATH = '/as' BI_APPID = '433748803' GA_ENABLED = True BI_ENABLED = False class Fields(object): API_VERSION = 'v' TRACKING_ID = 'tid' HIT_TYPE = 't' CLIENT_ID = 'cid' EVENT_CATEGORY = 'ec' EVENT_ACTION = 'ea' EVENT_LABEL = 'el' EVENT_VALUE = 'ev' APP_NAME = 'an' APP_VERSION = 'av' USER_LANGUAGE = 'ul' USER_AGENT = 'ua' SCREEN_NAME = "cd" SCREEN_RESOLUTION = "sr" GA_CACHE_EVENTS_FILE = 'cache_events' GA_CACHE_EVENTS_BAK_FILE = 'cache_event_bak' local_cfg_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.cocos') local_cfg_file = os.path.join(local_cfg_path, GA_CACHE_EVENTS_FILE) local_cfg_bak_file = os.path.join(local_cfg_path, GA_CACHE_EVENTS_BAK_FILE) file_in_use_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() bak_file_in_use_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() BI_CACHE_EVENTS_FILE = 'bi_cache_events' bi_cfg_file = os.path.join(local_cfg_path, BI_CACHE_EVENTS_FILE) bi_file_in_use_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() def get_user_id(): node = uuid.getnode() mac = uuid.UUID(int = node).hex[-12:] uid = hashlib.md5(mac).hexdigest() return uid def get_language(): lang, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale() return lang def get_user_agent(): ret_str = None if cocos.os_is_win32(): ver_info = sys.getwindowsversion() ver_str = '%d.%d' % (ver_info[0], ver_info[1]) if cocos.os_is_32bit_windows(): arch_str = "WOW32" else: arch_str = "WOW64" ret_str = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT %s; %s) Chrome/33.0.1750.154 Safari/537.36" % (ver_str, arch_str) elif cocos.os_is_mac(): ver_str = (platform.mac_ver()[0]).replace('.', '_') ret_str = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X %s) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36" % ver_str elif cocos.os_is_linux(): arch_str = platform.machine() ret_str = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux %s) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1636.0 Safari/537.36" % arch_str return ret_str def get_system_info(): if cocos.os_is_win32(): ret_str = "windows" ret_str += "_%s" % platform.release() if cocos.os_is_32bit_windows(): ret_str += "_%s" % "32bit" else: ret_str += "_%s" % "64bit" elif cocos.os_is_mac(): ret_str = "mac_%s" % (platform.mac_ver()[0]).replace('.', '_') elif cocos.os_is_linux(): ret_str = "linux_%s" % platform.linux_distribution()[0] else: ret_str = "unknown" return ret_str def get_python_version(): return "python_%s" % platform.python_version() def get_time_stamp(): utc_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow() local_dt = utc_dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=8) epoch = datetime.datetime(1970,1,1) local_ts = (local_dt - epoch).total_seconds() ret = '%d' % int(local_ts) return ret def get_static_params(engine_version): static_params = { Fields.API_VERSION: GA_APIVERSION, Fields.TRACKING_ID: GA_TRACKERID, Fields.CLIENT_ID: get_user_id(), Fields.APP_NAME: APPNAME, Fields.HIT_TYPE: "event", Fields.USER_LANGUAGE: get_language(), Fields.APP_VERSION: engine_version, Fields.SCREEN_NAME: get_system_info(), Fields.SCREEN_RESOLUTION: get_python_version() } agent_str = get_user_agent() if agent_str is not None: static_params[Fields.USER_AGENT] = agent_str return static_params def gen_bi_event(event, event_value): time_stamp = get_time_stamp() if event_value == 0: is_cache_event = '1' else: is_cache_event = '0' category = event[0] action = event[1] label = event[2] event_name = category params = { 'cached_event' : is_cache_event } if category == 'cocos': if action == 'start': event_name = 'cocos_invoked' elif action == 'running_command': event_name = 'running_command' params['command'] = label else: params['category'] = category params['action'] = action params['label'] = label elif category == 'new': event_name = 'new_project' params['language'] = action params['template'] = label elif category == 'new_engine_ver': event_name = 'engine_info' params['version'] = action params['engine_type'] = label elif category == 'compile': params['language'] = action params['target_platform'] = label else: params['category'] = category params['action'] = action params['label'] = label if len(event) >= 4: appear_time = event[3] else: appear_time = time_stamp ret = { 'u' : { '28' : get_user_id(), '34' : get_python_version() }, 'p' : params, 's' : time_stamp, 'e' : event_name, 't' : appear_time } return ret def get_bi_params(events, event_value, multi_events=False, engine_versio=''): if cocos.os_is_win32(): system_str = 'windows' ver_info = sys.getwindowsversion() ver_str = '%d.%d' % (ver_info[0], ver_info[1]) if cocos.os_is_32bit_windows(): arch_str = "_32bit" else: arch_str = "_64bit" system_ver = '%s%s' % (ver_str, arch_str) elif cocos.os_is_mac(): system_str = 'mac' system_ver = (platform.mac_ver()[0]) elif cocos.os_is_linux(): system_str = 'linux' system_ver = platform.machine() else: system_str = 'unknown' system_ver = 'unknown' events_param = [] if multi_events: for e in events: events_param.append(gen_bi_event(e, event_value)) else: events_param.append(gen_bi_event(events, event_value)) params = { 'device': { '10' : system_ver, '11' : system_str }, 'app': { '7' : BI_APPID, '8' : engine_version, '9' : get_language() }, 'time' : get_time_stamp(), 'events' : events_param } return params def cache_event(event, is_ga=True, multi_events=False): if is_ga: cache_ga_event(event) else: cache_bi_event(event, multi_events) # BI cache events related methods def cache_bi_event(event, multi_events=False): bi_file_in_use_lock.acquire() outFile = None try: # get current cached events cache_events = get_bi_cached_events(need_lock=False) if multi_events: need_cache_size = len(event) else: need_cache_size = 1 # delete the oldest events if there are too many events. events_size = len(cache_events) if events_size >= Statistic.MAX_CACHE_EVENTS: start_idx = events_size - (Statistic.MAX_CACHE_EVENTS - need_cache_size) cache_events = cache_events[start_idx:] # cache the new event if multi_events: for e in event: cache_events.append(e) else: cache_events.append(event) # write file outFile = open(bi_cfg_file, 'w') json.dump(cache_events, outFile) outFile.close() except: if outFile is not None: outFile.close() finally: bi_file_in_use_lock.release() def get_bi_cached_events(need_lock=True): if not os.path.isfile(bi_cfg_file): cached_events = [] else: f = None try: if need_lock: bi_file_in_use_lock.acquire() f = open(bi_cfg_file) cached_events = json.load(f) f.close() if not isinstance(cached_events, list): cached_events = [] except: cached_events = [] finally: if f is not None: f.close() if need_lock: bi_file_in_use_lock.release() return cached_events # GA cache events related methods def get_ga_cached_events(is_bak=False, need_lock=True): if is_bak: cfg_file = local_cfg_bak_file lock = bak_file_in_use_lock else: cfg_file = local_cfg_file lock = file_in_use_lock if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file): cached_events = [] else: f = None try: if need_lock: lock.acquire() f = open(cfg_file) cached_events = json.load(f) f.close() if not isinstance(cached_events, list): cached_events = [] except: cached_events = [] finally: if f is not None: f.close() if need_lock: lock.release() return cached_events def cache_ga_event(event): file_in_use_lock.acquire() outFile = None try: # get current cached events cache_events = get_ga_cached_events(is_bak=False, need_lock=False) # delete the oldest events if there are too many events. events_size = len(cache_events) if events_size >= Statistic.MAX_CACHE_EVENTS: start_idx = events_size - (Statistic.MAX_CACHE_EVENTS - 1) cache_events = cache_events[start_idx:] # cache the new event cache_events.append(event) # write file outFile = open(local_cfg_file, 'w') json.dump(cache_events, outFile) outFile.close() except: if outFile is not None: outFile.close() finally: file_in_use_lock.release() def pop_bak_ga_cached_event(): bak_file_in_use_lock.acquire() events = get_ga_cached_events(is_bak=True, need_lock=False) if len(events) > 0: e = events[0] events = events[1:] outFile = None try: outFile = open(local_cfg_bak_file, 'w') json.dump(events, outFile) outFile.close() except: if outFile: outFile.close() else: e = None bak_file_in_use_lock.release() return e def do_send_ga_cached_event(engine_version): e = pop_bak_ga_cached_event() while(e is not None): do_send(e, 0, is_ga=True, multi_events=False, engine_version=engine_version) e = pop_bak_ga_cached_event() def get_params_str(event, event_value, is_ga=True, multi_events=False, engine_version=''): if is_ga: params = get_static_params(engine_version) params[Fields.EVENT_CATEGORY] = event[0] params[Fields.EVENT_ACTION] = event[1] params[Fields.EVENT_LABEL] = event[2] params[Fields.EVENT_VALUE] = '%d' % event_value params_str = urllib.urlencode(params) else: params = get_bi_params(event, event_value, multi_events, engine_version) strParam = json.dumps(params) params_str = zlib.compress(strParam, 9) return params_str def do_http_request(event, event_value, is_ga=True, multi_events=False, engine_version=''): ret = False conn = None try: params_str = get_params_str(event, event_value, is_ga, multi_events, engine_version) if is_ga: host_url = GA_HOST host_path = GA_PATH else: host_url = BI_HOST host_path = BI_PATH socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT_VALUE) conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host_url, timeout=TIMEOUT_VALUE) conn.request(method="POST", url=host_path, body=params_str) response = conn.getresponse() res = response.status if res >= 200 and res < 300: # status is 2xx mean the request is success. ret = True else: ret = False except: pass finally: if conn: conn.close() return ret def do_send(event, event_value, is_ga=True, multi_events=False, engine_version=''): try: ret = do_http_request(event, event_value, is_ga, multi_events, engine_version) if not ret: # request failed, cache the event cache_event(event, is_ga, multi_events) except: pass class Statistic(object): MAX_CACHE_EVENTS = 50 MAX_CACHE_PROC = 5 def __init__(self, engine_version): self.process_pool = [] self.engine_version = engine_version if cocos.os_is_win32(): multiprocessing.freeze_support() def send_cached_events(self): try: # send GA cached events if GA_ENABLED: events = get_ga_cached_events() event_size = len(events) if event_size == 0: return # rename the file if os.path.isfile(local_cfg_bak_file): os.remove(local_cfg_bak_file) os.rename(local_cfg_file, local_cfg_bak_file) # create processes to handle the events proc_num = min(event_size, Statistic.MAX_CACHE_PROC) for i in range(proc_num): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_send_ga_cached_event, args=(self.engine_version,)) p.start() self.process_pool.append(p) # send BI cached events if BI_ENABLED: events = get_bi_cached_events() event_size = len(events) if event_size == 0: return # remove the cached events file if os.path.isfile(bi_cfg_file): os.remove(bi_cfg_file) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_send, args=(events, 0, False, True, self.engine_version,)) p.start() self.process_pool.append(p) except: pass def send_event(self, category, action, label): try: event = [ category, action, label ] # send event to GA if GA_ENABLED: p = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_send, args=(event, 1, True, False, self.engine_version,)) p.start() self.process_pool.append(p) # send event to BI if BI_ENABLED: # add timestamp event.append(get_time_stamp()) p = multiprocessing.Process(target=do_send, args=(event, 1, False, False, self.engine_version,)) p.start() self.process_pool.append(p) except: pass def terminate_stat(self): # terminate sub-processes if len(self.process_pool) > 0: alive_count = 0 for p in self.process_pool: if p.is_alive(): alive_count += 1 if alive_count > 0: time.sleep(1) for p in self.process_pool: if p.is_alive(): p.terminate() # remove the backup file if os.path.isfile(local_cfg_bak_file): os.remove(local_cfg_bak_file)