/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. https://www.cocos.com/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated engine source code (the "Software"), a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, revocable and non-exclusive license to use Cocos Creator solely to develop games on your target platforms. You shall not use Cocos Creator software for developing other software or tools that's used for developing games. You are not granted to publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of Cocos Creator. The software or tools in this License Agreement are licensed, not sold. Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ import Assembler from '../../cocos2d/core/renderer/assembler'; const Skeleton = require('./Skeleton'); const spine = require('./lib/spine'); const RenderFlow = require('../../cocos2d/core/renderer/render-flow'); const VertexFormat = require('../../cocos2d/core/renderer/webgl/vertex-format') const VFOneColor = VertexFormat.vfmtPosUvColor; const VFOneColorTexId = VertexFormat.vfmtPosUvColorTexId; const VFTwoColor = VertexFormat.vfmtPosUvTwoColor; const VFTwoColorTexId = VertexFormat.vfmtPosUvTwoColorTexId; const gfx = cc.gfx; const FLAG_BATCH = 0x10; const FLAG_TWO_COLOR = 0x01; let _handleVal = 0x00; let _quadTriangles = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]; let _slotColor = cc.color(0, 0, 255, 255); let _boneColor = cc.color(255, 0, 0, 255); let _originColor = cc.color(0, 255, 0, 255); let _meshColor = cc.color(255, 255, 0, 255); let _finalColor = null; let _darkColor = null; let _tempPos = null, _tempUv = null; if (!CC_NATIVERENDERER) { _finalColor = new spine.Color(1, 1, 1, 1); _darkColor = new spine.Color(1, 1, 1, 1); _tempPos = new spine.Vector2(); _tempUv = new spine.Vector2(); } let _premultipliedAlpha; let _multiplier; let _slotRangeStart; let _slotRangeEnd; let _useTint; let _useMulti; let _texId; let _debugSlots; let _debugBones; let _debugMesh; let _nodeR, _nodeG, _nodeB, _nodeA; let _finalColor32, _darkColor32; let _vertexFormat; let _perVertexSize; let _perClipVertexSize; let _vertexFloatCount = 0, _vertexCount = 0, _vertexFloatOffset = 0, _vertexOffset = 0, _indexCount = 0, _indexOffset = 0, _vfOffset = 0; let _tempr, _tempg, _tempb; let _inRange; let _mustFlush; let _x, _y, _m00, _m04, _m12, _m01, _m05, _m13; let _r, _g, _b, _fr, _fg, _fb, _fa, _dr, _dg, _db, _da; let _comp, _buffer, _renderer, _node, _needColor, _vertexEffect; let _packedRegions = []; function _getSlotMaterial (tex, blendMode) { let src, dst; switch (blendMode) { case spine.BlendMode.Additive: src = _premultipliedAlpha ? cc.macro.ONE : cc.macro.SRC_ALPHA; dst = cc.macro.ONE; break; case spine.BlendMode.Multiply: src = cc.macro.DST_COLOR; dst = cc.macro.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; break; case spine.BlendMode.Screen: src = cc.macro.ONE; dst = cc.macro.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR; break; case spine.BlendMode.Normal: default: src = _premultipliedAlpha ? cc.macro.ONE : cc.macro.SRC_ALPHA; dst = cc.macro.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA; break; } let useModel = !_comp.enableBatch; let baseMaterial = _comp._materials[0]; if (!baseMaterial) return null; if (_useMulti) { let key = tex.getId() + src + dst + _useTint; let materialCache = _comp._materialCache; let materialInfo = materialCache[key]; if (!materialInfo) { let texId = baseMaterial.material.getMultiHandler().getIndex(tex.getImpl()); if (!materialCache.baseMaterial) { materialInfo = { material: baseMaterial, texId: texId }; materialCache.baseMaterial = materialInfo; } else { materialInfo = { material: cc.MaterialVariant.create(baseMaterial), texId: texId }; } _comp._defineMaterialTint(baseMaterial, _useTint); if (texId === -1) { materialInfo.material.setProperty('texture', tex); materialInfo.texId = 0; } // update blend function materialInfo.material.setBlend( true, gfx.BLEND_FUNC_ADD, src, dst, gfx.BLEND_FUNC_ADD, src, dst ); materialCache[key] = materialInfo; } _texId = materialInfo.texId; return materialInfo.material; } else { // The key use to find corresponding material let key = tex.getId() + src + dst + _useTint + useModel; let materialCache = _comp._materialCache; let material = materialCache[key]; if (!material) { if (!materialCache.baseMaterial) { material = baseMaterial; materialCache.baseMaterial = baseMaterial; } else { material = cc.MaterialVariant.create(baseMaterial); } material.define('CC_USE_MODEL', useModel); material.define('USE_TINT', _useTint); // update texture material.setProperty('texture', tex); // update blend function material.setBlend( true, gfx.BLEND_FUNC_ADD, src, dst, gfx.BLEND_FUNC_ADD, src, dst ); materialCache[key] = material; } return material; } } function _handleColor (color) { // temp rgb has multiply 255, so need divide 255; _fa = color.fa * _nodeA; _multiplier = _premultipliedAlpha ? _fa / 255 : 1; _r = _nodeR * _multiplier; _g = _nodeG * _multiplier; _b = _nodeB * _multiplier; _fr = color.fr * _r; _fg = color.fg * _g; _fb = color.fb * _b; _finalColor32 = ((_fa<<24) >>> 0) + (_fb<<16) + (_fg<<8) + _fr; _dr = color.dr * _r; _dg = color.dg * _g; _db = color.db * _b; _da = _premultipliedAlpha ? 255 : 0; _darkColor32 = ((_da<<24) >>> 0) + (_db<<16) + (_dg<<8) + _dr; } function _spineColorToInt32 (spineColor) { return ((spineColor.a<<24) >>> 0) + (spineColor.b<<16) + (spineColor.g<<8) + spineColor.r; } export default class SpineAssembler extends Assembler { updateRenderData (comp) { if (comp.isAnimationCached()) return; this.handleDynamicAtlasAndSwitchMaterial(comp); let skeleton = comp._skeleton; if (skeleton) { skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); } } handleDynamicAtlasAndSwitchMaterial(comp) { if (comp._dataDirty) { // 自动合图 this.packDynamicAtlasForSpine(comp); // 自动切换材质 const autoSwitchMaterial = comp.autoSwitchMaterial; if ((cc.sp.autoSwitchMaterial && autoSwitchMaterial === 0) || autoSwitchMaterial === 1) { const material = comp._materials[0]; if (!material) return false; const skins = comp.skeletonData._skeletonCache.skins; root: for (const skin of skins) { for (const attachment of skin.attachments) { for (const key in attachment) { const region = attachment[key].region; if (region && region.texture) { this.checkAndSwitchMaterial(comp, region.texture._texture, material); break root; } } } } } comp._dataDirty = false; } } bindPackedRegion(attachment, region) { const frame = region._spriteFrame; sp.SkeletonData.updateRegionUV(region); if (attachment instanceof sp.spine.MeshAttachment) { attachment.updateUVs(); } else { attachment.setRegion(region); attachment.updateOffset(); } frame.once("_resetDynamicAtlasFrame", () => { region.x = region._original._x; region.y = region._original._y; region.texture = region._original._texture; region._original = null; // update uv sp.SkeletonData.updateRegionUV(region); if (attachment instanceof sp.spine.MeshAttachment) { attachment.updateUVs(); } else { attachment.setRegion(region); attachment.updateOffset(); } }); } packDynamicAtlasForSpine(comp) { if (CC_TEST) return false; _packedRegions.length = 0; const allowDynamicAtlas = comp.allowDynamicAtlas; if ((cc.sp.allowDynamicAtlas && allowDynamicAtlas === 0) || allowDynamicAtlas === 1) { if (cc.dynamicAtlasManager) { const skins = comp.skeletonData._skeletonCache.skins; for (const skin of skins) { for (const attachments of skin.attachments) { for (const key in attachments) { const attachment = attachments[key]; const region = attachment.region; if (region) { if (region._original) { // 可能出现多个 attachment 共用同一个 region if (_packedRegions.includes(region)) { this.bindPackedRegion(attachment, region); } } else if (region.texture && region.texture._texture.packable) { if (region._spriteFrame) { region._spriteFrame.destroy(); region._spriteFrame = null; } const frame = sp.SkeletonData.createSpriteFrame(region); const packedFrame = cc.dynamicAtlasManager.insertSpriteFrame(frame); if (packedFrame) { frame._setDynamicAtlasFrame(packedFrame); region._original = { _texture: region.texture, _x: region.x, _y: region.y, }; region.texture = new sp.SkeletonTexture({ width: packedFrame.texture.width, height: packedFrame.texture.height, }); region.texture.setRealTexture(packedFrame.texture); region.x = packedFrame.x; region.y = packedFrame.y; // update uv region._spriteFrame = frame; this.bindPackedRegion(attachment, region); _packedRegions.push(region); } else { frame.destroy(); } } } } } } } } _packedRegions.length = 0; } fillVertices (skeletonColor, attachmentColor, slotColor, clipper, slot) { let vbuf = _buffer._vData, ibuf = _buffer._iData, uintVData = _buffer._uintVData; let offsetInfo; _finalColor.a = slotColor.a * attachmentColor.a * skeletonColor.a * _nodeA * 255; _multiplier = _premultipliedAlpha? _finalColor.a : 255; _tempr = _nodeR * attachmentColor.r * skeletonColor.r * _multiplier; _tempg = _nodeG * attachmentColor.g * skeletonColor.g * _multiplier; _tempb = _nodeB * attachmentColor.b * skeletonColor.b * _multiplier; _finalColor.r = _tempr * slotColor.r; _finalColor.g = _tempg * slotColor.g; _finalColor.b = _tempb * slotColor.b; if (slot.darkColor == null) { _darkColor.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } else { _darkColor.r = slot.darkColor.r * _tempr; _darkColor.g = slot.darkColor.g * _tempg; _darkColor.b = slot.darkColor.b * _tempb; } _darkColor.a = _premultipliedAlpha ? 255 : 0; if (!clipper.isClipping()) { if (_vertexEffect) { for (let v = _vertexFloatOffset, n = _vertexFloatOffset + _vertexFloatCount; v < n; v += _perVertexSize) { _tempPos.x = vbuf[v]; _tempPos.y = vbuf[v + 1]; _tempUv.x = vbuf[v + 2]; _tempUv.y = vbuf[v + 3]; _vertexEffect.transform(_tempPos, _tempUv, _finalColor, _darkColor); vbuf[v] = _tempPos.x; // x vbuf[v + 1] = _tempPos.y; // y vbuf[v + 2] = _tempUv.x; // u vbuf[v + 3] = _tempUv.y; // v uintVData[v + 4] = _spineColorToInt32(_finalColor); // light color if (_useTint) { uintVData[v + 5] = _spineColorToInt32(_darkColor); if (_useMulti) vbuf[v + 6] = _texId; } else { if (_useMulti) vbuf[v + 5] = _texId; } } } else { _finalColor32 = _spineColorToInt32(_finalColor); _darkColor32 = _spineColorToInt32(_darkColor); for (let v = _vertexFloatOffset, n = _vertexFloatOffset + _vertexFloatCount; v < n; v += _perVertexSize) { uintVData[v + 4] = _finalColor32; // light color if (_useTint) { uintVData[v + 5] = _darkColor32; if (_useMulti) vbuf[v + 6] = _texId; } else { if (_useMulti) vbuf[v + 5] = _texId; } } } } else { let uvs = vbuf.subarray(_vertexFloatOffset + 2); clipper.clipTriangles(vbuf.subarray(_vertexFloatOffset), _vertexFloatCount, ibuf.subarray(_indexOffset), _indexCount, uvs, _finalColor, _darkColor, _useTint, _perVertexSize); let clippedVertices = new Float32Array(clipper.clippedVertices); let clippedTriangles = clipper.clippedTriangles; // insure capacity _indexCount = clippedTriangles.length; _vertexFloatCount = clippedVertices.length / _perClipVertexSize * _perVertexSize; offsetInfo = _buffer.requestForSpine(_vertexFloatCount / _perVertexSize, _indexCount); _indexOffset = offsetInfo.indiceOffset, _vertexOffset = offsetInfo.vertexOffset, _vertexFloatOffset = offsetInfo.byteOffset >> 2; vbuf = _buffer._vData, ibuf = _buffer._iData; uintVData = _buffer._uintVData; // fill indices ibuf.set(clippedTriangles, _indexOffset); // fill vertices contain x y u v light color dark color if (_vertexEffect) { for (let v = 0, n = clippedVertices.length, offset = _vertexFloatOffset; v < n; v += _perClipVertexSize, offset += _perVertexSize) { _tempPos.x = clippedVertices[v]; _tempPos.y = clippedVertices[v + 1]; _finalColor.set(clippedVertices[v + 2], clippedVertices[v + 3], clippedVertices[v + 4], clippedVertices[v + 5]); _tempUv.x = clippedVertices[v + 6]; _tempUv.y = clippedVertices[v + 7]; if (_useTint) { _darkColor.set(clippedVertices[v + 8], clippedVertices[v + 9], clippedVertices[v + 10], clippedVertices[v + 11]); } else { _darkColor.set(0, 0, 0, 0); } _vertexEffect.transform(_tempPos, _tempUv, _finalColor, _darkColor); vbuf[offset] = _tempPos.x; // x vbuf[offset + 1] = _tempPos.y; // y vbuf[offset + 2] = _tempUv.x; // u vbuf[offset + 3] = _tempUv.y; // v uintVData[offset + 4] = _spineColorToInt32(_finalColor); if (_useTint) { uintVData[offset + 5] = _spineColorToInt32(_darkColor); if (_useMulti) vbuf[offset + 6] = _texId; } else { if (_useMulti) vbuf[offset + 5] = _texId; } } } else { for (let v = 0, n = clippedVertices.length, offset = _vertexFloatOffset; v < n; v += _perClipVertexSize, offset += _perVertexSize) { vbuf[offset] = clippedVertices[v]; // x vbuf[offset + 1] = clippedVertices[v + 1]; // y vbuf[offset + 2] = clippedVertices[v + 6]; // u vbuf[offset + 3] = clippedVertices[v + 7]; // v _finalColor32 = ((clippedVertices[v + 5]<<24) >>> 0) + (clippedVertices[v + 4]<<16) + (clippedVertices[v + 3]<<8) + clippedVertices[v + 2]; uintVData[offset + 4] = _finalColor32; if (_useTint) { _darkColor32 = ((clippedVertices[v + 11] << 24) >>> 0) + (clippedVertices[v + 10] << 16) + (clippedVertices[v + 9] << 8) + clippedVertices[v + 8]; uintVData[offset + 5] = _darkColor32; if (_useMulti) vbuf[offset + 6] = _texId; } else { if (_useMulti) vbuf[offset + 5] = _texId; } } } } } realTimeTraverse (worldMat) { let vbuf; let ibuf; let locSkeleton = _comp._skeleton; let skeletonColor = locSkeleton.color; let graphics = _comp._debugRenderer; let clipper = _comp._clipper; let material = null; let attachment, attachmentColor, slotColor, uvs, triangles; let isRegion, isMesh, isClip; let offsetInfo; let slot; let worldMatm; _slotRangeStart = _comp._startSlotIndex; _slotRangeEnd = _comp._endSlotIndex; _inRange = false; if (_slotRangeStart == -1) _inRange = true; _debugSlots = _comp.debugSlots; _debugBones = _comp.debugBones; _debugMesh = _comp.debugMesh; if (graphics && (_debugBones || _debugSlots || _debugMesh)) { graphics.clear(); graphics.lineWidth = 2; } // x y u v r1 g1 b1 a1 r2 g2 b2 a2 or x y u v r g b a _perClipVertexSize = _useTint ? (_useMulti ? 16 : 12) : (_useMulti ? 12 : 8); _vertexFloatCount = 0; _vertexFloatOffset = 0; _vertexOffset = 0; _indexCount = 0; _indexOffset = 0; for (let slotIdx = 0, slotCount = locSkeleton.drawOrder.length; slotIdx < slotCount; slotIdx++) { slot = locSkeleton.drawOrder[slotIdx]; if(slot == undefined || !slot.bone.active) { continue; } if (_slotRangeStart >= 0 && _slotRangeStart == slot.data.index) { _inRange = true; } if (!_inRange) { clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); continue; } if (_slotRangeEnd >= 0 && _slotRangeEnd == slot.data.index) { _inRange = false; } _vertexFloatCount = 0; _indexCount = 0; attachment = slot.getAttachment(); if (!attachment) { clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); continue; } isRegion = attachment instanceof spine.RegionAttachment; isMesh = attachment instanceof spine.MeshAttachment; isClip = attachment instanceof spine.ClippingAttachment; if (isClip) { clipper.clipStart(slot, attachment); continue; } if (!isRegion && !isMesh) { clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); continue; } material = _getSlotMaterial(attachment.region.texture._texture, slot.data.blendMode); if (!material) { clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); continue; } if (_mustFlush || material.getHash() !== _renderer.material.getHash()) { _mustFlush = false; _renderer._flush(); _renderer.node = _node; _renderer.material = material; } if (isRegion) { triangles = _quadTriangles; // insure capacity _vertexFloatCount = 4 * _perVertexSize; _indexCount = 6; offsetInfo = _buffer.requestForSpine(4, 6); _indexOffset = offsetInfo.indiceOffset, _vertexOffset = offsetInfo.vertexOffset, _vertexFloatOffset = offsetInfo.byteOffset >> 2; vbuf = _buffer._vData, ibuf = _buffer._iData; // compute vertex and fill x y attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot.bone, vbuf, _vertexFloatOffset, _perVertexSize); // draw debug slots if enabled graphics if (graphics && _debugSlots) { graphics.strokeColor = _slotColor; graphics.moveTo(vbuf[_vertexFloatOffset], vbuf[_vertexFloatOffset + 1]); for (let ii = _vertexFloatOffset + _perVertexSize, nn = _vertexFloatOffset + _vertexFloatCount; ii < nn; ii += _perVertexSize) { graphics.lineTo(vbuf[ii], vbuf[ii + 1]); } graphics.close(); graphics.stroke(); } } else if (isMesh) { triangles = attachment.triangles; // insure capacity _vertexFloatCount = (attachment.worldVerticesLength >> 1) * _perVertexSize; _indexCount = triangles.length; offsetInfo = _buffer.requestForSpine(_vertexFloatCount / _perVertexSize, _indexCount); _indexOffset = offsetInfo.indiceOffset, _vertexOffset = offsetInfo.vertexOffset, _vertexFloatOffset = offsetInfo.byteOffset >> 2; vbuf = _buffer._vData, ibuf = _buffer._iData; // compute vertex and fill x y attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, attachment.worldVerticesLength, vbuf, _vertexFloatOffset, _perVertexSize); // draw debug mesh if enabled graphics if (graphics && _debugMesh) { graphics.strokeColor = _meshColor; for (let ii = 0, nn = triangles.length; ii < nn; ii += 3) { let v1 = triangles[ii] * _perVertexSize + _vertexFloatOffset; let v2 = triangles[ii + 1] * _perVertexSize + _vertexFloatOffset; let v3 = triangles[ii + 2] * _perVertexSize + _vertexFloatOffset; graphics.moveTo(vbuf[v1], vbuf[v1 + 1]); graphics.lineTo(vbuf[v2], vbuf[v2 + 1]); graphics.lineTo(vbuf[v3], vbuf[v3 + 1]); graphics.close(); graphics.stroke(); } } } if (_vertexFloatCount == 0 || _indexCount == 0) { clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); continue; } // fill indices ibuf.set(triangles, _indexOffset); // fill u v uvs = attachment.uvs; for (let v = _vertexFloatOffset, n = _vertexFloatOffset + _vertexFloatCount, u = 0; v < n; v += _perVertexSize, u += 2) { vbuf[v + 2] = uvs[u]; // u vbuf[v + 3] = uvs[u + 1]; // v } attachmentColor = attachment.color, slotColor = slot.color; this.fillVertices(skeletonColor, attachmentColor, slotColor, clipper, slot); // reset buffer pointer, because clipper maybe realloc a new buffer in file Vertices function. vbuf = _buffer._vData, ibuf = _buffer._iData; if (_indexCount > 0) { for (let ii = _indexOffset, nn = _indexOffset + _indexCount; ii < nn; ii++) { ibuf[ii] += _vertexOffset; } if (worldMat) { worldMatm = worldMat.m; _m00 = worldMatm[0]; _m04 = worldMatm[4]; _m12 = worldMatm[12]; _m01 = worldMatm[1]; _m05 = worldMatm[5]; _m13 = worldMatm[13]; for (let ii = _vertexFloatOffset, nn = _vertexFloatOffset + _vertexFloatCount; ii < nn; ii += _perVertexSize) { _x = vbuf[ii]; _y = vbuf[ii + 1]; vbuf[ii] = _x * _m00 + _y * _m04 + _m12; vbuf[ii + 1] = _x * _m01 + _y * _m05 + _m13; } } _buffer.adjustForSpine(_vertexFloatCount / _perVertexSize, _indexCount); } clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot); } clipper.clipEnd(); if (graphics && _debugBones) { let bone; graphics.strokeColor = _boneColor; graphics.fillColor = _slotColor; // Root bone color is same as slot color. for (let i = 0, n = locSkeleton.bones.length; i < n; i++) { bone = locSkeleton.bones[i]; let x = bone.data.length * bone.a + bone.worldX; let y = bone.data.length * bone.c + bone.worldY; // Bone lengths. graphics.moveTo(bone.worldX, bone.worldY); graphics.lineTo(x, y); graphics.stroke(); // Bone origins. graphics.circle(bone.worldX, bone.worldY, Math.PI * 1.5); graphics.fill(); if (i === 0) { graphics.fillColor = _originColor; } } } } cacheVerticesConvertToMulti(vertices) { const verticesMulti = new Float32Array(vertices.length + (vertices.length / 6)); for (let i = 0, j = 0; j < vertices.length;) { verticesMulti[i++] = vertices[j++]; // x verticesMulti[i++] = vertices[j++]; // y verticesMulti[i++] = vertices[j++]; // u verticesMulti[i++] = vertices[j++]; // v verticesMulti[i++] = vertices[j++]; // color1 verticesMulti[i++] = vertices[j++]; // color2 verticesMulti[i++] = 0; // texId } return verticesMulti; } cacheTraverse (worldMat) { let frame = _comp._curFrame; if (!frame) return; let segments = frame.segments; if (segments.length == 0) return; let vbuf, ibuf, uintbuf; let material; let offsetInfo; let vertices = frame.vertices; let indices = frame.indices; let worldMatm; let useMultiTint = _useMulti && _useTint; if (useMultiTint) { if (!frame.verticesMulti) { frame.verticesMulti = this.cacheVerticesConvertToMulti(frame.vertices); } vertices = frame.verticesMulti; } let frameVFOffset = 0, frameIndexOffset = 0, segVFCount = 0; if (worldMat) { worldMatm = worldMat.m; _m00 = worldMatm[0]; _m01 = worldMatm[1]; _m04 = worldMatm[4]; _m05 = worldMatm[5]; _m12 = worldMatm[12]; _m13 = worldMatm[13]; } let justTranslate = _m00 === 1 && _m01 === 0 && _m04 === 0 && _m05 === 1; let needBatch = (_handleVal & FLAG_BATCH); let calcTranslate = needBatch && justTranslate; let colorOffset = 0; let colors = frame.colors; let nowColor = colors[colorOffset++]; let maxVFOffset = useMultiTint ? (nowColor.vfOffset + (nowColor.vfOffset / 6)) : nowColor.vfOffset; _handleColor(nowColor); for (let i = 0, n = segments.length; i < n; i++) { let segInfo = segments[i]; material = _getSlotMaterial(segInfo.tex, segInfo.blendMode); if (!material) continue; if (_mustFlush || material.getHash() !== _renderer.material.getHash()) { _mustFlush = false; _renderer._flush(); _renderer.node = _node; _renderer.material = material; } _vertexCount = segInfo.vertexCount; _indexCount = segInfo.indexCount; offsetInfo = _buffer.requestForSpine(_vertexCount, _indexCount); _indexOffset = offsetInfo.indiceOffset; _vertexOffset = offsetInfo.vertexOffset; _vfOffset = offsetInfo.byteOffset >> 2; vbuf = _buffer._vData; ibuf = _buffer._iData; uintbuf = _buffer._uintVData; for (let ii = _indexOffset, il = _indexOffset + _indexCount; ii < il; ii++) { ibuf[ii] = _vertexOffset + indices[frameIndexOffset++]; } segVFCount = useMultiTint ? (segInfo.vfCount + (segInfo.vfCount / 6)) : segInfo.vfCount; vbuf.set(vertices.subarray(frameVFOffset, frameVFOffset + segVFCount), _vfOffset); frameVFOffset += segVFCount; if (calcTranslate) { for (let ii = _vfOffset, il = _vfOffset + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize) { vbuf[ii] += _m12; vbuf[ii + 1] += _m13; } } else if (needBatch) { for (let ii = _vfOffset, il = _vfOffset + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize) { _x = vbuf[ii]; _y = vbuf[ii + 1]; vbuf[ii] = _x * _m00 + _y * _m04 + _m12; vbuf[ii + 1] = _x * _m01 + _y * _m05 + _m13; } } _buffer.adjustForSpine(_vertexCount, _indexCount); // 使用多纹理材质,不使用 Tint 则用 TexId 在下标 5 覆盖 darkColor,否则在 6 写入 TexId // 不使用多纹理材质,则保持引擎默认的强制 Tint 不用做额外操作 if (_useMulti) { if (_useTint) { if (_needColor) { let frameColorOffset = frameVFOffset - segVFCount; for (let ii = _vfOffset + 4, il = _vfOffset + 4 + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize, frameColorOffset += _perVertexSize) { if (frameColorOffset >= maxVFOffset) { nowColor = colors[colorOffset++]; _handleColor(nowColor); maxVFOffset = useMultiTint ? (nowColor.vfOffset + (nowColor.vfOffset / 6)) : nowColor.vfOffset; } uintbuf[ii] = _finalColor32; uintbuf[ii + 1] = _darkColor32; vbuf[ii + 2] = _texId; } } else { for (let ii = _vfOffset + 4, il = _vfOffset + 4 + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize) { vbuf[ii + 2] = _texId; } } } else { if (_needColor) { let frameColorOffset = frameVFOffset - segVFCount; for (let ii = _vfOffset + 4, il = _vfOffset + 4 + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize, frameColorOffset += _perVertexSize) { if (frameColorOffset >= maxVFOffset) { nowColor = colors[colorOffset++]; _handleColor(nowColor); maxVFOffset = useMultiTint ? (nowColor.vfOffset + (nowColor.vfOffset / 6)) : nowColor.vfOffset; } uintbuf[ii] = _finalColor32; vbuf[ii + 1] = _texId; } } else { for (let ii = _vfOffset + 4, il = _vfOffset + 4 + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize) { vbuf[ii + 1] = _texId; } } } } else { if (_needColor) { let frameColorOffset = frameVFOffset - segVFCount; for (let ii = _vfOffset + 4, il = _vfOffset + 4 + segVFCount; ii < il; ii += _perVertexSize, frameColorOffset += _perVertexSize) { if (frameColorOffset >= maxVFOffset) { nowColor = colors[colorOffset++]; _handleColor(nowColor); maxVFOffset = useMultiTint ? (nowColor.vfOffset + (nowColor.vfOffset / 6)) : nowColor.vfOffset; } uintbuf[ii] = _finalColor32; uintbuf[ii + 1] = _darkColor32; } } } } } fillBuffers (comp, renderer) { let node = comp.node; node._renderFlag |= RenderFlow.FLAG_UPDATE_RENDER_DATA; if (!comp._skeleton) return; let nodeColor = node._color; _nodeR = nodeColor.r / 255; _nodeG = nodeColor.g / 255; _nodeB = nodeColor.b / 255; _nodeA = nodeColor.a / 255; let baseMaterial = comp._materials[0]; if (!baseMaterial) return; _useMulti = baseMaterial.material.isMultiSupport(); _useTint = comp.useTint; _vertexFormat = _useTint ? (_useMulti ? VFTwoColorTexId : VFTwoColor) : (_useMulti ? VFOneColorTexId : (comp.isAnimationCached() ? VFTwoColor : VFOneColor)); // x y u v color1 color2 or x y u v color _perVertexSize = _useTint ? (_useMulti ? 7 : 6) : (_useMulti ? 6 : (comp.isAnimationCached() ? 6 : 5)); _node = comp.node; _buffer = renderer.getBuffer('mesh', _vertexFormat); _renderer = renderer; _comp = comp; _mustFlush = true; _premultipliedAlpha = comp.premultipliedAlpha; _multiplier = 1.0; _handleVal = 0x00; _needColor = false; _vertexEffect = comp._effectDelegate && comp._effectDelegate._vertexEffect; if (nodeColor._val !== 0xffffffff || _premultipliedAlpha) { _needColor = true; } if (_useTint) { _handleVal |= FLAG_TWO_COLOR; } let worldMat = undefined; if (_comp.enableBatch) { worldMat = _node._worldMatrix; _mustFlush = false; _handleVal |= FLAG_BATCH; } if (comp.isAnimationCached()) { // Traverse input assembler. this.cacheTraverse(worldMat); } else { if (_vertexEffect) _vertexEffect.begin(comp._skeleton); this.realTimeTraverse(worldMat); if (_vertexEffect) _vertexEffect.end(); } // sync attached node matrix renderer.worldMatDirty++; comp.attachUtil._syncAttachedNode(); // Clear temp var. _node = undefined; _buffer = undefined; _renderer = undefined; _comp = undefined; _vertexEffect = null; } postFillBuffers (comp, renderer) { renderer.worldMatDirty--; } } Assembler.register(Skeleton, SpineAssembler);