/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "Object.hpp" #if SCRIPT_ENGINE_TYPE == SCRIPT_ENGINE_SM #include "Utils.hpp" #include "Class.hpp" #include "ScriptEngine.hpp" #include "../MappingUtils.hpp" namespace se { std::unordered_map<Object*, void*> __objectMap; // Currently, the value `void*` is always nullptr namespace { JSContext *__cx = nullptr; void get_or_create_js_obj(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, const std::string &name, JS::MutableHandleObject jsObj) { JS::RootedValue nsval(cx); JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, name.c_str(), &nsval); if (nsval.isNullOrUndefined()) { jsObj.set(JS_NewPlainObject(cx)); nsval = JS::ObjectValue(*jsObj); JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, name.c_str(), nsval); } else { jsObj.set(nsval.toObjectOrNull()); } } } Object::Object() : _root(nullptr) , _privateData(nullptr) , _cls(nullptr) , _finalizeCb(nullptr) , _rootCount(0) { _currentVMId = ScriptEngine::getInstance()->getVMId(); } Object::~Object() { if (_rootCount > 0) { unprotect(); } auto iter = __objectMap.find(this); if (iter != __objectMap.end()) { __objectMap.erase(iter); } } bool Object::init(Class* cls, JSObject* obj) { _cls = cls; _heap = obj; assert(__objectMap.find(this) == __objectMap.end()); __objectMap.emplace(this, nullptr); return true; } Object* Object::_createJSObject(Class* cls, JSObject* obj) { Object* ret = new Object(); if (!ret->init(cls, obj)) { delete ret; ret = nullptr; } return ret; } Object* Object::createPlainObject() { Object* obj = Object::_createJSObject(nullptr, JS_NewPlainObject(__cx)); return obj; } Object* Object::createObjectWithClass(Class* cls) { JSObject* jsobj = Class::_createJSObjectWithClass(cls); Object* obj = Object::_createJSObject(cls, jsobj); return obj; } Object* Object::getObjectWithPtr(void* ptr) { Object* obj = nullptr; auto iter = NativePtrToObjectMap::find(ptr); if (iter != NativePtrToObjectMap::end()) { obj = iter->second; obj->incRef(); } return obj; } Object* Object::createArrayObject(size_t length) { JS::RootedObject jsobj(__cx, JS_NewArrayObject(__cx, length)); Object* obj = Object::_createJSObject(nullptr, jsobj); return obj; } Object* Object::createArrayBufferObject(void* data, size_t byteLength) { JS::RootedObject jsobj(__cx, JS_NewArrayBuffer(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength)); bool isShared = false; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; uint8_t* tmpData = JS_GetArrayBufferData(jsobj, &isShared, nogc); if (data) { memcpy((void*)tmpData, (const void*)data, byteLength); } else { memset((void*)tmpData, 0, byteLength); } Object* obj = Object::_createJSObject(nullptr, jsobj); return obj; } Object* Object::createTypedArray(TypedArrayType type, void* data, size_t byteLength) { if (type == TypedArrayType::NONE) { SE_LOGE("Don't pass se::Object::TypedArrayType::NONE to createTypedArray API!"); return nullptr; } if (type == TypedArrayType::UINT8_CLAMPED) { SE_LOGE("Doesn't support to create Uint8ClampedArray with Object::createTypedArray API!"); return nullptr; } JSObject* arr = nullptr; void* tmpData = nullptr; bool isShared = false; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; switch (type) { case TypedArrayType::INT8: arr = JS_NewInt8Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength); tmpData = JS_GetInt8ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::INT16: arr = JS_NewInt16Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength/2); tmpData = JS_GetInt16ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::INT32: arr = JS_NewInt32Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength/4); tmpData = JS_GetInt32ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::UINT8: arr = JS_NewUint8Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength); tmpData = JS_GetUint8ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::UINT16: arr = JS_NewUint16Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength/2); tmpData = JS_GetUint16ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::UINT32: arr = JS_NewUint32Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength/4); tmpData = JS_GetUint32ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::FLOAT32: arr = JS_NewFloat32Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength/4); tmpData = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; case TypedArrayType::FLOAT64: arr = JS_NewFloat64Array(__cx, (uint32_t)byteLength/8); tmpData = JS_GetFloat64ArrayData(arr, &isShared, nogc); break; default: assert(false); // Should never go here. break; } //If data has content,then will copy data into buffer,or will only clear buffer. if (data) { memcpy(tmpData, (const void*)data, byteLength); }else{ memset(tmpData, 0, byteLength); } Object* obj = Object::_createJSObject(nullptr, arr); return obj; } Object* Object::createUint8TypedArray(uint8_t* data, size_t dataCount) { return createTypedArray(TypedArrayType::UINT8, data, dataCount); } Object* Object::createJSONObject(const std::string& jsonStr) { Value strVal(jsonStr); JS::RootedValue jsStr(__cx); internal::seToJsValue(__cx, strVal, &jsStr); JS::RootedValue jsObj(__cx); JS::RootedString rootedStr(__cx, jsStr.toString()); Object* obj = nullptr; if (JS_ParseJSON(__cx, rootedStr, &jsObj)) { obj = Object::_createJSObject(nullptr, jsObj.toObjectOrNull()); } return obj; } void Object::_setFinalizeCallback(JSFinalizeOp finalizeCb) { _finalizeCb = finalizeCb; } bool Object::getProperty(const char* name, Value* data) { assert(data != nullptr); data->setUndefined(); JSObject* jsobj = _getJSObject(); if (jsobj == nullptr) return false; JS::RootedObject object(__cx, jsobj); bool found = false; bool ok = JS_HasProperty(__cx, object, name, &found); if (!ok || !found) { return false; } JS::RootedValue rcValue(__cx); ok = JS_GetProperty(__cx, object, name, &rcValue); if (ok && data) { internal::jsToSeValue(__cx, rcValue, data); } return ok; } bool Object::setProperty(const char* name, const Value& v) { JS::RootedObject object(__cx, _getJSObject()); JS::RootedValue value(__cx); internal::seToJsValue(__cx, v, &value); return JS_SetProperty(__cx, object, name, value); } bool Object::defineProperty(const char *name, JSNative getter, JSNative setter) { JS::RootedObject jsObj(__cx, _getJSObject()); return JS_DefineProperty(__cx, jsObj, name, JS::UndefinedHandleValue, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_SHARED, getter, setter); } bool Object::call(const ValueArray& args, Object* thisObject, Value* rval/* = nullptr*/) { assert(isFunction()); JS::AutoValueVector jsarr(__cx); jsarr.reserve(args.size()); internal::seToJsArgs(__cx, args, &jsarr); JS::RootedObject contextObject(__cx); if (thisObject != nullptr) { contextObject.set(thisObject->_getJSObject()); } JSObject* funcObj = _getJSObject(); JS::RootedValue func(__cx, JS::ObjectValue(*funcObj)); JS::RootedValue rcValue(__cx); bool ok = JS_CallFunctionValue(__cx, contextObject, func, jsarr, &rcValue); if (ok) { if (rval != nullptr) internal::jsToSeValue(__cx, rcValue, rval); } else { se::ScriptEngine::getInstance()->clearException(); } return ok; } bool Object::defineFunction(const char *funcName, JSNative func) { JS::RootedObject object(__cx, _getJSObject()); bool ok = JS_DefineFunction(__cx, object, funcName, func, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT); return ok; } bool Object::getArrayLength(uint32_t* length) const { assert(length != nullptr); if (!isArray()) return false; JS::RootedObject object(__cx, _getJSObject()); if (JS_GetArrayLength(__cx, object, length)) return true; *length = 0; return false; } bool Object::getArrayElement(uint32_t index, Value* data) const { assert(data != nullptr); if (!isArray()) return false; JS::RootedObject object(__cx, _getJSObject()); JS::RootedValue rcValue(__cx); if (JS_GetElement(__cx, object, index, &rcValue)) { internal::jsToSeValue(__cx, rcValue, data); return true; } data->setUndefined(); return false; } bool Object::setArrayElement(uint32_t index, const Value& data) { if (!isArray()) return false; JS::RootedValue jsval(__cx); internal::seToJsValue(__cx, data, &jsval); JS::RootedObject thisObj(__cx, _getJSObject()); return JS_SetElement(__cx, thisObj, index, jsval); } bool Object::isFunction() const { return JS_ObjectIsFunction(__cx, _getJSObject()); } bool Object::_isNativeFunction(JSNative func) const { JSObject* obj = _getJSObject(); return JS_ObjectIsFunction(__cx, obj) && JS_IsNativeFunction(obj, func); } bool Object::isTypedArray() const { return JS_IsTypedArrayObject(_getJSObject()); } Object::TypedArrayType Object::getTypedArrayType() const { TypedArrayType ret = TypedArrayType::NONE; JSObject* obj = _getJSObject(); if (JS_IsInt8Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::INT8; else if (JS_IsInt16Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::INT16; else if (JS_IsInt32Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::INT32; else if (JS_IsUint8Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::UINT8; else if (JS_IsUint8ClampedArray(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::UINT8_CLAMPED; else if (JS_IsUint16Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::UINT16; else if (JS_IsUint32Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::UINT32; else if (JS_IsFloat32Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::FLOAT32; else if (JS_IsFloat64Array(obj)) ret = TypedArrayType::FLOAT64; return ret; } bool Object::getTypedArrayData(uint8_t** ptr, size_t* length) const { assert(JS_IsArrayBufferViewObject(_getJSObject())); bool isShared = false; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; *ptr = (uint8_t*)JS_GetArrayBufferViewData(_getJSObject(), &isShared, nogc); *length = JS_GetArrayBufferViewByteLength(_getJSObject()); return (*ptr != nullptr); } bool Object::isArray() const { JS::RootedValue value(__cx, JS::ObjectValue(*_getJSObject())); bool isArray = false; return JS_IsArrayObject(__cx, value, &isArray) && isArray; } bool Object::isArrayBuffer() const { return JS_IsArrayBufferObject(_getJSObject()); } bool Object::getArrayBufferData(uint8_t** ptr, size_t* length) const { assert(isArrayBuffer()); bool isShared = false; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; *ptr = (uint8_t*)JS_GetArrayBufferData(_getJSObject(), &isShared, nogc); *length = JS_GetArrayBufferByteLength(_getJSObject()); return (*ptr != nullptr); } bool Object::getAllKeys(std::vector<std::string>* allKeys) const { assert(allKeys != nullptr); JS::RootedObject jsobj(__cx, _getJSObject()); JS::Rooted<JS::IdVector> props(__cx, JS::IdVector(__cx)); if (!JS_Enumerate(__cx, jsobj, &props)) return false; std::vector<std::string> keys; for (size_t i = 0, length = props.length(); i < length; ++i) { JS::RootedId id(__cx, props[i]); JS::RootedValue keyVal(__cx); JS_IdToValue(__cx, id, &keyVal); if (JSID_IS_STRING(id)) { JS::RootedString rootedKeyVal(__cx, keyVal.toString()); allKeys->push_back(internal::jsToStdString(__cx, rootedKeyVal)); } else if (JSID_IS_INT(id)) { char buf[50] = {0}; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", keyVal.toInt32()); allKeys->push_back(buf); } else { assert(false); } } return true; } void* Object::getPrivateData() const { if (_privateData == nullptr) { JS::RootedObject obj(__cx, _getJSObject()); const_cast<Object*>(this)->_privateData = internal::getPrivate(__cx, obj); } return _privateData; } void Object::setPrivateData(void* data) { assert(_privateData == nullptr); assert(NativePtrToObjectMap::find(data) == NativePtrToObjectMap::end()); assert(_cls != nullptr); JS::RootedObject obj(__cx, _getJSObject()); internal::setPrivate(__cx, obj, data, _finalizeCb); NativePtrToObjectMap::emplace(data, this); _privateData = data; } void Object::clearPrivateData(bool clearMapping) { if (_privateData != nullptr) { if (clearMapping) NativePtrToObjectMap::erase(_privateData); JS::RootedObject obj(__cx, _getJSObject()); internal::clearPrivate(__cx, obj); _privateData = nullptr; } } void Object::setContext(JSContext *cx) { __cx = cx; } // static void Object::cleanup() { for (const auto& e : __objectMap) { e.first->reset(); } ScriptEngine::getInstance()->addAfterCleanupHook([](){ __objectMap.clear(); const auto& instance = NativePtrToObjectMap::instance(); for (const auto& e : instance) { e.second->decRef(); } NativePtrToObjectMap::clear(); NonRefNativePtrCreatedByCtorMap::clear(); __cx = nullptr; }); } JSObject* Object::_getJSObject() const { return isRooted() ? _root->get() : _heap.get(); } void Object::root() { if (_rootCount == 0) { protect(); } ++_rootCount; } void Object::unroot() { if (_rootCount > 0) { --_rootCount; if (_rootCount == 0) { unprotect(); } } } void Object::protect() { assert(_root == nullptr); assert(_heap != JS::GCPolicy<JSObject*>::initial()); _root = new JS::PersistentRootedObject(__cx, _heap); _heap = JS::GCPolicy<JSObject*>::initial(); } void Object::unprotect() { if (_root == nullptr) return; assert(_currentVMId == ScriptEngine::getInstance()->getVMId()); assert(_heap == JS::GCPolicy<JSObject*>::initial()); _heap = *_root; delete _root; _root = nullptr; } void Object::reset() { if (_root != nullptr) { delete _root; _root = nullptr; } _heap = JS::GCPolicy<JSObject*>::initial(); } /* Tracing makes no sense in the rooted case, because JS::PersistentRooted * already takes care of that. */ void Object::trace(JSTracer* tracer, void* data) { assert(!isRooted()); JS::TraceEdge(tracer, &_heap, "ccobj tracing"); } /* If not tracing, then you must call this method during GC in order to * update the object's location if it was moved, or null it out if it was * finalized. If the object was finalized, returns true. */ bool Object::updateAfterGC(void* data) { assert(!isRooted()); bool isGarbageCollected = false; internal::PrivateData* internalData = nullptr; JSObject* oldPtr = _heap.unbarrieredGet(); if (_heap.unbarrieredGet() != nullptr) JS_UpdateWeakPointerAfterGC(&_heap); JSObject* newPtr = _heap.unbarrieredGet(); // IDEA: test to see ggc if (oldPtr != nullptr && newPtr != nullptr) { assert(oldPtr == newPtr); } isGarbageCollected = (newPtr == nullptr); if (isGarbageCollected && internalData != nullptr) { free(internalData); } return isGarbageCollected; } bool Object::isRooted() const { return _rootCount > 0; } bool Object::strictEquals(Object* o) const { JSObject* thisObj = _getJSObject(); JSObject* oThisObj = o->_getJSObject(); if ((thisObj == nullptr || oThisObj == nullptr) && thisObj != oThisObj) return false; assert(thisObj); assert(oThisObj); JS::RootedValue v1(__cx, JS::ObjectValue(*_getJSObject())); JS::RootedValue v2(__cx, JS::ObjectValue(*o->_getJSObject())); bool same = false; bool ok = JS_SameValue(__cx, v1, v2, &same); return ok && same; } bool Object::attachObject(Object* obj) { assert(obj); Object* global = ScriptEngine::getInstance()->getGlobalObject(); Value jsbVal; if (!global->getProperty("jsb", &jsbVal)) return false; Object* jsbObj = jsbVal.toObject(); Value func; if (!jsbObj->getProperty("registerNativeRef", &func)) return false; ValueArray args; args.push_back(Value(this)); args.push_back(Value(obj)); func.toObject()->call(args, global); return true; } bool Object::detachObject(Object* obj) { assert(obj); Object* global = ScriptEngine::getInstance()->getGlobalObject(); Value jsbVal; if (!global->getProperty("jsb", &jsbVal)) return false; Object* jsbObj = jsbVal.toObject(); Value func; if (!jsbObj->getProperty("unregisterNativeRef", &func)) return false; ValueArray args; args.push_back(Value(this)); args.push_back(Value(obj)); func.toObject()->call(args, global); return true; } std::string Object::toString() const { std::string ret; if (isFunction() || isArray() || isTypedArray()) { JS::RootedValue val(__cx, JS::ObjectOrNullValue(_getJSObject())); internal::forceConvertJsValueToStdString(__cx, val, &ret); } else if (isArrayBuffer()) { ret = "[object ArrayBuffer]"; } else { ret = "[object Object]"; } return ret; } } // namespace se { #endif // #if SCRIPT_ENGINE_TYPE == SCRIPT_ENGINE_SM