/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2016 Chukong Technologies Inc. Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd. http://www.cocos2d-x.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #define LOG_TAG "UrlAudioPlayer" #include "audio/android/UrlAudioPlayer.h" #include "audio/android/ICallerThreadUtils.h" #include "platform/CCPlatformDefine.h" #include #include // for std::find namespace { std::mutex __playerContainerMutex; std::vector __playerContainer; std::once_flag __onceFlag; } namespace cocos2d { class SLUrlAudioPlayerCallbackProxy { public: static void playEventCallback(SLPlayItf caller, void *context, SLuint32 playEvent) { UrlAudioPlayer *thiz = (UrlAudioPlayer *) context; // We must use a mutex for the whole block of the following function invocation. std::lock_guard lk(__playerContainerMutex); auto iter = std::find(__playerContainer.begin(), __playerContainer.end(), thiz); if (iter != __playerContainer.end()) { thiz->playEventCallback(caller, playEvent); } } }; UrlAudioPlayer::UrlAudioPlayer(SLEngineItf engineItf, SLObjectItf outputMixObject, ICallerThreadUtils* callerThreadUtils) : _engineItf(engineItf), _outputMixObj(outputMixObject), _callerThreadUtils(callerThreadUtils), _id(-1), _assetFd(nullptr), _playObj(nullptr), _playItf(nullptr), _seekItf(nullptr), _volumeItf(nullptr), _volume(0.0f), _duration(0.0f), _isLoop(false), _isAudioFocus(true), _state(State::INVALID), _playEventCallback(nullptr), _isDestroyed(std::make_shared(false)) { std::call_once(__onceFlag, [](){ __playerContainer.reserve(10); }); __playerContainerMutex.lock(); __playerContainer.push_back(this); ALOGV("Current UrlAudioPlayer instance count: %d", (int)__playerContainer.size()); __playerContainerMutex.unlock(); _callerThreadId = callerThreadUtils->getCallerThreadId(); } UrlAudioPlayer::~UrlAudioPlayer() { ALOGV("~UrlAudioPlayer(): %p", this); __playerContainerMutex.lock(); auto iter = std::find(__playerContainer.begin(), __playerContainer.end(), this); if (iter != __playerContainer.end()) { __playerContainer.erase(iter); } __playerContainerMutex.unlock(); } void UrlAudioPlayer::playEventCallback(SLPlayItf caller, SLuint32 playEvent) { // Note that it's on sub thread, please don't invoke OpenSLES API on sub thread if (playEvent == SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND) { std::shared_ptr isDestroyed = _isDestroyed; auto func = [this, isDestroyed](){ // If it was destroyed, just return. if (*isDestroyed) { ALOGV("The UrlAudioPlayer (%p) was destroyed!", this); return; } //Note that It's in the caller's thread (Cocos Thread) // If state is already stopped, ignore the play over event. if (_state == State::STOPPED) { return; } //fix issue#8965:AudioEngine can't looping audio on Android 2.3.x if (isLoop()) { play(); } else { setState(State::OVER); if (_playEventCallback != nullptr) { _playEventCallback(State::OVER); } ALOGV("UrlAudioPlayer (%p) played over, destroy self ...", this); destroy(); delete this; } }; if (_callerThreadId == std::this_thread::get_id()) { func(); } else { _callerThreadUtils->performFunctionInCallerThread(func); } } } void UrlAudioPlayer::setPlayEventCallback(const PlayEventCallback &playEventCallback) { _playEventCallback = playEventCallback; } void UrlAudioPlayer::stop() { ALOGV("UrlAudioPlayer::stop (%p, %d)", this, getId()); SLresult r = (*_playItf)->SetPlayState(_playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_STOPPED); SL_RETURN_IF_FAILED(r, "UrlAudioPlayer::stop failed"); if (_state == State::PLAYING || _state == State::PAUSED) { setLoop(false); setState(State::STOPPED); if (_playEventCallback != nullptr) { _playEventCallback(State::STOPPED); } destroy(); delete this; } else { ALOGW("UrlAudioPlayer (%p, state:%d) isn't playing or paused, could not invoke stop!", this, static_cast(_state)); } } void UrlAudioPlayer::pause() { if (_state == State::PLAYING) { SLresult r = (*_playItf)->SetPlayState(_playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PAUSED); SL_RETURN_IF_FAILED(r, "UrlAudioPlayer::pause failed"); setState(State::PAUSED); } else { ALOGW("UrlAudioPlayer (%p, state:%d) isn't playing, could not invoke pause!", this, static_cast(_state)); } } void UrlAudioPlayer::resume() { if (_state == State::PAUSED) { SLresult r = (*_playItf)->SetPlayState(_playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); SL_RETURN_IF_FAILED(r, "UrlAudioPlayer::resume failed"); setState(State::PLAYING); } else { ALOGW("UrlAudioPlayer (%p, state:%d) isn't paused, could not invoke resume!", this, static_cast(_state)); } } void UrlAudioPlayer::play() { if (_state == State::INITIALIZED || _state == State::PAUSED) { SLresult r = (*_playItf)->SetPlayState(_playItf, SL_PLAYSTATE_PLAYING); SL_RETURN_IF_FAILED(r, "UrlAudioPlayer::play failed"); setState(State::PLAYING); } else { ALOGW("UrlAudioPlayer (%p, state:%d) isn't paused or initialized, could not invoke play!", this, static_cast(_state)); } } void UrlAudioPlayer::setVolumeToSLPlayer(float volume) { int dbVolume = 2000 * log10(volume); if (dbVolume < SL_MILLIBEL_MIN) { dbVolume = SL_MILLIBEL_MIN; } SLresult r = (*_volumeItf)->SetVolumeLevel(_volumeItf, dbVolume); SL_RETURN_IF_FAILED(r, "UrlAudioPlayer::setVolumeToSLPlayer %d failed", dbVolume); } void UrlAudioPlayer::setVolume(float volume) { _volume = volume; if (_isAudioFocus) { setVolumeToSLPlayer(_volume); } } float UrlAudioPlayer::getVolume() const { return _volume; } void UrlAudioPlayer::setAudioFocus(bool isFocus) { _isAudioFocus = isFocus; float volume = _isAudioFocus ? _volume : 0.0f; setVolumeToSLPlayer(volume); } float UrlAudioPlayer::getDuration() const { if (_duration > 0) { return _duration; } SLmillisecond duration; SLresult r = (*_playItf)->GetDuration(_playItf, &duration); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(r, 0.0f, "UrlAudioPlayer::getDuration failed"); if (duration == SL_TIME_UNKNOWN) { return -1.0f; } else { const_cast(this)->_duration = duration / 1000.0f; if (_duration <= 0) { return -1.0f; } } return _duration; } float UrlAudioPlayer::getPosition() const { SLmillisecond millisecond; SLresult r = (*_playItf)->GetPosition(_playItf, &millisecond); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(r, 0.0f, "UrlAudioPlayer::getPosition failed"); return millisecond / 1000.0f; } bool UrlAudioPlayer::setPosition(float pos) { SLmillisecond millisecond = 1000.0f * pos; SLresult r = (*_seekItf)->SetPosition(_seekItf, millisecond, SL_SEEKMODE_ACCURATE); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(r, false, "UrlAudioPlayer::setPosition %f failed", pos); return true; } bool UrlAudioPlayer::prepare(const std::string &url, SLuint32 locatorType, std::shared_ptr assetFd, int start, int length) { _url = url; _assetFd = assetFd; #if CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_ANDROID const char* locatorTypeStr= "UNKNOWN"; if (locatorType == SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDFD) locatorTypeStr = "SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDFD"; else if (locatorType == SL_DATALOCATOR_URI) locatorTypeStr = "SL_DATALOCATOR_URI"; else { ALOGE("Oops, invalid locatorType: %d", (int)locatorType); return false; } ALOGV("UrlAudioPlayer::prepare: %s, %s, %d, %d, %d", _url.c_str(), locatorTypeStr, _assetFd->getFd(), start, length); SLDataSource audioSrc; SLDataFormat_MIME formatMime = {SL_DATAFORMAT_MIME, nullptr, SL_CONTAINERTYPE_UNSPECIFIED}; audioSrc.pFormat = &formatMime; //Note: locFd & locUri should be outside of the following if/else block // Although locFd & locUri are only used inside if/else block, its lifecycle // will be destroyed right after '}' block. And since we pass a pointer to // 'audioSrc.pLocator=&locFd/&locUri', pLocator will point to an invalid address // while invoking Engine::createAudioPlayer interface. So be care of change the position // of these two variables. SLDataLocator_AndroidFD locFd; SLDataLocator_URI locUri; if (locatorType == SL_DATALOCATOR_ANDROIDFD) { locFd = {locatorType, _assetFd->getFd(), start, length}; audioSrc.pLocator = &locFd; } else if (locatorType == SL_DATALOCATOR_URI) { locUri = {locatorType, (SLchar *) _url.c_str()}; audioSrc.pLocator = &locUri; ALOGV("locUri: locatorType: %d", (int)locUri.locatorType); } // configure audio sink SLDataLocator_OutputMix locOutmix = {SL_DATALOCATOR_OUTPUTMIX, _outputMixObj}; SLDataSink audioSnk = {&locOutmix, nullptr}; // create audio player const SLInterfaceID ids[3] = {SL_IID_SEEK, SL_IID_PREFETCHSTATUS, SL_IID_VOLUME}; const SLboolean req[3] = {SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE, SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE}; SLresult result = (*_engineItf)->CreateAudioPlayer(_engineItf, &_playObj, &audioSrc, &audioSnk, 3, ids, req); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "CreateAudioPlayer failed"); // realize the player result = (*_playObj)->Realize(_playObj, SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "Realize failed"); // get the play interface result = (*_playObj)->GetInterface(_playObj, SL_IID_PLAY, &_playItf); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "GetInterface SL_IID_PLAY failed"); // get the seek interface result = (*_playObj)->GetInterface(_playObj, SL_IID_SEEK, &_seekItf); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "GetInterface SL_IID_SEEK failed"); // get the volume interface result = (*_playObj)->GetInterface(_playObj, SL_IID_VOLUME, &_volumeItf); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "GetInterface SL_IID_VOLUME failed"); result = (*_playItf)->RegisterCallback(_playItf, SLUrlAudioPlayerCallbackProxy::playEventCallback, this); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "RegisterCallback failed"); result = (*_playItf)->SetCallbackEventsMask(_playItf, SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND); SL_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAILED(result, false, "SetCallbackEventsMask SL_PLAYEVENT_HEADATEND failed"); setState(State::INITIALIZED); setVolume(1.0f); #endif return true; } void UrlAudioPlayer::rewind() { // Not supported currently. since cocos audio engine will new -> prepare -> play again. } void UrlAudioPlayer::setLoop(bool isLoop) { _isLoop = isLoop; SLboolean loopEnable = _isLoop ? SL_BOOLEAN_TRUE : SL_BOOLEAN_FALSE; SLresult r = (*_seekItf)->SetLoop(_seekItf, loopEnable, 0, SL_TIME_UNKNOWN); SL_RETURN_IF_FAILED(r, "UrlAudioPlayer::setLoop %d failed", _isLoop ? 1 : 0); } bool UrlAudioPlayer::isLoop() const { return _isLoop; } void UrlAudioPlayer::stopAll() { // To avoid break the for loop, we need to copy a new map __playerContainerMutex.lock(); auto temp = __playerContainer; __playerContainerMutex.unlock(); for (auto&& player : temp) { player->stop(); } } void UrlAudioPlayer::destroy() { if (!*_isDestroyed) { *_isDestroyed = true; ALOGV("UrlAudioPlayer::destroy() %p", this); SL_DESTROY_OBJ(_playObj); ALOGV("UrlAudioPlayer::destroy end"); } } } // namespace cocos2d {