window.CanvasRenderingContext2D = jsb.CanvasRenderingContext2D; delete jsb.CanvasRenderingContext2D; jsb.device = jsb.Device; // cc namespace will be reset to {} in creator, use jsb namespace instead. const { btoa, atob } = require('./base64/base64.min'); window.btoa = btoa; window.atob = atob; const { Blob, URL } = require('./Blob'); window.Blob = Blob; window.URL = URL; window.DOMParser = require('./xmldom/dom-parser').DOMParser; require('./jsb_prepare'); require('./jsb_opengl'); require('./jsb-adapter'); require('./jsb_audioengine'); require('./jsb_input'); // external interface of native renderer require('./renderer/enums'); require('./renderer/jsb-vertex-format'); require('./renderer/jsb-gfx'); require('./renderer/jsb-renderer'); let _oldRequestFrameCallback = null; let _requestAnimationFrameID = 0; let _requestAnimationFrameCallbacks = {}; let _firstTick = true; window.requestAnimationFrame = function(cb) { let id = ++_requestAnimationFrameID; _requestAnimationFrameCallbacks[id] = cb; return id; }; window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { delete _requestAnimationFrameCallbacks[id]; }; const {disableBatchGLCommandsToNative, flushCommands} = require('./glOptMode'); window.optConfig = { disableBatchGLCommandsToNative: disableBatchGLCommandsToNative }; function tick(nowMilliSeconds) { if (_firstTick) { _firstTick = false; if (window.onload) { var event = new Event('load'); event._target = window; window.onload(event); } } fireTimeout(nowMilliSeconds); for (let id in _requestAnimationFrameCallbacks) { _oldRequestFrameCallback = _requestAnimationFrameCallbacks[id]; if (_oldRequestFrameCallback) { delete _requestAnimationFrameCallbacks[id]; _oldRequestFrameCallback(nowMilliSeconds); } } flushCommands(); } let _timeoutIDIndex = 0; class TimeoutInfo { constructor(cb, delay, isRepeat, target, args) { this.cb = cb; = ++_timeoutIDIndex; this.start =; this.delay = delay; this.isRepeat = isRepeat; = target; this.args = args; } } let _timeoutInfos = {}; function fireTimeout(nowMilliSeconds) { let info; for (let id in _timeoutInfos) { info = _timeoutInfos[id]; if (info && info.cb) { if ((nowMilliSeconds - info.start) >= info.delay) { // console.log(`fireTimeout: id ${id}, start: ${info.start}, delay: ${info.delay}, now: ${nowMilliSeconds}`); if (typeof info.cb === 'string') { Function(info.cb)(); } else if (typeof info.cb === 'function') { info.cb.apply(, info.args); } if (info.isRepeat) { info.start = nowMilliSeconds; } else { delete _timeoutInfos[id]; } } } } } function createTimeoutInfo(prevFuncArgs, isRepeat) { let cb = prevFuncArgs[0]; if (!cb) { console.error("createTimeoutInfo doesn't pass a callback ..."); return 0; } let delay = prevFuncArgs.length > 1 ? prevFuncArgs[1] : 0; let args; if (prevFuncArgs.length > 2) { args =, 2); } let info = new TimeoutInfo(cb, delay, isRepeat, this, args); _timeoutInfos[] = info; return; } window.setTimeout = function(cb) { return createTimeoutInfo(arguments, false); }; window.clearTimeout = function(id) { delete _timeoutInfos[id]; }; window.setInterval = function(cb) { return createTimeoutInfo(arguments, true); }; window.clearInterval = window.clearTimeout; window.alert = console.error.bind(console); var __motionCallbackID = 0; var __motionEnabled = false; var __motionInterval = 16.6; // milliseconds jsb.device.setMotionInterval = function(milliseconds) { __motionInterval = milliseconds; // convert to seconds jsb.device.setAccelerometerInterval(__motionInterval / 1000); if (__motionEnabled) { jsb.device.setMotionEnabled(false); jsb.device.setMotionEnabled(true); } }; jsb.device.setMotionEnabled = function(enabled) { if (__motionEnabled === enabled) return; jsb.device.setAccelerometerEnabled(enabled); if (enabled) { var motionValue; var event = new DeviceMotionEvent(); __motionCallbackID = window.setInterval(function(){ motionValue = jsb.device.getDeviceMotionValue(); event._acceleration.x = motionValue[0]; event._acceleration.y = motionValue[1]; event._acceleration.z = motionValue[2]; event._accelerationIncludingGravity.x = motionValue[3]; event._accelerationIncludingGravity.y = motionValue[4]; event._accelerationIncludingGravity.z = motionValue[5]; event._rotationRate.alpha = motionValue[6]; event._rotationRate.beta = motionValue[7]; event._rotationRate.gamma = motionValue[8]; event._interval = __motionInterval; jsb.device.dispatchDeviceMotionEvent(event); }, __motionInterval); } else { window.clearInterval(__motionCallbackID); __motionCallbackID = 0; } __motionEnabled = enabled; }; // File utils (Temporary, won't be accessible) if (typeof jsb.FileUtils !== 'undefined') { jsb.fileUtils = jsb.FileUtils.getInstance(); delete jsb.FileUtils; } XMLHttpRequest.prototype.addEventListener = function(eventName, listener, options) { this['on' + eventName] = listener; } XMLHttpRequest.prototype.removeEventListener = function(eventName, listener, options) { this['on' + eventName] = null; } // SocketIO if (window.SocketIO) { = window.SocketIO; SocketIO.prototype._Emit = SocketIO.prototype.emit; SocketIO.prototype.emit = function (uri, delegate) { if (typeof delegate === 'object') { delegate = JSON.stringify(delegate); } this._Emit(uri, delegate); }; } window.gameTick = tick; // generate get set function jsb.generateGetSet = function (moduleObj) { for (let classKey in moduleObj) { let classProto = moduleObj[classKey] && moduleObj[classKey].prototype; if (!classProto) continue; for (let getName in classProto) { let getPos =^get/); if (getPos == -1) continue; let propName = getName.replace(/^get/, ''); let nameArr = propName.split(''); let lowerFirst = nameArr[0].toLowerCase(); let upperFirst = nameArr[0].toUpperCase(); nameArr.splice(0, 1); let left = nameArr.join(''); propName = lowerFirst + left; let setName = 'set' + upperFirst + left; if (classProto.hasOwnProperty(propName)) continue; let setFunc = classProto[setName]; let hasSetFunc = typeof setFunc === 'function'; if (hasSetFunc) { Object.defineProperty(classProto, propName, { get () { return this[getName](); }, set (val) { this[setName](val); }, configurable: true, }); } else { Object.defineProperty(classProto, propName, { get () { return this[getName](); }, configurable: true, }); } } } }; // promise polyfill relies on setTimeout implementation require('./promise.min');