// Drop unused `export` syntax to indicate that the object will only be used inside the module at runtime. // So the expression can be evaluated by uglify. // // Replace: // /*@__DROP_PURE_EXPORT__*/ // export xxx // As: // /*@__DROP_PURE_EXPORT__*/ // xxx const es = require('event-stream'); const stream = require('stream'); const COMMENT_ANNOTATION = `/*@__DROP_PURE_EXPORT__*/`; const REG = /(\/\*@__DROP_PURE_EXPORT__\*\/\s*)(export\s+)?/g; module.exports = function (filename) { if (filename.endsWith('.js') || filename.endsWith('.ts')) { return es.map(function (data, callback) { var content = data.toString(); if (content.includes(COMMENT_ANNOTATION)) { // fast test let error = false; content = content.replace(REG, function (match, g1, g2) { if (g2) { return g1; } else { // console.log(content); error = true; return match; } }); if (error) { return callback(new Error(`Uncaptured comment annotation "${COMMENT_ANNOTATION}" in "${filename}", please use it in the correct way.`)); } data = new Buffer(content); } callback(null, data); }); } else { return stream.PassThrough(); } };