import { HttpClient } from 'tsrpc'; import { Post } from '../../src/shared/protocols/models/Post'; import { serviceProto } from '../../src/shared/protocols/serviceProto'; // 1. EXECUTE `npm run dev` TO START A LOCAL DEV SERVER // 2. EXECUTE `npm test` TO START UNIT TEST describe('ApiGetSalary', function () { let client = new HttpClient(serviceProto, { server: '', logger: console }); let post!: Post; it('Success', async function () { let retAdd = await client.callApi('AddPost', { newPost: { author: 'k8w', title: 'TSPRC', content: '太好用了' } }); let retGet = await client.callApi('GetPost', { _id: retAdd.res!.insertedId }); post = retGet.res!.post; post.title = 'TSRPC 123'; post.content = 'xxxxxxxx'; let retUpdate = await client.callApi('UpdatePost', { update: post }); let retDel = await client.callApi('DelPost', { _id: post._id }) }); })