(function (exports, Laya) { 'use strict'; class IAniLib { } IAniLib.Skeleton = null; IAniLib.AnimationTemplet = null; IAniLib.Templet = null; class AnimationContent { } class AnimationNodeContent { } class KeyFramesContent { } class AnimationParser01 { static parse(templet, reader) { var data = reader.__getBuffer(); var i, j, k, n, l, m, o; var aniClassName = reader.readUTFString(); templet._aniClassName = aniClassName; var strList = reader.readUTFString().split("\n"); var aniCount = reader.getUint8(); var publicDataPos = reader.getUint32(); var publicExtDataPos = reader.getUint32(); var publicData; if (publicDataPos > 0) publicData = data.slice(publicDataPos, publicExtDataPos); var publicRead = new Laya.Byte(publicData); if (publicExtDataPos > 0) templet._publicExtData = data.slice(publicExtDataPos, data.byteLength); templet._useParent = !!reader.getUint8(); templet._anis.length = aniCount; for (i = 0; i < aniCount; i++) { var ani = templet._anis[i] = new AnimationContent(); ani.nodes = []; var name = ani.name = strList[reader.getUint16()]; templet._aniMap[name] = i; ani.bone3DMap = {}; ani.playTime = reader.getFloat32(); var boneCount = ani.nodes.length = reader.getUint8(); ani.totalKeyframeDatasLength = 0; for (j = 0; j < boneCount; j++) { var node = ani.nodes[j] = new AnimationNodeContent(); node.childs = []; var nameIndex = reader.getInt16(); if (nameIndex >= 0) { node.name = strList[nameIndex]; ani.bone3DMap[node.name] = j; } node.keyFrame = []; node.parentIndex = reader.getInt16(); node.parentIndex == -1 ? node.parent = null : node.parent = ani.nodes[node.parentIndex]; node.lerpType = reader.getUint8(); var keyframeParamsOffset = reader.getUint32(); publicRead.pos = keyframeParamsOffset; var keyframeDataCount = node.keyframeWidth = publicRead.getUint16(); ani.totalKeyframeDatasLength += keyframeDataCount; if (node.lerpType === 0 || node.lerpType === 1) { node.interpolationMethod = []; node.interpolationMethod.length = keyframeDataCount; for (k = 0; k < keyframeDataCount; k++) node.interpolationMethod[k] = IAniLib.AnimationTemplet.interpolation[publicRead.getUint8()]; } if (node.parent != null) node.parent.childs.push(node); var privateDataLen = reader.getUint16(); if (privateDataLen > 0) { node.extenData = data.slice(reader.pos, reader.pos + privateDataLen); reader.pos += privateDataLen; } var keyframeCount = reader.getUint16(); node.keyFrame.length = keyframeCount; var startTime = 0; var keyFrame; for (k = 0, n = keyframeCount; k < n; k++) { keyFrame = node.keyFrame[k] = new KeyFramesContent(); keyFrame.duration = reader.getFloat32(); keyFrame.startTime = startTime; if (node.lerpType === 2) { keyFrame.interpolationData = []; var interDataLength = reader.getUint8(); var lerpType; lerpType = reader.getFloat32(); switch (lerpType) { case 254: keyFrame.interpolationData.length = keyframeDataCount; for (o = 0; o < keyframeDataCount; o++) keyFrame.interpolationData[o] = 0; break; case 255: keyFrame.interpolationData.length = keyframeDataCount; for (o = 0; o < keyframeDataCount; o++) keyFrame.interpolationData[o] = 5; break; default: keyFrame.interpolationData.push(lerpType); for (m = 1; m < interDataLength; m++) { keyFrame.interpolationData.push(reader.getFloat32()); } } } keyFrame.data = new Float32Array(keyframeDataCount); keyFrame.dData = new Float32Array(keyframeDataCount); keyFrame.nextData = new Float32Array(keyframeDataCount); for (l = 0; l < keyframeDataCount; l++) { keyFrame.data[l] = reader.getFloat32(); if (keyFrame.data[l] > -0.00000001 && keyFrame.data[l] < 0.00000001) keyFrame.data[l] = 0; } startTime += keyFrame.duration; } keyFrame.startTime = ani.playTime; node.playTime = ani.playTime; templet._calculateKeyFrame(node, keyframeCount, keyframeDataCount); } } } } class AnimationParser02 { static READ_DATA() { AnimationParser02._DATA.offset = AnimationParser02._reader.getUint32(); AnimationParser02._DATA.size = AnimationParser02._reader.getUint32(); } static READ_BLOCK() { var count = AnimationParser02._BLOCK.count = AnimationParser02._reader.getUint16(); var blockStarts = AnimationParser02._BLOCK.blockStarts = []; var blockLengths = AnimationParser02._BLOCK.blockLengths = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { blockStarts.push(AnimationParser02._reader.getUint32()); blockLengths.push(AnimationParser02._reader.getUint32()); } } static READ_STRINGS() { var offset = AnimationParser02._reader.getUint32(); var count = AnimationParser02._reader.getUint16(); var prePos = AnimationParser02._reader.pos; AnimationParser02._reader.pos = offset + AnimationParser02._DATA.offset; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) AnimationParser02._strings[i] = AnimationParser02._reader.readUTFString(); AnimationParser02._reader.pos = prePos; } static parse(templet, reader) { AnimationParser02._templet = templet; AnimationParser02._reader = reader; var arrayBuffer = reader.__getBuffer(); AnimationParser02.READ_DATA(); AnimationParser02.READ_BLOCK(); AnimationParser02.READ_STRINGS(); for (var i = 0, n = AnimationParser02._BLOCK.count; i < n; i++) { var index = reader.getUint16(); var blockName = AnimationParser02._strings[index]; var fn = AnimationParser02["READ_" + blockName]; if (fn == null) throw new Error("model file err,no this function:" + index + " " + blockName); else fn.call(null); } } static READ_ANIMATIONS() { var reader = AnimationParser02._reader; var arrayBuffer = reader.__getBuffer(); var i, j, k, n; var keyframeWidth = reader.getUint16(); var interpolationMethod = []; interpolationMethod.length = keyframeWidth; for (i = 0; i < keyframeWidth; i++) interpolationMethod[i] = IAniLib.AnimationTemplet.interpolation[reader.getByte()]; var aniCount = reader.getUint8(); AnimationParser02._templet._anis.length = aniCount; for (i = 0; i < aniCount; i++) { var ani = AnimationParser02._templet._anis[i] = new AnimationContent(); ani.nodes = []; var aniName = ani.name = AnimationParser02._strings[reader.getUint16()]; AnimationParser02._templet._aniMap[aniName] = i; ani.bone3DMap = {}; ani.playTime = reader.getFloat32(); var boneCount = ani.nodes.length = reader.getInt16(); ani.totalKeyframeDatasLength = 0; for (j = 0; j < boneCount; j++) { var node = ani.nodes[j] = new AnimationNodeContent(); node.keyframeWidth = keyframeWidth; node.childs = []; var nameIndex = reader.getUint16(); if (nameIndex >= 0) { node.name = AnimationParser02._strings[nameIndex]; ani.bone3DMap[node.name] = j; } node.keyFrame = []; node.parentIndex = reader.getInt16(); node.parentIndex == -1 ? node.parent = null : node.parent = ani.nodes[node.parentIndex]; ani.totalKeyframeDatasLength += keyframeWidth; node.interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod; if (node.parent != null) node.parent.childs.push(node); var keyframeCount = reader.getUint16(); node.keyFrame.length = keyframeCount; var keyFrame = null, lastKeyFrame = null; for (k = 0, n = keyframeCount; k < n; k++) { keyFrame = node.keyFrame[k] = new KeyFramesContent(); keyFrame.startTime = reader.getFloat32(); (lastKeyFrame) && (lastKeyFrame.duration = keyFrame.startTime - lastKeyFrame.startTime); keyFrame.dData = new Float32Array(keyframeWidth); keyFrame.nextData = new Float32Array(keyframeWidth); var offset = AnimationParser02._DATA.offset; var keyframeDataOffset = reader.getUint32(); var keyframeDataLength = keyframeWidth * 4; var keyframeArrayBuffer = arrayBuffer.slice(offset + keyframeDataOffset, offset + keyframeDataOffset + keyframeDataLength); keyFrame.data = new Float32Array(keyframeArrayBuffer); lastKeyFrame = keyFrame; } keyFrame.duration = 0; node.playTime = ani.playTime; AnimationParser02._templet._calculateKeyFrame(node, keyframeCount, keyframeWidth); } } } } AnimationParser02._strings = []; AnimationParser02._BLOCK = { count: 0 }; AnimationParser02._DATA = { offset: 0, size: 0 }; class AnimationState { constructor() { } } AnimationState.stopped = 0; AnimationState.paused = 1; AnimationState.playing = 2; class AnimationPlayer extends Laya.EventDispatcher { constructor() { super(); this.isCache = true; this.playbackRate = 1.0; this._destroyed = false; this._currentAnimationClipIndex = -1; this._currentKeyframeIndex = -1; this._currentTime = 0.0; this._overallDuration = Number.MAX_VALUE; this._stopWhenCircleFinish = false; this._elapsedPlaybackTime = 0; this._startUpdateLoopCount = -1; this._cachePlayRate = 1.0; this.cacheFrameRate = 60; this.returnToZeroStopped = false; } get templet() { return this._templet; } set templet(value) { if (!(this.state === AnimationState.stopped)) this.stop(true); if (this._templet !== value) { this._templet = value; this._computeFullKeyframeIndices(); } } get playStart() { return this._playStart; } get playEnd() { return this._playEnd; } get playDuration() { return this._playDuration; } get overallDuration() { return this._overallDuration; } get currentAnimationClipIndex() { return this._currentAnimationClipIndex; } get currentKeyframeIndex() { return this._currentKeyframeIndex; } get currentPlayTime() { return this._currentTime + this._playStart; } get currentFrameTime() { return this._currentFrameTime; } get cachePlayRate() { return this._cachePlayRate; } set cachePlayRate(value) { if (this._cachePlayRate !== value) { this._cachePlayRate = value; if (this._templet) this._computeFullKeyframeIndices(); } } get cacheFrameRate() { return this._cacheFrameRate; } set cacheFrameRate(value) { if (this._cacheFrameRate !== value) { this._cacheFrameRate = value; this._cacheFrameRateInterval = 1000.0 / this._cacheFrameRate; if (this._templet) this._computeFullKeyframeIndices(); } } set currentTime(value) { if (this._currentAnimationClipIndex === -1 || !this._templet) return; if (value < this._playStart || value > this._playEnd) throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:value must large than playStartTime,small than playEndTime."); this._startUpdateLoopCount = Laya.Stat.loopCount; var cacheFrameInterval = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate; this._currentTime = value; this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.floor(this.currentPlayTime / cacheFrameInterval); this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex * cacheFrameInterval; } get paused() { return this._paused; } set paused(value) { this._paused = value; value && this.event(Laya.Event.PAUSED); } get cacheFrameRateInterval() { return this._cacheFrameRateInterval; } get state() { if (this._currentAnimationClipIndex === -1) return AnimationState.stopped; if (this._paused) return AnimationState.paused; return AnimationState.playing; } get destroyed() { return this._destroyed; } _onTempletLoadedComputeFullKeyframeIndices(cachePlayRate, cacheFrameRate, templet) { if (this._templet === templet && this._cachePlayRate === cachePlayRate && this._cacheFrameRate === cacheFrameRate) this._computeFullKeyframeIndices(); } _computeFullKeyframeIndices() { return; } _onAnimationTempletLoaded() { (this.destroyed) || (this._calculatePlayDuration()); } _calculatePlayDuration() { if (this.state !== AnimationState.stopped) { var oriDuration = this._templet.getAniDuration(this._currentAnimationClipIndex); (this._playEnd === 0) && (this._playEnd = oriDuration); if (this._playEnd > oriDuration) this._playEnd = oriDuration; this._playDuration = this._playEnd - this._playStart; } } _setPlayParams(time, cacheFrameInterval) { this._currentTime = time; this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.floor((this.currentPlayTime) / cacheFrameInterval + 0.01); this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex * cacheFrameInterval; } _setPlayParamsWhenStop(currentAniClipPlayDuration, cacheFrameInterval, playEnd = -1) { this._currentTime = currentAniClipPlayDuration; var endTime = playEnd > 0 ? playEnd : currentAniClipPlayDuration; this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.floor(endTime / cacheFrameInterval + 0.01); this._currentKeyframeIndex = Math.floor(currentAniClipPlayDuration / cacheFrameInterval + 0.01); this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex * cacheFrameInterval; this._currentAnimationClipIndex = -1; } _update(elapsedTime) { if (this._currentAnimationClipIndex === -1 || this._paused || !this._templet) return; var cacheFrameInterval = this._cacheFrameRateInterval * this._cachePlayRate; var time = 0; (this._startUpdateLoopCount !== Laya.Stat.loopCount) && (time = elapsedTime * this.playbackRate, this._elapsedPlaybackTime += time); var currentAniClipPlayDuration = this.playDuration; time += this._currentTime; if ((this._overallDuration !== 0 && this._elapsedPlaybackTime >= this._overallDuration) || (this._overallDuration === 0 && this._elapsedPlaybackTime >= currentAniClipPlayDuration || (this._overallDuration === 0 && time >= this.playEnd))) { this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(currentAniClipPlayDuration, cacheFrameInterval, this.playEnd); this.event(Laya.Event.STOPPED); return; } if (currentAniClipPlayDuration > 0) { if (time >= currentAniClipPlayDuration) { if (this._stopWhenCircleFinish) { this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(currentAniClipPlayDuration, cacheFrameInterval); this._stopWhenCircleFinish = false; this.event(Laya.Event.STOPPED); return; } else { time = time % currentAniClipPlayDuration; this._setPlayParams(time, cacheFrameInterval); this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); return; } } else { this._setPlayParams(time, cacheFrameInterval); } } else { if (this._stopWhenCircleFinish) { this._setPlayParamsWhenStop(currentAniClipPlayDuration, cacheFrameInterval); this._stopWhenCircleFinish = false; this.event(Laya.Event.STOPPED); return; } this._currentTime = this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0; this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); } } _destroy() { this.offAll(); this._templet = null; this._destroyed = true; } play(index = 0, playbackRate = 1.0, overallDuration = 2147483647, playStart = 0, playEnd = 0) { if (!this._templet) throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:templet must not be null,maybe you need to set url."); if (overallDuration < 0 || playStart < 0 || playEnd < 0) throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:overallDuration,playStart and playEnd must large than zero."); if ((playEnd !== 0) && (playStart > playEnd)) throw new Error("AnimationPlayer:start must less than end."); this._currentTime = 0; this._currentFrameTime = 0; this._elapsedPlaybackTime = 0; this.playbackRate = playbackRate; this._overallDuration = overallDuration; this._playStart = playStart; this._playEnd = playEnd; this._paused = false; this._currentAnimationClipIndex = index; this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0; this._startUpdateLoopCount = Laya.Stat.loopCount; this.event(Laya.Event.PLAYED); this._calculatePlayDuration(); this._update(0); } playByFrame(index = 0, playbackRate = 1.0, overallDuration = 2147483647, playStartFrame = 0, playEndFrame = 0, fpsIn3DBuilder = 30) { var interval = 1000.0 / fpsIn3DBuilder; this.play(index, playbackRate, overallDuration, playStartFrame * interval, playEndFrame * interval); } stop(immediate = true) { if (immediate) { this._currentTime = this._currentFrameTime = this._currentKeyframeIndex = 0; this._currentAnimationClipIndex = -1; this.event(Laya.Event.STOPPED); } else { this._stopWhenCircleFinish = true; } } destroy() { } } class BezierLerp { constructor() { } static getBezierRate(t, px0, py0, px1, py1) { var key = BezierLerp._getBezierParamKey(px0, py0, px1, py1); var vKey = key * 100 + t; if (BezierLerp._bezierResultCache[vKey]) return BezierLerp._bezierResultCache[vKey]; var points = BezierLerp._getBezierPoints(px0, py0, px1, py1, key); var i, len; len = points.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { if (t <= points[i]) { BezierLerp._bezierResultCache[vKey] = points[i + 1]; return points[i + 1]; } } BezierLerp._bezierResultCache[vKey] = 1; return 1; } static _getBezierParamKey(px0, py0, px1, py1) { return (((px0 * 100 + py0) * 100 + px1) * 100 + py1) * 100; } static _getBezierPoints(px0, py0, px1, py1, key) { if (BezierLerp._bezierPointsCache[key]) return BezierLerp._bezierPointsCache[key]; var controlPoints; controlPoints = [0, 0, px0, py0, px1, py1, 1, 1]; var bz; bz = new Laya.Bezier(); var points; points = bz.getBezierPoints(controlPoints, 100, 3); BezierLerp._bezierPointsCache[key] = points; return points; } } BezierLerp._bezierResultCache = {}; BezierLerp._bezierPointsCache = {}; class AnimationTemplet extends Laya.Resource { constructor() { super(); this._anis = []; this._aniMap = {}; this.unfixedLastAniIndex = -1; this._fullFrames = null; this._boneCurKeyFrm = []; } static _LinearInterpolation_0(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null) { out[outOfs] = data[index] + dt * dData[index]; return 1; } static _QuaternionInterpolation_1(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null) { var amount = duration === 0 ? 0 : dt / duration; Laya.MathUtil.slerpQuaternionArray(data, index, nextData, index, amount, out, outOfs); return 4; } static _AngleInterpolation_2(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null) { return 0; } static _RadiansInterpolation_3(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null) { return 0; } static _Matrix4x4Interpolation_4(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null) { for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++, index++) out[outOfs + i] = data[index] + dt * dData[index]; return 16; } static _NoInterpolation_5(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null) { out[outOfs] = data[index]; return 1; } static _BezierInterpolation_6(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null, offset = 0) { out[outOfs] = data[index] + (nextData[index] - data[index]) * BezierLerp.getBezierRate(dt / duration, interData[offset], interData[offset + 1], interData[offset + 2], interData[offset + 3]); return 5; } static _BezierInterpolation_7(bone, index, out, outOfs, data, dt, dData, duration, nextData, interData = null, offset = 0) { out[outOfs] = interData[offset + 4] + interData[offset + 5] * BezierLerp.getBezierRate((dt * 0.001 + interData[offset + 6]) / interData[offset + 7], interData[offset], interData[offset + 1], interData[offset + 2], interData[offset + 3]); return 9; } parse(data) { var reader = new Laya.Byte(data); this._aniVersion = reader.readUTFString(); AnimationParser01.parse(this, reader); } _calculateKeyFrame(node, keyframeCount, keyframeDataCount) { var keyFrames = node.keyFrame; keyFrames[keyframeCount] = keyFrames[0]; for (var i = 0; i < keyframeCount; i++) { var keyFrame = keyFrames[i]; for (var j = 0; j < keyframeDataCount; j++) { keyFrame.dData[j] = (keyFrame.duration === 0) ? 0 : (keyFrames[i + 1].data[j] - keyFrame.data[j]) / keyFrame.duration; keyFrame.nextData[j] = keyFrames[i + 1].data[j]; } } keyFrames.length--; } _onAsynLoaded(data, propertyParams = null) { var reader = new Laya.Byte(data); this._aniVersion = reader.readUTFString(); switch (this._aniVersion) { case "LAYAANIMATION:02": AnimationParser02.parse(this, reader); break; default: AnimationParser01.parse(this, reader); } } getAnimationCount() { return this._anis.length; } getAnimation(aniIndex) { return this._anis[aniIndex]; } getAniDuration(aniIndex) { return this._anis[aniIndex].playTime; } getNodes(aniIndex) { return this._anis[aniIndex].nodes; } getNodeIndexWithName(aniIndex, name) { return this._anis[aniIndex].bone3DMap[name]; } getNodeCount(aniIndex) { return this._anis[aniIndex].nodes.length; } getTotalkeyframesLength(aniIndex) { return this._anis[aniIndex].totalKeyframeDatasLength; } getPublicExtData() { return this._publicExtData; } getAnimationDataWithCache(key, cacheDatas, aniIndex, frameIndex) { var aniDatas = cacheDatas[aniIndex]; if (!aniDatas) { return null; } else { var keyDatas = aniDatas[key]; if (!keyDatas) return null; else { return keyDatas[frameIndex]; } } } setAnimationDataWithCache(key, cacheDatas, aniIndex, frameIndex, data) { var aniDatas = (cacheDatas[aniIndex]) || (cacheDatas[aniIndex] = {}); var aniDatasCache = (aniDatas[key]) || (aniDatas[key] = []); aniDatasCache[frameIndex] = data; } getNodeKeyFrame(nodeframes, nodeid, tm) { var cid = this._boneCurKeyFrm[nodeid]; var frmNum = nodeframes.length; if (cid == void 0 || cid >= frmNum) { cid = this._boneCurKeyFrm[nodeid] = 0; } var kinfo = nodeframes[cid]; var curFrmTm = kinfo.startTime; var dt = tm - curFrmTm; if (dt == 0 || (dt > 0 && kinfo.duration > dt)) { return cid; } var i = 0; if (dt > 0) { tm = tm + 0.01; for (i = cid + 1; i < frmNum; i++) { kinfo = nodeframes[i]; if (kinfo.startTime <= tm && kinfo.startTime + kinfo.duration > tm) { this._boneCurKeyFrm[nodeid] = i; return i; } } return frmNum - 1; } else { for (i = 0; i < cid; i++) { kinfo = nodeframes[i]; if (kinfo.startTime <= tm && kinfo.startTime + kinfo.duration > tm) { this._boneCurKeyFrm[nodeid] = i; return i; } } return cid; } } getOriginalData(aniIndex, originalData, nodesFrameIndices, frameIndex, playCurTime) { var oneAni = this._anis[aniIndex]; var nodes = oneAni.nodes; var curKFrm = this._boneCurKeyFrm; if (curKFrm.length < nodes.length) { curKFrm.length = nodes.length; } var j = 0; for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length, outOfs = 0; i < n; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; var key; var kfrm = node.keyFrame; key = kfrm[this.getNodeKeyFrame(kfrm, i, playCurTime)]; node.dataOffset = outOfs; var dt = playCurTime - key.startTime; var lerpType = node.lerpType; if (lerpType) { switch (lerpType) { case 0: case 1: for (j = 0; j < node.keyframeWidth;) j += node.interpolationMethod[j](node, j, originalData, outOfs + j, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData); break; case 2: var interpolationData = key.interpolationData; var interDataLen = interpolationData.length; var dataIndex = 0; for (j = 0; j < interDataLen;) { var type = interpolationData[j]; switch (type) { case 6: j += AnimationTemplet.interpolation[type](node, dataIndex, originalData, outOfs + dataIndex, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData, interpolationData, j + 1); break; case 7: j += AnimationTemplet.interpolation[type](node, dataIndex, originalData, outOfs + dataIndex, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData, interpolationData, j + 1); break; default: j += AnimationTemplet.interpolation[type](node, dataIndex, originalData, outOfs + dataIndex, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData); } dataIndex++; } break; } } else { for (j = 0; j < node.keyframeWidth;) j += node.interpolationMethod[j](node, j, originalData, outOfs + j, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData); } outOfs += node.keyframeWidth; } } getNodesCurrentFrameIndex(aniIndex, playCurTime) { var ani = this._anis[aniIndex]; var nodes = ani.nodes; if (aniIndex !== this.unfixedLastAniIndex) { this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes = new Uint32Array(nodes.length); this.unfixedCurrentTimes = new Float32Array(nodes.length); this.unfixedLastAniIndex = aniIndex; } for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (playCurTime < this.unfixedCurrentTimes[i]) this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i] = 0; this.unfixedCurrentTimes[i] = playCurTime; while ((this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i] < node.keyFrame.length)) { if (node.keyFrame[this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i]].startTime > this.unfixedCurrentTimes[i]) break; this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i]++; } this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i]--; } return this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes; } getOriginalDataUnfixedRate(aniIndex, originalData, playCurTime) { var oneAni = this._anis[aniIndex]; var nodes = oneAni.nodes; if (aniIndex !== this.unfixedLastAniIndex) { this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes = new Uint32Array(nodes.length); this.unfixedCurrentTimes = new Float32Array(nodes.length); this.unfixedKeyframes = []; this.unfixedLastAniIndex = aniIndex; } var j = 0; for (var i = 0, n = nodes.length, outOfs = 0; i < n; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; if (playCurTime < this.unfixedCurrentTimes[i]) this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i] = 0; this.unfixedCurrentTimes[i] = playCurTime; while (this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i] < node.keyFrame.length) { if (node.keyFrame[this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i]].startTime > this.unfixedCurrentTimes[i]) break; this.unfixedKeyframes[i] = node.keyFrame[this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i]]; this.unfixedCurrentFrameIndexes[i]++; } var key = this.unfixedKeyframes[i]; node.dataOffset = outOfs; var dt = playCurTime - key.startTime; var lerpType = node.lerpType; if (lerpType) { switch (node.lerpType) { case 0: case 1: for (j = 0; j < node.keyframeWidth;) j += node.interpolationMethod[j](node, j, originalData, outOfs + j, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData); break; case 2: var interpolationData = key.interpolationData; var interDataLen = interpolationData.length; var dataIndex = 0; for (j = 0; j < interDataLen;) { var type = interpolationData[j]; switch (type) { case 6: j += AnimationTemplet.interpolation[type](node, dataIndex, originalData, outOfs + dataIndex, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData, interpolationData, j + 1); break; case 7: j += AnimationTemplet.interpolation[type](node, dataIndex, originalData, outOfs + dataIndex, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData, interpolationData, j + 1); break; default: j += AnimationTemplet.interpolation[type](node, dataIndex, originalData, outOfs + dataIndex, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData); } dataIndex++; } break; } } else { for (j = 0; j < node.keyframeWidth;) j += node.interpolationMethod[j](node, j, originalData, outOfs + j, key.data, dt, key.dData, key.duration, key.nextData); } outOfs += node.keyframeWidth; } } } AnimationTemplet.interpolation = [AnimationTemplet._LinearInterpolation_0, AnimationTemplet._QuaternionInterpolation_1, AnimationTemplet._AngleInterpolation_2, AnimationTemplet._RadiansInterpolation_3, AnimationTemplet._Matrix4x4Interpolation_4, AnimationTemplet._NoInterpolation_5, AnimationTemplet._BezierInterpolation_6, AnimationTemplet._BezierInterpolation_7]; IAniLib.AnimationTemplet = AnimationTemplet; class GraphicsAni extends Laya.Graphics { drawSkin(skinA, alpha) { this.drawTriangles(skinA.texture, 0, 0, skinA.vertices, skinA.uvs, skinA.indexes, skinA.transform || Laya.Matrix.EMPTY, alpha); } static create() { var rs = GraphicsAni._caches.pop(); return rs || new GraphicsAni(); } static recycle(graphics) { graphics.clear(); GraphicsAni._caches.push(graphics); } } GraphicsAni._caches = []; class Transform { constructor() { this.skX = 0; this.skY = 0; this.scX = 1; this.scY = 1; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.skewX = 0; this.skewY = 0; } initData(data) { if (data.x != undefined) { this.x = data.x; } if (data.y != undefined) { this.y = data.y; } if (data.skX != undefined) { this.skX = data.skX; } if (data.skY != undefined) { this.skY = data.skY; } if (data.scX != undefined) { this.scX = data.scX; } if (data.scY != undefined) { this.scY = data.scY; } } getMatrix() { var tMatrix; if (this.mMatrix) { tMatrix = this.mMatrix; } else { tMatrix = this.mMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); } tMatrix.identity(); tMatrix.scale(this.scX, this.scY); if (this.skewX || this.skewY) { this.skew(tMatrix, this.skewX * Math.PI / 180, this.skewY * Math.PI / 180); } tMatrix.rotate(this.skX * Math.PI / 180); tMatrix.translate(this.x, this.y); return tMatrix; } skew(m, x, y) { var sinX = Math.sin(y); var cosX = Math.cos(y); var sinY = Math.sin(x); var cosY = Math.cos(x); m.setTo(m.a * cosY - m.b * sinX, m.a * sinY + m.b * cosX, m.c * cosY - m.d * sinX, m.c * sinY + m.d * cosX, m.tx * cosY - m.ty * sinX, m.tx * sinY + m.ty * cosX); return m; } } class Bone { constructor() { this.length = 10; this.resultTransform = new Transform(); this.resultMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); this.inheritScale = true; this.inheritRotation = true; this.d = -1; this._children = []; } setTempMatrix(matrix) { this._tempMatrix = matrix; var i = 0, n = 0; var tBone; for (i = 0, n = this._children.length; i < n; i++) { tBone = this._children[i]; tBone.setTempMatrix(this._tempMatrix); } } update(pMatrix = null) { this.rotation = this.transform.skX; var tResultMatrix; if (pMatrix) { tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); Laya.Matrix.mul(tResultMatrix, pMatrix, this.resultMatrix); this.resultRotation = this.rotation; } else { this.resultRotation = this.rotation + this.parentBone.resultRotation; if (this.parentBone) { if (this.inheritRotation && this.inheritScale) { tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); Laya.Matrix.mul(tResultMatrix, this.parentBone.resultMatrix, this.resultMatrix); } else { var parent = this.parentBone; var tAngle; var cos; var sin; var tParentMatrix = this.parentBone.resultMatrix; tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); var worldX = tParentMatrix.a * tResultMatrix.tx + tParentMatrix.c * tResultMatrix.ty + tParentMatrix.tx; var worldY = tParentMatrix.b * tResultMatrix.tx + tParentMatrix.d * tResultMatrix.ty + tParentMatrix.ty; var tTestMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); if (this.inheritRotation) { tAngle = Math.atan2(parent.resultMatrix.b, parent.resultMatrix.a); cos = Math.cos(tAngle), sin = Math.sin(tAngle); tTestMatrix.setTo(cos, sin, -sin, cos, 0, 0); Laya.Matrix.mul(this._tempMatrix, tTestMatrix, Laya.Matrix.TEMP); Laya.Matrix.TEMP.copyTo(tTestMatrix); tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); Laya.Matrix.mul(tResultMatrix, tTestMatrix, this.resultMatrix); if (this.resultTransform.scX * this.resultTransform.scY < 0) { this.resultMatrix.rotate(Math.PI * 0.5); } this.resultMatrix.tx = worldX; this.resultMatrix.ty = worldY; } else if (this.inheritScale) { tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); Laya.Matrix.TEMP.identity(); Laya.Matrix.TEMP.d = this.d; Laya.Matrix.mul(tResultMatrix, Laya.Matrix.TEMP, this.resultMatrix); this.resultMatrix.tx = worldX; this.resultMatrix.ty = worldY; } else { tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); Laya.Matrix.TEMP.identity(); Laya.Matrix.TEMP.d = this.d; Laya.Matrix.mul(tResultMatrix, Laya.Matrix.TEMP, this.resultMatrix); this.resultMatrix.tx = worldX; this.resultMatrix.ty = worldY; } } } else { tResultMatrix = this.resultTransform.getMatrix(); tResultMatrix.copyTo(this.resultMatrix); } } var i = 0, n = 0; var tBone; for (i = 0, n = this._children.length; i < n; i++) { tBone = this._children[i]; tBone.update(); } } updateChild() { var i = 0, n = 0; var tBone; for (i = 0, n = this._children.length; i < n; i++) { tBone = this._children[i]; tBone.update(); } } setRotation(rd) { if (this._sprite) { this._sprite.rotation = rd * 180 / Math.PI; } } updateDraw(x, y) { if (!Bone.ShowBones || Bone.ShowBones[this.name]) { if (this._sprite) { this._sprite.x = x + this.resultMatrix.tx; this._sprite.y = y + this.resultMatrix.ty; } else { this._sprite = new Laya.Sprite(); this._sprite.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 5, "#ff0000"); this._sprite.graphics.drawLine(0, 0, this.length, 0, "#00ff00"); this._sprite.graphics.fillText(this.name, 0, 0, "20px Arial", "#00ff00", "center"); Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this._sprite); this._sprite.x = x + this.resultMatrix.tx; this._sprite.y = y + this.resultMatrix.ty; } } var i = 0, n = 0; var tBone; for (i = 0, n = this._children.length; i < n; i++) { tBone = this._children[i]; tBone.updateDraw(x, y); } } addChild(bone) { this._children.push(bone); bone.parentBone = this; } findBone(boneName) { if (this.name == boneName) { return this; } else { var i, n; var tBone; var tResult; for (i = 0, n = this._children.length; i < n; i++) { tBone = this._children[i]; tResult = tBone.findBone(boneName); if (tResult) { return tResult; } } } return null; } localToWorld(local) { var localX = local[0]; var localY = local[1]; local[0] = localX * this.resultMatrix.a + localY * this.resultMatrix.c + this.resultMatrix.tx; local[1] = localX * this.resultMatrix.b + localY * this.resultMatrix.d + this.resultMatrix.ty; } } Bone.ShowBones = {}; class UVTools { constructor() { } static getRelativeUV(bigUV, smallUV, rst = null) { var startX = bigUV[0]; var width = bigUV[2] - bigUV[0]; var startY = bigUV[1]; var height = bigUV[5] - bigUV[1]; if (!rst) rst = []; rst.length = smallUV.length; var i, len; len = rst.length; var dWidth = 1 / width; var dHeight = 1 / height; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { rst[i] = (smallUV[i] - startX) * dWidth; rst[i + 1] = (smallUV[i + 1] - startY) * dHeight; } return rst; } static getAbsoluteUV(bigUV, smallUV, rst = null) { if (bigUV[0] == 0 && bigUV[1] == 0 && bigUV[4] == 1 && bigUV[5] == 1) { if (rst) { Laya.Utils.copyArray(rst, smallUV); return rst; } else { return smallUV; } } var startX = bigUV[0]; var width = bigUV[2] - bigUV[0]; var startY = bigUV[1]; var height = bigUV[5] - bigUV[1]; if (!rst) rst = []; rst.length = smallUV.length; var i, len; len = rst.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { rst[i] = smallUV[i] * width + startX; rst[i + 1] = smallUV[i + 1] * height + startY; } return rst; } } class MeshData { constructor() { this.uvs = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]); this.vertices = new Float32Array([0, 0, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100]); this.indexes = new Uint16Array([0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2]); this.useUvTransform = false; this.canvasPadding = 1; } getBounds() { return Laya.Rectangle._getWrapRec(this.vertices); } } class SkinMeshForGraphic extends MeshData { constructor() { super(); } init2(texture, ps, verticles, uvs) { if (this.transform) { this.transform = null; } var _ps = ps || [0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2]; this.texture = texture; this.indexes = new Uint16Array(_ps); this.vertices = new Float32Array(verticles); this.uvs = new Float32Array(uvs); } } class BoneSlot { constructor() { this.srcDisplayIndex = -1; this.type = "src"; this.displayIndex = -1; this.originalIndex = -1; this._replaceDic = {}; } showSlotData(slotData, freshIndex = true) { this.currSlotData = slotData; if (freshIndex) this.displayIndex = this.srcDisplayIndex; this.currDisplayData = null; this.currTexture = null; } showDisplayByName(name) { if (this.currSlotData) { this.showDisplayByIndex(this.currSlotData.getDisplayByName(name)); } } replaceDisplayByName(tarName, newName) { if (!this.currSlotData) return; var preIndex; preIndex = this.currSlotData.getDisplayByName(tarName); var newIndex; newIndex = this.currSlotData.getDisplayByName(newName); this.replaceDisplayByIndex(preIndex, newIndex); } replaceDisplayByIndex(tarIndex, newIndex) { if (!this.currSlotData) return; this._replaceDic[tarIndex] = newIndex; if (this.originalIndex == tarIndex) { this.showDisplayByIndex(tarIndex); } } showDisplayByIndex(index) { this.originalIndex = index; if (this._replaceDic[index] != null) index = this._replaceDic[index]; if (this.currSlotData && index > -1 && index < this.currSlotData.displayArr.length) { this.displayIndex = index; this.currDisplayData = this.currSlotData.displayArr[index]; if (this.currDisplayData) { var tName = this.currDisplayData.name; this.currTexture = this.templet.getTexture(tName); if (this.currTexture && this.currDisplayData.type == 0 && this.currDisplayData.uvs) { this.currTexture = this.currDisplayData.createTexture(this.currTexture); } } } else { this.displayIndex = -1; this.currDisplayData = null; this.currTexture = null; } } replaceSkin(_texture) { this._diyTexture = _texture; if (this._curDiyUV) this._curDiyUV.length = 0; if (this.currDisplayData && this._diyTexture == this.currDisplayData.texture) { this._diyTexture = null; } } setParentMatrix(parentMatrix) { this._parentMatrix = parentMatrix; } static createSkinMesh() { return new SkinMeshForGraphic(); } static isSameArr(arrA, arrB) { if (arrA.length != arrB.length) return false; var i, len; len = arrA.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (arrA[i] != arrB[i]) return false; } return true; } getSaveVerticle(tArr) { if (BoneSlot.useSameMatrixAndVerticle && this._preGraphicVerticle && BoneSlot.isSameArr(tArr, this._preGraphicVerticle)) { tArr = this._preGraphicVerticle; } else { tArr = Laya.ILaya.Utils.copyArray([], tArr); this._preGraphicVerticle = tArr; } return tArr; } static isSameMatrix(mtA, mtB) { return mtA.a == mtB.a && mtA.b == mtB.b && mtA.c == mtB.c && mtA.d == mtB.d && Math.abs(mtA.tx - mtB.tx) < 0.00001 && Math.abs(mtA.ty - mtB.ty) < 0.00001; } getSaveMatrix(tResultMatrix) { if (BoneSlot.useSameMatrixAndVerticle && this._preGraphicMatrix && BoneSlot.isSameMatrix(tResultMatrix, this._preGraphicMatrix)) { tResultMatrix = this._preGraphicMatrix; } else { var newMatrix = tResultMatrix.clone(); tResultMatrix = newMatrix; this._preGraphicMatrix = tResultMatrix; } return tResultMatrix; } draw(graphics, boneMatrixArray, noUseSave = false, alpha = 1) { if ((this._diyTexture == null && this.currTexture == null) || this.currDisplayData == null) { if (!(this.currDisplayData && this.currDisplayData.type == 3)) { return; } } var tTexture = this.currTexture; if (this._diyTexture) tTexture = this._diyTexture; var tSkinSprite; switch (this.currDisplayData.type) { case 0: if (graphics) { var tCurrentMatrix = this.getDisplayMatrix(); if (this._parentMatrix) { var tRotateKey = false; if (tCurrentMatrix) { Laya.Matrix.mul(tCurrentMatrix, this._parentMatrix, Laya.Matrix.TEMP); var tResultMatrix; if (noUseSave) { if (this._resultMatrix == null) this._resultMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); tResultMatrix = this._resultMatrix; } else { tResultMatrix = BoneSlot._tempResultMatrix; } if (this._diyTexture && this.currDisplayData.uvs) { var tTestMatrix = BoneSlot._tempMatrix; tTestMatrix.identity(); if (this.currDisplayData.uvs[1] > this.currDisplayData.uvs[5]) { tTestMatrix.d = -1; } if (this.currDisplayData.uvs[0] > this.currDisplayData.uvs[4] && this.currDisplayData.uvs[1] > this.currDisplayData.uvs[5]) { tRotateKey = true; tTestMatrix.rotate(-Math.PI / 2); } Laya.Matrix.mul(tTestMatrix, Laya.Matrix.TEMP, tResultMatrix); } else { Laya.Matrix.TEMP.copyTo(tResultMatrix); } if (!noUseSave) { tResultMatrix = this.getSaveMatrix(tResultMatrix); } tResultMatrix._checkTransform(); if (tRotateKey) { graphics.drawTexture(tTexture, -this.currDisplayData.height / 2, -this.currDisplayData.width / 2, this.currDisplayData.height, this.currDisplayData.width, tResultMatrix, alpha); } else { graphics.drawTexture(tTexture, -this.currDisplayData.width / 2, -this.currDisplayData.height / 2, this.currDisplayData.width, this.currDisplayData.height, tResultMatrix, alpha); } } } } break; case 1: if (noUseSave) { if (this._skinSprite == null) { this._skinSprite = BoneSlot.createSkinMesh(); } tSkinSprite = this._skinSprite; } else { tSkinSprite = BoneSlot.createSkinMesh(); } if (tSkinSprite == null) { return; } var tIBArray; if (this.currDisplayData.bones == null) { var tVertices = this.currDisplayData.weights; if (this.deformData) { tVertices = this.deformData; } var tUVs; if (this._diyTexture) { if (!this._curDiyUV) { this._curDiyUV = []; } if (this._curDiyUV.length == 0) { this._curDiyUV = UVTools.getRelativeUV(this.currTexture.uv, this.currDisplayData.uvs, this._curDiyUV); this._curDiyUV = UVTools.getAbsoluteUV(this._diyTexture.uv, this._curDiyUV, this._curDiyUV); } tUVs = this._curDiyUV; } else { tUVs = this.currDisplayData.uvs; } this._mVerticleArr = tVertices; var tTriangleNum = this.currDisplayData.triangles.length / 3; tIBArray = this.currDisplayData.triangles; if (this.deformData) { if (!noUseSave) { this._mVerticleArr = this.getSaveVerticle(this._mVerticleArr); } } tSkinSprite.init2(tTexture, tIBArray, this._mVerticleArr, tUVs); var tCurrentMatrix2 = this.getDisplayMatrix(); if (this._parentMatrix) { if (tCurrentMatrix2) { Laya.Matrix.mul(tCurrentMatrix2, this._parentMatrix, Laya.Matrix.TEMP); var tResultMatrix2; if (noUseSave) { if (this._resultMatrix == null) this._resultMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); tResultMatrix2 = this._resultMatrix; } else { tResultMatrix2 = BoneSlot._tempResultMatrix; } Laya.Matrix.TEMP.copyTo(tResultMatrix2); if (!noUseSave) { tResultMatrix2 = this.getSaveMatrix(tResultMatrix2); } tSkinSprite.transform = tResultMatrix2; } } } else { this.skinMesh(boneMatrixArray, tSkinSprite); } graphics.drawSkin(tSkinSprite, alpha); break; case 2: if (noUseSave) { if (this._skinSprite == null) { this._skinSprite = BoneSlot.createSkinMesh(); } tSkinSprite = this._skinSprite; } else { tSkinSprite = BoneSlot.createSkinMesh(); } if (tSkinSprite == null) { return; } this.skinMesh(boneMatrixArray, tSkinSprite); graphics.drawSkin(tSkinSprite, alpha); break; } } skinMesh(boneMatrixArray, skinSprite) { var tTexture = this.currTexture; var tBones = this.currDisplayData.bones; var tUvs; if (this._diyTexture) { tTexture = this._diyTexture; if (!this._curDiyUV) { this._curDiyUV = []; } if (this._curDiyUV.length == 0) { this._curDiyUV = UVTools.getRelativeUV(this.currTexture.uv, this.currDisplayData.uvs, this._curDiyUV); this._curDiyUV = UVTools.getAbsoluteUV(this._diyTexture.uv, this._curDiyUV, this._curDiyUV); } tUvs = this._curDiyUV; } else { tUvs = this.currDisplayData.uvs; } var tWeights = this.currDisplayData.weights; var tTriangles = this.currDisplayData.triangles; var tIBArray; var tRx = 0; var tRy = 0; var nn = 0; var tMatrix; var tX; var tY; var tB = 0; var tWeight = 0; var tVertices; var i = 0, n = 0; BoneSlot._tempVerticleArr.length = 0; tVertices = BoneSlot._tempVerticleArr; if (this.deformData && this.deformData.length > 0) { var f = 0; for (i = 0, n = tBones.length; i < n;) { nn = tBones[i++] + i; tRx = 0, tRy = 0; for (; i < nn; i++) { tMatrix = boneMatrixArray[tBones[i]]; tX = tWeights[tB] + this.deformData[f++]; tY = tWeights[tB + 1] + this.deformData[f++]; tWeight = tWeights[tB + 2]; tRx += (tX * tMatrix.a + tY * tMatrix.c + tMatrix.tx) * tWeight; tRy += (tX * tMatrix.b + tY * tMatrix.d + tMatrix.ty) * tWeight; tB += 3; } tVertices.push(tRx, tRy); } } else { for (i = 0, n = tBones.length; i < n;) { nn = tBones[i++] + i; tRx = 0, tRy = 0; for (; i < nn; i++) { tMatrix = boneMatrixArray[tBones[i]]; tX = tWeights[tB]; tY = tWeights[tB + 1]; tWeight = tWeights[tB + 2]; tRx += (tX * tMatrix.a + tY * tMatrix.c + tMatrix.tx) * tWeight; tRy += (tX * tMatrix.b + tY * tMatrix.d + tMatrix.ty) * tWeight; tB += 3; } tVertices.push(tRx, tRy); } } this._mVerticleArr = tVertices; tIBArray = tTriangles; this._mVerticleArr = this.getSaveVerticle(this._mVerticleArr); skinSprite.init2(tTexture, tIBArray, this._mVerticleArr, tUvs); } drawBonePoint(graphics) { if (graphics && this._parentMatrix) { graphics.drawCircle(this._parentMatrix.tx, this._parentMatrix.ty, 5, "#ff0000"); } } getDisplayMatrix() { if (this.currDisplayData) { return this.currDisplayData.transform.getMatrix(); } return null; } getMatrix() { return this._resultMatrix; } copy() { var tBoneSlot = new BoneSlot(); tBoneSlot.type = "copy"; tBoneSlot.name = this.name; tBoneSlot.attachmentName = this.attachmentName; tBoneSlot.srcDisplayIndex = this.srcDisplayIndex; tBoneSlot.parent = this.parent; tBoneSlot.displayIndex = this.displayIndex; tBoneSlot.templet = this.templet; tBoneSlot.currSlotData = this.currSlotData; tBoneSlot.currTexture = this.currTexture; tBoneSlot.currDisplayData = this.currDisplayData; return tBoneSlot; } } BoneSlot._tempMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); BoneSlot._tempResultMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); BoneSlot.useSameMatrixAndVerticle = true; BoneSlot._tempVerticleArr = []; class DeformAniData { constructor() { this.deformSlotDataList = []; } } class DeformSlotData { constructor() { this.deformSlotDisplayList = []; } } class DeformSlotDisplayData { constructor() { this.slotIndex = -1; this.timeList = []; this.vectices = []; this.tweenKeyList = []; this.frameIndex = 0; } binarySearch1(values, target) { var low = 0; var high = values.length - 2; if (high == 0) return 1; var current = high >>> 1; while (true) { if (values[Math.floor(current + 1)] <= target) low = current + 1; else high = current; if (low == high) return low + 1; current = (low + high) >>> 1; } return 0; } apply(time, boneSlot, alpha = 1) { time += 0.05; if (this.timeList.length <= 0) { return; } var i = 0; var tTime = this.timeList[0]; if (time < tTime) { return; } var tVertexCount = this.vectices[0].length; var tVertices = []; var tFrameIndex = this.binarySearch1(this.timeList, time); this.frameIndex = tFrameIndex; if (time >= this.timeList[this.timeList.length - 1]) { var lastVertices = this.vectices[this.vectices.length - 1]; if (alpha < 1) { for (i = 0; i < tVertexCount; i++) { tVertices[i] += (lastVertices[i] - tVertices[i]) * alpha; } } else { for (i = 0; i < tVertexCount; i++) { tVertices[i] = lastVertices[i]; } } this.deformData = tVertices; return; } var tPrevVertices = this.vectices[this.frameIndex - 1]; var tNextVertices = this.vectices[this.frameIndex]; var tPreFrameTime = this.timeList[this.frameIndex - 1]; var tFrameTime = this.timeList[this.frameIndex]; if (this.tweenKeyList[tFrameIndex - 1]) { alpha = (time - tPreFrameTime) / (tFrameTime - tPreFrameTime); } else { alpha = 0; } var tPrev; for (i = 0; i < tVertexCount; i++) { tPrev = tPrevVertices[i]; tVertices[i] = tPrev + (tNextVertices[i] - tPrev) * alpha; } this.deformData = tVertices; } } class DrawOrderData { constructor() { this.drawOrder = []; } } class EventData { constructor() { } } class IkConstraint { constructor(data, bones) { this.isSpine = true; this.isDebug = false; this._targetBone = bones[data.targetBoneIndex]; this.isSpine = data.isSpine; if (this._bones == null) this._bones = []; this._bones.length = 0; for (var i = 0, n = data.boneIndexs.length; i < n; i++) { this._bones.push(bones[data.boneIndexs[i]]); } this.name = data.name; this.mix = data.mix; this.bendDirection = data.bendDirection; } apply() { switch (this._bones.length) { case 1: this._applyIk1(this._bones[0], this._targetBone.resultMatrix.tx, this._targetBone.resultMatrix.ty, this.mix); break; case 2: if (this.isSpine) { this._applyIk2(this._bones[0], this._bones[1], this._targetBone.resultMatrix.tx, this._targetBone.resultMatrix.ty, this.bendDirection, this.mix); } else { this._applyIk3(this._bones[0], this._bones[1], this._targetBone.resultMatrix.tx, this._targetBone.resultMatrix.ty, this.bendDirection, this.mix); } break; } } _applyIk1(bone, targetX, targetY, alpha) { var pp = bone.parentBone; var id = 1 / (pp.resultMatrix.a * pp.resultMatrix.d - pp.resultMatrix.b * pp.resultMatrix.c); var x = targetX - pp.resultMatrix.tx; var y = targetY - pp.resultMatrix.ty; var tx = (x * pp.resultMatrix.d - y * pp.resultMatrix.c) * id - bone.transform.x; var ty = (y * pp.resultMatrix.a - x * pp.resultMatrix.b) * id - bone.transform.y; var rotationIK = Math.atan2(ty, tx) * IkConstraint.radDeg - 0 - bone.transform.skX; if (bone.transform.scX < 0) rotationIK += 180; if (rotationIK > 180) rotationIK -= 360; else if (rotationIK < -180) rotationIK += 360; bone.transform.skX = bone.transform.skY = bone.transform.skX + rotationIK * alpha; bone.update(); } updatePos(x, y) { if (this._sp) { this._sp.pos(x, y); } } _applyIk2(parent, child, targetX, targetY, bendDir, alpha) { if (alpha == 0) { return; } var px = parent.resultTransform.x, py = parent.resultTransform.y; var psx = parent.transform.scX, psy = parent.transform.scY; var csx = child.transform.scX; var os1, os2, s2; if (psx < 0) { psx = -psx; os1 = 180; s2 = -1; } else { os1 = 0; s2 = 1; } if (psy < 0) { psy = -psy; s2 = -s2; } if (csx < 0) { csx = -csx; os2 = 180; } else { os2 = 0; } var cx = child.resultTransform.x, cy, cwx, cwy; var a = parent.resultMatrix.a, b = parent.resultMatrix.c; var c = parent.resultMatrix.b, d = parent.resultMatrix.d; var u = Math.abs(psx - psy) <= 0.0001; if (!u) { cy = 0; cwx = a * cx + parent.resultMatrix.tx; cwy = c * cx + parent.resultMatrix.ty; } else { cy = child.resultTransform.y; cwx = a * cx + b * cy + parent.resultMatrix.tx; cwy = c * cx + d * cy + parent.resultMatrix.ty; } if (this.isDebug) { if (!this._sp) { this._sp = new Laya.Sprite(); Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this._sp); } this._sp.graphics.clear(); this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(targetX, targetY, 15, "#ffff00"); this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(cwx, cwy, 15, "#ff00ff"); } parent.setRotation(Math.atan2(cwy - parent.resultMatrix.ty, cwx - parent.resultMatrix.tx)); var pp = parent.parentBone; a = pp.resultMatrix.a; b = pp.resultMatrix.c; c = pp.resultMatrix.b; d = pp.resultMatrix.d; var id = 1 / (a * d - b * c); var x = targetX - pp.resultMatrix.tx, y = targetY - pp.resultMatrix.ty; var tx = (x * d - y * b) * id - px; var ty = (y * a - x * c) * id - py; x = cwx - pp.resultMatrix.tx; y = cwy - pp.resultMatrix.ty; var dx = (x * d - y * b) * id - px; var dy = (y * a - x * c) * id - py; var l1 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var l2 = child.length * csx; var a1, a2; if (u) { l2 *= psx; var cos = (tx * tx + ty * ty - l1 * l1 - l2 * l2) / (2 * l1 * l2); if (cos < -1) cos = -1; else if (cos > 1) cos = 1; a2 = Math.acos(cos) * bendDir; a = l1 + l2 * cos; b = l2 * Math.sin(a2); a1 = Math.atan2(ty * a - tx * b, tx * a + ty * b); } else { a = psx * l2; b = psy * l2; var aa = a * a, bb = b * b, dd = tx * tx + ty * ty, ta = Math.atan2(ty, tx); c = bb * l1 * l1 + aa * dd - aa * bb; var c1 = -2 * bb * l1, c2 = bb - aa; d = c1 * c1 - 4 * c2 * c; if (d > 0) { var q = Math.sqrt(d); if (c1 < 0) q = -q; q = -(c1 + q) / 2; var r0 = q / c2, r1 = c / q; var r = Math.abs(r0) < Math.abs(r1) ? r0 : r1; if (r * r <= dd) { y = Math.sqrt(dd - r * r) * bendDir; a1 = ta - Math.atan2(y, r); a2 = Math.atan2(y / psy, (r - l1) / psx); } } var minAngle = 0, minDist = Number.MAX_VALUE, minX = 0, minY = 0; var maxAngle = 0, maxDist = 0, maxX = 0, maxY = 0; x = l1 + a; d = x * x; if (d > maxDist) { maxAngle = 0; maxDist = d; maxX = x; } x = l1 - a; d = x * x; if (d < minDist) { minAngle = Math.PI; minDist = d; minX = x; } var angle = Math.acos(-a * l1 / (aa - bb)); x = a * Math.cos(angle) + l1; y = b * Math.sin(angle); d = x * x + y * y; if (d < minDist) { minAngle = angle; minDist = d; minX = x; minY = y; } if (d > maxDist) { maxAngle = angle; maxDist = d; maxX = x; maxY = y; } if (dd <= (minDist + maxDist) / 2) { a1 = ta - Math.atan2(minY * bendDir, minX); a2 = minAngle * bendDir; } else { a1 = ta - Math.atan2(maxY * bendDir, maxX); a2 = maxAngle * bendDir; } } var os = Math.atan2(cy, cx) * s2; var rotation = parent.resultTransform.skX; a1 = (a1 - os) * IkConstraint.radDeg + os1 - rotation; if (a1 > 180) a1 -= 360; else if (a1 < -180) a1 += 360; parent.resultTransform.x = px; parent.resultTransform.y = py; parent.resultTransform.skX = parent.resultTransform.skY = rotation + a1 * alpha; rotation = child.resultTransform.skX; rotation = rotation % 360; a2 = ((a2 + os) * IkConstraint.radDeg - 0) * s2 + os2 - rotation; if (a2 > 180) a2 -= 360; else if (a2 < -180) a2 += 360; child.resultTransform.x = cx; child.resultTransform.y = cy; child.resultTransform.skX = child.resultTransform.skY = child.resultTransform.skY + a2 * alpha; parent.update(); } _applyIk3(parent, child, targetX, targetY, bendDir, alpha) { if (alpha == 0) { return; } var cwx, cwy; const x = child.resultMatrix.a * child.length; const y = child.resultMatrix.b * child.length; const lLL = x * x + y * y; const lL = Math.sqrt(lLL); var parentX = parent.resultMatrix.tx; var parentY = parent.resultMatrix.ty; var childX = child.resultMatrix.tx; var childY = child.resultMatrix.ty; var dX = childX - parentX; var dY = childY - parentY; const lPP = dX * dX + dY * dY; const lP = Math.sqrt(lPP); dX = targetX - parent.resultMatrix.tx; dY = targetY - parent.resultMatrix.ty; const lTT = dX * dX + dY * dY; const lT = Math.sqrt(lTT); if (lL + lP <= lT || lT + lL <= lP || lT + lP <= lL) { var rate; if (lL + lP <= lT) { rate = 1; } else { rate = -1; } childX = parentX + rate * (targetX - parentX) * lP / lT; childY = parentY + rate * (targetY - parentY) * lP / lT; } else { const h = (lPP - lLL + lTT) / (2 * lTT); const r = Math.sqrt(lPP - h * h * lTT) / lT; const hX = parentX + (dX * h); const hY = parentY + (dY * h); const rX = -dY * r; const rY = dX * r; if (bendDir > 0) { childX = hX - rX; childY = hY - rY; } else { childX = hX + rX; childY = hY + rY; } } cwx = childX; cwy = childY; if (this.isDebug) { if (!this._sp) { this._sp = new Laya.Sprite(); Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this._sp); } this._sp.graphics.clear(); this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(parentX, parentY, 15, "#ff00ff"); this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(targetX, targetY, 15, "#ffff00"); this._sp.graphics.drawCircle(cwx, cwy, 15, "#ff00ff"); } var pRotation; pRotation = Math.atan2(cwy - parent.resultMatrix.ty, cwx - parent.resultMatrix.tx); parent.setRotation(pRotation); var pTarMatrix; pTarMatrix = IkConstraint._tempMatrix; pTarMatrix.identity(); pTarMatrix.rotate(pRotation); pTarMatrix.scale(parent.resultMatrix.getScaleX(), parent.resultMatrix.getScaleY()); pTarMatrix.translate(parent.resultMatrix.tx, parent.resultMatrix.ty); pTarMatrix.copyTo(parent.resultMatrix); parent.updateChild(); var childRotation; childRotation = Math.atan2(targetY - cwy, targetX - cwx); child.setRotation(childRotation); var childTarMatrix; childTarMatrix = IkConstraint._tempMatrix; childTarMatrix.identity(); childTarMatrix.rotate(childRotation); childTarMatrix.scale(child.resultMatrix.getScaleX(), child.resultMatrix.getScaleY()); childTarMatrix.translate(cwx, cwy); pTarMatrix.copyTo(child.resultMatrix); child.updateChild(); } } IkConstraint.radDeg = 180 / Math.PI; IkConstraint.degRad = Math.PI / 180; IkConstraint._tempMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(); class IkConstraintData { constructor() { this.boneNames = []; this.bendDirection = 1; this.mix = 1; this.isSpine = true; this.targetBoneIndex = -1; this.boneIndexs = []; } } class PathConstraint { constructor(data, bones) { this._debugKey = false; this._segments = []; this._curves = []; this.data = data; this.position = data.position; this.spacing = data.spacing; this.rotateMix = data.rotateMix; this.translateMix = data.translateMix; this.bones = []; var tBoneIds = this.data.bones; for (var i = 0, n = tBoneIds.length; i < n; i++) { this.bones.push(bones[tBoneIds[i]]); } } apply(boneList, graphics) { if (!this.target) return; var tTranslateMix = this.translateMix; var tRotateMix = this.translateMix; var tRotate = tRotateMix > 0; var tSpacingMode = this.data.spacingMode; var tLengthSpacing = tSpacingMode == "length"; var tRotateMode = this.data.rotateMode; var tTangents = tRotateMode == "tangent"; var tScale = tRotateMode == "chainScale"; var lengths = []; var boneCount = this.bones.length; var spacesCount = tTangents ? boneCount : boneCount + 1; var spaces = []; this._spaces = spaces; spaces[0] = this.position; var spacing = this.spacing; if (tScale || tLengthSpacing) { for (var i = 0, n = spacesCount - 1; i < n;) { var bone = this.bones[i]; var length = bone.length; var x = length * bone.resultMatrix.a; var y = length * bone.resultMatrix.b; length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (tScale) lengths[i] = length; spaces[++i] = tLengthSpacing ? Math.max(0, length + spacing) : spacing; } } else { for (i = 1; i < spacesCount; i++) { spaces[i] = spacing; } } var positions = this.computeWorldPositions(this.target, boneList, graphics, spacesCount, tTangents, this.data.positionMode == "percent", tSpacingMode == "percent"); if (this._debugKey) { for (i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { graphics.drawCircle(positions[i++], positions[i++], 5, "#00ff00"); } var tLinePos = []; for (i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { tLinePos.push(positions[i++], positions[i++]); } graphics.drawLines(0, 0, tLinePos, "#ff0000"); } var boneX = positions[0]; var boneY = positions[1]; var offsetRotation = this.data.offsetRotation; var tip = tRotateMode == "chain" && offsetRotation == 0; var p; for (i = 0, p = 3; i < boneCount; i++, p += 3) { bone = this.bones[i]; bone.resultMatrix.tx += (boneX - bone.resultMatrix.tx) * tTranslateMix; bone.resultMatrix.ty += (boneY - bone.resultMatrix.ty) * tTranslateMix; x = positions[p]; y = positions[p + 1]; var dx = x - boneX, dy = y - boneY; if (tScale) { length = lengths[i]; if (length != 0) { var s = (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / length - 1) * tRotateMix + 1; bone.resultMatrix.a *= s; bone.resultMatrix.c *= s; } } boneX = x; boneY = y; if (tRotate) { var a = bone.resultMatrix.a; var b = bone.resultMatrix.c; var c = bone.resultMatrix.b; var d = bone.resultMatrix.d; var r; var cos; var sin; if (tTangents) { r = positions[p - 1]; } else if (spaces[i + 1] == 0) { r = positions[p + 2]; } else { r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); } r -= Math.atan2(c, a) - offsetRotation / 180 * Math.PI; if (tip) { cos = Math.cos(r); sin = Math.sin(r); length = bone.length; boneX += (length * (cos * a - sin * c) - dx) * tRotateMix; boneY += (length * (sin * a + cos * c) - dy) * tRotateMix; } if (r > Math.PI) { r -= (Math.PI * 2); } else if (r < -Math.PI) { r += (Math.PI * 2); } r *= tRotateMix; cos = Math.cos(r); sin = Math.sin(r); bone.resultMatrix.a = cos * a - sin * c; bone.resultMatrix.c = cos * b - sin * d; bone.resultMatrix.b = sin * a + cos * c; bone.resultMatrix.d = sin * b + cos * d; } } } computeWorldVertices2(boneSlot, boneList, start, count, worldVertices, offset) { var tBones = boneSlot.currDisplayData.bones; var tWeights = boneSlot.currDisplayData.weights; var tTriangles = boneSlot.currDisplayData.triangles; var tMatrix; var i = 0; var v = 0; var skip = 0; var n = 0; var w = 0; var b = 0; var wx = 0; var wy = 0; var vx = 0; var vy = 0; var bone; var len; if (tBones == null) { if (!tTriangles) tTriangles = tWeights; if (boneSlot.deformData) tTriangles = boneSlot.deformData; var parentName; parentName = boneSlot.parent; if (boneList) { len = boneList.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (boneList[i].name == parentName) { bone = boneList[i]; break; } } } var tBoneMt; if (bone) { tBoneMt = bone.resultMatrix; } if (!tBoneMt) tBoneMt = PathConstraint._tempMt; var x = tBoneMt.tx; var y = tBoneMt.ty; var a = tBoneMt.a, bb = tBoneMt.b, c = tBoneMt.c, d = tBoneMt.d; if (bone) d *= bone.d; for (v = start, w = offset; w < count; v += 2, w += 2) { vx = tTriangles[v], vy = tTriangles[v + 1]; worldVertices[w] = vx * a + vy * bb + x; worldVertices[w + 1] = -(vx * c + vy * d + y); } return; } for (i = 0; i < start; i += 2) { n = tBones[v]; v += n + 1; skip += n; } var skeletonBones = boneList; for (w = offset, b = skip * 3; w < count; w += 2) { wx = 0, wy = 0; n = tBones[v++]; n += v; for (; v < n; v++, b += 3) { tMatrix = skeletonBones[tBones[v]].resultMatrix; vx = tWeights[b]; vy = tWeights[b + 1]; var weight = tWeights[b + 2]; wx += (vx * tMatrix.a + vy * tMatrix.c + tMatrix.tx) * weight; wy += (vx * tMatrix.b + vy * tMatrix.d + tMatrix.ty) * weight; } worldVertices[w] = wx; worldVertices[w + 1] = wy; } } computeWorldPositions(boneSlot, boneList, graphics, spacesCount, tangents, percentPosition, percentSpacing) { var tBones = boneSlot.currDisplayData.bones; var tWeights = boneSlot.currDisplayData.weights; var tTriangles = boneSlot.currDisplayData.triangles; var tVertices = []; var i = 0; var verticesLength = boneSlot.currDisplayData.verLen; var position = this.position; var spaces = this._spaces; var world = []; var out = []; var curveCount = verticesLength / 6; var prevCurve = -1; var pathLength; var o, curve; var p; var space; var prev; var length; { curveCount--; verticesLength -= 4; this.computeWorldVertices2(boneSlot, boneList, 2, verticesLength, tVertices, 0); if (this._debugKey) { for (i = 0; i < tVertices.length;) { graphics.drawCircle(tVertices[i++], tVertices[i++], 10, "#ff0000"); } } world = tVertices; } this._curves.length = curveCount; var curves = this._curves; pathLength = 0; var x1 = world[0], y1 = world[1], cx1 = 0, cy1 = 0, cx2 = 0, cy2 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; var tmpx, tmpy, dddfx, dddfy, ddfx, ddfy, dfx, dfy; var w; for (i = 0, w = 2; i < curveCount; i++, w += 6) { cx1 = world[w]; cy1 = world[w + 1]; cx2 = world[w + 2]; cy2 = world[w + 3]; x2 = world[w + 4]; y2 = world[w + 5]; tmpx = (x1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.1875; tmpy = (y1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.1875; dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - x1 + x2) * 0.09375; dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - y1 + y2) * 0.09375; ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx; ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy; dfx = (cx1 - x1) * 0.75 + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667; dfy = (cy1 - y1) * 0.75 + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667; pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); dfx += ddfx; dfy += ddfy; ddfx += dddfx; ddfy += dddfy; pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); dfx += ddfx; dfy += ddfy; pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); dfx += ddfx + dddfx; dfy += ddfy + dddfy; pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); curves[i] = pathLength; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } if (percentPosition) position *= pathLength; if (percentSpacing) { for (i = 0; i < spacesCount; i++) spaces[i] *= pathLength; } var segments = this._segments; var curveLength = 0; var segment; for (i = 0, o = 0, curve = 0, segment = 0; i < spacesCount; i++, o += 3) { space = spaces[i]; position += space; p = position; if (p < 0) { this.addBeforePosition(p, world, 0, out, o); continue; } else if (p > pathLength) { this.addAfterPosition(p - pathLength, world, verticesLength - 4, out, o); continue; } for (;; curve++) { length = curves[curve]; if (p > length) continue; if (curve == 0) p /= length; else { prev = curves[curve - 1]; p = (p - prev) / (length - prev); } break; } if (curve != prevCurve) { prevCurve = curve; var ii = curve * 6; x1 = world[ii]; y1 = world[ii + 1]; cx1 = world[ii + 2]; cy1 = world[ii + 3]; cx2 = world[ii + 4]; cy2 = world[ii + 5]; x2 = world[ii + 6]; y2 = world[ii + 7]; tmpx = (x1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03; tmpy = (y1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03; dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - x1 + x2) * 0.006; dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - y1 + y2) * 0.006; ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx; ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy; dfx = (cx1 - x1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667; dfy = (cy1 - y1) * 0.3 + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667; curveLength = Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); segments[0] = curveLength; for (ii = 1; ii < 8; ii++) { dfx += ddfx; dfy += ddfy; ddfx += dddfx; ddfy += dddfy; curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); segments[ii] = curveLength; } dfx += ddfx; dfy += ddfy; curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); segments[8] = curveLength; dfx += ddfx + dddfx; dfy += ddfy + dddfy; curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); segments[9] = curveLength; segment = 0; } p *= curveLength; for (;; segment++) { length = segments[segment]; if (p > length) continue; if (segment == 0) p /= length; else { prev = segments[segment - 1]; p = segment + (p - prev) / (length - prev); } break; } this.addCurvePosition(p * 0.1, x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, out, o, tangents || (i > 0 && space == 0)); } return out; } addBeforePosition(p, temp, i, out, o) { var x1 = temp[i], y1 = temp[i + 1], dx = temp[i + 2] - x1, dy = temp[i + 3] - y1, r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); out[o] = x1 + p * Math.cos(r); out[o + 1] = y1 + p * Math.sin(r); out[o + 2] = r; } addAfterPosition(p, temp, i, out, o) { var x1 = temp[i + 2], y1 = temp[i + 3], dx = x1 - temp[i], dy = y1 - temp[i + 1], r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); out[o] = x1 + p * Math.cos(r); out[o + 1] = y1 + p * Math.sin(r); out[o + 2] = r; } addCurvePosition(p, x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, out, o, tangents) { if (p == 0) p = 0.0001; var tt = p * p, ttt = tt * p, u = 1 - p, uu = u * u, uuu = uu * u; var ut = u * p, ut3 = ut * 3, uut3 = u * ut3, utt3 = ut3 * p; var x = x1 * uuu + cx1 * uut3 + cx2 * utt3 + x2 * ttt, y = y1 * uuu + cy1 * uut3 + cy2 * utt3 + y2 * ttt; out[o] = x; out[o + 1] = y; if (tangents) { out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(y - (y1 * uu + cy1 * ut * 2 + cy2 * tt), x - (x1 * uu + cx1 * ut * 2 + cx2 * tt)); } else { out[o + 2] = 0; } } } PathConstraint.BEFORE = -2; PathConstraint.AFTER = -3; PathConstraint._tempMt = new Laya.Matrix(); class PathConstraintData { constructor() { this.bones = []; } } class TfConstraint { constructor(data, bones) { this._temp = []; this._data = data; if (this._bones == null) { this._bones = []; } this.target = bones[data.targetIndex]; var j, n; for (j = 0, n = data.boneIndexs.length; j < n; j++) { this._bones.push(bones[data.boneIndexs[j]]); } this.rotateMix = data.rotateMix; this.translateMix = data.translateMix; this.scaleMix = data.scaleMix; this.shearMix = data.shearMix; } apply() { var tTfBone; var ta = this.target.resultMatrix.a, tb = this.target.resultMatrix.b, tc = this.target.resultMatrix.c, td = this.target.resultMatrix.d; for (var j = 0, n = this._bones.length; j < n; j++) { tTfBone = this._bones[j]; if (this.rotateMix > 0) { var a = tTfBone.resultMatrix.a, b = tTfBone.resultMatrix.b, c = tTfBone.resultMatrix.c, d = tTfBone.resultMatrix.d; var r = Math.atan2(tc, ta) - Math.atan2(c, a) + this._data.offsetRotation * Math.PI / 180; if (r > Math.PI) r -= Math.PI * 2; else if (r < -Math.PI) r += Math.PI * 2; r *= this.rotateMix; var cos = Math.cos(r), sin = Math.sin(r); tTfBone.resultMatrix.a = cos * a - sin * c; tTfBone.resultMatrix.b = cos * b - sin * d; tTfBone.resultMatrix.c = sin * a + cos * c; tTfBone.resultMatrix.d = sin * b + cos * d; } if (this.translateMix) { this._temp[0] = this._data.offsetX; this._temp[1] = this._data.offsetY; this.target.localToWorld(this._temp); tTfBone.resultMatrix.tx += (this._temp[0] - tTfBone.resultMatrix.tx) * this.translateMix; tTfBone.resultMatrix.ty += (this._temp[1] - tTfBone.resultMatrix.ty) * this.translateMix; tTfBone.updateChild(); } if (this.scaleMix > 0) { var bs = Math.sqrt(tTfBone.resultMatrix.a * tTfBone.resultMatrix.a + tTfBone.resultMatrix.c * tTfBone.resultMatrix.c); var ts = Math.sqrt(ta * ta + tc * tc); var s = bs > 0.00001 ? (bs + (ts - bs + this._data.offsetScaleX) * this.scaleMix) / bs : 0; tTfBone.resultMatrix.a *= s; tTfBone.resultMatrix.c *= s; bs = Math.sqrt(tTfBone.resultMatrix.b * tTfBone.resultMatrix.b + tTfBone.resultMatrix.d * tTfBone.resultMatrix.d); ts = Math.sqrt(tb * tb + td * td); s = bs > 0.00001 ? (bs + (ts - bs + this._data.offsetScaleY) * this.scaleMix) / bs : 0; tTfBone.resultMatrix.b *= s; tTfBone.resultMatrix.d *= s; } if (this.shearMix > 0) { b = tTfBone.resultMatrix.b, d = tTfBone.resultMatrix.d; var by = Math.atan2(d, b); r = Math.atan2(td, tb) - Math.atan2(tc, ta) - (by - Math.atan2(tTfBone.resultMatrix.c, tTfBone.resultMatrix.a)); if (r > Math.PI) r -= Math.PI * 2; else if (r < -Math.PI) r += Math.PI * 2; r = by + (r + this._data.offsetShearY * Math.PI / 180) * this.shearMix; s = Math.sqrt(b * b + d * d); tTfBone.resultMatrix.b = Math.cos(r) * s; tTfBone.resultMatrix.d = Math.sin(r) * s; } } } } class Skeleton extends Laya.Sprite { constructor(templet = null, aniMode = 0) { super(); this._boneMatrixArray = []; this._lastTime = 0; this._currAniIndex = -1; this._pause = true; this._aniClipIndex = -1; this._clipIndex = -1; this._skinIndex = 0; this._skinName = "default"; this._aniMode = 0; this._index = -1; this._total = -1; this._indexControl = false; this._eventIndex = 0; this._drawOrderIndex = 0; this._drawOrder = null; this._lastAniClipIndex = -1; this._lastUpdateAniClipIndex = -1; this._playAudio = true; this._soundChannelArr = []; if (templet) this.init(templet, aniMode); } init(templet, aniMode = 0) { var i = 0, n; if (aniMode == 1) { this._graphicsCache = []; for (i = 0, n = templet.getAnimationCount(); i < n; i++) { this._graphicsCache.push([]); } } this._yReverseMatrix = templet.yReverseMatrix; this._aniMode = aniMode; this._templet = templet; this._templet._addReference(1); this._player = new AnimationPlayer(); this._player.cacheFrameRate = templet.rate; this._player.templet = templet; this._player.play(); this._parseSrcBoneMatrix(); this._boneList = templet.mBoneArr; this._rootBone = templet.mRootBone; this._aniSectionDic = templet.aniSectionDic; if (templet.ikArr.length > 0) { this._ikArr = []; for (i = 0, n = templet.ikArr.length; i < n; i++) { this._ikArr.push(new IkConstraint(templet.ikArr[i], this._boneList)); } } if (templet.pathArr.length > 0) { var tPathData; var tPathConstraint; if (this._pathDic == null) this._pathDic = {}; var tBoneSlot; for (i = 0, n = templet.pathArr.length; i < n; i++) { tPathData = templet.pathArr[i]; tPathConstraint = new PathConstraint(tPathData, this._boneList); tBoneSlot = this._boneSlotDic[tPathData.name]; if (tBoneSlot) { tPathConstraint = new PathConstraint(tPathData, this._boneList); tPathConstraint.target = tBoneSlot; } this._pathDic[tPathData.name] = tPathConstraint; } } if (templet.tfArr.length > 0) { this._tfArr = []; for (i = 0, n = templet.tfArr.length; i < n; i++) { this._tfArr.push(new TfConstraint(templet.tfArr[i], this._boneList)); } } if (templet.skinDataArray.length > 0) { var tSkinData = this._templet.skinDataArray[this._skinIndex]; this._skinName = tSkinData.name; } this._player.on(Laya.Event.PLAYED, this, this._onPlay); this._player.on(Laya.Event.STOPPED, this, this._onStop); this._player.on(Laya.Event.PAUSED, this, this._onPause); } get url() { return this._aniPath; } set url(path) { this.load(path); } load(path, complete = null, aniMode = 0) { this._aniPath = path; this._complete = complete; this._loadAniMode = aniMode; Laya.ILaya.loader.load([{ url: path, type: Laya.ILaya.Loader.BUFFER }], Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onLoaded)); } _onLoaded() { var arraybuffer = Laya.ILaya.Loader.getRes(this._aniPath); if (arraybuffer == null) return; if (IAniLib.Templet.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY == null) { IAniLib.Templet.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY = {}; } var tFactory; tFactory = IAniLib.Templet.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._aniPath]; if (tFactory) { if (tFactory.isParseFail) { this._parseFail(); } else { if (tFactory.isParserComplete) { this._parseComplete(); } else { tFactory.on(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, this._parseComplete); tFactory.on(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, this._parseFail); } } } else { tFactory = new IAniLib.Templet(); tFactory._setCreateURL(this._aniPath); IAniLib.Templet.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._aniPath] = tFactory; tFactory.on(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this, this._parseComplete); tFactory.on(Laya.Event.ERROR, this, this._parseFail); tFactory.isParserComplete = false; tFactory.parseData(null, arraybuffer); } } _parseComplete() { var tTemple = IAniLib.Templet.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._aniPath]; if (tTemple) { this.init(tTemple, this._loadAniMode); this.play(0, true); } this._complete && this._complete.runWith(this); } _parseFail() { console.log("[Error]:" + this._aniPath + "解析失败"); } _onPlay() { this.event(Laya.Event.PLAYED); } _onStop() { var tEventData; var tEventAniArr = this._templet.eventAniArr; var tEventArr = tEventAniArr[this._aniClipIndex]; if (tEventArr && this._eventIndex < tEventArr.length) { for (; this._eventIndex < tEventArr.length; this._eventIndex++) { tEventData = tEventArr[this._eventIndex]; if (tEventData.time >= this._player.playStart && tEventData.time <= this._player.playEnd) { this.event(Laya.Event.LABEL, tEventData); } } } this._drawOrder = null; this.event(Laya.Event.STOPPED); } _onPause() { this.event(Laya.Event.PAUSED); } _parseSrcBoneMatrix() { var i = 0, n = 0; n = this._templet.srcBoneMatrixArr.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { this._boneMatrixArray.push(new Laya.Matrix()); } if (this._aniMode == 0) { this._boneSlotDic = this._templet.boneSlotDic; this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic = this._templet.bindBoneBoneSlotDic; this._boneSlotArray = this._templet.boneSlotArray; } else { if (this._boneSlotDic == null) this._boneSlotDic = {}; if (this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic == null) this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic = {}; if (this._boneSlotArray == null) this._boneSlotArray = []; var tArr = this._templet.boneSlotArray; var tBS; var tBSArr; for (i = 0, n = tArr.length; i < n; i++) { tBS = tArr[i]; tBSArr = this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic[tBS.parent]; if (tBSArr == null) { this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic[tBS.parent] = tBSArr = []; } this._boneSlotDic[tBS.name] = tBS = tBS.copy(); tBSArr.push(tBS); this._boneSlotArray.push(tBS); } } } _emitMissedEvents(startTime, endTime, startIndex = 0) { var tEventAniArr = this._templet.eventAniArr; var tEventArr = tEventAniArr[this._player.currentAnimationClipIndex]; if (tEventArr) { var i = 0, len; var tEventData; len = tEventArr.length; for (i = startIndex; i < len; i++) { tEventData = tEventArr[i]; if (tEventData.time >= this._player.playStart && tEventData.time <= this._player.playEnd) { this.event(Laya.Event.LABEL, tEventData); } } } } _update(autoKey = true) { if (autoKey && this._pause) return; if (autoKey && this._indexControl) { return; } var tCurrTime = this.timer.currTimer; var preIndex = this._player.currentKeyframeIndex; var dTime = tCurrTime - this._lastTime; if (autoKey) { this._player._update(dTime); } else { preIndex = -1; } this._lastTime = tCurrTime; if (!this._player) return; this._index = this._clipIndex = this._player.currentKeyframeIndex; if (this._index < 0) return; if (dTime > 0 && this._clipIndex == preIndex && this._lastUpdateAniClipIndex == this._aniClipIndex) { return; } this._lastUpdateAniClipIndex = this._aniClipIndex; if (preIndex > this._clipIndex && this._eventIndex != 0) { this._emitMissedEvents(this._player.playStart, this._player.playEnd, this._eventIndex); this._eventIndex = 0; } var tEventArr = this._templet.eventAniArr[this._aniClipIndex]; var _soundChannel; if (tEventArr && this._eventIndex < tEventArr.length) { var tEventData = tEventArr[this._eventIndex]; if (tEventData.time >= this._player.playStart && tEventData.time <= this._player.playEnd) { if (this._player.currentPlayTime >= tEventData.time) { this.event(Laya.Event.LABEL, tEventData); this._eventIndex++; if (this._playAudio && tEventData.audioValue && tEventData.audioValue !== "null" && tEventData.audioValue !== "undefined") { _soundChannel = Laya.SoundManager.playSound(this._player.templet._path + tEventData.audioValue, 1, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onAniSoundStoped)); Laya.SoundManager.playbackRate = this._player.playbackRate; _soundChannel && this._soundChannelArr.push(_soundChannel); } } } else if (tEventData.time < this._player.playStart && this._playAudio && tEventData.audioValue && tEventData.audioValue !== "null" && tEventData.audioValue !== "undefined") { this._eventIndex++; _soundChannel = Laya.SoundManager.playSound(this._player.templet._path + tEventData.audioValue, 1, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onAniSoundStoped), null, (this._player.currentPlayTime - tEventData.time) / 1000); Laya.SoundManager.playbackRate = this._player.playbackRate; _soundChannel && this._soundChannelArr.push(_soundChannel); } else { this._eventIndex++; } } var tGraphics; if (this._aniMode == 0) { tGraphics = this._templet.getGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, this._clipIndex) || this._createGraphics(); if (tGraphics && this.graphics != tGraphics) { this.graphics = tGraphics; } } else if (this._aniMode == 1) { tGraphics = this._getGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, this._clipIndex) || this._createGraphics(); if (tGraphics && this.graphics != tGraphics) { this.graphics = tGraphics; } } else { this._createGraphics(); } } _onAniSoundStoped(force) { var _channel; for (var len = this._soundChannelArr.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { _channel = this._soundChannelArr[i]; if (_channel.isStopped || force) { !_channel.isStopped && _channel.stop(); this._soundChannelArr.splice(i, 1); len--; i--; } } } _createGraphics(_clipIndex = -1) { if (_clipIndex == -1) _clipIndex = this._clipIndex; var curTime = _clipIndex * this._player.cacheFrameRateInterval; var tDrawOrderData; var tDrawOrderAniArr = this._templet.drawOrderAniArr; var tDrawOrderArr = tDrawOrderAniArr[this._aniClipIndex]; if (tDrawOrderArr && tDrawOrderArr.length > 0) { this._drawOrderIndex = 0; tDrawOrderData = tDrawOrderArr[this._drawOrderIndex]; while (curTime >= tDrawOrderData.time) { this._drawOrder = tDrawOrderData.drawOrder; this._drawOrderIndex++; if (this._drawOrderIndex >= tDrawOrderArr.length) { break; } tDrawOrderData = tDrawOrderArr[this._drawOrderIndex]; } } if (this._aniMode == 0 || this._aniMode == 1) { this.graphics = GraphicsAni.create(); } else { if (this.graphics instanceof GraphicsAni) { this.graphics.clear(); } else { this.graphics = GraphicsAni.create(); } } var tGraphics = this.graphics; var bones = this._templet.getNodes(this._aniClipIndex); var stopped = this._player.state == 0; this._templet.getOriginalData(this._aniClipIndex, this._curOriginalData, null, _clipIndex, stopped ? (curTime + this._player.cacheFrameRateInterval) : curTime); var tSectionArr = this._aniSectionDic[this._aniClipIndex]; var tStartIndex = 0; var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, n = 0; var tDBBoneSlot; var tDBBoneSlotArr; var tParentTransform; var tSrcBone; var boneCount = this._templet.srcBoneMatrixArr.length; var origDt = this._curOriginalData; for (i = 0, n = tSectionArr[0]; i < boneCount; i++) { tSrcBone = this._boneList[i]; var resultTrans = tSrcBone.resultTransform; tParentTransform = this._templet.srcBoneMatrixArr[i]; resultTrans.scX = tParentTransform.scX * origDt[tStartIndex++]; resultTrans.skX = tParentTransform.skX + origDt[tStartIndex++]; resultTrans.skY = tParentTransform.skY + origDt[tStartIndex++]; resultTrans.scY = tParentTransform.scY * origDt[tStartIndex++]; resultTrans.x = tParentTransform.x + origDt[tStartIndex++]; resultTrans.y = tParentTransform.y + origDt[tStartIndex++]; if (this._templet.tMatrixDataLen === 8) { resultTrans.skewX = tParentTransform.skewX + origDt[tStartIndex++]; resultTrans.skewY = tParentTransform.skewY + origDt[tStartIndex++]; } } var tSlotDic = {}; var tSlotAlphaDic = {}; var tBoneData; for (n += tSectionArr[1]; i < n; i++) { tBoneData = bones[i]; tSlotDic[tBoneData.name] = origDt[tStartIndex++]; tSlotAlphaDic[tBoneData.name] = origDt[tStartIndex++]; tStartIndex += 4; } var tBendDirectionDic = {}; var tMixDic = {}; for (n += tSectionArr[2]; i < n; i++) { tBoneData = bones[i]; tBendDirectionDic[tBoneData.name] = origDt[tStartIndex++]; tMixDic[tBoneData.name] = origDt[tStartIndex++]; tStartIndex += 4; } if (this._pathDic) { var tPathConstraint; for (n += tSectionArr[3]; i < n; i++) { tBoneData = bones[i]; tPathConstraint = this._pathDic[tBoneData.name]; if (tPathConstraint) { var tByte = new Laya.Byte(tBoneData.extenData); switch (tByte.getByte()) { case 1: tPathConstraint.position = origDt[tStartIndex++]; break; case 2: tPathConstraint.spacing = origDt[tStartIndex++]; break; case 3: tPathConstraint.rotateMix = origDt[tStartIndex++]; tPathConstraint.translateMix = origDt[tStartIndex++]; break; } } } } this._rootBone.update(this._yReverseMatrix || Laya.Matrix.TEMP.identity()); if (this._ikArr) { var tIkConstraint; for (i = 0, n = this._ikArr.length; i < n; i++) { tIkConstraint = this._ikArr[i]; if (tIkConstraint.name in tBendDirectionDic) { tIkConstraint.bendDirection = tBendDirectionDic[tIkConstraint.name]; } if (tIkConstraint.name in tMixDic) { tIkConstraint.mix = tMixDic[tIkConstraint.name]; } tIkConstraint.apply(); } } if (this._pathDic) { for (var tPathStr in this._pathDic) { tPathConstraint = this._pathDic[tPathStr]; tPathConstraint.apply(this._boneList, tGraphics); } } if (this._tfArr) { var tTfConstraint; for (i = 0, k = this._tfArr.length; i < k; i++) { tTfConstraint = this._tfArr[i]; tTfConstraint.apply(); } } for (i = 0, k = this._boneList.length; i < k; i++) { tSrcBone = this._boneList[i]; tDBBoneSlotArr = this._bindBoneBoneSlotDic[tSrcBone.name]; tSrcBone.resultMatrix.copyTo(this._boneMatrixArray[i]); if (tDBBoneSlotArr) { for (j = 0, n = tDBBoneSlotArr.length; j < n; j++) { tDBBoneSlot = tDBBoneSlotArr[j]; if (tDBBoneSlot) { tDBBoneSlot.setParentMatrix(tSrcBone.resultMatrix); } } } } var tDeformDic = {}; var tDeformAniArr = this._templet.deformAniArr; var tDeformAniData; if (tDeformAniArr && tDeformAniArr.length > 0) { if (this._lastAniClipIndex != this._aniClipIndex) { this._lastAniClipIndex = this._aniClipIndex; for (i = 0, n = this._boneSlotArray.length; i < n; i++) { tDBBoneSlot = this._boneSlotArray[i]; tDBBoneSlot.deformData = null; } } var tSkinDeformAni = tDeformAniArr[this._aniClipIndex]; tDeformAniData = (tSkinDeformAni["default"]); this._setDeform(tDeformAniData, tDeformDic, this._boneSlotArray, curTime); var tSkin; for (tSkin in tSkinDeformAni) { if (tSkin != "default" && tSkin != this._skinName) { tDeformAniData = tSkinDeformAni[tSkin]; this._setDeform(tDeformAniData, tDeformDic, this._boneSlotArray, curTime); } } tDeformAniData = (tSkinDeformAni[this._skinName]); this._setDeform(tDeformAniData, tDeformDic, this._boneSlotArray, curTime); } var tSlotData2; var tSlotData3; var tObject; if (this._drawOrder) { for (i = 0, n = this._drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) { tDBBoneSlot = this._boneSlotArray[this._drawOrder[i]]; tSlotData2 = tSlotDic[tDBBoneSlot.name]; tSlotData3 = tSlotAlphaDic[tDBBoneSlot.name]; if (!isNaN(tSlotData2) && tSlotData2 != -2) { if (this._templet.attachmentNames) { tDBBoneSlot.showDisplayByName(this._templet.attachmentNames[tSlotData2]); } else { tDBBoneSlot.showDisplayByIndex(tSlotData2); } } if (tDeformDic[this._drawOrder[i]]) { tObject = tDeformDic[this._drawOrder[i]]; if (tDBBoneSlot.currDisplayData && tObject[tDBBoneSlot.currDisplayData.attachmentName]) { tDBBoneSlot.deformData = tObject[tDBBoneSlot.currDisplayData.attachmentName]; } else { tDBBoneSlot.deformData = null; } } else { tDBBoneSlot.deformData = null; } if (!isNaN(tSlotData3)) { tDBBoneSlot.draw(tGraphics, this._boneMatrixArray, this._aniMode == 2, tSlotData3); } else { tDBBoneSlot.draw(tGraphics, this._boneMatrixArray, this._aniMode == 2); } } } else { for (i = 0, n = this._boneSlotArray.length; i < n; i++) { tDBBoneSlot = this._boneSlotArray[i]; tSlotData2 = tSlotDic[tDBBoneSlot.name]; tSlotData3 = tSlotAlphaDic[tDBBoneSlot.name]; if (!isNaN(tSlotData2) && tSlotData2 != -2) { if (this._templet.attachmentNames) { tDBBoneSlot.showDisplayByName(this._templet.attachmentNames[tSlotData2]); } else { tDBBoneSlot.showDisplayByIndex(tSlotData2); } } if (tDeformDic[i]) { tObject = tDeformDic[i]; if (tDBBoneSlot.currDisplayData && tObject[tDBBoneSlot.currDisplayData.attachmentName]) { tDBBoneSlot.deformData = tObject[tDBBoneSlot.currDisplayData.attachmentName]; } else { tDBBoneSlot.deformData = null; } } else { tDBBoneSlot.deformData = null; } if (!isNaN(tSlotData3)) { tDBBoneSlot.draw(tGraphics, this._boneMatrixArray, this._aniMode == 2, tSlotData3); } else { tDBBoneSlot.draw(tGraphics, this._boneMatrixArray, this._aniMode == 2); } } } if (this._aniMode == 0) { this._templet.setGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, _clipIndex, tGraphics); this._checkIsAllParsed(this._aniClipIndex); } else if (this._aniMode == 1) { this._setGrahicsDataWithCache(this._aniClipIndex, _clipIndex, tGraphics); } return tGraphics; } _checkIsAllParsed(_aniClipIndex) { var i, len; len = Math.floor(0.01 + this._templet.getAniDuration(_aniClipIndex) / 1000 * this._player.cacheFrameRate); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!this._templet.getGrahicsDataWithCache(_aniClipIndex, i)) return; } if (!this._templet.getGrahicsDataWithCache(_aniClipIndex, len)) { this._createGraphics(len); return; } this._templet.deleteAniData(_aniClipIndex); } _setDeform(tDeformAniData, tDeformDic, _boneSlotArray, curTime) { if (!tDeformAniData) return; var tDeformSlotData; var tDeformSlotDisplayData; var tDBBoneSlot; var i, n, j; if (tDeformAniData) { for (i = 0, n = tDeformAniData.deformSlotDataList.length; i < n; i++) { tDeformSlotData = tDeformAniData.deformSlotDataList[i]; for (j = 0; j < tDeformSlotData.deformSlotDisplayList.length; j++) { tDeformSlotDisplayData = tDeformSlotData.deformSlotDisplayList[j]; tDBBoneSlot = _boneSlotArray[tDeformSlotDisplayData.slotIndex]; tDeformSlotDisplayData.apply(curTime, tDBBoneSlot); if (!tDeformDic[tDeformSlotDisplayData.slotIndex]) { tDeformDic[tDeformSlotDisplayData.slotIndex] = {}; } tDeformDic[tDeformSlotDisplayData.slotIndex][tDeformSlotDisplayData.attachment] = tDeformSlotDisplayData.deformData; } } } } getAnimNum() { return this._templet.getAnimationCount(); } getAniNameByIndex(index) { return this._templet.getAniNameByIndex(index); } getSlotByName(name) { return this._boneSlotDic[name]; } showSkinByName(name, freshSlotIndex = true) { this.showSkinByIndex(this._templet.getSkinIndexByName(name), freshSlotIndex); } showSkinByIndex(skinIndex, freshSlotIndex = true) { for (var i = 0; i < this._boneSlotArray.length; i++) { this._boneSlotArray[i].showSlotData(null, freshSlotIndex); } if (this._templet.showSkinByIndex(this._boneSlotDic, skinIndex, freshSlotIndex)) { var tSkinData = this._templet.skinDataArray[skinIndex]; this._skinIndex = skinIndex; this._skinName = tSkinData.name; } this._clearCache(); } showSlotSkinByIndex(slotName, index) { if (this._aniMode == 0) return; var tBoneSlot = this.getSlotByName(slotName); if (tBoneSlot) { tBoneSlot.showDisplayByIndex(index); } this._clearCache(); } showSlotSkinByName(slotName, name) { if (this._aniMode == 0) return; var tBoneSlot = this.getSlotByName(slotName); if (tBoneSlot) { tBoneSlot.showDisplayByName(name); } this._clearCache(); } replaceSlotSkinName(slotName, oldName, newName) { if (this._aniMode == 0) return; var tBoneSlot = this.getSlotByName(slotName); if (tBoneSlot) { tBoneSlot.replaceDisplayByName(oldName, newName); } this._clearCache(); } replaceSlotSkinByIndex(slotName, oldIndex, newIndex) { if (this._aniMode == 0) return; var tBoneSlot = this.getSlotByName(slotName); if (tBoneSlot) { tBoneSlot.replaceDisplayByIndex(oldIndex, newIndex); } this._clearCache(); } setSlotSkin(slotName, texture) { if (this._aniMode == 0) return; var tBoneSlot = this.getSlotByName(slotName); if (tBoneSlot) { tBoneSlot.replaceSkin(texture); } this._clearCache(); } _clearCache() { if (this._aniMode == 1) { for (var i = 0, n = this._graphicsCache.length; i < n; i++) { for (var j = 0, len = this._graphicsCache[i].length; j < len; j++) { var gp = this._graphicsCache[i][j]; if (gp && gp != this.graphics) { GraphicsAni.recycle(gp); } } this._graphicsCache[i].length = 0; } } } play(nameOrIndex, loop, force = true, start = 0, end = 0, freshSkin = true, playAudio = true) { this._playAudio = playAudio; this._indexControl = false; var index = -1; var duration; if (loop) { duration = 2147483647; } else { duration = 0; } if (typeof (nameOrIndex) == 'string') { for (var i = 0, n = this._templet.getAnimationCount(); i < n; i++) { var animation = this._templet.getAnimation(i); if (animation && nameOrIndex == animation.name) { index = i; break; } } } else { index = nameOrIndex; } if (index > -1 && index < this.getAnimNum()) { this._aniClipIndex = index; if (force || this._pause || this._currAniIndex != index) { this._currAniIndex = index; this._curOriginalData = new Float32Array(this._templet.getTotalkeyframesLength(index)); this._drawOrder = null; this._eventIndex = 0; this._player.play(index, this._player.playbackRate, duration, start, end); if (freshSkin) this._templet.showSkinByIndex(this._boneSlotDic, this._skinIndex); if (this._pause) { this._pause = false; this._lastTime = Laya.ILaya.Browser.now(); this.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update, null, true); } this._update(); } } } stop() { if (!this._pause) { this._pause = true; if (this._player) { this._player.stop(true); } if (this._soundChannelArr.length > 0) { this._onAniSoundStoped(true); } this.timer.clear(this, this._update); } } playbackRate(value) { if (this._player) { this._player.playbackRate = value; } } paused() { if (!this._pause) { this._pause = true; if (this._player) { this._player.paused = true; } if (this._soundChannelArr.length > 0) { var _soundChannel; for (var len = this._soundChannelArr.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { _soundChannel = this._soundChannelArr[i]; if (!_soundChannel.isStopped) { _soundChannel.pause(); } } } this.timer.clear(this, this._update); } } resume() { this._indexControl = false; if (this._pause) { this._pause = false; if (this._player) { this._player.paused = false; } if (this._soundChannelArr.length > 0) { var _soundChannel; for (var len = this._soundChannelArr.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { _soundChannel = this._soundChannelArr[i]; if (_soundChannel.audioBuffer) { _soundChannel.resume(); } } } this._lastTime = Laya.ILaya.Browser.now(); this.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._update, null, true); } } _getGrahicsDataWithCache(aniIndex, frameIndex) { return this._graphicsCache[aniIndex][frameIndex]; } _setGrahicsDataWithCache(aniIndex, frameIndex, graphics) { this._graphicsCache[aniIndex][frameIndex] = graphics; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._templet._removeReference(1); this._templet = null; if (this._player) this._player.offAll(); this._player = null; this._curOriginalData = null; this._boneMatrixArray.length = 0; this._lastTime = 0; this.timer.clear(this, this._update); if (this._soundChannelArr.length > 0) { this._onAniSoundStoped(true); } } get index() { return this._index; } set index(value) { if (this.player) { this._index = value; this._player.currentTime = this._index * 1000 / this._player.cacheFrameRate; this._indexControl = true; if (this._aniClipIndex < 0 || this._aniClipIndex >= this.getAnimNum()) { this._aniClipIndex = 0; this._currAniIndex = 0; this._curOriginalData = new Float32Array(this._templet.getTotalkeyframesLength(this._currAniIndex)); this._drawOrder = null; this._eventIndex = 0; } this._update(false); } } get total() { if (this._templet && this._player) { this._total = Math.floor(this._templet.getAniDuration(this._player.currentAnimationClipIndex) / 1000 * this._player.cacheFrameRate); } else { this._total = -1; } return this._total; } get player() { return this._player; } get templet() { return this._templet; } } Skeleton.useSimpleMeshInCanvas = false; IAniLib.Skeleton = Skeleton; Laya.ILaya.regClass(Skeleton); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ani.bone.Skeleton", Skeleton); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Skeleton", Skeleton); class SkinData { constructor() { this.slotArr = []; } } class SkinSlotDisplayData { createTexture(currTexture) { if (this.texture) return this.texture; this.texture = new Laya.Texture(currTexture.bitmap, this.uvs); if (this.uvs[0] > this.uvs[4] && this.uvs[1] > this.uvs[5]) { this.texture.width = currTexture.height; this.texture.height = currTexture.width; this.texture.offsetX = -currTexture.offsetX; this.texture.offsetY = -currTexture.offsetY; this.texture.sourceWidth = currTexture.sourceHeight; this.texture.sourceHeight = currTexture.sourceWidth; } else { this.texture.width = currTexture.width; this.texture.height = currTexture.height; this.texture.offsetX = -currTexture.offsetX; this.texture.offsetY = -currTexture.offsetY; this.texture.sourceWidth = currTexture.sourceWidth; this.texture.sourceHeight = currTexture.sourceHeight; } return this.texture; } destory() { if (this.texture) this.texture.destroy(); } } class SlotData { constructor() { this.displayArr = []; } getDisplayByName(name) { var tDisplay; for (var i = 0, n = this.displayArr.length; i < n; i++) { tDisplay = this.displayArr[i]; if (tDisplay.attachmentName == name) { return i; } } return -1; } } class TfConstraintData { constructor() { this.boneIndexs = []; } } class Templet extends AnimationTemplet { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._graphicsCache = []; this.srcBoneMatrixArr = []; this.ikArr = []; this.tfArr = []; this.pathArr = []; this.boneSlotDic = {}; this.bindBoneBoneSlotDic = {}; this.boneSlotArray = []; this.skinDataArray = []; this.skinDic = {}; this.subTextureDic = {}; this.isParseFail = false; this.drawOrderAniArr = []; this.eventAniArr = []; this.attachmentNames = null; this.deformAniArr = []; this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr = []; this._isParseAudio = false; this._isDestroyed = false; this._rate = 30; this.isParserComplete = false; this.aniSectionDic = {}; this._textureDic = {}; this.mBoneArr = []; } loadAni(url) { this._skBufferUrl = url; Laya.ILaya.loader.load(url, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onComplete), null, Laya.ILaya.Loader.BUFFER); } onComplete(content = null) { if (this._isDestroyed) { this.destroy(); return; } var tSkBuffer = Laya.ILaya.Loader.getRes(this._skBufferUrl); if (!tSkBuffer) { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, "load failed:" + this._skBufferUrl); return; } this._path = this._skBufferUrl.slice(0, this._skBufferUrl.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/"; this.parseData(null, tSkBuffer); } parseData(texture, skeletonData, playbackRate = 30) { if (!this._path) { var s1 = (this._relativeUrl || this.url); if (s1) { var p1 = s1.lastIndexOf('/'); if (p1 > 0) { this._path = s1.slice(0, p1) + "/"; } else { this._path = ''; } } } this._mainTexture = texture; this._rate = playbackRate; this.parse(skeletonData); } buildArmature(aniMode = 0) { return new Skeleton(this, aniMode); } parse(data) { super.parse(data); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED, this); if (this._aniVersion === Templet.LAYA_ANIMATION_VISION) { this._isParseAudio = true; } else if (this._aniVersion != Templet.LAYA_ANIMATION_160_VISION) { console.log("[Error] 版本不一致,请使用IDE版本配套的重新导出" + this._aniVersion + "->" + Templet.LAYA_ANIMATION_VISION); } if (this._mainTexture) { this._parsePublicExtData(); } else { this._parseTexturePath(); } } _parseTexturePath() { if (this._isDestroyed) { this.destroy(); return; } var i = 0; this._loadList = []; var tByte = new Laya.Byte(this.getPublicExtData()); var tX = 0, tY = 0, tWidth = 0, tHeight = 0; var tTempleData = 0; var tTextureLen = tByte.getInt32(); var tTextureName = tByte.readUTFString(); var tTextureNameArr = tTextureName.split("\n"); var tSrcTexturePath; for (i = 0; i < tTextureLen; i++) { tSrcTexturePath = this._path + tTextureNameArr[i * 2]; tTextureName = tTextureNameArr[i * 2 + 1]; tX = tByte.getFloat32(); tY = tByte.getFloat32(); tWidth = tByte.getFloat32(); tHeight = tByte.getFloat32(); tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); if (this._loadList.indexOf(tSrcTexturePath) == -1) { this._loadList.push(tSrcTexturePath); } } Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._loadList, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._textureComplete)); } _textureComplete() { var tTextureName; for (var i = 0, n = this._loadList.length; i < n; i++) { tTextureName = this._loadList[i]; this._textureDic[tTextureName] = Laya.ILaya.Loader.getRes(tTextureName); } this._parsePublicExtData(); } _parsePublicExtData() { var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0, n = 0; for (i = 0, n = this.getAnimationCount(); i < n; i++) { this._graphicsCache.push([]); } var isSpine; isSpine = this._aniClassName != "Dragon"; var tByte = new Laya.Byte(this.getPublicExtData()); var tX = 0, tY = 0, tWidth = 0, tHeight = 0; var tFrameX = 0, tFrameY = 0, tFrameWidth = 0, tFrameHeight = 0; var tTempleData = 0; var tTextureLen = tByte.getInt32(); var tTextureName = tByte.readUTFString(); var tTextureNameArr = tTextureName.split("\n"); var tTexture; var tSrcTexturePath; for (i = 0; i < tTextureLen; i++) { tTexture = this._mainTexture; tSrcTexturePath = this._path + tTextureNameArr[i * 2]; tTextureName = tTextureNameArr[i * 2 + 1]; if (this._mainTexture == null) { tTexture = this._textureDic[tSrcTexturePath]; } if (!tTexture) { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, this); this.isParseFail = true; return; } tX = tByte.getFloat32(); tY = tByte.getFloat32(); tWidth = tByte.getFloat32(); tHeight = tByte.getFloat32(); tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tFrameX = isNaN(tTempleData) ? 0 : tTempleData; tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tFrameY = isNaN(tTempleData) ? 0 : tTempleData; tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tFrameWidth = isNaN(tTempleData) ? tWidth : tTempleData; tTempleData = tByte.getFloat32(); tFrameHeight = isNaN(tTempleData) ? tHeight : tTempleData; this.subTextureDic[tTextureName] = Laya.Texture.create(tTexture, tX, tY, tWidth, tHeight, -tFrameX, -tFrameY, tFrameWidth, tFrameHeight); } this._mainTexture = tTexture; var tAniCount = tByte.getUint16(); var tSectionArr; for (i = 0; i < tAniCount; i++) { tSectionArr = []; tSectionArr.push(tByte.getUint16()); tSectionArr.push(tByte.getUint16()); tSectionArr.push(tByte.getUint16()); tSectionArr.push(tByte.getUint16()); this.aniSectionDic[i] = tSectionArr; } var tBone; var tParentBone; var tName; var tParentName; var tBoneLen = tByte.getInt16(); var tBoneDic = {}; var tRootBone; for (i = 0; i < tBoneLen; i++) { tBone = new Bone(); if (i == 0) { tRootBone = tBone; } else { tBone.root = tRootBone; } tBone.d = isSpine ? -1 : 1; tName = tByte.readUTFString(); tParentName = tByte.readUTFString(); tBone.length = tByte.getFloat32(); if (tByte.getByte() == 1) { tBone.inheritRotation = false; } if (tByte.getByte() == 1) { tBone.inheritScale = false; } tBone.name = tName; if (tParentName) { tParentBone = tBoneDic[tParentName]; if (tParentBone) { tParentBone.addChild(tBone); } else { this.mRootBone = tBone; } } tBoneDic[tName] = tBone; this.mBoneArr.push(tBone); } this.tMatrixDataLen = tByte.getUint16(); var tLen = tByte.getUint16(); var boneLength = Math.floor(tLen / this.tMatrixDataLen); var tResultTransform; var tMatrixArray = this.srcBoneMatrixArr; for (i = 0; i < boneLength; i++) { tResultTransform = new Transform(); tResultTransform.scX = tByte.getFloat32(); tResultTransform.skX = tByte.getFloat32(); tResultTransform.skY = tByte.getFloat32(); tResultTransform.scY = tByte.getFloat32(); tResultTransform.x = tByte.getFloat32(); tResultTransform.y = tByte.getFloat32(); if (this.tMatrixDataLen === 8) { tResultTransform.skewX = tByte.getFloat32(); tResultTransform.skewY = tByte.getFloat32(); } tMatrixArray.push(tResultTransform); tBone = this.mBoneArr[i]; tBone.transform = tResultTransform; } var tIkConstraintData; var tIkLen = tByte.getUint16(); var tIkBoneLen; for (i = 0; i < tIkLen; i++) { tIkConstraintData = new IkConstraintData(); tIkBoneLen = tByte.getUint16(); for (j = 0; j < tIkBoneLen; j++) { tIkConstraintData.boneNames.push(tByte.readUTFString()); tIkConstraintData.boneIndexs.push(tByte.getInt16()); } tIkConstraintData.name = tByte.readUTFString(); tIkConstraintData.targetBoneName = tByte.readUTFString(); tIkConstraintData.targetBoneIndex = tByte.getInt16(); tIkConstraintData.bendDirection = tByte.getFloat32(); tIkConstraintData.mix = tByte.getFloat32(); tIkConstraintData.isSpine = isSpine; this.ikArr.push(tIkConstraintData); } var tTfConstraintData; var tTfLen = tByte.getUint16(); var tTfBoneLen; for (i = 0; i < tTfLen; i++) { tTfConstraintData = new TfConstraintData(); tTfBoneLen = tByte.getUint16(); for (j = 0; j < tTfBoneLen; j++) { tTfConstraintData.boneIndexs.push(tByte.getInt16()); } tTfConstraintData.name = tByte.getUTFString(); tTfConstraintData.targetIndex = tByte.getInt16(); tTfConstraintData.rotateMix = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.translateMix = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.scaleMix = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.shearMix = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.offsetRotation = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.offsetX = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.offsetY = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.offsetScaleX = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.offsetScaleY = tByte.getFloat32(); tTfConstraintData.offsetShearY = tByte.getFloat32(); this.tfArr.push(tTfConstraintData); } var tPathConstraintData; var tPathLen = tByte.getUint16(); var tPathBoneLen; for (i = 0; i < tPathLen; i++) { tPathConstraintData = new PathConstraintData(); tPathConstraintData.name = tByte.readUTFString(); tPathBoneLen = tByte.getUint16(); for (j = 0; j < tPathBoneLen; j++) { tPathConstraintData.bones.push(tByte.getInt16()); } tPathConstraintData.target = tByte.readUTFString(); tPathConstraintData.positionMode = tByte.readUTFString(); tPathConstraintData.spacingMode = tByte.readUTFString(); tPathConstraintData.rotateMode = tByte.readUTFString(); tPathConstraintData.offsetRotation = tByte.getFloat32(); tPathConstraintData.position = tByte.getFloat32(); tPathConstraintData.spacing = tByte.getFloat32(); tPathConstraintData.rotateMix = tByte.getFloat32(); tPathConstraintData.translateMix = tByte.getFloat32(); this.pathArr.push(tPathConstraintData); } var tDeformSlotLen; var tDeformSlotDisplayLen; var tDSlotIndex; var tDAttachment; var tDeformTimeLen; var tDTime; var tDeformVecticesLen; var tDeformAniData; var tDeformSlotData; var tDeformSlotDisplayData; var tDeformVectices; var tDeformAniLen = tByte.getInt16(); for (i = 0; i < tDeformAniLen; i++) { var tDeformSkinLen = tByte.getUint8(); var tSkinDic = {}; this.deformAniArr.push(tSkinDic); for (var f = 0; f < tDeformSkinLen; f++) { tDeformAniData = new DeformAniData(); tDeformAniData.skinName = tByte.getUTFString(); tSkinDic[tDeformAniData.skinName] = tDeformAniData; tDeformSlotLen = tByte.getInt16(); for (j = 0; j < tDeformSlotLen; j++) { tDeformSlotData = new DeformSlotData(); tDeformAniData.deformSlotDataList.push(tDeformSlotData); tDeformSlotDisplayLen = tByte.getInt16(); for (k = 0; k < tDeformSlotDisplayLen; k++) { tDeformSlotDisplayData = new DeformSlotDisplayData(); tDeformSlotData.deformSlotDisplayList.push(tDeformSlotDisplayData); tDeformSlotDisplayData.slotIndex = tDSlotIndex = tByte.getInt16(); tDeformSlotDisplayData.attachment = tDAttachment = tByte.getUTFString(); tDeformTimeLen = tByte.getInt16(); for (l = 0; l < tDeformTimeLen; l++) { if (tByte.getByte() == 1) { tDeformSlotDisplayData.tweenKeyList.push(true); } else { tDeformSlotDisplayData.tweenKeyList.push(false); } tDTime = tByte.getFloat32(); tDeformSlotDisplayData.timeList.push(tDTime); tDeformVectices = []; tDeformSlotDisplayData.vectices.push(tDeformVectices); tDeformVecticesLen = tByte.getInt16(); for (n = 0; n < tDeformVecticesLen; n++) { tDeformVectices.push(tByte.getFloat32()); } } } } } } var tDrawOrderArr; var tDrawOrderAniLen = tByte.getInt16(); var tDrawOrderLen; var tDrawOrderData; var tDoLen; for (i = 0; i < tDrawOrderAniLen; i++) { tDrawOrderLen = tByte.getInt16(); tDrawOrderArr = []; for (j = 0; j < tDrawOrderLen; j++) { tDrawOrderData = new DrawOrderData(); tDrawOrderData.time = tByte.getFloat32(); tDoLen = tByte.getInt16(); for (k = 0; k < tDoLen; k++) { tDrawOrderData.drawOrder.push(tByte.getInt16()); } tDrawOrderArr.push(tDrawOrderData); } this.drawOrderAniArr.push(tDrawOrderArr); } var tEventArr; var tEventAniLen = tByte.getInt16(); var tEventLen; var tEventData; for (i = 0; i < tEventAniLen; i++) { tEventLen = tByte.getInt16(); tEventArr = []; for (j = 0; j < tEventLen; j++) { tEventData = new EventData(); tEventData.name = tByte.getUTFString(); if (this._isParseAudio) tEventData.audioValue = tByte.getUTFString(); tEventData.intValue = tByte.getInt32(); tEventData.floatValue = tByte.getFloat32(); tEventData.stringValue = tByte.getUTFString(); tEventData.time = tByte.getFloat32(); tEventArr.push(tEventData); } this.eventAniArr.push(tEventArr); } var tAttachmentLen = tByte.getInt16(); if (tAttachmentLen > 0) { this.attachmentNames = []; for (i = 0; i < tAttachmentLen; i++) { this.attachmentNames.push(tByte.getUTFString()); } } var tBoneSlotLen = tByte.getInt16(); var tDBBoneSlot; var tDBBoneSlotArr; for (i = 0; i < tBoneSlotLen; i++) { tDBBoneSlot = new BoneSlot(); tDBBoneSlot.name = tByte.readUTFString(); tDBBoneSlot.parent = tByte.readUTFString(); tDBBoneSlot.attachmentName = tByte.readUTFString(); tDBBoneSlot.srcDisplayIndex = tDBBoneSlot.displayIndex = tByte.getInt16(); tDBBoneSlot.templet = this; this.boneSlotDic[tDBBoneSlot.name] = tDBBoneSlot; tDBBoneSlotArr = this.bindBoneBoneSlotDic[tDBBoneSlot.parent]; if (tDBBoneSlotArr == null) { this.bindBoneBoneSlotDic[tDBBoneSlot.parent] = tDBBoneSlotArr = []; } tDBBoneSlotArr.push(tDBBoneSlot); this.boneSlotArray.push(tDBBoneSlot); } var tNameString = tByte.readUTFString(); var tNameArray = tNameString.split("\n"); var tNameStartIndex = 0; var tSkinDataLen = tByte.getUint8(); var tSkinData, tSlotData, tDisplayData; var tSlotDataLen, tDisplayDataLen; var tUvLen, tWeightLen, tTriangleLen, tVerticeLen, tLengthLen; for (i = 0; i < tSkinDataLen; i++) { tSkinData = new SkinData(); tSkinData.name = tNameArray[tNameStartIndex++]; tSlotDataLen = tByte.getUint8(); for (j = 0; j < tSlotDataLen; j++) { tSlotData = new SlotData(); tSlotData.name = tNameArray[tNameStartIndex++]; tDBBoneSlot = this.boneSlotDic[tSlotData.name]; tDisplayDataLen = tByte.getUint8(); for (k = 0; k < tDisplayDataLen; k++) { tDisplayData = new SkinSlotDisplayData(); this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr.push(tDisplayData); tDisplayData.name = tNameArray[tNameStartIndex++]; tDisplayData.attachmentName = tNameArray[tNameStartIndex++]; tDisplayData.transform = new Transform(); tDisplayData.transform.scX = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.transform.skX = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.transform.skY = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.transform.scY = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.transform.x = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.transform.y = tByte.getFloat32(); tSlotData.displayArr.push(tDisplayData); tDisplayData.width = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.height = tByte.getFloat32(); tDisplayData.type = tByte.getUint8(); tDisplayData.verLen = tByte.getUint16(); tBoneLen = tByte.getUint16(); if (tBoneLen > 0) { tDisplayData.bones = []; for (l = 0; l < tBoneLen; l++) { var tBoneId = tByte.getUint16(); tDisplayData.bones.push(tBoneId); } } tUvLen = tByte.getUint16(); if (tUvLen > 0) { tDisplayData.uvs = []; for (l = 0; l < tUvLen; l++) { tDisplayData.uvs.push(tByte.getFloat32()); } } tWeightLen = tByte.getUint16(); if (tWeightLen > 0) { tDisplayData.weights = []; for (l = 0; l < tWeightLen; l++) { tDisplayData.weights.push(tByte.getFloat32()); } } tTriangleLen = tByte.getUint16(); if (tTriangleLen > 0) { tDisplayData.triangles = []; for (l = 0; l < tTriangleLen; l++) { tDisplayData.triangles.push(tByte.getUint16()); } } tVerticeLen = tByte.getUint16(); if (tVerticeLen > 0) { tDisplayData.vertices = []; for (l = 0; l < tVerticeLen; l++) { tDisplayData.vertices.push(tByte.getFloat32()); } } tLengthLen = tByte.getUint16(); if (tLengthLen > 0) { tDisplayData.lengths = []; for (l = 0; l < tLengthLen; l++) { tDisplayData.lengths.push(tByte.getFloat32()); } } } tSkinData.slotArr.push(tSlotData); } this.skinDic[tSkinData.name] = tSkinData; this.skinDataArray.push(tSkinData); } var tReverse = tByte.getUint8(); if (tReverse == 1) { this.yReverseMatrix = new Laya.Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); if (tRootBone) { tRootBone.setTempMatrix(this.yReverseMatrix); } } else { if (tRootBone) { tRootBone.setTempMatrix(new Laya.Matrix()); } } this.showSkinByIndex(this.boneSlotDic, 0); this.isParserComplete = true; this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE, this); } getTexture(name) { var tTexture = this.subTextureDic[name]; if (!tTexture) { tTexture = this.subTextureDic[name.substr(0, name.length - 1)]; } if (tTexture == null) { return this._mainTexture; } return tTexture; } showSkinByIndex(boneSlotDic, skinIndex, freshDisplayIndex = true) { if (skinIndex < 0 && skinIndex >= this.skinDataArray.length) return false; var i, n; var tBoneSlot; var tSlotData; var tSkinData = this.skinDataArray[skinIndex]; if (tSkinData) { for (i = 0, n = tSkinData.slotArr.length; i < n; i++) { tSlotData = tSkinData.slotArr[i]; if (tSlotData) { tBoneSlot = boneSlotDic[tSlotData.name]; if (tBoneSlot) { tBoneSlot.showSlotData(tSlotData, freshDisplayIndex); if (freshDisplayIndex && tBoneSlot.attachmentName != "undefined" && tBoneSlot.attachmentName != "null") { tBoneSlot.showDisplayByName(tBoneSlot.attachmentName); } else { tBoneSlot.showDisplayByIndex(tBoneSlot.displayIndex); } } } } return true; } return false; } getSkinIndexByName(skinName) { var tSkinData; for (var i = 0, n = this.skinDataArray.length; i < n; i++) { tSkinData = this.skinDataArray[i]; if (tSkinData.name == skinName) { return i; } } return -1; } getGrahicsDataWithCache(aniIndex, frameIndex) { if (this._graphicsCache[aniIndex] && this._graphicsCache[aniIndex][frameIndex]) { return this._graphicsCache[aniIndex][frameIndex]; } return null; } _setCreateURL(url) { this._skBufferUrl = this._relativeUrl = url; super._setCreateURL(url); } setGrahicsDataWithCache(aniIndex, frameIndex, graphics) { this._graphicsCache[aniIndex][frameIndex] = graphics; } deleteAniData(aniIndex) { if (this._anis[aniIndex]) { var tAniDataO = this._anis[aniIndex]; tAniDataO.bone3DMap = null; tAniDataO.nodes = null; } } destroy() { this._isDestroyed = true; var tTexture; for (tTexture in this.subTextureDic) { if (tTexture) { this.subTextureDic[tTexture].destroy(); } } for (tTexture in this._textureDic) { if (tTexture) { this._textureDic[tTexture].destroy(); } } var tSkinSlotDisplayData; for (var i = 0, n = this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr.length; i < n; i++) { tSkinSlotDisplayData = this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr[i]; tSkinSlotDisplayData.destory(); } this.skinSlotDisplayDataArr.length = 0; if (this._relativeUrl) { delete Templet.TEMPLET_DICTIONARY[this._relativeUrl]; } super.destroy(); Laya.ILaya.loader.clearRes(this._skBufferUrl); } getAniNameByIndex(index) { var tAni = this.getAnimation(index); if (tAni) return tAni.name; return null; } get rate() { return this._rate; } set rate(v) { this._rate = v; } } Templet.LAYA_ANIMATION_160_VISION = "LAYAANIMATION:1.6.0"; Templet.LAYA_ANIMATION_VISION = "LAYAANIMATION:1.7.0"; IAniLib.Templet = Templet; class MovieClip extends Laya.Sprite { constructor(parentMovieClip = null) { super(); this._start = 0; this._Pos = 0; this._ended = true; this._loadedImage = {}; this._endFrame = -1; this.interval = 30; this._ids = {}; this._idOfSprite = []; this._reset(); this._playing = false; this._parentMovieClip = parentMovieClip; if (!parentMovieClip) { this._movieClipList = [this]; this._isRoot = true; this._setBitUp(Laya.Const.DISPLAY); } else { this._isRoot = false; this._movieClipList = parentMovieClip._movieClipList; this._movieClipList.push(this); } } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this._clear(); super.destroy(destroyChild); } _setDisplay(value) { super._setDisplay(value); if (this._isRoot) { this._onDisplay(value); } } _onDisplay(value) { if (value) this.timer.loop(this.interval, this, this.updates, null, true); else this.timer.clear(this, this.updates); } updates() { if (this._parentMovieClip) return; var i, len; len = this._movieClipList.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this._movieClipList[i] && this._movieClipList[i]._update(); } } get index() { return this._playIndex; } set index(value) { this._playIndex = value; if (this._data) this._displayFrame(this._playIndex); if (this._labels && this._labels[value]) this.event(Laya.Event.LABEL, this._labels[value]); } addLabel(label, index) { if (!this._labels) this._labels = {}; this._labels[index] = label; } removeLabel(label) { if (!label) this._labels = null; else if (!this._labels) { for (var name in this._labels) { if (this._labels[name] === label) { delete this._labels[name]; break; } } } } get count() { return this._count; } get playing() { return this._playing; } _update() { if (!this._data) return; if (!this._playing) return; this._playIndex++; if (this._playIndex >= this._count) { if (!this.loop) { this._playIndex--; this.stop(); return; } this._playIndex = 0; } this._parseFrame(this._playIndex); if (this._labels && this._labels[this._playIndex]) this.event(Laya.Event.LABEL, this._labels[this._playIndex]); if (this._endFrame != -1 && this._endFrame == this._playIndex) { this._endFrame = -1; if (this._completeHandler != null) { var handler = this._completeHandler; this._completeHandler = null; handler.run(); } this.stop(); } } stop() { this._playing = false; } gotoAndStop(index) { this.index = index; this.stop(); } _clear() { this.stop(); this._idOfSprite.length = 0; if (!this._parentMovieClip) { this.timer.clear(this, this.updates); var i, len; len = this._movieClipList.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this._movieClipList[i] != this) this._movieClipList[i]._clear(); } this._movieClipList.length = 0; } if (this._atlasPath) { Laya.ILaya.Loader.clearRes(this._atlasPath); } var key; for (key in this._loadedImage) { if (this._loadedImage[key]) { Laya.ILaya.Loader.clearRes(key); this._loadedImage[key] = false; } } this.removeChildren(); this.graphics = null; this._parentMovieClip = null; } play(index = 0, loop = true) { this.loop = loop; this._playing = true; if (this._data) this._displayFrame(index); } _displayFrame(frameIndex = -1) { if (frameIndex != -1) { if (this._curIndex > frameIndex) this._reset(); this._parseFrame(frameIndex); } } _reset(rm = true) { if (rm && this._curIndex != 1) this.removeChildren(); this._preIndex = this._curIndex = -1; this._Pos = this._start; } _parseFrame(frameIndex) { var mc, sp, key, type, tPos, ttype, ifAdd = false; var _idOfSprite = this._idOfSprite, _data = this._data, eStr; if (this._ended) this._reset(); _data.pos = this._Pos; this._ended = false; this._playIndex = frameIndex; if (this._curIndex > frameIndex && frameIndex < this._preIndex) { this._reset(true); _data.pos = this._Pos; } while ((this._curIndex <= frameIndex) && (!this._ended)) { type = _data.getUint16(); switch (type) { case 12: key = _data.getUint16(); tPos = this._ids[_data.getUint16()]; this._Pos = _data.pos; _data.pos = tPos; if ((ttype = _data.getUint8()) == 0) { var pid = _data.getUint16(); sp = _idOfSprite[key]; if (!sp) { sp = _idOfSprite[key] = new Laya.Sprite(); var spp = new Laya.Sprite(); spp.loadImage(this.basePath + pid + ".png"); this._loadedImage[this.basePath + pid + ".png"] = true; sp.addChild(spp); spp.size(_data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32()); var mat = _data._getMatrix(); spp.transform = mat; } sp.alpha = 1; } else if (ttype == 1) { mc = _idOfSprite[key]; if (!mc) { _idOfSprite[key] = mc = new MovieClip(this); mc.interval = this.interval; mc._ids = this._ids; mc.basePath = this.basePath; mc._setData(_data, tPos); mc._initState(); mc.play(0); } mc.alpha = 1; } _data.pos = this._Pos; break; case 3: var node = _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()]; if (node) { this.addChild(node); node.zOrder = _data.getUint16(); ifAdd = true; } break; case 4: node = _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()]; node && node.removeSelf(); break; case 5: _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()][MovieClip._ValueList[_data.getUint16()]] = (_data.getFloat32()); break; case 6: _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()].visible = (_data.getUint8() > 0); break; case 7: sp = _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()]; var mt = sp.transform || Laya.Matrix.create(); mt.setTo(_data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32()); sp.transform = mt; break; case 8: _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()].setPos(_data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32()); break; case 9: _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()].setSize(_data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32()); break; case 10: _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()].alpha = _data.getFloat32(); break; case 11: _idOfSprite[_data.getUint16()].setScale(_data.getFloat32(), _data.getFloat32()); break; case 98: eStr = _data.getString(); this.event(eStr); if (eStr == "stop") this.stop(); break; case 99: this._curIndex = _data.getUint16(); ifAdd && this.updateZOrder(); break; case 100: this._count = this._curIndex + 1; this._ended = true; if (this._playing) { this.event(Laya.Event.FRAME); this.event(Laya.Event.END); this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); } this._reset(false); break; } } if (this._playing && !this._ended) this.event(Laya.Event.FRAME); this._Pos = _data.pos; } _setData(data, start) { this._data = data; this._start = start + 3; } set url(path) { this.load(path); } load(url, atlas = false, atlasPath = null) { this._url = url; if (atlas) this._atlasPath = atlasPath ? atlasPath : url.split(".swf")[0] + ".json"; this.stop(); this._clear(); this._movieClipList = [this]; var urls; urls = [{ url: url, type: Laya.ILaya.Loader.BUFFER }]; if (this._atlasPath) { urls.push({ url: this._atlasPath, type: Laya.ILaya.Loader.ATLAS }); } Laya.ILaya.loader.load(urls, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._onLoaded)); } _onLoaded() { var data; data = Laya.ILaya.Loader.getRes(this._url); if (!data) { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, "file not find"); return; } if (this._atlasPath && !Laya.ILaya.Loader.getAtlas(this._atlasPath)) { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, "Atlas not find"); return; } this.basePath = this._atlasPath ? Laya.ILaya.Loader.getAtlas(this._atlasPath).dir : this._url.split(".swf")[0] + "/image/"; this._initData(data); } _initState() { this._reset(); this._ended = false; var preState = this._playing; this._playing = false; this._curIndex = 0; while (!this._ended) this._parseFrame(++this._curIndex); this._playing = preState; } _initData(data) { this._data = new Laya.Byte(data); var i, len = this._data.getUint16(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) this._ids[this._data.getInt16()] = this._data.getInt32(); this.interval = 1000 / this._data.getUint16(); this._setData(this._data, this._ids[32767]); this._initState(); this.play(0); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); if (!this._parentMovieClip) this.timer.loop(this.interval, this, this.updates, null, true); } playTo(start, end, complete = null) { this._completeHandler = complete; this._endFrame = end; this.play(start, false); } } MovieClip._ValueList = ["x", "y", "width", "height", "scaleX", "scaleY", "rotation", "alpha"]; exports.AnimationContent = AnimationContent; exports.AnimationNodeContent = AnimationNodeContent; exports.AnimationParser01 = AnimationParser01; exports.AnimationParser02 = AnimationParser02; exports.AnimationPlayer = AnimationPlayer; exports.AnimationState = AnimationState; exports.AnimationTemplet = AnimationTemplet; exports.BezierLerp = BezierLerp; exports.Bone = Bone; exports.BoneSlot = BoneSlot; exports.DeformAniData = DeformAniData; exports.DeformSlotData = DeformSlotData; exports.DeformSlotDisplayData = DeformSlotDisplayData; exports.DrawOrderData = DrawOrderData; exports.EventData = EventData; exports.GraphicsAni = GraphicsAni; exports.IAniLib = IAniLib; exports.IkConstraint = IkConstraint; exports.IkConstraintData = IkConstraintData; exports.KeyFramesContent = KeyFramesContent; exports.MeshData = MeshData; exports.MovieClip = MovieClip; exports.PathConstraint = PathConstraint; exports.PathConstraintData = PathConstraintData; exports.Skeleton = Skeleton; exports.SkinData = SkinData; exports.SkinMeshForGraphic = SkinMeshForGraphic; exports.SkinSlotDisplayData = SkinSlotDisplayData; exports.SlotData = SlotData; exports.Templet = Templet; exports.TfConstraint = TfConstraint; exports.TfConstraintData = TfConstraintData; exports.Transform = Transform; exports.UVTools = UVTools; }(window.Laya = window.Laya || {}, Laya));