window.aliPayMiniGame = function (exports, Laya) { 'use strict'; class MiniFileMgr { static isLocalNativeFile(url) { for (var i = 0, sz = ALIMiniAdapter.nativefiles.length; i < sz; i++) { if (url.indexOf(ALIMiniAdapter.nativefiles[i]) != -1) return true; } return false; } static isNetFile(url) { return (url.indexOf("http://") != -1 || url.indexOf("https://") != -1) && url.indexOf( == -1; } static getFileInfo(fileUrl) { var fileNativePath = fileUrl; var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.fakeObj[fileNativePath]; if (fileObj == null) return null; else return fileObj; } static read(filePath, encoding = "utf8", callBack = null, readyUrl = "", isSaveFile = false, fileType = "") { var fileUrl; if (readyUrl != "" && (readyUrl.indexOf("http://") != -1 || readyUrl.indexOf("https://") != -1)) { fileUrl = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(filePath); } else { fileUrl = filePath; } fileUrl = Laya.URL.getAdptedFilePath(fileUrl); MiniFileMgr.fs.readFile({ filePath: fileUrl, encoding: encoding, success: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, data]); }, fail: function (data) { if (data && readyUrl != "") MiniFileMgr.downFiles(encodeURI(readyUrl), encoding, callBack, readyUrl, isSaveFile, fileType); else callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1]); } }); } static isFile(url) { let stat; try { stat = MiniFileMgr.fs.statSync(url); } catch (err) { return false; } return stat.isFile(); } static downFiles(fileUrl, encoding = "utf8", callBack = null, readyUrl = "", isSaveFile = false, fileType = "", isAutoClear = true) { var downloadTask = MiniFileMgr.down({ url: fileUrl, success: function (data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty("statusCode")) { data.statusCode = 200; } if (data.statusCode === 200) MiniFileMgr.readFile(data.apFilePath, encoding, callBack, readyUrl, isSaveFile, fileType, isAutoClear); else if (data.statusCode === 403) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, fileUrl]); } else { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); downloadTask.onProgressUpdate(function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([2, data.progress]); }); } static readFile(filePath, encoding = "utf8", callBack = null, readyUrl = "", isSaveFile = false, fileType = "", isAutoClear = true) { filePath = Laya.URL.getAdptedFilePath(filePath); MiniFileMgr.fs.readFile({ filePath: filePath, encoding: encoding, success: function (data) { if ((filePath.indexOf("http://") != -1 || filePath.indexOf("https://") != -1) && filePath.indexOf( == -1) { if (ALIMiniAdapter.AutoCacheDownFile || isSaveFile) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, data]); MiniFileMgr.copyTOCache(filePath, readyUrl, null, encoding, isAutoClear); } else callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, data]); } else callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, data]); }, fail: function (data) { if (data) callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } static downOtherFiles(fileUrl, callBack = null, readyUrl = "", isSaveFile = false, isAutoClear = true) { MiniFileMgr.down({ url: fileUrl, success: function (data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty("statusCode")) data.statusCode = 200; if (data.statusCode === 200) { if ((ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile || isSaveFile) && readyUrl.indexOf(".php") == -1) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, data.apFilePath]); MiniFileMgr.copyTOCache(data.apFilePath, readyUrl, null, "", isAutoClear); } else callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, data.apFilePath]); } else { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } static copyFile(src, dest, complete = null) { MiniFileMgr.fs.copyFile({ srcPath: src, destPath: dest, success: function () { complete && complete.runWith(0); }, fail: function (err) { complete && complete.runWith([1, err]); } }); } static downLoadFile(fileUrl, fileType = "", callBack = null, encoding = "utf8") { if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AlipayMiniGame') < 0) { Laya.Laya.loader.load(fileUrl, callBack); } else { if (fileType == Laya.Loader.IMAGE || fileType == Laya.Loader.SOUND) MiniFileMgr.downOtherFiles(fileUrl, callBack, fileUrl, true, false); else MiniFileMgr.downFiles(fileUrl, encoding, callBack, fileUrl, true, fileType, false); } } static copyTOCache(tempFilePath, readyUrl, callBack, encoding = "", isAutoClear = true) { var temp = tempFilePath.split("/"); var tempFileName = temp[temp.length - 1]; var fileurlkey = readyUrl; var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(readyUrl); var saveFilePath = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(tempFileName); MiniFileMgr.fakeObj[fileurlkey] = { md5: tempFileName, readyUrl: readyUrl, size: 0, times:, encoding: encoding, tempFilePath: tempFilePath }; var totalSize = ALIMiniAdapter.sizeLimit; var chaSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024; var fileUseSize = MiniFileMgr.getCacheUseSize(); if (fileObj) { if (fileObj.readyUrl != readyUrl) { MiniFileMgr.fs.getFileInfo({ filePath: tempFilePath, success: function (data) { if ((isAutoClear && (fileUseSize + chaSize + data.size) >= totalSize)) { if (data.size > ALIMiniAdapter.minClearSize) ALIMiniAdapter.minClearSize = data.size; MiniFileMgr.onClearCacheRes(); } MiniFileMgr.deleteFile(tempFilePath, readyUrl, callBack, encoding, data.size); }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } else callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0]); } else { MiniFileMgr.fs.getFileInfo({ filePath: tempFilePath, success: function (data) { if ((isAutoClear && (fileUseSize + chaSize + data.size) >= totalSize)) { if (data.size > ALIMiniAdapter.minClearSize) ALIMiniAdapter.minClearSize = data.size; MiniFileMgr.onClearCacheRes(); } MiniFileMgr.fs.copyFile({ srcPath: tempFilePath, destPath: saveFilePath, success: function (data2) { MiniFileMgr.onSaveFile(readyUrl, tempFileName, true, encoding, callBack, data.size); }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } } static onClearCacheRes() { var memSize = ALIMiniAdapter.minClearSize; var tempFileListArr = []; for (var key in MiniFileMgr.filesListObj) { if (key != "fileUsedSize") tempFileListArr.push(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[key]); } MiniFileMgr.sortOn(tempFileListArr, "times", MiniFileMgr.NUMERIC); var clearSize = 0; for (var i = 1, sz = tempFileListArr.length; i < sz; i++) { var fileObj = tempFileListArr[i]; if (clearSize >= memSize) break; clearSize += fileObj.size; MiniFileMgr.deleteFile("", fileObj.readyUrl); } } static sortOn(array, name, options = 0) { if (options == MiniFileMgr.NUMERIC) return array.sort(function (a, b) { return a[name] - b[name]; }); if (options == (MiniFileMgr.NUMERIC | MiniFileMgr.DESCENDING)) return array.sort(function (a, b) { return b[name] - a[name]; }); return array.sort(function (a, b) { return a[name] - b[name]; }); } static getFileNativePath(fileName) { return MiniFileMgr.fileNativeDir + "/" + fileName; } static deleteFile(tempFileName, readyUrl = "", callBack = null, encoding = "", fileSize = 0) { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(readyUrl); var deleteFileUrl = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileObj.md5); MiniFileMgr.fs.unlink({ filePath: deleteFileUrl, success: function (data) { if (tempFileName != "") { var saveFilePath = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(tempFileName); MiniFileMgr.fs.copyFile({ srcPath: tempFileName, destPath: saveFilePath, success: function (data) { MiniFileMgr.onSaveFile(readyUrl, tempFileName, true, encoding, callBack, fileSize); }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } else { MiniFileMgr.onSaveFile(readyUrl, tempFileName, false, encoding, callBack, fileSize); } }, fail: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } static deleteAll() { var tempFileListArr = []; for (var key in MiniFileMgr.filesListObj) { if (key != "fileUsedSize") tempFileListArr.push(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[key]); } for (var i = 1, sz = tempFileListArr.length; i < sz; i++) { var fileObj = tempFileListArr[i]; MiniFileMgr.deleteFile("", fileObj.readyUrl); } if (MiniFileMgr.filesListObj && MiniFileMgr.filesListObj.fileUsedSize) { MiniFileMgr.filesListObj.fileUsedSize = 0; } MiniFileMgr.writeFilesList("", JSON.stringify({}), false); } static onSaveFile(readyUrl, md5Name, isAdd = true, encoding = "", callBack = null, fileSize = 0) { var fileurlkey = readyUrl; if (MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize'] == null) MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize'] = 0; if (isAdd) { var fileNativeName = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(md5Name); MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[fileurlkey] = { md5: md5Name, readyUrl: readyUrl, size: fileSize, times:, encoding: encoding, tempFilePath: fileNativeName }; MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize'] = parseInt(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize']) + fileSize; MiniFileMgr.writeFilesList(fileurlkey, JSON.stringify(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj), true); callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0]); } else { if (MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[fileurlkey]) { var deletefileSize = parseInt(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[fileurlkey].size); MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize'] = parseInt(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize']) - deletefileSize; if (MiniFileMgr.fakeObj[fileurlkey].md5 == MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[fileurlkey].md5) { delete MiniFileMgr.fakeObj[fileurlkey]; } delete MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[fileurlkey]; MiniFileMgr.writeFilesList(fileurlkey, JSON.stringify(MiniFileMgr.filesListObj), false); callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0]); } } } static writeFilesList(fileurlkey, filesListStr, isAdd) { var listFilesPath = MiniFileMgr.fileNativeDir + "/" + MiniFileMgr.fileListName; MiniFileMgr.fs.writeFile({ filePath: listFilesPath, encoding: 'utf8', data: filesListStr, success: function (data) { }, fail: function (data) { } }); if (!ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu && ALIMiniAdapter.isPosMsgYu && {{ url: fileurlkey, data: MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[fileurlkey], isLoad: "filenative", isAdd: isAdd }); } } static getCacheUseSize() { if (MiniFileMgr.filesListObj && MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize']) return MiniFileMgr.filesListObj['fileUsedSize']; return 0; } static getCacheList(dirPath, cb) { let stat; try { stat = MiniFileMgr.fs.statSync(dirPath); } catch (err) { stat = null; } if (stat) { MiniFileMgr.readSync(MiniFileMgr.fileListName, "utf8", cb); } else { MiniFileMgr.fs.mkdirSync(dirPath, true); cb && cb.runWith([1]); } } static existDir(dirPath, callBack) { MiniFileMgr.fs.mkdir({ dirPath: dirPath, success: function (data) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, { data: JSON.stringify({}) }]); }, fail: function (data) { if (data.error == 10025) MiniFileMgr.readSync(MiniFileMgr.fileListName, "utf8", callBack); else callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1, data]); } }); } static readSync(filePath, encoding = "utf8", callBack = null, readyUrl = "") { var fileUrl = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(filePath); var filesListStr; try { filesListStr = MiniFileMgr.fs.readFileSync(fileUrl, encoding); callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0, { data: filesListStr }]); } catch (error) { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([1]); } } static setNativeFileDir(value) { MiniFileMgr.fileNativeDir = + value; } } MiniFileMgr.fs =; MiniFileMgr.down =; MiniFileMgr.filesListObj = {}; MiniFileMgr.fakeObj = {}; MiniFileMgr.fileListName = "layaairfiles.txt"; MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileData = {}; MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData = {}; MiniFileMgr.loadPath = ""; MiniFileMgr.DESCENDING = 2; MiniFileMgr.NUMERIC = 16; class MiniSoundChannel extends Laya.SoundChannel { constructor(audio, miniSound) { super(); this._audio = audio; this._miniSound = miniSound; this._onEnd = MiniSoundChannel.bindToThis(this.__onEnd, this); audio.onEnded(this._onEnd); } static bindToThis(fun, scope) { var rst = fun; rst = fun.bind(scope); return rst; } __onEnd() { if (this.loops == 1) { if (this.completeHandler) { Laya.Laya.systemTimer.once(10, this, this.__runComplete, [this.completeHandler], false); this.completeHandler = null; } this.stop(); this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); return; } if (this.loops > 0) { this.loops--; } this.startTime = 0;; } play() { this.isStopped = false; Laya.SoundManager.addChannel(this);; } set startTime(time) { if (this._audio) { this._audio.startTime = time; } } set autoplay(value) { this._audio.autoplay = value; } get autoplay() { return this._audio.autoplay; } get position() { if (!this._audio) return 0; return this._audio.currentTime; } get duration() { if (!this._audio) return 0; return this._audio.duration; } stop() { this.isStopped = true; Laya.SoundManager.removeChannel(this); this.completeHandler = null; if (!this._audio) return; this._audio.stop(); if (!this.loop) { this._audio.offEnded(null); this._miniSound.dispose(); this._audio = null; this._miniSound = null; this._onEnd = null; } } pause() { this.isStopped = true; this._audio.pause(); } get loop() { return this._audio.loop; } set loop(value) { this._audio.loop = value; } resume() { if (!this._audio) return; this.isStopped = false; Laya.SoundManager.addChannel(this);; } set volume(v) { if (!this._audio) return; this._audio.volume = v; } get volume() { if (!this._audio) return 1; return this._audio.volume; } } class MiniSound extends Laya.EventDispatcher { constructor() { super(); this.loaded = false; } static _createSound() { MiniSound._id++; return; } load(url) { if (!MiniSound._musicAudio) MiniSound._musicAudio = MiniSound._createSound(); if (!MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url)) { url = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); } else { if (url.indexOf("http://") != -1 || url.indexOf("https://") != -1) { if (MiniFileMgr.loadPath != "") { url = url.split(MiniFileMgr.loadPath)[1]; } else { var tempStr = Laya.URL.rootPath != "" ? Laya.URL.rootPath : Laya.URL._basePath; if (tempStr != "") url = url.split(tempStr)[1]; } } } this.url = url; this.readyUrl = url; if (MiniSound._audioCache[this.readyUrl]) { this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); return; } if (ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile && MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(url)) { this.onDownLoadCallBack(url, 0); } else { if (!ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { this.onDownLoadCallBack(url, 0); } else { if (MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url)) { tempStr = Laya.URL.rootPath != "" ? Laya.URL.rootPath : Laya.URL._basePath; var tempUrl = url; if (tempStr != "") url = url.split(tempStr)[1]; if (!url) { url = tempUrl; } if (ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles && ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.length == 0) { for (var key in ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles) { var tempArr = ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles[key]; ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads = ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.concat(tempArr); for (var aa = 0; aa < tempArr.length; aa++) { ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps[tempArr[aa]] = key + "/" + tempArr[aa]; } } } if (ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles && url.indexOf("/") != -1) { var curfileHead = url.split("/")[0] + "/"; if (curfileHead && ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.indexOf(curfileHead) != -1) { var newfileHead = ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps[curfileHead]; url = url.replace(curfileHead, newfileHead); } } this.onDownLoadCallBack(url, 0); } else { if (!MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url) && (url.indexOf("http://") == -1 && url.indexOf("https://") == -1) || (url.indexOf( != -1)) { this.onDownLoadCallBack(url, 0); } else { MiniFileMgr.downOtherFiles(encodeURI(url), Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onDownLoadCallBack, [url]), url); } } } } } onDownLoadCallBack(sourceUrl, errorCode, tempFilePath = null) { if (!errorCode) { var fileNativeUrl; if (ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { if (!tempFilePath) { if (MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(sourceUrl)) { var tempStr = Laya.URL.rootPath != "" ? Laya.URL.rootPath : Laya.URL._basePath; var tempUrl = sourceUrl; if (tempStr != "" && (sourceUrl.indexOf("http://") != -1 || sourceUrl.indexOf("https://") != -1)) fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl.split(tempStr)[1]; if (!fileNativeUrl) { fileNativeUrl = tempUrl; } } else { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(sourceUrl); if (fileObj && fileObj.md5) { var fileMd5Name = fileObj.md5; fileNativeUrl = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileMd5Name); } else { fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } } } else { fileNativeUrl = tempFilePath; } if (this.url != Laya.SoundManager._bgMusic) { this._sound = MiniSound._createSound(); this._sound.src = this.url = fileNativeUrl; } else { this._sound = MiniSound._musicAudio; this._sound.src = this.url = fileNativeUrl; } } else { if (this.url != Laya.SoundManager._bgMusic) { this._sound = MiniSound._createSound(); this._sound.src = sourceUrl; } else { this._sound = MiniSound._musicAudio; this._sound.src = sourceUrl; } } this._sound.onCanPlay(MiniSound.bindToThis(this.onCanPlay, this)); this._sound.onError(MiniSound.bindToThis(this.onError, this)); } else { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR); } } onError(error) { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR); this._sound.offError(null); } onCanPlay() { this.loaded = true; this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); this._sound.offCanPlay(null); } static bindToThis(fun, scope) { var rst = fun; rst = fun.bind(scope); return rst; } play(startTime = 0, loops = 0) { var tSound; if (this.url == Laya.SoundManager._bgMusic) { if (!MiniSound._musicAudio) MiniSound._musicAudio = MiniSound._createSound(); tSound = MiniSound._musicAudio; } else { if (MiniSound._audioCache[this.readyUrl]) { tSound = MiniSound._audioCache[this.readyUrl]._sound; } else { tSound = MiniSound._createSound(); } } if (!tSound) return null; if (ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile && MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(this.url)) { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(this.url); var fileMd5Name = fileObj.md5; tSound.src = this.url = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileMd5Name); } else { tSound.src = encodeURI(this.url); } var channel = new MiniSoundChannel(tSound, this); channel.url = this.url; channel.loops = loops; channel.loop = (loops === 0 ? true : false); channel.startTime = startTime;; Laya.SoundManager.addChannel(channel); return channel; } get duration() { return this._sound.duration; } dispose() { var ad = MiniSound._audioCache[this.readyUrl]; if (ad) { ad.src = ""; if (ad._sound) { ad._sound.destroy(); ad._sound = null; ad = null; } delete MiniSound._audioCache[this.readyUrl]; } if (this._sound) { this._sound.destroy(); this._sound = null; this.readyUrl = this.url = null; } } } MiniSound._id = 0; MiniSound._audioCache = {}; class MiniInput { constructor() { } static _createInputElement() { Laya.Input['_initInput'](Laya.Input['area'] = Laya.Browser.createElement("textarea")); Laya.Input['_initInput'](Laya.Input['input'] = Laya.Browser.createElement("input")); Laya.Input['inputContainer'] = Laya.Browser.createElement("div"); Laya.Input['inputContainer'].style.position = "absolute"; Laya.Input['inputContainer'].style.zIndex = 1E5; Laya.Browser.container.appendChild(Laya.Input['inputContainer']); Laya.Laya.stage.on("resize", null, MiniInput._onStageResize); && (res) { }); Laya.SoundManager._soundClass = MiniSound; Laya.SoundManager._musicClass = MiniSound; var model = ALIMiniAdapter.systemInfo.model; var system = ALIMiniAdapter.systemInfo.system; if (model.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) { Laya.Browser.onIPhone = true; Laya.Browser.onIOS = true; Laya.Browser.onIPad = true; Laya.Browser.onAndroid = false; } if (system.indexOf("Android") != -1 || system.indexOf("Adr") != -1) { Laya.Browser.onAndroid = true; Laya.Browser.onIPhone = false; Laya.Browser.onIOS = false; Laya.Browser.onIPad = false; } } static _onStageResize() { var ts = Laya.Laya.stage._canvasTransform.identity(); ts.scale((Laya.Browser.width / Laya.Render.canvas.width / Laya.Browser.pixelRatio), Laya.Browser.height / Laya.Render.canvas.height / Laya.Browser.pixelRatio); } static wxinputFocus(e) { var _inputTarget = Laya.Input['inputElement'].target; if (_inputTarget && !_inputTarget.editable) { return; };;{ defaultValue: _inputTarget.text, maxLength: _inputTarget.maxChars, multiple: _inputTarget.multiline, confirmHold: true, confirmType: _inputTarget["confirmType"] || 'done', success: function (res) { }, fail: function (res) { } }); (res) { var str = res ? res.value : ""; if (_inputTarget._restrictPattern) { str = str.replace(/\u2006|\x27/g, ""); if (_inputTarget._restrictPattern.test(str)) { str = str.replace(_inputTarget._restrictPattern, ""); } } _inputTarget.text = str; _inputTarget.event(Laya.Event.INPUT); MiniInput.inputEnter(); _inputTarget.event("confirm"); }); (res) { var str = res ? res.value : ""; if (!_inputTarget.multiline) { if (str.indexOf("\n") != -1) { MiniInput.inputEnter(); return; } } if (_inputTarget._restrictPattern) { str = str.replace(/\u2006|\x27/g, ""); if (_inputTarget._restrictPattern.test(str)) { str = str.replace(_inputTarget._restrictPattern, ""); } } _inputTarget.text = str; _inputTarget.event(Laya.Event.INPUT); }); } static inputEnter() { Laya.Input['inputElement'].target.focus = false; } static wxinputblur() { MiniInput.hideKeyboard(); } static hideKeyboard() {;;{ success: function (res) { console.log('隐藏键盘'); }, fail: function (res) { console.log("隐藏键盘出错:" + (res ? res.errMsg : "")); } }); } } class MiniLoader extends Laya.EventDispatcher { constructor() { super(); } _loadResourceFilter(type, url) { var thisLoader = this; this.sourceUrl = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); if (MiniFileMgr.isNetFile(url)) { if (MiniFileMgr.loadPath != "") { url = url.split(MiniFileMgr.loadPath)[1]; } else { var tempStr = Laya.URL.rootPath != "" ? Laya.URL.rootPath : Laya.URL._basePath; var tempUrl = url; if (tempStr != "") url = url.split(tempStr)[1]; if (!url) { url = tempUrl; } } } if (ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles && ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.length == 0) { for (var key in ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles) { var tempArr = ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles[key]; ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads = ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.concat(tempArr); for (var aa = 0; aa < tempArr.length; aa++) { ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps[tempArr[aa]] = key + "/" + tempArr[aa]; } } } if (ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles && url.indexOf("/") != -1) { var curfileHead = url.split("/")[0] + "/"; if (curfileHead && ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.indexOf(curfileHead) != -1) { var newfileHead = ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps[curfileHead]; url = url.replace(curfileHead, newfileHead); } } switch (type) { case Laya.Loader.IMAGE: case "htmlimage": case "nativeimage": MiniLoader._transformImgUrl(url, type, thisLoader); break; case Laya.Loader.SOUND: thisLoader._loadSound(url); break; default: thisLoader._loadResource(type, url); } } _loadSound(url) { var thisLoader = this; if (!ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { MiniLoader.onDownLoadCallBack(url, thisLoader, 0); } else { var tempurl = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); if (!MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url) && !MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(tempurl)) { if (MiniFileMgr.isNetFile(tempurl)) { MiniFileMgr.downOtherFiles(encodeURI(tempurl), Laya.Handler.create(MiniLoader, MiniLoader.onDownLoadCallBack, [tempurl, thisLoader]), tempurl); } else { MiniLoader.onDownLoadCallBack(url, thisLoader, 0); } } else { MiniLoader.onDownLoadCallBack(url, thisLoader, 0); } } } static onDownLoadCallBack(sourceUrl, thisLoader, errorCode, tempFilePath = null) { if (!errorCode) { var fileNativeUrl; if (ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { if (!tempFilePath) { if (MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(sourceUrl)) { fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } else { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(sourceUrl); if (fileObj && fileObj.md5) { fileNativeUrl = fileObj.tempFilePath || MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileObj.md5); } else { fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } } } else { fileNativeUrl = tempFilePath; } } else { fileNativeUrl = Laya.URL.formatURL(sourceUrl); } sourceUrl = fileNativeUrl; var sound = (new Laya.SoundManager._soundClass()); sound.load(encodeURI(sourceUrl)); thisLoader.onLoaded(sound); } else { thisLoader.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, "Load sound failed"); } } complete(data) { if (data instanceof Laya.Resource) { data._setCreateURL(this.sourceUrl); } else if ((data instanceof Laya.Texture) && (data.bitmap instanceof Laya.Resource)) { data.bitmap._setCreateURL(this.sourceUrl); } this.originComplete(data); } _loadHttpRequestWhat(url, contentType) { var thisLoader = this; var encoding = ALIMiniAdapter.getUrlEncode(url, contentType); if (Laya.Loader.preLoadedMap[url]) thisLoader.onLoaded(Laya.Loader.preLoadedMap[url]); else { var tempurl = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); if (!ALIMiniAdapter.AutoCacheDownFile) { if (MiniFileMgr.isNetFile(tempurl)) { thisLoader._loadHttpRequest(tempurl, contentType, thisLoader, thisLoader.onLoaded, thisLoader, thisLoader.onProgress, thisLoader, thisLoader.onError); } else MiniFileMgr.readFile(url, encoding, new Laya.Handler(MiniLoader, MiniLoader.onReadNativeCallBack, [url, contentType, thisLoader]), url); } else { if (!MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url) && !MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(tempurl)) { if (MiniFileMgr.isNetFile(tempurl)) { MiniFileMgr.downFiles(encodeURI(tempurl), encoding, new Laya.Handler(MiniLoader, MiniLoader.onReadNativeCallBack, [url, contentType, thisLoader]), tempurl, true); } else { MiniFileMgr.readFile(url, encoding, new Laya.Handler(MiniLoader, MiniLoader.onReadNativeCallBack, [url, contentType, thisLoader]), url); } } else { var tempUrl = url; var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(tempurl); if (fileObj && fileObj.md5) { tempUrl = fileObj.tempFilePath || MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileObj.md5); } MiniFileMgr.readFile(tempUrl, encoding, new Laya.Handler(MiniLoader, MiniLoader.onReadNativeCallBack, [url, contentType, thisLoader]), url); } } } } static onReadNativeCallBack(url, type = null, thisLoader = null, errorCode = 0, data = null) { if (!errorCode) { var tempData; if (type == Laya.Loader.JSON || type == Laya.Loader.ATLAS || type == Laya.Loader.PREFAB || type == Laya.Loader.PLF) { tempData = ALIMiniAdapter.getJson(; } else if (type == Laya.Loader.XML) { tempData = Laya.Utils.parseXMLFromString(; } else { tempData =; } if (!ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu && ALIMiniAdapter.isPosMsgYu && type != Laya.Loader.BUFFER && {{ url: url, data: tempData, isLoad: "filedata" }); } thisLoader.onLoaded(tempData); } else if (errorCode == 1) { thisLoader._loadHttpRequest(url, type, thisLoader, thisLoader.onLoaded, thisLoader, thisLoader.onProgress, thisLoader, thisLoader.onError); } } static _transformImgUrl(url, type, thisLoader) { if (ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu || MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url)) { thisLoader._loadImage(url, false); return; } if (!ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { thisLoader._loadImage(encodeURI(url)); } else { var tempUrl = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); if (!MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url) && !MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(tempUrl)) { if (MiniFileMgr.isNetFile(tempUrl)) { MiniFileMgr.downOtherFiles(encodeURI(tempUrl), new Laya.Handler(MiniLoader, MiniLoader.onDownImgCallBack, [url, thisLoader]), tempUrl); } else { MiniLoader.onCreateImage(url, thisLoader, true); } } else { MiniLoader.onCreateImage(url, thisLoader); } } } static onDownImgCallBack(sourceUrl, thisLoader, errorCode, tempFilePath = "") { if (!errorCode) MiniLoader.onCreateImage(sourceUrl, thisLoader, false, tempFilePath); else { thisLoader.onError(null); } } static onCreateImage(sourceUrl, thisLoader, isLocal = false, tempFilePath = "") { var fileNativeUrl; if (ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { if (!isLocal) { if (tempFilePath != "") { fileNativeUrl = tempFilePath; } else { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(Laya.URL.formatURL(sourceUrl)); fileNativeUrl = fileObj.tempFilePath || MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileObj.md5); } } else if (ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { var tempUrl = Laya.URL.formatURL(sourceUrl); if (MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData[tempUrl]) { fileNativeUrl = MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData[tempUrl]; } else fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } else fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } else { if (!isLocal) fileNativeUrl = tempFilePath; else fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } thisLoader._loadImage(fileNativeUrl, false); } } class MiniLocalStorage { constructor() { } static __init__() { MiniLocalStorage.items = MiniLocalStorage; } static setItem(key, value) {{ key: key, value: value }); } static getItem(key) { return{ "key": key }); } static setJSON(key, value) { try { MiniLocalStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value)); } catch (e) { console.warn("set localStorage failed", e); } } static getJSON(key) { return JSON.parse(MiniLocalStorage.getItem(key)); } static removeItem(key) {; } static clear() {; } static getStorageInfoSync() { try { var res =; console.log(res.keys); console.log(res.currentSize); console.log(res.limitSize); return res; } catch (e) { } return null; } } = true; function ImageDataPolyfill() { let width, height, data; if (arguments.length == 3) { if (arguments[0] instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) { if (arguments[0].length % 4 !== 0) { throw new Error("Failed to construct 'ImageData': The input data length is not a multiple of 4."); } if (arguments[0].length !== arguments[1] * arguments[2] * 4) { throw new Error("Failed to construct 'ImageData': The input data length is not equal to (4 * width * height)."); } else { data = arguments[0]; width = arguments[1]; height = arguments[2]; } } else { throw new Error("Failed to construct 'ImageData': parameter 1 is not of type 'Uint8ClampedArray'."); } } else if (arguments.length == 2) { width = arguments[0]; height = arguments[1]; data = new Uint8ClampedArray(arguments[0] * arguments[1] * 4); } else if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new Error("Failed to construct 'ImageData': 2 arguments required, but only " + arguments.length + " present."); } let imgdata = Laya.Browser.canvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, width, height); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4) {[i] = data[i];[i + 1] = data[i + 1];[i + 2] = data[i + 2];[i + 3] = data[i + 3]; } return imgdata; } class ALIMiniAdapter { static getJson(data) { return JSON.parse(data); } static enable() { ALIMiniAdapter.init(Laya.Laya.isWXPosMsg, Laya.Laya.isWXOpenDataContext); } static init(isPosMsg = false, isSon = false) { if (ALIMiniAdapter._inited) return; ALIMiniAdapter._inited = true; ALIMiniAdapter.window = window; if (!ALIMiniAdapter.window.hasOwnProperty("my")) return; if (ALIMiniAdapter.window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AlipayMiniGame') < 0) return; ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu = isSon; ALIMiniAdapter.isPosMsgYu = isPosMsg; ALIMiniAdapter.EnvConfig = {}; if (!ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { MiniFileMgr.setNativeFileDir("/layaairGame"); MiniFileMgr.getCacheList(MiniFileMgr.fileNativeDir, Laya.Handler.create(ALIMiniAdapter, ALIMiniAdapter.onMkdirCallBack)); } ALIMiniAdapter.systemInfo =; ALIMiniAdapter.window.focus = function () { }; Laya.Laya['_getUrlPath'] = function () { return ""; }; ALIMiniAdapter.window.logtime = function (str) { }; ALIMiniAdapter.window.alertTimeLog = function (str) { }; ALIMiniAdapter.window.resetShareInfo = function () { }; ALIMiniAdapter.window.CanvasRenderingContext2D = function () { }; ALIMiniAdapter.window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype ='2d').__proto__; ALIMiniAdapter.window.document.body.appendChild = function () { }; ALIMiniAdapter.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt = 0; Laya.Browser["_pixelRatio"] = ALIMiniAdapter.pixelRatio(); ALIMiniAdapter._preCreateElement = Laya.Browser.createElement; Laya.Browser["createElement"] = ALIMiniAdapter.createElement; Laya.RunDriver.createShaderCondition = ALIMiniAdapter.createShaderCondition; Laya.Utils['parseXMLFromString'] = ALIMiniAdapter.parseXMLFromString; Laya.Input['_createInputElement'] = MiniInput['_createInputElement']; if (!window.ImageData) { window.ImageData = ImageDataPolyfill; } Laya.Loader.prototype._loadResourceFilter = MiniLoader.prototype._loadResourceFilter; Laya.Loader.prototype.originComplete = Laya.Loader.prototype.complete; Laya.Loader.prototype.complete = MiniLoader.prototype.complete; Laya.Loader.prototype._loadSound = MiniLoader.prototype._loadSound; Laya.Loader.prototype._loadHttpRequestWhat = MiniLoader.prototype._loadHttpRequestWhat; Laya.LocalStorage._baseClass = MiniLocalStorage; MiniLocalStorage.__init__(); Laya.Config.useRetinalCanvas = true; &&; } static _onMessage(data) { switch (data.type) { case "changeMatrix": Laya.Laya.stage.transform.identity(); Laya.Laya.stage._width = data.w; Laya.Laya.stage._height = data.h; Laya.Laya.stage._canvasTransform = new Laya.Matrix(data.a, data.b, data.c, data.d, data.tx, data.ty); break; case "display": Laya.Laya.stage.frameRate = data.rate || Laya.Stage.FRAME_FAST; break; case "undisplay": Laya.Laya.stage.frameRate = Laya.Stage.FRAME_SLEEP; break; } if (data['isLoad'] == "opendatacontext") { if (data.url) { MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileData[data.url] = data.atlasdata; MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData[data.imgReadyUrl] = data.imgNativeUrl; } } else if (data['isLoad'] == "openJsondatacontext") { if (data.url) { MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileData[data.url] = data.atlasdata; } } else if (data['isLoad'] == "openJsondatacontextPic") { MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData[data.imgReadyUrl] = data.imgNativeUrl; } } static getUrlEncode(url, type) { if (type == "arraybuffer") return ""; return "utf8"; } static downLoadFile(fileUrl, fileType = "", callBack = null, encoding = "utf8") { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(fileUrl); if (!fileObj) MiniFileMgr.downLoadFile(fileUrl, fileType, callBack, encoding); else { callBack != null && callBack.runWith([0]); } } static remove(fileUrl, callBack = null) { MiniFileMgr.deleteFile("", fileUrl, callBack, "", 0); } static removeAll() { MiniFileMgr.deleteAll(); } static hasNativeFile(fileUrl) { return MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(fileUrl); } static getFileInfo(fileUrl) { return MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(fileUrl); } static getFileList() { return MiniFileMgr.filesListObj; } static onMkdirCallBack(errorCode, data) { if (!errorCode) { MiniFileMgr.filesListObj = JSON.parse(; MiniFileMgr.fakeObj = JSON.parse(; } else { MiniFileMgr.fakeObj = {}; MiniFileMgr.filesListObj = {}; } let files = MiniFileMgr.fs.readdirSync(MiniFileMgr.fileNativeDir); if (!files.length) return; var tempMd5ListObj = {}; var fileObj; for (let key in MiniFileMgr.filesListObj) { if (key != "fileUsedSize") { fileObj = MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[key]; tempMd5ListObj[fileObj.md5] = fileObj.readyUrl; } } var fileName; for (let i = 0, sz = files.length; i < sz; i++) { fileName = files[i]; if (fileName == MiniFileMgr.fileListName) continue; if (!tempMd5ListObj[fileName]) { let deleteFileUrl = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileName); MiniFileMgr.fs.unlink({ filePath: deleteFileUrl, success: function (data) { console.log("删除无引用的磁盘文件:" + fileName); } }); } delete tempMd5ListObj[fileName]; } for (let key in tempMd5ListObj) { delete MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[tempMd5ListObj[key]]; delete MiniFileMgr.fakeObj[tempMd5ListObj[key]]; console.log("删除错误记录:", tempMd5ListObj[key]); } } static pixelRatio() { if (!ALIMiniAdapter.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt) { try { ALIMiniAdapter.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt = ALIMiniAdapter.systemInfo.pixelRatio; return ALIMiniAdapter.systemInfo.pixelRatio; } catch (error) { } } return ALIMiniAdapter.EnvConfig.pixelRatioInt; } static createElement(type) { if (type == "canvas") { var _source; if (ALIMiniAdapter.idx == 1) { if (ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { _source = ALIMiniAdapter.window.sharedCanvas; = {}; } else { _source = ALIMiniAdapter.window.canvas; } } else { _source =; } ALIMiniAdapter.idx++; return _source; } else if (type == "textarea" || type == "input") { return ALIMiniAdapter.onCreateInput(type); } else if (type == "div") { var node = ALIMiniAdapter._preCreateElement(type); node.contains = function (value) { return null; }; node.removeChild = function (value) { }; return node; } else { return ALIMiniAdapter._preCreateElement(type); } } static onCreateInput(type) { var node = ALIMiniAdapter._preCreateElement(type); node.focus = MiniInput.wxinputFocus; node.blur = MiniInput.wxinputblur; = {}; node.value = 0; node.parentElement = {}; node.placeholder = {}; node.type = {}; node.setColor = function (value) { }; node.setType = function (value) { }; node.setFontFace = function (value) { }; node.addEventListener = function (value) { }; node.contains = function (value) { return null; }; node.removeChild = function (value) { }; return node; } static createShaderCondition(conditionScript) { var func = function () { return this[conditionScript.replace("this.", "")]; }; return func; } static sendAtlasToOpenDataContext(url) { if (!ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { var atlasJson = Laya.Loader.getRes(Laya.URL.formatURL(url)); if (atlasJson) { var textureArr = atlasJson.meta.image.split(","); if (atlasJson.meta && atlasJson.meta.image) { var toloadPics = atlasJson.meta.image.split(","); var split = url.indexOf("/") >= 0 ? "/" : "\\"; var idx = url.lastIndexOf(split); var folderPath = idx >= 0 ? url.substr(0, idx + 1) : ""; for (var i = 0, len = toloadPics.length; i < len; i++) { toloadPics[i] = folderPath + toloadPics[i]; } } else { toloadPics = [url.replace(".json", ".png")]; } for (i = 0; i < toloadPics.length; i++) { var tempAtlasPngUrl = toloadPics[i]; ALIMiniAdapter.postInfoToContext(Laya.Laya.URL.formatURL(url), Laya.Laya.URL.formatURL(tempAtlasPngUrl), atlasJson); } } else { throw "传递的url没有获取到对应的图集数据信息,请确保图集已经过!"; } } } static postInfoToContext(url, atlaspngUrl, atlasJson) { var postData = { "frames": atlasJson.frames, "meta": atlasJson.meta }; var textureUrl = atlaspngUrl; var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(Laya.URL.formatURL(atlaspngUrl)); if (fileObj) { var fileNativeUrl = fileObj.tempFilePath || MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileObj.md5); } else { fileNativeUrl = textureUrl; } if (fileNativeUrl) {{ url: url, atlasdata: postData, imgNativeUrl: fileNativeUrl, imgReadyUrl: textureUrl, isLoad: "opendatacontext" }); } else { throw "获取图集的磁盘url路径不存在!"; } } static sendSinglePicToOpenDataContext(url) { var tempTextureUrl = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(tempTextureUrl); if (fileObj) { var fileNativeUrl = fileObj.tempFilePath || MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileObj.md5); url = tempTextureUrl; } else { fileNativeUrl = url; } if (fileNativeUrl) { url = Laya.Laya.URL.formatURL(url);{ url: url, imgNativeUrl: fileNativeUrl, imgReadyUrl: url, isLoad: "openJsondatacontextPic" }); } else { throw "获取图集的磁盘url路径不存在!"; } } static sendJsonDataToDataContext(url) { if (!ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { url = Laya.Laya.URL.formatURL(url); var atlasJson = Laya.Loader.getRes(url); if (atlasJson) {{ url: url, atlasdata: atlasJson, isLoad: "openJsondatacontext" }); } else { throw "传递的url没有获取到对应的图集数据信息,请确保图集已经过!"; } } } } ALIMiniAdapter._inited = false; ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile = false; ALIMiniAdapter.minClearSize = (5 * 1024 * 1024); ALIMiniAdapter.sizeLimit = (50 * 1024 * 1024); ALIMiniAdapter.nativefiles = ["layaNativeDir"]; ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles = []; ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads = []; ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps = []; ALIMiniAdapter.AutoCacheDownFile = false; ALIMiniAdapter.parseXMLFromString = function (value) { var rst; value = value.replace(/>\s+</g, '><'); try { rst = (new ALIMiniAdapter.window.Parser.DOMParser()).parseFromString(value, 'text/xml'); } catch (error) { throw "需要引入xml解析库文件"; } return rst; }; ALIMiniAdapter.idx = 1; class MiniAccelerator extends Laya.EventDispatcher { constructor() { super(); } static __init__() { try { var Acc; Acc = Laya.Accelerator; if (!Acc) return; Acc["prototype"]["on"] = MiniAccelerator["prototype"]["on"]; Acc["prototype"]["off"] = MiniAccelerator["prototype"]["off"]; } catch (e) { } } static startListen(callBack) { MiniAccelerator._callBack = callBack; if (MiniAccelerator._isListening) return; MiniAccelerator._isListening = true; try {; } catch (e) { } } static stopListen() { MiniAccelerator._isListening = false; try {{}); } catch (e) { } } static onAccelerometerChange(res) { var e; e = {}; e.acceleration = res; e.accelerationIncludingGravity = res; e.rotationRate = {}; if (MiniAccelerator._callBack != null) { MiniAccelerator._callBack(e); } } on(type, caller, listener, args = null) { super.on(type, caller, listener, args); MiniAccelerator.startListen(this["onDeviceOrientationChange"]); return this; } off(type, caller, listener, onceOnly = false) { if (!this.hasListener(type)) MiniAccelerator.stopListen(); return, caller, listener, onceOnly); } } MiniAccelerator._isListening = false; class MiniImage { _loadImage(url) { var thisLoader = this; if (ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { MiniImage.onCreateImage(url, thisLoader, true); return; } var isTransformUrl; if (!MiniFileMgr.isLocalNativeFile(url)) { isTransformUrl = true; url = Laya.URL.formatURL(url); } else { if (url.indexOf("http://usr/") == -1 && (url.indexOf("http://") != -1 || url.indexOf("https://") != -1)) { if (MiniFileMgr.loadPath != "") { url = url.split(MiniFileMgr.loadPath)[1]; } else { var tempStr = Laya.URL.rootPath != "" ? Laya.URL.rootPath : Laya.URL._basePath; var tempUrl = url; if (tempStr != "") url = url.split(tempStr)[1]; if (!url) { url = tempUrl; } } } if (ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles && ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.length == 0) { for (var key in ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles) { var tempArr = ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles[key]; ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads = ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.concat(tempArr); for (var aa = 0; aa < tempArr.length; aa++) { ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps[tempArr[aa]] = key + "/" + tempArr[aa]; } } } if (ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeFiles && url.indexOf("/") != -1) { var curfileHead = url.split("/")[0] + "/"; if (curfileHead && ALIMiniAdapter.subNativeheads.indexOf(curfileHead) != -1) { var newfileHead = ALIMiniAdapter.subMaps[curfileHead]; url = url.replace(curfileHead, newfileHead); } } } if (!MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(url)) { if (url.indexOf('http://usr/') == -1 && (url.indexOf("http://") != -1 || url.indexOf("https://") != -1)) { if (ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { MiniImage.onCreateImage(url, thisLoader, true); } else { MiniFileMgr.downOtherFiles(encodeURI(url), new Laya.Handler(MiniImage, MiniImage.onDownImgCallBack, [url, thisLoader]), url); } } else MiniImage.onCreateImage(url, thisLoader, true); } else { MiniImage.onCreateImage(url, thisLoader, !isTransformUrl); } } static onDownImgCallBack(sourceUrl, thisLoader, errorCode, tempFilePath = "") { if (!errorCode) MiniImage.onCreateImage(sourceUrl, thisLoader, false, tempFilePath); else { thisLoader.onError(null); } } static onCreateImage(sourceUrl, thisLoader, isLocal = false, tempFilePath = "") { var fileNativeUrl; if (ALIMiniAdapter.autoCacheFile) { if (!isLocal) { if (tempFilePath != "") { fileNativeUrl = tempFilePath; } else { var fileObj = MiniFileMgr.getFileInfo(sourceUrl); var fileMd5Name = fileObj.md5; fileNativeUrl = MiniFileMgr.getFileNativePath(fileMd5Name); } } else if (ALIMiniAdapter.isZiYu) { var tempUrl = Laya.URL.formatURL(sourceUrl); if (MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData[tempUrl]) { fileNativeUrl = MiniFileMgr.ziyuFileTextureData[tempUrl]; } else fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } else fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } else { if (!isLocal) fileNativeUrl = tempFilePath; else fileNativeUrl = sourceUrl; } if (thisLoader._imgCache == null) thisLoader._imgCache = {}; var image; function clear() { var img = thisLoader._imgCache[fileNativeUrl]; if (img) { img.onload = null; img.onerror = null; delete thisLoader._imgCache[fileNativeUrl]; } } var onerror = function () { clear(); delete MiniFileMgr.fakeObj[sourceUrl]; delete MiniFileMgr.filesListObj[sourceUrl]; thisLoader.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, "Load image failed"); }; if (thisLoader._type == "nativeimage") { var onload = function () { clear(); thisLoader.onLoaded(image); }; image = new Laya.Browser.window.Image(); image.crossOrigin = ""; image.onload = onload; image.onerror = onerror; image.src = fileNativeUrl; thisLoader._imgCache[fileNativeUrl] = image; } else { var imageSource = new Laya.Browser.window.Image(); onload = function () { image = Laya.HTMLImage.create(imageSource.width, imageSource.height); image.loadImageSource(imageSource, true); image._setCreateURL(fileNativeUrl); clear(); thisLoader.onLoaded(image); }; imageSource.crossOrigin = ""; imageSource.onload = onload; imageSource.onerror = onerror; imageSource.src = fileNativeUrl; thisLoader._imgCache[fileNativeUrl] = imageSource; } } } class MiniLocation { constructor() { } static __init__() { ALIMiniAdapter.window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition = MiniLocation.getCurrentPosition; ALIMiniAdapter.window.navigator.geolocation.watchPosition = MiniLocation.watchPosition; ALIMiniAdapter.window.navigator.geolocation.clearWatch = MiniLocation.clearWatch; } static getCurrentPosition(success = null, error = null, options = null) { var paramO; paramO = {}; paramO.success = getSuccess; = error;; function getSuccess(res) { if (success != null) { success(res); } } } static watchPosition(success = null, error = null, options = null) { MiniLocation._curID++; var curWatchO; curWatchO = {}; curWatchO.success = success; curWatchO.error = error; MiniLocation._watchDic[MiniLocation._curID] = curWatchO; Laya.Laya.systemTimer.loop(1000, null, MiniLocation._myLoop); return MiniLocation._curID; } static clearWatch(id) { delete MiniLocation._watchDic[id]; if (!MiniLocation._hasWatch()) { Laya.Laya.systemTimer.clear(null, MiniLocation._myLoop); } } static _hasWatch() { var key; for (key in MiniLocation._watchDic) { if (MiniLocation._watchDic[key]) return true; } return false; } static _myLoop() { MiniLocation.getCurrentPosition(MiniLocation._mySuccess, MiniLocation._myError); } static _mySuccess(res) { var rst = {}; rst.coords = res; rst.timestamp =; var key; for (key in MiniLocation._watchDic) { if (MiniLocation._watchDic[key].success) { MiniLocation._watchDic[key].success(rst); } } } static _myError(res) { var key; for (key in MiniLocation._watchDic) { if (MiniLocation._watchDic[key].error) { MiniLocation._watchDic[key].error(res); } } } } MiniLocation._watchDic = {}; MiniLocation._curID = 0; class MiniVideo { constructor(width = 320, height = 240) { this.videoend = false; this.videourl = ""; this.videoElement ={ width: width, height: height, autoplay: true }); } static __init__() { } on(eventType, ths, callBack) { if (eventType == "loadedmetadata") { this.onPlayFunc = callBack.bind(ths); this.videoElement.onPlay = this.onPlayFunction.bind(this); } else if (eventType == "ended") { this.onEndedFunC = callBack.bind(ths); this.videoElement.onEnded = this.onEndedFunction.bind(this); } this.videoElement.onTimeUpdate = this.onTimeUpdateFunc.bind(this); } onTimeUpdateFunc(data) { this.position = data.position; this._duration = data.duration; } get duration() { return this._duration; } onPlayFunction() { if (this.videoElement) this.videoElement.readyState = 200; console.log("=====视频加载完成========"); this.onPlayFunc != null && this.onPlayFunc(); } onEndedFunction() { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoend = true; console.log("=====视频播放完毕========"); this.onEndedFunC != null && this.onEndedFunC(); } off(eventType, ths, callBack) { if (eventType == "loadedmetadata") { this.onPlayFunc = callBack.bind(ths); this.videoElement.offPlay = this.onPlayFunction.bind(this); } else if (eventType == "ended") { this.onEndedFunC = callBack.bind(ths); this.videoElement.offEnded = this.onEndedFunction.bind(this); } } load(url) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.src = url; } play() { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoend = false;; } pause() { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoend = true; this.videoElement.pause(); } get currentTime() { if (!this.videoElement) return 0; return this.videoElement.initialTime; } set currentTime(value) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.initialTime = value; } get videoWidth() { if (!this.videoElement) return 0; return this.videoElement.width; } get videoHeight() { if (!this.videoElement) return 0; return this.videoElement.height; } get ended() { return this.videoend; } get loop() { if (!this.videoElement) return false; return this.videoElement.loop; } set loop(value) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.loop = value; } get playbackRate() { if (!this.videoElement) return 0; return this.videoElement.playbackRate; } set playbackRate(value) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.playbackRate = value; } get muted() { if (!this.videoElement) return false; return this.videoElement.muted; } set muted(value) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.muted = value; } get paused() { if (!this.videoElement) return false; return this.videoElement.paused; } size(width, height) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.width = width; this.videoElement.height = height; } get x() { if (!this.videoElement) return 0; return this.videoElement.x; } set x(value) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.x = value; } get y() { if (!this.videoElement) return 0; return this.videoElement.y; } set y(value) { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.y = value; } get currentSrc() { return this.videoElement.src; } destroy() { if (this.videoElement) this.videoElement.destroy(); this.videoElement = null; this.onEndedFunC = null; this.onPlayFunc = null; this.videoend = false; this.videourl = null; } reload() { if (!this.videoElement) return; this.videoElement.src = this.videourl; } } exports.ALIMiniAdapter = ALIMiniAdapter; exports.ImageDataPolyfill = ImageDataPolyfill; exports.MiniAccelerator = MiniAccelerator; exports.MiniFileMgr = MiniFileMgr; exports.MiniImage = MiniImage; exports.MiniInput = MiniInput; exports.MiniLoader = MiniLoader; exports.MiniLocalStorage = MiniLocalStorage; exports.MiniLocation = MiniLocation; exports.MiniSound = MiniSound; exports.MiniSoundChannel = MiniSoundChannel; exports.MiniVideo = MiniVideo; }