(function (exports, Laya) { 'use strict'; class UIConfig { } UIConfig.touchScrollEnable = true; UIConfig.mouseWheelEnable = true; UIConfig.showButtons = true; UIConfig.popupBgColor = "#000000"; UIConfig.popupBgAlpha = 0.5; UIConfig.closeDialogOnSide = true; window.UIConfig = UIConfig; class Styles { } Styles.defaultSizeGrid = [4, 4, 4, 4, 0]; Styles.labelColor = "#000000"; Styles.labelPadding = [2, 2, 2, 2]; Styles.inputLabelPadding = [1, 1, 1, 3]; Styles.buttonStateNum = 3; Styles.buttonLabelColors = ["#32556b", "#32cc6b", "#ff0000", "#C0C0C0"]; Styles.comboBoxItemColors = ["#5e95b6", "#ffffff", "#000000", "#8fa4b1", "#ffffff"]; Styles.scrollBarMinNum = 15; Styles.scrollBarDelayTime = 500; class AutoBitmap extends Laya.Graphics { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.autoCacheCmd = true; this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this.uv = null; } destroy() { super.destroy(); this._source = null; this._sizeGrid = null; this._offset = null; } get sizeGrid() { return this._sizeGrid; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._sizeGrid = value.map((v) => { return +v; }); this._setChanged(); } get width() { if (this._width) return this._width; if (this._source) return this._source.sourceWidth; return 0; } set width(value) { if (this._width != value) { this._width = value; this._setChanged(); } } get height() { if (this._height) return this._height; if (this._source) return this._source.sourceHeight; return 0; } set height(value) { if (this._height != value) { this._height = value; this._setChanged(); } } get source() { return this._source; } set source(value) { if (value) { this._source = value; this._setChanged(); } else { this._source = null; if (this._drawGridCmd) { if (this._one) { if (this._one == this._drawGridCmd) { this.clear(); } } let cmds = this.cmds; if (cmds && cmds.length > 0) { if (cmds[0] == this._drawGridCmd) { cmds.splice(0, 1); } } } } } _setChanged() { if (!this._isChanged) { this._isChanged = true; Laya.ILaya.timer.callLater(this, this.changeSource); } } _createDrawTexture(texture, x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, matrix = null, alpha = 1, color = null, blendMode = null, uv) { if (!texture || alpha < 0.01) return null; if (!texture.getIsReady()) return null; if (!width) width = texture.sourceWidth; if (!height) height = texture.sourceHeight; if (texture.getIsReady()) { var wRate = width / texture.sourceWidth; var hRate = height / texture.sourceHeight; width = texture.width * wRate; height = texture.height * hRate; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return null; x += texture.offsetX * wRate; y += texture.offsetY * hRate; } if (this._sp) { this._sp._renderType |= Laya.SpriteConst.GRAPHICS; this._sp._setRenderType(this._sp._renderType); } return Laya.DrawTextureCmd.create.call(this, texture, x, y, width, height, matrix, alpha, color, blendMode, uv); } changeSource() { this._isChanged = false; var source = this._source; if (!source || !source.bitmap) return; var width = this.width; var height = this.height; var sizeGrid = this._sizeGrid; var sw = source.sourceWidth; var sh = source.sourceHeight; if (!sizeGrid || (sw === width && sh === height)) { let cmd = this._createDrawTexture(source, this._offset ? this._offset[0] : 0, this._offset ? this._offset[1] : 0, width, height, null, 1, null, null, this.uv); cmd && this._setDrawGridCmd(cmd); } else { let cmd = Laya.Draw9GridTexture.create(source, 0, 0, width, height, sizeGrid); this._setDrawGridCmd(cmd); } this._repaint(); } drawBitmap(repeat, tex, x, y, width = 0, height = 0) { if (width < 0.1 || height < 0.1) return; if (repeat && (tex.width != width || tex.height != height)) this.fillTexture(tex, x, y, width, height); else this.drawImage(tex, x, y, width, height); } static getTexture(tex, x, y, width, height) { if (width <= 0) width = 1; if (height <= 0) height = 1; tex.$_GID || (tex.$_GID = Laya.Utils.getGID()); var texture; if (!texture || !texture._getSource()) { texture = Laya.Texture.createFromTexture(tex, x, y, width, height); } return texture; } _setDrawGridCmd(newcmd) { var source = this._source; if (!source || !source.bitmap) { return; } let cmds = this.cmds; if (!this._one && (!cmds || cmds.length <= 0)) { this._saveToCmd(null, newcmd); } else { let lastOne = this._one; if (lastOne) { if (lastOne == this._drawGridCmd) { this._one = newcmd; } else { this.clear(); this._saveToCmd(null, newcmd); this._saveToCmd(null, lastOne); } } else { cmds.splice(0, 0, newcmd); } } this._drawGridCmd = newcmd; } } Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.AutoBitmap", AutoBitmap); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.AutoBitmap", AutoBitmap); class Widget extends Laya.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._top = NaN; this._bottom = NaN; this._left = NaN; this._right = NaN; this._centerX = NaN; this._centerY = NaN; } onReset() { this._top = this._bottom = this._left = this._right = this._centerX = this._centerY = NaN; } _onEnable() { if (this.owner.parent) this._onAdded(); else this.owner.once(Laya.Event.ADDED, this, this._onAdded); } _onDisable() { this.owner.off(Laya.Event.ADDED, this, this._onAdded); if (this.owner.parent) this.owner.parent.off(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this._onParentResize); } _onAdded() { if (this.owner.parent) this.owner.parent.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this._onParentResize); this.resetLayoutX(); this.resetLayoutY(); } _onParentResize() { var flagX = this.resetLayoutX(); var flagY = this.resetLayoutY(); if (flagX || flagY) this.owner.event(Laya.Event.RESIZE); } resetLayoutX() { var owner = this.owner; if (!owner) return false; var parent = owner.parent; if (parent) { if (!isNaN(this.centerX)) { owner.x = Math.round((parent.width - owner.displayWidth) * 0.5 + this.centerX + owner.pivotX * owner.scaleX); } else if (!isNaN(this.left)) { owner.x = Math.round(this.left + owner.pivotX * owner.scaleX); if (!isNaN(this.right)) { if (!parent._width) return false; var temp = (parent._width - this.left - this.right) / (owner.scaleX || 0.01); if (temp != owner.width) { owner.width = temp; return true; } } } else if (!isNaN(this.right)) { owner.x = Math.round(parent.width - owner.displayWidth - this.right + owner.pivotX * owner.scaleX); } } return false; } resetLayoutY() { var owner = this.owner; if (!owner) return false; var parent = owner.parent; if (parent) { if (!isNaN(this.centerY)) { owner.y = Math.round((parent.height - owner.displayHeight) * 0.5 + this.centerY + owner.pivotY * owner.scaleY); } else if (!isNaN(this.top)) { owner.y = Math.round(this.top + owner.pivotY * owner.scaleY); if (!isNaN(this.bottom)) { if (!parent._height) return false; var temp = (parent._height - this.top - this.bottom) / (owner.scaleY || 0.01); if (temp != owner.height) { owner.height = temp; return true; } } } else if (!isNaN(this.bottom)) { owner.y = Math.round(parent.height - owner.displayHeight - this.bottom + owner.pivotY * owner.scaleY); } } return false; } resetLayout() { if (this.owner) { this.resetLayoutX(); this.resetLayoutY(); } } get top() { return this._top; } set top(value) { if (this._top != value) { this._top = value; this.resetLayoutY(); } } get bottom() { return this._bottom; } set bottom(value) { if (this._bottom != value) { this._bottom = value; this.resetLayoutY(); } } get left() { return this._left; } set left(value) { if (this._left != value) { this._left = value; this.resetLayoutX(); } } get right() { return this._right; } set right(value) { if (this._right != value) { this._right = value; this.resetLayoutX(); } } get centerX() { return this._centerX; } set centerX(value) { if (this._centerX != value) { this._centerX = value; this.resetLayoutX(); } } get centerY() { return this._centerY; } set centerY(value) { if (this._centerY != value) { this._centerY = value; this.resetLayoutY(); } } } Widget.EMPTY = null; Laya.ILaya.regClass(Widget); Widget.EMPTY = new Widget(); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Widget", Widget); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Widget", Widget); class UIEvent extends Laya.Event { } UIEvent.SHOW_TIP = "showtip"; UIEvent.HIDE_TIP = "hidetip"; Laya.ILaya.regClass(UIEvent); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.UIEvent", UIEvent); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.UIEvent", UIEvent); class UIUtils { static fillArray(arr, str, type = null) { var temp = arr.concat(); if (str) { var a = str.split(","); for (var i = 0, n = Math.min(temp.length, a.length); i < n; i++) { var value = a[i]; temp[i] = (value == "true" ? true : (value == "false" ? false : value)); if (type != null) temp[i] = type(value); } } return temp; } static toColor(color) { return Laya.Utils.toHexColor(color); } static gray(traget, isGray = true) { if (isGray) { UIUtils.addFilter(traget, UIUtils.grayFilter); } else { UIUtils.clearFilter(traget, Laya.ColorFilter); } } static addFilter(target, filter) { var filters = target.filters || []; filters.push(filter); target.filters = filters; } static clearFilter(target, filterType) { var filters = target.filters; if (filters != null && filters.length > 0) { for (var i = filters.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var filter = filters[i]; if (filter instanceof filterType) filters.splice(i, 1); } target.filters = filters; } } static _getReplaceStr(word) { return UIUtils.escapeSequence[word]; } static adptString(str) { return str.replace(/\\(\w)/g, UIUtils._getReplaceStr); } static getBindFun(value) { if (!UIUtils._funMap) { UIUtils._funMap = new Laya.WeakObject(); } var fun = UIUtils._funMap.get(value); if (fun == null) { var temp = "\"" + value + "\""; temp = temp.replace(/^"\${|}"$/g, "").replace(/\${/g, "\"+").replace(/}/g, "+\""); var str = "(function(data){if(data==null)return;with(data){try{\nreturn " + temp + "\n}catch(e){}}})"; fun = window.Laya._runScript(str); UIUtils._funMap.set(value, fun); } return fun; } } UIUtils.grayFilter = new Laya.ColorFilter([0.3086, 0.6094, 0.082, 0, 0, 0.3086, 0.6094, 0.082, 0, 0, 0.3086, 0.6094, 0.082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); UIUtils.escapeSequence = { "\\n": "\n", "\\t": "\t" }; UIUtils._funMap = null; Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.UIUtils", UIUtils); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.UIUtils", UIUtils); class UIComponent extends Laya.Sprite { constructor(createChildren = true) { super(); this._anchorX = NaN; this._anchorY = NaN; this._widget = Widget.EMPTY; if (createChildren) { this.preinitialize(); this.createChildren(); this.initialize(); } } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._dataSource = null; this._tag = null; this._toolTip = null; } preinitialize() { } createChildren() { } initialize() { } get width() { return this.get_width(); } get_width() { if (this._width) return this._width; return this.measureWidth(); } measureWidth() { var max = 0; this.commitMeasure(); for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var comp = this.getChildAt(i); if (comp._visible) { max = Math.max(comp._x + comp.width * comp.scaleX, max); } } return max; } commitMeasure() { } get height() { return this.get_height(); } get_height() { if (this._height) return this._height; return this.measureHeight(); } measureHeight() { var max = 0; this.commitMeasure(); for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var comp = this.getChildAt(i); if (comp._visible) { max = Math.max(comp._y + comp.height * comp.scaleY, max); } } return max; } get dataSource() { return this.get_dataSource(); } get_dataSource() { return this._dataSource; } set dataSource(value) { this.set_dataSource(value); } set_dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; for (var prop in this._dataSource) { if (prop in this && !(typeof (this[prop]) == 'function')) { this[prop] = this._dataSource[prop]; } } } get top() { return this.get_top(); } get_top() { return this._widget.top; } set top(value) { this.set_top(value); } set_top(value) { if (value != this._widget.top) { this._getWidget().top = value; } } get bottom() { return this.get_bottom(); } get_bottom() { return this._widget.bottom; } set bottom(value) { this.set_bottom(value); } set_bottom(value) { if (value != this._widget.bottom) { this._getWidget().bottom = value; } } get left() { return this._widget.left; } set left(value) { if (value != this._widget.left) { this._getWidget().left = value; } } get right() { return this._widget.right; } set right(value) { if (value != this._widget.right) { this._getWidget().right = value; } } get centerX() { return this._widget.centerX; } set centerX(value) { if (value != this._widget.centerX) { this._getWidget().centerX = value; } } get centerY() { return this._widget.centerY; } set centerY(value) { if (value != this._widget.centerY) { this._getWidget().centerY = value; } } _sizeChanged() { if (!isNaN(this._anchorX)) this.pivotX = this.anchorX * this.width; if (!isNaN(this._anchorY)) this.pivotY = this.anchorY * this.height; this.event(Laya.Event.RESIZE); if (this._widget !== Widget.EMPTY) this._widget.resetLayout(); } get tag() { return this._tag; } set tag(value) { this._tag = value; } get toolTip() { return this._toolTip; } set toolTip(value) { if (this._toolTip != value) { this._toolTip = value; if (value != null) { this.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER, this, this.onMouseOver); this.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onMouseOut); } else { this.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER, this, this.onMouseOver); this.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onMouseOut); } } } onMouseOver(e) { Laya.ILaya.stage.event(UIEvent.SHOW_TIP, this._toolTip); } onMouseOut(e) { Laya.ILaya.stage.event(UIEvent.HIDE_TIP, this._toolTip); } get gray() { return this._gray; } set gray(value) { if (value !== this._gray) { this._gray = value; UIUtils.gray(this, value); } } get disabled() { return this._disabled; } set disabled(value) { if (value !== this._disabled) { this.gray = this._disabled = value; this.mouseEnabled = !value; } } _getWidget() { this._widget === Widget.EMPTY && (this._widget = this.addComponent(Widget)); return this._widget; } set scaleX(value) { this.set_scaleX(value); } set_scaleX(value) { if (super.get_scaleX() == value) return; super.set_scaleX(value); this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } get scaleX() { return super.scaleX; } set scaleY(value) { this.set_scaleY(value); } set_scaleY(value) { if (super.get_scaleY() == value) return; super.set_scaleY(value); this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } get scaleY() { return super.scaleY; } onCompResize() { this._sizeChanged(); } set width(value) { this.set_width(value); } set_width(value) { if (super.get_width() == value) return; super.set_width(value); this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } set height(value) { this.set_height(value); } set_height(value) { if (super.get_height() == value) return; super.set_height(value); this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } get anchorX() { return this.get_anchorX(); } get_anchorX() { return this._anchorX; } set anchorX(value) { this.set_anchorX(value); } set_anchorX(value) { if (this._anchorX != value) { this._anchorX = value; this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } } get anchorY() { return this.get_anchorY(); } get_anchorY() { return this._anchorY; } set anchorY(value) { this.set_anchorY(value); } set_anchorY(value) { if (this._anchorY != value) { this._anchorY = value; this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } } _childChanged(child = null) { this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); super._childChanged(child); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(UIComponent); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.UIComponent", UIComponent); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.UIComponent", UIComponent); class Image extends UIComponent { constructor(skin = null) { super(); this.skin = skin; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(); this._bitmap = null; } dispose() { this.destroy(true); Laya.ILaya.loader.clearRes(this._skin); } createChildren() { this.graphics = this._bitmap = new AutoBitmap(); this._bitmap.autoCacheCmd = false; } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (value) { var source = Laya.Loader.getRes(value); if (source) { this.source = source; this.onCompResize(); } else Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.setSource, [this._skin]), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE, 1, true, this._group); } else { this.source = null; } } } get source() { return this._bitmap.source; } set source(value) { if (!this._bitmap) return; this._bitmap.source = value; this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); this.repaint(); } get group() { return this._group; } set group(value) { if (value && this._skin) Laya.Loader.setGroup(this._skin, value); this._group = value; } setSource(url, img = null) { if (url === this._skin && img) { this.source = img; this.onCompResize(); } } measureWidth() { return this._bitmap.width; } measureHeight() { return this._bitmap.height; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._bitmap.width = value == 0 ? 0.0000001 : value; } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._bitmap.height = value == 0 ? 0.0000001 : value; } get height() { return super.height; } get sizeGrid() { if (this._bitmap.sizeGrid) return this._bitmap.sizeGrid.join(","); return null; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._bitmap.sizeGrid = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.defaultSizeGrid, value, Number); } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'string') this.skin = value; else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Image); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Image", Image); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Image", Image); class AdvImage extends Image { constructor(skin = null) { super(); this.advsListArr = []; this.resUrl = "https://unioncdn.layabox.com/config/iconlist.json"; this._http = new Laya.Browser.window.XMLHttpRequest(); this._data = []; this._resquestTime = 360000; this._playIndex = 0; this._lunboTime = 5000; this.skin = skin; this.setLoadUrl(); this.init(); this.size(120, 120); } setLoadUrl() { } init() { if (this.isSupportJump()) { if (Laya.Browser.onMiniGame || Laya.Browser.onBDMiniGame) { Laya.ILaya.timer.loop(this._resquestTime, this, this.onGetAdvsListData); } this.onGetAdvsListData(); this.initEvent(); } else this.visible = false; } initEvent() { this.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onAdvsImgClick); } onAdvsImgClick() { var currentJumpUrl = this.getCurrentAppidObj(); if (currentJumpUrl) this.jumptoGame(); } revertAdvsData() { if (this.advsListArr[this._playIndex]) { this.visible = true; this.skin = this.advsListArr[this._playIndex]; } } isSupportJump() { if (Laya.Browser.onMiniGame) { var isSupperJump = window.wx.navigateToMiniProgram instanceof Function; return isSupperJump; } else if (Laya.Browser.onBDMiniGame) return true; return false; } jumptoGame() { var advsObj = this.advsListArr[this._playIndex]; var desGameId = parseInt(advsObj.gameid); var extendInfo = advsObj.extendInfo; var path = advsObj.path; if (Laya.Browser.onMiniGame) { if (this.isSupportJump()) { window.wx.navigateToMiniProgram({ appId: this._appid, path: "", extraData: "", envVersion: "release", success: () => { console.log("-------------跳转成功--------------"); }, fail: () => { console.log("-------------跳转失败--------------"); }, complete: () => { console.log("-------------跳转接口调用成功--------------"); this.updateAdvsInfo(); } }); } } else if (Laya.Browser.onBDMiniGame) ; else { this.visible = false; } } updateAdvsInfo() { this.visible = false; this.onLunbo(); Laya.ILaya.timer.loop(this._lunboTime, this, this.onLunbo); } onLunbo() { if (this._playIndex >= this.advsListArr.length - 1) this._playIndex = 0; else this._playIndex += 1; this.visible = true; this.revertAdvsData(); } getCurrentAppidObj() { return this.advsListArr[this._playIndex]; } onGetAdvsListData() { var _this = this; var random = AdvImage.randRange(10000, 1000000); var url = this.resUrl + "?" + random; this._http.open("get", url, true); this._http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); this._http.responseType = "text"; this._http.onerror = function (e) { _this._onError(e); }; this._http.onload = function (e) { _this._onLoad(e); }; this._http.send(null); } static randRange(minNum, maxNum) { return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1)) + minNum); } _onError(e) { this.error("Request failed Status:" + this._http.status + " text:" + this._http.statusText); } _onLoad(e) { var http = this._http; var status = http.status !== undefined ? http.status : 200; if (status === 200 || status === 204 || status === 0) { this.complete(); } else { this.error("[" + http.status + "]" + http.statusText + ":" + http.responseURL); } } error(message) { this.event(Laya.Event.ERROR, message); } complete() { try { this._data = this._http.response || this._http.responseText; this._data = JSON.parse(this._data); this.advsListArr = this._data.list; this._appid = this._data.appid; this.updateAdvsInfo(); this.revertAdvsData(); } catch (e) { this.error(e.message); } } getAdvsQArr(data) { var tempArr = []; var gameAdvsObj = Laya.LocalStorage.getJSON("gameObj"); for (var key in data) { var tempObj = data[key]; if (gameAdvsObj && gameAdvsObj[tempObj.gameid] && !tempObj.isQiangZhi) continue; tempArr.push(tempObj); } return tempArr; } clear() { var http = this._http; http.onerror = http.onabort = http.onprogress = http.onload = null; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.onLunbo); super.destroy(true); this.clear(); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.onGetAdvsListData); } } Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.AdvImage", AdvImage); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.AdvImage", AdvImage); class Box extends UIComponent { set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; for (var name in value) { var comp = this.getChildByName(name); if (comp) comp.dataSource = value[name]; else if (name in this && !(this[name] instanceof Function)) this[name] = value[name]; } } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get bgColor() { return this._bgColor; } set bgColor(value) { this._bgColor = value; if (value) { this._onResize(null); this.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this._onResize); } else { this.graphics.clear(); this.off(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this._onResize); } } _onResize(e) { this.graphics.clear(); this.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, this._bgColor); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Box); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Box", Box); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Box", Box); class Button extends UIComponent { constructor(skin = null, label = "") { super(); this._labelColors = Styles.buttonLabelColors; this._state = 0; this._autoSize = true; this._stateNum = Styles.buttonStateNum; this._stateChanged = false; this.skin = skin; this.label = label; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(); this._text && this._text.destroy(destroyChild); this._bitmap = null; this._text = null; this._clickHandler = null; this._labelColors = this._sources = this._strokeColors = null; } createChildren() { this.graphics = this._bitmap = new AutoBitmap(); } createText() { if (!this._text) { this._text = new Laya.Text(); this._text.overflow = Laya.Text.HIDDEN; this._text.align = "center"; this._text.valign = "middle"; this._text.width = this._width; this._text.height = this._height; } } initialize() { if (this._mouseState !== 1) { this.mouseEnabled = true; this._setBit(Laya.Const.HAS_MOUSE, true); } this._createListener(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER, this, this.onMouse, null, false, false); this._createListener(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onMouse, null, false, false); this._createListener(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onMouse, null, false, false); this._createListener(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onMouse, null, false, false); this._createListener(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onMouse, null, false, false); } onMouse(e) { if (this.toggle === false && this._selected) return; if (e.type === Laya.Event.CLICK) { this.toggle && (this.selected = !this._selected); this._clickHandler && this._clickHandler.run(); return; } !this._selected && (this.state = Button.stateMap[e.type]); } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (value) { if (!Laya.Loader.getRes(value)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE, 1); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } } _skinLoaded() { this.callLater(this.changeClips); this._setStateChanged(); this._sizeChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } get stateNum() { return this._stateNum; } set stateNum(value) { if (typeof value == 'string') { value = parseInt(value); } if (this._stateNum != value) { this._stateNum = value < 1 ? 1 : value > 3 ? 3 : value; this.callLater(this.changeClips); } } changeClips() { var img = Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin); if (!img) { console.log("lose skin", this._skin); return; } var width = img.sourceWidth; var height = img.sourceHeight / this._stateNum; img.$_GID || (img.$_GID = Laya.Utils.getGID()); var key = img.$_GID + "-" + this._stateNum; var clips = Laya.WeakObject.I.get(key); if (!Laya.Utils.isOkTextureList(clips)) { clips = null; } if (clips) this._sources = clips; else { this._sources = []; if (this._stateNum === 1) { this._sources.push(img); } else { for (var i = 0; i < this._stateNum; i++) { this._sources.push(Laya.Texture.createFromTexture(img, 0, height * i, width, height)); } } Laya.WeakObject.I.set(key, this._sources); } if (this._autoSize) { this._bitmap.width = this._width || width; this._bitmap.height = this._height || height; if (this._text) { this._text.width = this._bitmap.width; this._text.height = this._bitmap.height; } } else { this._text && (this._text.x = width); } } measureWidth() { this.runCallLater(this.changeClips); if (this._autoSize) return this._bitmap.width; this.runCallLater(this.changeState); return this._bitmap.width + (this._text ? this._text.width : 0); } measureHeight() { this.runCallLater(this.changeClips); return this._text ? Math.max(this._bitmap.height, this._text.height) : this._bitmap.height; } get label() { return this._text ? this._text.text : null; } set label(value) { if (!this._text && !value) return; this.createText(); if (this._text.text != value) { value && !this._text.parent && this.addChild(this._text); this._text.text = (value + "").replace(/\\n/g, "\n"); this._setStateChanged(); } } get selected() { return this._selected; } set selected(value) { if (this._selected != value) { this._selected = value; this.state = this._selected ? 2 : 0; this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); } } get state() { return this._state; } set state(value) { if (this._state != value) { this._state = value; this._setStateChanged(); } } changeState() { this._stateChanged = false; this.runCallLater(this.changeClips); var index = this._state < this._stateNum ? this._state : this._stateNum - 1; this._sources && (this._bitmap.source = this._sources[index]); if (this.label) { this._text.color = this._labelColors[index]; if (this._strokeColors) this._text.strokeColor = this._strokeColors[index]; } } get labelColors() { return this._labelColors.join(","); } set labelColors(value) { this._labelColors = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.buttonLabelColors, value, String); this._setStateChanged(); } get strokeColors() { return this._strokeColors ? this._strokeColors.join(",") : ""; } set strokeColors(value) { this._strokeColors = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.buttonLabelColors, value, String); this._setStateChanged(); } get labelPadding() { this.createText(); return this._text.padding.join(","); } set labelPadding(value) { this.createText(); this._text.padding = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.labelPadding, value, Number); } get labelSize() { this.createText(); return this._text.fontSize; } set labelSize(value) { this.createText(); this._text.fontSize = value; } get labelStroke() { this.createText(); return this._text.stroke; } set labelStroke(value) { this.createText(); this._text.stroke = value; } get labelStrokeColor() { this.createText(); return this._text.strokeColor; } set labelStrokeColor(value) { this.createText(); this._text.strokeColor = value; } get labelBold() { this.createText(); return this._text.bold; } set labelBold(value) { this.createText(); this._text.bold = value; } get labelFont() { this.createText(); return this._text.font; } set labelFont(value) { this.createText(); this._text.font = value; } get labelAlign() { this.createText(); return this._text.align; } set labelAlign(value) { this.createText(); this._text.align = value; } get clickHandler() { return this._clickHandler; } set clickHandler(value) { this._clickHandler = value; } get text() { this.createText(); return this._text; } get sizeGrid() { if (this._bitmap.sizeGrid) return this._bitmap.sizeGrid.join(","); return null; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._bitmap.sizeGrid = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.defaultSizeGrid, value, Number); } set width(value) { super.set_width(value); if (this._autoSize) { this._bitmap.width = value; this._text && (this._text.width = value); } } get width() { return super.get_width(); } set height(value) { super.set_height(value); if (this._autoSize) { this._bitmap.height = value; this._text && (this._text.height = value); } } get height() { return super.get_height(); } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.label = value + ""; else super.set_dataSource(value); } get dataSource() { return super.get_dataSource(); } get iconOffset() { return this._bitmap._offset ? this._bitmap._offset.join(",") : null; } set iconOffset(value) { if (value) this._bitmap._offset = UIUtils.fillArray([1, 1], value, Number); else this._bitmap._offset = []; } _setStateChanged() { if (!this._stateChanged) { this._stateChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changeState); } } } Button.stateMap = { "mouseup": 0, "mouseover": 1, "mousedown": 2, "mouseout": 0 }; Laya.ILaya.regClass(Button); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Button", Button); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Button", Button); class CheckBox extends Button { constructor(skin = null, label = "") { super(skin, label); this.toggle = true; this._autoSize = false; } preinitialize() { super.preinitialize(); this.toggle = true; this._autoSize = false; } initialize() { super.initialize(); this.createText(); this._text.align = "left"; this._text.valign = "top"; this._text.width = 0; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (value instanceof Boolean) this.selected = value; else if (typeof (value) == 'string') this.selected = value === "true"; else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(CheckBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.CheckBox", CheckBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.CheckBox", CheckBox); class Clip extends UIComponent { constructor(url = null, clipX = 1, clipY = 1) { super(); this._clipX = 1; this._clipY = 1; this._clipWidth = 0; this._clipHeight = 0; this._interval = 50; this._index = 0; this._toIndex = -1; this._clipX = clipX; this._clipY = clipY; this.skin = url; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(true); this._bitmap && this._bitmap.destroy(); this._bitmap = null; this._sources = null; } dispose() { this.destroy(true); Laya.ILaya.loader.clearRes(this._skin); } createChildren() { this.graphics = this._bitmap = new AutoBitmap(); } _onDisplay(e) { if (this._isPlaying) { if (this._getBit(Laya.Const.DISPLAYED_INSTAGE)) this.play(); else this.stop(); } else if (this._autoPlay) { this.play(); } } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (value) { if (!Laya.Loader.getRes(value)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE, 1); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } else { this._bitmap.source = null; } } } _skinLoaded() { this._setClipChanged(); this._sizeChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } get clipX() { return this._clipX; } set clipX(value) { this._clipX = value || 1; this._setClipChanged(); } get clipY() { return this._clipY; } set clipY(value) { this._clipY = value || 1; this._setClipChanged(); } get clipWidth() { return this._clipWidth; } set clipWidth(value) { this._clipWidth = value; this._setClipChanged(); } get clipHeight() { return this._clipHeight; } set clipHeight(value) { this._clipHeight = value; this._setClipChanged(); } changeClip() { this._clipChanged = false; if (!this._skin || this.destroyed) return; var img = Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin); if (img) { this.loadComplete(this._skin, img); } else { Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.loadComplete, [this._skin])); } } loadComplete(url, img) { if (url === this._skin && img) { var w = this._clipWidth || Math.ceil(img.sourceWidth / this._clipX); var h = this._clipHeight || Math.ceil(img.sourceHeight / this._clipY); var key = this._skin + w + h; var clips = Laya.WeakObject.I.get(key); if (!Laya.Utils.isOkTextureList(clips)) { clips = null; } if (clips) this._sources = clips; else { this._sources = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._clipY; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this._clipX; j++) { this._sources.push(Laya.Texture.createFromTexture(img, w * j, h * i, w, h)); } } Laya.WeakObject.I.set(key, this._sources); } this.index = this._index; this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); this.onCompResize(); } } get sources() { return this._sources; } set sources(value) { this._sources = value; this.index = this._index; this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } get group() { return this._group; } set group(value) { if (value && this._skin) Laya.Loader.setGroup(this._skin, value); this._group = value; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._bitmap.width = value; } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._bitmap.height = value; } get height() { return super.height; } measureWidth() { this.runCallLater(this.changeClip); return this._bitmap.width; } measureHeight() { this.runCallLater(this.changeClip); return this._bitmap.height; } get sizeGrid() { if (this._bitmap.sizeGrid) return this._bitmap.sizeGrid.join(","); return null; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._bitmap.sizeGrid = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.defaultSizeGrid, value, Number); } get index() { return this._index; } set index(value) { this._index = value; this._bitmap && this._sources && (this._bitmap.source = this._sources[value]); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); } get total() { this.runCallLater(this.changeClip); return this._sources ? this._sources.length : 0; } get autoPlay() { return this._autoPlay; } set autoPlay(value) { if (this._autoPlay != value) { this._autoPlay = value; value ? this.play() : this.stop(); } } get interval() { return this._interval; } set interval(value) { if (this._interval != value) { this._interval = value; if (this._isPlaying) this.play(); } } get isPlaying() { return this._isPlaying; } set isPlaying(value) { this._isPlaying = value; } play(from = 0, to = -1) { this._isPlaying = true; this.index = from; this._toIndex = to; this._index++; Laya.ILaya.timer.loop(this.interval, this, this._loop); this.on(Laya.Event.DISPLAY, this, this._onDisplay); this.on(Laya.Event.UNDISPLAY, this, this._onDisplay); } _loop() { if (this._visible && this._sources) { this._index++; if (this._toIndex > -1 && this._index >= this._toIndex) this.stop(); else if (this._index >= this._sources.length) this._index = 0; this.index = this._index; } } stop() { this._isPlaying = false; Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this._loop); this.event(Laya.Event.COMPLETE); } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.index = parseInt(value); else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get bitmap() { return this._bitmap; } _setClipChanged() { if (!this._clipChanged) { this._clipChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changeClip); } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Clip); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Clip", Clip); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Clip", Clip); class ColorPicker extends UIComponent { constructor(createChildren = true) { super(false); this._gridSize = 11; this._bgColor = "#ffffff"; this._borderColor = "#000000"; this._inputColor = "#000000"; this._inputBgColor = "#efefef"; this._colors = []; this._selectedColor = "#000000"; if (createChildren) { this.preinitialize(); this.createChildren(); this.initialize(); } } destroy(destroyChild = true) { Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.removeColorBox); super.destroy(destroyChild); this._colorPanel && this._colorPanel.destroy(destroyChild); this._colorButton && this._colorButton.destroy(destroyChild); this._colorPanel = null; this._colorTiles = null; this._colorBlock = null; this._colorInput = null; this._colorButton = null; this._colors = null; this.changeHandler = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._colorButton = new Button()); this._colorPanel = new Box(); this._colorPanel.size(230, 166); this._colorPanel.addChild(this._colorTiles = new Laya.Sprite()); this._colorPanel.addChild(this._colorBlock = new Laya.Sprite()); this._colorPanel.addChild(this._colorInput = new Laya.Input()); } initialize() { this._colorButton.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onColorButtonClick); this._colorBlock.pos(5, 5); this._colorInput.pos(60, 5); this._colorInput.size(60, 20); this._colorInput.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onColorInputChange); this._colorInput.on(Laya.Event.KEY_DOWN, this, this.onColorFieldKeyDown); this._colorTiles.pos(5, 30); this._colorTiles.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this.onColorTilesMouseMove); this._colorTiles.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onColorTilesClick); this._colorTiles.size(20 * this._gridSize, 12 * this._gridSize); this._colorPanel.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onPanelMouseDown); this.bgColor = this._bgColor; } onPanelMouseDown(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } changePanel() { this._panelChanged = false; var g = this._colorPanel.graphics; g.clear(true); g.drawRect(0, 0, 230, 166, this._bgColor, this._borderColor); this.drawBlock(this._selectedColor); this._colorInput.borderColor = this._borderColor; this._colorInput.bgColor = this._inputBgColor; this._colorInput.color = this._inputColor; g = this._colorTiles.graphics; g.clear(true); var mainColors = [0x000000, 0x333333, 0x666666, 0x999999, 0xCCCCCC, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FFFF, 0xFF00FF]; for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 20; j++) { var color; if (j === 0) color = mainColors[i]; else if (j === 1) color = 0x000000; else color = (((i * 3 + j / 6) % 3 << 0) + ((i / 6) << 0) * 3) * 0x33 << 16 | j % 6 * 0x33 << 8 | (i << 0) % 6 * 0x33; var strColor = UIUtils.toColor(color); this._colors.push(strColor); var x = j * this._gridSize; var y = i * this._gridSize; g.drawRect(x, y, this._gridSize, this._gridSize, strColor, "#000000"); } } } onColorButtonClick(e) { if (this._colorPanel.parent) this.close(); else this.open(); } open() { let stage = Laya.ILaya.stage; var p = this.localToGlobal(new Laya.Point()); var px = p.x + this._colorPanel.width <= stage.width ? p.x : stage.width - this._colorPanel.width; var py = p.y + this._colorButton.height; py = py + this._colorPanel.height <= stage.height ? py : p.y - this._colorPanel.height; this._colorPanel.pos(px, py); this._colorPanel.zOrder = 1001; stage.addChild(this._colorPanel); stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.removeColorBox); } close() { Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.removeColorBox); this._colorPanel.removeSelf(); } removeColorBox(e = null) { this.close(); } onColorFieldKeyDown(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { if (this._colorInput.text) this.selectedColor = this._colorInput.text; else this.selectedColor = null; this.close(); e.stopPropagation(); } } onColorInputChange(e = null) { if (this._colorInput.text) this.drawBlock(this._colorInput.text); else this.drawBlock("#FFFFFF"); } onColorTilesClick(e) { this.selectedColor = this.getColorByMouse(); this.close(); } onColorTilesMouseMove(e) { this._colorInput.focus = false; var color = this.getColorByMouse(); this._colorInput.text = color; this.drawBlock(color); } getColorByMouse() { var point = this._colorTiles.getMousePoint(); var x = Math.floor(point.x / this._gridSize); var y = Math.floor(point.y / this._gridSize); return this._colors[y * 20 + x]; } drawBlock(color) { var g = this._colorBlock.graphics; g.clear(true); var showColor = color ? color : "#ffffff"; g.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 20, showColor, this._borderColor); color || g.drawLine(0, 0, 50, 20, "#ff0000"); } get selectedColor() { return this._selectedColor; } set selectedColor(value) { if (this._selectedColor != value) { this._selectedColor = this._colorInput.text = value; this.drawBlock(value); this.changeColor(); this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this._selectedColor); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE, Laya.Event.EMPTY.setTo(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this)); } } get skin() { return this._colorButton.skin; } set skin(value) { this._colorButton.once(Laya.Event.LOADED, this, this.changeColor); this._colorButton.skin = value; } changeColor() { var g = this.graphics; g.clear(true); var showColor = this._selectedColor || "#000000"; g.drawRect(0, 0, this._colorButton.width, this._colorButton.height, showColor); } get bgColor() { return this._bgColor; } set bgColor(value) { this._bgColor = value; this._setPanelChanged(); } get borderColor() { return this._borderColor; } set borderColor(value) { this._borderColor = value; this._setPanelChanged(); } get inputColor() { return this._inputColor; } set inputColor(value) { this._inputColor = value; this._setPanelChanged(); } get inputBgColor() { return this._inputBgColor; } set inputBgColor(value) { this._inputBgColor = value; this._setPanelChanged(); } _setPanelChanged() { if (!this._panelChanged) { this._panelChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changePanel); } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(ColorPicker); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.ColorPicker", ColorPicker); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.ColorPicker", ColorPicker); class Label extends UIComponent { constructor(text = "") { super(); this.text = text; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._tf = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._tf = new Laya.Text()); } get text() { return this._tf.text; } set text(value) { if (this._tf.text != value) { if (value) value = UIUtils.adptString(value + ""); this._tf.text = value; this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); if (!this._width || !this._height) this.onCompResize(); } } changeText(text) { this._tf.changeText(text); } get wordWrap() { return this._tf.wordWrap; } set wordWrap(value) { this._tf.wordWrap = value; } get color() { return this._tf.color; } set color(value) { this._tf.color = value; } get font() { return this._tf.font; } set font(value) { this._tf.font = value; } get align() { return this._tf.align; } set align(value) { this._tf.align = value; } get valign() { return this._tf.valign; } set valign(value) { this._tf.valign = value; } get bold() { return this._tf.bold; } set bold(value) { this._tf.bold = value; } get italic() { return this._tf.italic; } set italic(value) { this._tf.italic = value; } get leading() { return this._tf.leading; } set leading(value) { this._tf.leading = value; } get fontSize() { return this._tf.fontSize; } set fontSize(value) { this._tf.fontSize = value; } get padding() { return this._tf.padding.join(","); } set padding(value) { this._tf.padding = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.labelPadding, value, Number); } get bgColor() { return this._tf.bgColor; } set bgColor(value) { this._tf.bgColor = value; } get borderColor() { return this._tf.borderColor; } set borderColor(value) { this._tf.borderColor = value; } get stroke() { return this._tf.stroke; } set stroke(value) { this._tf.stroke = value; } get strokeColor() { return this._tf.strokeColor; } set strokeColor(value) { this._tf.strokeColor = value; } get textField() { return this._tf; } measureWidth() { return this._tf.width; } measureHeight() { return this._tf.height; } get width() { if (this._width || this._tf.text) return super.width; return 0; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._tf.width = value; } get height() { if (this._height || this._tf.text) return super.height; return 0; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._tf.height = value; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.text = value + ""; else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get overflow() { return this._tf.overflow; } set overflow(value) { this._tf.overflow = value; } get underline() { return this._tf.underline; } set underline(value) { this._tf.underline = value; } get underlineColor() { return this._tf.underlineColor; } set underlineColor(value) { this._tf.underlineColor = value; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Label); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Label", Label); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Label", Label); class Slider extends UIComponent { constructor(skin = null) { super(); this.isVertical = true; this.showLabel = true; this._max = 100; this._min = 0; this._tick = 1; this._value = 0; if (!Slider.label) { Slider.label = new Label(); } this.skin = skin; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._bg && this._bg.destroy(destroyChild); this._bar && this._bar.destroy(destroyChild); this._progress && this._progress.destroy(destroyChild); this._bg = null; this._bar = null; this._progress = null; this.changeHandler = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._bg = new Image()); this.addChild(this._bar = new Button()); } initialize() { this._bar.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onBarMouseDown); this._bg.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid = "4,4,4,4,0"; if (this._progress) this._progress.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid; this.allowClickBack = true; } onBarMouseDown(e) { var Laya$1 = Laya.ILaya; this._globalSacle || (this._globalSacle = new Laya.Point()); this._globalSacle.setTo(this.globalScaleX || 0.01, this.globalScaleY || 0.01); this._maxMove = this.isVertical ? (this.height - this._bar.height) : (this.width - this._bar.width); this._tx = Laya$1.stage.mouseX; this._ty = Laya$1.stage.mouseY; Laya$1.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this.mouseMove); Laya$1.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.mouseUp); Laya$1.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.mouseUp); this.showValueText(); } showValueText() { if (this.showLabel) { var label = Slider.label; this.addChild(label); label.textField.changeText(this._value + ""); if (this.isVertical) { label.x = this._bar._x + 20; label.y = (this._bar.height - label.height) * 0.5 + this._bar._y; } else { label.y = this._bar._y - 20; label.x = (this._bar.width - label.width) * 0.5 + this._bar._x; } } } hideValueText() { Slider.label && Slider.label.removeSelf(); } mouseUp(e) { let stage = Laya.ILaya.stage; stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this.mouseMove); stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.mouseUp); stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.mouseUp); this.sendChangeEvent(Laya.Event.CHANGED); this.hideValueText(); } mouseMove(e) { let stage = Laya.ILaya.stage; var oldValue = this._value; if (this.isVertical) { this._bar.y += (stage.mouseY - this._ty) / this._globalSacle.y; if (this._bar._y > this._maxMove) this._bar.y = this._maxMove; else if (this._bar._y < 0) this._bar.y = 0; this._value = this._bar._y / this._maxMove * (this._max - this._min) + this._min; if (this._progress) this._progress.height = this._bar._y + 0.5 * this._bar.height; } else { this._bar.x += (stage.mouseX - this._tx) / this._globalSacle.x; if (this._bar._x > this._maxMove) this._bar.x = this._maxMove; else if (this._bar._x < 0) this._bar.x = 0; this._value = this._bar._x / this._maxMove * (this._max - this._min) + this._min; if (this._progress) this._progress.width = this._bar._x + 0.5 * this._bar.width; } this._tx = stage.mouseX; this._ty = stage.mouseY; if (this._tick != 0) { var pow = Math.pow(10, (this._tick + "").length - 1); this._value = Math.round(Math.round(this._value / this._tick) * this._tick * pow) / pow; } if (this._value != oldValue) { this.sendChangeEvent(); } this.showValueText(); } sendChangeEvent(type = Laya.Event.CHANGE) { this.event(type); this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this._value); } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (this._skin && !Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load([this._skin, this._skin.replace(".png", "$bar.png")], Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded)); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } } _skinLoaded() { this._bg.skin = this._skin; this._bar.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$bar.png"); var progressSkin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$progress.png"); if (Laya.Loader.getRes(progressSkin)) { if (!this._progress) { this.addChild(this._progress = new Image()); this._progress.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid; this.setChildIndex(this._progress, 1); } this._progress.skin = progressSkin; } this.setBarPoint(); this.callLater(this.changeValue); this._sizeChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } setBarPoint() { if (this.isVertical) this._bar.x = Math.round((this._bg.width - this._bar.width) * 0.5); else this._bar.y = Math.round((this._bg.height - this._bar.height) * 0.5); } measureWidth() { return Math.max(this._bg.width, this._bar.width); } measureHeight() { return Math.max(this._bg.height, this._bar.height); } _sizeChanged() { super._sizeChanged(); if (this.isVertical) this._bg.height = this.height; else this._bg.width = this.width; this.setBarPoint(); this.changeValue(); } get sizeGrid() { return this._bg.sizeGrid; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._bg.sizeGrid = value; this._bar.sizeGrid = value; if (this._progress) this._progress.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid; } setSlider(min, max, value) { this._value = -1; this._min = min; this._max = max > min ? max : min; this.value = value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value; } get tick() { return this._tick; } set tick(value) { if (this._tick != value) { this._tick = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } } changeValue() { if (this.tick != 0) { var pow = Math.pow(10, (this._tick + "").length - 1); this._value = Math.round(Math.round(this._value / this._tick) * this._tick * pow) / pow; } if (this._max >= this._max) { this._value = this._value > this._max ? this._max : this._value < this._min ? this._min : this._value; } else { this._value = this._value > this._min ? this._min : this._value < this._max ? this._max : this._value; } var num = this._max - this._min; if (num === 0) num = 1; if (this.isVertical) { this._bar.y = (this._value - this._min) / num * (this.height - this._bar.height); if (this._progress) this._progress.height = this._bar._y + 0.5 * this._bar.height; } else { this._bar.x = (this._value - this._min) / num * (this.width - this._bar.width); if (this._progress) this._progress.width = this._bar._x + 0.5 * this._bar.width; } } get max() { return this._max; } set max(value) { if (this._max != value) { this._max = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } } get min() { return this._min; } set min(value) { if (this._min != value) { this._min = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } } get value() { return this._value; } set value(num) { if (this._value != num) { var oldValue = this._value; this._value = num; this.changeValue(); if (this._value != oldValue) { this.sendChangeEvent(); } } } get allowClickBack() { return this._allowClickBack; } set allowClickBack(value) { if (this._allowClickBack != value) { this._allowClickBack = value; if (value) this._bg.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onBgMouseDown); else this._bg.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onBgMouseDown); } } onBgMouseDown(e) { var point = this._bg.getMousePoint(); if (this.isVertical) this.value = point.y / (this.height - this._bar.height) * (this._max - this._min) + this._min; else this.value = point.x / (this.width - this._bar.width) * (this._max - this._min) + this._min; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.value = Number(value); else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get bar() { return this._bar; } } Slider.label = null; Laya.ILaya.regClass(Slider); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Slider", Slider); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Slider", Slider); class ScrollBar extends UIComponent { constructor(skin = null) { super(); this.rollRatio = 0.97; this.scaleBar = true; this.autoHide = false; this.elasticDistance = 0; this.elasticBackTime = 500; this._showButtons = UIConfig.showButtons; this._scrollSize = 1; this._thumbPercent = 1; this._lastOffset = 0; this._checkElastic = false; this._isElastic = false; this._hide = false; this._clickOnly = true; this._touchScrollEnable = UIConfig.touchScrollEnable; this._mouseWheelEnable = UIConfig.mouseWheelEnable; this.skin = skin; this.max = 1; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this.stopScroll(); this.target = null; super.destroy(destroyChild); this.upButton && this.upButton.destroy(destroyChild); this.downButton && this.downButton.destroy(destroyChild); this.slider && this.slider.destroy(destroyChild); this.upButton = this.downButton = null; this.slider = null; this.changeHandler = null; this._offsets = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this.slider = new Slider()); this.addChild(this.upButton = new Button()); this.addChild(this.downButton = new Button()); } initialize() { this.slider.showLabel = false; this.slider.tick = 0; this.slider.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onSliderChange); this.slider.setSlider(0, 0, 0); this.upButton.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onButtonMouseDown); this.downButton.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onButtonMouseDown); } onSliderChange() { if (this._value != this.slider.value) this.value = this.slider.value; } onButtonMouseDown(e) { var isUp = e.currentTarget === this.upButton; this.slide(isUp); Laya.ILaya.timer.once(Styles.scrollBarDelayTime, this, this.startLoop, [isUp]); Laya.ILaya.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onStageMouseUp); } startLoop(isUp) { Laya.ILaya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.slide, [isUp]); } slide(isUp) { if (isUp) this.value -= this._scrollSize; else this.value += this._scrollSize; } onStageMouseUp(e) { Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.startLoop); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.slide); } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (value == " ") return; if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (this._skin && !Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load([this._skin, this._skin.replace(".png", "$up.png"), this._skin.replace(".png", "$down.png"), this._skin.replace(".png", "$bar.png")], Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded)); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } } _skinLoaded() { if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.slider.skin = this._skin; this.callLater(this.changeScrollBar); this._sizeChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } changeScrollBar() { this.upButton.visible = this._showButtons; this.downButton.visible = this._showButtons; if (this._showButtons) { this.upButton.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$up.png"); this.downButton.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$down.png"); } if (this.slider.isVertical) this.slider.y = this._showButtons ? this.upButton.height : 0; else this.slider.x = this._showButtons ? this.upButton.width : 0; this.resetPositions(); this.repaint(); } _sizeChanged() { super._sizeChanged(); this.repaint(); this.resetPositions(); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this.value); } resetPositions() { if (this.slider.isVertical) this.slider.height = this.height - (this._showButtons ? (this.upButton.height + this.downButton.height) : 0); else this.slider.width = this.width - (this._showButtons ? (this.upButton.width + this.downButton.width) : 0); this.resetButtonPosition(); } resetButtonPosition() { if (this.slider.isVertical) this.downButton.y = this.slider._y + this.slider.height; else this.downButton.x = this.slider._x + this.slider.width; } measureWidth() { if (this.slider.isVertical) return this.slider.width; return 100; } measureHeight() { if (this.slider.isVertical) return 100; return this.slider.height; } setScroll(min, max, value) { this.runCallLater(this._sizeChanged); this.slider.setSlider(min, max, value); this.slider.bar.visible = max > 0; if (!this._hide && this.autoHide) this.visible = false; } get max() { return this.slider.max; } set max(value) { this.slider.max = value; } get min() { return this.slider.min; } set min(value) { this.slider.min = value; } get value() { return this._value; } set value(v) { if (v !== this._value) { this._value = v; if (!this._isElastic) { if (this.slider["_value"] != v) { this.slider["_value"] = v; this.slider.changeValue(); } this._value = this.slider["_value"]; } this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(this._value); } } get isVertical() { return this.slider.isVertical; } set isVertical(value) { this.slider.isVertical = value; } get sizeGrid() { return this.slider.sizeGrid; } set sizeGrid(value) { this.slider.sizeGrid = value; } get scrollSize() { return this._scrollSize; } set scrollSize(value) { this._scrollSize = value; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.value = Number(value); else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get thumbPercent() { return this._thumbPercent; } set thumbPercent(value) { this.runCallLater(this.changeScrollBar); this.runCallLater(this._sizeChanged); value = value >= 1 ? 0.99 : value; this._thumbPercent = value; if (this.scaleBar) { if (this.slider.isVertical) this.slider.bar.height = Math.max(this.slider.height * value, Styles.scrollBarMinNum); else this.slider.bar.width = Math.max(this.slider.width * value, Styles.scrollBarMinNum); } } get target() { return this._target; } set target(value) { if (this._target) { this._target.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, this.onTargetMouseWheel); this._target.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onTargetMouseDown); } this._target = value; if (value) { this._mouseWheelEnable && this._target.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, this.onTargetMouseWheel); this._touchScrollEnable && this._target.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onTargetMouseDown); } } get hide() { return this._hide; } set hide(value) { this._hide = value; this.visible = !value; } get showButtons() { return this._showButtons; } set showButtons(value) { this._showButtons = value; this.callLater(this.changeScrollBar); } get touchScrollEnable() { return this._touchScrollEnable; } set touchScrollEnable(value) { this._touchScrollEnable = value; this.target = this._target; } get mouseWheelEnable() { return this._mouseWheelEnable; } set mouseWheelEnable(value) { this._mouseWheelEnable = value; this.target = this._target; } onTargetMouseWheel(e) { this.value -= e.delta * this._scrollSize; this.target = this._target; } onTargetMouseDown(e) { if ((this.isLockedFun) && !this.isLockedFun(e)) return; this.event(Laya.Event.END); this._clickOnly = true; this._lastOffset = 0; this._checkElastic = false; this._lastPoint || (this._lastPoint = new Laya.Point()); this._lastPoint.setTo(Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseX, Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseY); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove); Laya.Tween.clearTween(this); Laya.ILaya.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.loop); } startDragForce() { this._clickOnly = true; this._lastOffset = 0; this._checkElastic = false; this._lastPoint || (this._lastPoint = new Laya.Point()); this._lastPoint.setTo(Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseX, Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseY); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove); Laya.Tween.clearTween(this); Laya.ILaya.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.loop); } cancelDragOp() { Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.loop); this._target.mouseEnabled = true; } checkTriggers(isTweenMove = false) { if (this.value >= 0 && this.value - this._lastOffset <= 0) { if ((this.triggerDownDragLimit) && this.triggerDownDragLimit(isTweenMove)) { this.cancelDragOp(); this.value = 0; return true; } } if (this.value <= this.max && (this.value - this._lastOffset >= this.max)) { if ((this.triggerUpDragLimit) && this.triggerUpDragLimit(isTweenMove)) { this.cancelDragOp(); this.value = this.max; return true; } } return false; } get lastOffset() { return this._lastOffset; } startTweenMoveForce(lastOffset) { this._lastOffset = lastOffset; Laya.ILaya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.tweenMove, [200]); } loop() { var mouseY = Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseY; var mouseX = Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseX; this._lastOffset = this.isVertical ? (mouseY - this._lastPoint.y) : (mouseX - this._lastPoint.x); if (this._clickOnly) { if (Math.abs(this._lastOffset * (this.isVertical ? Laya.ILaya.stage._canvasTransform.getScaleY() : Laya.ILaya.stage._canvasTransform.getScaleX())) > 1) { this._clickOnly = false; if (this.checkTriggers()) return; this._offsets || (this._offsets = []); this._offsets.length = 0; this._target.mouseEnabled = false; if (!this.hide && this.autoHide) { this.alpha = 1; this.visible = true; } this.event(Laya.Event.START); } else return; } else { if (this.checkTriggers()) return; } this._offsets.push(this._lastOffset); this._lastPoint.x = mouseX; this._lastPoint.y = mouseY; if (this._lastOffset === 0) return; if (!this._checkElastic) { if (this.elasticDistance > 0) { if (!this._checkElastic && this._lastOffset != 0) { if ((this._lastOffset > 0 && this._value <= this.min) || (this._lastOffset < 0 && this._value >= this.max)) { this._isElastic = true; this._checkElastic = true; } else { this._isElastic = false; } } } else { this._checkElastic = true; } } if (this._isElastic) { if (this._value <= this.min) { if (this._lastOffset > 0) { this.value -= this._lastOffset * Math.max(0, (1 - ((this.min - this._value) / this.elasticDistance))); } else { this.value -= this._lastOffset * 0.5; if (this._value >= this.min) this._checkElastic = false; } } else if (this._value >= this.max) { if (this._lastOffset < 0) { this.value -= this._lastOffset * Math.max(0, (1 - ((this._value - this.max) / this.elasticDistance))); } else { this.value -= this._lastOffset * 0.5; if (this._value <= this.max) this._checkElastic = false; } } } else { this.value -= this._lastOffset; } } onStageMouseUp2(e) { Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onStageMouseUp2); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.loop); if (this._clickOnly) { if (this._value >= this.min && this._value <= this.max) return; } this._target.mouseEnabled = true; if (this._isElastic) { if (this._value < this.min) { Laya.Tween.to(this, { value: this.min }, this.elasticBackTime, Laya.Ease.sineOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.elasticOver)); } else if (this._value > this.max) { Laya.Tween.to(this, { value: this.max }, this.elasticBackTime, Laya.Ease.sineOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.elasticOver)); } } else { if (!this._offsets) return; if (this._offsets.length < 1) { this._offsets[0] = this.isVertical ? Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseY - this._lastPoint.y : Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseX - this._lastPoint.x; } var offset = 0; var n = Math.min(this._offsets.length, 3); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { offset += this._offsets[this._offsets.length - 1 - i]; } this._lastOffset = offset / n; offset = Math.abs(this._lastOffset); if (offset < 2) { this.event(Laya.Event.END); return; } if (offset > 250) this._lastOffset = this._lastOffset > 0 ? 250 : -250; var dis = Math.round(Math.abs(this.elasticDistance * (this._lastOffset / 150))); Laya.ILaya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this.tweenMove, [dis]); } } elasticOver() { this._isElastic = false; if (!this.hide && this.autoHide) { Laya.Tween.to(this, { alpha: 0 }, 500); } this.event(Laya.Event.END); } tweenMove(maxDistance) { this._lastOffset *= this.rollRatio; if (this.checkTriggers(true)) { return; } var tarSpeed; if (maxDistance > 0) { if (this._lastOffset > 0 && this.value <= this.min) { this._isElastic = true; tarSpeed = -(this.min - maxDistance - this.value) * 0.5; if (this._lastOffset > tarSpeed) this._lastOffset = tarSpeed; } else if (this._lastOffset < 0 && this.value >= this.max) { this._isElastic = true; tarSpeed = -(this.max + maxDistance - this.value) * 0.5; if (this._lastOffset < tarSpeed) this._lastOffset = tarSpeed; } } this.value -= this._lastOffset; if (Math.abs(this._lastOffset) < 0.1) { Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove); if (this._isElastic) { if (this._value < this.min) { Laya.Tween.to(this, { value: this.min }, this.elasticBackTime, Laya.Ease.sineOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.elasticOver)); } else if (this._value > this.max) { Laya.Tween.to(this, { value: this.max }, this.elasticBackTime, Laya.Ease.sineOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.elasticOver)); } else { this.elasticOver(); } return; } this.event(Laya.Event.END); if (!this.hide && this.autoHide) { Laya.Tween.to(this, { alpha: 0 }, 500); } } } stopScroll() { this.onStageMouseUp2(null); Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this.tweenMove); Laya.Tween.clearTween(this); } get tick() { return this.slider.tick; } set tick(value) { this.slider.tick = value; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(ScrollBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.ScrollBar", ScrollBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.ScrollBar", ScrollBar); class VScrollBar extends ScrollBar { } Laya.ILaya.regClass(VScrollBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.VScrollBar", VScrollBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.VScrollBar", VScrollBar); class HScrollBar extends ScrollBar { initialize() { super.initialize(); this.slider.isVertical = false; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(HScrollBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.HScrollBar", HScrollBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.HScrollBar", HScrollBar); class List extends Box { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.selectEnable = false; this.totalPage = 0; this._$componentType = "List"; this._repeatX = 0; this._repeatY = 0; this._repeatX2 = 0; this._repeatY2 = 0; this._spaceX = 0; this._spaceY = 0; this._cells = []; this._startIndex = 0; this._selectedIndex = -1; this._page = 0; this._isVertical = true; this._cellSize = 20; this._cellOffset = 0; this._createdLine = 0; this._offset = new Laya.Point(); this._usedCache = null; this._elasticEnabled = false; this._preLen = 0; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this._content && this._content.destroy(destroyChild); this._scrollBar && this._scrollBar.destroy(destroyChild); super.destroy(destroyChild); this._content = null; this._scrollBar = null; this._itemRender = null; this._cells = null; this._array = null; this.selectHandler = this.renderHandler = this.mouseHandler = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._content = new Box()); } set cacheAs(value) { super.cacheAs = value; if (this._scrollBar) { this._usedCache = null; if (value !== "none") this._scrollBar.on(Laya.Event.START, this, this.onScrollStart); else this._scrollBar.off(Laya.Event.START, this, this.onScrollStart); } } get cacheAs() { return super.cacheAs; } onScrollStart() { this._usedCache || (this._usedCache = super.cacheAs); super.cacheAs = "none"; this._scrollBar.once(Laya.Event.END, this, this.onScrollEnd); } onScrollEnd() { super.cacheAs = this._usedCache || 'none'; } get content() { return this._content; } get vScrollBarSkin() { return this._scrollBar ? this._scrollBar.skin : null; } set vScrollBarSkin(value) { this._removePreScrollBar(); var scrollBar = new VScrollBar(); scrollBar.name = "scrollBar"; scrollBar.right = 0; scrollBar.skin = value; scrollBar.elasticDistance = this._elasticEnabled ? 200 : 0; this.scrollBar = scrollBar; this.addChild(scrollBar); this._setCellChanged(); } _removePreScrollBar() { var preNode = this.removeChildByName("scrollBar"); if (preNode) preNode.destroy(true); } get hScrollBarSkin() { return this._scrollBar ? this._scrollBar.skin : null; } set hScrollBarSkin(value) { this._removePreScrollBar(); var scrollBar = new HScrollBar(); scrollBar.name = "scrollBar"; scrollBar.bottom = 0; scrollBar.skin = value; scrollBar.elasticDistance = this._elasticEnabled ? 200 : 0; this.scrollBar = scrollBar; this.addChild(scrollBar); this._setCellChanged(); } get scrollBar() { return this._scrollBar; } set scrollBar(value) { if (this._scrollBar != value) { this._scrollBar = value; if (value) { this._isVertical = this._scrollBar.isVertical; this.addChild(this._scrollBar); this._scrollBar.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onScrollBarChange); } } } get itemRender() { return this._itemRender; } set itemRender(value) { if (this._itemRender != value) { this._itemRender = value; for (var i = this._cells.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { this._cells[i].destroy(); } this._cells.length = 0; this._setCellChanged(); } } set width(value) { if (value != this._width) { super.width = value; this._setCellChanged(); } } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { if (value != this._height) { super.height = value; this._setCellChanged(); } } get height() { return super.height; } get repeatX() { return this._repeatX > 0 ? this._repeatX : this._repeatX2 > 0 ? this._repeatX2 : 1; } set repeatX(value) { this._repeatX = value; this._setCellChanged(); } get repeatY() { return this._repeatY > 0 ? this._repeatY : this._repeatY2 > 0 ? this._repeatY2 : 1; } set repeatY(value) { this._repeatY = value; this._setCellChanged(); } get spaceX() { return this._spaceX; } set spaceX(value) { this._spaceX = value; this._setCellChanged(); } get spaceY() { return this._spaceY; } set spaceY(value) { this._spaceY = value; this._setCellChanged(); } changeCells() { this._cellChanged = false; if (this._itemRender) { this.scrollBar = this.getChildByName("scrollBar"); var cell = this._getOneCell(); var cellWidth = (cell.width + this._spaceX) || 1; var cellHeight = (cell.height + this._spaceY) || 1; if (this._width > 0) this._repeatX2 = this._isVertical ? Math.round(this._width / cellWidth) : Math.ceil(this._width / cellWidth); if (this._height > 0) this._repeatY2 = this._isVertical ? Math.ceil(this._height / cellHeight) : Math.round(this._height / cellHeight); var listWidth = this._width ? this._width : (cellWidth * this.repeatX - this._spaceX); var listHeight = this._height ? this._height : (cellHeight * this.repeatY - this._spaceY); this._cellSize = this._isVertical ? cellHeight : cellWidth; this._cellOffset = this._isVertical ? (cellHeight * Math.max(this._repeatY2, this._repeatY) - listHeight - this._spaceY) : (cellWidth * Math.max(this._repeatX2, this._repeatX) - listWidth - this._spaceX); if (this._isVertical && this.vScrollBarSkin) this._scrollBar.height = listHeight; else if (!this._isVertical && this.hScrollBarSkin) this._scrollBar.width = listWidth; this.setContentSize(listWidth, listHeight); var numX = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY; var numY = (this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX) + (this._scrollBar ? 1 : 0); this._createItems(0, numX, numY); this._createdLine = numY; if (this._array) { this.array = this._array; this.runCallLater(this.renderItems); } } } _getOneCell() { if (this._cells.length === 0) { var item = this.createItem(); this._offset.setTo(item._x, item._y); if (this.cacheContent) return item; this._cells.push(item); } return this._cells[0]; } _createItems(startY, numX, numY) { var box = this._content; var cell = this._getOneCell(); var cellWidth = cell.width + this._spaceX; var cellHeight = cell.height + this._spaceY; if (this.cacheContent) { var cacheBox = new Box(); cacheBox.cacheAs = "normal"; cacheBox.pos((this._isVertical ? 0 : startY) * cellWidth, (this._isVertical ? startY : 0) * cellHeight); this._content.addChild(cacheBox); box = cacheBox; } else { var arr = []; for (var i = this._cells.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { var item = this._cells[i]; item.removeSelf(); arr.push(item); } this._cells.length = 0; } for (var k = startY; k < numY; k++) { for (var l = 0; l < numX; l++) { if (arr && arr.length) { cell = arr.pop(); } else { cell = this.createItem(); } cell.x = (this._isVertical ? l : k) * cellWidth - box._x; cell.y = (this._isVertical ? k : l) * cellHeight - box._y; cell.name = "item" + (k * numX + l); box.addChild(cell); this.addCell(cell); } } } createItem() { var arr = []; if (typeof (this._itemRender) == "function") { var box = new this._itemRender(); } else { box = Laya.SceneUtils.createComp(this._itemRender, null, null, arr); } if (arr.length == 0 && box["_watchMap"]) { var watchMap = box["_watchMap"]; for (var name in watchMap) { var a = watchMap[name]; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var watcher = a[i]; arr.push(watcher.comp, watcher.prop, watcher.value); } } } if (arr.length) box["_$bindData"] = arr; return box; } addCell(cell) { cell.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onCellMouse); cell.on(Laya.Event.RIGHT_CLICK, this, this.onCellMouse); cell.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER, this, this.onCellMouse); cell.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT, this, this.onCellMouse); cell.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onCellMouse); cell.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_UP, this, this.onCellMouse); this._cells.push(cell); } _afterInited() { this.initItems(); } initItems() { if (!this._itemRender && this.getChildByName("item0") != null) { this.repeatX = 1; var count; count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { var cell = this.getChildByName("item" + i); if (cell) { this.addCell(cell); count++; continue; } break; } this.repeatY = count; } } setContentSize(width, height) { this._content.width = width; this._content.height = height; if (this._scrollBar || this._offset.x != 0 || this._offset.y != 0) { this._content._style.scrollRect || (this._content.scrollRect = Laya.Rectangle.create()); this._content._style.scrollRect.setTo(-this._offset.x, -this._offset.y, width, height); this._content.scrollRect = this._content.scrollRect; } this.event(Laya.Event.RESIZE); } onCellMouse(e) { if (e.type === Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN) this._isMoved = false; var cell = e.currentTarget; var index = this._startIndex + this._cells.indexOf(cell); if (index < 0) return; if (e.type === Laya.Event.CLICK || e.type === Laya.Event.RIGHT_CLICK) { if (this.selectEnable && !this._isMoved) this.selectedIndex = index; else this.changeCellState(cell, true, 0); } else if ((e.type === Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER || e.type === Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT) && this._selectedIndex !== index) { this.changeCellState(cell, e.type === Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER, 0); } this.mouseHandler && this.mouseHandler.runWith([e, index]); } changeCellState(cell, visible, index) { var selectBox = cell.getChildByName("selectBox"); if (selectBox) { this.selectEnable = true; selectBox.visible = visible; selectBox.index = index; } } _sizeChanged() { super._sizeChanged(); this.setContentSize(this.width, this.height); if (this._scrollBar) this.callLater(this.onScrollBarChange); } onScrollBarChange(e = null) { this.runCallLater(this.changeCells); var scrollValue = this._scrollBar.value; var lineX = (this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY); var lineY = (this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX); var scrollLine = Math.floor(scrollValue / this._cellSize); if (!this.cacheContent) { var index = scrollLine * lineX; var num = 0; let down = true; var toIndex = 0; if (index > this._startIndex) { num = index - this._startIndex; toIndex = this._startIndex + lineX * (lineY + 1); this._isMoved = true; } else if (index < this._startIndex) { num = this._startIndex - index; down = false; toIndex = this._startIndex - 1; this._isMoved = true; } for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (down) { var cell = this._cells.shift(); this._cells[this._cells.length] = cell; var cellIndex = toIndex + i; } else { cell = this._cells.pop(); this._cells.unshift(cell); cellIndex = toIndex - i; } var pos = Math.floor(cellIndex / lineX) * this._cellSize; this._isVertical ? cell.y = pos : cell.x = pos; this.renderItem(cell, cellIndex); } this._startIndex = index; this.changeSelectStatus(); } else { num = (lineY + 1); if (this._createdLine - scrollLine < num) { this._createItems(this._createdLine, lineX, this._createdLine + num); this.renderItems(this._createdLine * lineX, 0); this._createdLine += num; } } var r = this._content._style.scrollRect; if (this._isVertical) { r.y = scrollValue - this._offset.y; r.x = -this._offset.x; } else { r.y = -this._offset.y; r.x = scrollValue - this._offset.x; } this._content.scrollRect = r; } posCell(cell, cellIndex) { if (!this._scrollBar) return; var lineX = (this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY); var pos = Math.floor(cellIndex / lineX) * this._cellSize; this._isVertical ? cell._y = pos : cell.x = pos; } get selectedIndex() { return this._selectedIndex; } set selectedIndex(value) { if (this._selectedIndex != value) { this._selectedIndex = value; this.changeSelectStatus(); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); this.selectHandler && this.selectHandler.runWith(value); this.startIndex = this._startIndex; } } changeSelectStatus() { for (var i = 0, n = this._cells.length; i < n; i++) { this.changeCellState(this._cells[i], this._selectedIndex === this._startIndex + i, 1); } } get selectedItem() { if (!this._array) return null; return this._selectedIndex != -1 ? this._array[this._selectedIndex] : null; } set selectedItem(value) { this._array && (this.selectedIndex = this._array.indexOf(value)); } get selection() { return this.getCell(this._selectedIndex); } set selection(value) { this.selectedIndex = this._startIndex + this._cells.indexOf(value); } get startIndex() { return this._startIndex; } set startIndex(value) { this._startIndex = value > 0 ? value : 0; this.callLater(this.renderItems); } renderItems(from = 0, to = 0) { for (var i = from, n = to || this._cells.length; i < n; i++) { this.renderItem(this._cells[i], this._startIndex + i); } this.changeSelectStatus(); } renderItem(cell, index) { if (this._array && index >= 0 && index < this._array.length) { cell.visible = true; if (cell["_$bindData"]) { cell["_dataSource"] = this._array[index]; this._bindData(cell, this._array[index]); } else cell.dataSource = this._array[index]; if (!this.cacheContent) { this.posCell(cell, index); } if (this.hasListener(Laya.Event.RENDER)) this.event(Laya.Event.RENDER, [cell, index]); if (this.renderHandler) this.renderHandler.runWith([cell, index]); } else { cell.visible = false; cell.dataSource = null; } } _bindData(cell, data) { var arr = cell._$bindData; for (var i = 0, n = arr.length; i < n; i++) { var ele = arr[i++]; var prop = arr[i++]; var value = arr[i]; var fun = UIUtils.getBindFun(value); ele[prop] = fun.call(this, data); } } get array() { return this._array; } set array(value) { this.runCallLater(this.changeCells); this._array = value || []; this._preLen = this._array.length; var length = this._array.length; this.totalPage = Math.ceil(length / (this.repeatX * this.repeatY)); this._selectedIndex = this._selectedIndex < length ? this._selectedIndex : length - 1; this.startIndex = this._startIndex; if (this._scrollBar) { this._scrollBar.stopScroll(); var numX = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY; var numY = this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX; var lineCount = Math.ceil(length / numX); var total = this._cellOffset > 0 ? this.totalPage + 1 : this.totalPage; if (total > 1 && lineCount >= numY) { this._scrollBar.scrollSize = this._cellSize; this._scrollBar.thumbPercent = numY / lineCount; this._scrollBar.setScroll(0, (lineCount - numY) * this._cellSize + this._cellOffset, this._scrollBar.value); this._scrollBar.target = this._content; } else { this._scrollBar.setScroll(0, 0, 0); this._scrollBar.target = this._content; } } } updateArray(array) { this._array = array; if (this._array) { let freshStart = this._preLen - this._startIndex; if (freshStart >= 0) this.renderItems(freshStart); this._preLen = this._array.length; } if (this._scrollBar) { var length = array.length; var numX = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY; var numY = this._isVertical ? this.repeatY : this.repeatX; var lineCount = Math.ceil(length / numX); if (lineCount >= numY) { this._scrollBar.thumbPercent = numY / lineCount; this._scrollBar.slider["_max"] = (lineCount - numY) * this._cellSize + this._cellOffset; } } } get page() { return this._page; } set page(value) { this._page = value; if (this._array) { this._page = value > 0 ? value : 0; this._page = this._page < this.totalPage ? this._page : this.totalPage - 1; this.startIndex = this._page * this.repeatX * this.repeatY; } } get length() { return this._array ? this._array.length : 0; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.selectedIndex = parseInt(value); else if (value instanceof Array) this.array = value; else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get cells() { this.runCallLater(this.changeCells); return this._cells; } get elasticEnabled() { return this._elasticEnabled; } set elasticEnabled(value) { this._elasticEnabled = value; if (this._scrollBar) { this._scrollBar.elasticDistance = value ? 200 : 0; } } refresh() { this.array = this._array; } getItem(index) { if (!this._array) return null; if (index > -1 && index < this._array.length) { return this._array[index]; } return null; } changeItem(index, source) { if (index > -1 && this._array && index < this._array.length) { this._array[index] = source; if (index >= this._startIndex && index < this._startIndex + this._cells.length) { this.renderItem(this.getCell(index), index); } } } setItem(index, source) { this.changeItem(index, source); } addItem(source) { if (!this.array) { this.array = [source]; } else { this._array.push(source); } this.array = this._array; } addItemAt(souce, index) { this._array.splice(index, 0, souce); this.array = this._array; } deleteItem(index) { if (this._array) { this._array.splice(index, 1); this.array = this._array; } } getCell(index) { this.runCallLater(this.changeCells); if (index > -1 && this._cells) { return this._cells[(index - this._startIndex) % this._cells.length]; } return null; } scrollTo(index) { if (this._scrollBar) { var numX = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY; this._scrollBar.value = Math.floor(index / numX) * this._cellSize; } else { this.startIndex = index; } } tweenTo(index, time = 200, complete = null) { if (this._scrollBar) { this._scrollBar.stopScroll(); var numX = this._isVertical ? this.repeatX : this.repeatY; Laya.Tween.to(this._scrollBar, { value: Math.floor(index / numX) * this._cellSize }, time, null, complete, 0, true); } else { this.startIndex = index; if (complete) complete.run(); } } _setCellChanged() { if (!this._cellChanged) { this._cellChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changeCells); } } commitMeasure() { this.runCallLater(this.changeCells); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(List); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.List", List); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.List", List); class ComboBox extends UIComponent { constructor(skin = null, labels = null) { super(); this._visibleNum = 6; this._itemColors = Styles.comboBoxItemColors; this._itemSize = 12; this._labels = []; this._selectedIndex = -1; this.itemRender = null; this.skin = skin; this.labels = labels; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.removeList); Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, this._onStageMouseWheel); super.destroy(destroyChild); this._button && this._button.destroy(destroyChild); this._list && this._list.destroy(destroyChild); this._button = null; this._list = null; this._itemColors = null; this._labels = null; this._selectHandler = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._button = new Button()); this._button.text.align = "left"; this._button.labelPadding = "0,0,0,5"; this._button.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onButtonMouseDown); } _createList() { this._list = new List(); if (this._scrollBarSkin) this._list.vScrollBarSkin = this._scrollBarSkin; this._setListEvent(this._list); } _setListEvent(list) { this._list.selectEnable = true; this._list.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onListDown); this._list.mouseHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.onlistItemMouse, null, false); if (this._list.scrollBar) this._list.scrollBar.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.onScrollBarDown); } onListDown(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } onScrollBarDown(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } onButtonMouseDown(e) { this.callLater(this.switchTo, [!this._isOpen]); } get skin() { return this._button.skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._button.skin != value) { this._button.skin = value; this._listChanged = true; } } measureWidth() { return this._button.width; } measureHeight() { return this._button.height; } changeList() { this._listChanged = false; var labelWidth = this.width - 2; var labelColor = this._itemColors[2]; this._itemHeight = this._itemSize + 6; this._list.itemRender = this.itemRender || { type: "Box", child: [{ type: "Label", props: { name: "label", x: 1, padding: "3,3,3,3", width: labelWidth, height: this._itemHeight, fontSize: this._itemSize, color: labelColor } }] }; this._list.repeatY = this._visibleNum; this._list.refresh(); } onlistItemMouse(e, index) { var type = e.type; if (type === Laya.Event.MOUSE_OVER || type === Laya.Event.MOUSE_OUT) { if (this._isCustomList) return; var box = this._list.getCell(index); if (!box) return; var label = box.getChildByName("label"); if (label) { if (type === Laya.Event.ROLL_OVER) { label.bgColor = this._itemColors[0]; label.color = this._itemColors[1]; } else { label.bgColor = null; label.color = this._itemColors[2]; } } } else if (type === Laya.Event.CLICK) { this.selectedIndex = index; this.isOpen = false; } } switchTo(value) { this.isOpen = value; } changeOpen() { this.isOpen = !this._isOpen; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._button.width = this._width; this._itemChanged = true; this._listChanged = true; } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._button.height = this._height; } get height() { return super.height; } get labels() { return this._labels.join(","); } set labels(value) { if (this._labels.length > 0) this.selectedIndex = -1; if (value) this._labels = value.split(","); else this._labels.length = 0; this._itemChanged = true; } changeItem() { this._itemChanged = false; this._listHeight = this._labels.length > 0 ? Math.min(this._visibleNum, this._labels.length) * this._itemHeight : this._itemHeight; if (!this._isCustomList) { var g = this._list.graphics; g.clear(true); g.drawRect(0, 0, this.width - 1, this._listHeight, this._itemColors[4], this._itemColors[3]); } var a = this._list.array || []; a.length = 0; for (var i = 0, n = this._labels.length; i < n; i++) { a.push({ label: this._labels[i] }); } this._list.height = this._listHeight; this._list.array = a; } get selectedIndex() { return this._selectedIndex; } set selectedIndex(value) { if (this._selectedIndex != value) { this._selectedIndex = value; if (this._labels.length > 0) this.changeSelected(); else this.callLater(this.changeSelected); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE, [Laya.Event.EMPTY.setTo(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this)]); this._selectHandler && this._selectHandler.runWith(this._selectedIndex); } } changeSelected() { this._button.label = this.selectedLabel; } get selectHandler() { return this._selectHandler; } set selectHandler(value) { this._selectHandler = value; } get selectedLabel() { return this._selectedIndex > -1 && this._selectedIndex < this._labels.length ? this._labels[this._selectedIndex] : null; } set selectedLabel(value) { this.selectedIndex = this._labels.indexOf(value); } get visibleNum() { return this._visibleNum; } set visibleNum(value) { this._visibleNum = value; this._listChanged = true; } get itemColors() { return String(this._itemColors); } set itemColors(value) { this._itemColors = UIUtils.fillArray(this._itemColors, value, String); this._listChanged = true; } get itemSize() { return this._itemSize; } set itemSize(value) { this._itemSize = value; this._listChanged = true; } get isOpen() { return this._isOpen; } set isOpen(value) { if (this._isOpen != value) { this._isOpen = value; this._button.selected = this._isOpen; if (this._isOpen) { this._list || this._createList(); this._listChanged && !this._isCustomList && this.changeList(); this._itemChanged && this.changeItem(); var p = this.localToGlobal(Laya.Point.TEMP.setTo(0, 0)); var py = p.y + this._button.height; py = py + this._listHeight <= Laya.ILaya.stage.height ? py : p.y - this._listHeight; this._list.pos(p.x, py); this._list.zOrder = 1001; Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this._list); Laya.ILaya.stage.once(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.removeList); Laya.ILaya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, this._onStageMouseWheel); this._list.selectedIndex = this._selectedIndex; } else { this._list && this._list.removeSelf(); } } } _onStageMouseWheel(e) { if (!this._list || this._list.contains(e.target)) return; this.removeList(null); } removeList(e) { Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this.removeList); Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_WHEEL, this, this._onStageMouseWheel); this.isOpen = false; } get scrollBarSkin() { return this._scrollBarSkin; } set scrollBarSkin(value) { this._scrollBarSkin = value; } get sizeGrid() { return this._button.sizeGrid; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._button.sizeGrid = value; } get scrollBar() { return this.list.scrollBar; } get button() { return this._button; } get list() { this._list || this._createList(); return this._list; } set list(value) { if (value) { value.removeSelf(); this._isCustomList = true; this._list = value; this._setListEvent(value); this._itemHeight = value.getCell(0).height + value.spaceY; } } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.selectedIndex = parseInt(value); else if (value instanceof Array) this.labels = value.join(","); else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } get labelColors() { return this._button.labelColors; } set labelColors(value) { if (this._button.labelColors != value) { this._button.labelColors = value; } } get labelPadding() { return this._button.text.padding.join(","); } set labelPadding(value) { this._button.text.padding = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.labelPadding, value, Number); } get labelSize() { return this._button.text.fontSize; } set labelSize(value) { this._button.text.fontSize = value; } get labelBold() { return this._button.text.bold; } set labelBold(value) { this._button.text.bold = value; } get labelFont() { return this._button.text.font; } set labelFont(value) { this._button.text.font = value; } get stateNum() { return this._button.stateNum; } set stateNum(value) { this._button.stateNum = value; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(ComboBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.ComboBox", ComboBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.ComboBox", ComboBox); class ProgressBar extends UIComponent { constructor(skin = null) { super(); this._value = 0.5; this.skin = skin; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._bg && this._bg.destroy(destroyChild); this._bar && this._bar.destroy(destroyChild); this._bg = this._bar = null; this.changeHandler = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._bg = new Image()); this.addChild(this._bar = new Image()); this._bar._bitmap.autoCacheCmd = false; } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (this._skin && !Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE, 1); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } } _skinLoaded() { if (this.destroyed) { return; } this._bg.skin = this._skin; this._bar.skin = this._skin.replace(".png", "$bar.png"); this.callLater(this.changeValue); this._sizeChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } measureWidth() { return this._bg.width; } measureHeight() { return this._bg.height; } get value() { return this._value; } set value(num) { if (this._value != num) { num = num > 1 ? 1 : num < 0 ? 0 : num; this._value = num; this.callLater(this.changeValue); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); this.changeHandler && this.changeHandler.runWith(num); } } changeValue() { if (this.sizeGrid) { var grid = this.sizeGrid.split(","); var left = Number(grid[3]); var right = Number(grid[1]); var max = this.width - left - right; var sw = max * this._value; this._bar.width = left + right + sw; this._bar.visible = this._bar.width > left + right; } else { this._bar.width = this.width * this._value; } } get bar() { return this._bar; } get bg() { return this._bg; } get sizeGrid() { return this._bg.sizeGrid; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._bg.sizeGrid = this._bar.sizeGrid = value; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._bg.width = this._width; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._bg.height = this._height; this._bar.height = this._height; } get height() { return super.height; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.value = Number(value); else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(ProgressBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.ProgressBar", ProgressBar); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.ProgressBar", ProgressBar); class Radio extends Button { constructor(skin = null, label = "") { super(skin, label); this.toggle = false; this._autoSize = false; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._value = null; } preinitialize() { super.preinitialize(); this.toggle = false; this._autoSize = false; } initialize() { super.initialize(); this.createText(); this._text.align = "left"; this._text.valign = "top"; this._text.width = 0; this.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onClick); } onClick(e) { this.selected = true; } get value() { return this._value != null ? this._value : this.label; } set value(obj) { this._value = obj; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Radio); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Radio", Radio); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Radio", Radio); class UIGroup extends Box { constructor(labels = null, skin = null) { super(); this._selectedIndex = -1; this._direction = "horizontal"; this._space = 0; this.skin = skin; this.labels = labels; } preinitialize() { this.mouseEnabled = true; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._items && (this._items.length = 0); this._items = null; this.selectHandler = null; } addItem(item, autoLayOut = true) { var display = item; var index = this._items.length; display.name = "item" + index; this.addChild(display); this.initItems(); if (autoLayOut && index > 0) { var preItem = this._items[index - 1]; if (this._direction == "horizontal") { display.x = preItem._x + preItem.width + this._space; } else { display.y = preItem._y + preItem.height + this._space; } } else { if (autoLayOut) { display.x = 0; display.y = 0; } } return index; } delItem(item, autoLayOut = true) { var index = this._items.indexOf(item); if (index != -1) { var display = item; this.removeChild(display); for (var i = index + 1, n = this._items.length; i < n; i++) { var child = this._items[i]; child.name = "item" + (i - 1); if (autoLayOut) { if (this._direction == "horizontal") { child.x -= display.width + this._space; } else { child.y -= display.height + this._space; } } } this.initItems(); if (this._selectedIndex > -1) { var newIndex; newIndex = this._selectedIndex < this._items.length ? this._selectedIndex : (this._selectedIndex - 1); this._selectedIndex = -1; this.selectedIndex = newIndex; } } } _afterInited() { this.initItems(); } initItems() { this._items || (this._items = []); this._items.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { var item = this.getChildByName("item" + i); if (item == null) break; this._items.push(item); item.selected = (i === this._selectedIndex); item.clickHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.itemClick, [i], false); } } itemClick(index) { this.selectedIndex = index; } get selectedIndex() { return this._selectedIndex; } set selectedIndex(value) { if (this._selectedIndex != value) { this.setSelect(this._selectedIndex, false); this._selectedIndex = value; this.setSelect(value, true); this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); this.selectHandler && this.selectHandler.runWith(this._selectedIndex); } } setSelect(index, selected) { if (this._items && index > -1 && index < this._items.length) this._items[index].selected = selected; } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (this._skin && !Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE, 1); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } } _skinLoaded() { this._setLabelChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } get labels() { return this._labels; } set labels(value) { if (this._labels != value) { this._labels = value; this.removeChildren(); this._setLabelChanged(); if (this._labels) { var a = this._labels.split(","); for (var i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i++) { var item = this.createItem(this._skin, a[i]); item.name = "item" + i; this.addChild(item); } } this.initItems(); } } createItem(skin, label) { return null; } get labelColors() { return this._labelColors; } set labelColors(value) { if (this._labelColors != value) { this._labelColors = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get labelStroke() { return this._labelStroke; } set labelStroke(value) { if (this._labelStroke != value) { this._labelStroke = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get labelStrokeColor() { return this._labelStrokeColor; } set labelStrokeColor(value) { if (this._labelStrokeColor != value) { this._labelStrokeColor = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get strokeColors() { return this._strokeColors; } set strokeColors(value) { if (this._strokeColors != value) { this._strokeColors = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get labelSize() { return this._labelSize; } set labelSize(value) { if (this._labelSize != value) { this._labelSize = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get stateNum() { return this._stateNum; } set stateNum(value) { if (this._stateNum != value) { this._stateNum = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get labelBold() { return this._labelBold; } set labelBold(value) { if (this._labelBold != value) { this._labelBold = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get labelFont() { return this._labelFont; } set labelFont(value) { if (this._labelFont != value) { this._labelFont = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get labelPadding() { return this._labelPadding; } set labelPadding(value) { if (this._labelPadding != value) { this._labelPadding = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } } get direction() { return this._direction; } set direction(value) { this._direction = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } get space() { return this._space; } set space(value) { this._space = value; this._setLabelChanged(); } changeLabels() { this._labelChanged = false; if (this._items) { var left = 0; for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; i++) { var btn = this._items[i]; this._skin && (btn.skin = this._skin); this._labelColors && (btn.labelColors = this._labelColors); this._labelSize && (btn.labelSize = this._labelSize); this._labelStroke && (btn.labelStroke = this._labelStroke); this._labelStrokeColor && (btn.labelStrokeColor = this._labelStrokeColor); this._strokeColors && (btn.strokeColors = this._strokeColors); this._labelBold && (btn.labelBold = this._labelBold); this._labelPadding && (btn.labelPadding = this._labelPadding); this._labelAlign && (btn.labelAlign = this._labelAlign); this._stateNum && (btn.stateNum = this._stateNum); this._labelFont && (btn.labelFont = this._labelFont); if (this._direction === "horizontal") { btn.y = 0; btn.x = left; left += btn.width + this._space; } else { btn.x = 0; btn.y = left; left += btn.height + this._space; } } } this._sizeChanged(); } commitMeasure() { this.runCallLater(this.changeLabels); } get items() { return this._items; } get selection() { return this._selectedIndex > -1 && this._selectedIndex < this._items.length ? this._items[this._selectedIndex] : null; } set selection(value) { this.selectedIndex = this._items.indexOf(value); } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') this.selectedIndex = parseInt(value); else if (value instanceof Array) this.labels = value.join(","); else super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } _setLabelChanged() { if (!this._labelChanged) { this._labelChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changeLabels); } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(UIGroup); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.UIGroup", UIGroup); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.UIGroup", UIGroup); class RadioGroup extends UIGroup { createItem(skin, label) { return new Radio(skin, label); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(RadioGroup); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.RadioGroup", RadioGroup); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.RadioGroup", RadioGroup); class Tab extends UIGroup { createItem(skin, label) { return new Button(skin, label); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Tab); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Tab", Tab); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Tab", Tab); class ViewStack extends Box { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._setIndexHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.setIndex, null, false); } setItems(views) { this.removeChildren(); var index = 0; for (var i = 0, n = views.length; i < n; i++) { var item = views[i]; if (item) { item.name = "item" + index; this.addChild(item); index++; } } this.initItems(); } addItem(view) { view.name = "item" + this._items.length; this.addChild(view); this.initItems(); } _afterInited() { this.initItems(); } initItems() { this._items = []; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { var item = this.getChildByName("item" + i); if (item == null) { break; } this._items.push(item); item.visible = (i == this._selectedIndex); } } get selectedIndex() { return this._selectedIndex; } set selectedIndex(value) { if (this._selectedIndex != value) { this.setSelect(this._selectedIndex, false); this._selectedIndex = value; this.setSelect(this._selectedIndex, true); } } setSelect(index, selected) { if (this._items && index > -1 && index < this._items.length) { this._items[index].visible = selected; } } get selection() { return this._selectedIndex > -1 && this._selectedIndex < this._items.length ? this._items[this._selectedIndex] : null; } set selection(value) { this.selectedIndex = this._items.indexOf(value); } get setIndexHandler() { return this._setIndexHandler; } set setIndexHandler(value) { this._setIndexHandler = value; } setIndex(index) { this.selectedIndex = index; } get items() { return this._items; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; if (typeof (value) == 'number' || typeof (value) == 'string') { this.selectedIndex = parseInt(value); } else { for (var prop in this._dataSource) { if (prop in this) { this[prop] = this._dataSource[prop]; } } } } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(ViewStack); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.ViewStack", ViewStack); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.ViewStack", ViewStack); class TextInput extends Label { constructor(text = "") { super(); this.text = text; this.skin = this.skin; } preinitialize() { this.mouseEnabled = true; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._bg && this._bg.destroy(); this._bg = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._tf = new Laya.Input()); this._tf.padding = Styles.inputLabelPadding; this._tf.on(Laya.Event.INPUT, this, this._onInput); this._tf.on(Laya.Event.ENTER, this, this._onEnter); this._tf.on(Laya.Event.BLUR, this, this._onBlur); this._tf.on(Laya.Event.FOCUS, this, this._onFocus); } _onFocus() { this.event(Laya.Event.FOCUS, this); } _onBlur() { this.event(Laya.Event.BLUR, this); } _onInput() { this.event(Laya.Event.INPUT, this); } _onEnter() { this.event(Laya.Event.ENTER, this); } initialize() { this.width = 128; this.height = 22; } get bg() { return this._bg; } set bg(value) { this.graphics = this._bg = value; } get skin() { return this._skin; } set skin(value) { if (this._skin != value) { this._skin = value; if (this._skin && !Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin)) { Laya.ILaya.loader.load(this._skin, Laya.Handler.create(this, this._skinLoaded), null, Laya.Loader.IMAGE, 1); } else { this._skinLoaded(); } } } _skinLoaded() { this._bg || (this.graphics = this._bg = new AutoBitmap()); this._bg.source = Laya.Loader.getRes(this._skin); this._width && (this._bg.width = this._width); this._height && (this._bg.height = this._height); this._sizeChanged(); this.event(Laya.Event.LOADED); } get sizeGrid() { return this._bg && this._bg.sizeGrid ? this._bg.sizeGrid.join(",") : null; } set sizeGrid(value) { this._bg || (this.graphics = this._bg = new AutoBitmap()); this._bg.sizeGrid = UIUtils.fillArray(Styles.defaultSizeGrid, value, Number); } set text(value) { if (this._tf.text != value) { value = value + ""; this._tf.text = value; this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); } } get text() { return super.text; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._bg && (this._bg.width = value); } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._bg && (this._bg.height = value); } get height() { return super.height; } get multiline() { return this._tf.multiline; } set multiline(value) { this._tf.multiline = value; } set editable(value) { this._tf.editable = value; } get editable() { return this._tf.editable; } select() { this._tf.select(); } get restrict() { return this._tf.restrict; } set restrict(pattern) { this._tf.restrict = pattern; } get prompt() { return this._tf.prompt; } set prompt(value) { this._tf.prompt = value; } get promptColor() { return this._tf.promptColor; } set promptColor(value) { this._tf.promptColor = value; } get maxChars() { return this._tf.maxChars; } set maxChars(value) { this._tf.maxChars = value; } get focus() { return this._tf.focus; } set focus(value) { this._tf.focus = value; } get type() { return this._tf.type; } set type(value) { this._tf.type = value; } setSelection(startIndex, endIndex) { this._tf.setSelection(startIndex, endIndex); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(TextInput); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.TextInput", TextInput); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.TextInput", TextInput); class TextArea extends TextInput { constructor(text = "") { super(text); this.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this._onTextChange); } _onTextChange() { this.callLater(this.changeScroll); } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.destroy(); this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.destroy(); this._vScrollBar = null; this._hScrollBar = null; super.destroy(destroyChild); } initialize() { this.width = 180; this.height = 150; this._tf.wordWrap = true; this.multiline = true; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this.callLater(this.changeScroll); } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this.callLater(this.changeScroll); } get height() { return super.height; } get vScrollBarSkin() { return this._vScrollBar ? this._vScrollBar.skin : null; } set vScrollBarSkin(value) { if (this._vScrollBar == null) { this.addChild(this._vScrollBar = new VScrollBar()); this._vScrollBar.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onVBarChanged); this._vScrollBar.target = this._tf; this.callLater(this.changeScroll); } this._vScrollBar.skin = value; } get hScrollBarSkin() { return this._hScrollBar ? this._hScrollBar.skin : null; } set hScrollBarSkin(value) { if (this._hScrollBar == null) { this.addChild(this._hScrollBar = new HScrollBar()); this._hScrollBar.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onHBarChanged); this._hScrollBar.mouseWheelEnable = false; this._hScrollBar.target = this._tf; this.callLater(this.changeScroll); } this._hScrollBar.skin = value; } onVBarChanged(e) { if (this._tf.scrollY != this._vScrollBar.value) { this._tf.scrollY = this._vScrollBar.value; } } onHBarChanged(e) { if (this._tf.scrollX != this._hScrollBar.value) { this._tf.scrollX = this._hScrollBar.value; } } get vScrollBar() { return this._vScrollBar; } get hScrollBar() { return this._hScrollBar; } get maxScrollY() { return this._tf.maxScrollY; } get scrollY() { return this._tf.scrollY; } get maxScrollX() { return this._tf.maxScrollX; } get scrollX() { return this._tf.scrollX; } changeScroll() { var vShow = this._vScrollBar && this._tf.maxScrollY > 0; var hShow = this._hScrollBar && this._tf.maxScrollX > 0; var showWidth = vShow ? this._width - this._vScrollBar.width : this._width; var showHeight = hShow ? this._height - this._hScrollBar.height : this._height; var padding = this._tf.padding || Styles.labelPadding; this._tf.width = showWidth; this._tf.height = showHeight; if (this._vScrollBar) { this._vScrollBar.x = this._width - this._vScrollBar.width - padding[2]; this._vScrollBar.y = padding[1]; this._vScrollBar.height = this._height - (hShow ? this._hScrollBar.height : 0) - padding[1] - padding[3]; this._vScrollBar.scrollSize = 1; this._vScrollBar.thumbPercent = showHeight / Math.max(this._tf.textHeight, showHeight); this._vScrollBar.setScroll(1, this._tf.maxScrollY, this._tf.scrollY); this._vScrollBar.visible = vShow; } if (this._hScrollBar) { this._hScrollBar.x = padding[0]; this._hScrollBar.y = this._height - this._hScrollBar.height - padding[3]; this._hScrollBar.width = this._width - (vShow ? this._vScrollBar.width : 0) - padding[0] - padding[2]; this._hScrollBar.scrollSize = Math.max(showWidth * 0.033, 1); this._hScrollBar.thumbPercent = showWidth / Math.max(this._tf.textWidth, showWidth); this._hScrollBar.setScroll(0, this.maxScrollX, this.scrollX); this._hScrollBar.visible = hShow; } } scrollTo(y) { this.commitMeasure(); this._tf.scrollY = y; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(TextArea); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.TextArea", TextArea); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.TextArea", TextArea); class ScaleBox extends Box { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._oldW = 0; this._oldH = 0; } onEnable() { Laya.ILaya.stage.on("resize", this, this.onResize); this.onResize(); } onDisable() { Laya.ILaya.stage.off("resize", this, this.onResize); } onResize() { let stage = Laya.ILaya.stage; if (this.width > 0 && this.height > 0) { var scale = Math.min(stage.width / this._oldW, stage.height / this._oldH); super.width = stage.width; super.height = stage.height; this.scale(scale, scale); } } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._oldW = value; } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._oldH = value; } get height() { return super.height; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(ScaleBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.ScaleBox", ScaleBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.ScaleBox", ScaleBox); class HSlider extends Slider { constructor(skin = null) { super(skin); this.isVertical = false; } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(HSlider); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.HSlider", HSlider); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.HSlider", HSlider); class Panel extends Box { constructor() { super(); this._usedCache = null; this._elasticEnabled = false; this.width = this.height = 100; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._content && this._content.destroy(destroyChild); this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.destroy(destroyChild); this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.destroy(destroyChild); this._vScrollBar = null; this._hScrollBar = null; this._content = null; } destroyChildren() { this._content.destroyChildren(); } createChildren() { super.addChild(this._content = new Box()); } addChild(child) { child.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setScrollChanged(); return this._content.addChild(child); } onResize() { this._setScrollChanged(); } addChildAt(child, index) { child.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setScrollChanged(); return this._content.addChildAt(child, index); } removeChild(child) { child.off(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setScrollChanged(); return this._content.removeChild(child); } removeChildAt(index) { this.getChildAt(index).off(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setScrollChanged(); return this._content.removeChildAt(index); } removeChildren(beginIndex = 0, endIndex = 0x7fffffff) { this._content.removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex); this._setScrollChanged(); return this; } getChildAt(index) { return this._content.getChildAt(index); } getChildByName(name) { return this._content.getChildByName(name); } getChildIndex(child) { return this._content.getChildIndex(child); } get numChildren() { return this._content.numChildren; } changeScroll() { this._scrollChanged = false; var contentW = this.contentWidth || 1; var contentH = this.contentHeight || 1; var vscroll = this._vScrollBar; var hscroll = this._hScrollBar; var vShow = vscroll && contentH > this._height; var hShow = hscroll && contentW > this._width; var showWidth = vShow ? this._width - vscroll.width : this._width; var showHeight = hShow ? this._height - hscroll.height : this._height; if (vscroll) { vscroll.x = this._width - vscroll.width; vscroll.y = 0; vscroll.height = this._height - (hShow ? hscroll.height : 0); vscroll.scrollSize = Math.max(this._height * 0.033, 1); vscroll.thumbPercent = showHeight / contentH; vscroll.setScroll(0, contentH - showHeight, vscroll.value); } if (hscroll) { hscroll.x = 0; hscroll.y = this._height - hscroll.height; hscroll.width = this._width - (vShow ? vscroll.width : 0); hscroll.scrollSize = Math.max(this._width * 0.033, 1); hscroll.thumbPercent = showWidth / contentW; hscroll.setScroll(0, contentW - showWidth, hscroll.value); } } _sizeChanged() { super._sizeChanged(); this.setContentSize(this._width, this._height); } get contentWidth() { var max = 0; for (var i = this._content.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var comp = this._content.getChildAt(i); max = Math.max(comp._x + comp.width * comp.scaleX - comp.pivotX, max); } return max; } get contentHeight() { var max = 0; for (var i = this._content.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var comp = this._content.getChildAt(i); max = Math.max(comp._y + comp.height * comp.scaleY - comp.pivotY, max); } return max; } setContentSize(width, height) { var content = this._content; content.width = width; content.height = height; content._style.scrollRect || (content.scrollRect = Laya.Rectangle.create()); content._style.scrollRect.setTo(0, 0, width, height); content.scrollRect = content.scrollRect; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._setScrollChanged(); } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._setScrollChanged(); } get height() { return super.height; } get vScrollBarSkin() { return this._vScrollBar ? this._vScrollBar.skin : null; } set vScrollBarSkin(value) { if (this._vScrollBar == null) { super.addChild(this._vScrollBar = new VScrollBar()); this._vScrollBar.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onScrollBarChange, [this._vScrollBar]); this._vScrollBar.target = this._content; this._vScrollBar.elasticDistance = this._elasticEnabled ? 200 : 0; this._setScrollChanged(); } this._vScrollBar.skin = value; } get hScrollBarSkin() { return this._hScrollBar ? this._hScrollBar.skin : null; } set hScrollBarSkin(value) { if (this._hScrollBar == null) { super.addChild(this._hScrollBar = new HScrollBar()); this._hScrollBar.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onScrollBarChange, [this._hScrollBar]); this._hScrollBar.target = this._content; this._hScrollBar.elasticDistance = this._elasticEnabled ? 200 : 0; this._setScrollChanged(); } this._hScrollBar.skin = value; } get vScrollBar() { return this._vScrollBar; } get hScrollBar() { return this._hScrollBar; } get content() { return this._content; } onScrollBarChange(scrollBar) { var rect = this._content._style.scrollRect; if (rect) { var start = Math.round(scrollBar.value); scrollBar.isVertical ? rect.y = start : rect.x = start; this._content.scrollRect = rect; } } scrollTo(x = 0, y = 0) { if (this.vScrollBar) this.vScrollBar.value = y; if (this.hScrollBar) this.hScrollBar.value = x; } refresh() { this.changeScroll(); } set cacheAs(value) { super.cacheAs = value; this._usedCache = null; if (value !== "none") { this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.on(Laya.Event.START, this, this.onScrollStart); this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.on(Laya.Event.START, this, this.onScrollStart); } else { this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.off(Laya.Event.START, this, this.onScrollStart); this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.off(Laya.Event.START, this, this.onScrollStart); } } get cacheAs() { return super.cacheAs; } get elasticEnabled() { return this._elasticEnabled; } set elasticEnabled(value) { this._elasticEnabled = value; if (this._vScrollBar) { this._vScrollBar.elasticDistance = value ? 200 : 0; } if (this._hScrollBar) { this._hScrollBar.elasticDistance = value ? 200 : 0; } } onScrollStart() { this._usedCache || (this._usedCache = super.cacheAs); super.cacheAs = "none"; this._hScrollBar && this._hScrollBar.once(Laya.Event.END, this, this.onScrollEnd); this._vScrollBar && this._vScrollBar.once(Laya.Event.END, this, this.onScrollEnd); } onScrollEnd() { super.cacheAs = this._usedCache; } _setScrollChanged() { if (!this._scrollChanged) { this._scrollChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changeScroll); } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Panel); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Panel", Panel); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Panel", Panel); class VSlider extends Slider { } Laya.ILaya.regClass(VSlider); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.VSlider", VSlider); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.VSlider", VSlider); class Tree extends Box { constructor() { super(); this._spaceLeft = 10; this._spaceBottom = 0; this._keepStatus = true; this.width = this.height = 200; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { super.destroy(destroyChild); this._list && this._list.destroy(destroyChild); this._list = null; this._source = null; this._renderHandler = null; } createChildren() { this.addChild(this._list = new List()); this._list.renderHandler = Laya.Handler.create(this, this.renderItem, null, false); this._list.repeatX = 1; this._list.on(Laya.Event.CHANGE, this, this.onListChange); } onListChange(e = null) { this.event(Laya.Event.CHANGE); } get keepStatus() { return this._keepStatus; } set keepStatus(value) { this._keepStatus = value; } get array() { return this._list.array; } set array(value) { if (this._keepStatus && this._list.array && value) { this.parseOpenStatus(this._list.array, value); } this._source = value; this._list.array = this.getArray(); } get source() { return this._source; } get list() { return this._list; } get itemRender() { return this._list.itemRender; } set itemRender(value) { this._list.itemRender = value; } get scrollBarSkin() { return this._list.vScrollBarSkin; } set scrollBarSkin(value) { this._list.vScrollBarSkin = value; } get scrollBar() { return this._list.scrollBar; } get mouseHandler() { return this._list.mouseHandler; } set mouseHandler(value) { this._list.mouseHandler = value; } get renderHandler() { return this._renderHandler; } set renderHandler(value) { this._renderHandler = value; } get spaceLeft() { return this._spaceLeft; } set spaceLeft(value) { this._spaceLeft = value; } get spaceBottom() { return this._list.spaceY; } set spaceBottom(value) { this._list.spaceY = value; } get selectedIndex() { return this._list.selectedIndex; } set selectedIndex(value) { this._list.selectedIndex = value; } get selectedItem() { return this._list.selectedItem; } set selectedItem(value) { this._list.selectedItem = value; } set width(value) { super.width = value; this._list.width = value; } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this._list.height = value; } get height() { return super.height; } getArray() { var arr = []; for (let key in this._source) { let item = this._source[key]; if (this.getParentOpenStatus(item)) { item.x = this._spaceLeft * this.getDepth(item); arr.push(item); } } return arr; } getDepth(item, num = 0) { if (item.nodeParent == null) return num; else return this.getDepth(item.nodeParent, num + 1); } getParentOpenStatus(item) { var parent = item.nodeParent; if (parent == null) { return true; } else { if (parent.isOpen) { if (parent.nodeParent != null) return this.getParentOpenStatus(parent); else return true; } else { return false; } } } renderItem(cell, index) { var item = cell.dataSource; if (item) { cell.left = item.x; var arrow = cell.getChildByName("arrow"); if (arrow) { if (item.hasChild) { arrow.visible = true; arrow.index = item.isOpen ? 1 : 0; arrow.tag = index; arrow.off(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onArrowClick); arrow.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this.onArrowClick); } else { arrow.visible = false; } } var folder = cell.getChildByName("folder"); if (folder) { if (folder.clipY == 2) { folder.index = item.isDirectory ? 0 : 1; } else { folder.index = item.isDirectory ? item.isOpen ? 1 : 0 : 2; } } this._renderHandler && this._renderHandler.runWith([cell, index]); } } onArrowClick(e) { var arrow = e.currentTarget; var index = arrow.tag; this._list.array[index].isOpen = !this._list.array[index].isOpen; this.event(Laya.Event.OPEN); this._list.array = this.getArray(); } setItemState(index, isOpen) { if (!this._list.array[index]) return; this._list.array[index].isOpen = isOpen; this._list.array = this.getArray(); } fresh() { this._list.array = this.getArray(); this.repaint(); } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; super.dataSource = value; } get dataSource() { return super.dataSource; } set xml(value) { var arr = []; this.parseXml(value.childNodes[0], arr, null, true); this.array = arr; } parseXml(xml, source, nodeParent, isRoot) { var obj; var list = xml.childNodes; var childCount = list.length; if (!isRoot) { obj = {}; var list2 = xml.attributes; for (let key in list2) { var attrs = list2[key]; var prop = attrs.nodeName; var value = attrs.nodeValue; obj[prop] = value == "true" ? true : value == "false" ? false : value; } obj.nodeParent = nodeParent; if (childCount > 0) obj.isDirectory = true; obj.hasChild = childCount > 0; source.push(obj); } for (var i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { var node = list[i]; this.parseXml(node, source, obj, false); } } parseOpenStatus(oldSource, newSource) { for (var i = 0, n = newSource.length; i < n; i++) { var newItem = newSource[i]; if (newItem.isDirectory) { for (var j = 0, m = oldSource.length; j < m; j++) { var oldItem = oldSource[j]; if (oldItem.isDirectory && this.isSameParent(oldItem, newItem) && newItem.label == oldItem.label) { newItem.isOpen = oldItem.isOpen; break; } } } } } isSameParent(item1, item2) { if (item1.nodeParent == null && item2.nodeParent == null) return true; else if (item1.nodeParent == null || item2.nodeParent == null) return false; else { if (item1.nodeParent.label == item2.nodeParent.label) return this.isSameParent(item1.nodeParent, item2.nodeParent); else return false; } } get selectedPath() { if (this._list.selectedItem) { return this._list.selectedItem.path; } return null; } filter(key) { if (Boolean(key)) { var result = []; this.getFilterSource(this._source, result, key); this._list.array = result; } else { this._list.array = this.getArray(); } } getFilterSource(array, result, key) { key = key.toLocaleLowerCase(); for (let item of array) { if (!item.isDirectory && String(item.label).toLowerCase().indexOf(key) > -1) { item.x = 0; result.push(item); } if (item.child && item.child.length > 0) { this.getFilterSource(item.child, result, key); } } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(Tree); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Tree", Tree); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Tree", Tree); class LayoutBox extends Box { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._space = 0; this._align = "none"; this._itemChanged = false; } addChild(child) { child.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setItemChanged(); return super.addChild(child); } onResize(e) { this._setItemChanged(); } addChildAt(child, index) { child.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setItemChanged(); return super.addChildAt(child, index); } removeChildAt(index) { this.getChildAt(index).off(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this.onResize); this._setItemChanged(); return super.removeChildAt(index); } refresh() { this._setItemChanged(); } changeItems() { this._itemChanged = false; } get space() { return this._space; } set space(value) { this._space = value; this._setItemChanged(); } get align() { return this._align; } set align(value) { this._align = value; this._setItemChanged(); } sortItem(items) { if (items) items.sort(function (a, b) { return a.y - b.y; }); } _setItemChanged() { if (!this._itemChanged) { this._itemChanged = true; this.callLater(this.changeItems); } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(LayoutBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.LayoutBox", LayoutBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.LayoutBox", LayoutBox); class HBox extends LayoutBox { sortItem(items) { if (items) items.sort(function (a, b) { return a.x - b.x; }); } set height(value) { if (this._height != value) { super.height = value; this.callLater(this.changeItems); } } get height() { return super.height; } changeItems() { this._itemChanged = false; var items = []; var maxHeight = 0; for (var i = 0, n = this.numChildren; i < n; i++) { var item = this.getChildAt(i); if (item) { items.push(item); maxHeight = this._height ? this._height : Math.max(maxHeight, item.height * item.scaleY); } } this.sortItem(items); var left = 0; for (i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) { item = items[i]; item.x = left; left += item.width * item.scaleX + this._space; if (this._align == HBox.TOP) { item.y = 0; } else if (this._align == HBox.MIDDLE) { item.y = (maxHeight - item.height * item.scaleY) * 0.5; } else if (this._align == HBox.BOTTOM) { item.y = maxHeight - item.height * item.scaleY; } } this._sizeChanged(); } } HBox.NONE = "none"; HBox.TOP = "top"; HBox.MIDDLE = "middle"; HBox.BOTTOM = "bottom"; Laya.ILaya.regClass(HBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.HBox", HBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.HBox", HBox); class VBox extends LayoutBox { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.isSortItem = false; } set width(value) { if (this._width != value) { super.width = value; this.callLater(this.changeItems); } } get width() { return super.width; } changeItems() { this._itemChanged = false; var items = []; var maxWidth = 0; for (var i = 0, n = this.numChildren; i < n; i++) { var item = this.getChildAt(i); if (item) { items.push(item); maxWidth = this._width ? this._width : Math.max(maxWidth, item.width * item.scaleX); } } if (this.isSortItem) { this.sortItem(items); } var top = 0; for (i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) { item = items[i]; item.y = top; top += item.height * item.scaleY + this._space; if (this._align == VBox.LEFT) { item.x = 0; } else if (this._align == VBox.CENTER) { item.x = (maxWidth - item.width * item.scaleX) * 0.5; } else if (this._align == VBox.RIGHT) { item.x = maxWidth - item.width * item.scaleX; } } this._sizeChanged(); } } VBox.NONE = "none"; VBox.LEFT = "left"; VBox.CENTER = "center"; VBox.RIGHT = "right"; Laya.ILaya.regClass(VBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.VBox", VBox); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.VBox", VBox); class FontClip extends Clip { constructor(skin = null, sheet = null) { super(); this._valueArr = ''; this._indexMap = null; this._sheet = null; this._direction = "horizontal"; this._spaceX = 0; this._spaceY = 0; this._align = "left"; this._wordsW = 0; this._wordsH = 0; if (skin) this.skin = skin; if (sheet) this.sheet = sheet; } createChildren() { this._bitmap = new AutoBitmap(); this.on(Laya.Event.LOADED, this, this._onClipLoaded); } _onClipLoaded() { this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get sheet() { return this._sheet; } set sheet(value) { value += ""; this._sheet = value; var arr = value.split(" "); this._clipX = String(arr[0]).length; this.clipY = arr.length; this._indexMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this._clipY; i++) { var line = arr[i].split(""); for (var j = 0, n = line.length; j < n; j++) { this._indexMap[line[j]] = i * this._clipX + j; } } } get value() { if (!this._valueArr) return ""; return this._valueArr; } set value(value) { value += ""; this._valueArr = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get direction() { return this._direction; } set direction(value) { this._direction = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get spaceX() { return this._spaceX; } set spaceX(value) { this._spaceX = value; if (this._direction === "horizontal") this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get spaceY() { return this._spaceY; } set spaceY(value) { this._spaceY = value; if (!(this._direction === "horizontal")) this.callLater(this.changeValue); } set align(v) { this._align = v; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get align() { return this._align; } changeValue() { if (!this._sources) return; if (!this._valueArr) return; this.graphics.clear(true); var texture; texture = this._sources[0]; if (!texture) return; var isHorizontal = (this._direction === "horizontal"); if (isHorizontal) { this._wordsW = this._valueArr.length * (texture.sourceWidth + this.spaceX); this._wordsH = texture.sourceHeight; } else { this._wordsW = texture.sourceWidth; this._wordsH = (texture.sourceHeight + this.spaceY) * this._valueArr.length; } var dX = 0; if (this._width) { switch (this._align) { case "center": dX = 0.5 * (this._width - this._wordsW); break; case "right": dX = this._width - this._wordsW; break; default: dX = 0; } } for (var i = 0, sz = this._valueArr.length; i < sz; i++) { var index = this._indexMap[this._valueArr.charAt(i)]; if (!this.sources[index]) continue; texture = this.sources[index]; if (isHorizontal) this.graphics.drawImage(texture, dX + i * (texture.sourceWidth + this.spaceX), 0, texture.sourceWidth, texture.sourceHeight); else this.graphics.drawImage(texture, 0 + dX, i * (texture.sourceHeight + this.spaceY), texture.sourceWidth, texture.sourceHeight); } if (!this._width) { this._widget.resetLayoutX(); this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } if (!this._height) { this._widget.resetLayoutY(); this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } } set width(value) { super.width = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; this.callLater(this.changeValue); } get height() { return super.height; } measureWidth() { return this._wordsW; } measureHeight() { return this._wordsH; } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this._valueArr = null; this._indexMap = null; this.graphics.clear(true); this.removeSelf(); this.off(Laya.Event.LOADED, this, this._onClipLoaded); super.destroy(destroyChild); } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(FontClip); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.FontClip", FontClip); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.FontClip", FontClip); class View extends Laya.Scene { constructor() { super(false); this._watchMap = {}; this._anchorX = NaN; this._anchorY = NaN; this._widget = Widget.EMPTY; this.createChildren(); } static __init__() { Laya.ILaya.ClassUtils.regShortClassName([ViewStack, Button, TextArea, ColorPicker, Box, ScaleBox, CheckBox, Clip, ComboBox, UIComponent, HScrollBar, HSlider, Image, Label, List, Panel, ProgressBar, Radio, RadioGroup, ScrollBar, Slider, Tab, TextInput, View, VScrollBar, VSlider, Tree, HBox, VBox, Laya.Animation, Laya.Text, FontClip]); } static regComponent(key, compClass) { Laya.ILaya.ClassUtils.regClass(key, compClass); } static regViewRuntime(key, compClass) { Laya.ILaya.ClassUtils.regClass(key, compClass); } static regUI(url, json) { Laya.ILaya.loader.cacheRes(url, json); } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this._watchMap = null; super.destroy(destroyChild); } changeData(key) { var arr = this._watchMap[key]; if (!arr) return; for (var i = 0, n = arr.length; i < n; i++) { var watcher = arr[i]; watcher.exe(this); } } get top() { return this._widget.top; } set top(value) { if (value != this._widget.top) { this._getWidget().top = value; } } get bottom() { return this._widget.bottom; } set bottom(value) { if (value != this._widget.bottom) { this._getWidget().bottom = value; } } get left() { return this._widget.left; } set left(value) { if (value != this._widget.left) { this._getWidget().left = value; } } get right() { return this._widget.right; } set right(value) { if (value != this._widget.right) { this._getWidget().right = value; } } get centerX() { return this._widget.centerX; } set centerX(value) { if (value != this._widget.centerX) { this._getWidget().centerX = value; } } get centerY() { return this._widget.centerY; } set centerY(value) { if (value != this._widget.centerY) { this._getWidget().centerY = value; } } get anchorX() { return this._anchorX; } set anchorX(value) { if (this._anchorX != value) { this._anchorX = value; this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } } get anchorY() { return this._anchorY; } set anchorY(value) { if (this._anchorY != value) { this._anchorY = value; this.callLater(this._sizeChanged); } } _sizeChanged() { if (!isNaN(this._anchorX)) this.pivotX = this.anchorX * this.width; if (!isNaN(this._anchorY)) this.pivotY = this.anchorY * this.height; this.event(Laya.Event.RESIZE); } _getWidget() { this._widget === Widget.EMPTY && (this._widget = this.addComponent(Widget)); return this._widget; } loadUI(path) { var uiView = View.uiMap[path]; View.uiMap && this.createView(uiView); } get dataSource() { return this._dataSource; } set dataSource(value) { this._dataSource = value; for (var name in value) { var comp = this.getChildByName(name); if (comp instanceof UIComponent) comp.dataSource = value[name]; else if (name in this && !(this[name] instanceof Function)) this[name] = value[name]; } } } View.uiMap = {}; Laya.ILaya.regClass(View); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.View", View); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.View", View); class IUI { } class DialogManager extends Laya.Sprite { constructor() { super(); this.maskLayer = new Laya.Sprite(); this.popupEffect = (dialog) => { dialog.scale(1, 1); dialog._effectTween = Laya.Tween.from(dialog, { x: Laya.ILaya.stage.width / 2, y: Laya.ILaya.stage.height / 2, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 }, 300, Laya.Ease.backOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.doOpen, [dialog]), 0, false, false); }; this.closeEffect = (dialog) => { dialog._effectTween = Laya.Tween.to(dialog, { x: Laya.ILaya.stage.width / 2, y: Laya.ILaya.stage.height / 2, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0 }, 300, Laya.Ease.strongOut, Laya.Handler.create(this, this.doClose, [dialog]), 0, false, false); }; this.popupEffectHandler = new Laya.Handler(this, this.popupEffect); this.closeEffectHandler = new Laya.Handler(this, this.closeEffect); this.mouseEnabled = this.maskLayer.mouseEnabled = true; this.zOrder = 1000; Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this); Laya.ILaya.stage.on(Laya.Event.RESIZE, this, this._onResize); if (UIConfig.closeDialogOnSide) this.maskLayer.on("click", this, this._closeOnSide); this._onResize(null); } _closeOnSide() { var dialog = this.getChildAt(this.numChildren - 1); if (dialog instanceof IUI.Dialog) dialog.close("side"); } setLockView(value) { if (!this.lockLayer) { this.lockLayer = new Box(); this.lockLayer.mouseEnabled = true; this.lockLayer.size(Laya.ILaya.stage.width, Laya.ILaya.stage.height); } this.lockLayer.removeChildren(); if (value) { value.centerX = value.centerY = 0; this.lockLayer.addChild(value); } } _onResize(e = null) { var width = this.maskLayer.width = Laya.ILaya.stage.width; var height = this.maskLayer.height = Laya.ILaya.stage.height; if (this.lockLayer) this.lockLayer.size(width, height); this.maskLayer.graphics.clear(true); this.maskLayer.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, UIConfig.popupBgColor); this.maskLayer.alpha = UIConfig.popupBgAlpha; for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var item = this.getChildAt(i); if (item.isPopupCenter) this._centerDialog(item); } } _centerDialog(dialog) { dialog.x = Math.round(((Laya.ILaya.stage.width - dialog.width) >> 1) + dialog.pivotX); dialog.y = Math.round(((Laya.ILaya.stage.height - dialog.height) >> 1) + dialog.pivotY); } open(dialog, closeOther = false, showEffect = false) { if (closeOther) this._closeAll(); this._clearDialogEffect(dialog); if (dialog.isPopupCenter) this._centerDialog(dialog); this.addChild(dialog); if (dialog.isModal || this._getBit(Laya.Const.HAS_ZORDER)) Laya.ILaya.timer.callLater(this, this._checkMask); if (showEffect && dialog.popupEffect != null) dialog.popupEffect.runWith(dialog); else this.doOpen(dialog); this.event(Laya.Event.OPEN); } _clearDialogEffect(dialog) { if (dialog._effectTween) { Laya.Tween.clear(dialog._effectTween); dialog._effectTween = null; } } doOpen(dialog) { dialog.onOpened(dialog._param); } lock(value) { if (this.lockLayer) { if (value) this.addChild(this.lockLayer); else this.lockLayer.removeSelf(); } } close(dialog) { this._clearDialogEffect(dialog); if (dialog.isShowEffect && dialog.closeEffect != null) dialog.closeEffect.runWith([dialog]); else this.doClose(dialog); this.event(Laya.Event.CLOSE); } doClose(dialog) { dialog.removeSelf(); dialog.isModal && this._checkMask(); dialog.closeHandler && dialog.closeHandler.runWith(dialog.closeType); dialog.onClosed(dialog.closeType); if (dialog.autoDestroyAtClosed) dialog.destroy(); } closeAll() { this._closeAll(); this.event(Laya.Event.CLOSE); } _closeAll() { for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var item = this.getChildAt(i); if (item && item.close != null) { this.doClose(item); } } } getDialogsByGroup(group) { var arr = []; for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var item = this.getChildAt(i); if (item && item.group === group) { arr.push(item); } } return arr; } closeByGroup(group) { var arr = []; for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var item = this.getChildAt(i); if (item && item.group === group) { item.close(); arr.push(item); } } return arr; } _checkMask() { this.maskLayer.removeSelf(); for (var i = this.numChildren - 1; i > -1; i--) { var dialog = this.getChildAt(i); if (dialog && dialog.isModal) { this.addChildAt(this.maskLayer, i); return; } } } } Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.DialogManager", DialogManager); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.DialogManager", DialogManager); class Dialog extends View { constructor() { super(); this.isShowEffect = true; this.isPopupCenter = true; this.popupEffect = Dialog.manager.popupEffectHandler; this.closeEffect = Dialog.manager.closeEffectHandler; this._dealDragArea(); this.on(Laya.Event.CLICK, this, this._onClick); } static get manager() { return Dialog._manager = Dialog._manager || new DialogManager(); } static set manager(value) { Dialog._manager = value; } _dealDragArea() { var dragTarget = this.getChildByName("drag"); if (dragTarget) { this.dragArea = dragTarget._x + "," + dragTarget._y + "," + dragTarget.width + "," + dragTarget.height; dragTarget.removeSelf(); } } get dragArea() { if (this._dragArea) return this._dragArea.toString(); return null; } set dragArea(value) { if (value) { var a = UIUtils.fillArray([0, 0, 0, 0], value, Number); this._dragArea = new Laya.Rectangle(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); this.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this._onMouseDown); } else { this._dragArea = null; this.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this._onMouseDown); } } _onMouseDown(e) { var point = this.getMousePoint(); if (this._dragArea.contains(point.x, point.y)) this.startDrag(); else this.stopDrag(); } _onClick(e) { var btn = e.target; if (btn) { switch (btn.name) { case Dialog.CLOSE: case Dialog.CANCEL: case Dialog.SURE: case Dialog.NO: case Dialog.OK: case Dialog.YES: this.close(btn.name); return; } } } open(closeOther = true, param = null) { this._dealDragArea(); this._param = param; Dialog.manager.open(this, closeOther, this.isShowEffect); Dialog.manager.lock(false); } close(type = null) { this.closeType = type; Dialog.manager.close(this); } destroy(destroyChild = true) { this.closeHandler = null; this.popupEffect = null; this.closeEffect = null; this._dragArea = null; super.destroy(destroyChild); } show(closeOther = false, showEffect = true) { this._open(false, closeOther, showEffect); } popup(closeOther = false, showEffect = true) { this._open(true, closeOther, showEffect); } _open(modal, closeOther, showEffect) { this.isModal = modal; this.isShowEffect = showEffect; Dialog.manager.lock(true); this.open(closeOther); } get isPopup() { return this.parent != null; } set zOrder(value) { super.zOrder = value; Dialog.manager._checkMask(); } get zOrder() { return super.zOrder; } static setLockView(view) { Dialog.manager.setLockView(view); } static lock(value) { Dialog.manager.lock(value); } static closeAll() { Dialog.manager.closeAll(); } static getDialogsByGroup(group) { return Dialog.manager.getDialogsByGroup(group); } static closeByGroup(group) { return Dialog.manager.closeByGroup(group); } } Dialog.CLOSE = "close"; Dialog.CANCEL = "cancel"; Dialog.SURE = "sure"; Dialog.NO = "no"; Dialog.YES = "yes"; Dialog.OK = "ok"; IUI.Dialog = Dialog; Laya.ILaya.regClass(Dialog); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.Dialog", Dialog); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.Dialog", Dialog); class TipManager extends UIComponent { constructor() { super(); this._tipBox = new UIComponent(); this._tipBox.addChild(this._tipText = new Laya.Text()); this._tipText.x = this._tipText.y = 5; this._tipText.color = TipManager.tipTextColor; this._defaultTipHandler = this._showDefaultTip; Laya.ILaya.stage.on(UIEvent.SHOW_TIP, this, this._onStageShowTip); Laya.ILaya.stage.on(UIEvent.HIDE_TIP, this, this._onStageHideTip); this.zOrder = 1100; } _onStageHideTip(e) { Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this._showTip); this.closeAll(); this.removeSelf(); } _onStageShowTip(data) { Laya.ILaya.timer.once(TipManager.tipDelay, this, this._showTip, [data], true); } _showTip(tip) { if (typeof (tip) == 'string') { var text = String(tip); if (Boolean(text)) { this._defaultTipHandler(text); } } else if (tip instanceof Laya.Handler) { tip.run(); } else if (tip instanceof Function) { tip.apply(); } { Laya.ILaya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this._onStageMouseMove); Laya.ILaya.stage.on(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this._onStageMouseDown); } this._onStageMouseMove(null); } _onStageMouseDown(e) { this.closeAll(); } _onStageMouseMove(e) { this._showToStage(this, TipManager.offsetX, TipManager.offsetY); } _showToStage(dis, offX = 0, offY = 0) { var rec = dis.getBounds(); dis.x = Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseX + offX; dis.y = Laya.ILaya.stage.mouseY + offY; if (dis._x + rec.width > Laya.ILaya.stage.width) { dis.x -= rec.width + offX; } if (dis._y + rec.height > Laya.ILaya.stage.height) { dis.y -= rec.height + offY; } } closeAll() { Laya.ILaya.timer.clear(this, this._showTip); Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_MOVE, this, this._onStageMouseMove); Laya.ILaya.stage.off(Laya.Event.MOUSE_DOWN, this, this._onStageMouseDown); this.removeChildren(); } showDislayTip(tip) { this.addChild(tip); this._showToStage(this); Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this); } _showDefaultTip(text) { this._tipText.text = text; var g = this._tipBox.graphics; g.clear(true); g.drawRect(0, 0, this._tipText.width + 10, this._tipText.height + 10, TipManager.tipBackColor); this.addChild(this._tipBox); this._showToStage(this); Laya.ILaya.stage.addChild(this); } get defaultTipHandler() { return this._defaultTipHandler; } set defaultTipHandler(value) { this._defaultTipHandler = value; } } TipManager.offsetX = 10; TipManager.offsetY = 15; TipManager.tipTextColor = "#ffffff"; TipManager.tipBackColor = "#111111"; TipManager.tipDelay = 200; Laya.ILaya.regClass(TipManager); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.TipManager", TipManager); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.TipManager", TipManager); class UILib { static __init__() { } } class WXOpenDataViewer extends UIComponent { constructor() { super(); this._width = this._height = 200; var tex = new Laya.Texture(); tex.bitmap = new Laya.Texture2D(); this.texture = tex; } onEnable() { this.postMsg({ type: "display", rate: Laya.Laya.stage.frameRate }); if (window.wx && window.sharedCanvas) Laya.Laya.timer.frameLoop(1, this, this._onLoop); } onDisable() { this.postMsg({ type: "undisplay" }); Laya.Laya.timer.clear(this, this._onLoop); } _onLoop() { let _canvas = window.sharedCanvas; this.texture.sourceWidth = _canvas.width; this.texture.sourceHeight = _canvas.height; this.texture.bitmap.loadImageSource(_canvas); } set width(value) { super.width = value; if (window.sharedCanvas) window.sharedCanvas.width = value; this.callLater(this._postMsg); } get width() { return super.width; } set height(value) { super.height = value; if (window.sharedCanvas) window.sharedCanvas.height = value; this.callLater(this._postMsg); } get height() { return super.height; } set x(value) { super.x = value; this.callLater(this._postMsg); } get x() { return super.x; } set y(value) { super.y = value; this.callLater(this._postMsg); } get y() { return super.y; } _postMsg() { var mat = new Laya.Matrix(); mat.translate(this.x, this.y); var stage = Laya.Laya.stage; mat.scale(stage._canvasTransform.getScaleX() * this.globalScaleX * stage.transform.getScaleX(), stage._canvasTransform.getScaleY() * this.globalScaleY * stage.transform.getScaleY()); this.postMsg({ type: "changeMatrix", a: mat.a, b: mat.b, c: mat.c, d: mat.d, tx: mat.tx, ty: mat.ty, w: this.width, h: this.height }); } postMsg(msg) { if (window.wx && window.wx.getOpenDataContext) { var openDataContext = window.wx.getOpenDataContext(); openDataContext.postMessage(msg); } } } Laya.ILaya.regClass(WXOpenDataViewer); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("laya.ui.WXOpenDataViewer", WXOpenDataViewer); Laya.ClassUtils.regClass("Laya.WXOpenDataViewer", WXOpenDataViewer); exports.AdvImage = AdvImage; exports.AutoBitmap = AutoBitmap; exports.Box = Box; exports.Button = Button; exports.CheckBox = CheckBox; exports.Clip = Clip; exports.ColorPicker = ColorPicker; exports.ComboBox = ComboBox; exports.Dialog = Dialog; exports.DialogManager = DialogManager; exports.FontClip = FontClip; exports.HBox = HBox; exports.HScrollBar = HScrollBar; exports.HSlider = HSlider; exports.IUI = IUI; exports.Image = Image; exports.Label = Label; exports.LayoutBox = LayoutBox; exports.List = List; exports.Panel = Panel; exports.ProgressBar = ProgressBar; exports.Radio = Radio; exports.RadioGroup = RadioGroup; exports.ScaleBox = ScaleBox; exports.ScrollBar = ScrollBar; exports.Slider = Slider; exports.Styles = Styles; exports.Tab = Tab; exports.TextArea = TextArea; exports.TextInput = TextInput; exports.TipManager = TipManager; exports.Tree = Tree; exports.UIComponent = UIComponent; exports.UIConfig = UIConfig; exports.UIEvent = UIEvent; exports.UIGroup = UIGroup; exports.UILib = UILib; exports.UIUtils = UIUtils; exports.VBox = VBox; exports.VScrollBar = VScrollBar; exports.VSlider = VSlider; exports.View = View; exports.ViewStack = ViewStack; exports.WXOpenDataViewer = WXOpenDataViewer; exports.Widget = Widget; }(window.Laya = window.Laya || {}, Laya));