import { Component, instantiate, Node, Prefab } from "cc"; export class ObjectPool { private prefab: Prefab; private parent: Node; private pooledObjects: PooledObject[] = []; private componentName: string; public constructor(prefab: Prefab, parent: Node, defaultPoolCount: number, componentName: string) { this.prefab = prefab; this.parent = parent; this.componentName = componentName; for (let i = 0; i < defaultPoolCount; i++) { this.pooledObjects.push(this.createNew()); } } public borrow(): T { const objectToBorrow: PooledObject | null = this.pooledObjects.find((o) => !o.IsBorrowed); if (objectToBorrow != null) { return objectToBorrow.borrow(); } return this.createNew().borrow(); } public return(object: T): void { const objectToReturn: PooledObject | null = this.pooledObjects.find((o) => o.Equals(object)); if (objectToReturn == null) { throw new Error("Object " + + " is not a member of the pool"); } objectToReturn.return(); } private createNew(): PooledObject { const newPooledObject: PooledObject = new PooledObject(this.prefab, this.parent, this.componentName); this.pooledObjects.push(newPooledObject); return newPooledObject; } } class PooledObject { private isBorrowed = false; private defaultParent: Node; private instancedNode: Node; private instancedComponent: T; public constructor(prefab: Prefab, defaultParent: Node, componentName: string) { this.defaultParent = defaultParent; this.instancedNode = instantiate(prefab); this.instancedComponent = this.instancedNode.getComponent(componentName); if (this.instancedComponent == null) { console.log("Object " + + " does not have component " + componentName); } this.clear(); } public get IsBorrowed(): boolean { return this.isBorrowed; } public Equals(component: T): boolean { return this.instancedComponent == component; } public borrow(): T { this.isBorrowed = true; return this.instancedComponent; } public return(): void { this.clear(); } private clear(): void { = false; this.instancedNode.parent = this.defaultParent; this.isBorrowed = false; } }