/* * This script is automatically generated by Cocos Creator and is only used for projects compatible with v2.1.0/v2.1.1/v2.2.1/v2.2.2 versions. * You do not need to manually add this script in any other project. * If you don't use cc.Action in your project, you can delete this script directly. * If your project is hosted in VCS such as git, submit this script together. * * 此脚本由 Cocos Creator 自动生成,仅用于兼容 v2.1.0/v2.1.1/v2.2.1/v2.2.2 版本的工程, * 你无需在任何其它项目中手动添加此脚本。 * 如果你的项目中没用到 Action,可直接删除该脚本。 * 如果你的项目有托管于 git 等版本库,请将此脚本一并上传。 */ cc.RotateTo._reverse = true;