122 lines
4.5 KiB
122 lines
4.5 KiB
import { _decorator, Component, Node, LabelComponent, SpriteFrame, SpriteComponent} from 'cc';
import { GameState, Player } from '../../core/gameState';
import { GobeUtil, ROOM_TYPE } from '../../core/gobeUtil';
import {Util} from '../../framework/util';
import { Constant } from '../../framework/constant';
import { ClientEvent } from '../../framework/clientEvent';
import { ResourceUtil } from '../../framework/resourceUtil';
import { DisplayManager } from '../../core/displayManager';
const { ccclass, property } = _decorator;
* Predefined variables
* Name = FightUI2
* DateTime = Mon Sep 06 2021 15:55:45 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)
* Author = yanli.huang
* FileBasename = fightUI2.ts
* FileBasenameNoExtension = fightUI2
* URL = db://assets/script/ui/fight/fightUI2.ts
* ManualUrl = https://docs.cocos.com/creator/3.3/manual/zh/
const MODEL_BOY: number = 0;//蓝色房主
const MODEL_GIRL: number = 1;
export class FightUI extends Component {
public aryPlayerDelay: LabelComponent[] = [];
public aryPlayerScore: LabelComponent[] = [];
public aryPlayerNode: Node[] = [];
public aryPlayerHead: SpriteComponent[] = [];
public aryHead: SpriteFrame[] = [];
public lbCountDown: LabelComponent = null!;
public ringNode: Node[] = [];
private _parent: DisplayManager = null!;
show(parent: DisplayManager) {
this.lbCountDown.string = Util.formatTimeForSecond(60, true);
this._parent = parent;
let gameState: GameState = this._parent.logicManager.currentGameState;
let players: Array<Player> = gameState.players;
for (let idx = 0; idx < players.length; idx++) {
let player: Player = players[idx];
if (!player.channel) {
this.aryPlayerNode[idx].active = false;
} else {
this.aryPlayerNode[idx].active = true;
let i = MODEL_BOY;
if (!GobeUtil.instance.checkIsRoomOwner(player.channel.openId)) {
if (player.channel.headUrl && player.channel.headUrl.length) {
ResourceUtil.loadSpriteFrameURL(player.channel.headUrl, this.aryPlayerHead[i]);
} else {
this.aryPlayerHead[i].spriteFrame = this.aryHead[i];
var isRoomOwner:boolean = GobeUtil.instance.checkIsRoomOwner(GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId);
this.ringNode[0].active = isRoomOwner;
this.ringNode[1].active = !isRoomOwner;
private _updatePlayerState() {
if (GobeUtil.instance.room
&& GobeUtil.instance.roomType != ROOM_TYPE.START) {
let gameState: GameState = this._parent.logicManager.currentGameState;
let players: Array<Player> = gameState.players;
for (let idx = 0; idx < players.length; idx++) {
let player: Player = players[idx];
if (player.channel) {
let i = MODEL_BOY;
if (!GobeUtil.instance.checkIsRoomOwner(player.channel.openId)) {
this.aryPlayerScore[i].string = `${player.score}`;
// this.aryPlayerDelay[i].string = `${player.channel.delayTime}ms`;
let curTime = gameState.time > 0 ? gameState.time : 0;
if(curTime > Constant.GAME_TIME){
curTime = Constant.GAME_TIME;
this.lbCountDown.string = Util.formatTimeForSecond(curTime, true);
lateUpdate (deltaTime: number) {
* [1] Class member could be defined like this.
* [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable.
* [3] Your initialization goes here.
* [4] Your update function goes here.
* Learn more about scripting: https://docs.cocos.com/creator/3.3/manual/zh/scripting/
* Learn more about CCClass: https://docs.cocos.com/creator/3.3/manual/zh/scripting/ccclass.html
* Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: https://docs.cocos.com/creator/3.3/manual/zh/scripting/life-cycle-callbacks.html