import { _decorator, Component, AnimationComponent, director } from 'cc'; import { PoolManager } from '../../framework/poolManager'; import { ClientEvent } from '../../framework/clientEvent'; import { Constant } from '../../framework/constant'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; @ccclass('TransitionPanel') export class TransitionPanel extends Component { private static TRANSITION_IN: string = 'transitionIn'; private static TRANSITION_OUT: string = 'transitionOut'; @property(AnimationComponent) animation: AnimationComponent = null!; private _loadSceneOver: boolean = false; private _sceneName: string = ''; show (sceneName: string) { this._sceneName = sceneName; director.addPersistRootNode(this.node); this._loadSceneOver = false;; director.preloadScene(Constant.SCENE_NAME.SLECT, () => { this._loadSceneOver = true; this._transitionOut(); }); } private _transitionOut () { if (this._loadSceneOver) { var self = this; director.loadScene(this._sceneName, ()=>{; self.animation.once(AnimationComponent.EventType.FINISHED, () => { director.removePersistRootNode(self.node); PoolManager.instance.putNode(self.node); ClientEvent.dispatchEvent(Constant.EVENT_NAME.ON_GAME_321); }); }); } } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: * Learn more about CCClass: * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: */