import { _decorator, Component, Node, CCInteger, Vec3 } from 'cc'; import { Constant } from '../../framework/constant'; import { Util } from '../../framework/util'; import { PlayerData } from '../../framework/playerData'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; /** * Predefined variables * Name = easyTouch * DateTime = Wed May 11 2022 14:12:44 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) * Author = yu_meng123 * FileBasename = easyTouch.ts * FileBasenameNoExtension = easyTouch * URL = db://assets/script/game/easyTouch.ts * ManualUrl = * */ @ccclass('EasyTouch') export class EasyTouch extends Component { @property(Node) centerCircleNode: Node = null!; @property(Node) directionNode: Node = null!; @property(CCInteger) bgLength: number = 0; @property isLeftTouch: boolean = false; private _vec3_1: Vec3 = new Vec3(); private _lastPos: Vec3 = new Vec3(); private _vec3_Angle: Vec3 = new Vec3(0, 0, 0); private _lastX: number = 0; private _lastY: number = 0; start () { = false; setTimeout(() => { this._lastPos.set(this.node.position); }); } public startTouch (x: number, y: number) { this.node.setPosition(new Vec3(x, y)); = false; } public endTouch () { this.node.setPosition(this._lastPos); = false; // 左手 if (this.isLeftTouch) { PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_LEFT_X, 0); PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_LEFT_Y, 0); } // 右手 else { PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_RIGHT_X, 0); PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_RIGHT_Y, 0); } } /** * 移动 * * @param x * @param y */ public moveTouch (x: number, y: number) { var dis = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (dis > this.bgLength) { var per: number = this.bgLength / dis; x = per * x; y = per * y; this._vec3_1.set(x, y, 0); this.centerCircleNode.setPosition(this._vec3_1); } else { this._vec3_1.set(x, y, 0); this.centerCircleNode.setPosition(this._vec3_1); } var z: number = Math.atan(x / y) * 180 / Math.PI; if (y < 0) { z -= 180; } this._vec3_Angle.set(0, 0, z * -1); this.directionNode.eulerAngles = this._vec3_Angle; = true; // 左手 if (this.isLeftTouch) { PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_LEFT_X, x / this.bgLength); PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_LEFT_Y, y / this.bgLength); } // 右手 else { PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_RIGHT_X, x / this.bgLength); PlayerData.instance.updateEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_RIGHT_Y, y / this.bgLength); } } /** * 设置 上次便移的点 * @param x * @param y */ public setLastXY (x: number, y: number) { this._lastX = x; this._lastY = y; } /** * 通过数值更改位置 * * @param x * @param y */ public moveTouchByXY (x: number, y: number) { x = Math.ceil(x * 10) * 0.1; y = Math.ceil(y * 10) * 0.1; this._lastX = Util.lerp(this._lastX, x, 0.1); this._lastY = Util.lerp(this._lastY, y, 0.1); this._vec3_1.set(this._lastX * this.bgLength, this._lastY * this.bgLength, 0); this.centerCircleNode.setPosition(this._vec3_1); var z: number = Math.atan(x / y) * 180 / Math.PI; if (y < 0) { z -= 180; } this._vec3_Angle.set(0, 0, z * -1); this.directionNode.eulerAngles = this._vec3_Angle; } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: * Learn more about CCClass: * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: */