import { LogicManager } from './logicManager'; import { _decorator, Component, Vec3} from 'cc'; import { Player } from './gameState'; import { GobeUtil } from './gobeUtil'; const { ccclass } = _decorator; @ccclass('VirtualPlayer') export class VirtualPlayer extends Component { private _curAngleY: number = 0;//当前Y分量旋转角度 private _vec3_0:Vec3 = new Vec3(); private _angle_0:Vec3 = new Vec3(); private _next_vec3_0:Vec3 = new Vec3(); init(pos:Vec3) { this._curAngleY = 0; this._vec3_0.set(pos); } /** * 执行玩家行为 * * @param {*} obj * @memberof Player */ public playAction(obj: {action: number, posX: number, posZ: number, angleY: number}) { this._curAngleY = obj.angleY; this._vec3_0.set(obj.posX, 0, obj.posZ); this._angle_0.set(0, this._curAngleY, 0); } public playActionRecovery () { this.node.setRotationFromEuler(this._angle_0); this.node.setPosition(this._vec3_0); } public updateState (player: Player, scriptLogicManager: LogicManager) { Vec3.lerp(this._next_vec3_0, this.node.position, this._vec3_0, 0.2); this.node.setRotationFromEuler(this._angle_0); this.node.setPosition(this._next_vec3_0); if( == GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId){ scriptLogicManager.propLogic.handleProp(player, this.node, false); } else if(GobeUtil.instance.isAi){ scriptLogicManager.propLogic.handleProp(player, this.node, true); } } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: * Learn more about CCClass: * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: */