import { DisplayManager } from './displayManager'; import { _decorator, Component, Vec3, find, log} from 'cc'; import {ClientEvent} from '../framework/clientEvent'; import { Constant } from '../framework/constant'; import { GameState, Player, Channel, PropType} from './gameState'; import { PlayerLogic } from './playerLogic'; import { PropLogic } from './propLogic'; import { Util } from '../framework/util'; import { FrameInfo, PlayerInfo, RecvFrameMessage } from '../libs/GOBE'; import { GobeUtil, ROOM_TYPE, WIFI_TYPE } from './gobeUtil'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; /** * Predefined variables * Name = LogicManager * DateTime = Wed Sep 01 2021 17:31:10 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) * Author = yanli.huang * FileBasename = logicManager.ts * FileBasenameNoExtension = logicManager * URL = db://assets/script/fight/logicManager.ts * ManualUrl = * */ @ccclass('LogicManager') export class LogicManager extends Component { @property(PlayerLogic) public playerLogic: PlayerLogic = null!; @property(PropLogic) public propLogic: PropLogic = null!; public currentGameState: GameState = {} as GameState; public get scriptDisplayManager () { return find("display")?.getComponent(DisplayManager) as DisplayManager; } private _arrayGameState: {[index: number]: GameState} = []; private _startGameTime: number = 0; private _isGameing: boolean = false; start () { this._onGetRoomInfo(); this.playerLogic.init(this); this.propLogic.init(this); } onEnable () { ClientEvent.on(Constant.EVENT_NAME.ON_GAME_START, this._onStartGame, this); ClientEvent.on(Constant.EVENT_NAME.ON_GAME_END, this._onEndGame, this); ClientEvent.on(Constant.EVENT_NAME.CREATE_HAMMER, this._onCreateHammer, this); } onDisable () {, this._onStartGame, this);, this._onEndGame, this);, this._onCreateHammer, this); } private _onEndGame(){ if(this._isGameing){ this._isGameing = false; GobeUtil.instance.finishGame(); } } /** * 设置第0帧数据 */ public setDefaultGameState() { this._arrayGameState = []; this.playerLogic.reset(); this.propLogic.reset(); = 0; this.currentGameState.props = this.propLogic.initProps(); this.currentGameState.players = this.playerLogic.initPlayer(); this.currentGameState.frameTime =; this.currentGameState.createHammerTime = Constant.GAME_TIME - Constant.HAMMER_TIME; this._frameIndex = 0; } /** * 收到房间信息 */ private _onGetRoomInfo() { let playerList: PlayerInfo[] = GobeUtil.instance.roomPlayers; let players: Array = this.currentGameState.players; playerList.forEach((value: PlayerInfo, index: number) => { var pIndex:number = 0; if(!GobeUtil.instance.checkIsRoomOwner(value.playerId)){ pIndex = 1; } let player: Player = players[pIndex]; if (! = {} as Channel; = value.playerId; = value.customPlayerProperties as string; = value.customPlayerStatus as number; = 0; }); ClientEvent.dispatchEvent(Constant.EVENT_NAME.ON_GAME_READY); } /** * 开始帧同步操作 */ private _onStartGame() { this._isGameing = true; this._startGameTime = JSON.parse(["time"]; this._arrayGameState[0] = Util.clone(this.currentGameState); let gameState: GameState = this.currentGameState; let players: Array = gameState.players; this.playerLogic.updatePlayerNode(players); } /** * 创建锤子 * * @param hammerId */ private _onCreateHammer(pos:number[]){ this.currentGameState.props[this.propLogic.indexProp] = this.propLogic.generateProp(new Vec3(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]), 1, PropType.HAMMER); this.propLogic.indexProp++; } public checkIsReCovery(){ if(GobeUtil.instance.isDisJoin){ this._handleAction(()=>{ this.scriptDisplayManager.updateStateRecovery(this.currentGameState); this.playerLogic.updateStateRecovery(); this.scriptDisplayManager.updateProp(this.currentGameState); }); } } /** * 创建金币 * * @param hammerId */ public onCreateCoin(pos:number[][]){ this.propLogic.createCoinServer(pos); } lateUpdate(dt: number): void { if ( && GobeUtil.instance.roomType != ROOM_TYPE.START || !this._isGameing) { // this.scriptDisplayManager.updateState(0.1, this.currentGameState, true); return; } this._handleAction(); var frameTime : number = GobeUtil.instance.time + GobeUtil.instance.serverTimeDis; this.currentGameState.time = Math.floor(Constant.GAME_TIME - (frameTime - this._startGameTime) / 1000); if (this.currentGameState.time <= 0) { this._isGameing = false; GobeUtil.instance.finishGame(); } this.playerLogic.updateState(); this.scriptDisplayManager.updateOwnState(this.currentGameState, dt); this.scriptDisplayManager.updateState(dt, this.currentGameState, false); this._checkPlayerScoreLead(); //生成锤子 if (this.currentGameState.createHammerTime == 0) { this.currentGameState.createHammerTime = this.currentGameState.time - Constant.HAMMER_TIME; console.log("aaaaa", this.currentGameState.createHammerTime); } if((!GobeUtil.instance.isRoomOwnIn && !GobeUtil.instance.checkIsRoomOwner(GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId)) || GobeUtil.instance.checkIsRoomOwner(GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId)){ if (this.currentGameState.time < this.currentGameState.createHammerTime) { console.log("aaaaaa", this.currentGameState.time, this.currentGameState.createHammerTime); this.currentGameState.createHammerTime = this.currentGameState.time - Constant.HAMMER_TIME; GobeUtil.instance.createHammer(this.currentGameState.time - Constant.HAMMER_TIME); } } } /** * 设置分数领先的玩家 */ private _checkPlayerScoreLead () { let maxScoreIdx = -1; let maxScore: number = 0; for (let idx in this.currentGameState.players) { let player: Player = this.currentGameState.players[idx]; if ( { if (maxScore < player.score) { maxScore = player.score; } } } //初始分数都为零则不设置谁领先 if (maxScore === 0) { return; } //筛选出分数相同的玩家 let arrMaxScorePlayer = this.currentGameState.players.filter((player: Player)=>{ return player.score === maxScore; }) // 玩家分数得超越另一位才能标记分数领先 for (let index = 0; index < arrMaxScorePlayer.length; index++) { const player = arrMaxScorePlayer[index]; if (player.isScoreLead) { maxScoreIdx =; break; } } if (maxScoreIdx === -1) { maxScoreIdx = arrMaxScorePlayer[0].id; } this.currentGameState.players.forEach((player: Player)=>{ player.isScoreLead = === maxScoreIdx; }) } private _frameIndex:number = 0; private _isAiHit:boolean = false; /** * 处理玩家操作 * @param frame 帧数据 */ private _handleAction(callback:Function = null) { if(this._frameIndex > GobeUtil.instance.currFrame){ return; } var frames : FrameInfo[] = []; if(GobeUtil.instance.recvMap.has(this._frameIndex)){ frames = GobeUtil.instance.recvMap.get(this._frameIndex); this._frameIndex ++; } else{ this._frameIndex ++; } for(var index:number = 0; index < frames.length; index ++){ let playerId: string = frames[index].playerId; let players: Array = this.currentGameState.players; let result = players.filter((value: Player) => { return && === playerId; }); if (!result.length) return; var msg:string = frames[index].data[0]; let data: {A: number, V: number, I: string, X: number, Z: number, AI: number, Y:number, MX:number, MY:number, T:number} = JSON.parse(msg); switch(data.A) { case Constant.ACTION.RUN: this.scriptDisplayManager.updateRun(playerId, this.currentGameState); break; case Constant.ACTION.IDLE: this.scriptDisplayManager.updateIdle(playerId, this.currentGameState); break; case Constant.ACTION.MOVE: if(data.AI == 1){ players[Constant.AI_PLAYER].position = new Vec3(data.X, 0, data.Z); players[Constant.AI_PLAYER].eulerAngles = new Vec3(0, data.V, 0); this.playerLogic.move(Constant.AI_PLAYER, data.X, data.Z, data.V); }else{ result[0].position = new Vec3(data.X, 0, data.Z); result[0].eulerAngles = new Vec3(0, data.V, 0); result[0].moveX = data.MX; result[0].moveY = data.MY; this.playerLogic.move(result[0].id, data.X, data.Z, data.V); } break; case Constant.ACTION.STOP_MOVE: this.playerLogic.stopMove(result[0], 0, 0, 0); break; case Constant.ACTION.HEART_BEAT: result[0].channel.delayTime = data.V as number; break; case Constant.ACTION.HIT: if(data.AI == 1){ this._isAiHit = true; players[Constant.AI_PLAYER].attackPropType = PropType.HAMMER; players[Constant.AI_PLAYER].eulerAngles = new Vec3(0, data.V, 0); }else{ this._isAiHit = false; result[0].attackPropType = PropType.HAMMER; result[0].eulerAngles = new Vec3(0, data.V, 0); } break; case Constant.ACTION.IS_ATTACK_ED: if(this._isAiHit){ result[0].attackPropType = PropType.HAMMER_ED; var coinCount:number = 0; if(result[0].score > 10){ coinCount = 10; result[0].score -= 10; } else{ coinCount = result[0].score; result[0].score = 0; } this.propLogic.createCoinByHammer(coinCount, result[0].position); }else{ players.filter((valueOther: Player) => { if( && != playerId){ valueOther.attackPropType = PropType.HAMMER_ED; var coinCount:number = 0; if(valueOther.score > 10){ coinCount = 10; valueOther.score -= 10; } else{ coinCount = valueOther.score; valueOther.score = 0; } if( != GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId){ this.propLogic.createCoinByHammer(coinCount, valueOther.position); } } }); } break; case Constant.ACTION.HAMMER: var bool = this.propLogic.removePropId(data.V); if(bool){ if(data.AI == 1){ players[Constant.AI_PLAYER].hammerCount = 1; }else{ result[0].hammerCount = 1; } } break; case Constant.ACTION.ICON: var bool = this.propLogic.removePropId(data.V); // if(bool){ if(data.AI == 1){ players[Constant.AI_PLAYER].score++; }else{ result[0].score++; } // } break; case Constant.ACTION.CREATE_HAMMER: console.log("aaaaa", data); ClientEvent.dispatchEvent(Constant.EVENT_NAME.CREATE_HAMMER, [data.X, data.Y, data.Z]); GobeUtil.instance.hammerIndex = data.V + 1; this.currentGameState.createHammerTime = data.T; break; case Constant.ACTION.CREATE_ICON: var info = JSON.parse(data.I); ClientEvent.dispatchEvent(Constant.EVENT_NAME.CREATE_COIN, info["coin_pos"]); break; } } if(callback){ callback(); } this._handleAction(callback); } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: * Learn more about CCClass: * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: */