import { _decorator, Component, Node, SkinningModelComponent, ParticleSystemComponent, Vec3, Mat4, log } from 'cc'; import { ClientEvent }from '../framework/clientEvent'; import { AudioManager } from '../framework/audioManager'; import { PoolManager} from '../framework/poolManager'; import { ResourceUtil } from '../framework/resourceUtil'; import { Constant } from '../framework/constant'; import { DisplayManager } from './displayManager'; import { FighterModel } from './fighterModel'; import { Player, PropType} from './gameState'; import { EffectManager } from '../framework/effectManager'; import { Util } from '../framework/util'; import { PlayerData } from '../framework/playerData'; import { LogicManager } from './logicManager'; import { GobeUtil } from './gobeUtil'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; /** * Predefined variables * Name = Player * DateTime = Tue Sep 07 2021 12:38:14 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) * Author = yanli.huang * FileBasename = player.ts * FileBasenameNoExtension = player * URL = db://assets/script/core/player.ts * ManualUrl = * */ enum PlayType { null, idle, run, attack, is_attack, game_over, } let vec_0:Vec3 = new Vec3(); let vec_1:Vec3 = new Vec3(); let vec_2:Vec3 = new Vec3(); @ccclass('Fighter') export class Fighter extends Component { @property(Node) public ndSocketCrown: Node = null!;//皇冠挂载节点 @property(SkinningModelComponent) public model: SkinningModelComponent = null!; @property(FighterModel) public fighterModel: FighterModel = null!; @property(Node) public ndSocketWeapon: Node = null!;//武器挂载节点 private _aiPosNode:Node = null!; // ai点 public playerState: Player = null!;//玩家状态信息 private _ndCrown: Node = null!;//皇冠 private _ndHammer: Node = null!;//锤子 private _isPlayRunningEffect: boolean = false; private _runEffect: Node = null!; private _score: number = 0; private _mat:Mat4 = new Mat4(); private _ndHammerTrial: Node = null!;//挂在锤子上的拖尾特效节点 private _parent: DisplayManager = null!; private vec3_pos: Vec3 = new Vec3(); private vec3_angle: Vec3 = new Vec3(); private vec3_lastPos: Vec3 = new Vec3(); private vec3_pos_1: Vec3 = new Vec3(); private _moveIndex:number = 0; private _playType:PlayType = PlayType.null; public init(parent: DisplayManager, aiPosNode:Node) { this._aiPosNode = aiPosNode; this._parent = parent; this._isPlayRunningEffect = false; this._runEffect = null!; this._score = 0; this._aiPosIndex = 0; this.playIdle(); if (!this._ndCrown) { ResourceUtil.loadModelRes("crown/crown").then((pf: any)=>{ this._ndCrown = PoolManager.instance.getNode(pf, this.ndSocketCrown); = false; }) } else { = false; } if (!this._ndHammer) { ResourceUtil.loadModelRes("hammer/hammerProp").then((pf: any)=>{ this._ndHammer = PoolManager.instance.getNode(pf, this.ndSocketWeapon); this._ndHammer.setPosition(0, 0, 0); = false; this._hideHammerTrial(); }) } else { = false; this._hideHammerTrial(); } this.vec3_pos.set(0, 0, 0); this.vec3_angle.set(0, 0, 0); this.vec3_lastPos.set(0, 0, 0); this.vec3_pos_1.set(0, 0, 0); this._lastIndex = 0; vec_0.set(50, 0, 0); var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * Constant.AI_POS_INDEX[this._lastIndex].length); this._nextIndex = Constant.AI_POS_INDEX[this._lastIndex][index]; vec_1.set(this._aiPosNode.children[this._nextIndex - 1].position); var dis:number = Vec3.distance(vec_0, vec_1); this._posPer = Constant.AI_SPEED / dis; // console.log("1", this._nextIndex); } /** * 隐藏锤子上的拖尾特效 * * @private * @memberof Fighter */ private _hideHammerTrial () { if (!this._ndHammer) { return; } if (!this._ndHammerTrial) { this._ndHammerTrial = this._ndHammer.getChildByName("trail01") as Node; } if (this._ndHammerTrial && { = false; } } /** * 播放跑步效果 */ public playRun() { if(this._playType =={ return; } this._playType =; if (!this.fighterModel.isRunning) { this._isPlayRunningEffect = true; //播放移动粒子特效 if (this._runEffect) { = true; let particle = this._runEffect.getComponentInChildren(ParticleSystemComponent) as ParticleSystemComponent; particle.loop = true; particle.clear(); particle.stop();; } else { ResourceUtil.loadEffectRes("runningSmoke").then((pf: any)=>{ if (!this.fighterModel.isRunning) { return; //已经没在跑了 } this._runEffect = PoolManager.instance.getNode(pf, this.node); = true; let particle = this._runEffect.getComponentInChildren(ParticleSystemComponent) as ParticleSystemComponent; particle.loop = true; particle.clear(); particle.stop();; }) } } if ( { this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.RUN_1, true, false, ()=>{}, 1); this._hideHammerTrial(); } else { this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.RUN, true, false, ()=>{}, 1); } } /** * 攻击 * @param value */ public playAttack(value:Player, isActick:boolean) { if(this._playType == PlayType.attack){ return; } this._playType = PlayType.attack; value.hammerCount = 0; value.attackPropType = PropType.NULL; //使用锤子 AudioManager.instance.playSound(Constant.AUDIO_NAME.HIT); = true; EffectManager.instance.playTrail(this._ndHammerTrial); this.fighterModel.isActick = isActick; this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.ATTACK, false, false, ()=>{ this._hideHammerTrial(); = false; //武器消失 this.playIdle(); }, 1); } /** * 播放待机效果 */ public playIdle() { if(this._playType == PlayType.idle){ return; } this._playType = PlayType.idle; this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.IDLE, true, false, ()=>{}, 2); if (this._runEffect && this._isPlayRunningEffect) { let particle2 = this._runEffect.getComponentInChildren(ParticleSystemComponent) as ParticleSystemComponent; particle2.loop = false; } this._isPlayRunningEffect = false; } /** * 移动 */ public playMove(logicManager: LogicManager, dt:number, otherNode:Node, player:Player){ if(!(this._playType == PlayType.idle || this._playType =={ return; } if(player.hammerCount > 0){ var distance:number = Vec3.distance(this.vec3_lastPos, otherNode.position); if(distance < 5){ Vec3.subtract(this.vec3_pos_1, this.node.position, otherNode.position); var angleY:number = Math.atan(this.vec3_pos_1.z/this.vec3_pos_1.x) * 180 / Math.PI; if(this.vec3_pos_1.x < 0){ if(this.vec3_pos_1.z < 0){ angleY = 180 - angleY; }else { angleY = (angleY + 180) * -1; } }else{ angleY *= -1; } angleY-=90; GobeUtil.instance.sendFrame({'A': Constant.ACTION.HIT, 'V': angleY}); this.vec3_angle.y = angleY; this.node.eulerAngles = this.vec3_angle; this.playAttack(player, true); return; } } var leftY:number = PlayerData.instance.getEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_LEFT_Y); var leftX:number = PlayerData.instance.getEasyTouchInfo(Constant.EASY_TOUCH.TOUCH_LEFT_X); if (leftY == 0 && leftX == 0) { if(this._playType != PlayType.idle){ this.vec3_angle.set(this.node.eulerAngles.clone()); this.vec3_lastPos.set(this.node.position.clone()); GobeUtil.instance.sendFrame({'A': Constant.ACTION.MOVE, 'V': this.vec3_angle.y, 'X': this.vec3_lastPos.x, 'Z': this.vec3_lastPos.z, 'MX': leftX, 'MY': leftY}); } this.playIdle(); return; } this.playRun(); var angleY:number = Math.atan(leftX / leftY) * 180 / Math.PI; if(leftY < 0){ angleY -= 180; } this.vec3_angle.y = 180 - angleY; this.node.eulerAngles = this.vec3_angle; this.vec3_lastPos.set(this.node.position.clone()); this.vec3_pos.set(this.node.position.clone()); var speed:number = 1 - (this.node.scale.x - 1) * Constant.MIN_SPEED_PERCENT; this.vec3_pos.x += leftX * 0.2 * dt * 60 * speed; this.vec3_pos.z -= leftY * 0.2 * dt * 60 * speed; this._mat.m12 = this.vec3_pos.x; this._mat.m13 = this.vec3_pos.y; this._mat.m14 = this.vec3_lastPos.z; if (!logicManager.playerLogic.intersectWithObstacle(this._mat, this.node.rotation, this.node.scale, this.node.parent?.scale)) { this.vec3_lastPos.x = this.vec3_pos.x; } this._mat.m12 = this.vec3_lastPos.x; this._mat.m13 = this.vec3_pos.y; this._mat.m14 = this.vec3_pos.z; if (!logicManager.playerLogic.intersectWithObstacle(this._mat, this.node.rotation, this.node.scale, this.node.parent?.scale)) { this.vec3_lastPos.z = this.vec3_pos.z; } if(this._moveIndex == 0){ GobeUtil.instance.sendFrame({'A': Constant.ACTION.MOVE, 'V': this.vec3_angle.y, 'X': this.vec3_lastPos.x, 'Z': this.vec3_lastPos.z, 'MX': leftX, 'MY': leftY}); } this.node.setPosition(this.vec3_lastPos); this._moveIndex ++; if(this._moveIndex > 4){ this._moveIndex = 0; } } private _aiPosIndex:number = 0; private _nextIndex:number = 0; private _lastIndex:number = 0; private _posPer:number = 0; /** * 移动 */ public playMoveAi(logicManager: LogicManager, dt:number, otherNode:Node, player:Player){ if(!(this._playType == PlayType.idle || this._playType =={ return; } if(player.hammerCount > 0){ var distance:number = Vec3.distance(this.vec3_lastPos, otherNode.position); if(distance < 5){ Vec3.subtract(this.vec3_pos_1, this.node.position, otherNode.position); var angleY:number = Math.atan(this.vec3_pos_1.z/this.vec3_pos_1.x) * 180 / Math.PI; if(this.vec3_pos_1.x < 0){ if(this.vec3_pos_1.z < 0){ angleY = 180 - angleY; }else { angleY = (angleY + 180) * -1; } }else{ angleY *= -1; } angleY-=90; GobeUtil.instance.sendFrame({'A': Constant.ACTION.HIT, 'V': angleY, 'AI': 1}); this.vec3_angle.y = angleY; this.node.eulerAngles = this.vec3_angle; this.playAttack(player, true); return; } } this.playRun(); var speed:number = 1 - (this.node.scale.x - 1) * Constant.MIN_SPEED_PERCENT; this._aiPosIndex += this._posPer * speed; if(this._aiPosIndex >= 1){ vec_0.set(vec_1); var nextPos:number[] = []; for(var index:number = 0; index < Constant.AI_POS_INDEX[this._nextIndex].length; index ++){ if(Constant.AI_POS_INDEX[this._nextIndex][index] != this._lastIndex){ nextPos.push(Constant.AI_POS_INDEX[this._nextIndex][index]); } } this._lastIndex = this._nextIndex; var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * nextPos.length); this._nextIndex = nextPos[index]; vec_1.set(this._aiPosNode.children[this._nextIndex - 1].position); this._aiPosIndex -= 1; var dis:number = Vec3.distance(vec_0, vec_1); this._posPer = Constant.AI_SPEED / dis; } // 坐标 Vec3.lerp(this.vec3_pos, vec_0, vec_1, this._aiPosIndex); var leftX:number = vec_1.x - vec_0.x; var leftY:number = vec_0.z - vec_1.z; if(!(leftX == 0 && leftY == 0)){ var angleY:number = Math.atan(leftX / leftY) * 180 / Math.PI; if(leftY < 0){ angleY -= 180; } this.vec3_angle.y = 180 - angleY; this.node.eulerAngles = this.vec3_angle; } this.vec3_lastPos.set(this.node.position.clone()); this._mat.m12 = this.vec3_pos.x; this._mat.m13 = this.vec3_pos.y; this._mat.m14 = this.vec3_lastPos.z; if (!logicManager.playerLogic.intersectWithObstacle(this._mat, this.node.rotation, this.node.scale, this.node.parent?.scale)) { this.vec3_lastPos.x = this.vec3_pos.x; } this._mat.m12 = this.vec3_lastPos.x; this._mat.m13 = this.vec3_pos.y; this._mat.m14 = this.vec3_pos.z; if (!logicManager.playerLogic.intersectWithObstacle(this._mat, this.node.rotation, this.node.scale, this.node.parent?.scale)) { this.vec3_lastPos.z = this.vec3_pos.z; } if(this._moveIndex == 0){ GobeUtil.instance.sendFrame({'A': Constant.ACTION.MOVE, 'V': this.vec3_angle.y, 'X': this.vec3_lastPos.x, 'Z': this.vec3_lastPos.z, 'AI' : 1}); } this.node.setPosition(this.vec3_lastPos); this._moveIndex ++; if(this._moveIndex > 4){ this._moveIndex = 0; } } /** * 断线重连 * * @param value */ public updateStateRecovery(value: Player){ this.node.eulerAngles = value.eulerAngles; this.node.setPosition(value.position); //锤头显示 if (value.hammerCount && === false) { = true; } else if (value.hammerCount === 0 && && !this.fighterModel.isAttacking){ = false; } } /** * 根据帧数据更新玩家状态 * @param deltaTime * @param value 玩家数据 */ public updateState (deltaTime: number, value: Player, isCheck:boolean) { if(!(this._playType == PlayType.idle || this._playType =={ return; } this.playerState = value; // 其他玩家移动 if(isCheck || != GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId && !GobeUtil.instance.isAi){ var isAngle:boolean = false; //玩家转向 if (!value.eulerAngles.equals(this.node.eulerAngles)) { if( != GobeUtil.instance.ownPlayerId){ this.node.eulerAngles = value.eulerAngles; } isAngle = true; } // var dis:number = Vec3.distance(value.position, this.node.position); if(!(value.moveX == 0 && value.moveY == 0)){ Vec3.lerp(this.vec3_pos_1, this.node.position, value.position, 0.2); this.node.setPosition(this.vec3_pos_1); this.playRun(); }else if(isAngle){ this.playRun(); }else if (this._isPlayRunningEffect){ this.playIdle(); } // 吃道具 if (value.attackPropType === PropType.HAMMER) { this.node.setPosition(value.position); this.playAttack(value, false); } } if(value.attackPropType === PropType.HAMMER_ED){ value.attackPropType = PropType.NULL; // 被锤子攻击 this.onHammerHit(value); } //得分tips if (value.score > this._score) { let num: number = value.score - this._score; AudioManager.instance.playSound(Constant.AUDIO_NAME.GOLD); ClientEvent.dispatchEvent(Constant.EVENT_NAME.ON_SHOW_COIN_TIPS, '+' + num, this.node.worldPosition.clone()); this._score = value.score; } //玩家大小 let size: number = (Constant.PLAYER_ORIGIN_SCALE + this._score * Constant.ADD_SIZE_PER_COIN); size = size >= 2 ? 2 : size; if (size !== this.node.scale.x) { let targetSize = Util.lerp(size, this.node.scale.x, deltaTime * 10); this.node.setScale(targetSize, targetSize, targetSize); this._ndHammer.setScale(targetSize, targetSize, targetSize); } //皇冠显示 if (value.isScoreLead && ! { = true; } else if (!value.isScoreLead && { = false; } //锤头显示 if (value.hammerCount && === false) { = true; // 获得锤子切换动作 if(this._playType =={ this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.RUN_1, true, false, ()=>{}, 1); this._hideHammerTrial(); } } else if (value.hammerCount === 0 && && !this.fighterModel.isAttacking){ // = false; } } /** * 被锤子击中 * * @param {Player} value * @memberof Fighter */ public onHammerHit (value: Player) { if(this._playType == PlayType.is_attack){ return; } this._playType = PlayType.is_attack; EffectManager.instance.playEffect(this.node, "dizzyEff", true, true, 1); this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.HIT, false, true, ()=>{ this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.DIZZY, false, false, ()=>{ this.playIdle(); }, 11); }, 9); // //更新分数 // let num: number = value.score - this._score; // if (num !== 0) { // ClientEvent.dispatchEvent(Constant.EVENT_NAME.ON_SHOW_COIN_TIPS, num, this.node.worldPosition.clone()); // } // this._score = value.score; // this._parent.dropCoin(); } /** * 击打特效 * @param posWorld 击打位置 * @param scale 击打范围 * @param endCb 击打回调函数 */ private _playHitEffect (posWorld: Vec3, scale: number = 1, endCb?: Function) { posWorld.y = 0.1; EffectManager.instance.playParticle("hitNew1", posWorld, 0, scale, null, ()=>{ endCb && endCb(); }); } /** * 游戏结束时先观看3秒的人物胜利失败动画 */ public showFighterGameOverAni (isWin: boolean = false) { this._playType = PlayType.game_over; if (isWin) { this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.VICTORY, true, false, ()=>{}, 13); } else { this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.LOSE, false, false, ()=>{ this.fighterModel.playAni(Constant.ANI_TYPE.LOSE_1, true, false, ()=>{}, 15); }, 14); } } } /** * [1] Class member could be defined like this. * [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable. * [3] Your initialization goes here. * [4] Your update function goes here. * * Learn more about scripting: * Learn more about CCClass: * Learn more about life-cycle callbacks: */