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2023-11-07 01:17:57 +00:00
import { _decorator, Vec3 } from 'cc';
* Predefined variables
* Name = GameState
* DateTime = Wed Sep 01 2021 11:40:25 GMT+0800 ()
* Author = yanli.huang
* FileBasename = GameState.ts
* FileBasenameNoExtension = GameState
* URL = db://assets/script/fight/GameState.ts
* ManualUrl =
export enum PropType { //道具类型
NULL = 0,
COIN = 1, //金币
HAMMER = 2, //锤头
// IS_HAMMER = 2, //锤头
RAINING_COIN = 3, //金币雨
HAMMER_ED = 4, //被锤头攻击
export interface Channel{
openId: string, //玩家渠道id
name: string, //玩家昵称
headUrl: string, //玩家头像
state: number, //玩家状态
delayTime: number //延迟时间
export interface Player{ //道具信息
id: number, //道具信息
channel: Channel, //玩家渠道信息
position: Vec3, //玩家位置
eulerAngles: Vec3, //玩家旋转信息
score: number, //玩家积分
isShowReward: boolean,//是否奖励20个金币
isScoreLead: boolean,//是否分数领先
attackPos: Vec3 | null, //攻击位置
attackId: number, //攻击玩家id
attackPropType: PropType,//攻击的道具类型
hammerCount: number, //锤子可击打次数
dizzyTime: number, //眩晕时间
dizzyOverTime: number,//被榴莲或者锤子击中后眩晕结束时间frameTime大于这个玩家才能移动
moveX:number, // 手柄左右方向
moveY:number // 手柄上下方向
export interface Prop{ //道具信息
id: number, //道具id
position: Vec3,//道具位置
dropPosition: Vec3,//金币道具掉落位置
scale: number,//道具大小
exist: boolean,//是否展示
type: PropType,//道具类型
removed: boolean, // 移除
export interface GameState{
id: number, //逻辑帧标示符
time: number,//剩余时间
frameTime: number,//当前帧的时间
props: Array<Prop>,//道具信息
players: Array<Player>,//玩家信息
createHammerTime: number,//创建锤头的时间
createCoinTime: number, //创建金币的时间
* [1] Class member could be defined like this.
* [2] Use `property` decorator if your want the member to be serializable.
* [3] Your initialization goes here.
* [4] Your update function goes here.
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