mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 17:51:20 +00:00
717 lines
19 KiB
717 lines
19 KiB
package v1
import (
. "battle_srv/common"
. "battle_srv/protos"
. "dnmshared"
var Player = playerController{}
type playerController struct {
type smsCaptchaReq struct {
Num string `json:"phoneNum,omitempty" form:"phoneNum"`
CountryCode string `json:"phoneCountryCode,omitempty" form:"phoneCountryCode"`
Captcha string `json:"smsLoginCaptcha,omitempty" form:"smsLoginCaptcha"`
func (req *smsCaptchaReq) extAuthID() string {
return req.CountryCode + req.Num
func (req *smsCaptchaReq) redisKey() string {
return "/cuisine/sms/captcha/" + req.extAuthID()
type wechatShareConfigReq struct {
Url string `form:"url"`
func (p *playerController) GetWechatShareConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req wechatShareConfigReq
err := c.ShouldBindWith(&req, binding.FormPost)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil || req.Url == "" {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
config, err := utils.WechatIns.GetJsConfig(req.Url)
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("err", zap.Any("", err))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.WechatServerError)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
Config *utils.JsConfig `json:"jsConfig"`
}{Constants.RetCode.Ok, config}
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
func (p *playerController) SMSCaptchaGet(c *gin.Context) {
var req smsCaptchaReq
err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&req)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil || req.Num == "" || req.CountryCode == "" {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
// Composite a key to access against Redis-server.
redisKey := req.redisKey()
ttl, err := storage.RedisManagerIns.TTL(redisKey).Result()
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.UnknownError)
if ttl >= ConstVals.Player.CaptchaMaxTTL {
Logger.Info("There's an existing SmsCaptcha record in Redis-server: ", zap.String("key", redisKey), zap.Duration("ttl", ttl))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.SmsCaptchaRequestedTooFrequently)
Logger.Info("A new SmsCaptcha record is needed for: ", zap.String("key", redisKey))
pass := false
var succRet int
if Conf.General.ServerEnv == SERVER_ENV_TEST {
player, err := models.GetPlayerByName(req.Num)
if nil == err && nil != player {
pass = true
succRet = Constants.RetCode.IsTestAcc
if !pass {
player, err := models.GetPlayerByName(req.Num)
if nil == err && nil != player {
pass = true
succRet = Constants.RetCode.IsBotAcc
if !pass {
if RE_PHONE_NUM.MatchString(req.Num) {
succRet = Constants.RetCode.Ok
pass = true
if req.CountryCode == "86" {
if RE_CHINA_PHONE_NUM.MatchString(req.Num) {
succRet = Constants.RetCode.Ok
pass = true
} else {
succRet = Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam
pass = false
if !pass {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
GetSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode int `json:"getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode"`
}{Ret: succRet}
var captcha string
if ttl >= 0 {
storage.RedisManagerIns.Expire(redisKey, ConstVals.Player.CaptchaExpire)
captcha = storage.RedisManagerIns.Get(redisKey).Val()
if ttl >= ConstVals.Player.CaptchaExpire/4 {
if succRet == Constants.RetCode.Ok {
getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode := sendSMSViaVendor(req.Num, req.CountryCode, captcha)
if getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode != 0 {
resp.Ret = Constants.RetCode.GetSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode
resp.GetSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode = getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode
Logger.Info("Extended ttl of existing SMSCaptcha record in Redis:", zap.String("key", redisKey), zap.String("captcha", captcha))
} else {
captcha = strconv.Itoa(utils.Rand.Number(1000, 9999))
if succRet == Constants.RetCode.Ok {
getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode := sendSMSViaVendor(req.Num, req.CountryCode, captcha)
if getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode != 0 {
resp.Ret = Constants.RetCode.GetSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode
resp.GetSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode = getSmsCaptchaRespErrorCode
storage.RedisManagerIns.Set(redisKey, captcha, ConstVals.Player.CaptchaExpire)
Logger.Info("Generated new captcha", zap.String("key", redisKey), zap.String("captcha", captcha))
if succRet == Constants.RetCode.IsTestAcc {
resp.Captcha = captcha
if succRet == Constants.RetCode.IsBotAcc {
resp.Captcha = captcha
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
func (p *playerController) SMSCaptchaLogin(c *gin.Context) {
var req smsCaptchaReq
err := c.ShouldBindWith(&req, binding.FormPost)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil || req.Num == "" || req.CountryCode == "" || req.Captcha == "" {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
redisKey := req.redisKey()
captcha := storage.RedisManagerIns.Get(redisKey).Val()
Logger.Info("Comparing captchas", zap.String("key", redisKey), zap.String("whats-in-redis", captcha), zap.String("whats-from-req", req.Captcha))
if captcha != req.Captcha {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.SmsCaptchaNotMatch)
player, err := p.maybeCreateNewPlayer(req)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
token := utils.TokenGenerator(32)
expiresAt := now + 1000*int64(Constants.Player.IntAuthTokenTTLSeconds)
playerLogin := models.PlayerLogin{
CreatedAt: now,
FromPublicIP: models.NewNullString(c.ClientIP()),
IntAuthToken: token,
PlayerID: int(player.Id),
DisplayName: models.NewNullString(player.DisplayName),
UpdatedAt: now,
err = playerLogin.Insert()
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
Token string `json:"intAuthToken"`
ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expiresAt"`
PlayerID int `json:"playerId"`
DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
Name string `json:"name"`
}{Constants.RetCode.Ok, token, expiresAt, int(player.Id), player.DisplayName, player.Name}
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
type wechatLogin struct {
Authcode string `form:"code"`
func (p *playerController) WechatLogin(c *gin.Context) {
var req wechatLogin
err := c.ShouldBindWith(&req, binding.FormPost)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil || req.Authcode == "" {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
baseInfo, err := utils.WechatIns.GetOauth2Basic(req.Authcode)
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("err", zap.Any("", err))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.WechatServerError)
userInfo, err := utils.WechatIns.GetMoreInfo(baseInfo.AccessToken, baseInfo.OpenID)
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("err", zap.Any("", err))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.WechatServerError)
userInfo.OpenID = baseInfo.OpenID
player, err := p.maybeCreatePlayerWechatAuthBinding(userInfo)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
token := utils.TokenGenerator(32)
expiresAt := now + 1000*int64(Constants.Player.IntAuthTokenTTLSeconds)
playerLogin := models.PlayerLogin{
CreatedAt: now,
FromPublicIP: models.NewNullString(c.ClientIP()),
IntAuthToken: token,
PlayerID: int(player.Id),
DisplayName: models.NewNullString(player.DisplayName),
UpdatedAt: now,
Avatar: userInfo.HeadImgURL,
err = playerLogin.Insert()
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
Token string `json:"intAuthToken"`
ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expiresAt"`
PlayerID int `json:"playerId"`
DisplayName models.NullString `json:"displayName"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
token, expiresAt,
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
type wechatGameLogin struct {
Authcode string `form:"code"`
AvatarUrl string `form:"avatarUrl"`
NickName string `form:"nickName"`
func (p *playerController) WechatGameLogin(c *gin.Context) {
var req wechatGameLogin
err := c.ShouldBindWith(&req, binding.FormPost)
if nil != err {
Logger.Error("WechatGameLogin got an invalid request param error", zap.Error(err))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
if "" == req.Authcode {
Logger.Warn("WechatGameLogin got an invalid request param", zap.Any("req", req))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
baseInfo, err := utils.WechatGameIns.GetOauth2Basic(req.Authcode)
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("err", zap.Any("", err))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.WechatServerError)
Logger.Info("baseInfo", zap.Any(":", baseInfo))
//crate new userInfo from client userInfo
userInfo := utils.UserInfo{
Nickname: req.NickName,
HeadImgURL: req.AvatarUrl,
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("err", zap.Any("", err))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.WechatServerError)
userInfo.OpenID = baseInfo.OpenID
player, err := p.maybeCreatePlayerWechatGameAuthBinding(userInfo)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
token := utils.TokenGenerator(32)
expiresAt := now + 1000*int64(Constants.Player.IntAuthTokenTTLSeconds)
playerLogin := models.PlayerLogin{
CreatedAt: now,
FromPublicIP: models.NewNullString(c.ClientIP()),
IntAuthToken: token,
PlayerID: int(player.Id),
DisplayName: models.NewNullString(player.DisplayName),
UpdatedAt: now,
Avatar: userInfo.HeadImgURL,
err = playerLogin.Insert()
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
Token string `json:"intAuthToken"`
ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expiresAt"`
PlayerID int `json:"playerId"`
DisplayName models.NullString `json:"displayName"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
token, expiresAt,
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
func (p *playerController) IntAuthTokenLogin(c *gin.Context) {
token := p.getIntAuthToken(c)
if "" == token {
playerLogin, err := models.GetPlayerLoginByToken(token)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil || playerLogin == nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidToken)
player, err := models.GetPlayerById(playerLogin.PlayerID)
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Get player by id in IntAuthTokenLogin function error: ", zap.Error(err))
expiresAt := playerLogin.UpdatedAt + 1000*int64(Constants.Player.IntAuthTokenTTLSeconds)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
Token string `json:"intAuthToken"`
ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expiresAt"`
PlayerID int `json:"playerId"`
DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
Name string `json:"name"`
}{Constants.RetCode.Ok, token, expiresAt,
playerLogin.PlayerID, player.DisplayName,
playerLogin.Avatar, player.Name,
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
func (p *playerController) IntAuthTokenLogout(c *gin.Context) {
token := p.getIntAuthToken(c)
if "" == token {
err := models.DelPlayerLoginByToken(token)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.UnknownError)
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.Ok)
func (p *playerController) FetchProfile(c *gin.Context) {
targetPlayerId := c.GetInt(api.TARGET_PLAYER_ID)
wallet, err := models.GetPlayerWalletById(targetPlayerId)
if err != nil {
api.CErr(c, err)
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
player, err := models.GetPlayerById(targetPlayerId)
if err != nil {
api.CErr(c, err)
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.MysqlError)
if wallet == nil || player == nil {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
resp := struct {
Ret int `json:"ret"`
TutorialStage int `json:"tutorialStage"`
Wallet *models.PlayerWallet `json:"wallet"`
}{Constants.RetCode.Ok, player.TutorialStage, wallet}
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
func (p *playerController) TokenAuth(c *gin.Context) {
var req struct {
Token string `form:"intAuthToken"`
TargetPlayerId int `form:"targetPlayerId"`
err := c.ShouldBindWith(&req, binding.FormPost)
if err == nil {
playerLogin, err := models.GetPlayerLoginByToken(req.Token)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err == nil && playerLogin != nil {
c.Set(api.PLAYER_ID, playerLogin.PlayerID)
c.Set(api.TARGET_PLAYER_ID, req.TargetPlayerId)
Logger.Debug("TokenAuth Failed", zap.String("token", req.Token))
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidToken)
func (p *playerController) maybeCreateNewPlayer(req smsCaptchaReq) (*models.Player, error) {
extAuthID := req.extAuthID()
if Conf.General.ServerEnv == SERVER_ENV_TEST {
player, err := models.GetPlayerByName(req.Num)
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Seeking test env player error:", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
if player != nil {
Logger.Info("Got a test env player:", zap.Any("phonenum", req.Num), zap.Any("playerId", player.Id))
return player, nil
} else {
botPlayer, err := models.GetPlayerByName(req.Num)
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Seeking bot player error:", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
if botPlayer != nil {
Logger.Info("Got a bot player:", zap.Any("phonenum", req.Num), zap.Any("playerId", botPlayer.Id))
return botPlayer, nil
bind, err := models.GetPlayerAuthBinding(Constants.AuthChannel.Sms, extAuthID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bind != nil {
player, err := models.GetPlayerById(bind.PlayerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if player != nil {
return player, nil
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
player := models.Player{
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
return p.createNewPlayer(player, extAuthID, int(Constants.AuthChannel.Sms))
func (p *playerController) maybeCreatePlayerWechatAuthBinding(userInfo utils.UserInfo) (*models.Player, error) {
bind, err := models.GetPlayerAuthBinding(Constants.AuthChannel.Wechat, userInfo.OpenID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bind != nil {
player, err := models.GetPlayerById(bind.PlayerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if player != nil {
updateInfo := models.Player{
PlayerDownsync: PlayerDownsync{
Avatar: userInfo.HeadImgURL,
DisplayName: userInfo.Nickname,
tx := storage.MySQLManagerIns.MustBegin()
defer tx.Rollback()
ok, err := models.Update(tx, player.Id, &updateInfo)
if err != nil && ok != true {
return nil, err
} else {
return player, nil
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
player := models.Player{
PlayerDownsync: PlayerDownsync{
DisplayName: userInfo.Nickname,
Avatar: userInfo.HeadImgURL,
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
return p.createNewPlayer(player, userInfo.OpenID, int(Constants.AuthChannel.Wechat))
func (p *playerController) maybeCreatePlayerWechatGameAuthBinding(userInfo utils.UserInfo) (*models.Player, error) {
bind, err := models.GetPlayerAuthBinding(Constants.AuthChannel.WechatGame, userInfo.OpenID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bind != nil {
player, err := models.GetPlayerById(bind.PlayerID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if player != nil {
updateInfo := models.Player{
PlayerDownsync: PlayerDownsync{
Avatar: userInfo.HeadImgURL,
DisplayName: userInfo.Nickname,
tx := storage.MySQLManagerIns.MustBegin()
defer tx.Rollback()
ok, err := models.Update(tx, player.Id, &updateInfo)
if err != nil && ok != true {
return nil, err
} else {
return player, nil
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
player := models.Player{
PlayerDownsync: PlayerDownsync{
DisplayName: userInfo.Nickname,
Avatar: userInfo.HeadImgURL,
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
return p.createNewPlayer(player, userInfo.OpenID, int(Constants.AuthChannel.WechatGame))
func (p *playerController) createNewPlayer(player models.Player, extAuthID string, channel int) (*models.Player, error) {
Logger.Debug("createNewPlayer", zap.String("extAuthID", extAuthID))
now := utils.UnixtimeMilli()
tx := storage.MySQLManagerIns.MustBegin()
defer tx.Rollback()
err := player.Insert(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
playerAuthBinding := models.PlayerAuthBinding{
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
Channel: channel,
ExtAuthID: extAuthID,
PlayerID: int(player.Id),
err = playerAuthBinding.Insert(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
wallet := models.PlayerWallet{
CreatedAt: now,
UpdatedAt: now,
ID: int(player.Id),
err = wallet.Insert(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &player, nil
type intAuthTokenReq struct {
Token string `form:"intAuthToken,omitempty"`
func (p *playerController) getIntAuthToken(c *gin.Context) string {
var req intAuthTokenReq
err := c.ShouldBindWith(&req, binding.FormPost)
api.CErr(c, err)
if err != nil || "" == req.Token {
c.Set(api.RET, Constants.RetCode.InvalidRequestParam)
return ""
return req.Token
type tel struct {
Mobile string `json:"mobile"`
Nationcode string `json:"nationcode"`
type captchaReq struct {
Ext string `json:"ext"`
Extend string `json:"extend"`
Params *[2]string `json:"params"`
Sig string `json:"sig"`
Sign string `json:"sign"`
Tel *tel `json:"tel"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
Tpl_id int `json:"tpl_id"`
func sendSMSViaVendor(mobile string, nationcode string, captchaCode string) int {
tel := &tel{
Mobile: mobile,
Nationcode: nationcode,
var captchaExpireMin string
if Conf.General.ServerEnv == SERVER_ENV_TEST {
captchaExpireMin = "0.5" // Hardcoded
} else {
captchaExpireMin = strconv.Itoa(int(ConstVals.Player.CaptchaExpire) / 60000000000)
params := [2]string{captchaCode, captchaExpireMin}
appkey := "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // TODO: Should read from config file!
rand := strconv.Itoa(utils.Rand.Number(1000, 9999))
now := utils.UnixtimeSec()
hash := sha256.New()
hash.Write([]byte("appkey=" + appkey + "&random=" + rand + "&time=" + strconv.FormatInt(now, 10) + "&mobile=" + mobile))
md := hash.Sum(nil)
sig := hex.EncodeToString(md)
reqData := &captchaReq{
Ext: "",
Extend: "",
Params: ¶ms,
Sig: sig,
Tel: tel,
Time: now,
Tpl_id: 207399,
reqDataString, err := json.Marshal(reqData)
req := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(reqDataString))
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("json marshal", zap.Any("err:", err))
return -1
resp, err := http.Post("https://yun.tim.qq.com/v5/tlssmssvr/sendsms?sdkappid=uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu&random="+rand,
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("resp", zap.Any("err:", err))
defer resp.Body.Close()
respBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
Logger.Info("body", zap.Any("response body err:", err))
type bodyStruct struct {
Result int `json:"result"`
var body bodyStruct
json.Unmarshal(respBody, &body)
return body.Result