mirror of
synced 2025-01-13 22:41:30 +00:00
523 lines
21 KiB
523 lines
21 KiB
package ws
import (
. "battle_srv/common"
pb "battle_srv/protos"
. "dnmshared"
const (
READ_BUF_SIZE = 8 * 1024
WRITE_BUF_SIZE = 8 * 1024
var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: READ_BUF_SIZE,
WriteBufferSize: WRITE_BUF_SIZE,
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
Logger.Debug("origin", zap.Any("origin", r.Header.Get("Origin")))
return true
func startOrFeedHeartbeatWatchdog(conn *websocket.Conn) bool {
if nil == conn {
return false
conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond * (ConstVals.Ws.WillKickIfInactiveFor)))
return true
func Serve(c *gin.Context) {
token, ok := c.GetQuery("intAuthToken")
if !ok {
boundRoomId := 0
expectedRoomId := 0
var err error
if boundRoomIdStr, hasBoundRoomId := c.GetQuery("boundRoomId"); hasBoundRoomId {
boundRoomId, err = strconv.Atoi(boundRoomIdStr)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Abort with specific message.
Logger.Debug("Finding PlayerLogin record for ws authentication:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("boundRoomId", boundRoomId))
} else if expectedRoomIdStr, hasExpectRoomId := c.GetQuery("expectedRoomId"); hasExpectRoomId {
expectedRoomId, err = strconv.Atoi(expectedRoomIdStr)
if err != nil {
Logger.Debug("Finding PlayerLogin record for ws authentication:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("expectedRoomId", expectedRoomId))
} else {
Logger.Debug("Finding PlayerLogin record for ws authentication:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token))
// TODO: Wrap the following 2 stmts by sql transaction!
playerId, err := models.GetPlayerIdByToken(token)
if err != nil || playerId == 0 {
// TODO: Abort with specific message.
Logger.Warn("PlayerLogin record not found for ws authentication:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token))
Logger.Info("PlayerLogin record has been found for ws authentication:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("boundRoomId", boundRoomId), zap.Any("expectedRoomId", expectedRoomId))
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("upgrade:", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("playerId", playerId))
Logger.Debug("ConstVals.Ws.WillKickIfInactiveFor", zap.Duration("v", ConstVals.Ws.WillKickIfInactiveFor))
* WARNING: After successfully upgraded to use the "persistent connection" of http1.1/websocket protocol, you CANNOT overwrite the http1.0 resp status by `c.AbortWithStatus(...)` any more!
connHasBeenSignaledToClose := int32(0)
pConnHasBeenSignaledToClose := &connHasBeenSignaledToClose
var pRoom *models.Room = nil
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer := func(customRetCode int, customRetMsg string) {
if swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(pConnHasBeenSignaledToClose, 0, 1); !swapped {
Logger.Warn("signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("customRetCode", customRetCode), zap.Any("customRetMsg", customRetMsg))
if nil != pRoom {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
Logger.Error("Recovered from: ", zap.Any("panic", r))
* References
* - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455
* - https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#hdr-Control_Messages
* - https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#FormatCloseMessage
* - https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#Conn.WriteControl
* - https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#hdr-Concurrency
* - "The Close and WriteControl methods can be called concurrently with all other methods."
* References for the "WebsocketStdCloseCode"s. Note that we're using some "CustomCloseCode"s here as well.
* - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4
* - https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#pkg-constants.
closeMessage := websocket.FormatCloseMessage(customRetCode, customRetMsg)
err := conn.WriteControl(websocket.CloseMessage, closeMessage, time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond*(ConstVals.Ws.WillKickIfInactiveFor)))
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Unable to send the CloseFrame control message to player(client-side):", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Error(err))
time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
// To actually terminates the underlying TCP connection which might be in `CLOSE_WAIT` state if inspected by `netstat`.
onReceivedCloseMessageFromClient := func(code int, text string) error {
Logger.Warn("Triggered `onReceivedCloseMessageFromClient`:", zap.Any("code", code), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("message", text))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(code, text)
return nil
* - "SetCloseHandler sets the handler for close messages received from the peer."
* - "The default close handler sends a close message back to the peer."
* - "The connection read methods return a CloseError when a close message is received. Most applications should handle close messages as part of their normal error handling. Applications should only set a close handler when the application must perform some action before sending a close message back to the peer."
* from reference https://godoc.org/github.com/gorilla/websocket#Conn.SetCloseHandler.
pPlayer, err := models.GetPlayerById(playerId)
if nil != err || nil == pPlayer {
// TODO: Abort with specific message.
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.PlayerNotFound, "")
Logger.Debug("Player has logged in and its profile is found from persistent storage:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("player", pPlayer))
// Find a room to join.
Logger.Debug("About to acquire RoomHeapMux for player:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId))
defer func() {
Logger.Debug("Released RoomHeapMux for player:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId))
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
Logger.Error("Recovered from: ", zap.Any("panic", r))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, "")
Logger.Debug("Acquired RoomHeapMux for player:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId))
// Logger.Info("The RoomHeapManagerIns has:", zap.Any("addr", fmt.Sprintf("%p", models.RoomHeapManagerIns)), zap.Any("size", len(*(models.RoomHeapManagerIns))))
playerSuccessfullyAddedToRoom := false
if 0 < boundRoomId {
if tmpPRoom, existent := (*models.RoomMapManagerIns)[int32(boundRoomId)]; existent {
pRoom = tmpPRoom
res := pRoom.ReAddPlayerIfPossible(pPlayer, conn, signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer)
if !res {
Logger.Warn("Failed to get:\n", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("forBoundRoomId", boundRoomId))
} else {
playerSuccessfullyAddedToRoom = true
} else if 0 < expectedRoomId {
if tmpRoom, existent := (*models.RoomMapManagerIns)[int32(expectedRoomId)]; existent {
pRoom = tmpRoom
if pRoom.ReAddPlayerIfPossible(pPlayer, conn, signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer) {
playerSuccessfullyAddedToRoom = true
} else if pRoom.AddPlayerIfPossible(pPlayer, conn, signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer) {
playerSuccessfullyAddedToRoom = true
} else {
Logger.Warn("Failed to get:\n", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("forExpectedRoomId", expectedRoomId))
playerSuccessfullyAddedToRoom = false
if false == playerSuccessfullyAddedToRoom {
defer func() {
if pRoom != nil {
heap.Push(models.RoomHeapManagerIns, pRoom)
(models.RoomHeapManagerIns).Update(pRoom, pRoom.Score)
tmpRoom, ok := heap.Pop(models.RoomHeapManagerIns).(*models.Room)
if !ok {
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.LocallyNoAvailableRoom, fmt.Sprintf("Cannot pop a (*Room) for playerId == %v!", playerId))
} else {
pRoom = tmpRoom
Logger.Info("Successfully popped:\n", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("forPlayerId", playerId))
res := pRoom.AddPlayerIfPossible(pPlayer, conn, signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer)
if !res {
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.PlayerNotAddableToRoom, fmt.Sprintf("AddPlayerIfPossible returns false for roomId == %v, playerId == %v!", pRoom.Id, playerId))
if swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(pConnHasBeenSignaledToClose, 1, 1); swapped {
if pThePlayer, ok := pRoom.Players[int32(playerId)]; ok && (models.PlayerBattleStateIns.ADDED_PENDING_BATTLE_COLLIDER_ACK == pThePlayer.BattleState || models.PlayerBattleStateIns.READDED_PENDING_BATTLE_COLLIDER_ACK == pThePlayer.BattleState) {
defer func() {
timeoutSeconds := time.Duration(5) * time.Second
time.AfterFunc(timeoutSeconds, func() {
if models.PlayerBattleStateIns.ADDED_PENDING_BATTLE_COLLIDER_ACK == pThePlayer.BattleState || models.PlayerBattleStateIns.READDED_PENDING_BATTLE_COLLIDER_ACK == pThePlayer.BattleState {
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, fmt.Sprintf("The expected Ack for BattleColliderInfo is not received in %s, for playerId == %v!", timeoutSeconds, playerId))
// Construct "battleColliderInfo" to downsync
bciFrame := &pb.BattleColliderInfo{
BoundRoomId: pRoom.Id,
StageName: pRoom.StageName,
IntervalToPing: int32(Constants.Ws.IntervalToPing),
WillKickIfInactiveFor: int32(Constants.Ws.WillKickIfInactiveFor),
BattleDurationNanos: pRoom.BattleDurationNanos,
InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance: pRoom.InputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance,
MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate: pRoom.MaxChasingRenderFramesPerUpdate,
RollbackEstimatedDtMillis: pRoom.RollbackEstimatedDtMillis,
RollbackEstimatedDtNanos: pRoom.RollbackEstimatedDtNanos,
SpaceOffsetX: pRoom.SpaceOffsetX,
SpaceOffsetY: pRoom.SpaceOffsetY,
RenderCacheSize: pRoom.RenderCacheSize,
CollisionMinStep: pRoom.CollisionMinStep,
BoundRoomCapacity: int32(pRoom.Capacity),
BattleUdpTunnel: &pb.PeerUdpAddr{
Ip: pRoom.BattleUdpTunnelAddr.Ip,
Port: pRoom.BattleUdpTunnelAddr.Port,
AuthKey: pThePlayer.BattleUdpTunnelAuthKey,
FrameDataLoggingEnabled: pRoom.FrameDataLoggingEnabled,
resp := &pb.WsResp{
Ret: int32(Constants.RetCode.Ok),
EchoedMsgId: int32(0),
BciFrame: bciFrame,
PeerJoinIndex: pThePlayer.JoinIndex,
Logger.Debug("Sending downsync HeartbeatRequirements:", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("resp", resp))
theBytes, marshalErr := proto.Marshal(resp)
if nil != marshalErr {
Logger.Error("Error marshalling HeartbeatRequirements:", zap.Any("the error", marshalErr), zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, fmt.Sprintf("Error marshalling HeartbeatRequirements, playerId == %v and roomId == %v!", playerId, pRoom.Id))
if err := conn.WriteMessage(websocket.BinaryMessage, theBytes); nil != err {
Logger.Error("HeartbeatRequirements resp not written:", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Error(err))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, fmt.Sprintf("HeartbeatRequirements resp not written to roomId=%v, playerId == %v!", pRoom.Id, playerId))
Is there a way to EXPLICITLY make this "receivingLoopAgainstPlayer/conn.ReadXXX(...)" edge-triggered or yield/park otherwise? For example a C-style equivalent would be as follows.
receivingLoopAgainstPlayer := func() error {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
Logger.Warn("Goroutine `receivingLoopAgainstPlayer`, recovery spot#1, recovered from: ", zap.Any("panic", r))
Logger.Info("Goroutine `receivingLoopAgainstPlayer` is stopped for:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id))
// Set O_NONBLOCK on "fdOfThisConn".
int flags = fcntl(fdOfThisConn, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(fdOfThisConn, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
int ep_fd = epoll_create1(0);
epoll_event ev;
ev.data.fd = fdOfThisConn;
ev.events = (EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | CUSTOM_SIGNAL_TO_CLOSE); // Is this possible?
epoll_ctl(ep_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fdOfThisConn, &ev);
epoll_event *evs = (epoll_event*)calloc(MAXEVENTS, sizeof(epoll_event));
bool localAwarenessOfSignaledToClose = false;
while(true) {
if (true == localAwarenessOfSignaledToClose) {
// Would yield the current KernelThread and park it to a "queue" for later being unparked from the same "queue", thus resumed running. See http://web.stanford.edu/~hhli/CS110Notes/CS110NotesCollection/Topic%204%20Networking%20(5).html for more information. However, multiple "goroutine"s might share a same KernelThread and could be an issue for yielding.
int n = epoll_wait(ep_fd, evs, MAXEVENTS, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (evs[i].data.fd == fdOfThisConn) {
if (
(evs[i].events & EPOLLERR) ||
(evs[i].events & EPOLLHUP) ||
(evs[i].events & CUSTOM_SIGNAL_TO_CLOSE)
) {
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, "")
localAwarenessOfSignaledToClose = true;
int nbytes = 0;
while(nbytes = recv(fdOfThisConn, buff, sizeof(buff)) && 0 < nbytes) {
// Now that "0 == nbytes" or "EWOULDBLOCK == nbytes" or other errors came up.
-- YFLu, 2020-07-03
// Starts the receiving loop against the client-side
receivingLoopAgainstPlayer := func() error {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
Logger.Error("Goroutine `receivingLoopAgainstPlayer`, recovery spot#1, recovered from: ", zap.Any("panic", r))
Logger.Info("Goroutine `receivingLoopAgainstPlayer` is stopped for:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id))
for {
if swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(pConnHasBeenSignaledToClose, 1, 1); swapped {
return nil
// TODO: Is there any potential edge-trigger improvement like the epoll approach mentioned above for the following statement? See discussion in https://github.com/gorilla/websocket/issues/122
_, bytes, err := conn.ReadMessage()
if nil != err {
Logger.Error("About to `signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer` due to conn.ReadMessage err", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Error(err))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, "")
return nil
pReq := new(pb.WsReq)
unmarshalErr := proto.Unmarshal(bytes, pReq)
if nil != unmarshalErr {
Logger.Error("About to `signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer`", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Error(unmarshalErr))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, "")
// Logger.Info("Received request message from client", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("pReq", pReq))
switch pReq.Act {
res := pRoom.OnPlayerBattleColliderAcked(int32(playerId))
if false == res {
Logger.Error("About to `signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer`", zap.Any("roomId", pRoom.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Error(err))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(Constants.RetCode.UnknownError, "")
return nil
return nil
go receivingLoopAgainstPlayer()
func HandleSecondaryWsSessionForPlayer(c *gin.Context) {
token, ok := c.GetQuery("intAuthToken")
if !ok {
Logger.Warn("Secondary ws session req must have intAuthToken param!")
boundRoomId := 0
var err error = nil
if boundRoomIdStr, hasBoundRoomId := c.GetQuery("boundRoomId"); hasBoundRoomId {
boundRoomId, err = strconv.Atoi(boundRoomIdStr)
if err != nil {
} else {
Logger.Warn("Secondary ws session req must have boundRoomId param:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token))
var pRoom *models.Room = nil
// Deliberately querying playerId after querying room, because the former is against persistent storage and could be slow!
if tmpPRoom, existent := (*models.RoomMapManagerIns)[int32(boundRoomId)]; !existent {
Logger.Warn("Secondary ws session failed to get:\n", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("forBoundRoomId", boundRoomId))
} else {
pRoom = tmpPRoom
// TODO: Wrap the following 2 stmts by sql transaction!
playerId, err := models.GetPlayerIdByToken(token)
if err != nil || playerId == 0 {
// TODO: Abort with specific message.
Logger.Warn("Secondary ws session playerLogin record not found:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token))
Logger.Info("Secondary ws session playerLogin record has been found:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("boundRoomId", boundRoomId))
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Secondary ws session upgrade:", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("playerId", playerId))
connHasBeenSignaledToClose := int32(0)
pConnHasBeenSignaledToClose := &connHasBeenSignaledToClose
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer := func(customRetCode int, customRetMsg string) {
if swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(pConnHasBeenSignaledToClose, 0, 1); !swapped {
Logger.Warn("Secondary ws session signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("customRetCode", customRetCode), zap.Any("customRetMsg", customRetMsg))
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
Logger.Error("Secondary ws session recovered from: ", zap.Any("panic", r))
closeMessage := websocket.FormatCloseMessage(customRetCode, customRetMsg)
err := conn.WriteControl(websocket.CloseMessage, closeMessage, time.Now().Add(time.Millisecond*(ConstVals.Ws.WillKickIfInactiveFor)))
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("Secondary ws session unable to send the CloseFrame control message to player(client-side):", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Error(err))
time.AfterFunc(3*time.Second, func() {
// To actually terminates the underlying TCP connection which might be in `CLOSE_WAIT` state if inspected by `netstat`.
onReceivedCloseMessageFromClient := func(code int, text string) error {
Logger.Warn("Secondary ws session triggered `onReceivedCloseMessageFromClient`:", zap.Any("code", code), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("message", text))
signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer(code, text)
return nil
pRoom.SetSecondarySession(int32(playerId), conn, signalToCloseConnOfThisPlayer)
func HandleUdpHolePunchingForPlayer(message []byte, peerAddr *net.UDPAddr) {
pReq := new(pb.HolePunchUpsync)
if unmarshalErr := proto.Unmarshal(message, pReq); nil != unmarshalErr {
Logger.Error("`GrandUdpServer` failed to unmarshal", zap.Error(unmarshalErr))
token := pReq.IntAuthToken
boundRoomId := pReq.BoundRoomId
pRoom, existent := (*models.RoomMapManagerIns)[int32(boundRoomId)]
// Deliberately querying playerId after querying room, because the former is against persistent storage and could be slow!
if !existent {
Logger.Warn("`GrandUdpServer` failed to get:\n", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("forBoundRoomId", boundRoomId))
// TODO: Wrap the following 2 stmts by sql transaction!
playerId, err := models.GetPlayerIdByToken(token)
if err != nil || playerId == 0 {
// TODO: Abort with specific message.
Logger.Warn("`GrandUdpServer` playerLogin record not found for:", zap.Any("intAuthToken", token))
Logger.Info("`GrandUdpServer` playerLogin record has been found:", zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("intAuthToken", token), zap.Any("boundRoomId", boundRoomId), zap.Any("peerAddr", peerAddr))
pRoom.UpdatePeerUdpAddrList(int32(playerId), peerAddr, pReq)