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synced 2025-03-13 03:11:17 +00:00
483 lines
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483 lines
15 KiB
package dnmshared
import (
. "dnmshared/sharedprotos"
const (
FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG uint32 = 0x40000000
FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG uint32 = 0x20000000
// For either a "*.tmx" or "*.tsx" file. [begins]
type TmxOrTsxProperty struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Value string `xml:"value,attr"`
type TmxOrTsxProperties struct {
Property []*TmxOrTsxProperty `xml:"property"`
type TmxOrTsxPolyline struct {
Points string `xml:"points,attr"`
type TmxOrTsxObject struct {
Id int `xml:"id,attr"`
Gid int `xml:"gid,attr"`
X float64 `xml:"x,attr"`
Y float64 `xml:"y,attr"`
Properties *TmxOrTsxProperties `xml:"properties"`
Polyline *TmxOrTsxPolyline `xml:"polyline"`
Width float64 `xml:"width,attr"`
Height float64 `xml:"height,attr"`
type TmxOrTsxObjectGroup struct {
Draworder string `xml:"draworder,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Objects []*TmxOrTsxObject `xml:"object"`
type TmxOrTsxImage struct {
Source string `xml:"source,attr"`
Width int `xml:"width,attr"`
Height int `xml:"height,attr"`
// For either a "*.tmx" or "*.tsx" file. [ends]
// Within a "*.tsx" file. [begins]
type Tsx struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
TileWidth int `xml:"tilewidth,attr"`
TileHeight int `xml:"tileheight,attr"`
TileCount int `xml:"tilecount,attr"`
Columns int `xml:"columns,attr"`
Image []*TmxOrTsxImage `xml:"image"`
Tiles []*TsxTile `xml:"tile"`
type TsxTile struct {
Id int `xml:"id,attr"`
ObjectGroup *TmxOrTsxObjectGroup `xml:"objectgroup"`
Properties *TmxOrTsxProperties `xml:"properties"`
// Within a "*.tsx" file. [ends]
// Within a "*.tmx" file. [begins]
type TmxLayerDecodedTileData struct {
Id uint32
Tileset *TmxTileset
FlipHorizontal bool
FlipVertical bool
FlipDiagonal bool
type TmxLayerEncodedData struct {
Encoding string `xml:"encoding,attr"`
Compression string `xml:"compression,attr"`
Value string `xml:",chardata"`
type TmxLayer struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Width int `xml:"width,attr"`
Height int `xml:"height,attr"`
Data *TmxLayerEncodedData `xml:"data"`
Tile []*TmxLayerDecodedTileData
type TmxTileset struct {
FirstGid uint32 `xml:"firstgid,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
TileWidth int `xml:"tilewidth,attr"`
TileHeight int `xml:"tileheight,attr"`
Images []*TmxOrTsxImage `xml:"image"`
Source string `xml:"source,attr"`
type TmxMap struct {
Version string `xml:"version,attr"`
Orientation string `xml:"orientation,attr"`
Width int `xml:"width,attr"`
Height int `xml:"height,attr"`
TileWidth int `xml:"tilewidth,attr"`
TileHeight int `xml:"tileheight,attr"`
Properties []*TmxOrTsxProperties `xml:"properties"`
Tilesets []*TmxTileset `xml:"tileset"`
Layers []*TmxLayer `xml:"layer"`
ObjectGroups []*TmxOrTsxObjectGroup `xml:"objectgroup"`
// Within a "*.tmx" file. [ends]
func (d *TmxLayerEncodedData) decodeBase64() ([]byte, error) {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte(strings.TrimSpace(d.Value)))
decr := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, r)
if d.Compression == "zlib" {
rclose, err := zlib.NewReader(decr)
if err != nil {
Logger.Error("tmx data decode zlib error: ", zap.Any("encoding", d.Encoding), zap.Any("compression", d.Compression), zap.Any("value", d.Value))
return nil, err
return ioutil.ReadAll(rclose)
Logger.Error("tmx data decode invalid compression: ", zap.Any("encoding", d.Encoding), zap.Any("compression", d.Compression), zap.Any("value", d.Value))
return nil, errors.New("Invalid compression.")
func (l *TmxLayer) decodeBase64() ([]uint32, error) {
databytes, err := l.Data.decodeBase64()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if l.Width == 0 || l.Height == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Zero width or height.")
if len(databytes) != l.Height*l.Width*4 {
Logger.Error("TmxLayer decodeBase64 invalid data bytes:", zap.Any("width", l.Width), zap.Any("height", l.Height), zap.Any("data lenght", len(databytes)))
return nil, errors.New("Data length error.")
dindex := 0
gids := make([]uint32, l.Height*l.Width)
for h := 0; h < l.Height; h++ {
for w := 0; w < l.Width; w++ {
gid := uint32(databytes[dindex]) |
uint32(databytes[dindex+1])<<8 |
uint32(databytes[dindex+2])<<16 |
dindex += 4
gids[h*l.Width+w] = gid
return gids, nil
type StrToVec2DListMap map[string]*Vec2DList
type StrToPolygon2DListMap map[string]*Polygon2DList
func tmxPolylineToPolygon2D(pTmxMapIns *TmxMap, singleObjInTmxFile *TmxOrTsxObject, targetPolyline *TmxOrTsxPolyline) (*Polygon2D, error) {
if nil == targetPolyline {
return nil, nil
singleValueArray := strings.Split(targetPolyline.Points, " ")
theUntransformedAnchor := &Vec2D{
X: singleObjInTmxFile.X,
Y: singleObjInTmxFile.Y,
theTransformedAnchor := pTmxMapIns.continuousObjLayerOffsetToContinuousMapNodePos(theUntransformedAnchor)
thePolygon2DFromPolyline := &Polygon2D{
Anchor: &theTransformedAnchor,
Points: make([]*Vec2D, len(singleValueArray)),
for k, value := range singleValueArray {
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k] = &Vec2D{}
for kk, v := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
coordinateValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
if nil != err {
if 0 == (kk % 2) {
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].X = (coordinateValue)
} else {
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].Y = (coordinateValue)
tmp := &Vec2D{
X: thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].X,
Y: thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].Y,
transformedTmp := pTmxMapIns.continuousObjLayerVecToContinuousMapNodeVec(tmp)
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].X = transformedTmp.X
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].Y = transformedTmp.Y
return thePolygon2DFromPolyline, nil
func tsxPolylineToOffsetsWrtTileCenter(pTmxMapIns *TmxMap, singleObjInTsxFile *TmxOrTsxObject, targetPolyline *TmxOrTsxPolyline, pTsxIns *Tsx) (*Polygon2D, error) {
if nil == targetPolyline {
return nil, nil
var factorHalf float64 = 0.5
offsetFromTopLeftInTileLocalCoordX := singleObjInTsxFile.X
offsetFromTopLeftInTileLocalCoordY := singleObjInTsxFile.Y
singleValueArray := strings.Split(targetPolyline.Points, " ")
pointsCount := len(singleValueArray)
thePolygon2DFromPolyline := &Polygon2D{
Anchor: nil,
Points: make([]*Vec2D, pointsCount),
[WARNING] In this case, the "Treasure"s and "GuardTower"s are put into Tmx file as "ImageObject"s, of each the "ProportionalAnchor" is (0.5, 0). Therefore the "thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points" are "offsets w.r.t. the BottomCenter". See https://shimo.im/docs/SmLJJhXm2C8XMzZT for details.
for k, value := range singleValueArray {
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k] = &Vec2D{}
for kk, v := range strings.Split(value, ",") {
coordinateValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
if nil != err {
if 0 == (kk % 2) {
// W.r.t. center.
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].X = (coordinateValue + offsetFromTopLeftInTileLocalCoordX) - factorHalf*float64(pTsxIns.TileWidth)
} else {
// W.r.t. bottom.
thePolygon2DFromPolyline.Points[k].Y = float64(pTsxIns.TileHeight) - (coordinateValue + offsetFromTopLeftInTileLocalCoordY)
return thePolygon2DFromPolyline, nil
func DeserializeTsxToColliderDict(pTmxMapIns *TmxMap, byteArrOfTsxFile []byte, firstGid int, gidBoundariesMap map[int]StrToPolygon2DListMap) error {
pTsxIns := &Tsx{}
err := xml.Unmarshal(byteArrOfTsxFile, pTsxIns)
if nil != err {
// For debug-printing only. -- YFLu, 2019-09-04.
reserializedTmxMap, err := pTmxMapIns.ToXML()
if nil != err {
for _, tile := range pTsxIns.Tiles {
globalGid := (firstGid + int(tile.Id))
A tile xml string could be
<tile id="13">
<objectgroup draworder="index">
<object id="1" x="-154" y="-159">
<property name="boundary_type" value="guardTower"/>
<polyline points="0,0 -95,179 18,407 361,434 458,168 333,-7"/>
, we currently REQUIRE that "`an object of a tile` with ONE OR MORE polylines must come with a single corresponding '<property name=`type` value=`...` />', and viceversa".
Refer to https://shimo.im/docs/SmLJJhXm2C8XMzZT for how we theoretically fit a "Polyline in Tsx" into a "Polygon2D".
theObjGroup := tile.ObjectGroup
if nil == theObjGroup {
for _, singleObj := range theObjGroup.Objects {
if nil == singleObj.Polyline {
// Temporarily omit those non-polyline-containing objects.
if nil == singleObj.Properties.Property || "boundary_type" != singleObj.Properties.Property[0].Name {
key := singleObj.Properties.Property[0].Value
var theStrToPolygon2DListMap StrToPolygon2DListMap
if existingStrToPolygon2DListMap, ok := gidBoundariesMap[globalGid]; ok {
theStrToPolygon2DListMap = existingStrToPolygon2DListMap
} else {
gidBoundariesMap[globalGid] = make(StrToPolygon2DListMap, 0)
theStrToPolygon2DListMap = gidBoundariesMap[globalGid]
var pThePolygon2DList *Polygon2DList
if _, ok := theStrToPolygon2DListMap[key]; ok {
pThePolygon2DList = theStrToPolygon2DListMap[key]
} else {
pThePolygon2DList = &Polygon2DList{
Eles: make([]*Polygon2D, 0),
theStrToPolygon2DListMap[key] = pThePolygon2DList
thePolygon2DFromPolyline, err := tsxPolylineToOffsetsWrtTileCenter(pTmxMapIns, singleObj, singleObj.Polyline, pTsxIns)
if nil != err {
pThePolygon2DList.Eles = append(pThePolygon2DList.Eles, thePolygon2DFromPolyline)
return nil
func ParseTmxLayersAndGroups(pTmxMapIns *TmxMap, gidBoundariesMap map[int]StrToPolygon2DListMap) (int32, int32, int32, int32, StrToVec2DListMap, StrToPolygon2DListMap, error) {
toRetStrToVec2DListMap := make(StrToVec2DListMap, 0)
toRetStrToPolygon2DListMap := make(StrToPolygon2DListMap, 0)
for _, objGroup := range pTmxMapIns.ObjectGroups {
switch objGroup.Name {
case "PlayerStartingPos":
var pTheVec2DListToCache *Vec2DList
_, ok := toRetStrToVec2DListMap[objGroup.Name]
if false == ok {
pTheVec2DListToCache = &Vec2DList{
Eles: make([]*Vec2D, 0),
toRetStrToVec2DListMap[objGroup.Name] = pTheVec2DListToCache
pTheVec2DListToCache = toRetStrToVec2DListMap[objGroup.Name]
for _, singleObjInTmxFile := range objGroup.Objects {
theUntransformedPos := &Vec2D{
X: singleObjInTmxFile.X,
Y: singleObjInTmxFile.Y,
thePosInWorld := pTmxMapIns.continuousObjLayerOffsetToContinuousMapNodePos(theUntransformedPos)
pTheVec2DListToCache.Eles = append(pTheVec2DListToCache.Eles, &thePosInWorld)
case "Barrier":
// Note that in this case, the "Polygon2D.Anchor" of each "TmxOrTsxObject" is exactly overlapping with "Polygon2D.Points[0]".
var pThePolygon2DListToCache *Polygon2DList
_, ok := toRetStrToPolygon2DListMap[objGroup.Name]
if false == ok {
pThePolygon2DListToCache = &Polygon2DList{
Eles: make([]*Polygon2D, 0),
toRetStrToPolygon2DListMap[objGroup.Name] = pThePolygon2DListToCache
for _, singleObjInTmxFile := range objGroup.Objects {
if nil == singleObjInTmxFile.Properties.Property || "boundary_type" != singleObjInTmxFile.Properties.Property[0].Name || "barrier" != singleObjInTmxFile.Properties.Property[0].Value {
if nil == singleObjInTmxFile.Polyline {
pts := make([]*Vec2D, 4)
s := make([]string, 0)
pts[0] = &Vec2D{
X: float64(0),
Y: float64(0),
pts[1] = &Vec2D{
X: float64(0),
Y: singleObjInTmxFile.Height,
pts[2] = &Vec2D{
X: singleObjInTmxFile.Width,
Y: singleObjInTmxFile.Height,
pts[3] = &Vec2D{
X: singleObjInTmxFile.Width,
Y: float64(0),
for _, pt := range pts {
s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf("%v,%v", pt.X, pt.Y))
singleObjInTmxFile.Polyline = &TmxOrTsxPolyline{
Points: strings.Join(s, " "),
thePolygon2DInWorld, err := tmxPolylineToPolygon2D(pTmxMapIns, singleObjInTmxFile, singleObjInTmxFile.Polyline)
if nil != err {
pThePolygon2DListToCache.Eles = append(pThePolygon2DListToCache.Eles, thePolygon2DInWorld)
return int32(pTmxMapIns.Width), int32(pTmxMapIns.Height), int32(pTmxMapIns.TileWidth), int32(pTmxMapIns.TileHeight), toRetStrToVec2DListMap, toRetStrToPolygon2DListMap, nil
func (pTmxMap *TmxMap) ToXML() (string, error) {
ret, err := xml.Marshal(pTmxMap)
return string(ret[:]), err
type TileRectilinearSize struct {
Width float64
Height float64
func (pTmxMapIns *TmxMap) continuousObjLayerVecToContinuousMapNodeVec(continuousObjLayerVec *Vec2D) Vec2D {
if "orthogonal" == pTmxMapIns.Orientation {
return Vec2D{
X: continuousObjLayerVec.X,
Y: -continuousObjLayerVec.Y,
var tileRectilinearSize TileRectilinearSize
tileRectilinearSize.Width = float64(pTmxMapIns.TileWidth)
tileRectilinearSize.Height = float64(pTmxMapIns.TileHeight)
tileSizeUnifiedLength := math.Sqrt(tileRectilinearSize.Width*tileRectilinearSize.Width*0.25 + tileRectilinearSize.Height*tileRectilinearSize.Height*0.25)
isometricObjectLayerPointOffsetScaleFactor := (tileSizeUnifiedLength / tileRectilinearSize.Height)
cosineThetaRadian := (tileRectilinearSize.Width * 0.5) / tileSizeUnifiedLength
sineThetaRadian := (tileRectilinearSize.Height * 0.5) / tileSizeUnifiedLength
transMat := [...][2]float64{
{isometricObjectLayerPointOffsetScaleFactor * cosineThetaRadian, -isometricObjectLayerPointOffsetScaleFactor * cosineThetaRadian},
{-isometricObjectLayerPointOffsetScaleFactor * sineThetaRadian, -isometricObjectLayerPointOffsetScaleFactor * sineThetaRadian},
convertedVecX := transMat[0][0]*continuousObjLayerVec.X + transMat[0][1]*continuousObjLayerVec.Y
convertedVecY := transMat[1][0]*continuousObjLayerVec.X + transMat[1][1]*continuousObjLayerVec.Y
converted := Vec2D{
X: convertedVecX,
Y: convertedVecY,
return converted
func (pTmxMapIns *TmxMap) continuousObjLayerOffsetToContinuousMapNodePos(continuousObjLayerOffset *Vec2D) Vec2D {
var layerOffset Vec2D
if "orthogonal" == pTmxMapIns.Orientation {
layerOffset = Vec2D{
X: -float64(pTmxMapIns.Width*pTmxMapIns.TileWidth) * 0.5,
Y: float64(pTmxMapIns.Height*pTmxMapIns.TileHeight) * 0.5,
} else {
// "isometric" == pTmxMapIns.Orientation
layerOffset = Vec2D{
X: 0,
Y: float64(pTmxMapIns.Height*pTmxMapIns.TileHeight) * 0.5,
convertedVec := pTmxMapIns.continuousObjLayerVecToContinuousMapNodeVec(continuousObjLayerOffset)
return Vec2D{
X: layerOffset.X + convertedVec.X,
Y: layerOffset.Y + convertedVec.Y,