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synced 2024-12-28 12:38:12 +00:00
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244 lines
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const i18n = require('LanguageData');
i18n.init(window.language); // languageID should be equal to the one we input in New Language ID input field
const OnlineMap = require('./Map');
extends: OnlineMap,
onDestroy() {
console.warn("+++++++ Map onDestroy()");
onLoad() {
const self = this;
window.mapIns = self;
self.showCriticalCoordinateLabels = false;
const mapNode = self.node;
const canvasNode = mapNode.parent;
self.mainCameraNode = self.canvasNode.getChildByName("Main Camera");
self.mainCamera = self.mainCameraNode.getComponent(cc.Camera);
for (let child of self.mainCameraNode.children) {
child.setScale(1 / self.mainCamera.zoomRatio);
self.widgetsAboveAllNode = self.mainCameraNode.getChildByName("WidgetsAboveAll");
/** Init required prefab ended. */
self.inputDelayFrames = 8;
self.inputScaleFrames = 2;
self.inputFrameUpsyncDelayTolerance = 2;
self.collisionMinStep = 8;
self.renderCacheSize = 1024;
self.serverFps = 60;
self.rollbackEstimatedDt = 0.016667;
self.rollbackEstimatedDtMillis = 16.667;
self.rollbackEstimatedDtNanos = 16666666;
self.tooFastDtIntervalMillis = 0.5 * self.rollbackEstimatedDtMillis;
self.worldToVirtualGridRatio = 1000;
self.virtualGridToWorldRatio = 1.0 / self.worldToVirtualGridRatio;
self.meleeSkillConfig = {
1: {
// for offender
startupFrames: 10,
activeFrames: 20,
recoveryFrames: 34, // usually but not always "startupFrames+activeFrames", I hereby set it to be 1 frame more than the actual animation to avoid critical transition, i.e. when the animation is 1 frame from ending but "rdfPlayer.framesToRecover" is already counted 0 and the player triggers an other same attack, making an effective bullet trigger but no animation is played due to same animName is still playing
recoveryFramesOnBlock: 34,
recoveryFramesOnHit: 34,
hitboxOffset: 12.0, // should be about the radius of the PlayerCollider
// for defender
hitStunFrames: 18,
blockStunFrames: 9,
pushback: 8.0,
releaseTriggerType: 1, // 1: rising-edge, 2: falling-edge
damage: 5,
hitboxSizeX: 24.0,
hitboxSizeY: 32.0,
selfMoveforwardX: 0,
selfMoveforwardY: 0,
[WARNING] As when a character is standing on a barrier, if not carefully curated there MIGHT BE a bouncing sequence of "[(inAir -> dropIntoBarrier ->), (notInAir -> pushedOutOfBarrier ->)], [(inAir -> ..."
Moreover, "snapIntoPlatformOverlap" should be small enough such that the walking "velX" or jumping initial "velY" can escape from it by 1 renderFrame (when jumping is triggered, the character is waived from snappig for 1 renderFrame).
self.snapIntoPlatformOverlap = 0.1;
self.snapIntoPlatformThreshold = 0.5; // a platform must be "horizontal enough" for a character to "stand on"
self.jumpingInitVelY = 7 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio; // unit: (virtual grid length/renderFrame)
[self.gravityX, self.gravityY] = [0, -0.5 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio]; // unit: (virtual grid length/renderFrame^2)
const tiledMapIns = self.node.getComponent(cc.TiledMap);
const fullPathOfTmxFile = cc.js.formatStr("map/%s/map", "dungeon");
cc.loader.loadRes(fullPathOfTmxFile, cc.TiledMapAsset, (err, tmxAsset) => {
if (null != err) {
tiledMapIns.tmxAsset = null;
if (self.showCriticalCoordinateLabels) {
const drawer = new cc.Node();
drawer.setPosition(cc.v2(0, 0))
safelyAddChild(self.node, drawer);
setLocalZOrder(drawer, 999);
const g = drawer.addComponent(cc.Graphics);
g.lineWidth = 2;
self.g = g;
tiledMapIns.tmxAsset = tmxAsset;
const newMapSize = tiledMapIns.getMapSize();
const newTileSize = tiledMapIns.getTileSize();
self.node.setContentSize(newMapSize.width * newTileSize.width, newMapSize.height * newTileSize.height);
self.node.setPosition(cc.v2(0, 0));
self.stageDiscreteW = newMapSize.width;
self.stageDiscreteH = newMapSize.height;
self.stageTileW = newTileSize.width;
self.stageTileH = newTileSize.height;
let barrierIdCounter = 0;
const boundaryObjs = tileCollisionManager.extractBoundaryObjects(self.node);
for (let boundaryObj of boundaryObjs.barriers) {
const gopkgsBoundaryAnchor = gopkgs.NewVec2DJs(boundaryObj.anchor.x, boundaryObj.anchor.y);
const gopkgsBoundaryPts = Array.from(boundaryObj, p => {
return gopkgs.NewVec2DJs(p.x, p.y);
const gopkgsBoundary = gopkgs.NewPolygon2DJs(gopkgsBoundaryAnchor, gopkgsBoundaryPts);
const gopkgsBarrier = gopkgs.NewBarrierJs(gopkgsBoundary);
const newBarrierCollider = gopkgs.GenerateConvexPolygonColliderJs(gopkgsBoundary, self.spaceOffsetX, self.spaceOffsetY, gopkgsBarrier, "Barrier");
if (false && self.showCriticalCoordinateLabels) {
for (let i = 0; i < boundaryObj.length; ++i) {
const barrierVertLabelNode = new cc.Node();
switch (i % 4) {
case 0:
barrierVertLabelNode.color = cc.Color.RED;
case 1:
barrierVertLabelNode.color = cc.Color.GRAY;
case 2:
barrierVertLabelNode.color = cc.Color.BLACK;
barrierVertLabelNode.color = cc.Color.MAGENTA;
const wx = boundaryObj.anchor.x + boundaryObj[i].x,
wy = boundaryObj.anchor.y + boundaryObj[i].y;
barrierVertLabelNode.setPosition(cc.v2(wx, wy));
const barrierVertLabel = barrierVertLabelNode.addComponent(cc.Label);
barrierVertLabel.fontSize = 12;
barrierVertLabel.lineHeight = barrierVertLabel.fontSize + 1;
barrierVertLabel.string = `(${wx.toFixed(1)}, ${wy.toFixed(1)})`;
safelyAddChild(self.node, barrierVertLabelNode);
setLocalZOrder(barrierVertLabelNode, 5);
barrierVertLabelNode.active = true;
// console.log("Created barrier: ", newBarrierCollider);
const collisionBarrierIndex = (self.collisionBarrierIndexPrefix + barrierIdCounter);
self.gopkgsCollisionSysMap[collisionBarrierIndex] = newBarrierCollider;
const startRdf = window.pb.protos.RoomDownsyncFrame.create({
playersArr: [
id: 10,
joinIndex: 1,
virtualGridX: boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[0].x * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio,
virtualGridY: boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[0].y * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio,
speed: 1 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio,
colliderRadius: 12,
characterState: window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE.InAirIdle1[0],
framesToRecover: 0,
dirX: 0,
dirY: 0,
velX: 0,
velY: 0,
inAir: true,
id: 11,
joinIndex: 2,
virtualGridX: boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[1].x * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio,
virtualGridY: boundaryObjs.playerStartingPositions[1].y * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio,
speed: 1 * self.worldToVirtualGridRatio,
colliderRadius: 12,
characterState: window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE.InAirIdle1[0],
framesToRecover: 0,
dirX: 0,
dirY: 0,
velX: 0,
velY: 0,
inAir: true,
self.selfPlayerInfo = {
Id: 11,
JoinIndex: 2,
// For compatibility
id: 11,
joinIndex: 2,
update(dt) {
const self = this;
if (ALL_BATTLE_STATES.IN_BATTLE == self.battleState) {
const elapsedMillisSinceLastFrameIdTriggered = performance.now() - self.lastRenderFrameIdTriggeredAt;
if (elapsedMillisSinceLastFrameIdTriggered < self.tooFastDtIntervalMillis) {
// [WARNING] We should avoid a frontend ticking too fast to prevent cheating, as well as ticking too slow to cause a "resync avalanche" that impacts user experience!
// console.debug("Avoiding too fast frame@renderFrameId=", self.renderFrameId, ": elapsedMillisSinceLastFrameIdTriggered=", elapsedMillisSinceLastFrameIdTriggered);
try {
let st = performance.now();
let prevSelfInput = null,
currSelfInput = null;
const noDelayInputFrameId = self._convertToInputFrameId(self.renderFrameId, 0); // It's important that "inputDelayFrames == 0" here
if (self.shouldGenerateInputFrameUpsync(self.renderFrameId)) {
const prevAndCurrInputs = self.getOrPrefabInputFrameUpsync(noDelayInputFrameId);
prevSelfInput = prevAndCurrInputs[0];
currSelfInput = prevAndCurrInputs[1];
const [prevRdf, rdf] = self.rollbackAndChase(self.renderFrameId, self.renderFrameId + 1, self.gopkgsCollisionSys, self.gopkgsCollisionSysMap, false);
self.applyRoomDownsyncFrameDynamics(rdf, prevRdf);
self.lastRenderFrameIdTriggeredAt = performance.now();
let t3 = performance.now();
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error during Map.update", err);