module.export = cc.Class({ extends: cc.Component, properties: { animComp: { type: cc.Animation, default: null, }, baseSpeed: { type: cc.Float, default: 50, }, speed: { type: cc.Float, default: 50 }, lastMovedAt: { type: cc.Float, default: 0 // In "GMT milliseconds" }, eps: { default: 0.10, type: cc.Float }, magicLeanLowerBound: { default: 0.414, // Tangent of (PI/8). type: cc.Float }, magicLeanUpperBound: { default: 2.414, // Tangent of (3*PI/8). type: cc.Float }, }, // LIFE-CYCLE CALLBACKS: start() { const self = this; self.activeDirection = { dx: 0, dy: 0 }; }, onLoad() { const self = this; self.clips = { '01': 'Top', '0-1': 'Bottom', '-20': 'Left', '20': 'Right', '-21': 'TopLeft', '21': 'TopRight', '-2-1': 'BottomLeft', '2-1': 'BottomRight' }; const canvasNode = self.mapNode.parent; self.mapIns = self.mapNode.getComponent("Map"); const joystickInputControllerScriptIns = canvasNode.getComponent("TouchEventsManager"); self.ctrl = joystickInputControllerScriptIns; self.animComp = self.node.getComponent(cc.Animation);; }, scheduleNewDirection(newScheduledDirection, forceAnimSwitch) { if (!newScheduledDirection) { return; } if (forceAnimSwitch || null == this.activeDirection || (newScheduledDirection.dx != this.activeDirection.dx || newScheduledDirection.dy != this.activeDirection.dy)) { this.activeDirection = newScheduledDirection; this.activeDirection = newScheduledDirection; const clipKey = newScheduledDirection.dx.toString() + newScheduledDirection.dy.toString(); const clips = (this.attacked ? this.attackedClips : this.clips); let clip = clips[clipKey]; if (!clip) { // Keep playing the current anim. if (0 !== newScheduledDirection.dx || 0 !== newScheduledDirection.dy) { cc.warn('Clip for clipKey === ' + clipKey + ' is invalid: ' + clip + '.'); } } else {; if (this.attacked) { cc.log(`Attacked, switching to play clipKey = ${clipKey}, clip == ${clip}, this.activeDirection == ${JSON.stringify(this.activeDirection)}, this.activeDirection == ${JSON.stringify(this.activeDirection)}.`); } } } }, update(dt) { }, lateUpdate(dt) { }, _generateRandomDirection() { return ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE[Math.floor(Math.random() * ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE.length)]; }, _generateRandomDirectionExcluding(toExcludeDx, toExcludeDy) { let randomDirectionList = []; let exactIdx = null; for (let ii = 0; ii < ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE.length; ++ii) { if (toExcludeDx != ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE[ii].dx || toExcludeDy != ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE[ii].dy) continue; exactIdx = ii; break; } if (null == exactIdx) { return this._generateRandomDirection(); } for (let ii = 0; ii < ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE.length; ++ii) { if (ii == exactIdx || ((ii - 1) % ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE.length) == exactIdx || ((ii + 1) % ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE.length) == exactIdx) continue; randomDirectionList.push(ALL_DISCRETE_DIRECTIONS_CLOCKWISE[ii]); } return randomDirectionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomDirectionList.length)] }, updateSpeed(proposedSpeed) { if (0 == proposedSpeed && 0 < this.speed) { this.startFrozenDisplay(); } if (0 < proposedSpeed && 0 == this.speed) { this.stopFrozenDisplay(); } this.speed = proposedSpeed; }, startFrozenDisplay() { const self = this; self.attacked = true; }, stopFrozenDisplay() { const self = this; self.attacked = false; }, });