'use strict'; if (!window.i18n) { window.i18n = {}; } if (!window.i18n.languages) { window.i18n.languages = {}; } window.i18n.languages['en'] = { resultPanel: { winnerLabel: "Winner", loserLabel: "Loser", timeLabel: "Time:", timeTip: "(the last time to pick up the treasure) ", awardLabel: "Award:", againBtnLabel: "Again", homeBtnLabel: "Home", }, gameRule: { tip: "经典吃豆人玩法,加入了实时对战元素。金豆100分,煎蛋200分,玩家在规定时间内得分高则获胜。要注意躲避防御塔攻击,被击中会被定住5秒的哦。开始游戏吧~", mode: "1v1 模式", }, login: { "tips": { "LOGOUT": 'Logout', "DUPLICATED": 'Login id conflict, please retry', "LOGIN_TOKEN_EXPIRED": 'Previous login status expired', "PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE_ERR": 'Incorrect phone country code', "CAPTCHA_ERR": 'Incorrect format', "PHONE_ERR": 'Incorrect phone number format', "SMS_CAPTCHA_FREQUENT_REQUIRE": 'Request too often', "SMS_CAPTCHA_NOT_MATCH": 'Incorrect verification code', "TEST_USER": 'test account', "INCORRECT_PHONE_NUMBER": 'Incorrect phone number', "LOGGED_IN_SUCCESSFULLY": "Logged in successfully, please wait...", "PLEASE_AUTHORIZE_WECHAT_LOGIN_FIRST": "Please tap the screen to authorize WeChat login first", "WECHAT_AUTHORIZED_AND_INT_AUTH_TOKEN_LOGGING_IN": "WeChat authorized, logging in...", "WECHAT_LOGIN_FAILED_TAP_SCREEN_TO_RETRY": "WeChat login failed, tap the screen to retry", "AUTO_LOGIN_FAILED_WILL_USE_MANUAL_LOGIN": "Auto login failed, creating manual login button", "AUTO_LOGIN_1": "Automatically logging in", "AUTO_LOGIN_2": "Automatically logging in...", }, }, findingPlayer: { exit: "Exit", tip: "我们正在为你匹配另一位玩家,请稍等", finding: "等等我,马上到...", }, gameTip: { start: "Start!", resyncing: "Resyncing your battle, please wait...", }, };