const BaseCharacter = require("./BaseCharacter"); window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE = { Idle1: [0, "Idle1"], Walking: [1, "Walking"], Atk1: [2, "Atk1"], Atked1: [3, "Atked1"], }; window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE_ARR = []; for (let k in window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE) { window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE_ARR.push(window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE[k]); } cc.Class({ extends: BaseCharacter, properties: { animNode: { type: cc.Node, default: null }, }, ctor() { this.speciesName = null; this.hp = 100; this.maxHp = 100; this.framesToRecover = 0; }, setSpecies(speciesName) { this.speciesName = speciesName; this.effAnimNode = this.animNode.getChildByName(this.speciesName); this.animComp = this.effAnimNode.getComponent(dragonBones.ArmatureDisplay); this.animComp.playAnimation(ATK_CHARACTER_STATE.Idle1[1]); = true; }, onLoad() {; }, updateCharacterAnim(rdfPlayer, prevRdfPlayer, forceAnimSwitch) { // Update directions if (this.animComp && this.animComp.node) { if (0 > rdfPlayer.dirX) { this.animComp.node.scaleX = (-1.0); } else if (0 < rdfPlayer.dirX) { this.animComp.node.scaleX = (1.0); } } // Update per character state let newCharacterState = rdfPlayer.characterState; let prevCharacterState = (null == prevRdfPlayer ? window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE.Idle1[0] : prevRdfPlayer.characterState); if (newCharacterState != prevCharacterState) { const newAnimName = window.ATK_CHARACTER_STATE_ARR[newCharacterState][1]; // Anim is edge-triggered if (newAnimName == this.animComp.animationName) { console.warn(`JoinIndex=${rdfPlayer.joinIndex}, possibly playing weird anim by resetting anim to ${newAnimName} while the playing anim is also ${this.animComp.animationName}, player rdf changed from: ${null == prevRdfPlayer ? null : JSON.stringify(prevRdfPlayer)}, to: ${JSON.stringify(rdfPlayer)}`); } this.animComp.playAnimation(newAnimName); } }, });