mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 03:39:00 +00:00
A temp broken commit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import (
@ -413,8 +412,15 @@ func (pR *Room) StartBattle() {
Logger.Info("The `battleMainLoop` is started for:", zap.Any("roomId", pR.Id))
for {
stCalculation := utils.UnixtimeNano()
unconfirmedMask := uint64(0)
// [WARNING] Downsync the all-confirmed inputFrames asap!
upperToSendInputFrameId := pR.LastAllConfirmedInputFrameId
for playerId, player := range pR.Players {
pR.downsyncToSinglePlayer(playerId, player, upperToSendInputFrameId, unconfirmedMask)
stCalculation := utils.UnixtimeNano()
elapsedNanosSinceLastFrameIdTriggered := stCalculation - pR.LastRenderFrameIdTriggeredAt
if elapsedNanosSinceLastFrameIdTriggered < pR.dilutedRollbackEstimatedDtNanos {
Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("renderFrameId=%v@roomId=%v: Is backend running too fast? elapsedNanosSinceLastFrameIdTriggered=%v", pR.RenderFrameId, pR.Id, elapsedNanosSinceLastFrameIdTriggered))
@ -436,23 +442,12 @@ func (pR *Room) StartBattle() {
unconfirmedMask := uint64(0)
if pR.BackendDynamicsForceConfirmationEnabled {
// Force setting all-confirmed of buffered inputFrames periodically
unconfirmedMask = pR.forceConfirmationIfApplicable()
upperToSendInputFrameId := atomic.LoadInt32(&(pR.LastAllConfirmedInputFrameId))
Upon resynced on frontend, "refRenderFrameId" MUST BE CAPPED somehow by "upperToSendInputFrameId", if frontend resyncs itself to a more advanced value than given below, upon the next renderFrame tick on the frontend it might generate non-consecutive "nextInputFrameId > frontend.recentInputCache.edFrameId+1".
If "NstDelayFrames" becomes larger, "pR.RenderFrameId - refRenderFrameId" possibly becomes larger because the force confirmation is delayed more.
Upon resync, it's still possible that "refRenderFrameId < frontend.chaserRenderFrameId" -- and this is allowed.
refRenderFrameId := pR.ConvertToGeneratingRenderFrameId(upperToSendInputFrameId + 1) // for the frontend to jump immediately into generating & upsyncing the next input frame, thus getting rid of "resync avalanche"
upperToSendInputFrameId = pR.LastAllConfirmedInputFrameId
dynamicsDuration := int64(0)
if pR.BackendDynamicsEnabled {
@ -464,114 +459,11 @@ func (pR *Room) StartBattle() {
pR.applyInputFrameDownsyncDynamics(pR.CurDynamicsRenderFrameId, nextDynamicsRenderFrameId, pR.collisionSpaceOffsetX, pR.collisionSpaceOffsetY)
dynamicsDuration = utils.UnixtimeNano() - dynamicsStartedAt
if refRenderFrameId > pR.RenderFrameId {
refRenderFrameId = pR.RenderFrameId
for playerId, player := range pR.Players {
currPlayerBattleState := atomic.LoadInt32(&(player.BattleState))
if PlayerBattleStateIns.DISCONNECTED == currPlayerBattleState || PlayerBattleStateIns.LOST == currPlayerBattleState {
// [WARNING] DON'T try to send any message to an inactive player!
if 0 == pR.RenderFrameId {
kickoffFrame := pR.RenderFrameBuffer.GetByFrameId(0).(*RoomDownsyncFrame)
pR.sendSafely(kickoffFrame, nil, DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_BATTLE_START, playerId)
} else {
// [WARNING] Websocket is TCP-based, thus no need to re-send a previously sent inputFrame to a same player!
toSendInputFrames := make([]*InputFrameDownsync, 0, pR.InputsBuffer.Cnt)
candidateToSendInputFrameId := pR.Players[playerId].LastSentInputFrameId + 1
if candidateToSendInputFrameId < pR.InputsBuffer.StFrameId {
// [WARNING] As "player.LastSentInputFrameId <= lastAllConfirmedInputFrameIdWithChange" for each iteration, and "lastAllConfirmedInputFrameIdWithChange <= lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId" where the latter is used to "applyInputFrameDownsyncDynamics" and then evict "pR.InputsBuffer", thus there's a very high possibility that "player.LastSentInputFrameId" is already evicted.
Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("LastSentInputFrameId already popped: roomId=%v, playerId=%v, lastSentInputFrameId=%v, playerAckingInputFrameId=%v, InputsBuffer=%v", pR.Id, playerId, candidateToSendInputFrameId-1, player.AckingInputFrameId, pR.InputsBufferString(false)))
candidateToSendInputFrameId = pR.InputsBuffer.StFrameId
if 0 < unconfirmedMask {
// Otherwise no need to downsync immediately
for playerId, player := range pR.Players {
pR.downsyncToSinglePlayer(playerId, player, upperToSendInputFrameId, unconfirmedMask)
if MAGIC_LAST_SENT_INPUT_FRAME_ID_READDED == player.LastSentInputFrameId {
// A rejoined player, should guarantee that when it resyncs to "refRenderFrameId" a matching inputFrame to apply exists
candidateToSendInputFrameId = pR.ConvertToInputFrameId(refRenderFrameId, pR.InputDelayFrames)
Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Resetting refRenderFrame for rejoined player: roomId=%v, playerId=%v, refRenderFrameId=%v, candidateToSendInputFrameId=%v, upperToSendInputFrameId=%v, lastSentInputFrameId=%v, playerAckingInputFrameId=%v", pR.Id, playerId, refRenderFrameId, candidateToSendInputFrameId, upperToSendInputFrameId, player.LastSentInputFrameId, player.AckingInputFrameId))
// [WARNING] EDGE CASE HERE: Upon initialization, all of "lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId", "lastAllConfirmedInputFrameIdWithChange" and "anchorInputFrameId" are "-1", thus "candidateToSendInputFrameId" starts with "0", however "inputFrameId: 0" might not have been all confirmed!
for candidateToSendInputFrameId <= upperToSendInputFrameId {
tmp := pR.InputsBuffer.GetByFrameId(candidateToSendInputFrameId)
if nil == tmp {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Required inputFrameId=%v for roomId=%v, playerId=%v doesn't exist! InputsBuffer=%v", candidateToSendInputFrameId, pR.Id, playerId, pR.InputsBufferString(false)))
f := tmp.(*InputFrameDownsync)
if pR.inputFrameIdDebuggable(candidateToSendInputFrameId) {
Logger.Debug("inputFrame lifecycle#3[sending]:", zap.Any("roomId", pR.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("playerAckingInputFrameId", player.AckingInputFrameId), zap.Any("inputFrameId", candidateToSendInputFrameId), zap.Any("inputFrameId-doublecheck", f.InputFrameId), zap.Any("InputsBuffer", pR.InputsBufferString(false)), zap.Any("ConfirmedList", f.ConfirmedList))
toSendInputFrames = append(toSendInputFrames, f)
if 0 >= len(toSendInputFrames) {
// [WARNING] When sending DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_FORCED_RESYNC, there MUST BE accompanying "toSendInputFrames" for calculating "refRenderFrameId"!
if MAGIC_LAST_SENT_INPUT_FRAME_ID_READDED == player.LastSentInputFrameId {
Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Not sending due to empty toSendInputFrames: roomId=%v, playerId=%v, refRenderFrameId=%v, upperToSendInputFrameId=%v, lastSentInputFrameId=%v, playerAckingInputFrameId=%v", pR.Id, playerId, refRenderFrameId, upperToSendInputFrameId, player.LastSentInputFrameId, player.AckingInputFrameId))
Resync helps
1. when player with a slower frontend clock lags significantly behind and thus wouldn't get its inputUpsync recognized due to faster "forceConfirmation"
2. reconnection
shouldResync1 := (MAGIC_LAST_SENT_INPUT_FRAME_ID_READDED == player.LastSentInputFrameId)
// shouldResync2 := (0 < (unconfirmedMask & uint64(1<<uint32(player.JoinIndex-1)))) // This condition is critical, if we don't send resync upon this condition, the "reconnected or slowly-clocking player" might never get its input synced
shouldResync2 := (0 < unconfirmedMask) // An easier version of the above, might keep sending "refRenderFrame"s to still connected players when any player is disconnected
if pR.BackendDynamicsEnabled && (shouldResync1 || shouldResync2) {
tmp := pR.RenderFrameBuffer.GetByFrameId(refRenderFrameId)
if nil == tmp {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Required refRenderFrameId=%v for roomId=%v, playerId=%v, candidateToSendInputFrameId=%v doesn't exist! InputsBuffer=%v, RenderFrameBuffer=%v", refRenderFrameId, pR.Id, playerId, candidateToSendInputFrameId, pR.InputsBufferString(false), pR.RenderFrameBufferString()))
refRenderFrame := tmp.(*RoomDownsyncFrame)
refRenderFrame.BackendUnconfirmedMask = unconfirmedMask
pR.sendSafely(refRenderFrame, toSendInputFrames, DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_FORCED_RESYNC, playerId)
} else {
pR.sendSafely(nil, toSendInputFrames, DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_INPUT_BATCH, playerId)
pR.Players[playerId].LastSentInputFrameId = candidateToSendInputFrameId - 1
if pR.BackendDynamicsEnabled {
// Evict no longer required "RenderFrameBuffer"
for 0 < pR.RenderFrameBuffer.Cnt && pR.RenderFrameBuffer.StFrameId < refRenderFrameId {
_ = pR.RenderFrameBuffer.Pop()
minToKeepInputFrameId := pR.ConvertToInputFrameId(refRenderFrameId, pR.InputDelayFrames) - pR.SpAtkLookupFrames
The following updates to "minToKeepInputFrameId" is necessary because when "false == pR.BackendDynamicsEnabled", the variable "refRenderFrameId" is not well defined.
minLastSentInputFrameId := int32(math.MaxInt32)
for _, player := range pR.Players {
if PlayerBattleStateIns.ACTIVE != player.BattleState {
if player.LastSentInputFrameId >= minLastSentInputFrameId {
minLastSentInputFrameId = player.LastSentInputFrameId
if minLastSentInputFrameId < minToKeepInputFrameId {
minToKeepInputFrameId = minLastSentInputFrameId
for 0 < pR.InputsBuffer.Cnt && pR.InputsBuffer.StFrameId < minToKeepInputFrameId {
f := pR.InputsBuffer.Pop().(*InputFrameDownsync)
if pR.inputFrameIdDebuggable(f.InputFrameId) {
// Popping of an "inputFrame" would be AFTER its being all being confirmed, because it requires the "inputFrame" to be all acked
Logger.Debug("inputFrame lifecycle#4[popped]:", zap.Any("roomId", pR.Id), zap.Any("inputFrameId", f.InputFrameId), zap.Any("minToKeepInputFrameId", minToKeepInputFrameId), zap.Any("InputsBuffer", pR.InputsBufferString(false)))
@ -1481,3 +1373,86 @@ func (pR *Room) refreshColliders(spaceW, spaceH int32) {
func (pR *Room) printBarrier(barrierCollider *resolv.Object) {
Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Barrier in roomId=%v: w=%v, h=%v, shape=%v", pR.Id, barrierCollider.W, barrierCollider.H, barrierCollider.Shape))
func (pR *Room) downsyncToSinglePlayer(playerId int32, player *Player, upperToSendInputFrameId int32, unconfirmedMask uint64) {
// [WARNING] "pR.InputsBuffer" isn't thread-safe, thus it's critical to guarantee that "pR.InputsBuffer.Put/Pop/GetByFrameId" are all executed by "battleMainLoop" only, i.e. this function should also be executed by "battleMainLoop" only!
currPlayerBattleState := atomic.LoadInt32(&(player.BattleState)) // Might be changed in "OnPlayerDisconnected/OnPlayerLost" from other threads
// [WARNING] DON'T try to send any message to an inactive player!
switch currPlayerBattleState {
case PlayerBattleStateIns.DISCONNECTED:
case PlayerBattleStateIns.LOST:
if 0 == pR.RenderFrameId {
kickoffFrame := pR.RenderFrameBuffer.GetByFrameId(0).(*RoomDownsyncFrame)
pR.sendSafely(kickoffFrame, nil, DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_BATTLE_START, playerId)
// [WARNING] Websocket is TCP-based, thus no need to re-send a previously sent inputFrame to a same player!
toSendInputFrames := make([]*InputFrameDownsync, 0, pR.InputsBuffer.Cnt)
j := player.LastSentInputFrameId + 1
Upon resynced on frontend, "refRenderFrameId" MUST BE CAPPED somehow by "upperToSendInputFrameId", if frontend resyncs itself to a more advanced value than given below, upon the next renderFrame tick on the frontend it might generate non-consecutive "nextInputFrameId > frontend.recentInputCache.edFrameId+1".
If "NstDelayFrames" becomes larger, "pR.RenderFrameId - refRenderFrameId" possibly becomes larger because the force confirmation is delayed more.
Upon resync, it's still possible that "refRenderFrameId < frontend.chaserRenderFrameId" -- and this is allowed.
refRenderFrameId := pR.ConvertToGeneratingRenderFrameId(upperToSendInputFrameId + 1) // for the frontend to jump immediately into generating & upsyncing the next input frame, thus getting rid of "resync avalanche"
if refRenderFrameId > pR.RenderFrameId {
refRenderFrameId = pR.RenderFrameId
if MAGIC_LAST_SENT_INPUT_FRAME_ID_READDED == player.LastSentInputFrameId {
// A rejoined player, should guarantee that when it resyncs to "refRenderFrameId" a matching inputFrame to apply exists
j = pR.ConvertToInputFrameId(refRenderFrameId, pR.InputDelayFrames)
Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Resetting refRenderFrame for rejoined player: roomId=%v, playerId=%v, refRenderFrameId=%v, j=%v, upperToSendInputFrameId=%v", pR.Id, playerId, refRenderFrameId, j, upperToSendInputFrameId))
// [WARNING] EDGE CASE HERE: Upon initialization, all of "lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId", "lastAllConfirmedInputFrameIdWithChange" and "anchorInputFrameId" are "-1", thus "j" starts with "0", however "inputFrameId: 0" might not have been all confirmed!
for j <= upperToSendInputFrameId {
tmp := pR.InputsBuffer.GetByFrameId(j)
if nil == tmp {
Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Required inputFrameId=%v for roomId=%v, playerId=%v doesn't exist! InputsBuffer=%v", j, pR.Id, playerId, pR.InputsBufferString(false)))
f := tmp.(*InputFrameDownsync)
if pR.inputFrameIdDebuggable(j) {
Logger.Debug("inputFrame lifecycle#3[sending]:", zap.Any("roomId", pR.Id), zap.Any("playerId", playerId), zap.Any("playerAckingInputFrameId", player.AckingInputFrameId), zap.Any("inputFrameId", j), zap.Any("inputFrameId-doublecheck", f.InputFrameId), zap.Any("InputsBuffer", pR.InputsBufferString(false)), zap.Any("ConfirmedList", f.ConfirmedList))
toSendInputFrames = append(toSendInputFrames, f)
if 0 >= len(toSendInputFrames) {
Logger.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Not sending due to empty toSendInputFrames: roomId=%v, playerId=%v, refRenderFrameId=%v, upperToSendInputFrameId=%v, lastSentInputFrameId=%v, playerAckingInputFrameId=%v", pR.Id, playerId, refRenderFrameId, upperToSendInputFrameId, player.LastSentInputFrameId, player.AckingInputFrameId))
Resync helps
1. when player with a slower frontend clock lags significantly behind and thus wouldn't get its inputUpsync recognized due to faster "forceConfirmation"
2. reconnection
shouldResync1 := (MAGIC_LAST_SENT_INPUT_FRAME_ID_READDED == player.LastSentInputFrameId)
// shouldResync2 := (0 < (unconfirmedMask & uint64(1<<uint32(player.JoinIndex-1)))) // This condition is critical, if we don't send resync upon this condition, the "reconnected or slowly-clocking player" might never get its input synced
shouldResync2 := (0 < unconfirmedMask) // An easier version of the above, might keep sending "refRenderFrame"s to still connected players when any player is disconnected
if pR.BackendDynamicsEnabled && (shouldResync1 || shouldResync2) {
tmp := pR.RenderFrameBuffer.GetByFrameId(refRenderFrameId)
if nil == tmp {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Required refRenderFrameId=%v for roomId=%v, playerId=%v, j=%v doesn't exist! InputsBuffer=%v, RenderFrameBuffer=%v", refRenderFrameId, pR.Id, playerId, j, pR.InputsBufferString(false), pR.RenderFrameBufferString()))
refRenderFrame := tmp.(*RoomDownsyncFrame)
refRenderFrame.BackendUnconfirmedMask = unconfirmedMask
pR.sendSafely(refRenderFrame, toSendInputFrames, DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_FORCED_RESYNC, playerId)
} else {
pR.sendSafely(nil, toSendInputFrames, DOWNSYNC_MSG_ACT_INPUT_BATCH, playerId)
player.LastSentInputFrameId = j - 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user