Minor fix.

This commit is contained in:
genxium 2023-01-28 17:47:48 +08:00
parent 5863f88435
commit 7c454130db
3 changed files with 78 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
"array": [

View File

@ -36,11 +36,7 @@ window.PlayerBattleState = {
window.onUdpMessage = (args) => {
const self = window.mapIns;
const len = args.length;
const ui8Arr = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ui8Arr[i] = args.charCodeAt(i);
const ui8Arr = args;
cc.log(`#1 Js called back by CPP: onUdpMessage: args=${args}, typeof(args)=${typeof (args)}, argslen=${args.length}, ui8Arr=${ui8Arr}`);
cc.log(`#2 Js called back by CPP for upsync: trying to decode by WsReq...`);
@ -48,6 +44,7 @@ window.onUdpMessage = (args) => {
if (req) {
cc.log(`#2 Js called back by CPP for upsync: onUdpMessage: ${JSON.stringify(req)}`);
if (req.act && window.UPSYNC_MSG_ACT_PLAYER_CMD == req.act) {
let effCnt = 0;
const renderedInputFrameIdUpper = gopkgs.ConvertToDelayedInputFrameId(self.renderFrameId);
const peerJoinIndex = req.joinIndex;
const batch = req.inputFrameUpsyncBatch;
@ -62,9 +59,17 @@ window.onUdpMessage = (args) => {
self.getOrPrefabInputFrameUpsync(inputFrameUpsync.inputFrameId); // Make sure that inputFrame exists locally
const existingInputFrame = self.recentInputCache.GetByFrameId(inputFrameUpsync.inputFrameId);
existingInputFrame.InputList[inputFrameUpsync.joinIndex - 1] = inputFrameUpsync.encoded; // No need to change "confirmedList", leave it to "onInputFrameDownsyncBatch" -- we're just helping prediction here
if (0 < (existingInputFrame.confirmedList & (1 << (peerJoinIndex - 1)))) {
effCnt += 1;
existingInputFrame.InputList[inputFrameUpsync.joinIndex - 1] = inputFrameUpsync.encoded;
existingInputFrame.confirmedList |= (1 << (peerJoinIndex - 1));
self.recentInputCache.SetByFrameId(existingInputFrame, inputFrameUpsync.inputFrameId);
if (0 < effCnt) {
self.networkDoctor.logPeerInputFrameUpsync(batch[0].inputFrameId, batch[batch.length - 1].inputFrameId);
@ -922,9 +927,13 @@ batchInputFrameIdRange=[${batch[0].inputFrameId}, ${batch[batch.length - 1].inpu
if (inputFrameDownsyncId <= self.lastAllConfirmedInputFrameId) {
effCnt += 1;
self.getOrPrefabInputFrameUpsync(inputFrameDownsyncId); // Make sure that inputFrame exists locally
const existingInputFrame = self.recentInputCache.GetByFrameId(inputFrameDownsyncId);
if (0 < (existingInputFrame.confirmedList & (1 << (peerJoinIndex - 1)))) {
effCnt += 1;
existingInputFrame.confirmedList |= (1 << (peerJoinIndex - 1));
existingInputFrame.InputList[peerJoinIndex - 1] = inputFrameDownsync.inputList[peerJoinIndex - 1]; // No need to change "confirmedList", leave it to "onInputFrameDownsyncBatch" -- we're just helping prediction here
self.recentInputCache.SetByFrameId(existingInputFrame, inputFrameDownsyncId);

View File

@ -22,37 +22,45 @@ void _onRead(uv_udp_t* req, ssize_t nread, uv_buf_t const* buf, struct sockaddr
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes", nread);
memset(ip, 0, sizeof ip);
int port = 0;
if (NULL != addr) {
// The null check for "addr" is necessary, on Android there'd be such mysterious call to "_onRead"!
switch (addr->sa_family) {
case AF_INET: {
struct sockaddr_in const* sockAddr = (struct sockaddr_in const*)addr;
memset(ip, 0, sizeof ip);
//uv_ip4_name(sockAddr, ip, 16);
uv_inet_ntop(sockAddr->sin_family, &(sockAddr->sin_addr), ip, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
int port = ntohs(sockAddr->sin_port);
port = ntohs(sockAddr->sin_port);
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes from %s:%d", nread, ip, port);
} else {
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes from unknown sender", nread);
if (6 != nread) {
if (6 == nread) {
// holepunching
} else if (0 < nread) {
// Non-holepunching
int const gameThreadMsgSize = 256;
char* const gameThreadMsg = (char* const)malloc(gameThreadMsgSize);
memset(gameThreadMsg, 0, gameThreadMsgSize);
memcpy(gameThreadMsg, buf->base, nread);
uint8_t* const ui8Arr = (uint8_t*)malloc(256*sizeof(uint8_t));
memset(ui8Arr, 0, sizeof ui8Arr);
for (int i = 0; i < nread; i++) {
*(ui8Arr+i) = *(buf->base + i);
cocos2d::Application::getInstance()->getScheduler()->performFunctionInCocosThread([=]() {
// [WARNING] Use of the "ScriptEngine" is only allowed in "GameThread a.k.a. CocosThread"!
se::Value onUdpMessageCb;
se::ScriptEngine::getInstance()->getGlobalObject()->getProperty("onUdpMessage", &onUdpMessageCb);
// [WARNING] Declaring "AutoHandleScope" is critical here, otherwise "onUdpMessageCb.toObject()" wouldn't be recognized as a function of the ScriptEngine!
se::AutoHandleScope hs;
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes upsync -- 1", nread);
se::Object* const gameThreadMsg = se::Object::createTypedArray(se::Object::TypedArrayType::UINT8, ui8Arr, nread);
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes upsync -- 2", nread);
se::ValueArray args = { se::Value(gameThreadMsg) };
if (onUdpMessageCb.isObject() && onUdpMessageCb.toObject()->isFunction()) {
// Temporarily assume that the "this" ptr within callback is NULL.
@ -61,14 +69,21 @@ void _onRead(uv_udp_t* req, ssize_t nread, uv_buf_t const* buf, struct sockaddr
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes upsync -- 3", nread);
gameThreadMsg->decRef(); // Reference http://docs.cocos.com/creator/2.2/manual/en/advanced-topics/JSB2.0-learning.html#seobject
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes upsync -- 4", nread);
CCLOG("UDP received %d bytes upsync -- 5", nread);
} else {
CCLOG("UDP received hole punching");
// [WARNING] Don't call either of the following statements! They will make "_onRead" no longer called for incoming packets!
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)req, NULL);
//uv_close((uv_handle_t*)req, NULL);
static void _allocBuffer(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf) {
@ -90,6 +105,11 @@ void _onSend(uv_udp_send_t* req, int status) {
CCLOGERROR("uv_udp_send_cb error: %s\n", uv_strerror(status));
void _onUvTimerClosed(uv_handle_t* timer) {
class PunchServerWork {
BYTEC bytes[128]; // Wasting some RAM here thus no need for explicit recursive destruction
@ -157,17 +177,24 @@ void _punchPeerOnUvThreadDelayed(uv_timer_t* timer, int status) {
//CCLOG("UDP about to punch peer joinIndex:%d", i);
char peerIp[17] = { 0 };
uv_ip4_name((struct sockaddr_in*)&(peerAddrList[i].sockAddrIn), peerIp, sizeof peerIp);
int peerPortSt = ntohs(peerAddrList[i].sockAddrIn.sin_port) - 3;
int peerPortEd = ntohs(peerAddrList[i].sockAddrIn.sin_port) + 3;
for (int peerPort = peerPortSt; peerPort < peerPortEd; peerPort++) {
if (0 > peerPort) continue;
uv_udp_send_t* req = (uv_udp_send_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_udp_send_t));
uv_buf_t sendBuffer = uv_buf_init("foobar", 6); // hardcoded for now
uv_udp_send(req, udpSocket, &sendBuffer, 1, (struct sockaddr const*)&peerAddrList[i], _onSend);
CCLOG("UDP punched peer %s:%d by 6 bytes", peerIp, ntohs(peerAddrList[i].sockAddrIn.sin_port));
struct sockaddr_in testPeerAddr;
uv_ip4_addr(peerIp, peerPort, &testPeerAddr);
uv_udp_send(req, udpSocket, &sendBuffer, 1, (struct sockaddr const*)&testPeerAddr, _onSend);
CCLOG("UDP punched peer %s:%d by 6 bytes", peerIp, peerPort);
uv_close((uv_handle_t*)timer, _onUvTimerClosed);
//CCLOG("_punchPeerOnUvThreadDelayed stopped...");
int const punchPeerCnt = 10;
int const punchPeerCnt = 3;
void _startPunchPeerTimerOnUvThread(uv_work_t* wrapper) {
PunchPeerWork* work = (PunchPeerWork*)wrapper->data;
int roomCapacity = work->roomCapacity;
@ -204,6 +231,7 @@ public:
this->selfJoinIndex = newSelfJoinIndex;
int const broadcastUpsyncCnt = 1;
void _broadcastInputFrameUpsyncOnUvThread(uv_work_t* wrapper) {
BroadcastInputFrameUpsyncWork* work = (BroadcastInputFrameUpsyncWork*)wrapper->data;
int roomCapacity = work->roomCapacity;
@ -219,7 +247,7 @@ void _broadcastInputFrameUpsyncOnUvThread(uv_work_t* wrapper) {
char peerIp[17] = { 0 };
uv_ip4_name((struct sockaddr_in*)&(peerAddrList[i].sockAddrIn), peerIp, sizeof peerIp);
// Might want to send several times for better arrival rate
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < broadcastUpsyncCnt; j++) {
uv_udp_send_t* req = (uv_udp_send_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_udp_send_t));
uv_buf_t sendBuffer = uv_buf_init(work->bytes, work->bytesLen);
uv_udp_send(req, udpSocket, &sendBuffer, 1, (struct sockaddr const*)&peerAddrList[i], _onSend);
@ -249,17 +277,23 @@ void startRecvLoop(void* arg) {
bool DelayNoMore::UdpSession::openUdpSession(int port) {
loop = uv_loop_new();
udpSocket = (uv_udp_t*)malloc(sizeof(uv_udp_t));
int sockInitRes = uv_udp_init(loop, udpSocket); // "uv_udp_init" must precede that of "uv_udp_bind" for successful binding!
struct sockaddr_in recv_addr;
uv_ip4_addr("", port, &recv_addr);
uv_udp_bind(udpSocket, (struct sockaddr const*)&recv_addr, UV_UDP_REUSEADDR);
int bindRes = uv_udp_bind(udpSocket, (struct sockaddr const*)&recv_addr, UV_UDP_REUSEADDR);
if (0 != bindRes) {
CCLOGERROR("Failed to bind port=%d; bind result=%d, reason=%s", port, bindRes, uv_strerror(bindRes));
CCLOG("About to open UDP session at port=%d...", port);
loop = uv_loop_new();
uv_udp_init(loop, udpSocket);
uv_async_init(loop, &uvLoopStopSig, _onUvStopSig);
CCLOG("About to open UDP session at port=%d; bind result=%d, sock init result=%d...", port, bindRes, sockInitRes);
uv_udp_recv_start(udpSocket, _allocBuffer, _onRead);
uv_thread_create(&recvTid, startRecvLoop, loop);