Fixed timing for upsync confirmation merge.

This commit is contained in:
genxium 2022-10-03 23:54:38 +08:00
parent 09b12c5b16
commit 1004fd45db
2 changed files with 17 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1031,25 +1031,6 @@ func (pR *Room) prefabInputFrameDownsync(inputFrameId int32) *pb.InputFrameDowns
for _, player := range pR.Players {
// Enrich by already arrived player upsync commands
bufIndex := pR.toDiscreteInputsBufferIndex(currInputFrameDownsync.InputFrameId, player.JoinIndex)
tmp, loaded := pR.DiscreteInputsBuffer.LoadAndDelete(bufIndex)
if !loaded {
inputFrameUpsync := tmp.(*pb.InputFrameUpsync)
indiceInJoinIndexBooleanArr := uint32(player.JoinIndex - 1)
currInputFrameDownsync.InputList[indiceInJoinIndexBooleanArr] = pR.EncodeUpsyncCmd(inputFrameUpsync)
currInputFrameDownsync.ConfirmedList |= (1 << indiceInJoinIndexBooleanArr)
totPlayerCnt := uint32(pR.Capacity)
allConfirmedMask := uint64((1 << totPlayerCnt) - 1)
if currInputFrameDownsync.ConfirmedList == allConfirmedMask {
pR.onInputFrameDownsyncAllConfirmed(currInputFrameDownsync, -1)
return currInputFrameDownsync
@ -1077,21 +1058,28 @@ func (pR *Room) forceConfirmationIfApplicable() uint64 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("inputFrameId2=%v doesn't exist for roomId=%v, this is abnormal because the server should prefab inputFrameDownsync in a most advanced pace, check the prefab logic! InputsBuffer=%v", inputFrameId2, pR.Id, pR.InputsBufferString(false)))
inputFrame2 := tmp.(*pb.InputFrameDownsync)
for _, player := range pR.Players {
// Enrich by already arrived player upsync commands
bufIndex := pR.toDiscreteInputsBufferIndex(inputFrame2.InputFrameId, player.JoinIndex)
tmp, loaded := pR.DiscreteInputsBuffer.LoadAndDelete(bufIndex)
if !loaded {
inputFrameUpsync := tmp.(*pb.InputFrameUpsync)
indiceInJoinIndexBooleanArr := uint32(player.JoinIndex - 1)
inputFrame2.InputList[indiceInJoinIndexBooleanArr] = pR.EncodeUpsyncCmd(inputFrameUpsync)
inputFrame2.ConfirmedList |= (1 << indiceInJoinIndexBooleanArr)
totPlayerCnt := uint32(pR.Capacity)
allConfirmedMask := uint64((1 << totPlayerCnt) - 1)
if swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&(inputFrame2.ConfirmedList), allConfirmedMask, allConfirmedMask); swapped {
// This could happen if the frontend upsync command arrived between type#1 and type#2 checks.
Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("inputFrameId2=%v is already all-confirmed for roomId=%v[type#2], no need to force confirmation of it", inputFrameId2, pR.Id))
return 0
// Force confirmation of "inputFrame2"
oldConfirmedList := atomic.LoadUint64(&(inputFrame2.ConfirmedList))
atomic.StoreUint64(&(inputFrame2.ConfirmedList), allConfirmedMask)
oldConfirmedList := inputFrame2.ConfirmedList
unconfirmedMask := (oldConfirmedList ^ allConfirmedMask)
inputFrame2.ConfirmedList = allConfirmedMask
pR.onInputFrameDownsyncAllConfirmed(inputFrame2, -1)
unconfirmedMask := (oldConfirmedList ^ allConfirmedMask)
return unconfirmedMask

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@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
"array": [