2022-09-20 23:50:01 +08:00
"use strict" ;
window . getQueryParamDict = function ( ) {
// Kindly note that only the first occurrence of duplicated keys will be picked up.
var query = cc . sys . platform == cc . sys . WECHAT _GAME ? '' : window . location . search . substring ( 1 ) ;
var kvPairs = query . split ( '&' ) ;
var toRet = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < kvPairs . length ; ++ i ) {
var kAndV = kvPairs [ i ] . split ( '=' ) ;
if ( undefined === kAndV || null === kAndV || 2 != kAndV . length ) return ;
var k = kAndV [ 0 ] ;
var v = decodeURIComponent ( kAndV [ 1 ] ) ;
toRet [ k ] = v ;
return toRet ;
window . isUsingWebkitWechatKernel = function ( ) {
if ( null == IS _USING _WKWECHAT _KERNEL ) {
// The extraction of `browserType` might take a considerable amount of time in mobile browser kernels.
IS _USING _WKWECHAT _KERNEL = ( cc . sys . BROWSER _TYPE _WECHAT == cc . sys . browserType ) ;
} ;
let IS _USING _X5 _BLINK _KERNEL = null ;
window . isUsingX5BlinkKernel = function ( ) {
if ( null == IS _USING _X5 _BLINK _KERNEL ) {
// The extraction of `browserType` might take a considerable amount of time in mobile browser kernels.
IS _USING _X5 _BLINK _KERNEL = ( cc . sys . BROWSER _TYPE _MOBILE _QQ == cc . sys . browserType ) ;
} ;
window . isUsingX5BlinkKernelOrWebkitWeChatKernel = function ( ) {
// The extraction of `browserType` might take a considerable amount of time in mobile browser kernels.
IS _USING _X5 _BLINK _KERNEL _OR _WKWECHAT _KERNEL = ( cc . sys . BROWSER _TYPE _MOBILE _QQ == cc . sys . browserType || cc . sys . BROWSER _TYPE _WECHAT == cc . sys . browserType ) ;
} ;
window . getRandomInt = function ( min , max ) {
min = Math . ceil ( min ) ;
max = Math . floor ( max ) ;
return Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * ( max - min ) ) + min ;
window . safelyAssignParent = function ( proposedChild , proposedParent ) {
if ( proposedChild . parent == proposedParent ) return false ;
proposedChild . parent = proposedParent ;
return true ;
} ;
window . get2dRotation = function ( aCCNode ) {
// return aCCNode.rotation; // For cc2.0+
return aCCNode . angle ; // For cc2.1+
} ;
window . set2dRotation = function ( aCCNode , clockwiseAngle ) {
// aCCNode.rotation = angle; // For cc2.0+
aCCNode . angle = - clockwiseAngle ; // For cc2.1+
} ;
window . setLocalZOrder = function ( aCCNode , zIndex ) {
aCCNode . zIndex = zIndex ; // For cc2.0+
} ;
window . getLocalZOrder = function ( aCCNode ) {
return aCCNode . zIndex ; // For cc2.0+
} ;
window . safelyAddChild = function ( proposedParent , proposedChild ) {
if ( proposedChild . parent == proposedParent ) return false ;
setLocalZOrder ( proposedChild , getLocalZOrder ( proposedParent ) + 1 ) ;
proposedParent . addChild ( proposedChild ) ;
return true ;
} ;
window . setVisible = function ( aCCNode ) {
aCCNode . opacity = 255 ;
} ;
window . setInvisible = function ( aCCNode ) {
aCCNode . opacity = 0 ;
} ;
window . randomProperty = function ( obj ) {
var keys = Object . keys ( obj )
return obj [ keys [ keys . length * Math . random ( ) << 0 ] ] ;
} ;
window . gidSpriteFrameMap = { } ;
window . getOrCreateSpriteFrameForGid = function ( gid , tiledMapInfo , tilesElListUnderTilesets ) {
if ( null != gidSpriteFrameMap [ gid ] ) return gidSpriteFrameMap [ gid ] ;
if ( false == gidSpriteFrameMap [ gid ] ) return null ;
var tilesets = tiledMapInfo . getTilesets ( ) ;
var targetTileset = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tilesets . length ; ++ i ) {
// TODO: Optimize by binary search.
if ( gid < tilesets [ i ] . firstGid ) continue ;
if ( i < tilesets . length - 1 ) {
if ( gid >= tilesets [ i + 1 ] . firstGid ) continue ;
targetTileset = tilesets [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ! targetTileset ) return null ;
var tileIdWithinTileset = ( gid - targetTileset . firstGid ) ;
var tilesElListUnderCurrentTileset = tilesElListUnderTilesets [ targetTileset . name + ".tsx" ] ;
var targetTileEl = null ;
for ( var tileIdx = 0 ; tileIdx < tilesElListUnderCurrentTileset . length ; ++ tileIdx ) {
var tmpTileEl = tilesElListUnderCurrentTileset [ tileIdx ] ;
if ( tileIdWithinTileset != parseInt ( tmpTileEl . id ) ) continue ;
targetTileEl = tmpTileEl ;
break ;
var tileId = tileIdWithinTileset ;
var tilesPerRow = ( targetTileset . sourceImage . width / targetTileset . _tileSize . width ) ;
var row = parseInt ( tileId / tilesPerRow ) ;
var col = ( tileId % tilesPerRow ) ;
var offset = cc . v2 ( targetTileset . _tileSize . width * col , targetTileset . _tileSize . height * row ) ;
var origSize = targetTileset . _tileSize ;
var rect = cc . rect ( offset . x , offset . y , origSize . width , origSize . height ) ;
var sf = new cc . SpriteFrame ( targetTileset . sourceImage , rect , false /* rotated */ , cc . v2 ( ) /* DON'T use `offset` here or you will have an offsetted image from the `cc.Sprite.node.anchor`. */ , origSize ) ;
const data = {
origSize : targetTileset . _tileSize ,
spriteFrame : sf ,
window . gidSpriteFrameMap [ gid ] = data ;
return data ;
window . gidAnimationClipMap = { } ;
window . getOrCreateAnimationClipForGid = function ( gid , tiledMapInfo , tilesElListUnderTilesets ) {
if ( null != gidAnimationClipMap [ gid ] ) return gidAnimationClipMap [ gid ] ;
if ( false == gidAnimationClipMap [ gid ] ) return null ;
var tilesets = tiledMapInfo . getTilesets ( ) ;
var targetTileset = null ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tilesets . length ; ++ i ) {
// TODO: Optimize by binary search.
if ( gid < tilesets [ i ] . firstGid ) continue ;
if ( i < tilesets . length - 1 ) {
if ( gid >= tilesets [ i + 1 ] . firstGid ) continue ;
targetTileset = tilesets [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ! targetTileset ) return null ;
var tileIdWithinTileset = ( gid - targetTileset . firstGid ) ;
var tilesElListUnderCurrentTileset = tilesElListUnderTilesets [ targetTileset . name + ".tsx" ] ;
var targetTileEl = null ;
for ( var tileIdx = 0 ; tileIdx < tilesElListUnderCurrentTileset . length ; ++ tileIdx ) {
var tmpTileEl = tilesElListUnderCurrentTileset [ tileIdx ] ;
if ( tileIdWithinTileset != parseInt ( tmpTileEl . id ) ) continue ;
targetTileEl = tmpTileEl ;
break ;
if ( ! targetTileEl ) return null ;
var animElList = targetTileEl . getElementsByTagName ( "animation" ) ;
if ( ! animElList || 0 >= animElList . length ) return null ;
var animEl = animElList [ 0 ] ;
var uniformDurationSecondsPerFrame = null ;
var totDurationSeconds = 0 ;
var sfList = [ ] ;
var frameElListUnderAnim = animEl . getElementsByTagName ( "frame" ) ;
var tilesPerRow = ( targetTileset . sourceImage . width / targetTileset . _tileSize . width ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < frameElListUnderAnim . length ; ++ k ) {
var frameEl = frameElListUnderAnim [ k ] ;
var tileId = parseInt ( frameEl . attributes . tileid . value ) ;
var durationSeconds = frameEl . attributes . duration . value / 1000 ;
if ( null == uniformDurationSecondsPerFrame ) uniformDurationSecondsPerFrame = durationSeconds ;
totDurationSeconds += durationSeconds ;
var row = parseInt ( tileId / tilesPerRow ) ;
var col = ( tileId % tilesPerRow ) ;
var offset = cc . v2 ( targetTileset . _tileSize . width * col , targetTileset . _tileSize . height * row ) ;
var origSize = targetTileset . _tileSize ;
var rect = cc . rect ( offset . x , offset . y , origSize . width , origSize . height ) ;
var sf = new cc . SpriteFrame ( targetTileset . sourceImage , rect , false /* rotated */ , cc . v2 ( ) , origSize ) ;
sfList . push ( sf ) ;
var sampleRate = 1 / uniformDurationSecondsPerFrame ; // A.k.a. fps.
var animClip = cc . AnimationClip . createWithSpriteFrames ( sfList , sampleRate ) ;
// http://docs.cocos.com/creator/api/en/enums/WrapMode.html.
animClip . wrapMode = cc . WrapMode . Loop ;
return {
origSize : targetTileset . _tileSize ,
animationClip : animClip ,
} ;
} ;
2023-01-22 23:05:32 +08:00
// Node.js, this is a workaround to avoid accessing the non-existent "TextDecoder class" from "jsexport.js".
window . fs = function ( ) { } ;