2023-05-24 13:28:09 +08:00

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* 创建: 2022年11月23日
* 作者: 水煮肉片饭(
* 描述: 数据看板
* 节点挂上该组件,就可以在游戏运行过程中,直观看到节点任意属性(包括节点脚本中的属性)
* 可以图形化展示以下四种数据:
* 轮廓盒子: 随节点旋转,代表节点的实时矩形
* 碰撞盒子: 不随节点旋转,一般代表碰撞范围
* 自定义参数: 节点自身属性,以及节点任意脚本中的属性
* 锚点: 锚点位置会显示一个小红点
* 自定义参数(配置想监控的数据):
* wp 世界坐标
* radian 节点弧度(单位:π)
* matrix: 变换矩阵
* 自身属性: x,y,parent,children等
* 脚本属性: 脚本实例对象的属性
* ↓↓参数可以用3种分隔符隔开↓↓
* 英文逗号、英文冒号、空格
* ————————————————————————举个栗子————————————————————————
* 脚本: Hero
* 参数: wp,scale,angle,#angle,#hp
* 显示结果:世界坐标,节点scale,节点angleHero对象的angle,Hero对象的hp
* ————————————————————————温馨提示————————————————————————
* 初始化的时候设置全局变量window['DATABOARD'] = false可屏蔽本项目所有DataBoard不会产生任何额外开销\n
window['DATABOARD'] = true;
const ANCHOR_SIZE = 20; //锚点的大小
const LINEHEIGHT = 1.2; //行高是字体大小的多少倍
const { ccclass, property, executeInEditMode, menu } = cc._decorator;
export default class DataBoard extends cc.Component {
private _isOutlineBoxActive: boolean = false;
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '轮廓盒子', tooltip: CC_DEV && '随节点旋转,代表实时轮廓' })
private get isOutlineBoxActive() { return this._isOutlineBoxActive };
private set isOutlineBoxActive(value: boolean) {
this._isOutlineBoxActive = value; = value;
private _outlineBoxColor: cc.Color = new cc.Color(Math.random() * 255, Math.random() * 255, Math.random() * 255);
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '······颜色', visible() { return this.isOutlineBoxActive } })
private get outlineBoxColor() { return this._outlineBoxColor };
private set outlineBoxColor(value: cc.Color) {
this._outlineBoxColor = value;
this.outlineBoxNode.color = value;
private _outlineBoxOpacity: number = 100;
@property({ min: 0, max: 255, step: 1, slide: true, displayName: CC_DEV && '······透明度', visible() { return this.isOutlineBoxActive } })
private get outlineBoxOpacity() { return this._outlineBoxOpacity };
private set outlineBoxOpacity(value: number) {
this._outlineBoxOpacity = value;
this.outlineBoxNode.opacity = value;
private _isCollideBoxActive: boolean = true;
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '碰撞盒子', tooltip: CC_DEV && '不随节点旋转,代表碰撞范围' })
private get isCollideBoxActive() { return this._isCollideBoxActive };
private set isCollideBoxActive(value: boolean) {
this._isCollideBoxActive = value; = value;
private _collideBoxColor: cc.Color = new cc.Color(Math.random() * 255, Math.random() * 255, Math.random() * 255);
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '······颜色', visible() { return this.isCollideBoxActive } })
private get collideBoxColor() { return this._collideBoxColor };
private set collideBoxColor(value: cc.Color) {
this._collideBoxColor = value;
this.collideBoxNode.color = value;
private _collideBoxOpacity: number = 100;
@property({ min: 0, max: 255, step: 1, slide: true, displayName: CC_DEV && '······透明度', visible() { return this.isCollideBoxActive } })
private get collideBoxOpacity() { return this._collideBoxOpacity };
private set collideBoxOpacity(value: number) {
this._collideBoxOpacity = value;
this.collideBoxNode.opacity = value;
private _isCustomLabelActive: boolean = true;
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '自定义参数', tooltip: CC_DEV && '配置显示的属性内容' })
private get isCustomLabelActive() { return this._isCustomLabelActive };
private set isCustomLabelActive(value: boolean) {
this._isCustomLabelActive = value; = value;
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '······脚本', tooltip: CC_DEV && '监控哪个脚本', visible() { return this.isCustomLabelActive; } })
private customComponentName: string = '';
private _customLabelString: string = 'x,y';
@property({ multiline: true, displayName: CC_DEV && '······参数', tooltip: CC_DEV && "—————支持的参数————\nwp世界坐标\nradian节点弧度单位π\nmatrix变换矩阵\n自身属性x,y,parent,children等\n脚本属性脚本实例对象的属性\n↓↓参数可以用3种分隔符隔开↓↓\n英文逗号、英文冒号、空格\n————举个栗子————\n脚本Hero\n参数wp,scale,angle,#angle,#hp\n显示结果\n世界坐标,节点scale,节点angleHero对象的angle,Hero对象的hp\n————温馨提示————\n初始化的时候设置全局变量\nwindow['DATABOARD'] = false\n可屏蔽本项目所有DataBoard不会产生任何额外开销", visible() { return this.isCustomLabelActive } })
private get customLabelString() { return this._customLabelString };
private set customLabelString(value: string) {
this._customLabelString = value;
this.customLabelStringSplit = value
.replace(/,/g, '_~_').replace(/:/g, '_!_').replace(/ /g, '_@_')
.replace(/_*\n_*/g, '_\n_').split('_');
private _customLabelOffset: cc.Vec2 = cc.v2(0, 100);
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '······偏移', visible() { return this.isCustomLabelActive } })
private get customLabelOffset() { return this._customLabelOffset };
private set customLabelOffset(value: cc.Vec2) {
this._customLabelOffset = value;
this.customLabelNode.x = value.x;
this.customLabelNode.y = value.y;
private _customLabelColor: cc.Color = new cc.Color(255, 255, 0);
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '······颜色', visible() { return this.isCustomLabelActive } })
private get customLabelColor() { return this._customLabelColor };
private set customLabelColor(value: cc.Color) {
this._customLabelColor = value;
this.customLabelNode.color = value;
private _customLabelSize: number = 60;
@property({ displayName: CC_DEV && '······大小', visible() { return this.isCustomLabelActive } })
private get customLabelSize() { return this._customLabelSize };
private set customLabelSize(value: number) {
this._customLabelSize = value;
this.customLabel.fontSize = value;
this.customLabel.lineHeight = value * LINEHEIGHT;
this.customLabelNode.getComponent(cc.LabelOutline).width = value * 0.1;
private _customLabelDigit: number = 0;
@property({ min: 0, max: 10, step: 1, slide: true, displayName: CC_DEV && '······小数位数', visible() { return this.isCustomLabelActive } })
private get customLabelDigit() { return this._customLabelDigit };
private set customLabelDigit(value: number) {
this._customLabelDigit = value;
private boardNode: cc.Node = null;
private outlineBoxNode: cc.Node = null;
private collideBoxNode: cc.Node = null;
private anchorPointNode: cc.Node = null;
private customLabelNode: cc.Node = null;
private customLabel: cc.Label = null;
private customLabelStringSplit: string[] = null;
private monitorComp: cc.Component = null;
protected onLoad() {
if (!CC_EDITOR && !window['DATABOARD']) {
this.boardNode = this.node.getChildByName('DataBoard');
if (cc.isValid(this.boardNode)) {
let texture = new cc.Texture2D();
texture.initWithData(new Uint8Array([255, 255, 255]), cc.Texture2D.PixelFormat.RGB888, 1, 1);
this.boardNode = new cc.Node('DataBoard');
this.boardNode.x = this.boardNode.y = 0;
this.boardNode.zIndex = cc.macro.MAX_ZINDEX;
this.boardNode['_objFlags'] |= cc.Object['Flags'].HideInHierarchy;
this.boardNode['_objFlags'] |= cc.Object['Flags'].LockedInEditor;
this.outlineBoxNode = new cc.Node('OutlineBox');
this.outlineBoxNode.addComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame(texture); = this.isOutlineBoxActive;
this.outlineBoxNode.color = this.outlineBoxColor;
this.outlineBoxNode.opacity = this.outlineBoxOpacity;
this.collideBoxNode = new cc.Node('CollideBox');
this.collideBoxNode.addComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame(texture); = this.isCollideBoxActive;
this.collideBoxNode.color = this.collideBoxColor;
this.collideBoxNode.opacity = this.collideBoxOpacity;
this.anchorPointNode = new cc.Node('AnchorPoint');
this.anchorPointNode.addComponent(cc.Sprite).spriteFrame = new cc.SpriteFrame(texture);
this.anchorPointNode.color = cc.color(255, 0, 0);
this.anchorPointNode.width = ANCHOR_SIZE;
this.anchorPointNode.height = ANCHOR_SIZE;
this.customLabelNode = new cc.Node('CustomLabel');
this.customLabel = this.customLabelNode.addComponent(cc.Label);
this.customLabelNode.addComponent(cc.LabelOutline).color = cc.color(0, 0, 0); = this.isCustomLabelActive;
this.customLabelString = this._customLabelString;
this.customLabelNode.x = this.customLabelOffset.x;
this.customLabelNode.y = this.customLabelOffset.y;
this.customLabelNode.color = this.customLabelColor;
this.customLabelSize = this._customLabelSize;
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.ROTATION_CHANGED, this.updateAngle, this);
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.SCALE_CHANGED, this.updateScale, this);
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.ANCHOR_CHANGED, this.updateAnchor, this);
this.node.on(cc.Node.EventType.SIZE_CHANGED, this.updateSize, this);
private updateAngle() {
this.collideBoxNode.angle = -this.node.angle;
this.customLabelNode.angle = -this.node.angle;
private updateScale() {
this.boardNode.scaleX = 1 / this.node.scaleX;
this.boardNode.scaleY = 1 / this.node.scaleY;
this.outlineBoxNode.scaleX = this.node.scaleX;
this.outlineBoxNode.scaleY = this.node.scaleY;
this.collideBoxNode.scaleX = this.node.scaleX;
this.collideBoxNode.scaleY = this.node.scaleY;
private updateAnchor() {
this.outlineBoxNode.anchorX = this.node.anchorX;
this.outlineBoxNode.anchorY = this.node.anchorY;
this.collideBoxNode.anchorX = this.node.anchorX;
this.collideBoxNode.anchorY = this.node.anchorY;
private updateSize() {
this.outlineBoxNode.width = this.node.width;
this.outlineBoxNode.height = this.node.height;
this.collideBoxNode.width = this.node.width;
this.collideBoxNode.height = this.node.height;
protected update() {
if (!this.isCustomLabelActive) return;
if (!this.customLabelStringSplit) return;
let str = '';
let strs = this.customLabelStringSplit;
if (!this.monitorComp && this.customComponentName) {
this.monitorComp = this.node.getComponent(this.customComponentName);
for (let i = 0, len = strs.length; i < len; ++i) {
let tmp = null;
switch (strs[i]) {
case 'wp':
let matrix = this.node['_worldMatrix'].m;
tmp = `${matrix[12].toFixed(this.customLabelDigit)},\t${matrix[13].toFixed(this.customLabelDigit)}`;
case 'angle':
tmp = this.node.angle.toFixed(this.customLabelDigit) + '°';
case 'radian':
tmp = (this.node.angle / 180).toFixed(this.customLabelDigit) + 'π';
case 'matrix':
matrix = this.node['_worldMatrix'].m;
tmp = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
let m = matrix[j * 4 + i];
tmp += (m < 0 ? '\t\t' : '\t\t\t') + m.toFixed(this.customLabelDigit);
i !== 3 && (tmp += '\n');
case 'children':
tmp = '';
for (let i = 0, len = this.node.childrenCount; i < len; ++i) {
tmp += `\t\t\t${i}${this.node.children[i].name}`;
i !== len - 1 && (tmp += '\n');
case '~': tmp = ',\t'; break;
case '!': tmp = ':\t'; break;
case '@': tmp = '\t\t'; break;
if (this.node[strs[i]] !== undefined) {
tmp = this.node[strs[i]];
} else if (strs[i].startsWith('#') && this.monitorComp !== null) {
tmp = this.parseString(strs[i].substring(1));
} else {
tmp = strs[i];
if (typeof tmp === 'number') {
tmp = tmp.toFixed(this.customLabelDigit);
} else if ( {
tmp =;
str += tmp;
this.customLabel.string = str;
private parseString(str: string) {
let strs = str.split('.');
let ret = this.monitorComp[strs[0]] || `#${strs[0]}`;
for (let i = 1, len = strs.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (ret[strs[i]] === undefined) {
return `${ ? : ret}.${strs[i]}`;
ret = ret[strs[i]];
return ret;
protected onDestroy() {
if (cc.isValid(this.boardNode)) {