@echo off @REM This file is placed in a stable (version-independent) location @REM and forwards to the currently installed version setlocal SET DEVCONTAINER_CLI_PATH=%~f0 SET VSCODE_PATH= :vscode_path @REM Load the Code.exe path IF NOT exist "%~dp0vscode-path%" goto fail_vscode_path set /p VSCODE_PATH=<"%~dp0vscode-path%" IF exist "%VSCODE_PATH%" goto remote_container_path :fail_vscode_path echo Failed to determine VS Code path exit 1 :remote_container_path SET REMOTE_CONTAINERS_PATH= @REM Check the remote-containers-path file @REM This is a cache (and enables Dev Containers development) IF NOT exist "%~dp0remote-containers-path%" goto fail_remote_container_path set /p REMOTE_CONTAINERS_PATH=<"%~dp0remote-containers-path%" IF exist "%REMOTE_CONTAINERS_PATH%\dev-containers-user-cli\cli.js" goto forwardcall :fail_remote_container_path echo Failed to determine Dev Containers path exit 1 :forwardcall set ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 "%VSCODE_PATH%" "%REMOTE_CONTAINERS_PATH%\dev-containers-user-cli\\cli.js" %* endlocal